Shadow Bear Tibbers’ Plane Journey

Chapter 966: Time is money, my friend!

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When I saw the warriors of Hogwarts, the beautiful barrier spell cast by the "Miss Know-it-all" Hermione and several subsequent spells successfully knocked off the terrifying group of wolves poachers, and then made a move. The continuous "flaming blazing" fired wildly, completely burning a large area of ​​forest around the three people, burning the enemy to death and burning, forcing the jackal poachers and ghosts to flee wildly crying and phantom. After the injured Fleur Harry teleported and fled in an instant, the whole auditorium was still quiet, no one applauded and cheered, and no one spoke out to discuss, just silently looked up at what was happening on the'screen' all.

Because, they have all seen, that the warrior of Boothbarton School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, the beautiful and charming Furong warrior, the current situation is not optimistic!

Although, many people already know that if you die in that "Azeroth" world, in that "Lordaeron Kingdom", you will not really die, but they have also been watching movies from the same time. Krum, the eliminated warrior in the crowd, knew: Inside, everything is the same as the real thing. The pain and the terrible feeling of death when injured, but there is nothing less, so now The teachers and students couldn't help but worry about the warrior of the Boothbatten School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, and the Fleur who is said to be of Veeva blood.

After all, a terrible crossbow arrow was nailed directly into the shoulder socket, and the blood was still shooting, directly staining the entire neck and clothes red, so that she could only fall on the ground and scream in pain. Terrible things are really cruel for a girl...

Even, let alone the Hibiscus warrior, even the teachers and students who are'watching' in the auditorium can't stand it. Seeing the **** and terrifying sight, many people have their hearts, many girls They both couldn't help covering their eyes, afraid to see more.


Dumbledore let out a sigh of relief after seeing Harry and Hermione on the screen taking Fleur out of danger. Now, he was a little grateful. Fortunately, a certain little girl had come and put that Miss Granger on the list of warriors. Otherwise, I am afraid that the warriors would have been wiped out long ago?

In Dumbledore’s view, the strength shown by Miss Granger is almost the same as that of a grown-up wizard...Of course, if the other party can be more skilled and more resolute, it must be affirmative. Is it almost equivalent to a good Auror?

Sure enough, actual combat is the way to truly train people, so Dumbledore is looking forward to the future performance of Harry and Hermione! Perhaps, if the other party can stay in there for ten and a half days, they will definitely become very different after they come out!


Thinking of the previous wolves who attacked Harry and Hermione in hordes, those kugheads, monsters almost the same as the werewolves in the magic world, Dumbledore couldn't help frowning. Such things, if they dared to attack the wizards like that here in the UK, I am afraid they would have been killed by the wizards long ago or cleaned up?

However, it’s not the time to think about those things. Dumbledore thought for a while, then looked at the guy beside him who was drinking ice, eating spicy potato chips, and watching the'movie', and it looked like Very focused, completely different from the performance of the students, it seems that the little girl has not been affected by the **** scene at all.


"Professor Anne?"

Dumbledore, who felt he had to remind the other party about something now, had to speak up, because they were not responsible for the second item of the Triwizard Tournament, and they still knew nothing about the other party’s magical spell. It is impossible to do anything.

"What are you doing?"

( ̄~ ̄) Chew!

However, a certain little girl did not look back, still eating while staring at the three'screens' in the sky, watching Hermione apparition Harry and Fleur to another safer place. There was hurriedly covering Furong's wound, but there was absolutely no way to deal with it.

"Is such that……"

"Look, one of our warriors is injured. It seems that she is eliminated for sure. Or, will you let Furong come back now?"

Looking at the terrible **** pictures on the screen, and then seeing the students in the auditorium being frightened to silence collectively, Dumbledore thought, since there seems to be no room for recovery, continue to torture like that A little girl is very inhumane, so if he can, he hopes to be able to send the poor little girl back directly, as the other party has been eliminated in advance?

In short, in this situation, Dumbledore felt that his decision was correct. Moreover, he was still a judge of the Triwizard Tournament. He didn't think there was anything wrong with him now judging the failure of Fleur.


( ̄△ ̄;)

"But, old man Dumbledore, isn't she still dead, why send her out?"


Little Annie, who was fascinated by her eyes, just glanced at some nosy old man, and then turned her head directly.


"Look, she is dying too, so don't torture her anymore?"

The current situation is not only that Fleur is tortured, but also the audience outside, especially his Dumbledore students.

Even, he was already thinking about whether or not to introduce some new regulations again to prohibit certain low-grade pupils, such as students from grades one to four, to watch the scene in the auditorium?

However, Dumbledore also knew that that kind of policy would definitely be strongly resisted by the students, so he quickly extinguished the idea and planned to continue watching it for a few more days.

"Then wait until she is dead, and you won't be able to get out if she doesn't die!!"


Actually, they can definitely come out, but, Little Annie thinks it would be better to let them die directly? Who made those guys walk in dangerous places without being too mindful? Look, it's almost finished now, right?

As for the nosy old headmaster, she wouldn’t care about the other person’s opinion. After all, the other party’s authority is definitely of no use to her. She is just a bad old man on the left and right, and she wants to treat her. Can't dictate?

Besides, why should she listen to him, and why? !


(● ̄(?) ̄●)


"Mrs. Maxim, why don't you say it and let Furong come out? You see, she may not last long, such an injury, under such an environment, it is definitely meaningless to continue like that, and it is too much. It's cruel..."

"what do you think?"

Seeing that he could not persuade a certain stubborn little girl, Dumbledore thought for a while, so he turned his head to look at the sullen face, full of worry, anxiety, and helplessness on Mrs. Maxim.


"Let's wait and see, if they can find those Paladins, they should be able to save Furong..."

Mrs. Maxim is a little worried about Furong’s situation now, but she is definitely not reconciled, because this is Furong’s last chance. If he loses in the second project, I’m afraid there will be no third project. What hope...

Furthermore, if you die in the illusion of the Kingdom of Lordaeron, you won’t really die. Just look at the situation of the warrior Krum who is watching the movie from a distance at this time, so she thinks I should look at it again, and wait a while, maybe, maybe there will be any miracles later?


"Well, let's take a look first..."


"I just hope that Furong can stick to it, or after he comes out, he won't leave too much trauma in his heart?"

No way, since Mrs. Maxim, the principal of Boothbaton’s School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, and the little girl professor were unwilling to let Fleur out, Dumbledore, who felt he seemed a little nosy, except to sit back on his seat. Besides, what can he do?



Little Annie glanced at the pretense, deliberately saying that as if she wanted to persuade herself and Mrs. Maxim's Dumbledore to blame the old man, but she just glanced at each other without making any statement.

You know, she hadn’t experienced anything like being killed or injured in the past...that kind of thing was not a big deal, although it was painful, but forbearance passed, and her heart was traumatized. That kind of thing will never exist!

Anyway, it's impossible for her Master Anne to exist here.





"What? Hermione? What should we do now?!"

Harry stretched out his hand to cover Furong's shoulders and had no time to care about the smooth skin of the other party and the touch of his bulging chest. Looking at the liquid still leaking from his fingers, he couldn't help crying. Turning her head to the side Hermione asked urgently.

Last night, they just watched Krum die under a knight’s sword, and watched the other side die in their arms, and finally were swallowed mercilessly by the flames... And now, their other A companion, Furong, is going to leave them too?

Harry said that he really couldn't accept this kind of thing, because it was really cruel to him!



"I don't know, Harry, I really don't know..."

Hermione started to whimper a little, looking at the one in front of her who was staring and widening, her eyes were so painful that she couldn't speak, and her neck and chest were full of scarlet blood. Even Furong, who was soaked in her shirt and underwear, didn't know. What should I say, or what should I do?


"Sorry! Harry, I don't know..."

With the scarlet blood of Lotus on her hands, after sobbing and wiping her cheeks, she ignored the red traces and dirt on her face, and could only stand by Lotus's side with Harry in vain. , And watched as the opponent was completely dizzy or in shock due to excessive blood loss after struggling for a while.


"Furong? Senior Sister Furong?!"

Harry called twice, but the other party was completely unconscious. Except for a slightly undulating chest indicating that the other party is still alive and making them feel at ease, he doesn't know what to do now!

"We must save her, Hermione, we must never lose Fleur again!!"

Harry slowly tentatively let go of his hand, and when he found that the blood was not flowing as fast as before, and it seemed to have solidified around the crossbow bolt, he didn't know whether to be happy or sad.

Anyway, he can feel that Furong's injury will definitely not be good now! It's even possible that the other party's blood is about to drain...

"I know, Harry, I know! But what should we do?!"

"We are lost now. I can't find the direction. We don't even recognize where we are now. We don't know where Prince Alsace and the others are. Even if we want to find someone to help, we can't find it. Arrived!"

"and also!"

"All the spells I remember can't save people. The only ones that can save people are potions. I can make them, but...but now this is not Hogwarts. I don't recognize the plants in this world. I... .I do not know what to do……"

"and many more!"

"Harry, I seem to remember a spell to heal wounds, but...but I have never used it..."

Suddenly, Hermione, who was dizzy and frightened, suddenly remembered. She seemed to remember a wound healing spell called ‘Healing as ever’. Of course, there’s another to restore vitality?


"I remember Madam Pomfrey said that those spells that heal wounds and restore vitality cannot be used directly. They must be combined with potions and high-calorie foods. Otherwise, it may cause even worse effects..."

"So Harry, I don't know if I should do that..."

Obviously, nothing is rare for'Miss Know-it-all', isn't it? In her eagerness, she still remembered two spells that she had seen but never used. They were:'rejuvenating', which rejuvenates people from illness, and'healing as before', which is wound healing. !

It's just that those two spells have conditions to use. Obviously, they have to observe the conservation of energy. Otherwise, there is no need for the potions class, nutritionist, and St. Mungo's Magical Injury Hospital.

"I can't manage that much!"

"Try Hermione first, otherwise Fleur is really going to die! Tell me, what should I do? I'll help you, and you are responsible for casting the spell!!"

After that, Harry squatted back to Fleur's side again, intending to wait for Hermione's instructions, and then he was extremely urgent now, and he might rescue Fleur, who would die in the next moment.

"Good, good!!"


"I, I will try my best. Now, we have to pull out the crossbow arrow on her neck and shoulders first, and then I will heal her wounds as soon as possible..."

Wiping the tears from the corners of her eyes again, and after taking a deep breath, Hermione squeezed her magic wand and confirmed the two spells in her mind several times. After thinking that there should be nothing wrong, she was ready to treat her. This seriously injured and dying Lotus in front of him.

"Hey! My friend, do you need help?!"

Suddenly, just as Har was holding the crossbow arrow inserted in the shoulder of Furong with a trembling hand, and was waiting for Hermione’s order, not far from them, a pitch was a bit high, but it didn’t look like it. What kind of fairies came out from a stone in the distance.



I found this situation in such an unfamiliar place and didn’t think much about it. Whether it was Hermione who was about to cast a spell to save people, or Harry who was about to draw an arrow, both of them had their wands tightly gripped in their hands for the first time. , And pointed towards the goblin who ran out, urged to launch a spell when something was wrong.

"Hey! Hey!"

"My friend, please relax, I am not your enemy..."

Seeing the reaction of the two, the goblin hurriedly raised his empty hands, and then signaled that he really didn't have any malice.

"I just camped over there, and came over to see when I heard something happening here, please believe me, I really didn't mean anything!"

"Also, my friend, please believe me. You'd better not pull that arrow without preparation. She has no more blood to shed..."



After stopping each other's words, Harry and Hermione relaxed a lot, but the wands in their hands were still pointing at each other, because they didn't understand why a strange goblin appeared here?

"Are you a fairy?"

"Also, do you know medical skills?!"

Although I don't know why the other party appeared here, Hermione just wanted to know what the other party meant when she said that she would not let her two pull out that arrow!

If the other party understands medicine or knows a better treatment plan, she will definitely consider it.

"No no no!"

"I am not a goblin, I am a goblin, a goblin from Booty Bay in Stranglethorn Vale! My name is Rosa, and it is nice to meet you, my friends!"

After seeing each other began to communicate normally, and seeing the ‘weapon’ in each other’s hand lowered a little, the goblin named Rosa began to salute the two and introduce himself.


"I don't care who you are or what you are, but I advise you to stay away from us!!"

Harry pointed his wand at the opponent’s green disgusting head vigilantly, his heart was filled with anger, regret, and endless worry and fear since Furong was injured. He could fire a shot at any time. The impulse of a deadly spell.

After experiencing those cruel creatures attacking them just now, he is full of vigilance towards all non-human creatures in this world! After all, the few wealthy werewolves almost killed their friend Furong. Now the arrows are still stuck in each other’s shoulders, and the blood has dyed the t-shirt red. They don’t know if they can kill each other. Save it, where can you talk nonsense with each other? !

"Is she injured? She still looks serious?"

"Hey! Don't, don't be nervous, I'm really not malicious!!"

Before I finished speaking, I saw the two short magic wands in the hands of the boy and the girl once again aimed at him for the first time, and the goblin hurriedly raised his hands again and explained. .

"Time is money, my friends!"

"Look? Now your friend is injured. If you don't quickly deal with the arrows and heal, she will definitely die! And it just so happens that my airship is right in front, don't you want to visit my goblin shop?"

"I have a lot of medicines, such as medical medicines and life potions..."

"Trust me, my friend, if she just pulls arrows and heals her wounds, she will definitely not be able to hold on. I have seen this a lot."

Rosa, the goblin who thought that these two little wizards might be rich, began to sell her products hard, and what it said was not all deceitful, she was sure that the guy lying on the ground was hurt. How heavy is it!



Harry Hermione glanced at each other, wondering if he should believe him.


"Where is your ‘goblin shop’?!"

Hermione, who was not very confident about her healing spell, felt that she should try it after hearing the so-called "medical medicine" and "life potion", and she made eye contact with Harry. After a while, I decided to give it a try.

"Not far, just ahead! I came here after hearing something from you..."

"Don't worry, it's less than a hundred yards away!!"

To be honest, the goblin Rosa had stayed here well, if it were far away, it would not be possible to suddenly notice a fluctuation of mana, and then heard two yelling sounds and touched it to check.



Glancing at each other again, nothing can be done. The two now feel that there is really no better way other than trusting each other, so they nodded.

"Yugadim Leviosa!"

Hermione waved her magic wand and made Furu float up and down. She felt that maybe only in this way could the other party be more comfortable?


"You really are wizards!!"

The goblin nodded, and the opponent's spell confirmed the obvious force fluctuation it had just sensed.

"Lead the way!"

"But, if you dare to make any crooked ideas, I swear I will cast an Avadasuo curse on you, I swear!!"

Harry held his wand on the other side of Furong, threatened the goblin and gritted his teeth, although his threat seemed pale?

"Don't worry, my friend!"

"The credibility of our goblins is well-known throughout the world of Azeroth. We just want to make money!!"

Seeing that the business seemed to be possible, Rosa the goblin immediately became energetic and hurriedly led the way.




"Hey! Dumbledore blames the old man, look, that Fleur seems to be unable to die for a while?"

(* ̄w ̄)o?

In the Great Hall of Hogwarts, when the teachers and students secretly breathed a sigh of relief and continued to watch the screen anxiously, Little Annie naturally wouldn't let any chance of hitting the prestige of the principal of Dumbledore pass, directly He pointed to the'screen' and sneered at the other party.

Fortunately, she didn't listen to some bad old man just now, otherwise, there is no good show to watch now!


However, Dumbledore did not pay attention to the ridicule of a certain little girl and the inexplicable look that Maxim looked at from time to time. He was just the old **** sitting on the throne of his headmaster and still watching the movie cheerfully. Act, as if he hadn't said anything before?



"This is your airship?!"

Seeing the huge thing in front of him, lying crookedly in the mountain stream, Harry couldn't believe it... He just thought that the conditions here are so good that they can heal their friend Furong!

But how can I think that the other party's so-called goblin shop is just a crashed hot air balloon or small airship? !


"My friends, those are all small problems, please don't mind too much... I heard the news that there was a major plague on Lordaeron, so I hurriedly hired an airship to plan some small business. Yes, but it crashed a few days ago...".

"But you don't need to worry, I will find a way to fix it, although it may waste a little time..."

"Well, let's not talk about that. Time is money, my friends, come and see my products!"

The goblin Rosa didn’t care what the two little wizards behind him were. She cheered and got into the “cabin” of her goblin airship. Then she quickly took out a small embroidered bag and collapsed. I reached my waist, and then began to feel it from the inside:

"My friends, let's take a look at my goods first!"


1 medical agent (ointment)

Object of use: non-mechanical units suffering from trauma, item level 1

Effect: The carrier can treat himself or his own non-mechanical unit (evaluation value of 400 points), quickly and continuously heal the wound, reduce inflammation and relieve pain, and one ointment can be used multiple times.

2 Health Potion

Object of use: non-mechanical units suffering from trauma, item level 1

Effect: After taking it, the injury will be restored immediately (assessed life value of 250 points), the effect is wonderful, each test tube can only be used once, after unsealing, please drink within ten breaths, expired.

3Shadow Cloak

Use object: limited to one person

Effect: Let the user have the effect of being invisible at night. If the user moves, attacks, uses skills, uses items, or is seen by anti-invisible units or abilities during the day, the invisibility effect will be invalid.




"Stop! Okay, don't take out the others!!"

"We need the medical ointment and the life potion now!!"

Suddenly, after looking at the ointment and the little card in front of the potion, Hermione made a decisive decision and pointed directly at the other's two things.

Because she knew that only those two were what they and Furong needed most now, otherwise, she and Harry would not follow each other here.

"Of course no problem, my friends!"

"But, do you have gold coins? The medical agent is priced at one hundred Lordaeron gold coins or other standard gold coins of equal weight, and the life potion is not expensive, as long as one hundred and fifty Lordaeron gold coins or other standard gold coins of equal weight... "

Hearing that the other party wanted to buy it, the goblin Rosa immediately became energetic, and then quickly grabbed the two bottles of medicine, but before handing it to the other party, it stopped dangerously and asked curiously.



Hearing the price read by the other party, Hermione inevitably frowned, but there was no way, she had to buy it anyway, so she looked at her companion.

"I didn't bring it!!"

He patted his trouser pocket and Harry said that he didn't have a copper nut on his body, let alone gold coins!

"I only have this..."

Hermione thought for a while, and had to take out a gold Jialong from her pocket embarrassedly. This was all her pocket money this month, and it was all here now.


"A magical gold coin..."

Rosa the goblin snatched it over and examined it carefully.

"Although its purity is very high, but my friends, it seems to be far from the number of gold coins we said?"

"Do you have more gold coins of this kind?"

The goblin looked at it for a while, nodded, and said that there was no problem with this gold coin, and then threw it back to the little human witch.

There is no problem with gold coins, but there is definitely a problem with the quantity.

"Temporarily gone..."

"Can you sell the medicine on credit first? We... We know Prince Arthas from Lordaeron and Master Jaina from Dalaran. After we meet them, we will definitely pay you back. !"

"I promise!!"

Seeing the other person's face gradually turning ugly, Hermione said hurriedly.

Although they had lost contact with Arthas and Jaina and their troops, and they were completely lost, but she assured that what she said was true.

"No no no!"

"My friend, we just met. I don't know if what you said is true or false. I don't know any Prince Arthas or Master Jaina. I only know gold coins now! Shiny gold coins!!!"

"You pay with one hand, and I deliver with one hand, do you understand?"

Seeing that these people couldn't afford the high-end goods of their own, the goblin had to regretfully put away his own goods and received them again in the embroidered bag.

Before losing it, I thought that these people would be the main customers and took the opportunity to strike a stroke. But who would have thought that the other party was obviously two wizards, but they were very poor. There was only one gold coin in the body. It was really a loss for the caster. Face up!


"Can't you give us credit first?!"

Seeing the other party put away the goods, Hermione was a little anxious, because she knew that Fleur must not hold on for too long, and she must get the two things that the other party just brought out as soon as possible.


"Why should I give you the goods first? I don't like credit!"

The hospitable attitude of the goblin Rosa was gone. After all, it would definitely not retain too much patience with two poor ghosts who could not afford its goods.


"Will you give it?!"

Harry was anxious. After taking a look at the Fleur lying on the ground behind him, he thought for a while, and felt that now that he bought it on foot, he directly aimed his wand at the goblin, ready to grab it!


"Oh? Hey!"

"My friend, if you want to use Rob, I think you are very wrong! Do you think I have only one person?"

"Look back and look behind you!"

Seeing the other party's wand, the goblin Rosa didn't mind too much, she just sneered and pointed behind the other party.




Turning his head subconsciously, seeing Fleur who was in a coma, he didn't know when another masked goblin used a scimitar to hold his neck. Harry became anxious because he didn't notice at all. When did the other goblin appear?


"We are more than one, maybe more than two..."

"Well, greedy guys, if you don't want to do business with us, we don't mind treating you as enemies! And when dealing with enemies, our goblins are always unscrupulous!"

The goblin said gloomily, and didn't know when he quietly took out a goblin technology musket, and pointed the muzzle of the pair of guns at the little wizard who dared to threaten him with a magic wand.


At this moment, Harry felt embarrassed. His heart was in a mess, he wanted to save Fleur, but he didn't dare to act rashly and didn't know what to do.

"and many more!"

"We do business with you now!!"

Hermione didn't learn Harry's way of preparing for a robbery, nor did she intend to do anything with these unknown goblins. After thinking about it, she gritted her teeth and said.


"But you don't have money, you can't even buy our cheapest goods!!"

The goblins looked with contempt at the gold coin they were still holding in their hands. Such a small amount of money made them unable to kill and sell, because the pay and the return are not proportional, and they are not willing to be enemies with the two little wizards, especially It's when you don't understand the other party's details.

So, it is ready to drive people! However, given the offense just now, it felt that maybe that gold coin could be used as compensation for letting its men let go of the dying woman?

"Yes, although we don't have gold coins, but..."

"We can sell you valuable things first, and then use your estimate to exchange goods from you. What do you think of this approach?"

No way, Hermione felt that they could only do this now, or else Fleur would really die.

"It sounds pretty good……"

"But, what else is valuable in you?"

The goblin began to scan the two of them and the half-dead woman in the distance, but soon it discovered that apart from the magic wands in their hands, it did not see anything more valuable to them!

Of course, the most important thing is: those two wands don't seem to be very valuable, even if they are sold to them, it is probably not enough to change the ointment.


"Don't worry about it. If we have valuables, you just say you don't agree with this transaction?"

Hermione didn't say what she had, but stared at the green goblin's eyes with her brown eyes, waiting for the answer.


"Of course! We goblins are the most honest. If you have any valuables, it is okay to buy all my things!"

The goblin's eyes rolled, he felt that using force was not a good choice, so he decided that it would be better to make money with harmony.

Besides, now the initiative is in his place. At the most, he will press the price severely, make a good profit and run? !

"Then you let her go first!!"

Hermione pointed to Furong and the goblin who appeared next to Furong and yelled to Rosa.

"Of course! We are friends, aren't we?"


With a snap of her fingers, the goblin Rosa nodded to her guard.

Then soon, the other party gently removed the green-lit dagger, and at a glance, it was known that it was a terrible curved blade dagger smeared with poison, and then turned around, it disappeared instantly under the gaze of Harry and Hermione. Without a trace?



Harry and Hermione looked at each other in surprise, and they never expected that the goblin would become invisible!

Moreover, this guy in front of you is so cunning, and even has a helper? But what they don't know is how many other people are invisible and staring at them?

Of course, now is not the time to think about that kind of thing, although the two also have the means to deal with invisibility, such as the spell ‘emerge in a hurry’? However, when they weren't ready to do it, Hermione and Harry didn't think much about it. They just rushed to Furong's side for the first time and checked that the other party was okay and was not hurt by the goblin just now. .


"Hermione, do you have anything valuable?"

If it is at school, Harry himself must have a lot of valuable things, such as firebolt, such as invisibility cloak, etc.? However, now he only has a wand on his body, and it's not worth a few Jin Jialong. It must be far from enough to change that ointment.

"Yes, yes, but..."

Hermione hesitated. She remembered that now she still has another valuable item, but she didn't know if she should sell it...

"What is it?"

Harry was a little curious, because he knew that Hermione didn't seem to be able to hide anything valuable.


"Time is money, my friend, can you please hurry up?!"

The goblin is a little impatient, and if that woman dies later, then its today's perhaps worthy deal will be stale! And, when the time comes, maybe they will have to fight the two little wizards who are angry and angry in front of them?

If it develops like that, it is not what it wants to see, because it only wants to make money, make a lot of money, and then not only have to pay back, but also worth the high compensation for the broken airship it rented. ! !



"Harry, you are optimistic about Fleur first!"

Nodding at the other party, Hermione took a deep breath and turned around resolutely, walked to the goblin's body, and then stretched out her hand, and a thick book that seemed unremarkable appeared to her. Hands.


"Hermione, that shouldn't be the one that Professor Anne gave you..."

Harry was taken aback when he saw it, and he knew what it was. He just wanted to stop the other party's deal, but was interrupted by Hermione's outstretched hand.


"A magic book? But how much is it worth?!"

Unexpectedly, it was such a thing. The goblin couldn't help but hesitate, because it is not a mage, and it does not have much contact with magic knowledge, so it is difficult to evaluate or judge this kind of thing.

The inability to estimate or judge accurately means that the transaction may lose money, which is absolutely unacceptable to Rosa, the pursuing goblin who vowed to be a trade king.


"It is an extraordinary magic book, with a magic effect that blesses damage and three powerful enchanting skills. Moreover, it contains at least thousands of advanced spells, magic circles, spells and notes!"

Although, Hermione has not been able to learn even any of them so far... And, Hermione also remembered that when dealing with those terrible stone giants before, she didn't even think of using it... If she tried it then, she must have No need to be so embarrassed now.

However, it is too late to think about that kind of thing. She should finish the transaction quickly and save Furong.

"It is not an ordinary magic book, it is an orange quality magic book!!"

Hermione gritted her teeth, and a sly look flashed through the depths of her brown eyes, but she concealed it well, only showing the inseparable tangled expression.

"Orange, orange quality?"

The goblin did not recover for a while.

Because the best things in the goods he has passed, those magic items or enchanted weapons, seem to be just blue quality things? As for the orange quality, sorry, he doesn't seem to have heard of it at all?


"It's the orange quality, that is, it is not only a magic book, but also a..."


Fortunately, Hermione does not exist like Voldemort or a little girl. Otherwise, after remembering that she still has this book, she might directly use the magic in the magic book to see and see the surroundings. The goblins who weren't there were all killed.

However, Hermione didn't do that, so she planned to make a deal with the goblin in front of her for the things she needed.


"Ha! Are you trying to trick a goblin?!"

The goblin was so frightened that he almost jumped up, and then began to frustrated, raised his head and pointed at the little witch's nose sarcastically!

Anyway, Rosa would never believe that the little wizard in front of him would have a magical tool in his hands, because that was absolutely impossible! !

"Cheat or cheat, don't you know if you check it out for yourself?"

"It is a gift from a respected teacher of mine. It is something that my teacher has used before. Moreover, my teacher was an arcanist before!!"

Seeing the parting gift in her hand that Harry's owl sent to her by Professor Anne's owl before leaving Hogwarts two years ago, Hermione gritted her teeth after hesitating and rubbing for a while. He directly threw it gently into the opponent's hand.

"An arcanist?!"

The goblin was taken aback by what the other party said. He thought, if it was something that an arcanist had used, then it seemed that it might be worth some money? !


However, he didn't think much, after receiving the book steadily, and then rubbing the cover, a greedy look flashed deep in his eyes.

There is no doubt that the goblin can almost see it just by touching it. This thing seems to be different from all the things he has touched before. It looks really valuable? !

Then, he began to flip quickly...

I saw that there were records of spells, spells, weird formations, and messy notes that he couldn't understand, and they seemed to be really high and deep... and then, it seemed that there were really a lot of power. Enchanting on top?

Because he felt the power of fire on the book, but he was not a mage, so he didn't know how to activate those things.

Snapped! !

After watching for a while, the goblin quickly closed the book.

Although it doesn’t understand it, it knows that it’s no longer necessary to continue to check it out, because it has basically figured out that this thing is very valuable, and it is likely to bring them all the goods here in Lordaeron and sell themselves. Can't change it?

Moreover, if the little wizard didn't lie, it should really be a magical magic book? What's more frightening is that the most valuable thing is not the book itself, but the magic knowledge and notes recorded in it that he can't understand at all! !

If he could, then, maybe he only had to copy out those spell formations and sell them to those casters, and he could make countless sums of wealth that he could not imagine in his entire life?


"You just said that you want to change those ointments, right?"

If you are doing business in good faith, there is no doubt that the value of the equivalent provided by the other party far exceeds the value of his goods, and the business will definitely not be successful... But when good things are in hand, how can you not give up the goblin Rosa , Still pretending to ask with some embarrassment.

"So, how many bottles do you want to change?"

If a few bottles are exchanged for this book, this will be the most proud business of his life! However, in order to prevent the other party from seeing the clues, he still disguised his expression as true as possible, for example, showing an expression of impatient or unwillingness?


However, Hermione didn't speak, she just took a deep breath after staring at the book that the other party was holding on tightly for a while.

"What I want to change is..."

"All your goods! Including the magical space pocket where you load the goods, the space bag with embroidered piercings!!"

Finally, Hermione stretched out her hand, pointed to the small bag that was slung around the other's waist, and pointed to the bag that had just been put out and taken back.

She doesn't know how many things are in it, but she only knows that if you really want to change it, I'm afraid that is the only way to be considered a fair deal.


"You, you are blackmail! Don't think about it!!"

The goblin was frightened, and then roared loudly, pretending to jump.

However, what it thinks in its own heart, perhaps, only it knows it, but it is certain that it is not the same as the anxious and depraved appearance it shows.

"I do not have time!"

"Goblin, if you are blackmailing, I think you know it in your heart!"

"If you can change it, the book will be yours right away, so you can dispose of it! If you can't change it, you should return the book to me as soon as possible!!"

Hermione didn't want to talk nonsense with the other party, and stretched out her hand directly towards the other party.

To be honest, she is also a little unsure in her heart now, and at the same time she is secretly guarding, a silent spell on the wand is also ready, ready to be launched. Anyway, if the other party is not fooled, she will go all out and use the spell on the book to kill these goblins, then kill people and overwhelm them, rob them and run away!

And if the other party changes, she will run as soon as possible after saving Furong! As for why she did that, she would definitely explain to Harry after she rescued Fleur.


"No way!"

"You can only change half of it at most, and my'embroidered deep-sea bag' is precious, and it can't be exchanged for you!!"

The goblin hesitated for a while, and then gritted his teeth and stretched out his fingers to sign.

It could see that the little witch in front of her seemed to be a bit knowledgeable, and if the other party was not eager to treat the dying female companion, she would definitely not take out the book easily.

"Do not!"

"I want your bag plus all the goods in it!!"

Hermione was afraid that once she compromised, she would let the other party see something wrong, so she could only clenched her teeth and persisted, pretending that she had suffered a great loss, but had to compromise like that.


"My friend, you don't do business like yours, you are asking prices all over the place and paying back on the ground, do you understand?"

Although the goblin was ecstatic in his heart, it still showed an annoyed look, and still didn't want to answer the party's transaction request so easily.

"Well then!"

"I will give you all my goods, but this bag cannot be given. It is the guy we eat, but I accidentally obtained it from the ruins of a Titan, but it is not worse than your broken book!!!"

After thinking about it, the goblin felt that it would be a good idea to leave the bags and books to the other party? Anyway, its bags are more valuable than those goods! Of course, the value of the bag seems to be far worse than the book held by it?

Anyway, it can save a little bit now, after all, it has to pay the salaries and compensation for the hired airship.

"Do not!"

"Either close the deal or return my book!"

Hermione clenched her teeth and insisted, not giving the other party any room for bargaining.


"This won't work, your plan is too greedy, I will suffer a lot!!"

The goblin was a little anxious, he wanted to jump over and pat the opponent's hand to make the deal, but he couldn't help suppressing the ecstasy and pride in his heart, for fear that the other party would see a trace of clues.

However, one thing can be confirmed: Although he said that and his attitude was extremely unhappy, he didn't even mean to return the book.

In any case, now that the book is in his hands, it is impossible for him to return it again! In fact, if he hadn't already agreed to the deal in his heart, he would have taken the risk a long time ago and let his subordinates use knives to kill the two little wizards of unknown strength.


"You don't want to return the book to me?!"

Hermione, who thought that the other party didn't want to give her medicine, didn't want to make a deal, didn't want to return her own book, her face suddenly changed, and gradually raised the wand in her hand, prepared for some kind of preparation, and was ready to grab it.

After all, for Furong, she had to get those plasters anyway, even if it was to attack or kill these seemingly innocent goblins at all costs! Because she and Harry have already lost a companion, and now it is absolutely impossible to let Fleur die in front of him and Harry like Krum, never! !

"Hey! Hey!"

"Wait, don't get excited..."

Seeing the other party's small movements, the goblin's expression suddenly stagnated, and then he waved his hands and took two steps back.

"Alright alright!"

"My friend, you won, so it's settled!"

"Time is money, here! Take it, hurry up, or your friend will be bleeding to death."

The goblin pretending to be helpless and seeming to have suffered a great loss, after taking off the embroidered deep-sea bag on his waist and looking affectionately, he gritted his teeth and threw it directly into the hand of the difficult little witch .

It can be seen, the other party does not seem to be very foolish, and has a little strength, so this is the case, it is fine for it to suffer a little loss.


For a moment, Hermione suddenly felt a little empty and ashamed?

However, for Furong, after thinking about it, she gritted her teeth and clenched the embroidered deep-sea bag. She quickly walked to Harry's side for the first time, then opened the bag, took a dig from inside, and found the way to use it. Ignoring how much goods were still inside, he directly took out a bottle of plaster worth one hundred gold coins that the other party had shown before.


"How do you use this thing?!"

After hesitating, Hermione turned her head and asked the goblin who was still pretending to be distressed in the distance.

"It's easy!"

"Pull out the arrows, then quickly apply a whole bottle of plaster, and stuff it directly onto the wound. You will see its magical effect!"

It was uncomfortable on the surface, but Rosa, the goblin who was already satisfied, did not continue to be a demon, but directly and generously said her way. After all, if the woman dies and the other party thinks that the plaster is fake, it's too bad to say they will fight each other.

Now they don't want to fight with the two little wizards, even if they think they have a better chance of winning? And it also believed that the other party definitely didn't want to fight, otherwise it wouldn't take out the book in its hand.


"you sure?"

Harry and Hermione seemed hesitant when they heard what they said, wondering whether they should believe each other.

"Never question the credibility of a goblin merchant, my friend!"

"I have to remind you responsibly: If you don't hurry up, she will die soon! If she dies, you can't rely on our medicine. You know, it's not a resurrection potion!"

The goblin's expression became excited again, and then pointed to the strange short-clothed woman who fell to the ground with a crossbow arrow stuck in her shoulder and her face became paler and paler.



There is no other way. She peeled off the cork of the ointment. After smelling the smell, Hermione, who didn't seem to be a fake, thought she should give it a try. After all, it was better than using a healer she had never used before. Could the curse be more reliable?


Finally, just in case, after Hermione used a golden barrier to protect herself, Harry and Fleur, they quickly squatted down and began to rescue Fleur according to the goblin method.


"Hermione, great, the ointment seems to be real!!"

Harry saw that after he pulled out the arrow, the ointment could really stop the bleeding quickly and heal Fleur's wound at a speed visible to the naked eye, he couldn't help but cheered in excitement.

Because Harry knew that Furong was saved and they did not lose their second companion, this is something to celebrate!

"Of course it is true, how can there be false?!"

"But she has lost too much blood. After she wakes up, you can instill her a test tube of life potion, apply both externally and internally, and it's almost fine. She can recover at least 80% of her injuries..."

"The rest, in a few days you will continue to give her ointments and life potions, and then eat more meat, she will definitely be able to completely recover within three days."

The goblin said triumphantly. Although he felt a little distressed about the treasures he had exchanged, he still had some confidence in the effects of the goods he obtained.


"Harry, let's go!"

Transformation! !

After catching Fleur and letting Harry grab her own arm, Hermione dared not stay for a moment, she immediately teleported away in one direction for the longest distance apparition, and turned into a black circle. The smoke disappeared in front of the goblin.


‘Head, did you really give them all the goods? ’

After confirming that the witch had teleported away, for a long time, two goblin stalkers also slowly appeared beside the goblin Rosa and asked in a low voice.

"of course not!"

"Only the embroidered deep-sea bag, the other bags are still there! Don't say anything, let's pack our things and run!!"

After finishing speaking, the goblin hurriedly stuffed the book into another smaller magic pattern bag on his waist, and hurriedly urged the two guards to pack some necessary things, and then left here quickly.

As for the broken airship that may never be repaired, he no longer wants to take care of it.

'boss! Why are we running? ’

‘Yeah, why are we running? ! ’

For the behavior of the goblin boss Rosa, the two goblin men were very puzzled.


"Idiot, can't you just wait for them to come back after getting a big deal?"

After speaking, the goblin strolled around in the dilapidated cargo warehouse of the airship, and after tidying up, felt that there were no previous or important items, and hurriedly carried the other big gun in the cabin of the takeoff boat, and then He waved his hand to leave with him.

The goblin Rosa would not tell his two stupid men, that it was actually not afraid of the two witches, but afraid that the arcanist in the opponent's mouth came to find his own bad luck! Although it used proper means to exchange for the book, if it were to face an arcanist, it would definitely not place its hopes on the premise that the other party was reasonable.



At the same time, Hermione, who was apparating to the distance in an instant, could finally breathe a sigh of relief.


"Did you really sell that book to those goblins? It's a gift from Professor Anne. I can see that it must be very important!!"

Seeing that the surrounding area changed in an instant, and knowing that the three of them had teleported to a place several miles away, Harry first glanced at Fleur, who was still in a coma and was asleep, and then asked Hermione worriedly. .

Because he felt that when Hermione traded with those goblins, it was really a loss.

"Harry, you can't blame me when I say it..."

Hermione looked a little ashamed, or could it be said that she was ashamed, as if she had done something bad?

"Why do you blame you?"

Harry, who didn't understand why the other party would say that, couldn't help being a little confused.


Taking a deep breath, Hermione stretched out her hand, and then the magic book that had been traded to the goblin now appeared in her hand magically and gracefully.

"this is……"

"Hermione, how did you do it? Is that a'flying curse'?"

Harry blinked, a little incredulous.

Because he was quite sure that the other party had indeed handed the magic book to the goblin's hands just now, but now, how come back in the blink of an eye? Even the "flying curse" he used in the first event of the Triwizard Tournament was probably not so fast.


"Harry, I only wanted to change a bottle of ointment and a bottle of life potion, but I was afraid that the goblins would find out, so I had to..."

I had to reluctantly scam all the other party's goods...

Of course, Hermione still couldn't say this, because her face was almost red to her neck! This kind of thing is really too difficult for her obedient girl and a girl who abides by honor, discipline, morals and legal principles!

And if it wasn't for Furong, she would definitely not do that shameless thing, right?

"Forget it!"

"You should watch it yourself!"

After that, when Hermione saw that Harry was still a stunned car, she directly handed the magic book to the opponent, opened it, and clicked on its basic attributes on the first page for the opponent to view. :


"Anne's Super God Magic Book"

Producer: Anne Hasta

Current owner: Hermione Granger

Spell power +100%

Spell haste +50%

Magic +50%

Spell effect: Fire burning

Active Skill 1: Lava Shield

Active Skill 2: Fragmenting Fire, the current number is 10/10

Passive skills three: passive teleportation, passive healing

Note: "Annie's Super God Magic Book" is a soul-bound item, which cannot be damaged, traded, or looted...


"this is……"

After reading the properties of the book, Harry suddenly felt a little dumbfounded. He could see that the book was very good, but he couldn’t tell what was so good about... However, he knew vaguely why Hermione wanted to run and why The reason why the book appeared as soon as the other party waved his hand.

"So, Harry, do you understand?"

"It is a soul-bound item and cannot be traded, even if the goblin gets it, but if I want to, I can recall it directly with a single thought!"

"But I'm sorry, Harry, I forgot to use it before..."

After apologizing, Hermione decided:

Starting today, for the sake of her and her companions' lives, UU Reading must make good use of this amazing magic book! Because now it was not in Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, but in this dangerous world, so she didn't want to bother about the Triwizard Tournament anymore.

Now, she feels that the safety of herself and her companions is the most important thing! !

Of course, if possible, Hermione also hopes that she will never run into that goblin named Rosa again! Because she knows that when the other party finds that the book they have is missing, she will definitely not be too happy...

Maybe, you will be sad or angry because of this, cursing your name every day, or will you become melancholy from then on? But no matter what, Hermione only hoped that the other party could look more open, because she really didn't mean it.

"It turned out to be like this..."

"But Hermione, what should we do now?!"

Now Fleur was rescued and Hermione's magic book was also returned, so Harry just wanted to know, what should they do next? You know, it's getting dark now, and if Prince Arthas is not found, the three of them will have to spend the night in the wild!

In this regard, Harry was very worried! !

Because he knows it, and he believes that Hermione also knows that there are all kinds of dangers around here, not only the plague, the undead, the stone giant, the amphibious murloc, the jackal, and those who are sure to Goblins who trouble them! !

"I do not know......"

"Maybe we can try Apparition again?"

Hermione, who could not recognize the direction and location at all, could only tentatively suggest to Harry...


?*??(*ˊ?ˋ)??*?? Twenty thousand words big chapter ask for a ticket (′?`?)

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