Shadow Bear Tibbers’ Plane Journey

Chapter 968: ??Uther Lightbringer??

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'quiet! ! ’

An old man with a long beard let out a roar, and finally succeeded in suppressing the noise in the auditorium.

The three warriors in the Triwizard Tournament, Hermione, Harry, and Fleur, played against the undead. The principals, professors and students watching the movie in the Hogwarts Auditorium were very satisfied. Therefore, When he saw Harry and the others successfully rescued the only poor boy Timmy left in the village, comforted him, and found a good farmhouse on a farm outside the village for the night, Dumble Lido stood up from his seat and spoke for granted, intending to rush the students who were still eager to go back to their respective college lounges to sleep.


'Classmates, you have seen: Today, our warriors showed us a very exciting battle. I think, for the practical application of the spells of'Phantom Shift','Barriers', and'Obstacles' etc., You must have deep memories, and you will surely be inspired..."

"However, it is late now, I think, you should almost go back to sleep?’

Today is the weekend. According to the previous regulations, students were allowed to watch movies in the auditorium all night long. However, Dumbledore soon changed the regulations that he considered inappropriate and believed that the students were necessary. His rest time is reasonable, so now it is only natural for him to rush people.

‘Although there is no need to go to class tomorrow, but...’

'Students, I still don’t want to see some students who sneak in by unconventional means appear in the auditorium at night, because we will send someone to guard the gate and lock it from the inside, so I advise some students, You don't have to make those improper ideas at night, I believe you will definitely not get in! ’

Having said that, Dumbledore helped his reading glasses on the bridge of his nose, and then looked at the three Weasley brothers on the long Gryffindor table who were still carefree and indifferent.

Obviously, he, the principal of Hogwarts, has already got some news, and he probably guessed how some little guys escaped heavy investigations at night and came to the auditorium to watch the movie, so When he announced relevant precautions, he did not forget to use his eyes to warn some students who did not like to behave.

‘Classmates, all go back! ’

‘Tomorrow you have one day off, and this place will be open 24/7...If your homework is done, our professor or Mr. Filch will definitely have no reason to refuse you to come here at that time! ’

‘At that time, maybe there will be more exciting pictures to see? ’

‘But now, please all of you stand up immediately and follow your prefect back. I don’t want any student to stay in the corridor of the castle after the specified time! ’

‘Otherwise, if you’re caught, you know, our Hogwarts ranger, Hagrid, will definitely welcome someone to help him clean the stables all day! ’

‘It’s all day long! ! ’

After giving me a beautiful picture of the students, Dumbledore held out a finger and gave a small threat, and after announcing the relevant punishment measures, he waved his hand and signaled the students to follow the class. The elders leave.

Because there is really nothing good to see here, Harry, Hermione, Fleur and the little boy who was rescued by the three warriors have all fallen asleep, and it doesn’t make much sense to keep watching, and he also has Dumbledore. He doesn’t want the three children to be awakened by other accidents when they go to bed at night, so he hopes they can sleep well, hope tonight is safe, and then he wants to go back to sleep well. Up.


"One thing I must declare in advance: your warriors at Hogwarts, the performance of the magic book used by Hermione Granger, must not be included in the scoring range!!!"

At this time, seeing that the students had begun to leave in an orderly manner, and Dumbledore and the other professors' judges seemed to be leaving, Mrs. Maxim hurriedly pulled the other's cuff and added.

Although she also knew that, if nothing unexpected happened, Miss Granger, who performed the most dazzlingly, would definitely be the well-deserved first place in the second project! However, Mrs. Maxim, who is still lucky, thinks that if the little girl's rating can be slightly lowered, their Fleur from the Boothbarton School of Witchcraft and Wizardry might still have a little hope of winning?


"It shouldn't be a big problem, Professor Anne, what do you think?"

After listening to Mrs. Maxim's words, Dumbledore, who did not expect the other party to have this idea, after pondering for a while, felt that the other party’s statement was reasonable, and turned his head to look at his seat. The little **** the other side who didn't seem to live in the dozing off asked.


∑(′△`)? !

"Ah? What's the problem? Oh! Did you just discuss something? I was listening very carefully just now, but you should just take care of the small things, not to ask me!!"


After being startled by a bad old man, and then turning her head, she saw that not only Dumbledore was looking at him, but even the burly Mrs. Maxim on the other side was staring at him. Little Annie didn't even think about it. Without asking anything, and without hesitation, he just nodded and agreed.

I don't know why. She only got up this afternoon, and now she is dozing off again. Could it be that the dozen or so hours of sleep last night were not enough? Or is it because when chasing that pesky ghost today, too many sleepers were awakened?

However, thinking of that Pepi ghost, Annie suddenly realized that she seemed to be busy watching a blockbuster before, and she let it sneak off by accident?


"Then there is no problem, Mrs. Maxim, just do what you just said!"

It was very late now. Seeing that little girl Annie didn't seem to want to listen to them talking about things, Dumbledore didn't want to waste time, so he just nodded, as if to approve the matter.


"Ron, George and Fred, what are you three doing in hiding, why don't you go back quickly?!"

Standing up, Dumbledore, who was about to return to his principal's room, saw that in the foyer of the auditorium, three Weasley boys were still stranded there, whispering and discussing something, knowing those guys. We must have wanted to make some kind of horrible idea. He wanted to run out in the middle of the night, so he sternly shouted over there.

‘! ! ’

‘Run! George! ’

'what! ! ’

Amid the roar of the twin brothers and Ron's screams, the three quickly fled, never daring to stay in the hall of the auditorium again.

'Hey! Wait for me first...’

That’s right, George, Fred, and Ron were indeed discussing the use of invisibility cloaks to continue sneaking out to watch the movie at night and the possible benefits and subsequent distribution of benefits. However, they are now being as one-sided by Principal Dumbledore. After screaming, they obviously did not dare to continue discussing.


Last night, Hermione, Harry, Fleur and the five-year-old boy Timmy who was rescued by the three of them lived in this empty farmhouse not far from the village. They dare not live there. The corpses are full of dead people and undead, and they have been inhabited by the torch.

Although, this place is not far from that village, but fortunately, in one night, the three people had been worried about being attacked by the undead in the middle of the night, and they were able to sleep well all night. Shu Xinjue was able to get up early in the morning and was ready to enjoy their rare breakfast.

They found some grains and dried meat in the cellar of this farmhouse that had not been contaminated by the undead plague. The portion was not too small. It must be enough for three people and a little boy to eat a meal and take some on the road. .

‘! ! ’

'Is what you said true? ’

‘Timi, I can’t tell, you still know that Prince Arthas? ’

Hermione, who took out a bowl of meat porridge stewed with dried meat and clean grains from the pot, first handed it to the little boy Timmy, and then asked Harry and Fleur to come over and enjoy it, and with interest The boy chatted.

'Ok! ! ’

‘Daniel and I both knew Prince Alsace. That elder brother played with us. Danielle even made him a beautiful wreath at that time! ’

"At that time..."

After Xiao Timi took a sip of the rotten meat porridge that was so unpalatable, many times worse than his mother's cooking, he began to talk bit by bit... He said that he was taken by Prince Alsace at the time. He desperately rescued from the Jackal, and also proudly said about the things he used to play with the prince with Danielle.

You know, in the whole village, Timmy and Danielle played with Prince Alsace's brother. This is something that other friends can't envy.


‘Sister Hermione, don’t you really help me find my mom and Danielle? Before I hid in the wooden barrel yesterday, I seemed to see them running into the house...’

Timmy is very sure that Danielle and his mother should be hiding in their house, and they are not very far from this farm... But, I don’t know why, these are very powerful. The brothers and sisters who can use magic tricks and defeated those terrible monsters, but kept blocking them, not letting him go home, or letting him find them?

It's been all night, Timmy thinks that his mother should be looking for him anxiously. If he goes back late today, he will definitely be spanked!



Hermione and Harry looked at each other. You look at me and I look at you. The hands holding the food are so frozen in the air, they don't know what to say to each other at this time.


"Timi, let's have breakfast first, we will take you to find them when we are full!"

"You should have seen it. Yesterday the village was burned by the bad guys... Those monsters are more terrifying than the jackals and orcs, so your mother and Danielle must have run away. We want to find them. It may take a little longer, and only when you are full can you have the strength to find them, right?"

"Look? Sister, I have eaten one bowl now, but now I am about to eat the second bowl. Would you like to play a game?!"

Shaking the wooden bowl in her hand toward the other party, Furong began to smile and relieved the little boy.

She won’t tell the other party: The whole village was killed by the undead. According to Harry and Hermione, when they cleaned the village and killed the sporadic undead last night, they just watched There were countless corpses of villagers who had been torn apart, including adults and children...

Without exception, they all fell in a pool of blood, and there was no one alive except Xiao Timmy!

Therefore, in order to prevent the corpses of those people from becoming undead under the plague, they had to avoid the sight of the little boy, directly set fire there with the ‘flaming flame’ spell, and came to this place for the night.

‘Sister Furong, are you true? ’

Little Timmy believed it to be true. At a young age, he didn't have any doubts about these brothers and sisters who not only saved him, but also heroically defeated those terrible monsters.

"of course!!"

"What do you say?"

Fleur nodded, then looked at Hermione and Harry, and motioned them with her eyes to say something quickly to temporarily stabilize the little boy who didn't seem to be very foolish.


Harry opened his mouth and said nothing, because he didn't want to deceive the little guy, and was not very good at how to comfort him, so he continued to eat his breakfast embarrassingly.

"Sister Furong is right!"

"But Timmy, you must have a full stomach before you set off, otherwise, we won't carry you on your back, because this guy is too heavy!!"

Hermione pretended to smile, patted the other's head, and quietly turned her face to the side.

To be honest, she really feels a bit embarrassed now, because they don’t know what to do next, because she is convinced that they have lost their way, and now the only local person who can speak is It's just this little boy. In this case, it must be impossible to know the way to Andorhal from the other person's mouth.


"Hey! Hermione, and Fleur, look at it, I think we don't have to go around the world to find Alsace and the others!"

At this moment, Harry, who had just drunk half a bowl of porridge just after two mouthfuls, suddenly stood up, and pointed to the distance in disbelief and excitement and said loudly to them.


"That is……"

Seeing this, Hermione and Fleur also ignored the little boy Timmy and talked more about them. They put down their things in their hands and stood up, looking into the distance of the farmland.

They saw: There, a group of knights wearing silver-white armor and blue tabards were flying towards this side holding a flag high.

And the three sharp-eyed people, even the near-sighted Harry, have clearly seen that the flags held high by those people are the lion flag with a blue background and gold rim and the royal emblem of Lordaeron with a blue background and gold rim!

Therefore, there is no doubt that it must be Lordaeron's troops!

Moreover, their current direction of travel is surprisingly this way. Obviously, the other party must have seen the smoke they made when they burned wood in the yard when they were just making breakfast.

‘! ! ’

‘That’s the knights of the Knights of the Silver Hand, they came to our village a few days ago! ! ’

Timmy jumped up in excitement. What he didn't say, he recognized the flags and the knight uncles of the knights in silver and white armor.


Soon, to Hermione, Harry, and Fleur, they were slightly surprised that the knights did not seem to be the troops of the Prince Arthas they had imagined, but were knights from other Lordaeron kingdoms. ? Because they could see that almost all of that army was cavalry, and the mighty and mighty cavalry army with almost one or two thousand people was obviously not comparable to the poor dozens of cavalry in Alsace's hands.

What surprised them even more was that the opponent seemed to be rushing over with strong hostility. So, before they were happy for long, a large group of Paladins armed with warhammers or heavy swords came around here. And they soon besieged the four of them in the middle of a tall horse in heavy armor.


"Look at what we found, three wizards and a little boy? Humph! Come on, who are you, where are you from, and why are you here?"

"Did you do that burnt down village?!"

Soon, when the knights surrounded the four people and faintly shot the kind of holy light familiar to Hermione and others from their bodies and weapons, one of them wore a golden eagle shoulder plate armor in his hand. Holding a huge warhammer, with gray hair and a thick beard, the old knight, who looked a little tired, rode forward imposingly and swept toward Hermione, a combination of three wizards and a little boy. After a glance, he yelled and asked with that kind of unangry and strong voice.

last night,

All the villagers in a village died violently, and there were a large number of burnt corpses and traces of the plague, and of course, there are traces of spellcasting by wizards...So, after arriving at the village early in the morning and seeing everything, he was furious. The paladins who led the more than 1,000 Silver Hand Knights under his command wandered the wilderness for a few laps, and quickly found this place following the smoke, and successfully gave the three suspicious little wizards in front of the group. Surrounded here.

In his opinion, the three little wizards in front of him were really too deliberate, and the little magic wands in their hands, which always made him feel that things in the village not far away must be the same. Can't get out of the relationship?


Unexpectedly, the other party turned out to have such a menacing attitude, Furong couldn't help swallowing secretly while gripping the wand in her palm.

Furong knew that, because she could directly see that these aggressive knights in front of her were extremely hostile to them. If they acted incorrectly or said something wrong, I am afraid that they would definitely face them. Did you start the offense?

Facing the knights in front of them, looking at the ferocious eyes full of anger and murderousness that appeared behind their pairs of cold steel visors, Furong was directly shocked, as if she was blocked by something. The throat is average, although I really want to say something, but in the end I can't say anything.

"you guys……"


Harry, who was holding the wand tightly, also took a step back involuntarily under the aura of the terrifying knights, and then he turned his head to look at Hermione, and hoped that they had something special.



Hermione, who was also terribly frightened by the other's aura, took a deep breath after seeing Harry's help-seeking look, and resisted the discomfort caused by the other's aura. Just took a step forward.

"Please don't treat us like that, Lord Paladin, we are not your enemies!"

From the energy of the opponent, the golden light, it was not difficult for Hermione to guess the identity of the opponent.

"We are actually a group of students, a group of students from Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry! The reason why we came to Lordaeron was at the request of our teacher, an arcanist, to investigate the plague incident here. Coming!"

Having said this, Hermione paused, seeing that the other party was noncommittal, and she didn't seem to know that she and others existed before she continued.

"That village was indeed burned by us, but it was after we wiped out the evil undead!"

"We had to do that because it was too late when we came. Most of the villagers died under the claws of those terrible undeads. After saving this little boy, in order to prevent them from being resurrected by the plague and become new Enemy, we had to set fire to it..."

"So, Lord Paladin, there is no reason why you are so hostile to us!"

"Besides, you and us should still be on one side, because we are friends of Prince Alsace, you must know him? He presided over the offensive against the undead in Andorhal, and we were sent to investigate the intelligence of the undead. of!!"

After gradually calming down, Hermione patted the little Timmy who was hiding behind her, who looked like she was frightened by the menacing knights in front of her, before she fell generously towards the golden armor. The old knight who looked like a general explained.

She didn't mean to deceive the other party, she said everything directly.


"You said, are you friends of Alsace, or were you ordered to come out and scout?!"

Hearing that the other party confessed that he had burned the village and saved people, the old knight was noncommittal. However, after hearing that the other party was Alsace's friend and was ordered to investigate the information of the undead, he couldn't help but sneer.

"Do you think I'm good to deceive?"

"Well, wizards, let me tell you who I am: I am Uther, Uther Lightbringer, the head of the Knights of the Silver Hand!"

"You think I will believe your botched lie, eh?"

"Do you know how far it is from Andorhal? If you are really from Alsace, you should be scouting near Andorhal instead of running this far and running to Gayron Come here near the farm!!"

Uther's suppressed angry voice slowly spit out from his mouth, and at the same time, the paladins around him unconsciously took a few steps forward, shrinking the encircling circle a little bit, and there is always something to listen to. Order, directly take down the impulse of the three suspicious guys in front of you.

To be honest, if it wasn't for the little boy behind the little witch to hide behind the opponent subconsciously, he was a little bit confused, he had already ordered his knights to do it, why would he waste time with the opponent?

After all, he received information, and now he understands that the plagues in Tirisfal Glades and Dahlone County and near Stratholme have become more and more serious, and people are dying every moment. He Uther has more important things. To do it, there is not much time to dawdle with these suspicious guys in front of you here.

"But we are really Alsace's friends!"

"Master Uther, we were out reconnaissance with a group of cavalry that day, and we accidentally ran into a group of terrible rock giants, and then we were scattered! They are invulnerable, and magic can't control them, so we had to use Phantom Reshape, escape with that teleportation spell."

"If we weren't lost, we would have gone back and joined His Royal Highness Prince Arthas!"

"If you don't believe me, you can bring us to Prince Arthas. I think he will be happy to testify for us!!"

Seeing that the other party was unwilling to believe in herself, Hermione hurriedly began to explain, and looked at the Paladin named Uther with earnest and open eyes, showing that everything she just said was true.


Uther did not respond immediately, but slightly frowned and stared at the little witch who seemed to be only fourteen or five years old and the other two little wizards next to him.


"Sorcerer, your words cannot be confirmed...In recent times, we have seen too many wizards, especially those necromancers!!"

"And I can't believe that a group of wizards who can teleport magic will get lost from Andorhal and run here..."

Having said this, Uther stopped, and after seeing the embarrassed expression of the little girl, he continued to snort coldly:

"Do you know how far it is from Andorhal?!"

"Well, let's not talk about this yet, wizards, since you said you are friends of Alsace, are there any proofs in your body that can convince us?"

"If yes, please take it out?"

A group of suspicious wizards, a magic school that has never been heard of, and is still stranded near a village that has just been burned down. They said that they were friends of Prince Arthas of the Kingdom of Lordaeron, Uther How could you easily trust the other party without asking for proof?

Therefore, he is now waiting, waiting for the other party to come up with a certificate sufficient to prove the identity of the three people, no matter what it is, as long as it can prove the identity, he will give the other party the courtesy.


Hermione looked at Harry and Fleur with some embarrassment. However, what she got was their innocent head shaking...

The matter was obvious. Whether it was Hermione herself or Harry and Fleur, there was no way that they could have any identity on them.


"Master Uther, we are really friends of Prince Alsace! If you don't believe me, you can send someone to Andorhal to contact Prince Alsace, and he will tell you the truth!"

Hermione's eyes jumped a little, and she had no choice but to ask the other person to help them prove her identity, and other than that, she seemed to have no better way.

'That one……'

‘Grandpa Knight, I’m also a friend of Prince Arthas! ’

At this moment, the little Timmy who had been hiding behind Hermione from the beginning finally made a sound, and he showed half of his head behind Hermione so cutely, and said timidly to Uther.

But what he didn't know was that he didn't say it was okay, but when he said it, he made Uther angrily smile...

"Huh! A bad lie!"

"I tell you, according to the information I got, Prince Arthas had already captured Andorhal yesterday, and he is no longer there!"

Having said this, Uther arbitrarily raised the warhammer in his hand and prevented the other party from speaking, because he was already a little impatient.

"Witch, since you can't give any proof of your identity, then we can only arrest you first!"

"Now, hand over your... magic wand?"

Uther pointed to the small and peculiar shapes in the opponent's hand, but it must be a magic wand. He signaled the opponent to hand them over and waved his hand to let the Paladins of the Silver Hand continue to push forward. After a few steps.

"Trust me, your weapons and magic won't do much to me, surrender!"

Uther waved his hand again, and several knights rolled off their horses and directly surrounded the three wizards aggressively.

Had it not been for the little boy who had dispelled a little bit of his worries from the opponent's behavior, maybe he would have ordered the knights to chop down these unidentified wizards to the ground!

You know, according to their investigation, there are many wizards who hate the Kingdom of Lordaeron and are willing to be evil minions in that cursed god! He has seen many such bastards, so now he can't help but act carelessly, especially if the three in front of him don't have any credentials or tokens that can prove their identity.


"Hermione, what should I do?"

Seeing the other party encircling aggressively, driving with a big disagreement, it was reasonable to be anxious, so I looked at Hermione who was still talking to Uther just now, hoping that the other party would have an idea.


"Hand over the wand, it's your own people anyway, we are not afraid of them! Besides, Harry, it's safer to follow them, and you won't get lost again, won't you?"

After finishing speaking, Hermione waved her hand as if she was angry, and threw the wand in her hand directly into the arms of the Paladin who was staring at her not far away.

Actually, it is not unacceptable for Hermione to hand over the wand. After all, she is able to perform all kinds of wandless spells proficiently, but it may just not be the case when she is holding the wand. Is it so smooth and efficient?



Harry and Fleur, who believed in Hermione, and felt that what the other party said was right, after looking at each other, they could only put their wands into the hands of the paladin who was staring at them. , Chose to get caught and accept the other party's arrest.

"Sister Hermione..."

"Are we arrested by the adults of the Knight Order?" ’

Although he is still young, he doesn't need to think too much about Timmy to know that the current situation seems to be a little bit bad? Because he could see that the knights of the fierce Knights didn't believe Sister Hermione's words, and had already captured the brothers and sisters who had just defeated the terrifying monsters and saved him last night.

"Okay, it's okay!"

"Little Timmy, don't worry, you will soon see the Prince Alsace you are talking about! As long as they find Prince Alsace, they will soon know who we are!"

Seeing that the paladins only confiscated their wands and looked at the three of them at random, but they didn’t make any more moves, nor did they intend to tie them up with a rope or something. After getting up, Hermione breathed a sigh of relief, and patted Timmy on the head, beckoning him not to worry.

Because the conflict between them is just that there is no way to confirm their identities. As long as the other party and Arthas and their troops will meet or practice, the paladin prince from UU reading will definitely be able to help them. Those who prove their identity will be free when the time comes.


Hermione also felt that staying with this group of seemingly powerful Paladins would definitely be safer than the three of them continuing to wander around and bump into each other?


Although he didn't quite understand, Xiao Timmy still nodded obediently.

"Huh! Our marching route is not the same as the one investigated by Prince Alsace!"

"So, wizards of unknown origin, I think you may have been following us for a while. If there is more information to prove your identity, our Silver Hand will definitely return the wand to you as soon as possible! "

After speaking, Uther waved his hand to find a carriage that was originally carrying supplies.

Obviously, during the march, the three they found and arrested looked suspicious, but there were no little wizards who could be completely sure that they were friends or enemies. I'm afraid they could only stay on the carriage and stay honestly. Accepted the supervision of their Paladin.


"Go on! Goal: Dahlone County!!!"

When he saw his subordinates put the four little guys into the carriage, and saw that the opponent was sitting honestly without any intention of resisting, Uther waved his hand and went straight down and continued to advance.

When he is free, he will take time to continue to have a good conversation with the other party, but it will definitely not be now!

boom! boom! boom!

Soon, the rumbling of horseshoes and the rumbling of vehicles gradually rang, and began to turn towards the straight King Lordaeron Avenue in the distance...


(*^▽^*)? Ask for a ticket? (*^▽^*)

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