Shadow Bear Tibbers’ Plane Journey

Chapter 978: ?Who is that, people are very careful?

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The battle was over, and on the second day, Kolin Junction was still under the control of the living people of Lordaeron...

When the Dreadlord was burned half-hearted and ran away in a panic, when Hermione, who was hungry, bombed the last five fragmented fires in her magic book into the densest area of ​​the undead. After a greater fire ignited, the undead who had lost their organization and control soon collapsed, and the important town at Kaolin Junction was barely defended.

According to the rough statistics of the Lordaeron soldiers who cleaned the battlefield, they burned at least five thousand undead ‘corpses’! Of course, that may not be regarded as a corpse, at most it can only be the "body" of the undead? Because, for every undead who can act, they are in fact a corpse in a practical sense long ago. Their stinking stuff is not a living thing at all. But it can continue to act.

and so,

If the Granger Witch used that terrible huge fireball to burn to ashes the undead, in this defensive battle at Collin Junction, they killed nearly 10,000 various undeads, although Most of them are fragile skeletons and slow-moving zombies, but for the Lordaeron soldiers at the intersection of Corinth, this is also a great and exciting victory!

However, after the undead knight saw that they could not take advantage and led some elite undeads to take the initiative to evacuate and disappear, sporadic undeads still wandered near the intersection of Kaolin, and also rushed to Kaolin from time to time Around the town at the intersection, a meaningless raid was launched against the town... Therefore, at this time, except for this small town protected by the soldiers of Lordaeron with simple clay and wood fortifications, it is still not outside. Absolutely safe.

Correspondingly, while eliminating nearly half of the incoming undead and repelling the terrifying and arrogant demon and winning victory, the defenders of Lordaeron also paid nearly 500 soldiers plus that The death of a beautiful witch named Fleur Delacour!

Up to now, the ashes of the soldiers who died and the ashes of the witch had all been buried this afternoon, on the hill that was less than two hundred meters away from the small town of Kaolin intersection.

Here, pieces of standing planks and stone tablets were inserted in front of the mounds, and the brave warriors were all burned into a handful of gray ashes and were blessed by the holy knights with the holy light, which was completely eliminated. The undead has the possibility to continue to dig, harass and reuse! And now, the mounds and wooden plaques in this hilly area fully illustrate how cruel and ruthless this battle against the undead plague is...

At this moment, the two warriors Harry Potter and Hermione Granger from Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry were standing silently at the bottom of this hill, beside this lonely tree. Standing silently in front of a small mound...


In front of the two of them, it was their partner, their friend, and the tomb of Harry's battle lover Fleur and the pretty stone tombstone.

For the noble wizard who came to the Kingdom of Lordaeron and helped the people of Lordaeron fight against the undead and died at the intersection of Corinth. As one of the leaders of the Knights of the Silver Hand, that The sensible Davy Crowford paladin specially selected the best location here, and specially erected a stone tombstone, which also engraved:

?? Fleur Delacour??

November 30, 1982-The Dark Portal February 14, 20

She was a brave and respectable wizard from the distant Boothbarton School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. She and more than 500 heroic soldiers of Lordaeron died in the "War of Corinth Crossing" against the undead and demons. Her deeds and heroic spirits, together with those brave soldiers of Lordaeron, will be eulogized and remembered by the people of Lordaeron forever.


The two stood quietly in front of the small mound on which a bouquet of flowers was placed, looking at those engraved with the common characters of Azeroth world humans, and then the two of them could understand strangely. The tombstone was silent, and no one spoke first, so he stood motionless.

The paladin Davy Crowford’s arrangement for Fleur was perfect. Anyway, whether it was Hermione or Harry, who didn’t know what he was in at this time, neither of them had any dissatisfaction. All this is set up in one day, what else can they say?


I don't know how long it took. Finally, Harry, who was petrified, finally moved... He pursed his mouth first, exhaled a deep breath, and then slowly turned around.

"do you know?"

"Hermione, I suddenly hated that Professor Anne, and the Triwizard Tournament..."

Or it can be said that he is not only hated, but also with deep hatred and disgust?

Because he now feels that all this seems to be the little girl's fault!

If it weren’t for the opponent to get them to compete and test in this dangerous and crazy world, or for the opponent to not give them a way to leave, and let them experience life and death in this dangerous world every day If they wandered and fought endlessly, how could they lose Fleur so soon, and the heroic Krum before the Quidditch World Cup?

Therefore, at this moment, the deep hatred and boundless regret that Harry had been brewing in his heart were not entirely without reason.


She raised her head embarrassedly and glanced at the Harry who was clenching her fists subconsciously. Hermione opened her mouth, but in the end she still couldn't speak, just stood here silently with her. Looking at the tombstone of Furong, he was startled.

Because she herself also didn't understand...

Hermione had long felt that this world was really too dangerous for their students. Otherwise, Krum and Fleur in seventh grade would not have died here one after another... and In fact, Hermione also felt that this place was extremely dangerous for most wizards, even the existence of Aurors! Even their headmaster, the strongest man in the magic world like Professor Dumbledore, might have a hard time coming into this world, right?


Although she thinks so too, now that they are still in this world and have not completed the task and found a way back, they must always be excited and struggle to survive. Under this situation and situation, It would be useless to blame God and Youren no matter what, because that would not do any good to herself or Harry.

However, she couldn't explain this kind of thing to Harry at this time, so she could only let the other party slowly figure it out.



After waiting for a while, Hermione finally couldn't help but sighed from the bottom of her heart, and then stretched out her hand, carefully handing a roll of parchment and a folded cloak into Harry's hand.


"These are all the high-level spells and skills you asked me for before, as well as this Hibiscus shadow cloak. We don’t know what’s going on with her wand. We won’t be able to find it anymore after dawn. Be careful who burned it as firewood, right?"

"and also……"

"If there is anything you don't understand about those spells, just ask me directly."

Those are the high-level spells that the other party asked her for. Most of them are combat-related or helpful spells required by students in the fourth, fifth, sixth, and seventh grades. They are all recalled and detailed by Hermione. To write on that roll of parchment.

And the cloak of shadow that could be invisible at night, the thing that came from the goblin, and now it can be said to be Fleur's relic, she also handed over to Harry.

Anyway, she can help each other herself, I'm afraid there is only this...

There are still a lot of sundries and potions in her embroidered deep-sea bag. They are some goods of the goblin. After Captain Redpath in Darrow County paid the goblin a large amount of gold instead of her, the other party They never came to ask her for goods and discuss compensation, so they could keep those things, including the agility shoes on Harry's feet and the cloak of shadow that she passed over now.



Looking at what the other party had stuffed into his hands, and then at the mound in front of him, Harry always felt that his chest was blocked by something, and he couldn't help but remembered the time he was with Fleur. Everything at the time, especially when Hermione left them and headed for Darrowshire first, he and Fleur had a good time.

It was also at that time that he gradually began to get in touch with and understand the three-year-old senior sister from Boothbarton School of Witchcraft and Wizardry.

"what happened?"

Hermione didn't know why the other party called her, but she hurriedly responded when she knew that the other party was in a bad mood.

"If there is still a chance to see her, I will definitely ask her face to face why she did that!"

"If I don't have a chance...Hermione, you must also help me ask her why she did that, why we were thrown into such a terrible place, and why both Fleur and Krum were killed. people?!"

Harry bitterly held the parchment in his hand and the cloak folded together, even his nails were unconsciously pinched into his palm, and some blood beads ooze out...

"I won't forgive her, she is just an executioner!"

"She indirectly killed Furong, Krum, and everyone here!"

He didn't say who the questioning ‘she’ was, but both he and Hermione knew who he was just referring to.


Hermione opened her eyes slightly, and looked at the companion next to her with some surprise. She who had originally wanted to say something, opened her mouth and sighed again, and then quietly dropped her head.

"Harry, this is actually a conspiracy of the demons. Professor Anne never thought about harming anyone..."

"Really! I really can’t blame Professor Anne for everything here... You knew it when you were in school. The Triwizard Tournament was interrupted for centuries because there were so many deaths. …Think about it now, maybe this is the true appearance of the Triwizard Tournament and the root cause that has been interrupted for so long, right?"

"I think we probably shouldn't have come to participate in this terrible game at the time, although we all know that this was not our intention..."

"Maybe the directors and ministers of the Ministry of Magic and Principal Dumbledore shouldn't agree that the Triwizard Tournament should be held again?"

"I think if someone must be blamed, it should all be the fault of the Goblet of Fire!?"

Looking at the terrible expression on the other person, Hermione sighed and tried to defend their Professor Anne.

The reason why she herself was able to participate in the Triwizard Tournament was obviously due to Professor Anne’s reasons, and why Harry was able to participate in the competition, then she didn’t know... But now it’s better, two senior students who participated in the competition. They were all killed. On the contrary, she and Harry, two fourth-grade students who shouldn't be participating, are still alive and sticking to it. This matter seems ironic when you think about it seriously?


After thinking about the battle in Darrow County and yesterday’s battle at Corin’s Crossing, Hermione, in addition to complaining, was still a little grateful to their Professor Anne... because if the other party didn’t give it two years ago As for the magic book of his own, I am afraid she and Harry would definitely not be able to hold on to it now.

"Stop talking!"

"Hermione, I'm tired, I'm going back to rest first..."

Harry, who didn’t intend to listen to Hermione’s excuses for the little girl, stood up and turned and left, because his first girlfriend, or maybe his first love, his beautiful Fleur Sister died yesterday, just before his eyes, in his arms.

He still remembered his purpose. At that time, Senior Sister Furong's beautiful face, which was full of fear and consternation, just became pale and cold in his arms...

She died to protect him. She actually didn’t have to do that. Now it should be Harry Potter who should be lying here. If possible, he really wants to trade his own life. Furong came back, but he had absolutely nothing to do about it, and now there was no way to save it.

At that time, although Dawei's Paladin's light healed the wound, it still couldn't save her in the end...

Because the Honest Paladin said that Furong’s soul is no longer in her body, and a body without a soul can’t survive. Presumably at this moment, the soul of Furong-senpai has already been affected by the evil Dreadlord Did you give it away?

And at this time, after a day and a night, I don’t know what kind of terrible torment she is in the hands of the evil Malganis who is like the evil vampire in the myth!

In this regard,

Harry said that he would definitely try his best to save her, even if it was just her soul! He would never allow her soul to undergo eternal torture in the hands of the dreadlord Malganis, he vowed never! !


Suddenly, Harry stopped, but he didn't turn around, he just clutched the roll of parchment and cloak in his palm.


"Thank you for the spells you copied me. I will definitely memorize and learn them in the shortest time when I go back, I assure you!"

"and also……"

Having said that, Harry paused again, as if he was brewing some more appropriate words?

"You don't actually need to defend her..."

"Because I hate that little girl very much now! Very disgusting! Even thinking of her name makes me feel sick!"

"I won't forgive her!!"

After finishing talking, Harry turned and left without looking back, and who the "little girl" he was talking about was self-evident, because the clever "Miss Know-it-all" would definitely know what he was talking about. who.

Now, he is tired. He needs to go back and sleep well after he has not rested for two days and one night. As for what to do after waking up, he hasn't thought about it yet, and he doesn't want to think about it yet!


Hey~ How could it be like this...

Watching Harry walk step by step towards the town at Collins Road, watching the other side's figure getting further and further away, she sighed leisurely until she disappeared behind the damaged wooden and stone structured houses. , And then slowly squatted onto the slightly damp hills and grass, then hugged his knees tightly with both hands, and stared at the still-smoky battlefield in the distance.

In addition to the battlefield at the West Crossing that became extremely messy due to the melee last night, she also saw: on the wasteland farther away, there were several piles of fires still emitting black smoke, but fortunately, This is the upper hand, the black smoke can't float here, otherwise, it will make her sick even if she smells it!


That is the fire where the soldiers of Lordaeron burned the corpses of the undead. They must do that, otherwise, whether it is bones or rotten flesh, once found by the undead, it will become a deal with them. The terrible weapon of these living people.

After all, whether it's the terrible abominations that are stitched up, the skeleton zombies, or even the terrible meat grinders, they are inseparable from the ‘corpse’. What's more, Hermione has also seen those terrible and evil ghouls. They feed on fresh meat from living people or rotten pieces of dead meat to ‘treat’ their physical injuries! !


However, thinking of Krum, whose bones were all burned before, and Fleur who is now buried under this big tree, Hermione's wandering heart couldn't help but gradually sink.

She was thinking suddenly, if the old wizard "Prophet" she met like a lunatic and who likes to pretend to be a fool is telling the truth, it must be the end of her or Harry one day. , Wouldn't it be better than Fleur or Krum?

This continent is really on the verge of destruction, will there really be a more terrifying crisis coming? For example, the so-called "Twilight of Lordaeron"?


Hermione, who didn't know what was true or what to do, could only squat on the grass with her knees in a daze and wonder...

Because she is just a little witch, and the people she can affect now are extremely limited. Even the Paladin leader Davy Crowford, who respects her very much, cannot listen to her everything. Knowing and willing to believe all that, but what good is that?


‘! ! ’

'what? Sister Hermione, are you crying now? ’

I don’t know how long it took. Suddenly, a little boy’s head appeared from behind the big tree. After tilting his head and looking at this side, he gently walked to Hermione’s side and squatted down. She looked at Hermione's eyelashes, who didn't know why, and asked.

"NO, I have not……"

Hermione was a little stiff and wiped her face quickly. Obviously, she didn't want to show her weak side in front of the little boy Timmy.

"It's you!"

"Little Timmy, it's dangerous here. How dare you come here alone?!"

After taking a sigh of relief, Hermione stood up angrily, and grabbed the back of the opponent's collar, ready to pull him back to the town at the intersection of Collins.

You know, although they have now won and defeated the undead, everyone knows that it is not safe here. There are still scattered skeletons, zombies and even the dangerous and swift ghouls moving, so , Xiao Timmy’s behavior of wandering outside is very dangerous.

If the opponent is touched by that kind of ghoul, those monsters who like to rip the living and devour flesh and blood will not be like some jackals, and will wait for them to rescue him!

'what! ’

‘Sister Hermione, please be gentle, I brought flowers to Sister Furong...’

Little Timmy, who was pulled by the back collar, quickly took out a handful of Zou Baba wild flowers from his pocket. Obviously, the other party should have been hiding behind the big tree for some time, otherwise the wild flowers would not look like Zou. Babaqi still looks wilted after losing moisture?


"Put the flowers down, and then go back with me immediately. You must not sneak out alone in the future. Have you heard?"

It's a pity that Xiao Timmy's pitiful look didn't make Hermione treat her differently. After staring at the opponent and putting the flowers down, she slammed the opponent's back collar and dragged it towards the town. Obviously, I don't want the other party to stay here too long.

And Hermione knew that this little boy was famous for sneaking and running around. If he wasn't strict enough, he might be eaten by the undead one day!


In the auditorium of Hogwarts Castle, the number of people began to gradually increase, because it is now after dusk, and teachers and students who have nowhere to go after dinner have more or less gathered here, ready to proceed. Their routine night entertainment activities, that is-group watching!

It’s a pity that only the last two large screens still lit in the auditorium are left, and the other two have become motionless gray at this time, which makes the teachers and students feel a little bit A little regret...

However, they also know that now the "movie" has gradually entered a wonderful time, and at some point, the remaining two warriors on the screen will soon come out directly with some bizarre method of death. Yes, and this is what makes them excited and looking forward to?

Because this kind of ‘film’ is so real that everyone doesn’t know what will happen in the next moment, which is different from all movies and scripts.

For some reason, at this time, the teachers and students in the auditorium all cast a funny, joking, or some kind of delightful smile at a certain upright little girl?

Because, the conversation between the two Gryffindor warriors Harry Potter and Hermione Granger on the screen just now, they all heard it, and they heard the brave Mr. Potter right The blatant "swearing" and "defamation" of a certain professor?

Therefore, many of them are now waiting for the response of the professor who is said to be stingy and very careful in the open magic class, wanting to see if the other party will make some extraordinary actions because of this?

(Ding~! Congratulations, Mr. Harry Potter, your reputation with Professor Anne Hasta has changed from friendly to neutral...

Ding~! Congratulations, Mr. Harry Potter, your reputation with Professor Anne Hasta has changed from neutral to cold...

Ding~! Congratulations, Mr. Harry Potter, you are...

(● ̄(??) ̄●)

——A certain shadow bear who is afraid of the world will not be chaotic began to automatically supplement and simulate some electronic synthesis sound from certain games in the mind of its awkward little master, and is willing to wait and see, want Know how a certain hapless guy will be retaliated severely by his little owner?

But soon, Tibbers found that it could not continue the simulation, because ah, a familiar little hand quickly pinched its neck directly, making it have to be embarrassed by the rest. I swallowed it into its bearskin belly...)



Professor Anne said that she is very angry now, very angry, angry! !

Because ah, a certain hateful "Scarhead Little Four Eyes", the other party openly said bad things about her Professor Anne in front of countless teachers and students?

Moreover, it is very likely that it will be reported in the school’s school magazine, the Daily Prophet, and other international wizarding newspapers... That kind of annoying thing, just let her think about it, she wants to immediately design and make that' Scarhead Little Four Eyes' was taken away by the Dreadlord, and then severely tortured the impulse for ten thousand years!


Let the undead catch each other, and then let those guys smash it and make it into an ugly one with sores on the top of the head, pus on the soles of the feet, and long rotten intestines dragging on the belly. Stitch the monster, and then only leave his nasty scarred head with four eyes?

If that's the case, she must be able to relieve her full stomach a little bit now, right?

Of course, what to do, how to do it, or whether to do it like that, she hasn't figured it out yet, because she is brewing and planning...



(Yes! Now, Tibbers knows that a certain "scar head and four eyes" is definitely going to be unlucky. As for how unlucky it will be, I can only wait and see.)


"Um... Professor Anne, I think Harry must be unintentional, because he still doesn't know what happened, I think, after he comes out and understands everything, he will definitely come to apologize to you then. of?"

"Of course, my old man will definitely urge him to do that."

Dumbledore looked at the screen, and then looked at a little girl with a stinky face in a little embarrassment. For a while, he didn't know what to say, so he had to try to help himself. The student carefully explained such a sentence.

If he thinks about it, he thinks that Professor Anne can’t blame Harry, because Harry is not like bystanders like them. The other party has no idea what happened to Fleur, thinking that Fleur is dead. Under circumstances, it is normal for the other party to speak badly and find someone to vent their anger.


"Professor Anne, I am very sorry for the trouble Harry has caused you!"

"I believe Harry must have used that kind of nonsense when he thought I was dead. It must be! Don't worry, when he comes out, I will teach him severely and bring him to apologize to you personally. of!"

Last night, Fleur, who came to the "resurrection", saw his principal, Mrs. Maxim, saw Principal Dumbledore, and saw all the worried gazes of those classmates and alumni who looked towards him, and saw some After Krum, who should have been'dead' in battle, and after the enthusiastic applause, where did she still not know what happened?

So, after a day's rest, she had completely recovered from the state of'death', and at this time she also hurriedly walked to the seat of Professor Anne and apologized loudly for Harry.

It's just that she always felt that Krum, who also followed the other's principal to join in the fun, looked at her, how could there be a gloating look? Is it possible that the other party can't see that he is good, or that he can continue to venture in Lordaeron, but the other party has come out early?

That kind of look made her feel bored...

Of course, Furong, who had more important things now, didn't think too much about that kind of thing, she just tried to defend Harry in front of a certain young professor.

"Do not worry!"


"People will definitely not be angry with him, really!"


That's it!

Wait, if there is a chance, she is so stingy and revenges Professor Anne from morning till night, she will definitely give that **** Harry Potter, the'Scarhead Little Four Eyes' a'decent' (pronounced : It's so tragic to be mad!

Her Professor Anne must let someone know, dare to say bad things about her Professor Anne in front of so many people.



(Tibbers pretended to sigh slightly for some hapless guy, not much, just a moment, and then soon, it began to gloat and was ready to wait for someone else's good show.)


Obviously, Furong was a little skeptical, because she could see that the expression of the little Professor Anne in front of her was a bit unnatural, and that smile was also very reluctant. Anyway, Furong felt that the other party was definitely not like what she showed now. It's so easy.

"of course it's true!"


"Could the adult family still run in and burn him to death? Don't hesitate to be optimistic. People will never run to retaliate against him!"


Yes, the great Professor Anne said that she would definitely not run in and retaliate against a certain "Scarhead Little Four Eyes". How could she do that kind of derogatory thing?


If she is only cautious and guided without being noticed, and then let others do it, then it's not her business, because she only promises not to do it, but there is no guarantee that others will not do it, right?


And ah, she won't tell Dumbledore and the worried Fleur and others in front of her. At this time, her careful eye is breaking out, and a small, interesting plan is brewing in her heart... She is ready I'm ready, and when it's the right time, just add to the flames? At that time, things will definitely become interesting, right?


(● ̄(??) ̄●)

"That's good……"

"Okay, Classmate Delacour, don't worry about it, organize your gains well, and then from tomorrow, you can learn about Mr. Krum, and enjoy this rare semester with other students. Entertainment?"

"I believe this must be very different from your adventures inside!"

Although I don’t know if what a duplicity girl said is true or false, Dumbledore waved his hand after getting the assurance from the other party, and motioned to see the bustling professor and Fleur all return to their seats, don’t They are all around here to interfere with his old man watching the'movie'.

Now there are only two screens in the auditorium that are still'live'. Maybe when the remaining two are gone, he has to take a good look and study the'kingdom of Lordaeron' 'And'Azeroth World' will work.


"Principal Dumbledore, what do you mean by the harvest?"

Hearing Principal Dumbledore at Hogwarts's abrupt words, Fleur was stunned, because, she clearly remembered, she didn't seem to be able to bring anything out, so the gains the other party just said were specific. What is meant?

And this made her couldn't figure it out, and she didn't know what the other party meant.


"Well, classmate Delacour, haven't you noticed some changes in your body?"

I helped my reading glasses and looked at Fleur Delacour, an excellent girl from Boothbat’s School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, and looked at this girl who was willing to sacrifice herself to protect Harry at a critical moment. The more I look at it, the more I feel. Satisfied Dumbledore, after thinking about it, rarely reminded him.

The reason why he has been supporting the second project led by Professor Anne is not entirely unreasonable! There are some things that he, the old man, has long understood, and he believes that the people who can understand are definitely not just one or a few of him. For example, the Severus not far away and the recent more and more The impatient "Mad Eyes Moody", they must have understood it too?


"Mr. Principal Dumbledore, I don't seem to notice any changes..."

After she stretched out her smooth and delicate hands to take a look, and subconsciously touched her cheek, Furong was still a little confused, not knowing what the other party was referring to.

When she went back last night, she even ran to the bathroom to take a bath. When her mood gradually calmed down, she remembered to check her body carefully, and she found that her body was exactly the same as the day when she went in. There was nothing at all. Any changes, even the wounds and cracks that appeared in the'Lordaeron Kingdom' due to battles and other reasons have been completely restored, it is really like waking up after a sleep, there is no change at all!



Dumbledore smiled and shook his head. He didn't know what to say anymore, so he turned to look at some little girl beside him who didn't know what he was thinking.

"Professor Anne, what do you think?"

In fact, the changes that happened to the warriors, especially the changes in Harry, Hermione, and Fleur, all the teachers and students saw in their eyes, and the only difference may just be Did you realize it?



"This old man Dumbledore said that the changes in your body refer to changes in other places, such as the one where you put your spells more skillfully and quickly, and have more combat experience!"


Little Annie didn’t speak as concealed as a bad old man. Moreover, she was scolded in public by a certain Scarlet Four Eyes. She was going to go back if she didn’t want to stay here anymore, so she directly He jumped out of his seat.

"You're pretty good. You stayed in it for a long time before you died. That Krum is much more unlucky than you. He died within two days. You are pitiful and didn't get anything..."


Yes, Little Annie doesn’t care at all about the idea of ​​the Krum who just came to watch the excitement, even if the other person’s face is so dark that it’s ugly now, she just coldly hummed and crossed the aisle between the crowd and the student seats. Walk directly in the direction of the entrance hall of the auditorium.


"Is that so?"

After Furong heard it, she was stunned. Then, she raised her right hand somewhat inconceivably. After thinking about it, soon, she didn't see her using a magic wand or chanting a spell. A fluorescent flashing light ball was so abrupt. The earth appeared in her Really? ! "

"Mrs. Maxim, take a look. It seems to be true. I seem to remember all the techniques. It is not a dream or hallucination!!"

After trying, Furong quickly screamed, and then happily rushed to the front of their principal, Mrs. Maxim, and raised the small fluorescent flashing ball in front of the opponent like a treasure.


'Humph! ’

With a cold face, after seeing that there was nothing pretty here, Principal Karkaroff gave a cold snort, waved his hand, and signaled that his shameful student Krum, who made him look down, quickly followed He left this auditorium together.


ε=(????`●))) alas

(At this moment, Tibbers, who was deliberately thrown on the table by a certain little master, patted his **** and stood up, then ignoring the sight of others, he jumped directly to the ground and followed his own house. A certain messy little master of's chased in the direction where he left...

This is the magical world, the Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, and almost everyone knows that Tibbers is a magic pet that can move, grow bigger, and can also kill dragons. Therefore, it also There is no need to avoid their gazes anymore, and just stepping on their short legs, pushing away an old guy who is in the way, and quickly chasing their owner.

Because, if it accidentally goes back late, if a bad little master can't find it, then Tibbers will definitely be punished by the other party's extremely harsh and unreasonable punishment! ! )


(*????╰╯`??)?? Ask for a ticket?? (????╰╯`??*)

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