Shadow Bear Tibbers’ Plane Journey

Chapter 989: ψ(`??)ψ1 I forgot about business accidentally ε...

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Since the great upheaval that took place more than 10,000 years ago (that is, the demon invasion and the explosion of the Well of Eternity), the ancient and mysterious Pandaria continent has been covered by a large cloud of thick fog, disappearing into the vastness. In the endless sea, no longer be disturbed by the chaos and wars of the world.


Since then, many ancient night elves scholars believe that those in the south of the continent overthrew the rule of the Mogu tribe and defeated the Zandalar Empire in the "Zandalar War" and achieved the final victory. The once glorious Kaldorei Empire was allied to the Pandaren Empire completely disappeared in the Big Bang?

However, what they didn’t know was that the territory of the Pandaren Empire, which is now Pandaria, was like Kalimdor and the Eastern Kingdoms, this beautiful and prosperous land, which stubbornly survived the big bang. , And still so mysterious, the scenery is also breathtakingly beautiful...

Here, dense forests and misty mountains have bred unique and diverse magical animals and various races, such as:

The pile of decorative stone statues that the Titans had in Pandaria this experimental field were fleshed and fleshed under the action of the Curse of Flesh and the Spring Water of the Valley of Eternal Blossoms.

Because their Mogu people have researched and mastered part of the technology left by the Titans, they succeeded in preventing themselves from being further fleshed in the ancient times. They are born with magic, perhaps because of the Titan technology, they are more inclined to the soul , Flesh and blood? Among them, the lizardmen of Pandaria are the fruits of the mogu's flesh and blood creation of lizards.

However, the Mogu tribe has become a thing of the past, because their rule was overthrown by the Pandaren before the drastic changes.

In addition to the Mogu tribe, there are many races here, just like that group of grumpy and short-lived races, the hunter-Hohen!

In fact, they are nothing more than a group of high-level monkeys who can speak, have a certain amount of wisdom, and can make some tools, build houses, and live in small tribal groups... However, it is said that the Homo clan once ruled Pandaria. , And there was also a Hohen Emperor named Rickettik?

But that kind of thing is not important now...

In addition to the Homo and Mogu tribes, there are also river caretaker Jinyu people, mischievous nature incarnation spirits, nasty scavengers and sneakers, bunny monsters, land spirits, yawns, and terrible people. The mantid and the most important, most important, and at the same time the most, most, most, most admired by a certain little girl, the ones who once greeted her so much that they cried and darkened their eyes-lovely panda people!

There is no doubt that the pandamen are the aboriginal and rulers of this magical land of Pandaria, although, to the other races in the world of Azeroth, everything about the pandamen is a mystery...except for a few in legends and myths. Apart from just a few words, very few people have actually seen pandamen, even the most intelligent wizards or scholars in Dalaran, most of them do not know the existence of pandamen, let alone talk to pandamen Dealt with.

However, not knowing does not mean that this race does not exist.

Because, the history of this noble and ancient race can even go back thousands of years, before the dark trolls discovered the Well of Eternity and evolved into night elves, before the birth of the oldest human empire, and even exploded in the Well of Eternity, Before the great division of the world, the ancient panda people had already established their own civilization...

However, Pandaren and Pandaria dissipated between heaven and earth after the explosion in the Well of Eternity.

Fortunately, ordinary races and humans in the Eastern Kingdom do not know the existence of Pandaren and Pandaria, but it does not mean that a certain little girl or the bronze dragon with the name of guarding the dragon does not know either!

and so,

Today, after a day and night of flying, a certain hapless bronze dragon Kromi, who was forcibly grasped and temporarily solidified in the form of a dragon as a mount, was so tired that he almost did not fall directly into the endless sea. Finally, he flew to Pandaria’s Valley of the Four Winds between the Valley of Eternal Blossoms and Krasarang Wilds, and flew to the mid-levels bazaar where a little girl was dreaming. It could be said to be a foodie paradise.


??(?? ̄?? ̄?)????

"It's going to crash, little Cromi, slow down!"


A certain little girl sitting on the back of a bronze dragon yelled and yelled, but her expression was indeed more of that kind of happy excitement, and there was no sense of fear at all.

But it's a pity that although she was shouting vigorously and trying to control, a certain dragon named Chromie had no intention to slow down or slow down its landing posture.


After bursts of violent wind noises when huge objects cut through the air...

Boom~! !

After the mud, gravel, grass clippings and green crops splashed, a huge bronze dragon that fell from the sky smashed into the farmland of the panda people in the mid-levels bazaar, and at the same time a large area of ​​well-growing white turnips It was crushed to pieces and shot to pieces!

after that,

After finally stopping, Chromie finally took a breath, groaning and closing her wings, directly drooping her huge bronze dragon head on the soft, fertile soil full of farm manure Above, I don't want to move a bit anymore.

'I said……'

"Damn little guy, since you know Pandaria's existence, and you know exactly where this Mid-Levels Bazaar is, why don't you teleport it by yourself? Isn’t it faster and more efficient than I fly over? ? ’

After ignoring the huge movement in the distance, the pandamen merchants and children with dark circles who are quickly watching from all sides are noisy, regardless of the brave pandamen trekkers who try to besie themselves with a dung fork hoe, The bronze dragon Chromie just lay on the ground feebly, breathing heavily to regain his strength, and at the same time asked a certain little girl who was jumping off her back griefly.

That is to say, I can't beat the opponent, otherwise, Chromie feels that he has to turn his head and bite the opponent and swallow it alive!

Although she herself never eats the flesh of intelligent creatures, and has never eaten humans, but in view of what a nasty little girl has done to her and to the world, she feels that maybe she can consider it. To make an exception and reluctantly take a bite of blood?

If it weren’t for the other party’s instructing and ordering herself to fly continuously in two days and go around many places, and finally arrived at the Mid-Levels Bazaar after a day and night flight, so that she has no strength at all, she must be Will try to do that!

‘Oh~! ’

‘Look! What is that, what a big monster! ! ’

‘Be careful, you better slow down and stay away from it, because it may be dangerous...’

‘! ! ’

‘Is it... a dragon? ’

‘Looking at the head, it looks like a dragon, but the body and wings look like a lizard, and the tail looks like a velociraptor...’

‘Look, its teeth and horns, it must be fierce in fighting! ’

‘But why is it lying there and not moving now? ’

‘Maybe it’s sick, we’ve seen it, it just fell from the sky, with a ‘boom’, and then the farmland of the farmer’s Lao Yu’s family was smashed into a pit so big and so long! ’

‘That shouldn’t be a fall, it’s a fall, right? ’

‘Oh no! No creature would choose to land like that, whether it's a serpent or a mantid, it has never landed like that, nor will our kites land like that! ’


'Look! It seems to be unable to move, is it dead? Maybe we can dismember it and take the meat back to eat it? ’

‘Hush! It has a master, you see, there is also a...hairless weird on its back? ! ’

‘! ! ’

‘Is that weird person female? But why doesn't she have hair or the beautiful dark circles like ours? ’

‘I don’t know, I’ve never seen a weird person like that. It doesn’t look like a hen, let alone a Jinyu, and neither are the natural plant spirits! ’

'Do not! She looks a lot like hoops, at least she looks like a hunk without hair...’

‘! ! ’

‘I heard someone ruined my farmland, see if I don’t take shoe pumps...pump....’

When a large group of pandas were watching from a distance and you started whispering and discussing each other, suddenly, a drunk old panda man in the distance was holding one of his shoes high. , Barefoot, stumbled and rushed out from the back of a house far away.


When he was about to use his shoes to flick the head of a stinky kid or villain who had ruined his farmland a few times to show a lesson, he saw the situation in front of him and saw the one lying beside him. After the big guy in the messy farmland, he was suddenly stunned...

‘Uh~! ’

‘Today’s weather seems pretty good? ’

Then, for a while, he woke up instantly after he couldn't help but hit a big alcohol hiccup, and after a haha ​​he didn't dare to go forward again.

Because, in front of him, lying in the farmland of his old Yu's family, it was actually a huge one, like a dragon, a mountain yak, a mountain beast, a horror worm, and even a horror worm, and even no more than a god. How much smaller is the giant monster?

Such a huge monster, the old farmer Yu would definitely not dare to go up easily if he only held shoes...

In fact, even if he drank alcohol and became courageous for a few minutes, even if someone came to him now and gave him an iron rod, he would definitely not dare to go up.



Seeing those familiar furry faces, and I don’t know why, Little Annie’s mood suddenly became happy for no apparent reason, so that she didn’t plan to worry about a certain passive and sabotaged bronze dragon. The right way to land.

Because now, she still has more important things to do!


(● ̄(?) ̄●)

(Tibbers knows why the bad-hearted little master of his family is in a good mood. That's because, ah, there are a large group of'fresh' pandas in front of her who can continue to harm her, so prepare to be in this strange and familiar place After eating, drinking and having fun for a long time, she will definitely be happy!)

"Huh! Teleport and there is fun to ride a dragon?"

|? ̄?ω ̄?)☆

"Also, Chromie, don't you want to run! Let me tell you, your dragon form has been imprisoned by me. If you dare to leave me running like before, then you It may never change back to human form!!"


He swung her small fist viciously and threatened a weak feces yellow dragon, and asked the other person to try if they didn’t believe it. Then, Annie patted her butt, took her own bad bear Tibbers, and jumped. Jumping to the front, the "familiar" uncle pandamen and the little boys who were still pointing at her and her dragon mount, but did not dare to approach.

‘! ! ’

‘She’s here! The hairless Hohen is here! ’

‘She’s not a hunk! There has never been such a husky! ’

‘Then what is she? ’

‘Don’t ask me, I don’t know...’


Seeing the little girl rushing over, the curious pandas discussed for a while, and felt that the other party did not seem to be hostile, and they did not have any weapons in their hands, they all quieted down in unison, and put down their kitchen knives. , Hoe, rolling pin, vegetable spoon and fire stick, staring suspiciously and curiously at the little girl who jumped directly in front of them, wanting to see what the other party would say.

What if the other party could speak their Pandaren language instead of saying some kind of strange things like those Jinyu or Hohen?



"Hello everyone, it's been a long time, I'm glad to see you all again! And you, dear Aunt Dina, how are you doing lately?!"


Amidst the pandemics of the panda people, she first looked around and greeted those panda people who were familiar and familiar before, but now they have become unfamiliar again. Only after Xiao Anni raised her little bear’s paw, specifically Aunt Pandaren who was looking at her curiously greeted her.


"Oh! You, how are you..."

Dina Mudclaw, who was named by the little girl in public, was obviously taken aback. Then, looking a little overwhelmed, she waited for a while. After looking at the left and right no one in a hurry to speak, she became anxious. Tentatively asked:

"Excuse me, who are you?"

"That... I mean, what race are you, I remember I have never seen someone like you, but how did you know me?"

Dina Mudclaw stared at the other party's hairless face for a long time, and after confirming that the other party was not any hunger she knew, she asked with some puzzled confusion.

Because now many neighbors and friends and acquaintances are looking at her, thinking that Dina knows each other, so she has to ask a little bit more clearly.



"My name is Annie! Annie Hasta!"


"They actually just flew over from another continent called Lordaeron. Of course you haven't seen it! However, we are very familiar with them before. You are good to others, and you can make good food every day. It’s just that, that’s before, now we just met!"


Little Annie made a playful face at the other party.

Because, at this time, she suddenly realized that the expressions of these ‘familiar strangers’ looking at her were really fun! Therefore, she has already decided in her heart that during the next time she stays here in the Mid-Levels Market, she must get along with these fun panda people for a while, so that their memories will be more profound. Row!

(? ̄? ̄?) Hey hey...

Thinking of something funny, Little Annie couldn't help but secretly cheered up in her heart.


ε=(′?`●))) alas



Dina Mudclaw didn't understand why the weird hairless little girl in front of her was so strange, because she was sure that she had never seen this weird hairless hunger before, now or just before. The average little girl really has no impression at all!

If Dina had met the other party before and was very familiar with it, then she would definitely not have just met now. Therefore, this kind of thing, especially the strange thing the other party just said, logically makes no sense at all!

So, she is really very, very confused now...


"Who are you, why are you still on your face and your hands without hair?!"

After struggling for a while, Dina Mudclaw, who didn't know what the other party was talking about, didn't want to think about it anymore. Instead, she began to ask the question that she and her friends were interested in. Because that is what they care about most and want to understand most now.

"They are humans, and they are not pandamen with dark circles under your eyes. How could they have your hair on their faces?"


It really looks like this again...

Back then, when Annie herself first came to the Valley of the Four Winds, she was treated as a hairless hunger by the pandas with nasty dark circles. But she didn’t think she would come here again after many years. , Unexpectedly encountered this nasty thing again.


‘Hogs without hair are humans...’

‘Human, who is that? ’

'do not know……'

‘Maybe she is really a new race on another continent? Maybe our lobbies will know it? ’

‘But isn’t Pandaria protected by the mist? How did she come in? ’

'I do not know then……'

‘Maybe it was lost and flew in? ’

‘It makes sense, otherwise the big guy behind her wouldn’t fall like that. ’

‘This is really strange! ’


Hearing the little girl’s answer, soon the surrounding pandas, who had gradually let go of their vigilance and alertness, crowded around curiously, and began to chat about the little girl and the little girl’s flying mounts. I don't care what other people think.

"Is that so?"

"Then that terrible guy behind you, what is it?"

After letting go of the guard and doubts in her heart, Dina Mudclaw, who couldn't figure it out, didn't think much about it, but continued to point to the winged head who was lying half-dead in the farmer’s old fool’s ground and did not want to get up. The big lizard asked.

Although there are a lot of courageous Pandaren kids now holding sticks around them, and beginning to touch or tease with the sticks, but for such a big guy, Dina must not be clear and familiar with it. Dare to approach the past easily.




What? What?

"It's actually someone's mount. It was originally a feces-yellow dragon, but now they have named her "Rhubarb"! Look, doesn't it look fierce and powerful?"

( ̄︶ ̄)↗Yeah! ?

After looking at a certain bronze dragon who was pretending to be dead and passively sabotaged with her eyes closed, little Annie, who was angry from her heart to the guts, suddenly gave her a bad new name and started to arrange it randomly.

‘! ! ’

Big, rhubarb? !

The bronze dragon Kromi directly opened her pair of vertical pupils the size of two slaps and stared at the back of a nasty little girl for a long time. He was so angry that he stretched out his neck and took a bite. The impulse of the other party!

However, soon she closed her eyes again and made a blind eye...

Anyway, she knows that the opponent is too strong. Chromie must not be able to beat the opponent, and it seems that she can't run away for the time being. Then just say whatever the other party wants. In short, she will definitely not admit that she is the other party. Mounted, will definitely not accept the despicable and stupid name of'Rhubarb'!

Because she is Kromi, the great bronze dragon Kromi, she is not a ‘rhubarb’! !


"But why does it look bad? It seems to have fallen off just now, is it okay now?"

Looking at the long and deep gully plowed out behind the rhubarb, and watching the other party screaming at the farmer’s old fool’s field, Pandaren Dina worriedly cared about that end called The rhubarb of the dragon comes.

"It's okay! It just eats too much meat, and then loses energy after eating a bad stomach before falling off, but it has a rough skin, and it will be okay if it falls from a high place!!"


Annie didn't talk nonsense, because the other party indeed caught a huge squid directly from the sea yesterday and swallowed it alive.


Chromie didn't want to protest anymore, because she knew what happened to her. She was obviously too tired, so when she landed, she deliberately made a little accident as a protest. How could it be like what the other party said? Well, it’s because you broke your stomach?

However, now that she just wanted to rest, she didn't even open her eyes anymore, didn't want to pay attention to the other party, and even those pandaren children who were not afraid of death and wanted to continue to touch her didn't bother to scare anymore.

"So this is ah……"

"You must be very tired from coming from afar? Come on, go to the market. I can treat you to a meal to relieve fatigue. Then, are you slowly telling us about the outside world?" Nine peaches

Dina and the other pandas, who had never seen humans before and were very curious about the outside world, after roughly figuring out the cause of the matter, they greeted the little girl hospitably along the dirt road not far from the ridge Walked to the Mid-Levels Fair.

They feel that it is necessary for them to entertain each other well for the guests who have come from afar and have lost their way into the Mid-Levels Bazaar? Of course, besides entertaining, you must ask some questions carefully.



"That one……"


"Auntie Dina, do you have a big meal here? I want to eat a bad stew meal, one for ten people!!"


Yes, the Pandaren’s big meal, Xiao Anni, has long wanted to really think about it. Now that the other party seems to be planning to entertain for dinner, she never knows what'polite' is, so she puts forward her own impotence in a grand manner. Think about it, obviously, she had planned this a long time ago.


(● ̄(?) ̄●)


"Fat, big meal? Can you eat so much by yourself? Moreover, the stewed meal is too expensive and takes too much time. I will have work to do later!"

Dina Mudclaw expressed suspicion. She felt that this little girl who was about to eat a big meal might not be the first time to come to the Mid-Levels Bazaar. Otherwise, the other party would not know so clearly that they are here. It's a big meal! It’s just that the stewed meal is a master of stewing, such as Meimei Iron Palm. It is not only expensive, but also time-consuming and labor-intensive, so she will definitely not ask this stranger to eat something. of.

"I invite you to eat a bowl of carefully cooked instant noodles, plus a bowl of fragrant yogurt?"

Anyway, a big meal is absolutely impossible, so after thinking about her purse and thinking that the other party is a little girl who just met, Dina quickly made up her mind.



How could she be so picky, never expected that her Aunt Dina would change her heart...

"Then people don't want a big meal, let's have a mogu fish soup or sea mist rice noodles..."


There was no big meal, so Xiao Annie had to let the other party cook a small stove. Although those portions might not be enough, she could barely handle lunch first, and then she could figure out a way for dinner or something.


Suddenly, the Auntie Dina Mudclaw in front stopped, turned her head and stared curiously at Little Annie.


∑(′△`)? !

"What's the matter? Aunt Dina, why are you looking at people like this?!"



"I don't know why, I always feel that you don't come from the continent of Lordaeron that you said...Couldn't you really be a hunk who has retired hair?"

How could an outsider be so familiar with the food at the Mid-Levels Market?


"I invite you to eat a bowl of sea fog rice noodles, just this time!!!"

and so,

I looked left and right, but I couldn’t see why. I couldn’t remember where the other party had seen it, or whether it was a certain Dina who changed into a hunger, so I sighed and turned. And continue to lead the way.






Two hours later, after eating and drinking enough, Meimeida ate a large bowl of little Annie and touched her belly contentedly, saying that she was very satisfied that she hadn't been able to eat Haimong rice noodles for a long time!

So, satisfied, she looked at the panda people who had been around here within just two hours and heard her tell a lot of stories:

"Tell you guys!"


"People didn't eat you for nothing, they did a lot of good things for you, don't believe me!"


After that, Xiao Annie directly took out a lot of things from her bag and put them on the table. Those were some strange things in glass bottles.

"This is the Sha of Fear, the Sha of Madness, the Sha of Anger, the Sha of Doubt, the Sha of Pang, the Sha of Hatred, the Sha of Pride, and..."



!? (?\'\'??)?

"I accidentally took the wrong ones. These are C'Thun, N'Zoth, and the pesky Yogg-Saron... These guys were caught in other places yesterday, and these are in your Pandaria. Caught, how? They are all caught by me now, am I super powerful?!"


After putting out a lot of small glass jars, and hurriedly putting away a few of them, Xiao Annie proudly showed off.

Yes, in the past two days, Little Annie has driven a certain bronze dragon to catch all the ancient gods, and there is no one left! Although, they haven't provoke themselves in this timeline, but that kind of big monster is quite fun, and she doesn't want them to mess with others here, so she just grabbed them and collected them all. Are pets trying to raise them?

And the bronze dragon Chromie also saw these things, otherwise, that cunning guy would definitely not take her to fly around Azeroth for two full days.

Of course, she didn’t catch all of them. For example, the little evil demon and the polluted part of the earth that were split from the messy big evil demon she didn’t pay attention to them, because they were too many, so just I can leave it to those pandamen to deal with it for now.

‘! ! ’


'really? ’

"It's a realistic model, even the breath feels like..."


‘Little girl, please don’t play with these dangerous toys. This is a kind warning from my grandson. ’

"But they really look like..."

A panda was going to reach out and touch the little evil spirits who were twisting and struggling in the glass jar, but before they could touch him, he shrank back in shock.

‘It’s gone, let’s all go to work, did you water the vegetables today? ’

‘It rained yesterday, don’t you need to water it today? ’

‘Yes! ’

‘Then weeding? ’

'Do not! I'm going to catch the bunny monsters, they are about to overflow. I am very worried about the harvest of witch berries this year, because their roots will be shaved off...’

‘I’m going fishing too, goodbye everyone....’


Finally, contented, the pandas who had already figured out some things from the little girl and the origin of each other began to greet each other a few words and then broke up! Obviously, after watching the excitement, they are now going back to work. After all, they are a group of industrious pandamen, not those lazy honobos who only eat but don't want to work!

"you guys!!"


Unexpectedly, the other party did not believe in herself, so angry that Little Annie put away the ‘pets’ she had caught, and threw them into her space bag.


(● ̄(?) ̄●)

(Of course Tibbers knows why these people don’t believe it, because, just now, those people were farmers, merchants, fishermen, and wine-making bosses, but the wicked little master of his family followed the big things about the safety of the world. They said, where would they know the significance?

They only care about the crops in their fields, the fish in the water, the lees in the tank and the vegetables on the stove...)



Most of the people were scattered all at once, and the rest were old men and children who continued to watch the fun. This did a great thing for the couple, but they were not recognized, and there was no way to mix with them. Little Annie who was drinking was seriously dissatisfied!

But there is no way, people do not want to believe, what can she do?


∑(′△`)? !

"Old fool, what are you doing here, don't you have to go to work?!"


After everyone dispersed and went back to work contentedly, in addition to the few idlers and little kids around her, Xiao Annie also found an old farmer who still seemed to be standing in front of her angrily.


"little girl!"

"I don't care who you are, where you are from, and no matter what you do and how awesome things are, but now, you have to pay for what you do!"

"That is, you must compensate me!!"

When it was finally his turn to speak, the old farmer who had now recovered his senses stood angrily on the table, held the tabletop and said to a little girl who had made a big mistake.

"Compensation, compensation?!"

∑(′△`)? !



Looking at the distant Chromie who was still lying there pretending to be dead and sleeping, and then at the shocking trail behind the opponent, Annie nodded, expressing that she understood what the opponent wanted. Say something.

Therefore, after thinking about it seriously, she generously took out a lot of gold coins directly from her space bag, that is, those Jin Jialongs from Gringotts, and then generously It was shot directly on the table.

"Here! Here you are! These gold coins should be enough for compensation, right?"

(*?︶?*).. .:*??

Queen Anne said that the last thing she lacks is money!

Not to mention the compensation for the damaged farmland and crops of the other party, even if the gold ingot is used to compensate the mud that has been smashed, she has no problem at all! Because, she is the omnipotent Queen Anne, she is the great head of Anne, she has many universes, she is rich, she can use gold ingots and gold coins to hit people willfully! If it is not enough, there is no problem in pulling a pure gold planet!


Looking at the large number of billowing gold coins on the table, the old farmer could not help but open his mouth in a little astonishment. Then, he subconsciously grabbed and turned his head to look at the similarly surprised relatives and friends of the Mid-Levels Fair. After seeing their expressions, he frowned and hesitated for a while, then resolutely pushed them in front of the little girl again.

"No way!"

"I'm sorry, little girl, your gold coins exceed the value of my crops. They are enough to buy my white turnips for a quarter, so I can't accept your compensation plan!"

"You must make another compensation..."

Pandaren farmer Lao Yu hugged his arm, raised his proud chin in the eyes of everyone's approval, and shook his head firmly.

Obviously, the little girl was not satisfied with the compensation plan for his farmland, because he felt that the little girl's money was probably the money of the other's parents, and it was wrong for the other party to use the parents' money to squander and compensate.

You know, their pandamen pay great attention to morality and cultivation. Of course, it is wrong for the little girl and the opponent's mount to destroy his farmland and crops, and she must not be forgiven easily, but if he accepts the opponent's money today, he will accept it. The opponent's gold coins, then it turns out to be his old fool's fault, and his reputation will be ruined after that!

And once his reputation is bad, he will have no place in the Mid-Levels Fair or even in the Valley of the Four Winds. That is the most terrifying and serious thing.



"Can't you give me money? But... I only have gold coins and gold ingots on me now. If you are not satisfied with this compensation plan, what do you want?"


Queen Anne said that she is so poor that she has only gold left. If gold is not good, she really does not know how to satisfy the other party...

Moreover, she remembered that these guys didn’t seem to be like this back then. When she came here, they didn’t mention how much they welcomed her. They gave her free food and drink all day long. For a long time, even though she often troubled the market, they never mentioned anything to compensate.


(● ̄(?) ̄●)

(Tibbers wouldn’t tell its horrible little master that she was popular back then because of her different status! Back then, the opponent was the cute master of the Flame Alliance, and she also openly and publicly solved the problem for the Pandaren Given the problem of Y'Shaarj's survival that has plagued Pandaria for at least tens of thousands of years, the treatment is definitely not comparable to the status of a stranger and ruined farmland. The other party is already very hospitable if she can ask for a meal. )


"My fields and the white turnip crops have been damaged by you. The harvest this season will definitely be seriously affected. Therefore, I think I must change cabbage in the next season to make up for a little loss..."

"Well, do you see the few farmlands west of the foot of the mountain? As compensation, you try to help me turn over those few fields, and I will forgive you! But don't worry, you can take your time. I will give you one week..."

"But you have to pay attention. The land over there has not been turned over for a long time, and there may be some little bunny monsters entrenched. So, how many sticks are you better prepared?"

Yes, mistakes must be corrected, even if the other party is just a little girl named human!

You know, in the Valley of the Four Winds, the eight-year-old panda child can already run around the ground and help with farm work, and there are even those who can carry a hundred kilograms of carrots and run fast. So, in the eyes of Old Yu, giving the other party a week to help turn the ground, shouldn't it be too harsh punishment?

As for the rabbit demon or something, the old farmer Yu didn't take it seriously.

Because, here in the Valley of the Four Winds, their Pandaren kids have never been afraid of those bunny monsters. Any bunny monster who dared to attack a pandaman is basically beaten on the ground with a stick and then taken home with his ears. The delightful end of peeling and deboning and sautéing with wine.



"Turning the floor..."


Glancing in the distance, Queen Anne became a little anxious after seeing the pieces of land. Because she is proficient and good at all guarantees of murder and arson, eating, drinking, and fighting, and fighting. However, she has never done anything about turning the ground, and she really does not know how to turn it. they……

If it is directly burned with fire and directly burned into glass, it should definitely not work, right?



"Hey! Rhubarb! Whatever you look at, people are talking about you!"


Finally, after thinking of a way, Annie unceremoniously pointed to a certain bronze dragon Kromi who was still lying there pretending to be dead and unwilling to get up.

Of course, there is no longer any bronze dragon Kromi. Before she left this world to end her journey of eating, drinking and having fun at the Mid-Levels Bazaar, the other party was her yellowish pet and mount-rhubarb!

"Hurry up, when you have enough sleep, go over there and help the pandaman Lao Yu turn over the farmland. Remember to be careful of the rabbit monsters!!!"


Although her rhubarb is definitely not afraid of those bunny monsters, Queen Anne, who is sympathetic to the mount, still threatened with her fist and kindly ordered such a sentence.

She doesn't know if the other party is afraid of the rabbit demon, she must be afraid...

However, she only knows that the other party must be afraid of her small punches. If the other party is too courageous and dare to **** or be unwilling to go to work, then a meal of'Bamboo Fried Meat' or'Giant Dragon Sanda' The end is definitely inevitable.

‘! ! ’

‘? ? ? ’

Turn, turn the ground? !

After hearing the terrible and difficult little girl’s words and warning the knowing bronze dragon Kromi subconsciously lifted its huge head and turned to look at it. The farmland on the other side of the Mid-Levels Bazaar seems to have been abandoned for a while, and weeds have begun to grow wildly.

Obviously, the other party was referring to those pieces...



Are you kidding me?

The other party really intends to let her, the high-end, elegant and noble bronze guardian dragon, let her, Chromie of the dragon family, go to the field? That little girl, really thought she was what Cromi was, a big scalper who was asked to plow? !

She dare to swear with her majesty to guard the dragon clan, she will never do that kind of thing, absolutely not! So, after making up his mind, Chromie closed his eyes and went straight down. Who is on the farmer’s old Yu’s big field, preparing to sleep for a few days, or the kind that can’t wake up no matter what. It's useless, even if she is scalded with boiling water! !


(● ̄(?) ̄●)

(At this time, a certain bear Tibbers sighed a fluke...because he knew that if it hadn’t had that hapless bronze dragon, Cromi, who could let some bad little master arbitrarily use it, Now, that important task of turning over the fields, I am afraid that it will definitely fall on its uncle Tibbers Bear.)


?(?)?? Ask for a ticket?? (ˉ﹃ˉ?)

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