Shadow Bear Tibbers’ Plane Journey

Chapter 995: ?(?·??·??) Hi~! Hello everyone...

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When the upheaval and turbulence between the day and the earth stopped, just before the cataclysm, they were still talking to Uther Lightbringer, Alexandros Mograine, and Dathohan and other Paladins. Varian, the death knight we are fighting, quickly becomes angry!


That damn, I don’t know why the black dragon that suddenly went mad destroyed at least half of his undead army, and also shocked and burned his undead army, and even destroyed his Naxxar At the same time that Mas was floating in the fortress, it turned Lordaeron into an easy-to-defend and difficult-to-attack lake city. The kind of thing that made him almost fall short and had a huge gap between front and back, how could he not be angry?

Originally, he thought he would be able to destroy Lordaeron in one blast today, and then attack Dalaran, completely ruining all the resistance forces on this Lordan Road continent, but now, he has suffered a huge loss, in those dragons After running and blending in, things seem to be not so easy.

Therefore, after the Lich King gave the order to retreat temporarily, he felt that before he left, he should be able to give the Paladins and the remaining Alliance soldiers who were stranded in this piece of isolated outside the city of Lordaeron. Kill them all first and turn them into death knights under your command?


"You all have to die!!"

The Lich King Varian roared, holding the magic sword of Frostmourne that envelops the icy breath of death, brazenly rushed forward, and shot Uther down with a single sword. Then he was not in a hurry. Going to harvest the opponent’s life and move on, only two swords smashed the paladin who came to challenge him on foot with the pesky Ashbringer, and continued to charge all the way, smashing and flying a group of opposing holies. After the knight, he roared and rushed towards the mages behind who had been making trouble!

Those paladins behind naturally have his subordinates to delay or harvest, because now, he is going to kill the Dalaran mages who are trying to open the teleporters to withdraw the Lordaeron army that are stranded here! Those dragons seemed to be ready to recover and attack them, so before that, he had to move faster.


‘No! He rushed over!’

Several Dalaran archmages who were planning to lead a portal to Lordaeron not far away were caught off guard, and could only watch the death knight knock over and overthrow a lot of Paladins. At the same time as the soldiers, they rushed towards their guiding magic circle with a terrifying aura and violent death ice cold energy.

"Stop him... uh~!"

‘? ? ’

‘Quick! Evacuate first!!’

Except for a small amount of timely response, the active interruption of the guided spell and the flashing away at the first time, many archmages just had time to release their shields and were cut in half with their shields...


'what? !’

Hermione, who had just teleported down to help the Paladins and cast a spell against the undead in the safe rear, had just come to delay the rushing hatred and let the elite Lordaeron infantry successfully kill. The other side saw the death knight eagerly saw the death knight charging from a distance as if entering no man’s land, and with two or two swords, the formation of the archmages was chopped up and down. The portal that was about to open had to be closed again and collapsed, turning into a shock wave that exploded around.


Fire of Fracture!

Therefore, without even thinking about it, seeing the other party rushing towards her again, in order to protect the other group of Dalaran masters behind her who guided portal spells, she had to resolutely use the magic book she was holding. , And slammed the last two remaining'fragmented fires' towards each other, preparing to stop the terrible charging momentum of the other party and fighting for the Lord Uther and others who had to come on foot. time.


"Go away! Scum!!"

Seeing that the little witch who was weak in strength and whose power fluctuations were not worth mentioning dared to do it to herself, Death Knight Varian shot the fireball with a single sword, and then rushed to a certain place without him at all. In front of the little witch who was looking at her, she raised the sword in her hand and planned to chop off the opponent's head with a fierce sword, and then broke through the portals of the archmages behind the opponent.

Today, even if their undead had to retreat in the end, everyone here, including the Paladins, don't even want to leave alive!!


Over, over?

She never thought that the other party was so fierce that even the unfavorable shattering fire could slap Hermione with one sword. At this time, she had no time to do anything, her head was blank, and she had no time to think about anything. I could only watch that terrifying magic sword that was getting closer and closer was slashed towards my neck!

With a terrible attack of that level, such a powerful enemy, she has no time to respond in any form.

Therefore, her fate seems to have been decided...





‘? ? ’



However, what surprised everyone was:

At that critical moment, a little girl did not know when she suddenly appeared in front of Countess Hermione. Then, while the other party was holding a roasted thigh of unknown animal in one hand, the other The little oily hand, which looked like a greasy hand, unexpectedly stretched out a finger to easily block the terrible magic sword Frostmourne, and at the same time let the death knight tumble and fall down from the horse without any movement. Made a ball, dragged a long track to a dozen yards away before stopping?

"Really, it's useless how spicy you guys are, even that black dragon has helped you so much, can you still not win even if it's all like this?!"


Yes, the person here is the Queen Anne who was supposed to study the true meaning of food with the super fun panda people at the Mid-Levels Market in the Valley of the Four Winds and eat and sleep together!

Then, I suddenly felt that a certain useless Miss Hermione was about to be hacked to death by others, and that her magic book that she had obtained before the demi-god power was completely too late to rescue, there was no way. , She had to reluctantly teleported it in an instant, and blocked the broken sword called Frostmourne with a greasy finger.

At the same time, she was also a little dissatisfied with the people in this world League of Lordaeron...

Because, she helped them so much in secret, she took away all the ancient gods, and the Burning Legion, and indirectly brought the guardian dragon, but in the end, they still messed up. , Can't even beat a Scourge?


"Yes... You are Professor Anne?!"

For a long time, when the death knight slowly stood up from the ground but still looked at this side with Frostmourne in the distance, with a rich expression on his face hesitated, not knowing whether he should continue to attack or retreat. , Hermione finally recognized who the little girl in front of her was.

"I thought I didn't need to come here, but how can I think that you are so useless, not only did you not hide well, but you almost got hacked to death?"


She sighed helplessly. Although Annie felt that it didn’t matter if the other party was dead, she finally thought about it for a ten thousandth of a second and decided to come here reluctantly and save something. The stupid guy who disappointed her? "


‘Release the hatred!!’

At this point, I don’t know how I was blocked by the weird little girl with a finger, but I don’t even think that the opponent is a powerful death knight with powerful or mana. Shang was also hesitant to control his Lich King, directly released the endless Lordaeron souls harvested by Frostmourne, and turned them into his mighty power. Charge at the little girl in front!

?Death Ice Storm?

Before the paladins from behind arrived, a long sword entwined with death and icy power once again turned into a mighty half-moon shadow, with the power that could smash the earth with one sword. , Slashed at the little girl again...

"People are eating, but there is no time to play with you!!"


It was Hermione. If she changed her person, she wouldn’t want to come to Lordaeron at all. At most, she would wait for the other person to die before she helped resurrect her and brought it to Hogwarts. So, her own barbecue feast. Little Annie, who had just eaten half of it, had no time to chat with the other party. She also opened her little greasy palm while the other party was hacking towards her.

"Turn to ashes..."

?? Incineration?

The Paladins who came, such as Uther, Dathrohan, Mograine, and the surrounding Dalaran Archmage with a hint of shock in the panic, and some interested people further away, such as certain Under the gazes of the guardians and the dragon kings who were guarding the dragon, they only saw a fierce dark red flame gushing out of the little girl’s palm. Before the death knight was about to cut her, they slammed The other party swept in...

However, many archmages could see that the opponent seemed to have deliberately controlled the spread of the flame, so that it did not harm the Uther Paladin and the others who were charging behind, and only included the death knight.



Soon, many archmages and Kancan rushed to the front and the Paladin generals who came to an emergency stop were very shocked: After the flames dissipated, they thought that they would not be affected by that degree. The death knight Varian, who was injured by the fire spell, turned red at this time, like charred charcoal, maintaining a strange attacking posture and stiffening in front of the little girl?

And the demon sword Frostmourne in his hand, the terrifying weapon that at least harvested the souls of millions of people in Lordaeron, was burned to the ground before it hit the little girl, even At this time, together with the sword hilt, it was melting and falling to the ground bit by bit, burning the earth that was contaminated by the undead plague to the pitch black?

‘Holy Light, what is that? !’

"That little girl..."

'This is impossible!'

'No way? ’

‘That’s Frostmourne...’


No one wants to believe that fact. At this time, whether it is from the Alliance of Lordaeron or the undead, they all stopped the fight and looked over here in a daze.

Then soon, whether it was standing on the ground, crawling, or flying in the sky, they only saw that when the molten iron melted by Frostmourne dropped to the ground and formed a pool of useless red iron **** , That was also burnt red along with the armor, and only one human death knight Varian was left. He finally lost his balance and fell directly to the ground, just like broken porcelain, falling to pieces. A bunch of red charcoal...


Unsurprisingly, Frostmourne, the terrifying magic sword that harvested millions of lives in Lordaeron, was burned.

The death knight Varian was also burned to charcoal at the same time, and the poor and abominable King of Stormwind was finally freed from the slavery of the undead...

But what people don’t know is that almost at the moment when Frostmourne and the Lich King Varian were purified, a huge block of ice on a certain throne in Northrend also burst instantly, causing that hideousness. His armor and a certain crown also exploded directly with the ice cubes at the same time, and their fragments splashed out, splashed on the platform under the throne and spilled on the ground...



The undead army stopped almost instantaneously, but they did not die. Instead, they looked back around in a daze. It seemed that something had returned to them?

‘Damn it!’

‘That idiot, let him do it!!’

Although I don’t know why the most powerful death inexplicably died in the hands of the little girl who seemed harmless to humans and animals, but the power from the Lich King in my body disappeared in vain, the kind of powerlessness after losing his power. Seeing that the dark lord Tom Riddle was coming, he turned around and planned to apparate and leave with the little magic power left in his body.


'you? !’

However, at this time, he was also a little panicked. Anub'arak, who had lost the control of the Lich King, slammed forward. A pliers smashed the body of a certain Dark King whose strength was in vain and became extremely weak. The scar head was swallowed!

after that,

It didn’t care about more, so it slammed into the ground, and soon disappeared, leaving only the huge cave entrance full of loose soil and fell into a daze on the ground. The undead who lost control in the chaos.

Immediately afterwards, although I don’t know what happened, after the Lich King’s control and connection were completely cut off, the cave demons of the ancient spider empire who had been dead for a long time and were transformed into undead for a long time and also had parts of their lives. Remembering and consciously, the frost dragons also turned their heads and ran away. No one wants to restrain the remaining undead and fight against the people of Lordaeron at this time!

Because this is not their homeland, they will not stay here to fight against the powerful living people after they have regained their ‘self’ and are no longer controlled, because that is meaningless to them!


‘We won? ’


‘Wait! What about that little girl, why is she missing? ’


"Strange, she was here just now..."

'do not know……'

‘Are we really victorious? !’

"Is the holy light pitying us..."


This is indeed a victory. Although many people don’t know what this is all about, the soldiers and paladins near a certain place saw the undead who were chaotic or fleeing, they Rodin After paying a painful price for the Lun League, it is now finally considered a victory!


No one cheered at this moment. They just looked at them at a loss, or wandering in a distance, or kneeling down in pain like "cry", or reaching out their hands to make gestures at them. Fresh zombie undead.


As night fell, when the chaotic undead finally recovered their composure, when certain powerful ones, who were the "senior generals" of the Kingdom of Lordaeron or the Alliance, when the death knights and necromancers came to follow the alive However, after the Paladin Uther, General Marshal Garithus, Antonidas of Dalaran, and some high-level people met and explained some facts, the two sides quickly reached some consensus.

As a result, the hundreds of thousands of chaotic undead army that was left before the city of Lordaeron seemed to be reorganized again soon, and they quickly withdrew their opposition to Lordaeron and Darren in the dark. The encirclement of Laran, far away from the land of Lordamere Lake, which was not yet polluted by the undead plague.

after that,

After Elune's moonlight began to illuminate the Tirisfal Glades of Lordaeron, the three dragon kings of different colors finally found their target in a cracked earth crack.


"What are you?"

The red dragon queen Alexstrasza and his sister Ysera and Malygos the weaver slowly landed on a huge black dragon that was lying in a land of magma and ashes. Around.

Looking at the other party’s cracked body, watching the black dragons with flames and heat constantly flowing from the gaps in their wounds and scales, the expressions of the three of them were a little bit astonished, and their hearts were mixed, for a moment. I didn’t know what to say.


"You are really back to normal, are you? My brother, Nesario?"

Seeing the other party's miserable situation, and thinking about everything the other party had done before, the green dragon Ysera, who was a little unbearable in her heart, hesitated for a while, then asked softly.

Although she was able to guess a little after hearing the words of the little female dragon before, she still wanted to hear the other person in person for some things. Only then could she decide what to choose. Do it.


"Ysera, you should feel the clearest in the Emerald Dream, right?"

After watching the three brothers and sisters flying down around him, Neltharion, the black dragon king, spoke weakly.

Although, not seeing Nozdormu makes him a bit regretful, but thinking about the brother who can swim in the long river of time and see everything, he is soon relieved.


The green dragon Ysera was silent, and the huge green head with a crescent moon hung down slightly, as if she was thinking about something seriously.


"Sorry, Malygos, and Alexstrasza... Actually, I really don't want to apologize to you guys, because I know that there is no point in doing that, and you must hate me..."


"Well, don't ask you to forgive me..."

Nesario, who had originally wanted to say something, suddenly sighed in self-deprecation at the end, then stopped. Then, struggling to get up and change to a better posture, after working hard for a while and found that he couldn't do it at all, he could only give up in despair.

Because there was not much power left in his body, and of course his vitality was included, he was just holding on to the last breath.


At this moment, the expression on the huge dragon face of Maurigo, the king of blue dragons and the weaver, changed.

However, he didn't even say anything...

Because, from the black dragon in front of him, he ignored their first wave of fierce attacks, and he had to brazenly attack the undead and desperately destroyed the floating fortress Naxxramas. In the end, he even used almost all of it. He was already aware of certain things when he was going to tear the earth and deal a heavy blow to the undead.

Just think about what the other person has done before, and then think about what the other person is doing now. After comparing the two, he still can't easily forgive the other person, so he can only stay aside. Staring at each other with hatred and some complicated eyes, said nothing.


"Ysera, my sister, can you help me, let's try to treat him together?"

If you say you don’t hate Nesario at all, it’s absolutely impossible! However, the life-binder Alexstrasza, who has been thinking about it, hesitated for a while, and looked at the silent weave. After that, he finally planned to save Nesario to the opponent first.

She felt that she could sort out some things slowly afterwards, but now, in any case, she can’t just sit and watch the other person fall in front of her, even before being invited to come here, she has thought about countless ways to kill the other person. Methods?

"Do not……"

However, what Alexstrasza didn't expect was that before Ysera agreed and cooperated with her actions, Nesario herself rejected her kindness first?

"It's useless……"

"The power of the dragon's soul and the corrosion of the ancient gods, the painful torture of nearly ten thousand years, has almost completely destroyed my body..."

"I have already handed over most of the power of the guardian of the earth before... my daughter is about to become the new king of the black dragon. You don't have to waste your power on me..."

After a pause, it was precisely because he knew that he would not live long and was unwilling to continue to endure the endless torture, he brazenly sacrificed his life to attack the undead and prepared to end it all.

Moreover, it is not only because of his guilt, but also because that is his own unshirkable duty given by the Titans! Because he is Neltharion, he is Deathwing, and he is the guardian of the earth appointed by the Titans So, he will never allow the undead to continue to spread the plague on the earth and pollute the world guarded by him Nesario!

Although, not long ago, he even deliberately wanted to destroy everything, wanted to destroy all living beings?

"My brothers and sisters..."


"I'm tired..."

"I...want to rest..."


Finally, when it comes to this, Nesario, the wings of death that has been exhausted, its huge eyes and the flames and energy in its body are finally extinguished, and the entire huge body is gradually becoming It gets dim...

The king of the black dragon, the guardian of the earth, and Deathwing Neltharion fell. It died outside Lordaeron, in this terrifying'Blackwing Scar' in Tirisfal Glades. Go, and at this moment, beside him, there are only three dragon kings who are guarding the dragon silently, not knowing what they are thinking.



The second event of the Hogwarts Triwizard Tournament has been successfully concluded. Seeing that June 24 is about to arrive, the Warriors were once again gathered together in this empty classroom with no other students. , And prepare to conduct necessary discussions and other related work on the final project.

For example: the inspection and maintenance of each person's wand, some advance instructions for the third item, and physical and mental inspections, etc.?

after all,

The second event of the Triwizard Tournament really scared a lot of people, both inside and outside of Hogwarts! Even the Ministry of Magic almost had to announce the suspension and ban it again The Triwizard Tournament! If it weren't because the Goblet of Fire contract still exists and there is no way to get in touch with it, and there are no real dead people in the first two events, I'm afraid it has really been forced to interrupt.

Therefore, at this time, the warriors from three European magic schools were able to be gathered here again by professors.

"Harry, Fleur, Krum..."

"Let’s tell you, until now, I still feel dizzy, everything is really like a dream, it’s really too real! You say... the Kingdom of Lordaeron, the Azeroth Are they really just illusions in the world?"

Knowingly and intelligently, Hermione Granger deliberately asked her companions so quietly at this time. She learned everything shortly after the victory in the Battle of Lordaeron, and after she came out she successfully saw herself again. These three companions, especially Harry, were so happy at the time.

So, now I don’t know what it was for, she deliberately came up with the topic she has never been willing to discuss.

"I'm sorry, I don't know."

"I asked you Professor Anne at Hogwarts, but she didn't admit it. Maybe it was really just a fantasy, but..."

Having said that, Krum shook his head regretfully and replied in an uncertain tone.

At this moment, everyone can see the grievances on his face, because ah, he Krum is the one who died the earliest. It seems that he was killed in the blink of an eye before he was satisfied. The resurrected undead pierced the chest with a sword and then came out directly.

"But I don't think it looks like a fake..."

Furong said excitedly, she really gained a lot from the second one.

"Hermione, you may not know that after that period of fierce fighting inside, I can defeat all my classmates!"

She did compete with the classmates of their Boothbarton School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, that is, the representatives who came to Hogwarts together.

In a one-on-one situation, no one will be her opponent!

Even if it’s one-to-many, or she practiced battles with Mrs. Maxim in person, she can beat the opponent once or twice in three without using deadly means, so Fleur always felt that if she wanted to go To be an Auror, just the ability to cast spells and reflexes, etc., must be qualified!

Of course, Fleur didn't want to be an Auror, because it was Harry's dream to be an Auror, but it was not hers.

"Huh? That's pretty good..."

Hermione touched her nose with some embarrassment, so she wouldn't tell the companions in front of her that she even had the courage to face Professor Dumbledore now?

Because, in the kingdom of Lordaeron, during the days when she died fighting on the continent of Lordaeron, the number of various undead and necromancers killed by her personally or indirectly had reached a very exaggerated and terrifying Numbers, her combat experience is really very rich!

Even, she felt that if she was summoning the magic book that Professor Anne gave her, she might not even put Dumbledore in her eyes?

It's just that she just thinks about that kind of thing, she hasn't tried it, and doesn't want to try it...

Because, after experiencing too many things and the experience between life and death, the current Hermione, her character has grown to a very high level, so she will always hide some things in her heart!

For example, what Professor Anne told her, such as what she knew, the world they went to was a real timeline, a real world? Another example is the magic knowledge she learned from the library of Lordaeron's royal family and Dalaran. Anyway, she would definitely not talk to outsiders easily.


After the victory in the Battle of Lordaeron, Hermione, the court mage of the Lordaeron royal family and the countess, remained in that world for nearly half a year, until her sister, Queen Galia, had a big belly. They got up, and they returned to the Hogwarts castle again after her Professor Anne was tired of eating the food in a continent called Pandaria.

And the gains during that period were extremely helpful to her, and she would not easily tell outsiders.

"Maybe Krum is right, that world is really a real illusion?"

Hermione thought for a while, then smiled and agreed.

Because, she wouldn’t tell outsiders: Even the Guardian Medivh who didn’t know whether he was guilty or had other ideas, the other party had taught her a lot of things! Even if it wasn’t for her, Hermione Gu If Ranjie still wants to return to her own world, that old wizard seems to want to train her into a new guardian?

But Hermione didn't take the other party's words seriously. She had always just treated the other party's remarks as a joke, and at the same time used her ingenuity to maximize or memorize the knowledge that the other party was willing to teach.

Moreover, she would never tell her companions that in her embroidered deep-sea bag disguised as a watch by Transfiguration, there was a piece of Professor Anne secretly stuffing her, a very amazing treasure, it’s The name is - Hearthstone!

So in the future, as long as she wants, she can return to the world of Lordaeron at any time!

However, Hermione definitely didn't want to go back in a short time, because that world was too dangerous...

So far, the affairs of the undead have not been resolved. They split into three parts at this time. One part did not want to be enemies of Lordaeron and went straight back to Northrend; the other part kept the memory of the undead. It is far from the King City of Lordaeron and retracted to the vicinity of Stratholme in the Western Plaguelands, and the rest are still wandering around, forming gangs, and they will frantically attack everything they see. Thing!

So, she is really unwilling now, and she doesn’t want to fight for life anymore. She just wants to have a good rest in the safe and comfortable Hogwarts Castle or her home, and wait until she finds it suitable or Go back when you miss her friends?

For example, a certain sister Jaina who has taken refuge in Kalimdor across the oceans, and the one who is said to have been directly infused with the essence of life by Deathwing into her stomach, so that she is pregnant with the seed of life of the Black Dragon King. Sister Leah?

When she returns to Lordaeron next time, I'm afraid there should be some kid who can call her Hermione to be an aunt, right?


"I always think that the world shouldn't be an illusion..."

"You may never imagine what a terrible feeling I would have when Voldemort and the Lich King squeeze into my body and seal my soul in the depths of my body!"

"I almost went crazy then! Really!!"

Harry said excitedly, but Fleur on the side suddenly smiled and stretched out his hand and pressed the back of his hand. It finally calmed him down and felt that all the torture he had suffered at the time was gotten. The return does not seem to be totally unacceptable?

"Don't worry, Furong, I'm fine, really!"

"I'm not Voldemort, not the Tom Riddle, he just wanted to kill me and make a Horcrux when I was born, and then died accidentally, a piece of soul clinging to the scar on my forehead! Those things I All know, from his memory..."

"But now he is really dead and will never come back. He died in that environment. Both Professor Anne and Professor Dumbledore can testify!"

Harry explained in a flustered manner, although it was not the first time he had said this.

In this competition, he not only received training and gained a powerful combat experience that is enough to match any ordinary wizard, but also secretly gained some knowledge of a certain Lich King and the Dark Lord! Of course, he is sure of that kind of thing Those who dare not tell anyone casually, including Professor Dumbledore, including those officials from the Ministry of Magic who came to investigate him, including his girlfriend Fleur and his friend Hermione next to him!

You know, the terrible torture he suffered at that time was not just to torment his soul... and the only thing he regrets now is that he didn't get from that kind of soul earlier. I quickly calmed down from the pain, and learned as much as possible from the connection between Voldemort's soul and the Lich King?


"Stop talking about that person's name. You are still being watched now. Look over there!?"

Without waiting for Harry to continue, Hermione interrupted the other party with a bit of laughter and tears, and motioned to the other side to look towards the door of this classroom. There, several Aurors from the Ministry of Magic were staring at them with frowning, or exactly staring at Harry?

So, she thought Harry had better be honest...

But thinking about it now, in fact, she also thinks that the name is nothing to be afraid of. Voldemort or the Dark Lord is like that. It is completely incomparable compared to the powerful existences she has seen! But, Hermione Think that Harry, who is still the focus of attention and is said to have caused sensational news in this world for many days, should he be a little more honest?


"Maybe Hermione is right, I won't say that name, but I don't worry about them."

After turning his head and looking at the other Aurors who had been silently following his Auror even in school, Harry sighed helplessly and shrugged his shoulders.

If it was before, he must be terribly scared, and would definitely go to Professor Dumbledore for help or fight for reasons, but now...

He felt that those Aurors shouldn't be enough to fight on his own. He had the confidence to bring them down in a few rounds, even without a deadly spell, because he had this confidence!

You know, in Lordaeron’s days, he killed a lot of undead or other evil creatures, no matter how many, there are thousands of them. Make sure to use his hands and feet cleanly and neatly. Voldemort can be as powerful as him, and kill him. Have there been so many undead?

As for the Aurors, let alone, he has ways to get rid of or counter them, but he doesn't want to do that.



Hermione knew that Harry was actually expressing the kind of swelling that he brought to him after gaining a strong ‘power’, as if she did not take Voldemort’s things to heart at all? It's just that she doesn't seem to be able to say more about each other.

Unlike Harry, he has seen the Archmage of the Kentori Council, the Lord Antonidas, the dragon kings, the death knight Varian and the powerful Deathwing Lord Prestor, etc. After being a big man, especially after seeing them, Professor Anne’s horrifying means of waving the death knight and the undead like nothing, she would not have that kind of even a little bit. Of pride and complacency.

Their Professor Anne is so strong, even the Archmage and Dragon Kings of the Kentori Council are so jealous when they talk about each other, but the other party is usually so humble and harmless, just so ordinary. Looks like a little girl, think about her little achievement that Hermione herself has achieved, what can she be comfortable with?


"Ah! I almost forgot!"

At this time, Fleur suddenly exclaimed, and then hurriedly pulled Harry's cuff before saying solemnly to Harry:

"Dear Harry!"

"I think you have to find a chance to apologize to Professor Anne. You may not know that Professor Anne was very angry at your words at the time!"

Fleur spoke firmly to Harry, and looked at Hermione and Krum, who wanted their support.


Krum nodded indifferently.

However, it may be that he'dead' too early, so that he could not have more adventures with his companions in Lordaeron. At this time, he has always appeared a little sad, not only too He's gregarious and doesn't seem to be able to afford the next game?

"This one……"

"Don't worry, Harry, Professor Anne won't be so stingy. If you don't mention this, maybe she forgot it herself?"

Seeing Hart looking at herself with that innocent expression, thinking about what happened at the time, and hearing a little about Professor Anne’s reaction at the time, Hermione also scratched her head, because she thought it was just a misunderstanding. Professor Anne was sure It will not be so stingy.


Thinking about the fact that a certain little girl came back these few days to catch and punish a certain Pepy, and the nickname "Scarhead Little Four Eyes" spread in school, Hermione hesitated for a while. After finally feeling that a certain little girl really seemed to be a very careful guy, she quickly changed her tone:

"But Harry, if you can, I still hope you can find a chance to apologize to her?"

The powerful and extremely careful little girl who provokes them is not a good idea, so Hermione feels that if Harry doesn’t want to be eaten by someone like a Peppy, and have nothing to do. If your little girl is thinking about it all day, it's best to do what she and Furong say?

Anyway, it's just a humbly apology, and there will be no actual loss. As long as you are sincere, I believe Professor Anne will forgive Harry generously by then.


"Then listen to you, I will go, and when I meet her next time I will definitely go and apologize, so you should rest assured, right?

Although I was still a bit uneasy in my heart, but seeing Hermione, Krum and his beautiful cheap girlfriend Fleur all say that, Harry struggled for a long time, thinking that he really said something should not be said. In the end, he had to bite the bullet and agreed.


"Dear warriors, are you finished talking?"

At this time, Professor Dumbledore suddenly brought in Mrs. Maxim and President Karkaroff and officials from the Ministry of Magic’s International Exchange and Cooperation Department, as well as Mr. Bagman and others, and walked in next to the four warriors. .



'of course!'

‘Professor Dumbledore, what do you want? ’

Seeing the principal, professors and officials of the Ministry of Magic all coming in, Hermione, Harry, Fleur, and Krum had no choice but to stop the topic of the four of them, and immediately stood up from their respective chairs. , And then looked at these people coming in with puzzled eyes.

"Oh! Relax, children, there is actually nothing big..."

"That's it. Tomorrow is June 24th. As you know, the last event of the Triwizard Tournament will be held tomorrow... But you can rest assured that that event will not be too long. I think, at the latest Tomorrow afternoon, the final winner will be selected among you..."

After speaking, Dumbledore looked at the four brave warriors in front of him.

So far, the first place is undoubtedly the classmate Hermione Granger who'lived' to the end in the second project!

And the second place is Fleur Delacour from Boothbarton School of Witchcraft and Wizardry!

As for Krum, who died early, and Harry Potter, who got a super low score for some reason, they tied for third together...

So Dumbledore felt that if there were no surprises this time, the final winner of this Triwizard Tournament must be Miss Granger from their Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. , It must be that smart girl who won the final winner trophy, there is no doubt about it!


"So, warriors, our Mr. Ollivander will have a final examination of your wands! Of course, the senior therapist of St. Mungo will also have a final physical examination of your respective bodies..."

"Now, please come here, and reluctantly cooperate?"

Dumbledore looked at Harry, who was a little worried. Obviously, time was confined. He didn't know what happened. He only knew that Professor Anne intervened in advance and caused the second project to'end'. He always felt that , It seems really necessary to check Harry more seriously?

Although, a certain little girl has promised that all problems are solved, and little Tom’s soul has also been dealt with by others, and she did not come back with it...


Dumbledore certainly did not dare to be too relieved, and the officials of the Ministry of Magic would not be relieved. The Daily Prophet was even more provocative. Therefore, they had better be cautious and safer, in case Little Tom still has If other souls stayed inside Harry's body, it would be really too bad.

Of course, it is even worse: there is another thing he hasn't been able to investigate clearly, that is, how many "horcruxes" does Tom have? However, before that, the most important thing is to check Harry again and make sure it is correct.


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