Shadow Bear Tibbers’ Plane Journey

Chapter 1007: (?>д<)????? Team battle...

'fast! ’

‘You lock this side down too...’

The agents of the Bear Shield set up a cordon in this area inside the zoo, and are busy working on the periphery of the area. The agents did not know that they got rows of pulleys from there. There are lattice-like steel fences that are nearly two meters high, and they are connected end to end to form a large circle of "walls" on the periphery, enclosing the area blocked by them without dead ends and beginning to connect On those high-voltage wires.

Undoubtedly, they had already taken a risk this time in order to deal with a cunning Yordle. Even this kind of "electric wall" that can quickly arrange splicing and electrification can effectively prevent small animals from crossing and escaping. Transported here and spliced ​​together.


"Are we really staying here and not planning to do anything?"

Barbara Morse, a senior agent of the Bear Shield and also a master of physical skills, spoke up.

Because she saw the commander Jim Reynold in CMC armor who just walked in from the encirclement they arranged, Ms. Whiteman, the Archbishop of the Bright Church in the priest’s robe, and the Saint who was wearing plate armor and carrying the embers. The knights, plus the incredible little girl of the high-level mage from their Bear Shield, saw that so many powerful characters went out to catch the Yordle in person, and saw how many avengers were so excited this time. A powerhouse of the level, while she was a little bit ashamed, she also asked Coulson a little eagerly.

Thinking about it carefully, Barbara felt that in fact, with their ordinary agents of the Bear Shield, it should be almost barely able to deal with that guy, because the other party seems to be very cunning, can run away and become invisible, it seems that there is nothing. It's amazing, isn't it more difficult to deal with than the powerful mutants or aliens they encountered before?


If the Yordle, the guy who looks like a mouse person, doesn’t hide, run, don’t use poison, and don’t throw those **** magic mushrooms everywhere, she’s Barbara Morse. One hundred sure can clean up the opponent in threes or twos! You know, she is not a joke, she can knock her feet on the ground with her feet.

"Yes! We don't have to do anything!"

"Our task now is to stay on the outside and we must not let that cunning mouse escape from the zoo again!"

Think about the fact that two days ago, when they were chasing each other for the third time, they were passed by the White House and then planted a magic mushroom on the fence of the White House. Coleson still has a lingering heart!

Fortunately, the mushroom was discovered in time and eliminated by the explosion. The other party did not have the idea of ​​going directly to the White House. Otherwise, the situation is really bad now...


"Go! Let them connect the surrounding power grids to high-voltage electricity. This time, we must never let it run again!!"

at last,

After seeing the three menacing guys brought by Anne and Anne walk into this zoo and start a search, Coleson hurriedly asked Barbara to order that they had just been in a very short time. The grid-shaped “grid” installed inside is energized.

After a while, they and these agents just guarded the outside, saying that nothing would allow the cunning Yordle to escape from the palm of their Bear Shield and slip out and continue to make trouble in the city!

"Yes! Chief Coleson!"

Nodding helplessly, Barbara Morse had no choice but to run towards the special construction vehicle that was not far away with several thick wires connected to it, and some of which were connected to the grid guardrails that were as high as one person.



Before long, with the flickering of electric sparks, the power grid that was set up by the agents of the Bear Shield was finally successfully connected to electricity. At this time, a cunning mouse man, that is, the Yordel, It has been strictly sealed off in this area of ​​this zoo, and it must be impossible to escape.


"The high-voltage pulse generator'electronic fence' has been energized!"

Before long, the senior agent Barbara ran next to their chief Coleson and reported loudly.


"Tell all the agents to step back five meters and stare at the electric wall! We just need to stare today, don't let it run out, and don't let it destroy the electric wall!"

Although, that cunning and insignificant Yodel is really difficult to catch, but Coleson said that if you just trap the opponent and restrict the opponent's activity area to this area, it will still be difficult. his.

Now, all they have to do is to guard against it and prevent the opponent from damaging the power grid and then fleeing. In fact, if it weren’t because of the rush of time, they could even set up a reversible internal plasma shield generator in this zoo, and then directly trap the other party alive?

However, it is a pity that now that the Bear Shield is unable to communicate freely with the Kepru District to transmit and transport supplies, his report that Coleson’s foolproof guarantee is rejected by the director, because, with the technology of the Bear Shield, currently It is not possible to directly manufacture such a large internal shield generator, and that kind of thing is too troublesome to arrange, and it is too easy to be destroyed by the other party. It is far less simple and affordable than the current grid wall.


Boom! Boom!

In the park, in a deep pit area with giraffes closed, Jim Reynolds wearing heavy CMC armor looked at the big guy inside who saw their arrival still standing leisurely with his tail waving. He turned around and looked at his companions, especially their head of state.

"Your Excellency, how do we find it now?"

"We've all seen its image. The Yordle is so small and invisible. The thermal imaging of the Bear Shield satellite above us seems to be unable to find it..."

After operating on the holographic panel in his hood for a while, he found that neither the satellite nor the individual scanning equipment he carried could not find the cunning yodel who could hide with magic. Asked a little girl who seemed to have some idea.

"Of course they have a way!"


"Here! Here you are! This is a magical true vision guard made by others. It can detect invisible units and find any invisible target with an effective radius of 50 meters. You only need to find it slowly. Plug it into the key points in the enclosed park, and then don't leave a dead end, it must be impossible to hide!"


After speaking, Little Annie inserted one directly under her feet, and then the eye-like thing above it began to be activated, and while emitting waves of red magic ripples around it, it returned As if alive, blinking that big eye constantly and spinning around to observe?

But unfortunately, there seemed to be nothing within 50 meters of them, so they glanced around and found nothing.

However, it's not that they didn't find anything, because they saw: On the way they were traveling in front, there seemed to be a green mushroom with some purple poisonous spots?

"So it's like this..."

"But, what about the houses and green plants in the zoo? They seem to block the sight of the true guard..."

Everyone nodded. Since there is a way to find the invisible Yordle, things are much easier. But soon, Sally Whitemane asked her own question again, because what she saw, even if it was the enemy hiding in the house or in the grass under the real-view guard, it seemed that they could not successfully watch it. To?



"Blow them flat or burn them!!"


Anyway, the Bear Shield is rich and can afford to lose it. Even if the zoo is completely flattened, it doesn't matter, it will be handled by Uncle Coleson later.


"Look at mine!!"


It seems that the small houses in the zoo are obstructing the view? Therefore, the commander Jim Reynolds directly loaded his weapon, and then pointed the grenade generator mounted under the C-20 electromagnetic spike rifle at the distant place that seemed to be stored by the zookeeper. Little house, then, a grenade was ejected directly.

Boom~! !

After a blast of smoke and fire, the small house was blown flat in an instant, and then rubble and dust splashed everywhere, and many of them smashed towards them. ...


"Okay! Don't look at me like this, I won't do that again, I'll just demolish the house by hand later..."

Discovering that the Ashbringer Renault Mograine, who had blocked the splashing masonry for his sister Sally, was glaring at him angrily, Jim Renault smiled wryly, then grabbed a pile of real guards and turned towards him. Walked forward.

"Anyway, there is only one enemy, shall we act separately?"

"I'm going to get off the road alone!"

I asked, and regardless of whether my companions said yes or not, I felt that this many-to-one capture operation was not difficult, and the periphery was surrounded by many Bear Shield agents, and there was also Jim who was blocked by the electric wall. He walked forward carelessly.

If it weren't for the purpose of capturing each other alive, they could call the Viking fighters of the Bear Shield, and then they would be finished with the Lanzel flying thunder. Why would it be so troublesome?

"Master Moe!"

"I go on the road with Sally, are you in the middle to support?"

Seeing that Jim Reynolds took the lead to leave, Reynolds Mograine was not far behind, and directly grabbed a handful of True Vision Guards, and then walked up the road with his sister.

He felt that the blocked area was not very large, and it would be almost done with dozens of eyes. It shouldn't waste too much time. I believe they can complete the task and return to that time and space soon. Go to the hub of the face, and then prepare for the next slightly challenging task.

"Okay! Then I'll go to the middle road!"


Looking at the three tour routes in this blocked area, there is no way. After seeing those guys have separated to search, Xiao Annie had to sigh and walk straight forward.

She didn't carry the True Vision Guard in her hand like those guys, because she could make it out of magic when she needed it, and something similar to the wizard's eye wouldn't bother her at all! Although, when all her powers are used to protect the world, she is now just a hero-level mage. It is really not so easy to catch that pesky Yordle... But she believes that, don't care about the other party. No matter how cunning, you must not escape today!

"Little Timo..."


"Where are you, come out quickly..."


Little Annie, who was in the middle AP with her own little bear, started to set off. Rarely, she had been busy for countless days, and now she was barely free. She was humming some kind of ballad that she didn't know what it was, and she bounced around. Walk forward, and then drop one by one true guards on the bushes or street lights next to him.

That's right, she just gazed around on the road to see where the cunning Yordle could go? Maybe, after she finds the other party, she will definitely give her a hard meal first, right? You know, she didn't think about what to do with it, she just wanted to send it back or grab a strong man to do work for herself. Which way does it run, and what is there to run it?


(● ̄(??) ̄●)

(Tibbers said that if it knew that its bad little master didn't want to feed it, but wanted to catch a strong man, it must have traveled far and far...

Although it’s very enjoyable to travel around the world with this little master of my own family, there is meat to eat, little loli to play with, and the power to keep rising, but compared with freedom, that It seems that freedom is more important? Unfortunately, Tibbers had no chance to regret it, and it was useless to regret it. )



"Tibbs, are you secretly speaking bad things about others?"


As if she felt that some dishonest guy was thinking about it in her heart, little Annie, who was walking forward, picked up her own bad bear, and directly grabbed one of the other's paws and slipped to her eyes.

(Nothing! Impossible! Dear little master, you must have an illusion because too much power has been distributed!!)




(Of course it is true! The little one dares to use the name of the Holy Light to guarantee!!)



!? (??\'\'????)??

"But, you are obviously a shadow bear, what do you mean by using holy light to assure others?!"


(Didn’t the light and the shadow can be converted to each other, they are the same...


——However, Tibbers went on weaving, because when a horrible little master couldn’t talk about it, he forcefully grabbed it by her neck with her little hand...)


Bang! !


"Damn it..."

In Bottom Road, carrying an electromagnetic spike rifle, Jim Reynolds, who hadn't walked far from Bottom Road, suddenly stepped on something, and then the purple poisonous mist spread instantly, and he felt dizzy after inhaling a lot of At the same time, he quickly closed the mask and asked the CMC armor to inject himself with anti-venom. At the same time, he planned to insert a true guard here.


However, without waiting for him to figure out where to pierce the eye, a poison mark with some kind of liquid hit him violently before closing the face mask, leaving a white spot and a white spot on it. A pile of dark green liquid?


over there?

clatter! clatter! clatter!

For the first time, Jim Reynolds didn't think much about it, and directly used the nail rifle in his hand to blast a shuttle of bullets at the place where the poison dart just flew!

But it's a pity, until he hit the grass over there with the special magnetic rubber flying bullets in his gun, until he inserted a true guard next to him at the same time, when the red ripples spread and scanned After getting there, he couldn't find the target in the grass where he was beaten up and down.

"Tsk! Have you been run away?"

‘Jim! what happened? ’

"It's okay! It just appeared and attacked me with a poison dart. Fortunately, I closed the mask ahead of time, otherwise..."

"But it's gone now!"

Otherwise, once he was hit by the opponent's poison dart, he would now have to call a certain priest lady to come down from the road to rescue him. However, he would definitely not say that kind of shame.

‘Big Renault, you have to be careful, stop stepping on mushrooms! ’

This was the voice of a certain little girl, and only the other person would call herself that way, so Jim Reynolds knew that she was reminding herself to pay attention, but... he didn't understand, the sound of the mushroom exploding didn't seem to be too loud. , Much smaller than the sound of a gun, how did she hear it? Are her ears so sensitive?

However, Jim Reynolds soon lost the mind to think about those things. He is now looking at his transparent high-strength glass mask with lingering fear, because a small white spot appeared on it!


"Hey... this is a special high-strength bullet-proof mask. Generally, nail bullets with a poor shooting angle can fly directly without damage, but now..."

It seems that what the Bear Shield Bureau report said, should it be true that those ghost suits without psionic support and those special nanofibers can be shot through weak parts by poison needles?

However, now is not the time to think about those things. Jim Reynolds, holding a rifle, first raised the visor in the glass hood again to be on the safe side, and then proceeded to search.


The captain of the scout was observing from the branch of a big tree, the giant in heavy iron armor just now almost hit him, but he escaped in time.

What he worries most now is not the few enemies who come in to round up his own, nor the iron wall that surrounds all the periphery with lightning power. What he is most worried about now is that the enemy puts down Those strange big eyes!

Because Timo discovered that the thing could detect his mushrooms within a range of tens of yards, and it must have been able to detect his own invisibility posture, so he did not dare to approach easily, nor did he dare to go. Attack the kind of stuff that you are not familiar with, and do not know if it will explode or have traps.

'Humph! ’

‘Never underestimate the power of the scout's discipline! ! ’

After observing the battlefield in hiding and condescendingly from a high place, and after analyzing the location of the four opponents who searched all the way, Timo turned around like a squirrel, sticking to the back of the big tree, avoiding the enemy’s He slipped down from the tree quickly after he looked at him, and disappeared in the blink of an eye.



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