Shadow Bear Tibbers’ Plane Journey

Chapter 1025: ???~??? Mushroom cool, I see your bones...

It may be that the behavior of a certain bear biting the stool leg seems to be fierce enough, really directly scaring a certain Bao Erye who can only slap, roll and throw jade? Of course, it is also possible that everyone, especially Jia Mu and others, see a certain bear admitting birth, and it is very likely that they will violently hurt others?

So, in the end, the living treasure did not live with the cousin Daiyu who resembled Tianxianer in the Bisha cupboard. Instead, he had to move to Jia's main house with a bit of resentment, that is, to live with Jia's mother. In the warm room of the suite, I plan to wait for the lingering winter and wait for the weather to get warmer before making other arrangements.


Even if that is the case, everyone in Jia Mansion, or some of the practices of Rong Guo Mansion, still completely hurt the lonely and lonely man who lost his mother since childhood and had to travel a long distance from Yangzhou to Jinling. The fragile and sensitive heart of Lin Daiyu, who went to her grandmother where she kissed.

Isn't this?

On this day, when a certain bear got out of a warm and fragrant bed with a owe, he saw another ten-year-old girl sitting in front of the dressing table and sobbing quietly. Then, even Xueyan, the maid beside him, couldn't help but couldn't stop no matter how much comfort she was.



"Cry and cry, you know to cry!"

"Every time you little girl knows about this trick, didn't you just finished crying yesterday, why are you crying again today? But what's the use of crying? Can you cry to death those who bullied you?"

?(ψ`?′)o Huh?

I got up and sat directly on the other party’s warm and supple quilt. Seeing that there were only the little maid Xueyan and the guy in the crying nose in the room, and there was no other big maid named Zijuan. Pers then used his hind paws to scratch the tickling flesh on his chin, while murmured a little impatiently.

It thinks, this man named Lin Daiyu's skin is actually good, very gentle, very good at taking care of it, the bed is also very warm, and easy to talk... But the only thing that is bad is: I really love to cry!

Basically, when it starts to cry, it is from morning to night, and after so many days, it rarely sees the other party not crying! Especially the two days after arriving at Rongguo Mansion, it was even more remarkable... I am afraid, that silk handkerchief has never been done for a day, right?

"Who really wants to cry to death?"

"I, I'm not as bad as your bad guy thinks! I am sad and sad, don't you allow me to cry for a while?"

While talking, Daiyu's mouth was stiff and refuted. She didn't know if it touched a fragile nerve in her heart again. Therefore, her eye sockets that were already red and swollen and stopped a little bit could not help it. Drops of tears began to flow out, making Xue Yan who was standing aside originally planning to dress her up a little at a loss.

‘! ! ’

To shut up!

Seeing her own lady crying again, Xueyan, who felt that she might not be able to finish her job for a long time today, carried her own lady on her back, turned her head and stared at the bear, and did it He made a mouth shape that made the other party'shut up'.



But it was a pity that a certain bear ignored that Xueyan's thoughts.

"Hey! Lin Daiyu, do you want to know how the little master of my house usually deals with those who provoke or make her sad?"


Tibbers didn't care about the silent warning in the eyes of the little maid, nor did he care about the Miss Lin family who seemed to be crying harder. He just lied on the bedside and teased in a playful tone.


"You are not allowed to call my name directly! And now I am your master!"

Rarely, Lin Daiyu was taken aback, finally stopped the sob that had lasted for a long time, turned her head from the dressing table, and gave a warning glance at the bear with her teary red eyes.

Although the little bear in her family mentioned its'little master' many times, in Daiyu's view, she picked up and took care of her when she was about to starve to death, so now she is The host of the other party!

No matter who it is, whether it is her cousin Baoyu who bullied her, or the other's original little master, none of them can **** the little bear away from him!

"Do not!"

"You are not, you can only be regarded as the owner of this bear! This bear is just for you to be responsible for feeding temporarily. This bear is a bear that already has an owner. You have no chance."


That's right, the other party is at most just a temporary **** shoveling officer of its uncle Xiong, or it can be said to be its subordinates and servants who take care of daily life, not its master of Tibbers! It will always have only one master of Tibbers, and that is the omnipotent and greatest existence in all the worlds who don't know what he is doing now.

As for the thin, thin and crying little girl in front of me, if it weren’t because the other party had taken care of herself for several days and made Tibbers survive the most difficult period, she might not even have a straight eye. Will look at the other person, let alone let her hug her to sleep.


"Tibbers, remember, I am your master!"

Lin Daiyu was very firm about this. From the moment she picked up the opponent, this little bear who talked about humans belonged to her Lin family, and no one could take it away!

"No! You are not!"


"I am!"

Daiyu stood up in a hurry and walked quickly to the bed. In addition to her eyes, her face was flushed red and stared at a certain bear lying lazily on the bed without fear.



However, this time, Tibbers didn't say it too firmly, because ah, when it saw it, the other party's eyes reddened and his little nose wrinkled, and he started crying again?


Seeing that even a certain little bear started to bully herself, and after looking at each other for a while, Daiyu gave a ‘wow’, crying even harder...


"You should work hard to partner with those outsiders to bully our lady!"

The maid Xueyan glared fiercely at a certain bear who was looking innocent, and then hurriedly helped her lady to the dressing table again and comforted her.

She didn't understand it a little bit. Those outsiders from the Rongguo Mansion partnered up to bully the young lady in her family. Because those guys are outsiders, she doesn't care about them! But why now, a guy who is unfamiliar with, is also at this time to make my lady angry?



Tibbers said that he was a little wronged, because it clearly did nothing. It just stated a simple fact. The other party clearly started to cry by himself. What is it about it?

Besides, it used to contradict or ridicule its horrible little master, but the other party has never cried. At most, he punched and kicked Tibbers or tore his hands and feet when he didn't agree with him.' Caress' only?

There will be like the little girl in front of me, who is ten years old, crying at every turn? !


"You should calm down, don't be familiar with that stupid bear."

After turning back and staring at the bear again, Xue Yan hurriedly stood next to her young lady again, soothing and carefully wiping the cheeks that could be broken by a bomb.


"You just said, you have a real little master, where is she now? Also, where is her home, next to Dajiang?"

After crying for a while, Daiyu finally stopped gradually. After hesitating for a while, he looked at the image of a bear in the mirror and asked.

In fact, she would not tell her little bear: She doesn't care where the other party's ‘little master’’s home is, she just wants to know if the other party might find the door, and then ask her for the little bear!

"do not know……"

"Anyway, it must not be in this world!"

(● ̄? ̄●)

Tibbers didn't say much, anyway, it didn't perceive the aura of its little master in this world, so it was pretty sure that the other party was definitely not here now! As for where the other party is, or whether it is still playing with a certain group of little humans in the world of Mao Wang, then it really is not clear.


"Then you definitely don't have a master, otherwise, how could you not even know where her home is?!"

A certain little bear is very smart. Daiyu never looked down upon him anyway, so she quickly found some loopholes in the other party’s words that she thought she had seen through, and began to speculate wildly. .

"This bear really has an owner!"

"But forget it, you mortals don't understand it, so let's not say it!"


It's hard to come out on vacation and wander around. You don't need to follow the tragic one all day. Every day you know the little master who bullied him. Tibbers doesn't want to think about or mention anything related to him so quickly!


"Then you might as well talk about it, she is average, how would you deal with those who bully her?"

Weeping and wiping her cheeks, she was silent for a while, and then gradually calmed down again. Daiyu, who was no longer crying like a tearful person, thought for a while, and tried to follow the other party's just provoked Asked about that conversation.

Although she didn’t want to admit it, she was as smart as Daiyu, and she still had a faint hunch in her heart. She knew that it was possible that the little bear she picked up really had a'little owner'... So, if you can If she wants to know more about it, so that she can make relevant preparations for the other day when the other party really seeks out the door?

"Very simple! That is..."


While talking, Tibbers suddenly stopped, as if he was about to sell it?


"What is it?"

Whether it was Daiyu or Xueyan, who could finally comb her hair, they turned their heads towards each other curiously.

"Of course it was killed directly, or burned directly on fire?!"


Tibbers doesn’t know what others will do, but if he really provokes the nasty little owner who provokes his house, and can really provoke irritability or directly provoke crying, then it’s really amazing. It is light to be killed or burnt in a fire.



In the blink of an eye, Daiyu and Xueyan glanced at each other subconsciously.

"I also beaten to death, and speaks big words, how is that possible?"

"Didn't you say that the young master of your family is eight years old? Who can she beat? Also, it's wrong for children to play with fire!"

Without waiting for her young lady to speak, Xue Yan sneered at the little white bear who was lying on her quilt and refused to get out of bed.

She Xueyan didn't like each other a little bit, because when it was cold at night, the other party only gave the lady to hug her as a heating stove to sleep, and she refused to let her hug to sleep, really mad at her! Therefore, for the past two days, she has been a little uncomfortable with each other, and she is also cynic when talking.

"How can it be impossible?"


Tibbers said that it is only expounding a basic fact, and if it modifies it a little bit, it is really incredible, thinking of it, it is scared!


"Tibbers, even the gods and emperors can't kill people casually, you're just talking nonsense~!"

Rarely, Daiyu burst into tears and laughed when the other party spoke so seriously. Because neither she nor Xue Yan are willing to believe what the other party said just now, and they have no way to imagine how could a little girl behave in such an uncultivated manner as the other party said?


"The emperor kind of mortal will not talk about it. If this bear regains its strength, a bear can destroy him! As for the may not believe it, no matter what kind of gods or monsters are, all the little masters who saw my house Go around!"

o(`?′)o Humph!

As for the gods that these two people talked about, Tibbers said that he saw a lot of them during the Cuiping Mountain and the Song Dynasty! At the moment, the world in which those gods live has completely belonged to their little master, even this world is the same?

So, let alone seeing the gods, demons, and monsters, I'm afraid to hear the name of the horrible little master of the Tibbers family, you have to take a detour and escape far away, right?

"Say big talk!"

"Hey~ Miss, you can ignore it, it's just teasing us to play!"

Finally, taking advantage of the opportunity for the young lady to stop, Xue Yan combed the other party's bun, and let a few strands of hair hang down and simply braided it, she was relieved.


"Huh! If you don't believe me, I will fall down, Ben Xiong swears, if I lie to you, let Volibear be drowned in water!"


After finishing talking, Tibbers leaned its bear head directly on the quilt and started rubbing it boredly, because ah, now it’s hungry, it waits for the two of them to dress up and dress up, and then go to the outside of the room. Dining in that small hall!


"Don't you usually call yourself "Tibbers"? Why do you swear by the name of "Volibear" now?"

Daiyu was taken aback for a moment, and then asked suspiciously.

Because she knows that the other party has a resounding nickname of'Thunder Roar Volibear'. In short, it sounds very domineering... However, that name, whether it is them or the other party, seems to have never taken it seriously, usually I wouldn't call each other like that.


"This matter is very complicated anyway, you will definitely not understand!"


Tibbers wouldn't say to two little girls: When Uncle Xiong swears, he never uses his own name! This is like the situation when the horrible little lord of his family makes bets or swears with others in the name of Tibbers?


Blinking, I don't know why. At this moment, a certain Lin family who finally stopped, started to wipe his eyes again and sobbed quietly?


"Why are you crying again?!"


Seeing that the other party started to wipe tears again, Tibbers didn't understand it. Just now, it was okay. No one seemed to provoke her. Why did this cause trouble again?

"I didn't cry..."

A certain Lin family eldest lady said hard, but her actions and the tears that couldn't help betrayed her.



Then what is flowing in your eyes, can it be sweat?

But Tibbers didn't dare to say this. It was just slandering the other party under his own heart. If he really said it, I am afraid that it would not expect to be able to eat it on time for breakfast today.


"People, people just feel a little sad suddenly..."

Yes, the reason why Daiyu sobbed again this time was not because of Little Bear, but because she remembered the attitude of people in Rongguo Mansion towards her, and remembered what happened the day when she first came to Rongguo Mansion. There is some hesitation and worry in my heart, nothing more.

"Does that make a difference?"


"Naturally there is..."

Daiyu didn't dare to look at her face in the mirror anymore, and she didn't even dare to look at the way a certain little bear was unlovable and helpless to herself.

"This bear can understand it. You cry when you are sad, cry when you are sad, cry when you are not sad, and cry when you are happy..."

"You little girl is really strange, what do you mean?!"

ε=(′?`●))) alas

Tibbers said that it is really too difficult to stand on such a difficult **** shoveler... Compared to that, perhaps the nasty little master of his family might get along better? Because the other party will never cry and toss it, at most it just beat it when it is angry or sad?

"They don't mean anything, they just want to cry for a while..."

Daiyu, who has been weak and sick since childhood, still remembers. When she was a child, her mother told her that when she was sad, she only had to cry. After crying, she would feel better?

Besides, now she is outside, relying on her grandmother's house, and she is alone, and her father is not by her side. Looking at it, there are all strangers outside. Can she not worry, hesitate and feel sad?



Tuk! Tuk!

'That one……'

‘Where is Sister Lin? ’

At this time,

Wearing a purple gold crown with hair inlaid on a certain head, his eyebrows are tied with two dragons to grab beads and gold, and a two-color golden butterfly wears a red arrow sleeve with a flowery red arrow sleeve, and is tied with a multicolored silk and knotted long spike palace. The outer cover is azurite with eight groups of Japanese-forged platoons, and wearing satin and foundation boots. After knocking on the door twice, he suddenly pushed them away without consent and stretched out. Entering my head, I completely ignore whether the girls inside are changing clothes or doing other things?




Before Xueyan or Daiyu's master and servant began to speak, Tibbers, who had been feeling a little unhappy, suddenly jumped up from the bed and showed a very fierce face to a little white face who wanted to step in with excitement. He grinned and snarled in a low voice.


After seeing the majestic one standing on Sister Lin’s bed and looking at his little bear with a very threatening look, Jia Baoyu exclaimed when he thought of some terrible things, hurriedly and first. Time quit and closed the door thoughtfully.

'That one……'

‘You, you guys are busy! I, I am waiting for you outside...’

‘Second Lord, what’s wrong? ’

"No, nothing..."

No way, seeing the ‘Guardian Beast’ in Sister Lin’s room, Jia Baoyu’s timid voice came in from outside for a while, accompanied by the questioning sounds of some maids.

"do not Cry!"

"What's the point of crying all day?"


After threatening and driving away a little white face who was not like a good person, Tong Tibbers went back on his back again, and again patiently persuaded a certain **** shovel officer who was still crying.


"But what can I do without crying?"

After thinking about it, Daiyu felt that she really had nothing else to do.

I want to read some books, but the old lady doesn’t seem to like their girls studying, saying that it’s a girl that’s more important is virtue, and only a few words can be recognized. They also think that the Confucianism, economics, etc. should be men. What should be learned, women like them, especially the little girls in the boudoir like her, as long as they can read braille, and then learn some female celebrity cooking skills, and then wait for marriage? Therefore, thinking about it seriously, there is really nothing she can do in Rongguo Mansion, and she and those sisters can’t talk together. So, besides eating and sleeping, she seems to just cry. I can control it.


"This bear sees it, you don't seem to like it here, do you? Then why don't you move out by yourself, why do you have to stay here?"



"But, how can I move out of my daughter's house?!"

Daiyu was horrified, and on the other hand looked at a certain little bear somewhat inconceivably, wondering why the other party had such thoughts.

In her opinion, without the shade and shelter of the family and elders, I am afraid that a girl like her will be abducted if she is alone outside, right? That kind of thing, her father did not tell her less when he was in Yangzhou! Besides, she really didn't have any independent ability, otherwise, she wouldn't have traveled all the way from her home in Yangzhou to Jinling to join her grandmother.

"This bear’s young master is eight years old. Two years younger than you, he has already wandered the world. There are countless monsters eliminated. The world he has laid down is many times larger than your ruined emperor’s territory. You are ten years old. Can't you take care of yourself?"


Tibbers didn't understand, why is the gap between people so big?

I think back then, its little master caught Tibbers when he was two years old. When he was three years old, he burned to death the old dragon in the land of voodoo and began to dominate the land. All creatures Whether it's strong or weak, whether it's alive or dead, or whether it's grass-eating or carnivorous, doesn't it all depend on the face of its little master?

And look at this one in front of you, in addition to crying, crying, crying, can't do anything else at all? !


"Well, this bear is afraid of you! This bear will teach you magic from today!"


Although Tibbers does not know how to do magic, it said that it remembers many magical knowledge that its little master has read or memorized. Perhaps, it can barely teach this little guy, so as not to make the other party think about it all day. Then crying crying to make it sleep?

"What is magic?"


Daiyu and Xueyan, who had finished dressing, looked at a certain bear curiously. Obviously, it was the first time that they both heard the weird word like ‘magic’.

"This one……"

(● ̄? ̄●;)

What is magic, it seems that even Tibbers didn't understand it at all? In that case, it seems a bit unreliable to teach the other party magic?


(* ̄? ̄*)

Therefore, Tibbers quickly changed his decision. It felt that he should not teach others magic, or it would be more reliable for him to teach others.

"This way! This bear teaches you fairy skills!"

"Daiyu shovel feces officer! Ben Xiong sees your bones and ties (sick?), is a martial arts wizard (waste material?), I have mystery here, from the "Sanqing Dao Fa" by Cuiping Mountain Izumo "And "Five Zhuang Secret Techniques" from Yuanzi Daxian from Wuzhuangguan Town, which one do you want to learn?"


What I didn't say, those two books were the ones that Tibbers had watched in Cuiping Mountain and Wuzhuang that year. There were not many words before and after. Maybe they added up to 1.8 million at most? Therefore, it said that although it does not know how to do it, it is always okay to memorize a little bit a day and let the other party copy it to learn by himself, right?

Anyway, don't these people in the Eastern world like to cultivate immortals? Then just a little bit, let Tibbers, a bear who doesn't know magic and doesn't know how to cultivate immortals, teach them to cultivate immortals! As long as there is something to do, as long as their hearts are separated, they should not be crying all day long.

As for whether there will be problems with training or death, it can't take care of that much now.


Daiyu was stunned by what the other party said, wondering what the little bear was doing.


"What's the use of immortal arts, can you live forever, can you ride the clouds?"

Xue Yan was a little eager to try. She felt that since the little bear can talk and he is a monster himself, then what was not said, maybe the other party is really capable of what kind of magic?


"Longevity is a trivial matter. As for the clouds and fog, it must be possible!"


In fact, no matter how hard they practice, they can’t live forever, but if they practice hard, they can run to the heaven and heaven of this world by themselves, and then learn something bad about it. Like the little master, pick some fairy peaches and fruit to eat, and soon you will be immortal?

So, Tibbers didn’t pay attention to that kind of thing. Anyway, when they got to that level, they didn’t know that it was a matter of the year of the monkey. It was not in a hurry, and it didn’t think it was right in front of them These two earthlings are geniuses like their little masters, they can see it!


Without waiting for her own lady to agree, Xue Yan was so excited that she wanted to agree first.

"You are a puppy!!"


"But you look like a puppy..."

Xueyan ran to the bed, just about to reach out to touch the other's head, but Tibbers opened it with a bear paw.

"Miss! Miss!"

"Or, let's learn first?"

No way, seeing Xue Yan who was temporarily refusing to accept the caress of her own reward, she had to turn around and look at her eldest lady with pleading eyes.


Although, Daiyu wanted to say that she had heard the teacher say about that kind of fairy art, and it sounded like a lie, so what's the use of learning? However, seeing Xue Yan's impatient pleading expression, and then at a certain talking bear, after thinking about it, she finally nodded.

"Well, then learn to learn?"


When Daiyu agreed, the little maid Xueyan lowered her voice and cheered and looked at a certain bear together.


"Look at what this bear is doing, get ready to go out for breakfast! When you are full, you will find paper and pen. When the time comes, this bear will read and write it down!"


After writing it down, they can only practice and learn by themselves, anyway, it must be of little help to Master Tibbers Bear.

'Hey! ’

‘Sister Lin, are you all right? ’

At this time, outside the room, the voice of a little white face who was frightened by the bear and did not dare to enter the room came in weakly again...


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