Shadow Bear Tibbers’ Plane Journey

Chapter 1030: ??????o huh? wrong! Demon! ?

In the small courtyard in the corridor where Lin Daiyu and the maid Xueyan often practice swords, they came here to find someone but unfortunately met Wang Xifeng and her maid, Ping'er, who were behind closed doors. At this time, they were sitting a little uneasy on the stone. At the table, and teasing a little white bear.


"Little guy, don't make money, isn't it okay for me to pet you, grandma?!"

Seeing that a certain bear dared to struggle, Wang Xifeng had a cruel heart, and grabbed the fat and soft fur on the back of the opponent's neck, and then pressed it firmly on his thigh, finally subduing it. He stayed at the other party, and then began to stroke the soft and soft fur proudly.



Even if he was held in his arms by the other party, Tibbers was still a little unhappy!

Because, originally it was basking in its sun, and it didn't recruit or provoke anyone, but now it was caught by these two earthling girls in front of them and had a good meal'ravaged', it didn't directly bite. In the past, it was very polite to bite off their white tender necks.

However, for the sake of the other party's feeling that it feels weirdly comfortable, it doesn't care about the adult's past, so he will spare them for the time being?


"There is one thing that I don't know should be said or not..."

The two stayed together for a while. Ping'er saw that his mistress had come to Daiyu’s place. Taking advantage of the opportunity for the other to meditate, Ping'er caught the little white bear and hugged it vigorously. With the look of tossing in her arms, she thought about it for a while, and then leaned in front of her mistress and asked in a low voice with anxiety.


"There are no outsiders here. Don't care about big or small things, whether it's a good or a bad thing, just tell me if you have anything, is it possible that you are afraid to let the third person hear it?"

Originally, Wang Xifeng wanted to come to Daiyu and the others to talk about something, but he didn’t think that the other party still stayed in the house to meditate until now, and Zijuan also said that the two of them would retreat for a whole day. What are the promotion moves of the misty swordsmanship?

Therefore, they had no choice but to stay here for the time being, planning to rest and stay for a while.

"Is such that……"

"A while ago, the Jia Rui who you rectified was the toad who wanted to eat swan meat. He was an innocent bastard. I heard that he died last night! Even that one came to the door and said, "to treat the wrongdoing." The lame Taoist of Zhizhi's failed to save his life!"

Regarding Jia Rui's affairs, Ping'er, who is the maid of his mistress and also Jia Yan's concubine, naturally knows.

At first, when she learned from the second grandmother that the toad wanted to eat swan meat, she had some undesirable thoughts about the guy who wanted to eat swan meat, but she had scolded each other severely with her mistress for not having a good death. , But how can I think that now the other party is really dead?


The originally relaxed expression on Wang Xifeng’s face could not help but hesitated. You know, at the beginning, she only wanted to punish him a little bit, so that he could completely cut off those **** thoughts that he shouldn’t have, but how can I think that that **** thing is really real? Dead?

However, he died when he died, and that was his life, so I can't blame her!

"Huh! He's doing it by himself and can't live!"

Soon, after Wang Xifeng, who was holding the little white bear, reacted, she started gritting her teeth and spitting bitterly. She didn’t even think that Jia Rui had died because of her, or even the other’s death. Not long ago, she was completely inseparable from the behavior of punishing the other party.

"Never mind..."

"Ping'er, that Jia Rui died when he died. That's what he deserves! However, starting from three days and seven days to send and trust Lingtie threshold temple, it will always cost nothing, no matter how bad you are. It is from the Jia family, think about it carefully, everyone in the Jia Mansion will definitely go to ask questions or express a little."

"That's not as good as this. Then you can take a look, estimate the situation, and follow the example of the people of the various provinces and races, and use the name of our second master Lian to send out some burnt money. The left and right are only two or two. It’s not worth anything, you don’t need to tell me about it!"

"Just remember, don't lose our benevolence and righteousness!"

After all, Jia Rui’s death cannot be separated from himself. Therefore, Wang Xifeng, who feels a little unlucky for such things to come, remembers to make arrangements when he asks Ping’er to arrive, and follow all the elders in the clan to give some money together, and don’t let outsiders. After giving gossips, he turned to continue teasing the little white bear in his arms, and instantly forgot Jia Rui's death.

Although the other party is indeed a member of the Jia Family, but for the kind of collateral children who are not a direct descendant, and for the kind of whimsical **** who wants to beat her Wang Xifeng's idea, let alone kill indirectly. Even if it is directly killed, he is determined not to have any bad thoughts in his own heart.


"Mistress, please relax. Ping'er will save you what to do. You will naturally meet at the meeting. Make sure no one can talk about you or our second master."

Ping'er, who has been by Wang Xifeng's side to help manage the affairs of the Rongguo Mansion for a long time, had no ability to say, so he nodded in response.

Knowing what her mistress means, she naturally knows what she should do. As for the poor Jia Dairu who was poisoned by her family’s mistress and killed her grandson and ended up bereaved of her father, son in her middle age, and grandson in her later years, apart from a secret sigh of sin in her heart, she quickly quickly Skip it.

After all, I can't blame them for this matter. It should be that Jia Rui took the blame, he shouldn't have those **** thoughts, otherwise, he wouldn't have missed his life in vain, right?



These female human beings on Earth are really more cruel and cunning!

At this time, Tibbers, who was being held and teased by the female human being Wang Xifeng, heard the conversation between the two of them completely...It had always felt that it was the little one in Tibbers’s family. It’s ferocious enough for the owner to set fire to people at every turn, but now, look at the two female humans in front of you, although they don’t have strong powers, and they don’t know how to magic, but the other party is completely dead when they understatement. A big living person who makes the other's family members feel grateful to them is no one!

Fortunately, its uncle Tibbers bear is very powerful, and its little master is even more powerful. There is no need to fight against these cunning people on earth. Otherwise, I am afraid that their masters and servants will be killed. You don’t even know if you sell it?


"Ping'er, there is nothing else in our family recently, right?"

Looking at the left and right sides of the corridor, I found that besides the little white bear in my arms that I had caught, I was the only one left. After Hepinger, Wang Xifeng suddenly lowered my voice and asked.

"Nothing big!"

"In addition to the three hundred taels of silver from the previous day, the five hundred taels of silver that we misappropriated last time have also been recovered with interest, and the total amount is more than six hundred taels. Wang’s daughter-in-law quietly sent in earlier, but the person who borrowed the loan was still a few dozen taels short. How do you think the mistress should deal with it?"

Five hundred taels of silver was loaned out for only half a year, but they made more than one hundred taels in one go. Ping'er couldn't even think of such a good deal before!

However, these silvers are all for the mistress's own money, and have little to do with her. Therefore, in the end, how to deal with it is to rely on the mistress to speak, she dare not be expert.


"A few dozen taels of silver is not a small amount, and it is written in black and white. When borrowing money, it has been written clearly. How can that person deny now?"

"Please tell me to go down and let Wang'er's wife go to spread the word, and say: There is no less money than one or two, but since it is not clear for the time being, I am not forced to overwhelm it, so a few tens of taels can be regarded as capital. , Let the person re-establish the paperwork, write down the debt, and then go after some time to recover it."

Although his two loan sharks have already made him a lot of money, Wang Xifeng, who has tasted a lot of sweetness, has no intention of stopping enough or staying on the sidelines. He still intends to continue lending and continue to recover the remaining profits.

After all, reaping profit, money begets money is the best business in the world, it can be much faster than buying a house and collecting rent!


Ping'er didn't dare to say anything to her mistress on such a major event, but she nodded obediently to indicate that she had written it down and responded.

"All right!"

"Let's not talk about these annoying things, Ping'er, are there any fun things that I might as well let me hear?"

After hearing about a certain dead ghost Jia Rui and the mortgage principal not being able to fully pay, Wang Xifeng's mood improved a little and became a little uncomfortable, so she plans to listen to something else and let her Not so suffocated?

"Other things..."

"That's right! And it's about the bear in your arms, the mistress!"

"You may not know. Recently, there has been a rumor in our mansion that this little white bear from Sister Lin's family may have become fine. Otherwise, how could it be so smart that it hasn't grown for more than a year. Meat, and even chasing men to bite?"

"So my mistress, don't hug it anymore, this little thing is really bad!"

While speaking, Ping'er herself laughed first. Obviously, she herself didn't believe this rumor very much, she just said it as a joke to make her mistress happy.

"You really are!"

"Ping'er, it's just those guys who didn't cover their mouths chewing their tongues, don't you know? Although it is really not very tall, it is a lot heavier than usual! As for why it is not long. Maybe it’s a talented person, or maybe the way we feed is wrong?"

Wang Xifeng heard the story of Sister Lin and Aunt Xue’s Baochai trying to feed each other with bamboo shoots every day, thinking about it, she couldn’t help but laugh.



Tibbers would not tell the two female humans on Earth that Tibbers was indeed refined, and that it was the kind that could talk, walk upright, and was not weaker than them?

"As for chasing a man to bite..."

"Presumably it must have been Brother Bao letting out words to spread rumors. It shouldn't be the cousin of his wife's house. He doesn't come to the inner courtyard often. He just goes outside with our second master Lian to spend time and drink. Nosy at home?"

After speaking, Wang Xifeng began to squint and smile coldly.

Because she knew that the rumor was not true, and apart from biting a little thief, this little white bear had never hurt his family on weekdays, and there was no special scene of chasing a man to bite!

In addition to the brothers who often come to provoke Daiyu in the small yard of Bishacuo, plus the son of Xue Pan who provokes Xiong when they met, her husband Jia Lian, the master of Rongguo Mansion and Ning Guo The elders over there, they often walk around in the Rongguo Mansion, why didn't they bite them?

Therefore, without Ping'er, she has now roughly guessed where the ridiculous, unreasonable rumors will come from.



The latter thing was wronged, because Tibbers definitely did not specifically catch men to chase and bite, and it did not go crazy. It bit the guys who provoke it! If those guys came and served him deliciously, how could he chase and bite others for no reason?


"Since Weier doesn't plan to go out today, and you don't want to see my sister-in-law, let's go back first. It's not too late to come back another day?"

After chatting for a while, I felt that it’s not a problem that I and Ping’er were waiting in the courtyard outside the Bisha cupboard. Let’s see that Zijuan and the little maidservants who were cleaning have all gone elsewhere. So, Sister Lin and the others will definitely not end the “retreat” of Lao Shizi too soon. Therefore, when they couldn’t, Wang Xifeng had to stand up and put the little white bear in his arms again. Arrived on the stone table in front of me.

"Little guy, you continue to basking in the sun and the master who guards your house, me, should you go to the old ancestor first?"

Finally, Wang Xifeng, who felt it was necessary to talk to the old lady and be a solid pet, rarely put the lazy little white bear on the stone table again, and then stretched out his hand and rubbed his opponent vigorously before leaving. That hairy head.



"Think beautiful!"

"You still want this bear to guard them? You may not know, here, this bear is the master, Lin Daiyu and others are all the bear's **** shovel officers, now this bear is just waiting for lunch. Who is guarding them again?!"

??(ψ`??′) o Humph!

When the two earth females turned and left, and only a strong smell of rouge left by each other, Tibbers spoke disdainfully, then shook the fur on her body and continued to close it. Own bear eyes, lying lazily on the stone table, reluctant to move.


∑(????`) Huh? !

Suddenly, Tibbers was about to take a nap, and then waited for Lin Daiyu, the first-class shoveling officer, and Xueyan, the second-class shoveling officer, to comprehend the advanced "wisdom style" of Misty Rain swordsmanship, and they were gone on the road to sword repair When he returned, and hurriedly came out to feed himself, suddenly, it seemed to have found something, and had to lift its head from the stone table again, and threw its head to the west, towards the outside of Jinling City. On the far hills.

Because, it found that in that place a dozen miles away, on the top of the mountain, there seemed to be someone at a distance, overlooking Jinling City from a high level? Of course, to be more precise, he was looking down and monitoring the Rongguo Mansion. It could even be said that he was monitoring it, Lord Tibbers Bear? !

"So courageous! If you are too courageous and dare to spy on Ben Bear sleeping, he is definitely not a good person. See if Ben Bear can beat you to death!!"


After speaking, UU read and looked around and saw that no other earthlings were stranded in this small courtyard, and felt that Lin Daiyu and the two **** shovel officers would not get out of the room for a while. After coming out, Tibbers, the little white bear, began to dazzle with bursts of lightning, and it was slowly suspended.

At this moment, the power of the demigod White Bear Thunder roaring Volibear was finally fully aroused by Tibbers for the first time after his injury was well.




Although there is no teleportation spell, nor the kind of magical flying magic, the power of the thunder demigod from Freljord still makes Tibbers turn into a bolt of lightning in an instant. In between, he slammed into the hill it found at a speed of hundreds of miles per second.


(??ω??)?? Ticket?? (??ω??)

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