Shadow Bear Tibbers’ Plane Journey

Chapter 1038: ?????? My name is Volibear,...

The chaos in the imperial city and the turmoil in Jinling have finally come to an end...

Facts have proved more than once that when the power is strong to a certain level, it is indeed possible to do whatever it wants, even when facing the most powerful and supreme imperial power in the world, even if the emperor is beaten up and still in the palace. There was a big fight, and at the same time, the royal face was slammed under his feet, even after being crushed into the mud, he could still pat his sleeves when nothing happened.

I don’t know what kind of methods were used by the team that was called by Annie and belonged to the special affairs team of the Bear Shield Storm Academy, those Superman Clark, Batman Bruce, Mage Gandalf and others. A certain emperor had a good conversation (coercion, profit and temptation), and after summoning a golden light to shine directly in the palace area, resurrecting countless dead or wounded soldiers in situ (a couple expressed this Skills consume a lot of them), descending auspiciousness at the same time in the heavens, after the sky full of gods appearing (on the importance of holographic technology), whether it is the emperor or the supreme emperor, or the countless officers and soldiers present, all Immediately admit defeat!

In fact, even if they don’t want to admit defeat, they can’t do it, because ah, the **** who originally came to help them, the guy who claimed to be some kind of fairy, has been beaten away. Now, when there are steps, they can go down. They can save their lives. Faced with that kind of extraordinary power that they can't understand, those who know the times are outstanding, naturally they know how to make the best and most appropriate choice.


The emperor and the Supreme Emperor, who knew that two female gangsters were not only powerful, but also super-hard at the backstage, had to jointly make a plan after hurriedly discussing for a long time, and announced to the whole Jinling that because of the auspicious heaven descending, the fairy descended from the earth In this way, everyone in Tehejia House and others were innocent, the officials were restored to their posts and a few rewards were added. At the same time, they rehabilitated the original Qin offender and the female gangster Lin Daiyu and inherited the ancient system. The Holy Queen of Danjin Wheel!

At that time, will choose a good day and auspicious day as soon as possible, convene the world's dignitaries to enter Beijing for a grand canonization ceremony, and then amnesty the world?

After the will came out, Jinling shook for a while, and the world was shocked! !

But no matter what, the will has been determined and spread throughout Jinling and surrounding Yingtianfu and other prefectures and counties in just one day.

And if this world is still under the emperor's jurisdiction, and there is no turmoil in Jinling and the inexplicable "Tiandan Jinlun Divine Queen" does not seem to have any power to control the world, I am afraid that by then, all vassals and generals will be Isn't it exciting and energetic, right?

However, no matter what the rich and powerful people on this land think, and what kind of storm is brewing, in Jinling City, almost everyone has seen a golden light of auspiciousness descending from the sky and the appearance of gods and Buddhas in the sky. After the personal persuasion, people finally calmed down.

Because the emperor is the emperor, and the emperor must have no way to refuse the will of the heavens. Even the imperial can't resist things, other people in Jinling have to listen to compromise.


What kind of decision the emperor makes is a matter of the royal family. As long as it does not infringe on the interests of all families and races, in such an unclear situation, there must be no one who dares to jump out and make troubles and make people disgusting. .

However, what most people don't know is:

In just half a day, a certain force named'Bear Shield' has quietly infiltrated this world and completely controlled the royal family in the imperial city, and the original emperor and represented the highest power in this world The members of the Jinling royal family, although it seems that there is no change on the surface at this time, they have already had to compromise under absolute force and quietly become puppets...

And all of this, for everyone in the Jia family who was originally arrested by the ransacks, and watched as they were about to be exterminated, the reversal and ups and downs were not trivial!

All of them never dreamed that the terrible thing ended with such a dramatic result...Why did the former'tough bandit' Lin Daiyu who raided the palace before successfully reversed everything in the next moment, not only Successfully rescued them from Jia Mansion, and somehow they are about to be canonized by the royal family as the "Sacred Queen of Heavenly Pill Golden Wheel" above the emperor? !

It's hard to say that the fierce Miss Lin family, the girl Lin who had lived in Jia's residence for two years, actually managed to make a trip to the Forbidden City and captured the emperor, and forced the other party to deal with some outrageous and dangerous things. Promise of?

Of course, no matter what the truth of the matter is, everyone in the Jia Mansion only knows now that all the soldiers who had guarded them aggressively before were all withdrawn in the afternoon, and none of them were left behind, and they were honest. He returned all the confiscated items as well as the dozens of boxes of gold and silver jewels that the royal family gave out urgently...Even the former prince Xiping, who was waiting for the news to chop their heads, nodded and bowed to the masters and others. In a polite manner, it was almost impossible for a real man to kneel down and give them Jia Mansion apologize.


When night fell, Jia's house finally gradually recovered calm...

The daughter-in-laws, young ladies and elders of each family finally returned to their original houses with lingering fears under the service of the maids. They just took a rest while taking care of the mess that was copied by the soldiers before. Residence, and silently digesting the information they learned, watching the sky darken little by little.



A certain quilt-covered bed in Rongguo Mansion rang with a groan. In the morning, due to a violent act, a certain jinyi army cut a hole in his head with a stab on the back of his head, and it was cold A certain second master Bao, who had been lying on the floor and in the pool of blood for a long time, finally woke up from the bed amidst the low screams.

‘! ! ’

'Great! Master, madam, come in and have a look, our second master is awake! ’

Qingwen, the maid who had been serving in front of the bed, hurriedly exclaimed when she saw that some hapless guy on the bed slowly opened her eyes, she ran to the outside cubicle for the first time and called out. Master Jia Zheng and his wife and wife Wang who have been waiting.

Now everyone in Jia's Mansion, because no one can take care of anyone for the rest of their lives, and the old lady is still asleep, so at this time they are here waiting for Jia Baoyu, except for their maids, Only two couples, Jia Zheng and Mrs. Wang, who looked slightly wilted were left.


"Just wake up!"

"Let's go, ma'am, we have been tired for a day too, he will be lucky if he survives a catastrophe, let's go back and rest first..."

Entering Jia Zheng and Madam Wang saw Baoyu whose eyes had been opened on the bed, and seeing that the gauze wrapped on the other's forehead was no longer soaked in blood, and seeing that the other's expression was pretty good, Jia Zheng finally felt relieved. He planned to take his wife away and return to their own main courtyard.

After tossing for so many days, now that he is exhausted physically and mentally, he just wants to go back and rest for a good night. No matter what else or the variables tomorrow, even if it is to be killed or cut, just wait until dawn. At this moment , He is really exhausted.


However, Mrs. Wang was so willing, she just leaned to Baoyu's bed with tears in her eyes and said that she didn't want to leave.



There is no way, it’s hard to say more at this time, Jia Zheng, after thinking about it, he had to sigh, slowly carried his hands on his back and turned around, intending to wait patiently for the time being. For a short while.


"Xinren, where are we? Is it the Yin Cao Jifu?"

Baoyu only remembered that the soldiers who were like wolves and tigers rushed in and planned to copy his house. He didn't know where the courage came from, so he was the first to greet a certain bearded officer.


The other party slashed towards his head with a knife. In an instant, under the severe pain, he only felt that his head was cracked, and then his brain buzzed, and his eyes were dark. I don't even know...

And now, he can still lie on the bed well, and there are even Xiren, Qingwen, and the old lady beside him, and they all seem to be very good... Then presumably, he is not in a dream at this time. Is it dead?

Otherwise, he should wake up in a cell or elsewhere now.

"Second Lord!"

"You're confused again, where is the Yin Cao Jifu? This is your own bed!"

"It's okay now. The soldiers have all withdrawn. The master is now reinstated. The royal family has also sent a lot of rewards and compassionate silver. I heard that the imperial concubine will come back to take a look in person in a few days. Everyone!"

While talking, Xiren himself couldn't help crying first, but that was crying with joy, not the other sad things.

Half a day ago, she thought that Jia's house was going to be completely finished, and their maids and the ladies of Jia's house would definitely be confiscated and sold to that kind of shady place. She even thought about it. To find an opportunity that no one notices, find a Bai Ling hanged on the beam!

But who thought that after a long time, a new purpose came, and there was such a big setback?


"Assault, you are bluffing me again!"

Jia Baoyu looked hard at his mother, who looked at her worriedly, and then at the father who was standing in front of the bed and rarely reprimanding her, he laughed clearly.

"It seems that we are really dead, you see, even the master doesn't scold me..."

"I know, we must be in the Yin Cao Jifu at this moment. It must be... My head must be cracked. When the red and white brains fly out, will it scare you?"

"When people die, they have souls. When I fell on the ground, I heard something in a daze... It seems that someone said that Sister Lin went into the palace with a sword?"

"That's a heinous sin, my Jia family is absolutely unlucky!"


'All right! ’

‘Don’t say you idiot! ! ’

However, before Jia Baoyu finished speaking, Qingwen, who was also squatting on the edge of the bed, ignored that the old lady was still aside, and directly groaned that she stretched out her hand to cover the other party's mouth and did not let the other party continue to speak.

Immediately afterwards, she first looked at the old lady on the side, and after seeing that they didn’t seem to blame herself, she hurriedly explained what she knew and what she had just seen, including in the palace. Including the miracle, including the gods and Buddhas appearing in the sky, including Miss Lin's about to be canonized as the'Sacred Queen of the Heavenly Pill Golden Wheel' and so on!



It took a long time for Jia Baoyu to react.

"Sister Lin, she is going to become a queen?"

"How can this be?!"

After being beaten and bleeding, Jia Baoyu finally opened his eyes, enduring the sharp pain on his forehead, not long after waking up.


"Even Qingwen, you came to bluff me, I think we are really dead, right?"

"I just don’t know, are you like me, were you hacked to death at home, or were you escorted to the vegetable market to behead your head? It really hurts you too. It’s our Jia family that hurt you and let you After you die, you still have to come and continue to serve my useless thing..."

Jia Baoyu felt that the things Qingwen said just now were a bit too mysterious. Even the miscellaneous books, operas and stories in Chuanzhi that he usually peeked at the master never dared to write, so, He would not believe it easily anyway.

'what! ’

"Second Lord, you are really..."

'laugh! ’

'Yes Yes Yes! Second master, all of us are dead. Sister Xiren and I were still dragged to Caishikou and slapped to death. So, can you be better to us in the future? ’

‘! ! ’

‘Qingwen, stop making trouble, the master and madam are still here! ’

'what! ! ’

"Husband, Madam, I just..."

"Well, you guys step back first, Baoyu has just woke up, don't bother him."

Hearing Baoyu’s words, all the maids in the house, including Mrs. Wang, couldn’t help but laugh, but, surprisingly, they were very harsh at ordinary times, and Madam Wang, who could not tolerate the maids’ presumptuousness, did not criticize that at this time. Qingwen, who teased Baoyu with words, only repelled them in a low voice with tears.

Maybe, because of the rest of her life, she herself has already seen some things.

Or is it because those maids have experienced the test of life and death like them, so she has become more tolerant to them?


"What a wicked obstacle!!"

Compared with all the family members of the Jia Family who were crying, laughing and laughing and talking from ear to ear, Jia Zheng did not laugh. He was a little touched in his heart, but he shook his head and sighed, not knowing whether he should be happy or steal Sad sobbing?

After all, as a courtier, his niece not only became an anti-thief, but also seemed to have used some method to overthrow the royal family and become a queen. This kind of thing made him always be How should the worker, Wai Lang, who advertises himself as a loyal minister and is deeply favored by the emperor, deal with himself?


"Fine! Forget it!"

Thinking about it, Jia Zheng couldn't help but sighed again, and then he no longer cared about the frolicking women in the room, shook his head and hands on his back, and walked out slowly to the outside.

So far, the reason for the development of the matter is still a bit in the cloud, and even he doesn't even know if their Jia family is really out of danger, so he is going to go back and have a quiet first and take a good rest. one night.

For the rest, we can only ask the trustee after dawn tomorrow, and send someone to contact Wang Ziteng, who was pardoned and restored to office like them, and the two masters of Shijia, to inquire about the situation before making other plans.


At this time, in the Zichen Hall in the palace, after the people from the Bear Shield had done a lot of weird things that she didn't even understand, Lin Daiyu had to take the time to return to the surrounding area. In the palace protected by the Celestial soldiers wearing that kind of armor called'CMC', and at a glance, the wound in the palace seemed to have been well under the effect of the golden light, and people could stand upright. Great white bear.

‘! ! ’

‘Miss! Great, you are finally back! ’

‘Go and persuade Little Bear, he has said some silly things since he just woke up, and said he is leaving, don’t let us! ? ’

Seeing her own lady coming in, the Snow Goose, who had been taking care of the comatose "Little Bear" since the day, hurriedly greeted her and yelled anxiously.


"It, it really said to go?!"

Lin Daiyu was stunned. In the end, she gritted her teeth and walked to the big white bear that I don’t know why she always felt strange. She raised her head and looked straight at the person standing in front of her. The eyes of the tall behemoth:

"Little Bear..."

Although, after that little girl appeared, Lin Daiyu herself had a vague sense that their little bears would no longer belong to them soon.

However, she never expected that the other party would leave so soon, and after so many inexplicable things happened?

"Is what Xueyan said true? Can't you not leave?"

If possible, she really hopes that the other party can continue to accompany them for a short period of time, at least, until things calm down here, or wait until she understands everything? In that case, presumably they wouldn't be anxious and feel a little isolated and helpless as they are now.

Now think about it, all the messy things that happened in the palace, she is still at a loss so far, but if it weren't for the people from the Bear Shield to give her various guarantees, they would send heaven soldiers to protect her in the future, and promise If they will handle everything well and have done all sorts of incredible things, she might have escaped directly with Xue Yan, who was still in a coma with the little bear, right?


"Little girl, your little bear, it has already left!"

However, what shocked Lin Daiyu was that the white bear in front of her stared at herself with an extremely unfamiliar look for a long time, and then suddenly came out such a sentence that made her a little surprised and puzzled. words?


"What's the answer to this?"

"Tibbers, what's wrong with you..."

Opening her mouth, under the effect of consternation and some kind of subconscious intuition, Lin Daiyu staggered back two steps, and with a slightly trembling tone, she moved towards this end in front of her. I wonder why it made her feel more and more strange. White Bear asked.

"Listen! Little girl!"

"I am the thunder roaring Volibear, a bearman from the Freljord Snow Mountain! Before, your'Tibbers', it has already followed its own master the moment I passed out. Leaving this world."

From his memory, Volibear, who knows the relationship between his previous "self" and the two little girls in front of him, after considering it for a while, began to explain in a tone that is quite different from a certain bear. With.

If it weren’t for the fact that Xue Yan took care of his old affection for a long time, it would have left as soon as he woke up, and would stay there until now, and would be less troublesome with the seemingly incomprehensible person before him. The girl explained so much?


"But, isn't Volibear the bear yourself?"

Daiyu remembers that at the beginning, her cubs often claimed to be'Thunder Roar Volibear.' Therefore, they always thought: Tibber Bear is Volibear, and Volibear is the bear. These two Are the names actually the same bear?

"Do not!"

"Volibear is Volibear, Tibbles is Tibbles, I am me, it is it... Before it, it occupied my body, oppressed my soul, and until today did it return my body to I!"

Volibear was originally angry about the behavior of a bear forcibly occupying his body. However, it took a lot of time to help him recover from his injury, and relying on the owner of the other to get back to Freljord. By the way, he reluctantly forgave the nasty guy.


Lin Daiyu exclaimed, with a look of consternation and sorrow on her face, couldn't help but step back.

By now, she finally understood why she always felt that the bear in front of her was different from the one they had in mind, and why she always felt that the tone of the other party's speech and the feeling it made her were a little strange! It turns out that this is the case. It turns out that the other party suddenly passed out before because the little girl left with "Tibbs"?

The little bear in her family, that bad guy, he went away without saying a word, and didn't even say goodbye to them? !

"Little girl!"

"Since the matter has been clarified, I am going back to Freljord now, goodbye..."

After speaking, Volibear nodded and walked directly towards the palace gate.

He Volibear is the bear man of Freljord, and the bear man of Freljord will never be a slave, even if the other party continues to provide him with food and shelter! Now, he wants to go back and continue to lead the bears of his clan to fight in the icy and snowy world of Freljord and guard their land!

Because he is a huge bear who has received thousands of swords and guns, and the thunder demigod of Freljord, symbolizing the fighting spirit on that icy land! And for thousands of years, the bitter war that has never stopped and the harshest winter have tempered Volibear with his indomitable strength and spirit, so now he is really leaving.


"and many more!"

"Before you go, can you tell us what we have to do to find our little bear Tibbers? Where is it now?"

Seeing that the other party was about to leave, Daiyu became anxious, and hurriedly stretched out her hand, and before almost pulling the short tail behind the other party, she retracted subconsciously.

Because the big white bear in front of her is no longer their little bear, so she will definitely resist some intimate actions and dare not do it.


"Where the little girl and her little bear are now, how can I know?"

Volibear stopped, turned around, and said impatiently.

However, looking at the sad look on the face of the little human girl in front of me, and then at the situation where the other person seems to be about to cry, there is no way, he feels a little irritable, a little upset, and a little annoyed. After thinking about it, he stretched out his hand and threw a rune into the opponent's arms.


"That is a magical rune, it is a credential to join the Bear Shield and go to the storm hub. I am not interested anyway, because we bear people are never slaves, even if it is an employment relationship!"

"So, little girl, if you want to find your little bear, go and practice! When you can activate it with your own power, you can go to the Huber at the hub of the space-time storm The Re'an is now, maybe there will be a chance to see it at that time, maybe?"

"That's it, goodbye, human!"

After that, Volibear no longer cared about the silly little human girl holding the rune, but just raised her leg and strode forward.

Soon, before leaving the gate of the palace, his figure gradually faded. It seemed that after using some kind of magical item handed to it by a little girl, he disappeared quickly and went straight back to the other side. The icy Freljord of a world plane went back to look for his fellow bear people.


How can this be?

‘Miss! Bear, it really just left? ! ’

Xueyan, who stayed by her side and couldn't speak, after seeing the big white bear leaving for a while, recalling the words the other party had just said and knowing that something was inevitable, she jumped quickly. I walked to the side of her young lady, bit her lower lip, and looked pitifully at her and the strange stone half the size of the palm of her hand.



"It may have really gone... But Xue Yan, as long as we work hard to cultivate, one day, we will still see it..."

Think of the power that the little girl showed when she easily defeated that fairy, and then think of the magical abilities that the people of Bear Shield showed in that half of the day and the fairy who is powerful enough to resurrect the dead. Means... Gradually, while shook hands with the stone in Lin Daiyu's hands, she also strengthened a certain determination at the same time, and found an excuse and a direction for her efforts for why she wanted to cultivate.

She remembered that two years ago, it was Little Xiong who insisted on asking them to cultivate, so now they must continue to practice and practice to the extreme, to see if they can take the Little Bear back from the little girl's hands by then?

Because the bears belong to them, and always will be! She and Xueyan would not give up easily, and would never allow the little girl who looked fierce and probably would not take care of the bear at all to **** their little bear Tibbers away!


‘Can we really still find it? ’

"Hmm! Trust me, it will definitely be possible..."


"Nothing but!"



'correct! Miss! Are you really going to be a queen? ! ’

"I do not know either……."

‘Those people are really amazing. The emperor obediently listened to what they said... And their celestial soldiers and geniuses, such thick armor, even our sword energy might not be able to cut into it, right? ’


"Xueyan, if you want to be, you can go, I will let you now!"

‘Miss, you’re wrong, do you count? ! ’


'why? ’

"Because starting from today, I will work hard to cultivate and strive to become immortal as soon as possible!"

'what? Then... Then I shouldn't be right, I also want to practice with you, Miss! ’

"You don't want to be a queen?"

‘It’s wrong, the emperor was all beaten up to find teeth by us, so what's the point? Sword practice is more important? ’


"Then what?"

‘Miss! ’

‘Suddenly, I think it’s better for us to be a goddess, because the gods are bigger than the emperor. When the time comes, the emperor will have to kneel when we see it. How amazing? ’


"Xueyan, there are so many immortals in the sky, what if the emperor doesn't kneel on you?"


‘Then kill him with one sword! ! ’


Obviously has been in contact with a certain bear for a long time, and now the Snow Goose, who is still just a little maid, seems to have been affected, and even threatened to kill the emperor at every turn?

I just don’t know. I was busy outside at this time, sorting out Jinling’s affairs, and preparing to make a decrement for the two of them to build a new palace and canonize them. The emperor who enshrined them heard this. What kind of expression will it look like after sowing the words?

However, no matter what others think, at this time, Lin Daiyu and Xue Yan just secretly discussed the next training plan, and hoped that one day after they have achieved success in their cultivation, they can successfully remove their little bear Tibbers from The scene of the fierce little girl snatching it back...


(*????╰╯`??)?? Ask for a ticket?? (????╰╯`??*)

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