Shadow Bear Tibbers’ Plane Journey

Chapter 1050: The humble Deadpool vs. Superman, and the arrival of Annie |...


  唰~! Huh~!

In this deserted eastern American woods, under the eaves of this dilapidated wooden house that has been abandoned for a long time, a red-black tights that is also tattered, has already exposed an arm, half a leg, and a half. The weird man with a face and part of the torso skin was sharpening his single knife.

   That's right, he is Deadpool, Wade Winston Wilson, the guy who caused a **** storm in this universe, or the earth in this universe!

Although the shocking single knife in his hand has already appeared big and small gaps, but he is still determined to work **** the whetstone that he did not know which stream he got from. The ground is sharpening the blade back and forth, seeming to intend to polish the single blade full of gaps into a sharp blade with sharp serrations?

  唰~! Huh~!

  ‘Very good! It's sharp, it looks like it should be able to chop off the head of some unlucky guy...’

After grinding for a while, he even took a knife and cut off one of his little fingers, and watched a new finger grow out of the **** palm wound little by little, and tried the knife. Wade nodded reluctantly, feeling that the knife had been almost polished by him.


  ‘Let me think, who should I cut next? ’

"Bear Shield basically has no leaders, and there are not a few valuable tokens left. The Avengers are just short of the beautiful chick named Carol and the little girl who doesn’t know where to hide. That should be It will take a lot of time...'

  ‘The X-Men are all gone, they are too intolerant to kill, the professor is dead, and his school is blown up by the genius...’

  ‘The mutants are almost dead, and the aliens who ran to the earth are almost killed, right? ’

  ‘The hapless guys from the Illuminati are basically dead...No! It seems that the king of Atlantis is still missing...but he is not in a hurry, he will not be able to hide for long, and bring a small gift to his house to see him next day. By the way, ask him what it means to hide in the bottom of the sea... ...'

  ‘Red Skull and his men are almost dead...’

  ‘Hey! ’

  ‘It’s weird, there doesn’t seem to be a particularly interesting goal, then what am I sharpening my knife now, and who am I going to cut tomorrow? ’

After muttering to himself for a while, Deadpool Wade was a little bit embarrassed, because he found that his work was so good that he couldn’t think of it or couldn’t find it for a while. A valuable goal to start?

After all, his goal does not include ordinary people, just those superheroes or villains, of course, there are those superheroes, mutants and the like... And those people who kill one will be one less, according to the current progress , Presumably he will be able to complete his task soon, so now he is starting to make trouble for whom he wants to find tomorrow.

'Well? ’

  ‘Uncle Wade is on vacation today and doesn’t want to work, so why are there still people coming to the door? ’

   Suddenly, Deadpool Wade stopped working in his hands, and then raised his head to look into the sky.

At this moment, in the sky, a heroic and muscular man wearing an exquisite blue tights with an inverted'S'-shaped red sign on his chest and a big red cloak behind him, standing majestic from above. Landed slowly.

After passing through the dense forest branches and leaves and approaching the ground, the visitor only touches the ground with his toes, then if there is no place in the air, he stares at someone wearing shabby clothes with his eyes. The tattered red and black tights and the red and black hoods on his head were all damaged, revealing half of an ugly face full of ugly lumps and Wade with playful eyes.


  ‘You caused great damage to the earth in this universe, destroyed the Avengers, and blown up the deadpool of the Bear Shield spacecraft, that Wade Winston Wilson? ’

   That's right, the person here is the Superman Clark Kent of the DC Universe!

   He was commissioned and invited by the Bear Shield not long ago to come to this world and set out to deal with this crazy monster who has been killing people in this period of time!

However, given that he knows the strength of the Bear Shield better than anyone else, he thinks it is likely that the Bear Shield is making a fuss, and he has unfinished tasks assigned by the Huberian in his own hands, so he has been stuck in other worlds and has not been able to escape. He had to delay for a while... but he did not think that when he finished his work and returned to the Huberian, ready to return to his own world for a rest, he heard a shock 'S message:

   The Avengers were almost completely wiped out, and the top leaders of the Bear Shield, along with the battleship, were blown up by the Deadpool and Wade Winston Wilson? !

Therefore, while stunned in his heart, he hurriedly transmitted to the earth of this world, and with the super hearing and vision of the Kryptonians, he quickly searched and found the one in front of the tens of billions of people on the earth. The culprit hiding in this woods sharpening the knife, found this Wade Winston Wilson.


   "Look, who did I see now? You should be a superhero from another universe, Superman Clark wearing that famous underwear, right?"

I was staying under the eaves of this concealed forest hut, grinding his own knife, wondering whether he was going to slash tomorrow. After seeing the person, Wade was first stunned, and then quickly, even if He had never seen the other party, nor had he been to the earth in another universe, but he was weirdly telling the identity and origin of the other party.

   If it was before, Wade would definitely not recognize the opponent, but now, as long as he appears in front of him, he can easily tell the origin of the opponent, even Superman.


   "Hey! Man, where did I say your red pants?"

"Why doesn't that red thing continue to be worn outside? Listen to my advice. As a superhero, you should have your own characteristics. Look at you... It's just a few more words. I hid my underwear right away. How bad is that? If you don’t wear the underwear outside, the recognition is not enough. How can others recognize that you are the one with a steel body, and you can’t kill you. Where's Superman Clark?"

   "How about..."

"Do you wear mine first? A freshly washed one is still hanging in my house. Although it is a pair of floral underwear, the style is not very new, but I think it must be yours tights full of pimple flesh It fits well..."


However, the humble-mouthed Deadpool Wade didn’t even have time to finish his words, and two red eye rays swept past his eyes fiercely, leaving two molten ferocious smoke on the ground in front of him. At the same time, he was sharpened with great difficulty, and he could chop off one of his little fingers with a single knife, and he was ready to find the next target tomorrow. The single knife that was cut instantly melted into only one smoking knife. A part of the handle?

"To shut up!"

   "Answer the question I just asked!"

After Superman Clark released an eye ray to deter and destroy the ridiculous weapon in the opponent's hand, he continued to float in place, and sternly questioned the opponent with his angry eyes and majestic face. :

"Did you cause tremendous damage to the earth in this universe, destroy the Avengers, and blow up the Deadpool of the Bear Shield spacecraft? Are you the same Wade Winston Wilson?! "

To be honest, although all kinds of evidence, including the information he saw and what he said "hear" and "see", have proved that the other party is the dead waiter he is looking for, and it is the Wade he is looking for. Winston Wilson! However, now that he really came in front of the opponent, Clark found out: this guy in front of him is not only ugly, but also seems to be pitifully weak, that is, slightly stronger than the unequipped Bruce?

Although he has not seen the super self-healing ability of the other party, he will never believe it. With the strength of Bear Shield, with the many positive and negative superheroes and X-Men in this world , Mutants, and other heroes, will be harmed by such a guy in front of them to the extent that everyone is in danger, and they can only avoid them everywhere and dare not resist?

   He didn't understand, how exactly did this guy in front of him do it? !


"Then I have sharpened the knife for a full morning, and I haven't had time to slash it... Well, the move you just did is like the laser eye Scott, the kind of natural eyes that have super red shock waves. Ability?"

After looking at himself for grinding all morning, but in the end he was given a weapon that was easily burned by the other party. Deadpool Wade first wailed frantically, and then stopped suddenly when he was about to say who he wanted to kill. , Because he saw the other person's expression seems ugly?

Therefore, he first indifferently threw the sword hilt with hot and red melted metal at the fracture into the ruined house behind him, even if it soon fell into a pile of debris and sparks gradually appeared. And the smoke is completely ignored.

Because his casual safe house was discovered by someone, there is no need for it to continue to exist. He would definitely not stay here anymore, otherwise, God knows when How many missiles flew down from the sky and blasted him into pulp?

   "Oh! Please..."

"Do you want to know how I killed the hapless guy Scott? It's actually very simple. I secretly changed his eyepieces, and when he was about to attack me, his head It was cooked by his own laser eyes, that kind of sight, his companions, those women at the time were frightened, tusk!"

   Zi! !

   "Oh! Okay, okay, please calm down first?"

Two more warning-like eye rays swept over. Although Deadpool Wade took a step back in time, he was still scorched several toes. Even the boots he had deliberately protected well were finally the first time. There was damage.

   "Wade Winston Wilson..."

   "To answer my question just now, my patience is limited. Next time, it will not be as simple as burning your toes."

While staring at the opponent's fearless eyes with sullen and warning gazes, while paying attention to the opponent's feet, he found that the guy really quickly recovered and grew out of the damaged boots. After those fresh toes, he frowned inadvertently.

   "Are you asking about that kind of thing?"

"That one……"

   It turns out that the other party is still entangled with that kind of thing. Deadpool Wade can't help but feel a little entangled, because he needs to think carefully, how to answer it?

   "Well, actually..."

"I want to correct one thing first: Although I did destroy the Avengers and blow up the Bear Shield spaceship, the Deadpool is indeed Wade Winston Wilson... But there are some things you might really do. Misunderstanding, I didn't want to cause too much damage to this universe and this earth. What I did was just to prevent something from happening, so that this miserable world would not be so miserable?"

"and also……"

"Speaking of which, you may not believe it. I have killed more than the Bear Shield people and the Avengers. I also killed all the X-Men. After seeing the content in my mind, Professor X was a bit unacceptable. I was scared to death, and then I killed everyone in his school..."

   "All, regardless of men, women, young and old, those mutant geniuses, I have not let go of them, because I Wade thinks that their existence is actually a mistake?"

   "Of course, there are more and more!"

"Not long ago, in a large warehouse, a group of mutants were gathering. They were accusing me and want to unite against me? It's a pity that I was blown to death with a lot of micro-explosives! I drove full of explosives. The car rushed in like that, and pressed the detonation button under their horrified eyes, none of them were left!"

   Saying here, Deadpool smacked his lips with some nostalgia, because that time, it took him a lot of time to resurrect, and he was almost caught by the agents of the Bear Shield.


   "There is also the alien base on the moon. That matter is actually easier. I found a way to destroy their shields and blow up their energy system in an instant..."

   "You know, human beings can't live without oxygen, the same is true for Inhumans, and even if my geography class is not good, I know that the moon is definitely not able to absorb the atmosphere, so..."

   "They died soon, there was no one left, they died very quickly, basically there was not much pain except not being able to breathe?"

"Really, it was a bad memory, because it reminded me of my terrible course. If my grades were better that year, maybe I could be admitted to university and become a white-collar worker instead of like I am now. Be a funny clown?"

   Deadpool Wade completely ignored the face of the opposite Superman, who was getting darker and more ugly, and just talked about all the things he had done as if showing off.

"anything else……"

"You may not know, now my goals are not too many. Except for the chick and the little girl I want to kill the most, I haven't shown up, most of the other people can't make a big wave... although I also know Now, some of them have been preparing to bomb me with a nuclear bomb?"

   "But fortunately, they must not be able to catch me, I have many secret weapons..."

   "Next, I still want to..."

   Finally, someone who can talk to himself and is not a target that must be killed, so, Deadpool Wade didn't seem to want to let go of this excellent opportunity, so he just started talking.



   Without waiting for the Deadpool to continue talking smugly, Superman Clark, who had confirmed something, stopped him with an angry tone.


   "Or Mr. Wade Winston Wilson?"

   As he said, Superman Clark stepped forward and walked over.

"To the people on earth, I'm just an alien and an alien at the same time. Therefore, unless forced to do so, I never kill people...because the killers are good or bad, evil or horrible. Molecules, as long as I am seen killing, I myself will very likely become the enemy of the world, so I have been working hard and try not to kill any earthlings.

   "But today, I decided to make an exception and decisively to wipe out your all-wicked villain!!"

   Obviously, Superman Clark was greatly shocked by the various evil deeds and tragedies that the other party said, as well as everything he'saw' and'heared'! So, right now, he was filled with justice and indignation. After he finished speaking, he suddenly accelerated, rushed to the other side with a thunderous momentum, and before the other side could react, he directly stretched out his left hand and squeezed it. Caught the other's neck.


"and many more?"

   Dead Servant Wade was taken aback, and found that the other party had pinched his neck. Just when he wanted to say something, he felt that the other party's hand tightened, and his brain twitched!



   With a cold snort, Superman Clark did not give him a chance to explain.

His hands were only slightly harder, and after hearing a numbing scalp sound of bone breaking, the dead servant Wade Winston Wilson’s neck, or to be precise, was completely destroyed by the opponent’s cervical spine. After crushing it, the other party's head tilted to one side softly. It was obvious that the bones, trachea, arteries, etc. were all crushed into a ball by him, making it lose its most basic functions.


   It’s just that, even in this way, Superman doesn’t have much joy. He just frowned and looked at each other, seeming to think that this task was too simple and easy? If he were replaced by someone else and suffered from the current injury, he would definitely not live, but if it was the guy in front of him, he would always feel that it would not be so easy.

   "Uh~! I'm dead!"

   Waiting for a while, when Superman frowned and wondered, the dead waiter Wade suddenly said such a sentence, then stretched out his tongue and closed his eyes, putting on a very exaggerated death expression.

   "Haha! Are you surprised?"

"Look, this is what you want to see, you want to see Wade Winston Wilson dead, don't you? Okay, maybe I didn't pretend to be enough just now. Do I need to do it again? Maybe if my head tilts this way, it will look more like it?"

Pretending to be dead for a while, when the blue veins on the head of Superman who was waiting to pinch his neck were a little broken, suddenly, the closed eyes of the dead waiter suddenly opened again, and he spit out his tongue playfully. After Superman with his head full of black lines said such a sentence, he continued to grimace at the other party without any guilt, and then continued to pretend to die with his tongue, while tilting his head to the other side.




Seeing the other person’s artificial expression, the angry Superman hit the dead servant Wade’s chest with a punch with his other hand, bringing the opponent’s heart with ribs, sternum, and lungs. They all sank deeply...

   With such a serious injury, his neck was squeezed, and his chest and heart were crushed together. If he were replaced by any other slightly normal earthling, he would definitely not be able to survive!

  ’! ! ’

  ‘Uh wow~! I am dead again...’

  ‘What do you think of this posture and expression? Is it more realistic than before? ’

   However, Deadpool Wade is not a normal earthling, because his self-healing ability and regeneration factor are terribly strong!

   So, again, pretending to be another dead person, hanging his head to his back, and then slumping there, he continued to ridicule and ridicule Superman Clark with a smile.


   "I see, it turned out to be like this. Is this the reason you are reliant and unscrupulous?"

Finally, after seeing the opponent’s abilities, Superman Clark endured the inexplicable anger and nodded, saying that at last he barely knew why the opponent could harm him for so long without dying... was wounded like this. He didn't die when he was infringed to this extent, and that was indeed something he had never seen before.

   However, if the other party just thinks that this can make him retreat, then the other party is very wrong!

"I made a decision!"

   "I will take you to the sun in its entirety, and let the flames there completely purify your sins?"

   Since his Superman Clark has come here, he has come to the earth of this cosmic plane, then he will definitely seek justice for the Bear Shield, for everyone in the Avengers, and for those who innocently died in the hands of the opponent.

   Therefore, today, he will use his method to put this Deadpool and Wade Winston Wilson on a late justice trial!


   "No, no, no, I don't want to go to the sun, it will really kill me, I haven't completely killed those guys, I can't die now..."

   Hearing what the other party said, Deadpool was taken aback for a moment, and suddenly converged on the pretending dead face, so he hurriedly said with his broken and tilted head.


   "It's not up to you now."

After a cold snort, Superman first glanced towards the sky, and after determining the position of the sun, he'snap' to the ground, and directly ejected and took off, just like this at a speed of several hundred meters per second, holding this one in front of him. Deadpool, who had broken the bones of his neck with his hands and dented his chest, flew high towards the sky.


   "I am afraid of heights, please, can you let me down first, we have something to say?"

   Rarely, after seeing the other party flying him up, he didn't know if he was pretending to be or was really afraid, anyway, Deadpool began to struggle and flop.

   "Shut up!"

  Superman doesn’t understand, it’s all at this level now, what good is the other party still struggling and crying like a child? Could it be that he would let him go because of his nonsensical and innocent playfulness?

   After all, when the other party did something like that, when the other party went to slaughter so many people and did so many evil things, one should think that there are also today! Those innocent people who died tragically under the opponent's hands, they must have begged for mercy, but did the other party let them go?

"To shut up?"

   "No, no! I will never shut up, if you let me go, I will shut up immediately!!"

With his head drooping and his neck still being held by the opponent, Deadpool said with some difficulty, because his neck was chopped off, so that he had trouble speaking, although he had already learned how to be chopped off. The ability to speak even under the hood.


  Superman ignored the opponent, but grabbed the opponent's neck with one hand, fisted upward, breaking the air in order to reduce resistance and flying towards the sky at high speed.


   "Big Brother Superman, we have no grudges in the past and recently, why are you doing this? I didn't kill your family, or else, let me go, let me beg you?"

   flew up for a while, and after the forest on the ground looked like a piece of grass, Deadpool became a little anxious and began to plead.


   However, Superman Clark did not care about the other party, still speeding up to fly into the sky, even the speed has broken through the sound barrier, the sound of ‘huhu’ piercing the air echoed in their ears.

   "Really don't let go? If you really don't let me go, but you want to fight back?!"

   The plea failed, and Deadpool Wade began to threaten.

After all, being carried by the opponent to fly high in the sky is not a great experience. Therefore, Deadpool began to fight and attack fiercely with his hands and feet. In addition to using his fists to dig his heart out of the black tiger, he even kicked it hard. Kicked hard to the bottom of the opponent?



   Surprisingly, at the moment of contact, Deadpool discovered that, apart from a muffled noise, his ankle was instantly broken by his own huge force, which seemed to be of no extra use?


   "I said, is it possible that your Kryptonians are all made of iron?!"

   Looking at the other person's cold eyes and indifferent expression, Deadpool Wade asked hesitantly. Because in the past, he had used this trick against his good brother, Gang Lishi, who was killed by him, but the result was the same as it is now.


   Superman continued to be silent, ignoring the opponent, still continuing to speed up to fly into the sky, seemingly determined to throw the opponent into the sun?


   "Hey! I warn you, don't let me go, I'm going to use a knife!"

   The warning was invalid, and Superman continued to fly up indifferently, without even seeing Deadpool again.


   "I really used a knife?!"

   Just move!

   Seeing that the other party was not going to let him go easily, Wade took out his two samurai swords behind his back with a fierce attack, and then crossed and slashed towards Superman's bare neck.


   clang~! !

At the moment when he successfully hit the neck of Superman, who was completely irresistible, Deadpool was shocked to find that his two weapons, which were fairly good and extremely sharp and hard, were as if they had cut steel under his own power. Broken in two?


   The Superman, who knew this was the consequence, continued to speed up and flew high in the sky after continuing to glance at the opponent indifferently, without intending to talk nonsense with the opponent.

"I understand!"

   "Is it a body of steel like iron man and steel man? Oh! Damn it, I don't have poison in my hand now, or I will poison you, I will! And it is the kind of kiss with the tongue?!"

The broken blade in his hand continued to smash on the opponent's body for a few times, and when he found that neither the opponent's skin nor the clothes could scratch the slightest, Deadpool Wade fiercely used the kind of words that had no deterrent at all. Threatening.

   "It's useless to resist!"

   "Wade, your evil deeds must be stopped, trust me, everything will be over soon!"

   After finishing speaking, Superman didn't care about the other party's noise, but continued to fly into the sky with the other party's neck. Because he has to fly out of the atmosphere first, and then he can continue to accelerate. After accelerating the opponent to a certain level, he will be thrown into the orbit of the sun in the middle of the solar system to ensure that the opponent will not even have a living cell. Will be saved.

   At that time, this villain who has caused great chaos and loss to the earth will be completely wiped out, and there will be no possibility of rebirth and existence.


"You are flying too high now, I feel very cold now, and I won't be able to breathe in space, that may die! Also, I really don't want to go to the sun to bathe, I heard that there is lava ?"


   "We have no grievances and no grudges, what does it matter to you if I kill the hero of this universe? Can't you continue to return to your world to be an ostrich?"

   "Don't worry, my Lord Wade won't be so lenient, and I will definitely not run into your cosmic world to kill, although I have never used to the self-righteous Batman in your world?"

   "Oh right!"

   "Tell you, I like the clown in your world very much. He is not dead. Maybe I can talk to his villain about the perfect art of blasting and killing people someday?"

   While being taken by the opponent to fly into the sky, Dead Servant Wade continued to mutter.

At the same time, he continued to chop and stab Superman's face or eyes with the two daggers that were broken in two. But unfortunately, it was of no use at all, and Superman had no use at all. Pay attention to him, let him continue to attack in vain.

   You have to know that Superman is intact in a nuclear explosion, and their light and heavy weapons are completely ineffective, let alone the ridiculous two-cutting sword in the opponent's hand.


   "Don't struggle, it will be over soon! But I want to remind you that there is no magma in the sun!"

   Seeing that the opponent finally gave up the two invalid broken swords and no longer greeted his face in vain, the super talent was slightly relieved and explained to the opponent.

   "There is no magma, so what is there?"

   "Is it a beautiful beauty, or an iron crotch freak like yours?!"

   After finishing speaking, the other intact foot of Deadpool kicked towards the other side again...


'Uh! ! ’

   I broke another foot...

   But this time, Deadpool was very tough, and apart from a muffled grunt, no more voices or screams came out.

   "There is nuclear fusion, high temperature, high radiation, and endless intense light..."

   "But don't worry, I promise, you will not stay there long, and you will know what is there soon."

   Stars like the sun are the source of energy for these Kryptonians to live and live on, but for the evil-doing earthling Wade in front of him, there is indeed the end and **** of the other party! And Clark believed that the other party would definitely not be able to reach the sun, and would be burned up and completely vaporized on the approaching road, and even a living cell would not survive.

   "Oh! God **** it!"

   "That place sounds terrible, I don't like that place at all!"

"Also, man, it's really too high here... You really don't consider letting me go? Of course, you can just throw me down before leaving the atmosphere, although it will be a little uncomfortable in the end, maybe Will be smashed into meatloaf, but I believe I should be able to stand it?"

   Maybe he was frightened, but after hesitating for a while, Deadpool Wade began to beg for mercy again.


   "Please let me go, or else I'm going to be real? Tell you, I'm going crazy, even I'm afraid of myself!"

   Seeing that the other party was indifferent, Deadpool began to mutter again, and, as if to make the other party hear more clearly, he even hugged him firmly with his hands and feet.


However, Superman has already understood the power of his chattering speech so far, so he ignored it at all and did not intend to continue speaking, just taking advantage of the thin atmosphere at the current altitude to reduce the resistance. It began to accelerate violently.

The current altitude should be several hundred kilometers, it should have reached the warm layer, and a little higher, it will almost completely escape from the atmosphere, and then he can continue to accelerate in the cosmic vacuum without any scruples, and promises to be soon You can throw the opponent into the sun and completely wipe out the disaster on this earth!


   "I can't breathe anymore, I'm going to die, I'm going to die, really..."

   As the atmosphere became thinner and thinner, the voice of a certain deadpool who only saved Superman's mouth became smaller and smaller.

   "Let go, or I will really fight back!"

   The pale and feeble threat sounded again.


  Superman ignored him, just glanced at the other party faintly, and didn't even care about the other party's behavior of holding him. After letting go of the other party's neck, he turned to clamp the other party with his arm.

   "Listen to me, you are from another universe, not something I must destroy. Can we have something to say?"

   "Let me go..."

   "If you don't make a difference, you can take people into space, shall we be reasonable?"

   "It's really cold above, let me go back and bring a down jacket?"

   "Thermal underwear is fine too!"

   "I'm almost freezing underneath, can you help me see it?"


   "I have decided, I want to pee on you!!"

   "Am I really booing?!"


   "Now I can't urinate. You pinched my cervical spine. It is out of my control. You are responsible for me!"

   "Oh no..."

   "It's so high..."

   Deadpool Wade’s voice is getting smaller and weaker, and a layer of hoarfrost gradually condenses on his body. He is really about to be frozen.


  Superman Clark continued to accelerate, and he didn't even look at the other party, because the other party's fate was already doomed, starting from the time when the other party did such evil things.


   "I can't breathe anymore, I'm cold, give me a hug..."

   Suddenly, a spirit of Deadpool struggled forward, and he hugged Superman, who was still holding his body tightly.


   "Oh! So warm, so strong body......"

The humble Deadpool sighed in a very misleading tone, and then while his feet were tightly wrapped around the opponent's waist, his hands kept moving, constantly in the opponent's strong, The strong and warm muscles on the back, arms and shoulders wearing tights kept rubbing, and finally put his hands behind the opponent.


The corners of his mouth twitched, and Superman thought for a while, and felt that no one saw it anyway, so regardless of the other's actions, he just let himself fly faster like a meteor or a rocket, ready to completely escape from the earth’s atmosphere and fly into the deep space of the universe. in.

   "No more..."

   "Although I really don't want to kill you, but, sorry, I don't want to go to the sun to pee, so I have to fight back?"

  At this moment, unexpectedly, after the humble Deadpool Wade stopped rubbing the opponent's back, he suddenly said something like this.



  Superman just snorted indifferently in his throat. Obviously, he doesn't believe that the other party can kill him. You know, the other party doesn't have any weapons in his hands now. With his almost frozen hands, what can the other party do?

  ’! ! ’

  '? ? ’

  噗! !

At this moment, unexpectedly, a dagger pierced the chest of Superman’s sturdy body directly from the back. After piercing the opponent’s heart, it also penetrated from the front, and directly connected to the chest of the dead servant Wade. Pierce it together?

Then, due to the pressure, the blood of the two of them was mixed, and they poured out from each other's wounds and mouths. Due to the distance from the earth, the dots of red blood poured out directly and quickly clotted. The red ice dregs became infiltrating, directly covering the thin air of hundreds of kilometers.


In astonishment, Superman let go of the big hand that had been holding the opponent's body in amazement. While trying to push the opponent away, he looked down at the opponent inconceivably at the place where the opponent had just obtained it from nowhere, and directly penetrated the body of the two A long dagger.


   "The feeling of being pierced through the heart is really painful, right?"

   "Speaking of which, you may not believe it. I have tried this feeling many times. Some were pierced by a knife, some were broken by a bullet, and others were torn out by hand..."

   "But I promise, as long as you try it once, you will love that feeling! Next time..."

"Aha! I'm so sorry, I forgot that you are different from me, you may not have the next time, because although you have a strong body and various magical abilities, you don't seem to be like me, with a strong regeneration factor. And a great guy with self-healing ability?"

  Dead waiter said with a bit of thought in his mouth, and then hugged him tightly, before finally pretending to say the last sentence.


   "You, why do you have a kryptonite weapon?"

Feeling the dagger piercing through his heart and chest, and feeling the special fluctuations above and the gradual dissipating power in his body, Superman Clark, whose mouth is still pouring out of blood and ice scum, stared in disbelief. , Looked at the monster in front of him who had been pierced through his heart, but still in the mood to hold his body and rubbed his chest with a twisted neck and ugly cheeks asked.

   He just clearly remembered that the other party clearly didn't have any weapons in his hand, why now...


   "So what can hurt you is called a kryptonite weapon?"

   Deadpool Wade was also a little surprised, but, I don’t know if he pretended it or really didn’t know?

   "Sorry, I don't know so much, I just asked Reality Gems to get me a knife that can hurt you, but I really didn't think so much!"

   "Of course, maybe I should reverse reality and try to change your invulnerable steel body?"

   "But forget it, anyway, now my goal has been achieved, right?"

   After finishing speaking, Deadpool went on to pull out the dagger proudly and stabbed it again fiercely, creating a second hideous hole in the opponent and his body, and causing more blood to spray out.


His pupils suddenly shrank, and Superman Clark, who was about to push the opponent away with his last strength, only felt that the power in his body was instantly emptied, and his eyes went dark, after the two continued to slow down slowly and flew up a distance. , He crooked his neck, and gradually stopped moving...

   And with Superman's death or coma, finally, the height of the two of them continued to rise for a long distance along the inertia, then they were captured by the powerful gravity of the earth again, and then they began to accelerate downward and fall.

   Fortunately, the distance here is high enough, but hundreds of kilometers, it is very likely that it will be a long time before they fall to the ground.


   "Don't rush to death, let's accelerate the fall. Do you have any good ideas about this?"


   "Or can you teach me how to fly? Although I may not be able to learn..."


   "It seems to be warming up, I like this feeling..."

   Deadpool Wade kept slapping Superman Clark on the cheek, but unfortunately, the other party didn't answer at all. Even if he didn't die, it would be almost the same.

   "Oh oh!"

   "I should have killed him earlier. If I fall down so high, I won't be burned into **** by the atmosphere, right?"

   "I hope not..."


   "Well, it's likely to be? So I will continue to hold his strong body and put him underneath. Maybe he can be more resistant to burning?"

As the speed continued to drop, as the speed continued to rise, and with the howling and violent wind beside his ears, some frightened Death Servant Wade gritted his teeth and barely adjusted his posture to cushion the opponent’s weak body. Under oneself, after letting the opponent's body bear the higher and higher temperature due to friction, he hugged the opponent's chest firmly, pressed his face against the opponent's chest, listening to the opponent's heart gradually no longer beating, Prepare to bear the shock of falling to the ground that does not know how long it will take.

   Of course, it is likely that they will be burned to a dreadful condition before they hit the ground?

But he was not in a hurry, because Wade felt that this superman must be very resistant to burns, so he himself would definitely not be burnt to slag, as long as there is a little alive tissue, he will definitely be able to quickly It is certain that the place is full of blood and blue to resurrect, and there is no doubt about it!




   "Strange, why haven't you come down yet..."


Surprisingly, what made a certain superman who had a mean mouth and was killed by him could not imagine: under them, somewhere, there was a little girl who was already at a certain place where the two of them were about to fall. Waiting on the point.

at this time,

   She is carrying her bear cub in one hand, with the other hand left in front of her forehead, just standing on tiptoes and looking up, seemingly waiting for something to fall from the sky?

   After a long time, finally, Annie can see directly with the naked eye, a fire light across the sky, and just hit her diagonally.



   rumbling rumbling~! ! !

Something like a meteorite slammed into the dense forest not far away and ignited a big fire in an instant, and in the middle of the big crater where the explosion was, a certain group of scorched and twisted objects remained still Braving the amazing heat and flames.



   "Tibbers, look at it, that Deadpool and Superman seem to be scorched, they look really miserable..."


   Although that Superman is on his side now, Annie is not in a hurry to worry, because when things are done, she will always restore everything that was disrupted by Deadpool! At that time, she promised that the other party was resurrected alive, and continued to go to the Huberian as a coolie and thug?

   You need to know that a guy who works so hard and is good at flickering doesn't need any money, and only needs to cover food and shelter. How could she be willing to let the other party die easily? And the reason why she hadn't done anything just now was just to teach that Superman a deep lesson. Who gave him a chance to win, but he died by herself? !


  (● ̄(?) ̄●)


  |?)?? eh?

   "It seems that I am not dead yet!!"



   "Then wait and see!?"


Soon, Xiao Annie discovered that something in the scorched gadget began to swell and twist crazily, and even began to swallow everything around it, including the two scorched bodies, which seemed to be in urgent need of energy and protein?

   So, knowing that the dead servant Wade didn't seem to be dead, she took out a pack of popcorn and began to wait patiently while watching.

   She was going to see how the other party went to resurrection first, and then asked the other party something, and finally cleaned up the other party? ?


  ??(′?`?)???? Ask for a ticket?

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