Shadow Bear Tibbers’ Plane Journey

Chapter 1052: ?(ψ`?′)o Only thought can follow the universe...


Suddenly, the dead servant Wade stopped.

Then, with that inexplicable and embarrassing look, he looked at the opposite little girl who was staring curiously at those beautiful blue eyes and staring at him, waiting for his next action. It seems that the little guy on the opposite side, who is extremely demanding and extremely powerful for this world and for the Bear Shield, caused some trouble to him?



"Why did you stop suddenly? Go ahead and take it out! Take it out and let people see, what interesting things are you hiding in your stomach, this weird bad scorpion?"


To be honest, the other party’s weird action of reaching out into the other party’s stomach, though bloody, looks a little weird and scary... But the little Annie, who has always been very curious about the unknown, is now It's already irritating.

If she didn't want to see what the other party could pull out, she might have thrown her bear cub out a long time ago, and let Tibbers kill the other party directly, or burn it to ashes with Shadow Flame!


"Sorry, you don't have to look at me like that. I actually didn't want to take out anything great from my stomach, just because the sword seemed to pierce my stomach just now, and the overflow of stomach acid made me a little strange. It's uncomfortable, so..."


As soon as he finished speaking, Deadpool Wade didn’t mind with a violent hand, he pulled out his stomach, and even pulled out his esophagus and small intestine because of the toughness of those organs. Big cut?

However, Wade didn’t mind showing off the soft, **** thing in his hand to the little girl with a grinning smile, and then abandoning it behind him, as if those things were not at all. Just pulled off his own body?



Annie expressed a little disappointment...

The other party had been digging it out for a long time, and she thought that the other party was going to take out some terrible weapon to deal with her, but it turned out that it was to take out that kind of super disgusting thing?

Sure enough, she should have thrown her little bear out just now, and let the little bear completely burn him.


"So comfortable..."

"You may not believe it. It makes me feel a bit painful to say it, but it feels much more comfortable after being pulled out."

Patting the **** wound on his stomach, Wade began to perform some kind of physical movements that made him feel emotional.

"Anyway, you people won't understand. Under normal circumstances, I would rather grow a new stomach and a new section of intestines than they would continue to overflow those terrible things in my stomach..."

"Oh! It seems a bit bad..."

At this time, Deadpool Wade, who had just been proud of not long before, suddenly clamped his legs and hugged his wound that had begun to twist and heal, just like the tangled movement of some people before diarrhea. general?


"You, you will wait..."

"It seems that the large intestine is also leaking a little bit. This is not so good. I think you must have never experienced the bad situation where your stomach is full of shit! So, I think I may need more time..."

"But don't worry, I will fix them!"

Wade, who just reached out to his stomach, took out a huge **** stomach, and started to unconsciously see the **** hand again from the naked eye that the wound was about to heal. Chu arrogantly reached in and fumbled again?

That is to say, he has a strong healing ability and regeneration factor. If he is replaced by another normal person, he dares to do this kind of action, I am afraid that he will either die of bleeding or die alive, right? However, for Wade, who has caused terrible bloodstorms in this world for a while, and suffered various terrible injuries by others more than once, what he is doing now is relatively ordinary.



Annie was already a little impatient.



The other party has just disappointed her greatly, so now she no longer wants to see the disgusting and clumsy performance of the other party taking the internal organs from the belly, so she frowned, stretched out her fingers in anger, her head is big The fireball blasted towards the opponent directly!


"Hey! Wait a minute!!"

Seeing the little girl's movements, seeing the fireball that suddenly blasted towards him, Deadpool Wade hurriedly stretched out the **** hand that was sneaking in his own stomach, and then slammed it out. Are you not afraid of death at all, nor are you afraid that you will be burned to the coke and held onto the fireball?




However, unexpectedly, after a muffled sound, the shattering fire that Annie had just thrown out of nowhere was that Deadpool was so magically and easily caught by the other party?


?? (??`▽????)

Looking at the other person taking it out of his stomach, even the **** one on his hand can still be seen as golden gloves and the inlaid ones, the space, time, power, soul, reality and mind that are so familiar to Annie. With six jewels shining with special light, Annie suddenly smiled.

"Infinite Gloves!"


"People know that you must be weird and pretending to be mysterious. You don't even need to dig out your own stomach. It turns out that you want to attack others with infinite gloves?!"


No wonder, she was always surprised just now. She didn't find the gem that the other party swallowed in the other party's belly, and she always felt that the other party's belly was a bad idea to deliberately attract her attention. , The other party actually hit such a ghost idea? However, it is a pity that Annie, who no longer needs the power of infinite gems, has long looked down upon the infinite gloves in the opponent's hand!

It’s because she now owns the many planes of the universe, and the energy of countless universes is at her disposal, and the rules of the universe and even the rules of creation are also subject to her change and control, so this is an infinite gem. , It's really just some outdated gadgets.

"I see, you must have been to other worlds, right? People were weird before, because in this world, it is impossible for you to get those stones. It turns out that you have been to other worlds or Other planes?"


Annie remembered, didn't these planes have been in chaos a while ago?

Those messy people and animals have strayed through the endless planes she controlled. For this reason, she deliberately created the Huberian and the guy inside. Presumably, the death in front of her. The attendant must have accidentally obtained Pim particles, Infinite Gloves and gems in other S.H.I.E.L.D. planes at that time. Then, the other party used the power of Infinite Gems to sneak back into this world?

Otherwise, in the case that the infinite gems in this bear shield plane already belonged to her, due to the time paradox and the influence of other world logics, it is absolutely impossible for the opponent to go back to the past even if they have Pim particles. Before she appeared on this cosmic plane, she captured those infinite gems and returned to the present, because that did not conform to the law of uniqueness of characters in a single timeline at all!

Therefore, under the established facts and conditions that she has infinite gems, at this point in time on this plane, it is only logical that the infinite gems on the opponent's body can only be obtained from other parallel planes.

"Little guy, you really know a lot..."

"But it doesn't matter, because now I'm sure to win, don't you? You see, I can distort reality at will. That's much better than my healing and regeneration abilities!"

Somewhat triumphantly he glanced at the infinite glove on his hand. Deadpool Wade didn’t see any movement. He turned his wrist slightly, and the **** wound on his abdomen instantly recovered, just like it had always been. Haven't been injured in general?

Obviously, he had just used reality gems to reverse reality and became okay. It was just a matter of thought to repair all the injuries he had just suffered and the internal organs that he had already taken out.

"This is the power of Infinite Gems..."

"Little girl, I have this, so I might have won today?"

"But don't worry, I will lay hands gently later, and will not hurt you, as long as your existence completely disappears, and then I will use Infinite Gloves to destroy the remaining superheroes and villains. When the time comes , Everything is completely over!"

"That will be a great victory. I am looking forward to it. What kind of expression will certain guys have when they see me finish everything by myself?"

"When all the protagonists, supporting characters, and guys who may have names are killed by my respected and beloved Lord Wade, those readers will suddenly find that there are no books to read, they must be very sad, right?"

"I will look forward to this very much..."


At this point, Deadpool Wade suddenly seemed to be a little embarrassed. He held his own cheek with both hands and laughed strangely, and from the strange headgear came waves of weirdness that made people goose bumps sound.

"But I may not see that kind of thing anymore. After all this is over, I will remove myself. They will see nothing and get nothing. It is very interesting to think about it. Isn't it?"

"Speaking of which you may not believe it, I originally made more plans. When I finished all this, I ran out and killed all the authors, readers, and the guys who knew everything..."

After talking and talking about a lot, Deadpool triumphantly showed off the golden glove on his hand and the glittering infinite gems, and then triumphantly said that his own ones seemed to have been The plan he has abandoned himself?

"Little guy, don't you think that's interesting?"

"If it were before, I would definitely not be able to do that kind of thing, but now that I have infinite gloves, maybe there is a chance, but maybe it is not?

Wade had been intentionally hiding before, and kept his biggest hole card until now...

Finally, as he wished, he waited until the little girl appeared in front of him, and believed that soon, he would never need to hide again! Because, once the opponent is successfully eliminated, his great cause of Wade Wade Winston Wilson will take a crucial step and is expected to win the final victory, that will be an irrefutable fact!



"People say you just hid the real gems somewhere. It turns out that you still have space gems and other infinite gems. This is really rare..."

βヾ(,,??????,, Sichuan

"But you stupid guy didn't realize it? Because your infinite gems are not things in this universe, so their power is used less, and it takes a long time to recover. You think that with these things, Can you beat others?"


After seeing the opponent's final hole card, Little Annie was a little less worried.

In fact, when she saw the Infinite Gloves that the other party had escaped just now, Annie still felt a little weird...because she had spent a lot of time and energy to put together that stuff!

Moreover, if it weren’t for the blue space gem that brought herself from the voodoo land to this cosmic plane unintentionally or deliberately, she was afraid that she would still be lawless in the gray order or run to another. The little girl in trouble?


of course……

Maybe you are already a big girl now?

But growing up or something, that kind of thing is too boring, she shouldn't grow up!

She has long understood that only by being a little girl forever can she play, frolic and eat without worrying about it, she can not think about so many boring and complicated things, or she can talk to other adults. Are they reasonable, and unscrupulously rely on their own strength to bully others?


(● ̄(??) ̄●)

"I can see it, little guy, are you confident?"

"But if I can't fight, I will know soon, just like I just took out my stomach. If you don't try it, you will never know if it will be more comfortable or more painful, right?"


"I don't recommend you guys to take out your stomach, because you are not a samurai, and the important meaning between the spirit of Bushido and the guts of yourself, you guys will never understand! And I am very lucky , I can understand countless times, and can also practice the best technique of cutting abdomen..."

"Well, I won't say anything, don't throw fireballs at me anymore, because it's useless!"

"Your power..."

"I know your nasty tricks. You are a powerful arcane archmage. I am not wrong, am I? So, little girl, although I am sorry, there are some things I still have to do. "

"Soon, all this will come to an end..."

Sighing, Wade doesn’t care whether the little girl opposite understands his words, or whether some strange guys called readers can understand, he just proudly lifted his one with gold. Gloved hand.

in fact,

If it weren’t for this kind of thing to only take effect in the same universe, he really wanted everything, including those called readers, authors, and everything to disappear in an instant...just like the one called back then The same as the universe's population reduction plan that Thanos guys want to do?

It’s a pity that Thanos’s pattern of doing things is too low, and it’s completely different from his Wade’s pattern on the same channel and plane. What he is doing now and what he is doing is the most meaningful and most meaningful. It's exciting.

"What a mess..."


Annie didn’t understand. That guy named Wade was just a whole set of infinite gems and infinite gloves from other worlds. The thing was in this universe plane, and she kept it in her bag. The piles of infinite gems copied by her in the bilge are actually the same type of things to some extent...

So, she didn't understand, who on earth gave that strange shu so much confidence?

"Hey! Blame, if you only have this ability, you still can't beat me, you will be disappointed later..."


Seeing that the other party was so proud, after knowing the other party's trust, Annie was not so eager to do it anyway, so she held her little bear at a distance of more than ten meters and waited patiently for the other party next. Just think about it and only have a funny performance.

After all, the other party must have paid a lot for all of this, because after Anne thought and thought, it was better not to hit the other party so quickly! Let the other party be happy for a while, or else, it would be really too pitiful?


"I heard it, you want to lie to me..."

"Wo will definitely not believe you, you little guy is very cunning, do you think I will be fooled easily?!"

Wade, who was once brutally rectified by a little girl, said that he would never believe the other party!

So, he is ready to do it...

After groaning for a while, he first put his thumb on his middle finger, because he remembered that Thanos seemed to do it in the past, so he was also prepared to follow suit and try to do it. See if you can accomplish certain feats that the ugly purple sweet potato face could not accomplish?

"Don't worry, I won't let everyone down, nor will you feel too painful."

"Now, it's time to end all this..."


As the thumb slid, Deadpool Wade's golden gloved thumb slammed on the index finger, and made a clear impact sound, finally successfully completing the first finger snap.





(Tibbs doesn't want to comment on that stupid earthling, because the other party actually wants to use a toy that its nasty little master has never played with to destroy their master and servant?)



However, soon, Deadpool Wade himself, who snapped his fingers, soon discovered that it seemed...that no effect of the snapping fingers had happened?

Anyway, he didn't feel any normal or abnormal fluctuations in the Infinite Gloves, so that now a little girl is still holding her bear cubs, standing opposite him, and blinking the big blue big Looking at him, it seems to be waiting for his next move?



For a long time, when Annie became a little impatient and wanted to say something, she was suddenly interrupted by the other party reaching out.

"and many more!"

"Don't worry, I think it must be a bit wrong with the posture just now, so you wait and let me try again..."

Obviously, Deadpool, whose hopes are pinned on these gems and Infinite Gloves, must not be able to accept the cruel facts, so after stopping the little girl's possible counterattack with an almost pleading tone, He took a deep breath again, and held his breath. After clarifying his purpose in his mind again, he raised his hand with the golden infinity glove.

"Okay! Then you go ahead and try!"


"Infinite Gloves! Quickly, let her disappear completely in this world, and destroy her for me!!"


Another snapping finger was hit by Deadpool Wade!

However, after a long time, after a full five or six minutes had passed, Wade had to admit that the other party was still standing there, and it seemed that nothing happened...



"Hey! Are you all right? People are getting bored waiting!"


Annie said that fighting with this kind of weird guy is not fun at all! She was about to doze off just now, but the other party hasn't understood that tattered glove and the rocks above?


"No, how could it be invalid? It was okay just now, didn't it just kill that Superman?!"

Disregarding the opinion of the little girl who was just struggling with her, Deadpool Wade hurriedly began to squat down and check his gloves.

After thinking about it, he felt that his posture must be wrong, so he raised her gloves for the third time, and planned to try it first with the power of one of the infinite gems, such as the one that can Realize any ideas that can be distorted or turned into reality, or even red gems that distort the laws of nature?

"Reality gem!"

"Quick! Make me another nuclear bomb!"

Wade almost yelled out...

But it's a pity that the ones on the Infinite Gloves still didn't respond, even if he only used the reality gem.

"Impossible, it shouldn't, this must be something except the problem!"


"Kill her for me!"


While snapping his fingers for the fourth time, Wade was a little frustrated. He felt that his will or thoughts might have been interfered with by some evil spell of the other party. He simply snapped his fingers while changing his own purpose or Wish was shouted directly at the little girl who was standing opposite him.

If the look in his eyes can kill people, he must have always wanted to get rid of a certain little girl who has died out long ago?

However, regrettably, after snapping his fingers, Deadpool Wade was mad to find that the result was still the same as before. The Infinite Gloves and the gems on it did not give him any response at all...


"Destroy me all the creatures in this universe! All the creatures!!!"

The anger erupted from the heart to the deadpool, who was born with the courage. He felt that he should stop playing difficult things, and directly use the method of destroying everything, including themselves, to completely end the present. All of this, just like what Thanos wanted to do?


After almost roaring out, he didn't know which snapped his fingers again.


It's a pity, whether it's the gloves or the gems inlaid on them, they still have no response at all, as if they were just ordinary gloves and ordinary stones for decoration?



"Impossible, it shouldn't be like this, it was still very smart just now, why is it completely unresponsive now?!"

No way, I felt that something went wrong, and at the same time some deadpool who could not accept it, he squatted down again and took off his gloves, and even kept violently on the back of his infinite glove. I slapped and digged hard, seeming to want to slap his broken TV. Want to fix it as soon as possible?


ε=(??ο`*))) alas

"It's strange, don't you understand?"


Seeing the other party squatting over there trying to toss the glove, and even buckled one of the jewels, and planned to bite it with his mouth to verify the authenticity, I felt that I couldn’t stand it. Annie finally started to persuade after sighing.


"What? What do you understand?"

Deadpool Wade, who has been hit hard by reality, is still working **** his Infinite Gloves and gems that suddenly become inoperative, and even some thoughts about why he wants to appear here have been ignored. .

"Weird scorpion, you may not know yet?"


"This cosmic plane is one of the countless planes in the countless worlds that I control, and these stones are just the manifestations of the rules of this cosmos. You actually want to use them to deal with my controlling plane. exist?"


"It's like using a weapon in a computer game to kill the person who controls the keyboard. Is this possible? Are you sure you are serious?!"


Knowing that Annie is the actual controller of these planes, except for a small number of people from the Bear Shield and the Huberian, as well as some high-level generals in the Kepru region, I am afraid that this is not the one in front of you. Knowing why he suddenly broke the'fourth wall' and accidentally learned about some deadpool Wade Winston Wilson who shouldn't have been known to him.

Therefore, after seeing the other party joking around like crazy, feeling that the other party was suddenly a little strange, poor Anne kindly explained this to the other party.

Of course, good intentions, after a while, Annie will still burn the other person, because the guy in front of her killed her Uncle Coleson and Aunt Melinda, as well as the Tin Man and a large group of those. The "good guys" who helped her a lot, no matter what she said, she would burn each other once and vent her anger to those innocent guys!


"None of us is a keyboard man. We are all other people's playthings. How could the Infinite Gloves be useless to you?!"

Deadpool Wade didn't believe what the other party said, nor did he believe that the little girl in front of him would be the ‘person in charge of the keyboard’! In his opinion, he and all of them are just playthings written by some people or in books, and the hand that controls fate is not in their own hands.

And this is why he did all this in front of him! !



"I will tell you so!"

( ̄▽ ̄)o

"This world, other worlds, and the outside world are not as simple as you see... Yes, we are indeed all characters written by a bad guy named Shadow Bear, but it's not someone else. Where is the puppet in your hand?"


"Xiao Xiong, are you right?"


With that, Annie picked up the bear Tibbers in her hand, and asked such a pun, but it seemed to be to the bad guy called Deadpool on the opposite side.


∑(????`)? !

(Obviously, Tibbers did not understand what his owner was saying, but he knew that the other party was definitely not talking about it.)


"You! You know too?!"

At this moment, Deadpool Wade suddenly stopped the kind of messing around, and stared at him with round eyes. Because he was a little surprised by the little girl's statement, but he never thought that the other party knew less than him?

"Of course I know! Because it's Annie!!!"



"But, since you know, are you still willing to be a puppet?!"

It was precisely because he knew everything that Wade was angry and rebelled and slaughtered those guys wantonly, intending to completely destroy the world! Therefore, he was very puzzled by the little girl in front of him who knew everything but chose to be indifferent.

Before, he had tried to show what he saw and what he knew to Professor X’s bald head, but as a result, the other party was directly hit by the facts and was brain-dead. It can be seen that he cannot accept such cruel things. , It's not just him Wade! Therefore, he really didn't understand why the little girl was willing to bear all that?



"Who is whose puppet is still not certain! How do you know that the guy with the same name as the bear cub was not secretly manipulated and used as a puppet to write our stories?!"


Some things are understood if they are understood, and they will never be understood if they don't understand!

But now, looking at the other party's face that was hidden under the red and black mask but still looked very unwilling, Annie knew that the other party obviously didn't understand it. After all, the other party's power level was too far from her, even if With an inspiration, I saw a few more things, but after all, it couldn't shorten the huge gap between the two sides, as far as the earth to the sun.


"Huh! It's too late to say this now! Although I always think what you said makes sense, we still think our idea is better. Let's try to kill you first!!"

Since the Infinity Gloves were inexplicably invalid, Deadpool Wade simply picked up the two sharp blades that he had just thrown on the ground, and then ignored the Infinity Gloves and gems, and moved so fiercely step by step. The little girl in front walked over.

"Just you? But how can you kill an existence beyond the world?"


"You have to know that even if the world is completely destroyed, I may still exist. Even your existence is in my mind. You have no chance at all for some things..."


There is no doubt that the other party must be making the last futile struggle in despair now. It seems that they are still planning to use the knife on her Queen Anne directly?


"How do you know if you don't try it? It's important to try it..."

Wade, whose expression under the mask became extremely hideous, suddenly rushed towards the opponent at an accelerated speed, and raised the double blade in his hand high.



"Tibbers, kill him!"


Annie couldn't stand still and let the other party chop. Although she didn't believe that the two broken knives could hurt her, but she didn't want to waste time with the other party anymore, so she threw out her little bear.

‘! ! ’

????????????: Wow~!

After leaving the palms of his own mischievous little master, Tibbers, who quickly swelled and grew bigger and lit a dark blazing flame, talked about something in one paw for a long time, so that it only gave a dozing guy. After paws hit the ground and couldn't get up for a long time, he picked up the opponent without waiting for the opponent to recover, threw it directly into its huge open mouth and swallowed it, and then after its swallowing motion, the opponent's body and The soul was burned by the shadow flames in its body and there was no **** left...

‘Uh~! ’

ε=(??ˇ??ˇ????))) Bah!

After a full burp and spit out the metal fiercely, Tibbers patted his stomach with satisfaction, and let out the burned and vaporized residue as a fart.

"Hey~! Really troublesome!!"


Although the Wade just now died, was swallowed by Tibbers in her family and burned to ashes, but Annie knew that this did not end, because more Deadpool Wade actually used space gems one by one. It emerged from all directions, and each of them had an infinite glove in their hands!



it is as expected……

You don’t need to think about Annie to know that the guy just now must have brought him all the different multiverse planes into this cosmic plane. Otherwise, Annie doesn’t believe in Xiong Shield and those Uncle Hammers. The Tin Man can easily be defeated by each other!

‘One is dead? ’

'died! ’

‘Wow, that’s really good news. We have one less competitor. We can kill one less later. ’

'Humph! ’

'Hey! Little girl, are you surprised? ’

‘She must be surprised, but, did you find out, the Infinity Glove seems useless? ’

‘Look, we have so many...’

‘We can have more...’

'and many more! Everyone, how many do we have, and who of you have counted them? ’

'you know? ’

'do not know……'

‘Anyway, many, even without infinite gloves, one person can drown her with one spit! ’

'good idea! Shall we try now? ’

‘Try it! ! ’

Under the ridicule of a group of exactly the same look, the same equipment and the same tone of voice, Deadpool Wade, there were actually several'Wade' steps forward, and after getting closer to the little girl, they craned their necks. .

‘Cough~ Bah! ! ’

'Pooh! Pooh! ’

No idea, they actually spit in this situation? !

However, fortunately, none of them seem to remember to take off their headgear, so there is no one who can spit out the thick phlegm in their mouths to a black-faced little girl and the other person. The body of a certain shadowy flame bear who was a little startled.

‘! ! ’

‘Damn it! We forgot to take off our headgear and look at the slimy! ’

‘Thank you for reminding, you should have said it earlier! ’

‘That’s you stupid! ’

‘You said I’m stupid? Are you scolding yourself? ’


‘Guys, maybe we should do it again, but can we take off our headgear this time? ’

'good idea! ! ’


"you guys……"


"You shouldn't provoke an arcane archmage, really..."


Annie was a little angry, because she saw those strange things, they were actually ready to take off the hood, and then they really planned to spit at her?

'Oh! Master? ’

‘What is a mage? Dude, have you seen it? ’

‘I have seen it! ’

"We hacked to death a mage named Doctor Strange and his administrator not long ago. At that time, I cut off his assistant's head with a single knife, and then nailed him to his spell table. It's miserable, the kind that can't look at it! ’

‘That’s really miserable...’

‘Yes, his apprentice of Master Anxi was also killed by us. Those stupid guys thought we had only one? ’

'what! That's because we usually only show up in one place at the same time. They must have never thought of it! ’

‘That’s right! ’

‘They were all deceived by us, no one would have thought that we could have so many! ’

‘We can do more! ’

‘But, guys, we might really not be able to beat her. Even the Infinite Glove was invalidated by her. What should we do now? ’

‘Don’t think about it, everyone, we’re so crowded anyway! ’

‘Yes, we are crowded, let’s go together! ! ’

‘! ! ’

‘Why don’t you come? ’

‘Go up first, our queen! ’

‘Why? ’

‘Because you made the idea! ’

‘But you guys think that too! ! ’

‘That’s different, we didn’t say you still have to come first! ’

‘Is it going to be? Those readers may almost be annoyed by us...’

‘It’s just right to die, we don’t have to go out to deal with them! ’


A large group of people just surrounded Annie like that, and you were chattering with each other, but when you pushed me and I pushed you, no one wanted to rush up first.



Forget it!

Expulsion from another dimension! !

Annie was already impatient, and she didn’t want to linger here with a large group of stubborn guys, so with her wave of her hand, a white light and a blue light were like ripples, toward the whole earth, even the whole The universe flashed by...

Then in an instant, the dead waiters who were clamoring and clamoring around her were suddenly frozen, and then, their figures gradually faded until they disappeared completely, apparently being wiped out. After some memories, they were expelled back to their own plane.



Let them scream, dare to play the crowd tactics in front of her Queen Anne, look, now they are all gone, right?



"It's almost time to save the hapless guys, and the bad guy who was just eaten by Tibbers."




When those troublesome things sounded, Annie couldn't help sighing again. Originally, she wanted to rewind time to a certain point like a reversal. However, thinking about some abominable red and black hooded monster, she finally decided: Without destroying the continuity of time, It might be better to resurrect those killed and destroyed by the other party?

Originally, the guy who broke the fourth wall was lucky, but unfortunately, the other party's thoughts were too extreme. She had to move some hands and feet in the other party's mind after resurrecting the other party, but then, the other party was completely Returning to the ordinary, it can only be an ordinary person who likes to talk and have super regeneration ability.

"so be it!"

(* ̄▽ ̄)o─═≡※:☆??

After Annie sighed for a guy with extreme thoughts in her heart, she finally started to cast spells.

After all, that strange scorpion is still a pity...

You know, the earth is just a piece of dust in the Milky Way, and there are also the Andromeda Galaxy and countless other galaxies as large or larger as the Milky Way outside the Milky Way, as well as the Laniake super galaxy cluster that they form!

And beyond the super galaxy clusters, there is a huge to vast universe composed of at least billions of super galaxy clusters, beyond the vast universe that ordinary people can imagine...

Obviously there are other universes outside of this universe, and human beings are still too small in comparison.

The world is huge, and the universe is huge...

And beyond the universe there is an endless universe, beyond the endless parallel worlds there are endless worlds and various natural laws...

Whether it is the power of science or the power of magic, they are a little too small compared to the great universe. Their power can't reach the boundary... and only the power of thought has no boundary. Thinking, it is possible to understand and comprehend as well as to integrate into this vast universe.

Originally, that Deadpool had a chance, but now it's too late!

The world is huge, and he himself was restricted by his own thoughts and the corner he saw. Besides choosing to seal the other's thoughts, Annie really had no better choice.


(● ̄(??) ̄●)

(Tibbers said that he really didn't understand what the nasty little master said and thought...)

"All right!"


"Tibbs, let's go see Uncle Coleson and the others now?"


After finishing everything, Little Annie jumped directly onto her bear’s shoulder, patted the opponent's head fiercely, and asked him to extinguish the shadow before she cast the spell, one It disappeared in the blink of an eye.


"Strange, did I just die?!"

At this moment, in the burning pit not far away, a certain Superman wearing a delicate blue tights and a red cape slowly floated into the air, looking unbelievably intact. Of yourself.

He didn't understand at all, what was going on...

Because he clearly remembered that while he was taking the executioner out of the earth’s atmosphere, he was given a Kryptonite dagger to pierce his chest, and then his eyes went dark and he didn’t know anything... .But what... the surroundings have explained: They must have fallen down then, but why is he doing well now?



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