Shadow Bear Tibbers’ Plane Journey

Chapter 1054: Fei Bo, smash! Time to get up and work!

It has been more than half a day. The summit meeting on world security and related aftermath issues hosted by the Bear Shield on the back of the moon is still going on. However, because the meeting has entered some'junk' time reason? Therefore, Coleson, Melinda, and other people who did not want to stay in the conference room, or who were not enough in the level, had just dispersed.

Huh! Huh! Huh!

At this time, a strange sound of footsteps sounded from far to near...

And the two of Coleson and Melinda, who were waiting bored outside the meeting room, unexpectedly saw a strange and **** leather suit with a nice face, delicate and shiny skin, and big red hair. There is also a captain's hat with a slightly "old" style on it, two exaggerated patterned muskets with two exaggerated calibers are inserted on the waist, and the alternative woman wearing long-barreled high-heeled shoes is'thumping' step by step. Come here with the two of them?

However, it is not difficult to guess that from the shock of Coleson at the beginning to the surprise at the back, he must have known someone.


"Dear Coelson, it's great to see you! I heard that you seem to have died again by accident? What's wrong, should it be okay now?"

The visitor walked over with a scent of good perfume and a strong smell of sea, and first gave Coleson a big hug, who was astonished, and put it on his face. After kissing and expressing the joy of meeting and other aspects of friendship, he joked and greeted.

"Ah! Be, of course it's fine!"

"Everything is blessed by Annie. All of us are alive again. Seriously, the feeling of death is pretty bad..."

But in fact, Coulson had no idea what it was like when he died. He only knew that he felt the spaceship exploded, and his eyes went dark, and he didn't know anything in an instant... When he came back to his senses, only to find that he had appeared in that good-looking warship again, and several days had passed. As for what it was like to die, none of them, including him, could tell of.

However, that didn't prevent him from talking to the long-lost old friend in front of him, or to tease the atmosphere a little bit.


"Hey! Coleson, who is she and why I don't seem to have any impression at all?"

At this time, after Coleson and the other party had finished their greetings and let go of each other, Melinda frowned, and asked with a slightly unnatural expression on her face.

Obviously, Melinda could see from the woman's body movements and expressions, the relationship between the other party and Coleson seemed a little unusual? It's just that she is pretty sure, she can't seem to remember where she met each other?

"Ah, I forgot to introduce it!"

"Melinda, this is Sarah, a friend I met in Runeterra. She is now the queen of Bilgewater Harbor and a follower of Anne?"

"Sarah, this is my colleague Melinda who I told you before, a level ten agent of the Bear Shield!"

Coleson, who was completely unaware of the seriousness of the matter, hurriedly smiled and introduced to the two women who were silently looking at each other and looking at each other.


‘It’s nice to meet you, Queen Sarah? ’

'Oh! ’

‘So it’s you, I’m glad to meet you too, Agent Melinda...’

The two women nodded, but they just nodded in embarrassment and shook hands hesitantly, because they had seen each other a little bit, so they didn't say much at this time.


"Sarah, why did you appear here?"

After introducing the two of them, Coleson hurriedly asked, because he didn't believe that the woman in front of him who had used and almost killed him would be so kind to come to him specifically. He felt that the other party must have something else.

"Is such that……"

"I just transferred from the Huberian, they said we can find our lovely little master here, right? She, is she in this meeting room now?"

"I have something I want to report to her right away..."

Before she finished speaking, Sarah stepped forward unceremoniously, intending to push open the steel door that automatically recognizes people and identities... It's just that the heavy steel door that can only extend and retract to both sides of the wall. But she doesn't move at all under her power, and it seems that her kind of pushing the door looks very funny?

"and many more!"

"Sorry, Sarah..."

"I think you may be late. Annie did have a meeting here just now, but she had already left half an hour ago. You know, the teleportation magic is used, so now even we bear the shield. I don’t know where she went again..."

After hurriedly stepping forward to stop the opponent's attempt to kick the door, Coleson quickly explained.


"She's gone? What should I do then?!"

Unexpectedly, he rushed out again, which made Miss Doom Sarah and the Queen of Bilgewater could not help but exclaim in annoyance.

"Although I don't know what it is, I think, I'm afraid you can only go back and find a way by yourself or deal with it yourself..."

"However, before that, I think you can go with me to our base bar for a while. The three of us can have a good drink, what do you think?"

No matter what happened in the past, it is natural that Coulson is very happy to meet the old friend now. Therefore, he did not care about Melinda's increasingly cold face behind him, and smiled directly at Sha in front of him. Pull, sent an invitation to the **** woman who almost killed him.

"of course!"

"Why not?"

Feeling annoyed, I looked at the woman behind Coleson, and then at Coleson's sincere smiling face that was completely unaware of the problem. Sarah suddenly followed and laughed, revealing a bewilderment. After all the sentient beings smiled, they flirted with each other's invitation...


And at this time, in another world, in this peaceful, peaceful, prosperous and all animals are living in peace, in the peaceful valley that looks like a paradise, the first rays of sunlight in the morning have been shining diagonally to this peaceful and peaceful place. In the small village...

But when the sun shines from the windows into the second floor of the noodle restaurant filled with pots and pans and the walls are covered with ink paintings of heroes and heroes, when it shines into this small utility room, one end It looks like a fat guy with a fat head and a big brain, who also has the same black and white style as ink painting, but he is still asleep on the messy floor with his limbs spread out.

That's right, he is the only Pandaren in Heping Valley——A Bao, so is Fei Bo, nicknamed ‘Invincible Hand’!

'Hey! ’

"Fei Bo..."

‘Fei Bo? Get up soon! ! ’

An anxious and exhausted voice came from the first floor of the noodle restaurant, but a certain black-eyed panda who was asleep did not mean to wake up at all.


‘Fei Bo? ’

‘Did you hear? Business is going to be delayed, get up and come down to help! ! ’

‘I warn you, don’t let my father call me again, I know you have woken up, I’m very busy now, you better hurry up...’

Finally, as the unknowing words that came from below became more and more impatient, and more sharp and full of anger, there was no way that a certain black and white fat panda barely lifted it at this time. He started, opened his misty eyes in his dark circles, looked at the morning light that shot on him obliquely outside the window, sighed heavily and then lay down on his mat-covered floor.


He still doesn't want to get up so quickly...

Because, he was just having a dream, dreaming that he became a super powerful kung fu panda, following the heroes hanging on the wall, following the legendary monkey brother, mantis, crane, little snake and Hu Niu Waiting for the'Five Wraths' to be invincible in the Wanjun, killing those evil guys and screaming for mercy?

‘Fei Bo? ’

‘Why are you still daunting? ! ’

It's a pity that dreaming is a dream after all, and even daydreaming cannot be realized. No, his father is already urging him.


"No, no time! I'll be here!"

Well, the dream is a dream after all. If you wake up from the dream, you have to go to work. Otherwise, the business at home is so good. If only his father is alone, he must be busy in the morning.


A carp hits pretty...

Obviously, "Feibo" with a clumsy and extremely obese figure and a big belly with a fat content of almost more than half of its body weight will definitely not survive! However, he did not give up, because he was determined to be a kung fu hero, how could he give up because of a little setback?


After a roar, the second carp hit...

Unfortunately, I still couldn't turn it over!

So there’s no way, things can’t be done again and again. He feels that his fat belly will not be able to practice the legendary "Carp Fighting" magical skill for a while, and he does not want to spend too long in the room that he is copied by his father. The terrible weapon killed him upstairs at a certain rolling pin, so he had to turn over, propped up his fat body with his thick hands, and then slowly stood up.


"Auntie Pig, you got up really early today!?"

In front of my window, facing the legendary monkey brother, mantis, crane, little snake, and tiger girl, the figures decently pretended to be very cool'movements', and the opposite was pouring in shock. Hua's, the stupidest and stupid Aunt Pig in the whole village couldn't help being stunned and staring at herself with a silly look, Fei Bo had to awkwardly stop the action in his hand and grin. The mouth greeted each other.

‘Fei Bo? ! ! ’


"I'm coming!!"

Hearing his father's urging for the third time, Fei Bo, who knew that he could never drag on, rushed to the storefront on the first floor.


Bang~! Bang~!


Inadvertently, due to the fact that he just woke up and his feet were soft, he rolled directly from the stairs to the storefront on the first floor in a rolling manner after he stepped in the air...

Then, as soon as Pandaren Fei Bo opened his eyes, he saw his father, Mr. Ping, the owner of the noodle shop, struggling to move a lot of materials to his side and put them away.

"Just get up!"

"Hurry up and help take care of the guests, I'm going to die, but are you still sleeping?!"

Mr. Duck Ping, the owner of the noodle shop, reprimanded his adopted son before moving the things in his hand to the back.

"Good, good!"

"No problem, father, I just had a dream, so I was a little late?"

Fei Bo only agreed and moved to the front and began to help at the counter.

Everyone can tell that he is a fat and huge panda, which looks completely different from his old duck?

So there are many rumors in Hepinggu that he is the owner of a noodle shop, that is, his father Mr. Duck Ping discovered and adopted him as a son a long time ago, and then he has been raised?

Because he is really fat and fat, he is not at the same level as his own father, Mr. Duck Ping, and is almost comparable to the auntie pig next door... Therefore, over time, more and more people prefer to call it. He is Fat Bo, including his own Duck Daddy, because that would be a little more kind?

Of course, such little things are not important...

‘! ! ’

‘Why are you dreaming again? What did you dream of this time, is it still noodles? ’

At this time, Mr. Duck Ping, who was finally free, took out a handful of green onions and asked curiously. He wanted to know what kind of messy dream his son had this time.

"I dreamt..."

"Oh! Yes, I dreamt of noodles again!!!"

Pandaren Abao, who was unwilling to tell the truth and was afraid of being scolded or ridiculed by his father, handed the soup noodles in his hand to the queued guests while coping with unwillingly.

'noodles? ’

‘Oh, forget it, you should hurry up and do your work...’

Mr. Duck Ping tilted his head for a moment. Seeing the expression on his son's face, he didn't intend to be embarrassed if he knew that the other party was definitely not telling the truth. He just shook his head indifferently, picked up the bright kitchen knife in his hand, and started. 'Tuk tuk' quickly cut up green onions and white radish, which are essential side dishes in their noodle restaurant.

Regarding dreams, they already said yesterday. Anyway, no matter what dreams the other party has, in the future, he will always inherit his father duck from their family, that is, the other party’s grandfather duck from that pig friend. Playing mahjong for the noodle restaurant!

This is the life of Mr. Ping, as well as the life of his family, A Bao, who cannot escape or escape...



"Hello, please, Mr. Pandaren, is there anything particularly delicious in your noodle restaurant?"


At this time, when Pandaren Abao thought that there were no customers, he started to work with me and his noodles. When his father Mr. Duckping was also busy cutting green onions, a small figure stood in front of their counter. He held on to the edge of the counter, and asked them softly.

"of course!"

"We have clear soup noodles, cold noodles, fried noodles, dough and..."


"Wow! Old, old man, look, what kind of monster is she, she?!"

Just now Abao, the panda man who was about to introduce his own noodle restaurant to his guests, was stunned when he saw the client's face smiling at him! Because, he had never thought about seeing a strange-looking guy standing in front of his noodle restaurant in Heping Valley?

This made him very surprised and curious, because he didn't seem to have any hair on his body and looked like a pig?

However, if you look from the nose, ears and eyes, it looks like a monkey again?

Anyway, thinking about the weird little guy in front of him, he dare to swear that he has never seen him in so many years, because the other party and the pigs, rabbits, cranes, ducks and other people who often come to their noodle restaurants to eat noodles All of the normal animals are completely different!



You are a monster, your whole family is a monster! !

Annie couldn't understand why the other party made such a fuss. Is it possible that they have not seen a living person fail? However, she didn't mind too much now, who was a little hungry, she just waited patiently.

'Well? ! ’

‘It looks really strange, I haven’t seen it..."

"But Fei Bo, the visitor is a guest. Since it's a...a lovely little guest, just ask her what she wants to eat. Don't worry about too much, don't make a fuss, you Do you understand everything?'

‘Okay, go! Go! ’

After speaking, after looking up at the weird man waiting at the counter again, the "well-informed" Mr. Duck Ping shook his head, waved his duck paws, and ordered his son to hurry up to greet the guests before he concentrated again. He cut up his side dishes.

Noodles can’t be eaten without the chopped green onions, so he has to cut a little bit more quickly when there are few customers now, otherwise he might not care about it later when he gets busy.

"How are you..."

"Please, may I ask, this little guest, what would you like to eat?"

Panda Abao still felt very novel and very nervous about this kind of weird person that he had never seen before and could not recognize, so he even became a little uneasy in his speech.

"People don't know what to eat..."


"But, since yours is a noodle restaurant, then they can barely order a bowl of delicious sea fog rice noodles!"


I looked at the things inside the counter, and the messy animals in the courtyard behind me who were eating bowls of noodles on the open-air table. I determined that this should be a noodle restaurant and that the other party is a veritable one. After the kind of panda man with dark circles under her eyes, Little Annie thought for a while, and then said the kind of food that she suddenly wanted to eat that always made her memorable.

"Hug, sorry!"

"Dear guest, what did you just say you want to eat?"

A Bao, who had just subconsciously planned to serve the other party with a bowl of noodles, was stunned, because he didn't seem to be able to understand what the other party wanted to eat.

"I was just saying..."


"I want a bowl of'Sea Mist Rice Noodles'!!"


In fact, Annie still wants to eat something else, such as black pepper ribs with shrimp, mogu fish soup, steamed fatty crab, fragrant rolls, or all kinds of big meals that are enough for her to have a round belly, etc.?

But unfortunately, seeing the other party here is just a noodle shop, thinking about it and knowing that there are definitely no delicious meals, she had to reluctantly order a sea fog rice noodle that looks more like pasta.


Blinking and blinking, those simple eyes with big dark circles, there is no way, I don’t know if the cute little guest in front of me is Abao, the panda man who wants something to eat, so he turned his head and looked at it. My father, and asked softly, covering his hands:


"she was….."

"She just seemed to say that she wanted to eat that kind of'sea fog rice noodles.' Is there a noodle with that name in our noodle shop?"

I don't know if there is Abao. Anyway, he only knows. If there is such a thing, I am afraid that only his old father Mr. Duck Ping can make it, and he himself certainly won't.

Because he had never thought of putting his mind on the surface, he just wanted to one day be able to go to the palace halfway up the mountain on the high mountain in the distance, to the emerald palace, to talk to Brother Monkey and Mantis , He'er, Xiao Snake, and Hu Niu learn martial arts together, and be a super hero whose mission is to eliminate evil?

"Sea mist rice noodles?"

"I'm sorry, this little guest, I seem to have never heard of pasta by that name. Excuse me, what material is it made of, what are its characteristics, and how does it taste?"

Just by listening to the name, Mr. Duckping knew that it must be some kind of amazing delicious thing!

So, if possible, he might be able to understand and secretly learn the method of making ‘sea mist rice noodle’ from the other’s words?

After all, if you count his son Fat Bo Abao, they have run this noodle restaurant for three generations, so he naturally has a little experience on how to make noodles...otherwise they do business every morning It won't be so good. Therefore, as long as the other party can tell what the ingredients are in that kind of'sea mist rice noodles' and what the taste is, Mr. Ping is confident that he can figure it out by himself.

"Sea fog rice noodles are really delicious!!"


"People remember that it seems to use rice noodles... if you don't have rice noodles, you can use noodles!"


"In addition to rice noodles, there are tiger skin fish, raw tortoise meat and green onions! Anyway, after it is cooked, it will have a very fresh and fresh seafood taste. The hot mist is like the fog of Pandaria? So? , It's called sea fog..."



"Strange, what's wrong with you?!"

∑(??△`)? !

However, what made Little Annie feel a little surprised is that the weird pandaman and duck in front of her were so scared that they stepped back several steps after hearing her words?


"You, you just said you want to eat turtle meat?!"

Obviously, whether it was Pandaren Abao or Mr. Duckping, they were a bit shocked by the strange little guy's statement in front of them, so it took a while before they recovered and turned timidly. She asked such a sentence.

"Yes, is there any problem?"


Annie didn't think there was anything wrong with eating fish and turtle meat. After all, she had eaten a lot of all kinds of meat in the Valley of the Four Winds in Pandaria, at the mid-level market.


"Of course there is a problem!"

"Listen, I don't care who you are. We are a serious noodle shop here. We never sell turtle meat, and we don’t even have that kind of'sea mist rice noodles'. If you want to eat it, just Please go somewhere else?"

Without waiting for his son Abao to speak, Mr. Duckping hurriedly said in hatred, and stared at the strange-looking little guy with a fierce and stern look.

"No, no, what are you doing so nervously?"


"Well, since you don't have sea fog rice noodles, let's give them a bowl of clear noodle soup, but you have to add more dishes to them!!!"


After looking at the panda who suddenly became cowering, he realized that the boss here was not the other party, but the weird little duck. I felt that I might not be able to eat authentic panda food this time. So Annie sighed, planning to do the same with the pigs and rabbits outside who were eating while secretly looking at her. First, she would have a bowl of clear soup noodles to cushion her belly?

However, it may be that she saw that the boss is a duck, and her little brain had an idea. Suddenly she wanted to eat duck legs, and she blurted out:

"Add two more duck legs to the noodles, just as big as it is!"

After a while, when she is full, she will definitely criticize the panda man who looks a little stupid and stupid! Because, the opposite is obviously a tall panda, but he didn’t learn the superb cooking skills passed down by pandas. Instead, he came here to run errands as a waiter for a duck, and he didn’t know how to make sea fog rice noodles. Is it really too stupid?

"Eat, eat duck legs?!"

At this time, Pandaren Abao, who had just fished out a ball of cooked noodles from the boiling water pot, was once again shocked and exclaimed.

'Ouch! ’

‘It’s hot! So hot! ! ’

It may be because he was so surprised that he just accidentally spilled the hot noodles on his feet, and then the hot and sticky stuff made him have to throw away his chopsticks and hold himself on the spot. The soles of his feet jumped on the counter and howled miserably.

"Duck legs?!"

"No! Go away! We don't have duck legs here. If you want to eat duck legs, please go somewhere else!!"

What a joke, if the first secret to doing business is to ‘make money with harmony’, he would have reported the situation to the Jade Palace a long time ago!

If the duck guards there heard that someone here wanted to eat turtle meat and duck legs, they wouldn't mind picking up this nasty monster in front of them and throwing them into the jail in Taogang, right? You know, eating animal meat and duck legs is a heinous crime here in Peace Valley! !


!? (??\'\'????)??

"What is fierce?"

"If you don’t have it, you don’t have it. Then tell me, what kind of delicious animal meat do you have here? Is it rabbit or pig? If it’s lamb, it won’t work, because it’s too mutated. You will have it for a few days after eating. Sorry!"


The pandamen here are really uncomfortable. Not only do they have no turtle meat, but also sea mist rice noodles. They don’t even want to sell duck legs?

There was no way, Anne had to whisper in a whisper, while akimbo, staring at the inexplicably angry duck noodle shop owner. In the usual times, when Queen Anne went to other places to eat noodles, she said she would add duck legs or trotters. Don’t mention how happy other people’s bosses were, and sometimes they would give her extra braised eggs or fried eggs. Yes, there is like this boss in front of him, not only does not sell duck legs, but also murderous?


"No, no! Whether it's turtle meat, duck legs, pork, rabbit meat, or lamb, we don't have all of them here!"

"If you want to eat, please go somewhere else!!"

Obviously, the tone of Mr. Duck Ping's speech was a bit heavy this time, so that the rabbits and pigs who were eating noodles outside heard a little bit, and then they stared here with horror and horror. Come here?



"People won't leave if they are hungry! Then tell me, what's delicious here?!"


This duck and pandaman are really weird. There is no such thing or nothing when opening a noodle restaurant. They still refuse to sell meat with meat, which is really weird!


"Only green onion and white radish!"

Mr. Duckping is still on the fire now, so his tone of speech has become very impolite, and there is no real way to raise the chopper in his hand and drive people directly.

"It's all vegetarian?"


Little Annie showed an expression of extreme disgust.

Obviously, for her who likes to eat meat, and who has repeatedly claimed that she has the strength to travel around the universe only when she is full, let her eat vegetarian noodles with only radishes and green onions. That is really a heinous thing!


"I love to eat or not!!"

To be honest, when the two parties have reached such an unpleasant level, the duck boss no longer wants to do this weird guy's business. He just wants to make the terrible guy in front of him who is likely to cause trouble quick. Click to go, and never come to his noodle shop again!

Otherwise, once someone knows that someone wants to eat animal meat in his noodle restaurant, should he continue to open the noodle restaurant that will be passed on for three generations? !


o(`^??)o Humph!

"Just eat, give me a big bowl of noodles with radish, green onion, and more chili oil!!"


After pointing angrily to a bowl of steaming radish scallion noodles that the other party had prepared and placed on the counter, Xiao Anni turned around and slammed toward the empty space in the yard in front of the counter. Strode across the open-air square wooden table.



"What do you look at, haven't you seen a living person? Look at it again? I'll eat you all after looking at it!!"


Just sitting down, I realized that the four little rabbits with a big rabbit on the side dared to look at themselves with that cute red eyes, still some because they could not eat sea mist rice noodles and duck legs. When she was angry, she threatened the four ignorant little guys viciously.

‘! ! ’




The four little rabbits who didn't expect Anne to be so fierce, were so scared that they squeezed into the arms of the big rabbit, who didn't know whether it was a male or a female, and squeaked and screamed. stand up.

"And you!"


"What do you look at? If you look at others, you will chop off your pig's head and braise it! Do you know what a braised pig's head is?!"


After scolding the rabbit, he discovered that a certain dead pig dared to stare at him with that dull pig head, and Xiao Anni naturally returned a fierce look at the other party.

‘! ! ’

‘Hum, hum...’


As soon as his body became stiff, a certain pig, who felt that the other party was not like a good person, quickly turned his head, and pretended to bury his head in his own bowl of noodles and ate it.



"mock up!"

(ˉ▽ ̄~) Cut~~

Seeing my own threat seems to be quite useful, seeing that the four little rabbits have been scared by myself and hiding in their mother rabbit’s arms, and dare not peek at myself; I see the big fat one on the other side. The pig also turned her head timidly. After she didn't dare to speak at all, Annie raised her small chin triumphantly, and sat on her long stool patiently and dangling her legs. , Waiting for his turnip noodles to be brought up.

(Dear little master, you have also seen that the residents in this small town in this world are all animals. How can you say that you want to eat meat here?

(● ̄(??) ̄●)

——The weird Tibbers of this world has been discovered. It seems that for some reason, all animals have evolved higher intelligence, just like the previous Narnia world? Therefore, it doesn't believe that the horrible little master of its family will not see that situation. )

"Tibbs, children can't be picky eaters. If they don't eat meat, they won't grow up tall!"




(Tibbers really wants to say to one of his family’s awful little masters: No matter how much meat you eat, it won’t grow tall... However, don’t you dare to die at this time and provoke someone. Just think about it casually.)

'I'm coming! ’

‘Guest, your face...’

"There is also..."

‘This...little guest? This is the big bowl of clear soup noodles you want, with chili oil. Would you please use it slowly? ’

Not long after, at this moment, I just had a conversation with Xiao Anni at the counter for a long time. The panda man walked over with his thick black arms carrying several bowls of clear noodle soup, and first put a few of them into others. Behind the table, I added a spoonful of chili to the last bowl, and a little bit of red greasy noodles floating in the soup, carefully placed it in front of the weird person clamoring for meat.


o(`^??)o Humph!

Annie didn't pay attention to the weird look the other person looked at her at all, she just picked up her chopsticks and ate it ‘sucking off’.

For her who often eats spicy noodles, there is definitely no problem with this clear noodle soup with a little chili.





Suddenly, without waiting for Annie to eat a few bites, the taste was surprisingly good, but unfortunately it was the clear noodle soup without meat. She suddenly saw that the arched open gate of this noodle restaurant was walking. A pig and two ducks in strange clothes arrived. After they played a gong and posted a strange sign with a pattern, they quickly turned away.


(ˉ▽ ̄~) Cut~~

Seeing what seemed to be a mess of Tortoise Masters and Dragon Warriors written above, Annie, who felt that those things were no more important than filling her stomach, curled her mouth indifferently and continued to bury her head in her soup.

However, she thinks that kind of thing is not important, but it doesn't mean that others think it is not important...

‘! ! ’

‘Master Tortoise chooses the Dragon Warrior in the Emerald Palace? Just today? ! ’

Isn't this?

After seeing those few Emerald Palace Duck Warriors posted the notices, a certain pandaman A Bao hurriedly leaned over and read the key information above in a glance.

‘Everyone! ’

‘Have you all seen it? Go to the Emerald Palace to watch the excitement, Master Turtle is going to choose Dragon Warrior! ’

‘Hurry up, don’t eat anymore, get out! One of the five greats is about to get the dragon scroll soon, and you must not miss that rare occasion in a century! ! ’

Therefore, I think that kind of thing is very important, and can’t wait to see the five greats fighting fiercely and vying for the name and scroll of the “Dragon Warrior”. Eat less than half of the guests.

Because, as long as there is a customer in his noodle restaurant, his old duck will definitely refuse to let him go to the fun!

‘That’s a thousand years to wait, what else do you eat? Our noodle restaurant is open every day, but the Dragon Warrior Selection Conference at the Emerald Palace is only today, and there will be no good seats if we go late! ’

‘! ! ’

‘Today is the most important day in the history of the Emerald Palace, Mr. Rabbit, don’t rush to pay. I won’t mind you about the two copper plates. Don’t worry about paying the bills! ’

‘? ? ’

‘Dear guest, why are you still here, you don’t want to go to the Emerald Palace to see the excitement? ! ’

After flickering away the groups of rabbits, fat pigs and duck guests, A Bao, the panda man who just wanted to leave with him, turned around and was surprised to find:

The guy who just kept saying that he wants to eat meat is now sitting in her place slowly, mouth-by-mouth ‘sucking’ the big bowl of noodle soup floating in red oil?

So, forcibly enduring the restlessness and irritation in his heart, he smiled and leaned to the other side's table of the Eight Immortals, planning to fool away the last little guest as soon as possible, and then there was no business here, then he was free.

"Why? People don't have enough food right now, so they don't want to watch the excitement!!"

( ̄~ ̄) Chew!

In fact, Annie herself was also interested, but the notice posted on the wall had already stated the time, so she felt that she didn't need to worry at all, she could go there after eating?


"This little guest, you don't want to see the Five Outstanding Rages running for the Dragon Warrior? That is the legendary Dragon Warrior!!"

The Pandaren began to persuade and persuade them in a good manner.

"Yes! I don't want to at all!"

o(??^`)o hum!

It must be a bit of thinking, but, given that the time is completely too late, Annie feels that at least she won’t think about it until she is full. !


"You really don't want to? You can't wait until you finish reading it and come back to eat?!"

Pandaren A Bao said almost in an imploring tone. He felt that if he was delayed by this guy, he would definitely be late! At that time, there might be really no good seats near the ring.


(??????????????) suck~!

However, Little Annie just eats her own, regardless of someone who is about to kneel next to her, and is still looking at her bowl with eyesight, wishing to put the bowl directly into her mouth.

‘That’s the Five Greatest Wrath! ! ’

A Bao reiterated in the opponent's ear again.

"Not interested in!"

Ψ( ̄~ ̄) Chew!

‘! ! ’

‘Are you from our Peace Valley? ’

A Bao was angry, and he spoke directly without thinking.

"of course not!"


‘! ! ’


( ̄~ ̄) Chew!

"Suck~! Ha!"


Regardless of the impatient but helpless expression on the other's face, Annie slapped her lips with regret after eating the last bite of the noodle soup and taking a sip of the soup.

Even after spending a long time in the Mid-Levels Bazaar, Annie still has to admit that this noodle soup is done very well, but... the only flaw is the lack of meat? If you can put a few large slices of braised pork or two roast duck legs, it should be almost perfect.

"Go ahead, how much is it?"


Now that she had finished eating, and she was still quite satisfied with Annie, she did not embarrass too much for a fat panda man who had been unable to restrain herself for a long time, and finally stood up and put it in her pocket in the eyes of the other's expectation. Feeling.


"Just two copper plates!!"

Pandaren Abao was already impatient, so when he saw that the other party had finally finished eating, he got excited and quickly stood up and said, just want the other party to pay the money and get out?



"There is no copper plate, but is this gold coin okay? People are satisfied with the food, so there is no need to look for money!"


Obviously, there must be no copper coins in Anne’s pocket, so after groping for a long time, she threw out a gold coin. This is already the smallest currency she carries with her, and the rest is left. Those gems or tons of gold bricks.


"what is this?"

However, Pandaren Abao obviously didn't quite understand what this golden coin represented, because he used to collect money from square hole copper coins, and he had never seen silver ingots before, let alone it. Gold coins are such a tall thing.

‘! ! ’

‘Bring it to me! ! ’

In the distance, he saw his son A Bao rushing to the guests. Mr. Duck Ping, who was already a little bit distraught, saw the golden light, and rushed to the ground at a speed of 100 meters and three seconds. He came out, and snatched the golden coin from his stupid son to his own hand.

Then, he first looked at it, then thought about it, then hesitated to put it in his mouth and bit it hard.


Is it really gold? !

"That one……"

"Respect and respectable guest, how embarrassed you are to give so much money? So, what else do you need? If so, we will definitely satisfy you!!"

After pretending to put away the gold coins calmly, Mr. Duck, the noodle shop owner, took off his hat and humbly asked Xiao Annie flatly.

He has now decided: as long as the other party no longer mentions eating duck legs, and no longer wants to eat meat that is likely to cause serious violations, he will all satisfy the other party, even if two radishes are placed in a bowl of noodles. !

"I have eaten now, there is nothing needed!"


"Also, your noodles here are too bland, it's really not full without meat!!"


Annie stood up pretending to be angrily, and carried it to the door.


"People want to know now, what about the Jade Palace and the Dragon Warrior Selection Conference they just mentioned?"


When she was about to walk to the door, Little Annie turned her head and asked.

Because she is full now, and when she is idle and idle, she must go to the Emerald Palace to see the excitement.

"It's simple!"

"You stop!!"

"Fei Bo! Why don't you hurry up and take our distinguished little guest to the Emerald Palace?!"

Mr. Duck Ping grabbed some abominable. Not only did he dared to chase the guests just now, but now he dares to be in a daze. He who doesn’t know why he is wandering, he doesn’t know what he is thinking, and he wants to sneak away The son dragged her to Anne and sternly told her.


"no problem!"

"Father, don't worry! I will definitely take her to the Emerald Palace!!"

Although I don’t know why the old man suddenly changed his attitude towards this guest, the Pandaren Abao doesn’t care so much, he only knows that now he can finally go to the Emerald Palace grandiosely to participate in the Dragon Warrior selection by the Turtle Master The assembly!

"and many more!"

"You have to take your noodle cart. Now all the residents in Heping Valley have gone to the Emerald Palace. Then they always want to eat. Our noodles can just be sold out?"

Although Mr. Duck Ping just received a gold coin, it was a lot of money, but he certainly wouldn't dislike making more money!



"There are also popsicles to be picked up, they are about to explode, this kind of hot weather, it must be a big sale!"

"You wait here first, I'll go to our ice store immediately..."

Very business-minded, Mr. Duck Ping, who had already prepared when the gong rang and saw the content on the notice, pointed at the mobile noodle cart he while hurriedly heading to the cellar. Ran in the direction of, planning to take out the popsicles that were about to expire.

"Okay, daddy..."

Looking at the dining car, and then at a little weirdo who was blinking and waiting for him to lead the way with big blue eyes, Pandaren Abao felt that he wanted to get a good position today. It seems that it is not so easy to achieve?

"Hurry up, people don't want to wait for you too long!"


Little Annie, who didn't mind that she had just wasted a lot of time just eating noodles, was actually the wicked person who urged a pandaman who was already anxious in her heart.


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