Shadow Bear Tibbers’ Plane Journey

Chapter 1058: ?(??°?�第��

No one knows what the tortoise master who was under the peach tree that night, the panda man Abao, and a mysterious Kung Fu master who claimed to be an animal named human and also named Annie said something. Anyway, until the next morning, when the first morning light on the edge of the sky shone on the martial arts field at the main entrance of the Emerald Palace, Master Tortoise summoned everyone up and down the Emerald Palace abruptly. Everyone, planning to announce a very important decision?





At this moment, the stranger in the crowd, the little girl who is said to be called a human animal, looked up and yawned in disregard of her image?

Everyone can tell that her sleepy eyes is obviously not sleeping enough now.

She is now wearing a special hand-made by Aunt Xu Jiaorong that year. She is going to keep the big red festive Song clothing with gold rim for the New Year. She is wearing a cute little bear pattern decoration on her head, and her blond hair is also covered. She turned black with magic and tied it up casually. She also combed her head into two small hairs with a golden ribbon, and in her hand she carried the little bear Tiber who was also turned into a panda-style skin by her magic. S.


(● ̄(??) ̄●)

(Tibbers said that it is a mighty and domineering shadow bear, it is not the kind of stupid panda that can only take black and white photos forever! Of course, although it has also protested against its mischievous little owner about this, but It has always had no bear power, and that kind of feeble protest was directly rejected face to face.)


'Who is she? ’

'do not know……'

"I have never seen..."

'Hey! Monkey, look, is she your distant relative? You see, her eyes, nose, and ears look like you, but she doesn't have so much hair? ’

‘Maybe, didn’t they say it? Maybe it is a kind of monkey family named ‘human’? ’

‘Hush! ’

‘Keep your voice down, Master Turtle is about to announce that important decision! ’

‘What’s the decision? ’

That kind of animal named human, that weird face and dress, and the sleepy expression on the face, in front of this large group of energetic pig handymen, goose guards, raccoon masters and the Five Heroes in the Emerald Palace. Under the gaze, it always seems out of place?

Therefore, the five heroes, the tiger girl, the little snake, the praying mantis, the old crane, and the monkey king began to communicate quietly, and pointed to a little guy standing next to the turtle master.

‘! ! ’

‘Shut up all five of you! ! ’



While the five heroes were still going to continue their comments or speculations, the raccoon master on the side suddenly turned his head, and screamed at them with a beard and stare, and the five heroes immediately raised their heads and chested up again. Stand at attention.

It is obviously meaningless for them to guess now, because, ah, the tortoise master has already begun to move forward and is about to announce one of his decisions.


"For some reason, I already know your misunderstanding and dissatisfaction with Panda Abao..."

Originally, Master Tortoise thought that he chose Panda Abao to be a dragon warrior as an arrangement from heaven. It was also a reasonable choice he made based on his own adventure back then. However, that decision was given to the people in the Emerald Palace and Po himself caused such a big trouble?


"So, I decided that from today, the guest of our Jade Palace... This human... Master Anne will be responsible for teaching Abao martial arts and teaching him the way of a monk?"


"As for the'Dragon Warrior' matter..."

"Let’s do this, one month later, we might as well be here in the Emerald Palace...Here is an internal martial arts competition, where the Wujie and Abao will compete together...At that time, the person who wins in the end will regain it. "Dragon Warrior", and have the right to read the Book of the Dragon God..."

"This is my final decision..."

"It's like this..."

After speaking, announcing his final decision and introducing Master Anne, the human guest, the elderly master tortoise nodded at a little girl whose eyes seemed to be blurred, and then slowly turned around, shaking Dangling along the steps to prepare to return to his retreat room.

He is already very old, and he might go home with two feet one day, so if there is still time, he is still happy to think about himself and do the things he hasn't done, and arrange everything properly. , So as not to leave some regrets?



The people present listened to the decision announced by Master Turtle, then looked at the weird little girl named human, and finally looked at a fat panda that looked very spiritual, Master Raccoon and his five apprentices For a while, I didn't know what to say, and couldn't help feeling a little mixed in their hearts.

Obviously, their performance and attitude yesterday has been seen by Master Turtle and disappointed Master Turtle. So, will there be this mediation meeting this morning?

However, they also know that it is useless to think more now!

Because, starting today, Master Anne of Humanity will formally enter the Emerald Palace as a human guest and master of Kung Fu, and will serve as the monk training master of Pandaren Abao, and will be responsible for teaching the temporary'Dragon' who can last for a month. Samurai' the way of a Po monk? That matter is already fixed! And what they can do now is perhaps to accept the identities of the two, and one month later, they will fight for the last time, right?

This is obviously a compromise of the tortoise master to their boycotting behaviors, although it is indeed a bit impolite to think about it now, and some disappointed the expectations of the tortoise master... but they only know that their goal has been achieved!

A certain stupid and obese panda will surely return the things that do not belong to the other party and the heavy responsibility, so that more capable people can take over.

Anyway, no one would believe that a certain panda can learn that strange ‘monk’ kung fu and defeat any one of the Five Heroes in just one month! Therefore, for the decision of Master Tortoise, none of the entire Emerald Palace, including Master Raccoon and the Five Heroes themselves, felt bad or wanted to oppose it. Even, they were still a little bit happy in their hearts?

‘She is also a Kung Fu master? ’

‘Master Tortoise said it must be, but I really can’t tell how much strength her small arms and legs can have...’

‘Now it’s okay. The Five Heroes must get back the title of Dragon Warrior. I said it should be like that. That panda is just a dough maker. He definitely can’t! ’

‘That’s it! ’

‘But that’s okay, Fei Bo can stay in the Emerald Palace with peace of mind in the future, and learn real skills, which is better than rolling noodles and opening noodle restaurants! ’

‘He’s so fate! ’

‘Isn’t it? ’


And at this time, when the tortoise master read the decision and left and walked away, the pig laborers and the black swan guards finally began to whisper to each other in whispering comments, pointing to a human little girl and an obese panda Bao Bao. Talking pointing and pointing.



"All right!"

"There is nothing for you here, it's almost gone!"

When Master Tortoise had read the decision, and watched the other side with a little guilty guilty departure and walked into the hall above the steps, Master Raccoon finally exhaled, and then stepped forward and waved as if relieved. , To signal the noisy pig servants and goose guards to disperse on their own, no longer need to gather here to discuss things that have been decided and cannot be changed.

Then, he thought for a while, and walked to the little girl Master Anne who was only one head taller than him and was still slapped and owed. He saluted this Kung Fu master who was recognized by the turtle master and said:

"Hello there!"

"Master Anne, I will trouble you to train panda Abao in the next month. Do you need me to take you to familiarize yourself with the environment of our Emerald Palace and the training grounds of the disciples?"

The dragon warrior's affairs have come to an end, so the raccoon master, who has completely relaxed in his heart, began to become a little friendly.

Although things were a little turbulent, he believed that in a month, Huniu would definitely take back the important dragon warrior title from the panda that he didn't know so-called. Of course, if that panda can defeat Huniu, he will definitely not have any resistance again, and he will definitely hand over the volume of Shenlong Tianshu with infinite power to the opponent's hands!

Because he did not oppose for the sake of opposition, nor was it because of jealousy or other reasons. He just thought that the panda was too bad, and that the decision of Master Turtle was too sloppy, and even used the whole Peace Valley. Is it just that the people are joking with the safety of the world and are dissatisfied?

But now it is all right, Master Tortoise has made compromises and changes to that wrong choice, and now he has no reason to hate or scold the innocent panda anymore.

"Visit the Emerald Palace?"


"Ha! No need, because people have visited this place yesterday, and they are already familiar with it! Also, practice venues or something, it doesn't have to be so troublesome. People think this place is pretty good!"


Anne wouldn’t tell the raccoon master who didn’t know whether it was a little panda or a little raccoon: she, Queen Anne, secretly strolled the entire Emerald Palace yesterday by herself, and even ran to the one with twenty green dragons. In the mysterious hall of the Jade Pillar, have you seen everything in it, the boring martial arts secrets and the so-called "Shenlong Tianshu"? So, now there is no need for the little raccoon in front of you to be nosy!


"Master Anne, are you really sure, you are training Abao here, really don't have to go to a special practice room?!"

Looking at the spacious open-air martial arts venue in front of him, Master Raccoon couldn't help but wonder.

Of course, he didn’t doubt the identity and strength of the Master Anne in front of him. After all, the other party was invited by Master Turtle, and he couldn’t see through the other party. Therefore, the other party must have no problem, and he What feels doubtful and curious is just the way the other party teaches.

"No need!"


"People think it's good here, Master Raccoon, you don't have to be polite with them!"


Seeing the other party's sudden enthusiasm and conscientiousness, even Annie felt embarrassed.

You know, Annie herself has never thought about teaching that stupid fat panda seriously, and she has never really thought about it! Therefore, she didn’t intend to be so troublesome, and she also felt that yesterday’s martial arts arena was actually quite good and solid, so she wouldn’t be so troublesome to teach a stupid guy. Go to your practice point!


"Well, then you are going to start now?"

The raccoon master was noncommittal. He first shook his head a little amusedly at the fat panda beside him, who was winking at him with pride, before continuing to pretend to inadvertently ask the little human girl Master Anne.

"Of course!"


"The old master tortoise has said that they only have one month, if you don't train him quickly, how can you beat your idiot apprentices?"


Annie didn't mind at all to tell her own thoughts, and said directly to the other party that she seemed very confident to train a certain fat panda and defeat the other side's five heroes?

"Ha ha!"

"Master Anne, if you can make Panda Abao defeat any of my five apprentices within a month, I will be very happy for him by then."

Yes, Master Raccoon does not have any conflict of interest with the Master Anne in front of him or the apprentice Panda Bao, who is responsible for teaching by the other party. He is just unwilling to hand over the "Shenlong Tianshu" that represents infinite power to one without anything. The kung fu stupid guy wasted it in his hands and caused some bad consequences.


"If you want to teach your apprentice here according to your master, don't you mind if we also observe it?"

Although the other party wants to teach the panda Abao on the open-air stage, his master raccoon can secretly watch anywhere if he wants to see it, but that kind of behavior is always impolite and he disdains it. Do that kind of thing.

As long as the other party says something unwilling or unacceptable, he will promise not to look at the upper half of his eye, even if he passes by in the future, he will close his eyes, and will never do that kind of peeping at others' kung fu!



"Oh! You mean to watch it on the sidelines? Of course it's okay. People will definitely not mind! Also, if you want to learn, they can also teach it!"


Anyway, the one who teaches is bullying, and teaching a group is also bullying. Her Master Anne will definitely not mind. As long as anyone is willing to learn, she promises to teach enough indiscriminately!




"It's not necessary. We are just a little curious about the'Tao of the Monk', so we can just watch it by the side. Master Anne, please?

I don't know why, the master raccoon always feels that the other party's smile makes him creepy?

Therefore, after frowning and pondering for a while, he shook his head to move away and stretched out his hand to signal that the little girl called the human Kung Fu master could start her teaching. He and his apprentices, the five masters, promised to observe and observe. That's it, it's guaranteed not to steal the teacher or reveal it.



"Please hurry up and teach the disciples the real kung fu of the monks in the wind!"

Finally, when the tortoise master left, the pig labor and the goose guards got out, and the raccoon master who had never liked him until the one in front of him, who had beaten himself up and beat him hard, finished speaking and moved away, Panda Abao hurriedly dragged his dangling fat, directly half-kneeled in front of his master, Master Anne, and bowed a bow in a proper manner.

Perhaps, this is ‘the mountains and rivers are nowhere to be doubted, the willows and the flowers are in another village’?

Anyway, this is now the last opportunity that Panda Abao has to practice real Kungfu after being squeezed out and hostile by the people of the Jade Palace.

If you don’t want to go down the mountain sullenly under the eyes of everyone ridiculing and mocking, if you don’t want to go back to the small town of Heping Valley and continue to open a noodle restaurant with your father, if you want to continue the martial arts dream, he must catch To live this last chance, you must learn all the kung fu of a wind-walker monk who is known to be a very powerful monk just by listening to the name, under the hands of Master Anne, who is admired by Master Turtle!

"Teaching must be taught! But..."


"Fei Bo, before cultivating a monk, I want to ask you: Do you know what is the first secret of cultivating and learning kungfu well?!"


One month is definitely a long time for Annie herself. No matter what she learns, it doesn’t take that long to change to her, but if it’s the fat panda in front of her, if it’s the one in front of her For this stupid guy who is taller than himself even if he kneels down, that one month may not be enough, so she has to'teach students in accordance with their aptitude'!

Therefore, before officially starting to teach the other party, she must explain some things clearly, so that the other party will not be able to figure it out at the time, and then the Yin and Yang will not be good to learn, and then one month later, she can't beat the tigers and let her lose everything face?

"do not know……"

Panda Abao shook his head blankly.

What's a joke, if he knew, how could he kneel here and let the other person teach him? Wouldn't he learn by himself? Of course, he thought that way, but he shook his head and raised his ears vigorously, ready to listen to what the other party had to say next.


The raccoon master on the side couldn't help but frown at Zou.

Because, he felt that Master Anne was eager to get things done, and how could he say that kind of ‘outright’ on the first day of teaching? In his opinion, that panda Abao has no kung fu foundation at all. Therefore, any training that is eager for success is futile. It is better to spend this month to train the other party in basic skills and let the other party Have a preliminary understanding of Kung Fu, so fortunately, one month later, you won't lose so ugly?

At that time, as long as the other party can hold on for a short while under any of the Five Great Men, that would be a result that surprised him enough.



At this time, the five great and powerful five heroes who stood by and did not dare to interrupt also looked towards Master Anne. They also wanted to hear what profound meaning the other party could say, and look at them. Can you feel something after listening, and then improve your cultivation?

"If you don't know, just listen to me!"


Annie scowled and was about to say the first secret of learning how to learn kung fu monk stepping wind!

'Ok! Ok! ’

Pandaren A Bao kept nodding his head, his eyes wide open, and his pair of black plush ears were erected fiercely, and he prepared to imprison the master Anne in front of him and his master's words without fail. Keep it in your heart, even if you dream, you will never forget it!



The raccoon master and his five apprentices who stood with their hands on their backs also concentrated and held their breaths, ready to listen to what kind of wise words the Keqing Kungfu master specially invited by the turtle master could say.

"That is……"




Surprisingly, Annie uttered a word that shocked and puzzled everyone under the gaze of everyone's expectations.


"Master, Master? You, what were you just talking about?!"

Hearing what the other party said, Pandaren A Bao was so frightened that he went from a kneeling posture and sat on the granite floor of the dance hall in a daze, and stood in front of him with a look of astonishment and a very puzzled expression. Master of this little girl.


Master Raccoon's brows tightened. Obviously, he also felt completely incomprehensible to Master Anne's "Fuck", and he didn't even know what the other party meant to express.

‘? ? ’

‘? ? ? ’

At this time, the Five Heroes also glanced at each other with doubts and consternation.

However, even if they are relatively calm, maybe it is because of long-term practice of kung fu, so their xinxing is more tenacious? Therefore, after the initial consternation passed, they soon calmed down and continued to patiently look at the little girl master, waiting for the other's explanation.

"It means it literally!"



Panda Abao still said with a dull face that he did not understand the relationship between'getting off' and learning the kung fu of a wind-walking monk...seriously, he almost thought it was his new master just now. , Master Anne let herself get out early!

"Very simple!"


"The first profound meaning of cultivating a wind-walker monk is indeed: ‘Get out’!!"


"Fei Bo, let me tell you secretly, the wind-walking martial arts are very powerful! As long as you learn, as long as you practice the most, most, and most important of them, the most important one, no matter how powerful you will encounter in the future Enemy, you only need to use three tricks to get rid of him!"


"That is: first, "sweep the legs" on the other party, then immediately "the dragon is in the sky", and finally use the "rolling and turning"! Believe me, you only need to do that when the time comes. No one can beat you!"


Under everyone's gaze, Annie eloquently told the amazed Pandaren Abao about the skills that were widely praised by the Pandaren monks of Azeroth and hated by their enemies.


"Master! Master! Are those three tricks very, very powerful?!"

Pandaren A Bao was shocked and quickly got up from the ground again. After doing the half-knee and bowing movements again, he shyly turned his eyes wide and opened his mouth towards the master in front of him. Asked expectantly.

Although he still doesn't know what kind of kung fu is like'rolling and flipping', he only knows:'Sweeping the legs' and'Xianglong in the sky' moves must be very powerful and very powerful. I will definitely learn well.


∑(??△`)? !

"No! Their three moves are actually not great at all!"


Seeing this stupid guy in front of her had really misunderstood something, Xiao Annie laughed wickedly and made a face at him.



The faces of the master raccoon and the five heroes who were watching from the sideline became more suspicious. Obviously, the little girl in front of the master said something that was not in the foreword, making them a little surprised when they listened. It is also very difficult to understand.

However, regardless of what the other party said, I just watched them on the sidelines now, and didn't say anything, so as not to disturb the other party to teach the fat panda who didn't know if it was lucky or unlucky.


"But Master, what did you just say..."

Pandaren Abao didn’t understand very much, because the other party had just said clearly that no matter how powerful an enemy he encountered, no one can beat him by just using those three tricks, but now he has changed his mind and said those three tricks. Not great?



"As long as you use those three tricks, you can run fast, and no one can catch up to you at that time, unless he can fly, or... he is also a wind-walker monk?!"


To be honest, if the stupid and honest panda man in front of you is not fat enough and must be round enough when it rolls up, replace it with someone who is not too thin, such as the little panda, praying mantis and that A bird, even if they want to learn, she might not be willing to teach them!

Because, whether it is a windwalker monk or the other two sects of wine fairy monk and mistweaver monk, if they can’t roll, can’t roll, or roll badly, that kind of monk is soulless and destined to be given by history. Eliminated!



(Tibbers doesn't want to comment on the bad taste of its bad master who bullies other bears by teaching Kung Fu...)


At this time, the little brow of the raccoon master who was holding his hands on the side frowned even more.

Because, he has never seen that Kung Fu master teaches his apprentice without teaching anything, so he has to teach him how to escape first.


"Running fast?!"

A Bao is a little sluggish...

Because he learned Kungfu to be a hero, and then went to fight for justice, to protect the weak and strengthen the strong, oh no! It's the strong and the weak... In short, he doesn't want to practice Kungfu to run faster. On this point, he must find the opportunity to make it clear to the Master Anne in front of him!

"All right!"


"You only need to remember the first profound meaning of a monk all the time! Now, I will teach all of your pandas the first thing to learn before practicing the'Tao of the Monk', and It is still necessary to learn the most important and most important moves to learn fine!"


The other party still doesn’t know anything and is still a kung fu novice. Therefore, Annie is not in a hurry to let the other party understand the profound meaning she just said. She intends to take her time, and on the first day. In the time, teach the opponent the first move skill.

Although there is only one month and thirty days, as long as she is a little serious, and as long as a certain panda is not too stupid, she should be able to teach a lot, right? Anyway, those tiger praying mantises still have a superficial understanding of anger, and she believed that the fat guy she taught would always have a chance.


"The most important move? What is that? Is it'The Dragon in the Sky'?"

A Bao has only heard four of the moves and kung fu of the Pandaren monk. They are last night’s "Splitting the bones", today’s "Sweeping the legs", "Xianglong in the sky", and "Falling on the ground". '?

And if he is asked to choose from these four moves, there is no doubt that you, he will naturally give priority to choosing the "Xianlong in the sky"! Because that move sounds the most powerful and domineering! Presumably, that move must be the most powerful?



Want to be beautiful!

This stupid, fat, fat guy didn't even understand his true qi. He wanted to go straight to heaven without even practicing the basic skills. How could there be such a cheap thing in the world? !

"what is that?"

"Is it'separation of muscles and bones" or "sweeping legs"?!"

If it weren't for the phrase "Xianglong is in the sky", then the other two sounded similar, and he had personally experienced the "Splitting of Muscles and Bone", and he would definitely be willing to learn.



"No! What people will give you today is the most powerful and most powerful skill that all monks must learn and must learn!"



(● ̄(??) ̄●)


"What is it?!"

Opening his eyes expectantly, A Bao leaned directly in front of the opponent.

The other party's hesitation and silence made Panda Abao feel very nervous, but at the same time very excited! Because, it seems that the other party really wants to teach him the martial art of the ‘monk’s way’, otherwise, he won’t have to teach the best and the most powerful the first day.



"'Go away'!!"





Including the raccoon masters who were watching from the sidelines, they did not expect that this little girl Kung Fu master would finally return to the monk's "Profound meaning" at the beginning after talking about it for a while?

"Listen! Its full name is "Fun Difan"!"


"That is to roll, that is to roll forward a certain distance smoothly and quickly! Fei Bo, people are very optimistic about you! Because you are fat, you have an advantage when you roll. As long as you practice hard, you can definitely master it quickly. ! At that time, maybe you will be able to quickly understand the magical effect of true energy?"


Seeing the extremely disappointed expression on the other party's face, Little Annie started to explain it with great difficulty.

Just like what she said, Flip Flip is not as simple as the other party thinks or imagines. Flip Flip is not only a required skill for all monks, but also the most important. Powerful offensive and defensive moves!

At the same time, it is also an important means of forging body, refining qi, and polishing the will!

Of course, there are so many benefits that Annie will not explain to them little by little. Anyway, the panda in front of her can just practice according to what she said. She promised: After a month, even if the other party No matter how stupid it is, it won't go anywhere.


"But, Master, Master! What do you want me to do to practice that ‘rolling flip’?"

Although I always feel that what the other party said is a bit unreliable, but since the other party is a kung fu master and is the only channel through which I can learn real kung fu, I don’t want to give up easily, and I don’t want to lose the qualification of the'Dragon Warrior'. A Bao, who had lost his qualifications to become a "Dragon Hero", asked nervously and hesitantly.

"It's easy!"


"Now you just need to'get off'! Here! The door is over there, you can start, roll as far as you go! Roll as fast as you go?!"

?? (??`▽????)╭??

Not at all polite, Xiao Anni directly knew the direction of the door for the other party, and signaled that the other party could roll out and practice roundly now.




The raccoon master and his five apprentices were slightly sluggish and unexpectedly looking at the little girl Kung Fu master and the panda that they suddenly felt very pitiful. Although they had already spoken clearly, they were still a little bit confused. I can't believe it, I don't know if Master Anne just said the words and instructions, is it serious?


"Master, Master, I don't seem to be able to'get away', or else..."

After blinking innocent dark circles, he turned his head and looked at the wide open gate of the Emerald Palace. He knew that outside the gate was the steep mountain road of the Emerald Palace composed of nine thousand nine hundred and ninety-nine stone steps. A Bao hurriedly turned his head and shook it like a rattle, indicating that he would not'roll', nor would he go to the dangerous place outside the gate to practice'rolling'!

Therefore, he felt that it would be better for Master Anne in front of him to teach him other kung fu first, such as the ‘xianglong is in the sky’ they just mentioned?



"Trust me, Fei Bo, you will be gone soon..."



"No...Master, can't we practice something else first?"

For some reason, Pandaren A Bao always felt that the expressions and eyes of the master in front of him and Master Anne suddenly became terrifying. If he did nothing, it is very likely that something terrible would happen immediately. Happened to himself?

"No way!"

o(`^??)o Humph!

I kindly taught the other side's monk's secret kung fu. According to them, this is a good thing that you can't find with a lantern in the world. But the other party is good, and dare to buckle and choose. This is really outrageous. !

"Why, why?"

Bao felt that the aura on the opponent's body became a little more terrifying...



"Because, a monk who doesn't know how to roll is not a good monk. If you can't practice Rolling Ground Dafa, you don't want to learn the other skills of a monk!!"



"But, Master, I really don't know how to get out, or you can show me first!?"

I always felt that his master was a bit like an uneasy and kind-hearted Po. He finally gritted his teeth and quickly got up from the ground. After patted the dust on his chubby butt, he salivated his face and signaled that the other party could give it to himself. Demonstrated.

If that ‘rolling and tumbling’ kung fu really seems to be as good as what the other party just said, he promises that he will learn it hard and work hard! !

"No need!"


"Fei Bo, it's easy to roll over, so you don't need to demonstrate at all..."

(????ω????) Hey...


"But, if you don't show me how do I learn it? Master, I really don't know how to do it at all! Or, you give me the martial arts secrets of the wind-walking monk directly?"

Panda Abao soon thought of this wonderful idea!

If there is really such a martial arts secret in "The Way of the Monk", he promises that his enthusiasm will be much higher! Moreover, he can learn according to the secrets himself, learn whichever is good first, and practice whichever is handsome, and like the kind of "rolling and flipping", just hearing the name knows that it is not a good move. Can it be put to the end?

"Where are the secrets?"


"Don't worry, Master, I will help you, and then you will soon learn by yourself..."


After that, Annie, who was not going to mess with this stubborn, had the opportunity to learn kungfu and wasting time with the fat and thin guys, smiled gloomily and walked towards each other step by step, planning to help each other and finish today's homework earlier One of the most important moves to become a monk.


ε=(????`●))) alas

(Tibbers secretly mourned for a certain panda in his heart, but it didn't mean to speak for the other side.

Because ah, some of the nasty little master of his family is really too idle lately, and once he is free, he always needs to find some pastime or fun... If you don’t want her attention to be drawn to yourself and If you don't find yourself happy, then it's best to let her consume those vigorous vitality on that hapless panda? )


"Master, Master, what are you going to do?"

Seeing the other party walking towards him unkindly, Abao, who felt that the other party must be uneasy, put on his bear's paw vigorously, while his calf trembled and his teeth trembled and asked.

"People didn't want to do anything. They just wanted to teach you kungfu well, so that you could become a'Dragon Hero' one day earlier and then go out to help the weak and help the strong. Isn't that what you always dream of? ?"


"Okay, this is another basic move of the monk: disillusionment kick!"


After standing in front of the other party, Annie raised her foot abruptly, and for the first time showed the pandaman Abao and the raccoon master and the six masters and apprentices the power of the Pandaren wind-walking monk. Yes, a move that can only be used when you understand true Qi.

Disillusionment Kick: Concussion of the true qi in the body, directly kick out an energy shock wave formed by pure true qi at a very fast speed, bombard the target in the direction of the kick and cause huge damage!

Of course, Annie didn't want to kick the panda in front of her to death, she just guided the other to practice ‘rolling and flipping’? Therefore, the zhenqi energy shock wave was not for the purpose of harm, but used soft energy, and slammed directly towards the panda man A Bao who was standing on the martial arts field and wanted to say something!

Bang! !


With a muffled sound, Zhen Qi slammed into the fat belly of Pandaren Abao firmly, and the other party directly squirmed and flew out toward the gate of the Emerald Palace... …



With the tragic exclamation farther and farther, Abao, the panda man who officially began to practice the monk's profound meaning, flew out of the gate of the Emerald Palace, and directly followed the steps of that level, along the Nayuzud The mountain road composed of nine thousand nine hundred and ninety-nine stone steps quickly'rolled' towards the small town of Heping Valley below.





That kind of miserable and desperate screams were getting farther and farther and smaller, until the raccoon masters and the Five Heroes in the martial arts field could no longer hear them.


"Ann, Master Anne, is this the way of a monk you want to teach A Bao?!"

Seeing this change, Master Raccoon was completely stunned!

He almost wanted to save the stupid panda just now, but after thinking that Master Anne shouldn't mess with him, he resisted not making a move. Also, although he didn't know whether the other party was serious about what the other party said and did just now, it seemed that the other party's kick was really a mysterious application of some kind of magical energy?

In short, after seeing the kick from the opponent, he no longer had any doubt about the identity of the little girl Kung Fu master or the animal named human in front of him.



"Does any of you want to learn? I don't mind teaching you at all!"


Anyway, one of the orthodox religions is to teach, and the teaching of a group is also to teach, and I just kicked it and felt very enjoyable. After the kick, there was still a little bit of meaning Master Anne said:

If the six people in front of her, or the six animals, wanted to learn the way of monkhood from her, she would definitely treat them like the panda A Bao just now, and she would also promise to be impartial. Wouldn't it be a bit lighter?



‘! ! ’

‘Don’t want to, we don’t want to! ’

‘I don’t want to either! ’

‘Forget it, Master Anne, you only need to teach Abao well...’

‘Don’t you be polite to us? ’

'Please do not! I am a crane and I can fly. I definitely can't learn that kind of tumbling moves. The "Monk's Way" is definitely not suitable for me! ’

‘Farewell, Master Anne! ’

‘Master Raccoon, let’s go back and practice...’

‘Goodbye! ’

Seeing a terrifying little girl master looking towards herself and others, and still eager to try, the Five Heroes waved their hands and refused, and then felt that they had seen it and listened to it. They started to make real birds and beasts, and they never dared to stay longer here in the martial arts field.


Nodded, signaled his apprentices to be free, signaled them to go back to practice, Master Raccoon once again looked towards the direction of the stairs outside the mountain gate.

Relying on his cleverness and understanding of qi, he faintly heard the screams that were still coming up from the bottom of the mountain. After knowing that the panda Abao seemed to be okay, Master Raccoon walked towards the little girl again.


"Master Anne, is your teaching today just like this?"

I don't know why, Master Raccoon always feels that Master Anne's method of teaching Kung Fu is a bit tricky?

Moreover, he always felt that the other party's act of kicking that poor panda down the mountain from the beginning seemed cruel and lacking in stability? Besides, he had just thought about it, and he didn't think that the other party's act of letting the panda Abao go down the stairs would be too much help to practice Kungfu.

"Of course it's not the only way!"


"Oh? What else do you plan to teach today?"

Although teaching the apprentices to practice martial arts is a gradual process, if the Master Anne in front of him intends to teach more, he must also want to understand it, and if he sees the mysterious, he will naturally It will also learn a little bit.



"Maybe, after he climbs up, they will kick him down again? Master Raccoon, do you want to wait here to see it again? Or, do you want to go and play?!"


The national treasure giant panda Abao has been kicked down by her, and the little panda in front of her, she also wants to kick each other down together... As for whether the other party is a raccoon or a red panda, that kind of thing It didn't matter, anyway, the two animals looked alike, there was no need for her to distinguish them too clearly.


"Huh! No, thank you for your kindness! I'll go and stare at my apprentices to practice..."

The corners of his mouth twitched, his face darkened, and at the same time, the master raccoon who didn't think that the other party could develop anything like that, he snorted and turned to leave.


"Master Anne, are you afraid of danger if you do that?"

After hesitating for a while, the master raccoon turned around again, because the other party casually kicked the panda that hadn't been trained and had no martial arts foundation to the foot of the mountain. That kind of behavior was too sloppy in his opinion. A little bit.

If you are not careful, something big may happen! !

"Do not worry!"


"Others may be in danger, but obese pandamen like A Bao will definitely not!"



"Never mind! Master Anne, you can decide for yourself!"

After finishing speaking, the raccoon master who thinks the other party should have a sense of measure or has some reliance will no longer talk about it. After all, that panda Bao is not his apprentice, and he does not need to teach him. Master girl go foolish!

Whether the other party’s religious methods are good or bad, it will be clear after a month! !



"Master raccoon, don't you really want to try the benefits of'rolling and flipping'?!"


However, it is a pity that the little panda with his hands on his back ignored Anne's ‘kindly’ invitation at all, and walked quickly to the back of the Emerald Palace by himself, and disappeared after a while.


Today, the townspeople in the small town of Heping Valley discovered a very weird and funny thing:

Yesterday, at the dragon warrior selection meeting, fire came down from the sky. The panda A Bao, who had jumped from a noodle maker to a'dragon warrior', did not know why he rolled up the stairs of the Jade Palace. Down?

Moreover, the other party rolled down to the point that the whole body was bruised and bruised. Not long after running up the mountain, without knowing what the reason was, he rolled down again...and repeated this way. It was considered reluctant after going up and down several times. Stop?



In this weird situation, the timid and peace-loving people like pigs, gray swans and rabbits in Peace Valley wanted to know why, but because the matter involved the Emerald Palace, they had to reluctantly Doubts were crushed to the bottom of my heart.

Fortunately, after the panda dragon warrior rolled down several times, he never saw the other side repeat the dangerous and funny behavior. Otherwise, Mr. Gray Swan Ping, who was busy taking care of the business all day in the noodle shop, would definitely worry and rush to the stepped mountain gate connecting the town to the Jade Palace to ask what happened.

One day passed quickly...

In the evening, when the disciples of the disciples of the Emerald Palace finished their day of training and went back to rest or wandered in the mountains, in a retreat room in the main hall of the palace, the master raccoon came here respectfully and gave Master Tortoise reported what happened today and what he saw himself.


"Master, here I am..."

Walking to the huge futon with yin and yang fish, looking at the tortoise master sitting on the futon meditating and closing, looking at the other person’s old face and the tortoise shell that was about to crack, the raccoon first gave a big gift and told After a sound, he stood silently, waiting for the other party's response.


"Are you here?"

After a long time, Master Tortoise opened his eyes and smacked his mouth, as if he had only discovered the little raccoon in front of him.

"Presumably, you should have observed..."

"Master Anne, what do you think of her?"

The long, crusty-skinned neck of the old Zou protruded from the shell of the tortoise, and after looking at the same shriveled tortoise head towards the starry sky outside the window for a while, the tortoise master took a long time. Turning around, he asked the master raccoon who was still standing in front of him respectfully.

"Master, you are right!"

"She, that human master, that little girl is really amazing!"

For a powerful kung fu master who is also a guest of the Jade Palace, and is willing to teach the apprentices of the Jade Palace, for an existence like that, Master Raccoon did not feel that in the presence of his own master, in front of the turtle master, a few words of praise What's wrong.


"Then, what kind of skills did she teach A Bao today? Is it the basic skills or something else?"

His age is getting higher and higher, his energy is inadequate, his physical vitality is gradually withered, and he faintly feels that his life is not long, he feels that his time limit is approaching, and the time for him to leave the earth and ascend to the spiritual world is getting shorter and shorter. Instead of watching the little girl teaching the art at the martial arts field, she came back here and stayed here for a whole day.

Therefore, if he wants to know more things that happen during the day, he must pass it through his disciple raccoon.


"The disciple dare not conceal it! Although she has shown a lot of skills today and explained many other things, but she only taught A Bao from the beginning to the end!"

Thinking of the trick that the little girl usually taught panda Abao for play, Master Raccoon couldn't help being a little bit awkward for a while, wondering if he should tell him something that he always feels is not good news?


"One move...what kind of kung fu is it?"

What kind of mystery is in the ‘Monk’s Way’ is obviously hard to detect by Master Turtle, but he only knows that it must also be a kind of profound skill about ‘qi’, there is no doubt about it!

Therefore, when the raccoon in front of him refused to teach A Bao, he could only let the little girl come... and whether the little girl was competent and whether he could teach A Bao well, it was him. The only thing that needs to be paid attention to.



He raised his head and looked at his master's old face embarrassingly for a while. After seeing that the state and spirit of Master Tortoise were relatively good, the raccoon uttered such a word with difficulty.


The tortoise master blinked the eye on its bald head, still fixedly looking at the raccoon in front of him, did not speak or doubt, but motioned to the other party to continue.

"Is such that……"

"She asked Abao to roll from the martial arts field of our Emerald Palace, from the gate along the stone steps to the gate of the mountain bordering the small town of Heping Valley, and when he climbed up, he kicked the opponent down again..."

"This was repeated three times, until the panda's body was cut and cut and couldn't climb anymore before stopping."

After speaking, the raccoon master carefully looked at his master tortoise master, waiting for the other's response.


However, it’s a pity that Master Raccoon only saw that his Master Turtle’s face still had that wave-free face. Apart from pondering and closing her eyes for a while, it seemed that there was a little girl. Doesn't the master's alternative way of being a believer cause too many disturbances or doubts?


"That panda, what happened to A Bao's injury?"

Master Tortoise asked slowly. Obviously, he was more concerned about the panda who didn't know if it was lucky or unlucky.

"I went to see it before I came."

"Abao seems to have been treated with the magical qi of the'Mist Weaving Monk', a type of qigong called'Revival Mist', and now there is nothing serious about it. The room was asleep."

It is precisely because of this that the raccoon master is basically letting go of the little girl, but that still doesn't make him doubt the other party's weird and alternative religious way!

"That's good..."

"So, what do you think of her skill?"

Since the panda Abao is okay, since the little girl has thought about the consequences of the other party’s injury and has made arrangements and coping measures, then his old turtle has nothing to worry about, and can almost safely hand over Abao. Into the other's hands.

in case……

If he worked a little harder, maybe his vitality could last until a month later, until he saw the panda Abao's certain changes that surprised him under the little girl's training?

Yes, he has a faint feeling...Perhaps it is not a coincidence that he chose Panda Abao as the dragon warrior and asked him to receive training from the little girl Kung Fu master. , The most wise decision?

Of course, whether it is or not, just wait until a month later...

"Hard to say!"

"She is really strong, and I can feel it from her kung fu and innocence, but the kung fu and teaching methods she teaches are not easy to say."

While talking, Master Raccoon shook his head straight.

Today, all he saw was the "disillusionment kick" that the opponent showed and the "recovery fog" that healed the wounded. As for the "rolling over"... in his raccoon's eyes, it was basically like Playing around, he doesn't think that practicing that kind of moves can have any more use besides a little physical fitness.

Anyway, the other party's method of teaching his apprentices is very different. It is a bit incompatible with their long-held Emerald Palace's gradual and individual teaching method, and it is difficult to be recognized by him and his apprentices.


"Very well, I see, let's do this first..."

After speaking, the tortoise master nodded in satisfaction, and then he retracted his neck and only exposed a small portion of the tortoise shell, then slowly closed his eyes and stopped talking to his apprentice raccoon. .


"Then I retire first?"

Seeing that the other party started to meditate and meditate again, knowing that it is not appropriate to disturb Master Tortoise anymore, after a respectful salute and a whisper, he hurriedly turned around and walked out. Dare to stay here and disturb my master's retreat.


By observing the reaction of his master, Master Tortoise, he also faintly realized one thing from the bottom of his heart. That is: Master Tortoise did not feel that there was anything wrong with the little girl Kung Fu Master’s teaching method, and did not intend to interfere, even faintly. Think that little girl will train panda Abao very well?

That is a bad omen!

Therefore, the raccoon master decided:

From tomorrow on, he will also work hard to urge the five greats to practice and make them stronger, so that in a month's time, he can take the title of "Dragon Warrior" from the panda Abao fairly and honestly. , And hurriedly practiced the "Shenlong Tianshu", once and again to deal with the threat that Master Turtle had foreseen in advance and did not know when it would come?


In any he doesn’t believe that the obese panda who was trained by the little girl Kung Fu master like a joke for a month will be the one they have been waiting for, and will be able to sword the Jade Palace. Carry forward and protect all the creatures in the Peace Valley and the surrounding area, the "Dragon Hero"!



Today, the weather in the area near the Emerald Palace is exceptionally good, the sky is refreshing, and there are no clouds...

The infinite stars in the sky are gleaming, the black and colorful vast dome is like a giant curtain, shrouded in the dark mountains and the vast earth, full of poetry, like a scroll of mysterious and gorgeous ink giants The painting is so common, I don't know who is weaving someone's dream?


o(T^T)o?? Ask for tickets, ask for subscription, ask for food???? (??﹏??,)??

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