Shadow Bear Tibbers’ Plane Journey

Chapter 1064: What a beautiful princess...ah! my eyes(*/…

Hey! "

"Tsundere Tiger, don't we need to practice qigong today? Where are we going?"

'I do not know! ’

‘Also, Abao, listen to me! I said one last time: My name is Yanjiaohu, don't always follow your master's tone of nickname, it is very rude! ’


"Monkey King, how is your heart, is it better?"

‘! ! ’

‘Abao, as long as you don’t pat me on the back, I believe I will get better sooner! ’

"Ah! Sorry, I forgot again..."


"Hey! Lao He, what does the monkey king's heart taste like, can you tell us about it?"

'Uh? ’

‘That, you don’t want to know...’

"But I want to know!"

‘But I don’t want to say...’

"Xiaolong, when Taro grabbed your tail and flicked it as a whip, did the staggered joints heal?"


"Mantis, how about you? What happened to your mantis arm?"

‘Thank you for your concern! ’

‘If you can stop my way, I will be more grateful to you...’


"Master! Master Raccoon!"

"Where are we going? Don't we need to do today's homework?"

"Be quiet..."

‘Abao, we are going down the mountain to meet an important guest. Later, you will remember, don’t talk nonsense when you’re okay, and don’t lose your courtesy. ’

"So that's it?"

"But Master Raccoon, my father's "Shenlong Hero Noodle Tofu" restaurant opened today. Can I help out later?"


'talk later……'

"Furthermore? That means yes?!"

‘I didn’t say that...’


'be quiet! ’


"Master! Master! Can you give me another thing that can kill Taro with just one finger? This time, I will take good care of it!"

From the stairs on the Emerald Palace Mountain, the pandaman Abao’s mouth never stopped for a moment. When he disturbed the companions of the Five Heroes and the Raccoon Masters, and annoyed them, he finally returned it. Dare to approach his cheap master Anne with a smile on his face?






No way, after discovering that these guys were reluctant to talk to himself, A Bao had no choice but to slip to the side angrily, slumped his shoulders, followed behind everyone, and continued to the more prosperous Heping Valley under the mountain. Go to town.


The turbulent days have long since passed, and there are more than ten days before the battle where the Dragon Heroes fought Taro and won the final victory. By now, the injuries of the Five Heroes in the Emerald Palace have basically gradually improved, and most of them can basically get out of bed to walk and exercise without hindrance.

And Pandaren Abao, the already-recognized "Dragon Hero", has already recovered his health and devoted himself to the daily training supervised by the raccoon master, hoping to become familiar with the skills of the wind-walking monk. Yu Xin, and realized that the powerful mystery and true Qi that is still only displayed by Master Anne, as powerful as broken gold and broken stones?

Maybe it is the five heroes and the raccoon masters who have chosen collective amnesia, or is it that Abao's efforts and achievements in defeating Taro have been recognized by everyone? Anyway, so far, even though the time has come for the ‘Challenge Day’, no one has ever mentioned what was said before, to conduct the contest and re-select the ‘Dragon Warrior’!

Both the residents of the small town of Heping Valley and the people in the Emerald Palace seem to have already acquiesced that a certain martial arts looks ordinary, completely just like a beginner, but unexpectedly finally defeated the powerful enemy panda. The fact that man is the dragon warrior, the new "Dragon Warrior"?

It’s just that, even if you acquiesce in your heart, even the raccoon master himself knows that practicing Kungfu is not something that can be accomplished overnight. Even the most powerful kungfu tiger among the five heroes in the world has been practicing Kungfu for 20 years. There are today’s achievements, and even if Abao is talented no matter how talented, no matter how hard he works, he even used some method to speculate and defeat Taro, but if he hadn’t practiced for ten or eight years, it would be difficult to be elegant. It is definitely not worthy of the name of the "Dragon Hero".

Therefore, after everyone is getting better, after the Emerald Palace begins to function normally, in the case of a messy little girl who is not doing her work and refuses to teach her apprentices, she is a good teacher and at the same time as the master raccoon master of the Emerald Palace. Resolutely brought A Bao and the Five Heroes together, and began to teach them every day with due diligence.

However, correspondingly, martial arts training returns to martial arts training. The Emerald Palace in Heping Valley is the most sacred place in the world. It is the birthplace of Kung Fu and has various privileges in nearby areas and Central Plains, enjoying extremely high treatment and worship. There are some responsibilities that the Emerald Palace must perform, such as now?



After everyone went down the mountain, they didn’t wait long. At the gate of the steps under the Emerald Palace Mountain, in the small town of Peace Valley, Master Raccoon took the Five Heroes and the Pandaren A Bao, as well as Master Keqing, Anne, finally met here. The so-called noble princess who was carried here by a group of old goats who had written a letter a few days ago.



"Hey! Abao, that little fat pig, is she really the princess that you said is going to visit here today?!"


When everyone hummed and jumped off the sedan chair, and was reprimanding those old goats, Her Royal Highness respectfully clasped her fists and saluteed her, but Annie didn't pay attention to the other party at all, but quietly stabbed her side One of the tall and fat pandas clicked, and asked curiously.

"I don't know, Master, don't ask me..."

He shook his head and spread his hands. He grew up in Heping Valley. He has almost never been to the outside world. He only knows A Bao from Heping Valley and the Emerald Palace. How do you know if that little fat pig is a princess?

However, since Master Raccoon says yes, it must be so?

"Hello! Master Raccoon?"


No way, Annie turned her head and asked the master raccoon who didn't know what she was thinking on the other side, and stretched out her hand to pull the pigtail behind her head.



The raccoon master calmly moved to the side, and nodded with some uncertainty after the other party could not catch his hair.

Because, he has never seen the so-called princess! However, the royal guards of honor and the goat guards are definitely not fake... Besides, no matter who the other party is, they can just perform their duties according to the requirements of the letter. It is not too difficult. As for other things, he himself didn't want to control too much.



"Master Raccoon, did the letter ask our Jade Palace to **** her to Khitan for peacemaking missions, so that the Khitan nation should stop attacking and disturbing the Central Plains?"


Obviously, Annie had seen the volume of secret letter sent to the Jade Palace, and she also knew why the little princess was here today.


"But Master Anne, you have to keep your voice down, she probably doesn't know yet, don't make any extravagance..."

It's not a glorious thing to be married, and Master Raccoon doesn't want to promote it.

However, that kind of thing can’t be decided by his Kung Fu raccoon. In the case of people’s slight remarks, it is not easy for him to interfere too much. He just wants to act according to the entrustment in the letter and send someone to treat the other party properly. Even if it is delivered to the destination.

Moreover, he could also see that the pig princess opposite did not seem to know the ultimate goal of her trip? Doesn't seem to see the slightest sadness and depression on his face? In that case, it's okay. Some things are not beautiful the more you know. After all, the ignorant are fearless. Sometimes that is also a rare blessing?



"Really, but it is better not to **** her to you, but it must not be a good idea!"

(o ̄▽ ̄)○

Blinking and looking at a serious raccoon master, and then at the one in front, it is very rude and arrogant. Until now, after not looking at the princess who looked at them, Anne suddenly quietly looked at the raccoon. Said.


"Master Anne, why is this again?"

It is obviously impossible not to **** them. Since this task has been handed over to their Emerald Palace, he always needs to work hard to complete it. That is the order issued by the court, which is not easy to refuse!

Moreover, in the eyes of Master Raccoon, it doesn’t seem to be too difficult. It’s just a matter of sending some people around, going back and forth for a few months. As for other things, it’s not his responsibility. Up.


Yi yi

"That Khitan king, if he saw her, he would be so angry that he would immediately send his troops to attack the Central Plains!!"


Annie herself has seen acting in books and on TV. People and pro princesses have chosen beautiful ones, such as Wang and Jun, but she has never thought about it. A princess from here!


"This...Master Anne, do you have anything to say about this judgment?!"

I looked around and found that my apprentices didn’t pay attention to the conversation between the two of them. After the pig princess who was teaching the goat arrogantly in front was still attracted by the pig princess, the master raccoon couldn’t help but to the little girl beside him I felt a little curious about what the master said.

"Because, she is obviously a little fat pig! What an ugly pig princess, you all dare to send her to make a marriage?"


Although, in Annie's view, the pig princess is actually not completely useless, at least, the other party can barely get the hall and the kitchen?

Of course, when you go to the kitchen, it is before being slaughtered, and when you go to the hall, it is after being slaughtered and roasted or braised and steamed! As for other things, she feels that there is really no more use...As for the actual use of Qidan and kiss others as a wife or something, according to her thinking, that kind of thing is definitely absolutely impossible to happen. of!


(● ̄() ̄●)

(Tibbers obviously disagrees with his little master’s use of human aesthetics to judge the aesthetics of other people’s animal worlds, because in his opinion, those undressed female earthlings or females High elves or something, it is too much!

For example: Hermione from Hogwarts, the high elves of Sylvanas, the little witches from the Caribbean, Nova from the Kepru region, Shepard from Mass Effect World, Rin Tosaka Those little schoolgirls, some dumb hair, plus those little guys in the academy city, etc., it’s not just once or twice that they stand in front of it, in the eyes of Uncle Tibbers Bear. The little sow princess is almost the same, it's almost a pile of unprocessed meat? )


"Master Anne, send her to Khitan. That is not our Jade Palace's idea. We are just the relevant personnel responsible for providing escorts, because it will not be too safe along the way..."

After listening, the raccoon master shook his head dumbly.

To be honest, it was not the first time he heard this weird little human girl next to him, often saying strange things that he couldn't understand... So, even if he couldn't understand this time, he didn't think there was anything good. Strange.

"However, she should not be as ugly as you said, right?"

"Master Anne, look. Although she is still young, look at her white and tender skin, pure white and shiny coat, and pink mouth...Anyway, I think she is really pretty, at least better than The sow girls in Peace Valley are much more beautiful?"

Although the words he said had the meaning of being old and disrespectful, but the raccoon master who felt that it would not matter as long as no outsiders heard it, he frowned and explained these few words to a little girl next to him. And commented.



"Hey! Abao, look at the princess pig head in front. Do you think she is pretty?"


Annie, who didn't agree with the little raccoon next to her, simply turned to the other side, asked the panda man Abao who was waiting with everyone on the other side, and asked for the other side's opinion.


"Although the temper may seem a bit bad, but if you take a closer look, it's really pretty!"

Panda Abao didn't know why his master suddenly asked this, but he looked at the man who was facing them step by step with his head tilted, his hips akimbo, and a scepter in his hand. After the pig head princess came over, he still nodded and sighed to his master honestly.



The unbelieving Annie turned her head again and glanced at the Pighead Princess, and then soon, she directly covered her eyes.

"No! My eyes..."


"Forget it! I don't care about you. I'm going to the poisonous scorpion valley to find the poisonous scorpion and chat, so I don't want to accompany a little sow with you boring guys to play that kind of play games. !"


o(`^)o hum!

After casting her disgusting little eyes at these guys whose aesthetics were seriously inconsistent with her, Annie never cared about the pig princess, who looked very tasty but could not match her beauty at all. Instead, he turned around resolutely, carrying his own little bear Tibbs and turned around and left.


"Wait! Master Anne, don't you want to go to Khitan?"

Seeing the other party turning his head and leaving rudely, Master Raccoon ignored the princess who stood still and cast an extremely stern look at them. Instead, he hurriedly asked the little girl who left quickly. Tao.

"Don't go!"


"No time! People are very busy now!!"


That cunning old raccoon or red panda, the other party's conspiracy had already been seen through by her! Anyway, she wouldn't agree to that kind of boring request no matter what, if she wanted her to **** the white and fat ‘food’ to Khitan, it would be impossible to even think about it!


"OK then……"

No way, that little girl is not his disciple, nor is he in charge of the Emerald Palace. The other party is just a guest servant named in the Emerald Palace. He is already very helpful to help them from time to time. I am grateful...So, now that the other party completely ignores the princess and insists on leaving early, there is definitely no good way for him.


For this mission, he could only dispatch the three of the fierce Jiaohu, Kuaitanglang, and A Bao who had basically recovered from their injuries to perform. After all, although the monkeys and Linghe’s injuries have been treated, there is no major problem, and the shaky joints of the dragons have recovered very well, but they are definitely not suitable for strenuous activities and the burden of escorting the princess. Mission.

'Hey! ’

‘Who, stop! This princess tells you to stop! ! ’

Obviously, the princess pig has already noticed the contempt and irrationality of a certain strange creature towards herself, so she akimbo her hips, waving the scepter in her hand, facing the one in front of her, still carrying it in her hand The guy with a panda toy yelled.



Seeing that the other party completely ignored her majesty, a certain little sow had not had time to call her hands down to capture the other party and be executed on the spot, only to see the other party bounce high up to a big tree in the distance. , And then quickly moved up and jumped, disappearing into the original forest in the blink of an eye?

‘This princess remembers you, you wait with me! ’

After knowing that the other party was the kind of Kung Fu master she couldn't afford, she finally bitterly, cursing and threatening her anger love love.

‘! ! ’

'who are you? How can we grow fatter than our emperor pig family? ! ’

But well, being unable to shout at the guy who just ran away doesn't mean she can't find others to vent her anger?

Therefore, Princess Pig turned and stared fiercely at the people in the Emerald Palace who were still standing in front of them, and quickly walked to some of the most visible big fat people, and looked up at the extremely obese counterpart. Black and white body.


Pointing to his nose, Pandaren A Bao was a little inexplicable, wondering why the little pig princess came to trouble him.


According to legend, long, long ago, the Scorpion Jing who lived in the Peace Valley was a famous doctor?

At the same time, she is said to be an expert in intensive phytotherapy, good at symptomatic treatment of various diseases! And the fertile soil and environment suitable for plant growth in Heping Valley, a paradise for her, is very suitable for her to cultivate medicinal materials and conduct related plant experiments. At that time, her reputation was very good and widely spread, and it was very popular among the people of Heping Valley and people far and near. Love.

It's a pity that everything has changed since she refined a miraculous medicine called the "hypnosis pill" and used her body to experiment.

The magical effect of that magical medicine was so powerful that it made her body soar several times, but at the same time, the medicine also distorted her body and mind, turning her into a terrible red scorpion!

Subsequently, more and more people were controlled by her new medicine. She frantically attacked the Peace Valley and turned the residents of the valley into red-eyed zombies controlled only by her... Then, she controlled those who were controlled by her. The people she hypnotized and controlled brazenly besieged the Emerald Palace, wanting to control the entire Peace Valley in her hands?

Fortunately, afterwards, after fighting with the poison from the scorpion tail alone, she was eventually defeated by the master tortoise, and was expelled from the peace valley and imprisoned in the scorpion valley. I have never come out, and never dare to come out again...


Today, when Annie, who is extremely boring, based on the report she saw a few days ago from the foolish goose Xiao Zeng, and was curious, after coming here today, he found that it seems that the facts and rumors And what's written in the report is something different?

Because, the poisonous scorpion valley in front of me is not as strange as the rumors said. It is not as strange as the rumors. It is not as strange as it is. It is not suitable for normal people to survive. Instead, it has beautiful bamboo forests, flowers and seas. During the period, all kinds of exotic flowers, herbs, etc. were grown and loaded?

So, she thought that you might have some skills, she didn't directly hit them, just burned, trampled, or smashed the legendary badass scorpion, but was curious. The ground knocked on the other's door.


(˙o˙) Benefactor! Tuk!

After standing in the other side's place like a hobbit house or cave for a while, Annie reached out and knocked twice, and then stood in front of the door and waited patiently.



However, for a while, there was still no movement...

Annie knew it, that big red scorpion, that scorpion was clearly inside, and she must have heard her knock on the door, but the other party dared to pretend not to hear her and ignored her shots. door?



"Open the door and open the door! They belong to the Jade Palace, and they come to collect the land occupation fee and property fee! Don't open the door again, be careful of the water and electricity!"

(ψ`▽′) Huh!哐!哐!

Seeing that the other party dared not to open the door, Xiao Anni was talking nonsense, while reaching out and smashing the door of the other's house hard, as if she was about to smash the door of the other's house at any time. general?



‘! ! ’

Finally, maybe it was Annie's ‘threat’ that worked, or maybe the knock on the door was a little louder this time? So, a certain scorpion sperm who stayed inside and didn't know what he was doing, finally heard some movement, as if he was about to come out to open the door?


"you are……"

As soon as the door was opened, the big red female scorpion was taken aback by the strange animal standing in front of her!

Because, she swears, after living in Heping Valley and Poisonous Scorpion Valley for so long, it is the first time anyone has seen her wearing clothes in front of her. It looks like an acute hairless monkey. The same strange animal.

"Wait! You just said you belonged to the Emerald Palace? What are you doing here?!"

However, the big red scorpion quickly recovered, and after a few steps back, he asked vigilantly.

"You're the badass scorpion in Poisonous Scorpion Valley, right?"


"Hello! They are the kung fu master Anne of the Emerald Palace. I heard that you have done bad things recently and killed a lot of people? So, they are here to arrest or suppress you. What can you say now?"

~( ̄0 ̄)

Although the verbal words were very harsh and there was a slightly fierce look on her face, in fact Annie did not intend to immediately burn the opponent directly, but waited bluntly after speaking, giving the other party a great deal Opportunity to speak out.

Because everything in this Poisonous Scorpion Valley is very different from the legend, and the red female scorpion in front of her does not seem to be too bad, so since this matter is now under her care, she will May wish to listen to the other person to talk about the situation. If it is reasonable or can convince her, maybe she just let it go?


Hearing that the other party was indeed a Kung Fu master from the Emerald Palace, the big red scorpion couldn't help frowning deeply. What if the action on the other party's many compound eyes was a frown?


"You mean the two poisoned pig warriors outside? Yes, they were indeed killed by me, because they wanted my life, but I can only blame them for being too useless and unable to blame others! "

After so many years, this is the first time that a Kung Fu master from the Emerald Palace has stood in front of him, although I don’t know what the other party’s purpose is, or whether it’s been assigned by those pigs who want her life. , However, Scorpion Jing only knows that she will definitely not be able to catch it, even if the opponent is a Kung Fu master from the Jade Palace!



Annie blinked her big blue eyes noncommittedly, as if she didn't care about the things the other party had just said and asked her at all?

"Will you not invite me in and sit down?"


Soon, Annie suddenly changed her conversation, and she suddenly smiled and asked the big red scorpion who was standing in the door on alert.


"Didn't you say to arrest me?!"

The tense nerves on Scorpion's body suddenly loosened, and then, puzzled in her heart, she couldn't help asking suspiciously at the Kung Fu master who claimed to be from the Jade Palace.

If that's the case, they should be fighting with real swords and guns right away. Therefore, she was very puzzled by the other party's sudden request that she should invite her into the house.

"People suddenly don't want to, what's wrong, can't it?"



"Did Master Tortoise tell you something?"

Once again he hesitated to lock the subtle expressions on the opponent's face with the compound eyes on his forehead, and found that the expressions on the opponent's face did not seem to be acting, the red scorpion spirit was very puzzled but not sure. Then he asked this question nervously.

"Master Turtle?"

∑(△`)? !

"No! Because he was dead a month ago, he didn't say anything to others!"


After scratching her head and making a grimacing face at the other party, Annie explained this sentence to the big scorpion who seemed to be unclear about the external affairs in front of her.


"He! Master Tortoise is dead? Impossible! You lie to me, how could he die?!"

However, what made Little Annie a little bit surprised was that after hearing the news that the tortoise master who was exiled and imprisoned in this poisonous scorpion valley had died, the weird big red scorpion in front of her was not at all happy. The other'reasonable' performances turned out to be a little sluggish and listless, as if they were very sad?

However, Annie, who doesn’t know much about the attitudes and movements of these insects, is not sure if the other party is as she guessed, and she doesn’t want to read the other party’s thoughts, because if she does that, there will be nothing. Meaning.


"You must be lying to me, right?!"

Suddenly, the scorpion spirit started to become excited, and even raised the terrible hook behind her **** high, seeming to want to pierce Anne's body a bit or two?

"Why did they lie to you?"


"That old tortoise is several hundred years old. Isn't it normal for him to die? Also, he was exiled and imprisoned you back then, shouldn't you be happy now?!"


Annie knew that there must be some adultery during this period, so she followed the other party’s words, and based on the rumors she heard, what she saw in the report, and what she had heard from the raccoon’s mouth. Combined with it, I intend to tempt to test and see, what kind of secrets are hidden in this?



The scorpion sperm suddenly became a little hysterical.

"If it hadn't been for Master Tortoise to protect me, I would have died long ago! Now that he is dead, how could I, I be happy?!"

To be honest, in the eyes of Scorpion, if the weird guy in front of her is not like those who want to kill her, she might have launched an attack under the stimulation. Will he still endure so much grief and say so much? !



"Didn't you be defeated and exiled by Master Turtle because you besieged the Emerald Palace with drugs that confuse others' minds?"


Annie thinks things here seem to be getting more and more interesting. It seems that the truth about the things circulating in the Peace Valley outside, what she heard, saw, and asked are a bit different from the facts?


"Ridiculous! There are drugs to confuse the mind, and I can be worthy of it. However, if you want to control the entire Peace Valley residents and want them to besiege the Emerald Palace, it is impossible!"

Although my heart has stopped, I have heard misunderstandings and slanders from the world and people outside of Poisonous Scorpion Valley more than once... But this time, hearing those words again made the Scorpion Spirit feel a bit sad and inexplicable!

Of course, it could also be because she heard the news of Master Turtle’s death that made her feel a little swaying?



"Then what is going on?"


The truth of the matter is getting closer and closer, and I am idle when I am full. Annie, who is worried and has nothing to do when she is full, said that if the other party is willing to continue speaking, she will definitely be a good listener very seriously. !

And, if possible, she will even spread the truth to help the other party rectify their name or something? At that time, she promised that the entire Peace Valley people would believe what she said, and she would beat anyone who dares not believe it!




"That was all because of a medical accident!!"

Scorpion spoke fiercely, then as if venting his anger, he flicked his tail and nailed a deep hole in the thick wooden door beside him.

"Can you tell me something?"



"Are you really not with them?"

The scorpion sperm who gradually calmed down looked a little puzzled.

"Don't worry! No one is in the same group with anyone!"




"Then come in, I'll tell you slowly..."

For a long time, maybe it was the strange hairless monkey in front of her. The sincerity of this kung fu master from the Jade Palace moved her. Maybe it was the death of the tortoise master that caused a huge blow to her, or maybe it was some other reason, anyway. After finally sighing in frustration, the huge red scorpion sperm let the door open, indicating that the other party can follow her into the house and talk slowly.



"Drink something first, right?"

"It's actually like this..."

First put two cups of steaming and scented things similar to tea on the table and signaled Annie to enjoy them, then the big red scorpion essence slowly began to speak.

A long, long time ago, when she was a famous doctor in Peace Valley...

One day, a strange fat pig who was seriously ill with swine fever was carried into the Heping Valley and came to her home for treatment.

It's a pity that the other party seems to be a little too late?


Although the pig was very sick, although the other party seemed to have only one breath left and was completely out of treatment, but in the minds of the doctor's parents, she still treated a dead pig as a live pig and exhausted her whole body. To treat the other party, even a strong dose of medicine!

But in the end, just as she thought before she started the treatment, the big fat pig that was dying of swine fever was still dead, and it was still the kind that couldn't bear the blood of the medicine and died?


The problem arises!

Who knows, that **** fat pig is actually a member of the royal family and an important prince in his direct line? Therefore, it is natural that the pigs came to Heping Valley to make troubles, to put pressure on them, and even want to judge her inferior scorpion sperm. Want her life?

At that time, they almost succeeded, they have already arrested her, they have also caught her in the Emerald Palace, and they are preparing to burn her on the mountain...

But, fortunately, everyone in the town of Heping Valley ran up the mountain, ran to the Emerald Palace to intercede with her, and besieged the goat royal guards who were present at that time!


Master Tortoise, who didn't want to hand her over, resolutely changed the order and locked her in the Scorpion Valley, called imprisonment, which is really protection...

That incident, many years have passed since today...

Xie Zijing once thought that that incident would have passed, and no one would remember her, and that she would be able to live lonely and cultivate her old age here?

But how can I think that the two royal pig guards that appeared not long ago made her cut off thinking again...


"For many years, fewer and fewer people know that story..."

"They reverse black and white, and add all the crimes to me..."

"Nowadays, people in Peace Valley only know that terrible legend about me... These years, some people, they did come in to see a doctor, and I cured them, but after they went out, they just said my Good thing, everyone said that they were under my control, and that they had red-eye zombie disease. It's really ridiculous!!"

Having said that, Xie Zijing sneered again and sighed again, looking at the Kung Fu master who claimed to be the Emerald Palace.



"So it's like this? Aunt You may not know it? People have seen those pig royal family members come to Peace Valley today!"

"Sure enough, they are just a bunch of bad guys!!"


After hearing another version of the story from the scorpion sperm, Xiao Annie nodded clearly and responded.

Of course, without using her other abilities or magic, and without performing a polygraph test, she definitely has no way to guarantee that what the other party says is the truth! However, after combining the two versions, she felt that what the other party said might be more reliable, so she decided to believe the other party for the time being, and at the same time, she was not prepared to perform the task that the raccoon asked her to do, and let the scorpion go on. Can live in this beautiful valley?


(● ̄() ̄●;)


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