Shadow Bear Tibbers’ Plane Journey

Chapter 1067: The ambition of Lord Shen and the traitor of the Emerald Palace|?)?...

So far, no one knows why the little girl named Anne Hasta, the human animal who is obviously the master of Keqing Kung Fu from the Jade Palace, would go along with Prince Shen, and no one knows why the other party clearly As a Kung Fu master, but he opposes Kung Fu and still stands on the opposite side of Kung Fu?

Or maybe, the other party and the Lord Shen were originally in the same group, but sneaking into the Emerald Palace had another purpose?


Everyone in the Emerald Palace, whether it is the raccoon master, the great five heroes, or the Pandaren Abao, is still completely ignorant of this. They are generally intangible in the clouds and fog, unable to see through, and never thought that things would eventually happen. Development to this point caught off guard.

However, now that things have happened, there are not many choices and room left for the Emerald Palace and the raccoon master.



Therefore, today, one and a half months after the fall of Gongmen City and the defeat of the Thunder Rhino Master, the Pandaren "Dragon Hero" Abao joined the fierce tigers, pretty little dragons, Kuai Mantis, Golden Monkey King and the old spirits of the "Five Heroes". The cranes finally came to Gongmen City and sneaked into the empty water gate city wall from the waterway channel.

‘! ! ’

"Look at..."

‘Over there, on the other side of the city, the tallest tower must be Lord Shen’s palace! ’

I just made a trip to Khitan, and I was tossed by Abao and a certain pig princess on the way back and forth. As soon as I returned to the Jade Palace, I was hurriedly dispatched to attack the palace city for thousands of miles. After seeing the huge and towering building in the distance, he couldn't help but frown and exclaimed.

From her frowning brows, it is not difficult to guess that what she is worried about may not only be the Lord Shen of Gongmencheng, but there are more things she is worried about, and she feels that they are doing this this time. Surely the task will not be so easy?

'Excellent! ’

‘Since it’s such an obvious goal, what are we waiting for? Don’t hurry up and go straight to the tower, then defeat the Lord Shen, and finally announce...’

However, the Pandaren Abao hadn't finished speaking, so the five heroes on the side interrupted him with foolish eyes, and he had to stop awkwardly and shut his mouth. And swallowed the words that hadn't been taken for granted.

'you guys……'

'Hey! Guys, you... what are you doing looking at me like this? ’

‘Is there some crumbs on my face, or something else? ! ’

Abao was puzzled. He didn't understand what he had said wrong, because he felt that what he said was right. That was their purpose of coming to Gongmen City this time, and it was still urgent?


‘Abao, you think we can beat that Lord Shen, do you really think that? ’

I looked around vigilantly and found that no one around noticed the sneaky himself. The sailors, workers, and crew members on the dock were still busy with their affairs. The Golden Monkey King lowered his voice and turned towards Asked a certain panda man who looked innocent.

'Why not? ’

‘Master Raccoon has not been said? He said that Shen Wangye's martial arts is so common that he may not even be able to beat the fierce tiger in a solo fight, let alone me, the dragon hero and you five heroes! ’

A Bao straightened out his chest triumphantly, although he didn't have a chest, only a big belly swinging up and down?

‘Besides, you do know that, now I understand the true qi, although the total amount is still very small, it is really true qi! ’

'monkey! ’

‘Don’t deny it, now I’m not afraid of you. We can fight up to five or five points. I can also fight against fierce tigers with more than 300 moves and not lose...’

‘Let’s take a look now. We have six masters here. Isn’t it a matter of hitting him, Lord Shen? ’

Yes, the Khitan trip was extremely great for Abao’s training. It allowed him to successfully comprehend the magical effects of true qi, and therefore he was able to truly use the skills of those wind-walking monks, instead of using them in vain as before. The shape has no power at all?

And if he does his best without considering the loss of true energy, he can even have a chance to defeat the Golden Monkey King in a short time. For him, who has just learned less than three months of kung fu, the results are undoubtedly quite huge and amazing. Xiong is excited!

So, now, my self-confidence is extremely inflated. As soon as I arrive at the palace gate city, I want to go straight to Huanglong, kill the peacock tower and take down the Lord Shen, and it is normal for him to bring the other party to justice. Up.

‘No! ’

‘A Bao! They are not just one Lord Shen! Look, there are all their people in and outside the city...The 100,000 Sirius Army, I'm afraid it's really not a boasted figure, we must be careful. ’

‘The Lord Shen, he has gathered so many troops here, what does he want to do? ! ’

Standing silently on this section of the pier, the abandoned Watergate city wall that was used as a bridge, watching the streets in the city that are randomly walking, standing guard, patrolling in rows and columns, and densely filling the nearby walls. The evil wolves, even the fierce tiger, who relied on the high martial arts and fearless, couldn't help but frown again.

I don't know why, the fierce Jiaohu always feels that what the other party is doing may not just want to regain the throne and palace city!

‘Oh! ’

‘Well, guys, you’re right, they are indeed too many, more than all the people in our Peace Valley combined! ’

‘Maybe we can do it slowly...’

Looking at the evil wolves with at least thousands or even tens of thousands as far as their eyes can go, after swallowing hard, A Bao also had to admit with regret: The method he just said just now is definitely not working. They definitely can't just rush to the Peacock Tower just like what he just said.

‘But we don’t have to be too afraid of them. We just need to deal with that Lord Shen. As for the evil wolves, there is no need to fight them, right? ’


‘Am I wrong? ’

If it is an ordinary tiger or a panda monkey, it is definitely impossible to rush to the front of Lord Shen... But if it is a great guy like them who learns kung fu, if it is the Dragon Hero and the Great Five As for Xia, Bao thinks that there must be no problems at all!

In this regard, he is very confident!

For example, the trick he can use now is the mighty and domineering light skill "The dragon is in the sky". If the qi is enough, he is even confident that he can fly from here to the tower in the middle of the city in one breath. Go to the peacock tower into the clouds?


'Even if we can really avoid most of the Sirius army, but we have to deal with not only that Lord Shen, but also the kind of terrible in his hand that can deal with kung fu masters and can swallow steel. Weapons... and, your master-Master Anne! ! ’

Although he was very reluctant to bring up this matter again, after hesitating for a while, Yan Jiaohu still sighed and picked out this matter that they had discussed many times along the way.

Because this is what they have to face this time in the palace gate city mission, even if they want to avoid it, they can't avoid it!



Brushing the ground, the eyes of the other four mighty five heroes followed the fierce tiger's words and glanced at a certain panda whose expression suddenly became dull.

'Do not……'

‘Everyone, honestly, yes...I’m still a bit reluctant to believe that, my master, she will be in the same group as the ‘enemy of Kung Fu’, Shen Wang...’

‘She’s so nice, she helped us so much and she taught me kung fu...’

Sure enough, the words of the fierce Jiaohu just felt like he had just spoken. Just now he was not afraid of being afraid, and he was still full of confident panda A Bao, so he collapsed in frustration and his expression became more and more ugly.

‘Abao, this is actually not impossible! ’

"Think about it, your master didn’t live in the Emerald Palace from the beginning, nor was she from the Peace Valley. She went to the Peace Valley on that day and unexpectedly met Master Turtle, and then she happened to be a coincidence. Next, become the Keqing Kungfu master of our Jade Palace and be responsible for guiding your martial arts...'

‘Don’t worry, I’m not blaming you...’

‘We all know that she is not from our Peace Valley, she is from outside! And at that time, Lord Shen did not attack the palace gates, nor did she become an enemy of Kung Fu. Isn't it normal for her to join our Jade Palace? ’

‘But now, after Lord Shen has taken the palace gate city, she chooses to go back and choose to stand on the side of Lord Shen again. We can’t say anything about her because of that, because it is very reasonable! ’

‘That’s probably the truth, right? ’

Old Linghe sighed, and after patted the panda Abao on the shoulder, he solemnly and self-righteously stated what he thought was reasonable.

‘Yes, Abao, don’t think too much about it, it’s really not your fault! ’

‘! ! ’

'and many more! Guys, if Lao He’s guess just now is correct, I think we might be in big trouble! Do you think that Lord Shen has already heard from Master Anne that our Emerald Palace is going to deal with him, and then he has already prepared for it in advance? ’

'what? ’

'possible! ’

"It shouldn't be? ’

‘The monkey, what should we do now? ! ’

'Come on! You see, there are all his soldiers in and out of the city. Even if he didn't prepare in advance, it is not easy for us to deal with him! ’


‘But now the biggest problem is Master Anne. Who of you has seen her take action, and who is sure to deal with her? ’

‘What do you guys see me doing? You have to ask Po! ’

‘Abao? ’

Soon, when the conversation began, the Golden Monkey King, Pretty Little Dragon, Old Linghe, and Kuai Mantis were a little bit regretful, either comforting or arguing, and spoke out their concerns and talked about the topic again. It attracted the panda man A Bao.


‘I know what you said...’

‘But guys, if you fight with Lord Shen, I’m 100% confident that I can take him down! However, if I fight with my master, I really have no confidence at all! ’

While talking, A Bao became even more depressed.

After comprehending the magical effect of true qi and storing such a small amount of weight in his body, Abao basically understood how powerful the martial arts of the wind-walking monk was?

And the more he knew how powerful the wind-walking monk's martial arts was, the more he understood the strength of his cheap master! You know, the other party has the complete inheritance of the three "Liquor Fairy Flow", "Fengfeng Sect" and "Mist Weaving Skill", but he himself now only has only one third of them, and he is still the one who just started. That's all, let alone his Master Anne's hand, which could easily kill a terrifying master like Taro's'trick' weapon!

Presumably, the reason why Shen Wangye can easily kill Kung Fu is said to be stronger than Taro, and is also faintly known as the world’s number one master of the Thunder Rhino Master, it must be because of the weapon, or his Abao. Does that master have something to do with you?

'and also……'

‘Huniu, monkeys and Linghe, as well as praying mantis and Xiaolong... I suddenly felt that we really shouldn’t come to Gongmen City this time, because we seem to have no chance of winning at all...’

A Bao would not tell the Five Heroes in front of him that the reason why he insisted and was willing to come to Gongmen City with them, except that he really wanted to express himself a little bit, and wanted to defeat the powerful and specialized invention. In addition to the horrible weapon of Kung Fu, Lord Shen, there is more to Master Anne who found him, and then asked the other party something personally.

He wanted to know, since Du Fu was a Kung Fu master, why did she stand on the side of Lord Shen, and why she stood on the opposite side of the Emerald Palace, which represents ‘Kung Fu’?

'okay! ’

"Abao, and everyone, don’t think too much... Let’s sneak into the city now, find the imprisoned Meteor Crocodile and Storm Iron Bull, rescue them, and then ask about the situation before talking about other things. ! ’

‘Remember, don’t be discovered by those wolves of the Sirius Army! ’

The fierce tiger who didn’t want to say anything more, and didn’t want to stay here for too long so as not to be discovered by the enemy, so after finishing speaking, he took the five heroes to leap for life, taking advantage of the people around him not paying attention. He quickly jumped to the tiled roof of a tall building in the distance, and began to move quickly on top.

According to the information obtained before arriving here, the fierce tiger knows that the meteor crocodile heroes and the storm iron bull heroes are now locked in the prison in the black dragon area, so they must hurry up, before the enemy knows. Before they arrived?

‘! ! ’

'Hey! Wait for me first...’

Seeing the five people leave without saying hello, Ah Bao, who was afraid of being left, also hurriedly used the kung fu of wind-treading martial arts, using the swift stature like a tiger and Xianglong in the sky, dragging his fat Actually, like a gust of wind, his body quickly chased after the five guys, behind the five heroes who had been immersed in martial arts for many years.


However, in fact, what is not quite right with the previous wild guesses of the Five Heroes is:

A certain little girl named Anne Hasta, a Kung Fu master, is actually not as they thought, originally belonged to Lord Shen's group? In fact, she is not only a member of the Emerald Palace in Peace Valley, nor is she a member of the Lord Shen of the current palace gate city, and at the same time, she does not belong to any power or person on any side in this world!

Of course, that was before!

As for which side you are on now, it really doesn’t matter...

Because, ah, a nasty little girl with a soft hand and a short mouth, when the "Five Heroes" and "Dragon Heroes" successfully arrived in the palace city and took certain actions, they were in the highest While eating and drinking in the Peacock Tower, he directed some relevant essentials and precautions of firearms to a white peacock who seemed very intelligent and looked very beautiful!

For example, some kind of weapon was improved by her extension from that "fire and steel" weapon. The shape is a little smaller, the style is a little more novel, and it can be held in the hand only for aiming and launching, but it is powerful. Very good gadget?


"So that's it?"

"This is really perfect, it's a work of art!"

After fiddling and researching, he looks very beautiful, but it is a pity that a certain white peacock Lord Shen is very satisfied with the new weapon in his hand!

"Master Anne, I myself have always felt that artillery is too cumbersome, because they are too big and bulky. Even my black guards are struggling to move them, especially when aiming and shooting. very inconvenient!"

"It's pretty good when dealing with fixed targets, but once dealing with guys who run fast or can work hard, they are often not easily hit..."

"Of course, except for certain idiots?"

Lord White Peacock Shen said that the idiot he was talking about was the reckless man who defeated and killed tens of thousands of the Serpent Legion in the Wolf Valley with his bare hands in the legend, the once incredible Thunder Rhino hero!

He still remembers clearly. At that time, the other party stood in front of his Shenlong cannon in such awe-inspiring manner, and still flaunted his might, contemptuously stretched out that ridiculous thunder hammer to warn him to leave Gongmen City quickly?

But the result?

He passed by with a shot, and that was obviously very powerful, almost the number one hero in the Central Plains, and even the guy who could defeat his one hundred thousand Sirius army with one person alone, was so suffocated and killed. , And it was still the kind of body that was broken and blood splashed on the spot by the shells from the heart?



However, Annie ignored the white peacock. She still lay comfortably on her seat, and put her feet on the messy table playfully, and drank the food after dinner. Dessert.

"But, it's different now..."

"With these muskets, with these magic weapons created by Master Anne you personally guided us, coupled with my Sirius Army and those Shenlong cannons, then I will smash the entire Central Plains, including Khitan Mongolia, Khitan, The days of Liaoxia, Tubo, Dali, Tianzhu, and the vast island countries to the south are bound to be just around the corner!"

"At that time, my people in Central Plains will own the whole world!"

"And I will also be crowned as the emperor, and become the supreme being like the first emperor Zulong!!"

Huh! !


After speaking, Lord White Peacock Shen lifted up the shot in his hand that was just made, but it had a smooth-bore flintlock with a caliber of nearly 20 millimeters. He shot it not far away and shot it in an instant. The sturdy window on the side was shattered.


"The reloading speed is relatively fast, and the power is quite strong. There should be no big problem with the kind of kung fu masters who have the golden light and incorruptible body, but..."

After firing the shot and studying it again for a while, Lord Shen quickly found its shortcomings.

"Master Anne, it is still a bit too much trouble to manufacture. Although you have shown us that our hydraulic punching forging hammer and hydraulic drilling and boring machine have been tested successfully, the special steel used in the barrels and the drilled barrels are not It will explode easily again, but its output is not enough, and its accuracy is slightly worse. It can only be used at close range or intensively by the army to have such a deterrent?"

"Do you have any good ideas about this?"

Lord Shen shook his head and spoke with a little regret, and waited expectantly for the other party's answer.

There is no doubt that these muskets, which are like scaled-down artillery pieces, will be an important supplement to his Sirius Army and those powerful artillery that are terrifying! However, their output and accuracy are still slightly lower. Although the output can be solved by mass-manufacturing hydraulic punching hammers and hydraulic drilling and boring machines, the accuracy is indeed a big problem. If the problem of accuracy can be solved, this Is a magic weapon really perfect?

You know, he just aimed at another window, but he smashed the one next to it, and it was still less than twenty steps away in the tower. If it were a little farther, wouldn’t it? Can't even hit the figure?


( ̄~ ̄) Chew!

"It's very simple. You find a way to use a boring machine to pull some rotating rifling in the barrel of the gun, and then change the front to the rear, and then use the paper shell to install the Mini ammunition. The powder will be changed into small particles. Then all the problems will be It can almost be solved!"


During the recent period, Annie, who has been eating and drinking in the peacock tower of the other party almost every day, enjoying the super-high-standard treatment of the other party, feels a little bit embarrassed, so she casually pointed the other party such a few words.


"It sounds great, Master Anne, can you give me more details?"

Key words such as rifling, after-loading, fixed-loading paper shell mini bullets, granular gunpowder, etc., made the red pupils of the originally sad white peacock sinking prince suddenly shrink, and then knowing that those words will be the key to improvement He leaned to the other side's table again, ready to hear more clearly and more carefully.





"White Peacock, how about that? You can go there for a dance and perform that kind of open-screen sword dance for others to take a look at. Maybe when they are happy, they will give you all the complete firearm drawings. ?"


Annie said that she has something that makes those backward things. As long as the other party makes her happy, she might even get the copper shell bullet rifle and the battleship blueprint of the World War II period for the other party.

Of course, it doesn't matter whether the other party can make it according to the gourd drawing after it is out.


"No! No way! I am a mercenary one hundred thousand, the prince who occupies the big city, how can I dance for you like an actor?"

"I swear: I won't dance to you again, never!!"

Hearing that the other party had raised that excessive request again, Lord White Peacock Shen didn't even think about it, he took two steps back proudly and shook his head firmly.

Besides, he is confident that he can develop and invent artillery on his own, and he will certainly not have much problem studying the kind of rifling and after-installation that the other party just said. Even now, he has a vague eyebrow in his mind. Yes, he can go to experiment only after the new boring machine is in place tomorrow.

"But you skipped it before. Anyway, it's a jump once, and it's a jump twice. What if you do it a third time now?"


Just do a dance, and you won't die, let alone a piece or two of meat on your body!

And Annie dared to use the name of her own bear Tibbers this time to guarantee that she would never sneak out and pull out two beautiful peacock tail hairs for memorial... At least, I will never pull out just one!



"Don't mention it again!"

"Master Anne, you know, everything can be the same!"

At this moment, his Lord Shen is about to embark on the glorious avenue of becoming the king of the world. At that time, he will personally lay down an empire and territory that is larger than Zulong. Which two of his previous Look at the parents and people who have misunderstood him, his white peacock will never, and has never let them down!

Because he is Lord Shen, the future emperor of the White Peacock!

So, how can someone like him be such an incomparably noble existence dance to each other casually?

"Are you jumping or not?"


"do not jump!"

Lord Shen stepped back two steps, first shook his head firmly, and then raised his little head proudly. At the same time, the few noble and beautiful feathers on top of his head, like a crown of feathers, It also tilted up high.

"Really don't jump?"


Annie said that she was a little angry, and she made up her mind to herself that when there is a chance, she must pull a few more that kind of beautiful white peacock feathers from the other party’s tail, or simply strip it all off. See him in the future. Dare to scream?

"Resolutely don't jump!!"

Lord Shen took a step back again, and then the haughty little head slightly turned to one side, indicating that he had solemnly refused the unreasonable request of the whimsical little girl in front of him.



"Hey! Little Brother White Peacock, um...there is a drawing of a more interesting thing here. Its name is ‘steam engine’, do you want it?"


Sample, dare to refuse her reasonable order from Master Anne?

Anyway, Annie said that to deal with this kind of guy, she has a way to force the other party to obediently without using violence!


"Steam, steam engine? What is a ‘steam engine’? What is it for?!"

After a moment of sluggishness, finally, as a white peacock with only ambition, pursuit and knowing technology, Lord Shen said that he was indeed attracted by the strange term that the other party suddenly said! Therefore, he finally couldn't help changing his previous arrogant expression, and turned into a curious baby, and took two steps forward nervously, approaching the table again, waiting for the other party to continue talking.

Because he knew that the other party would definitely not say that kind of irrelevant vocabulary out of thin air. It must be something that is of great use to him, and it is a treasure that he can't refuse, just like that million-jin hydraulic hammer and hydraulic boring machine. same? You know, compared to the importance of those two things, the portable musket that the other party pointed out that it took him several days to reluctantly made it before was a bit inferior.




"It's the kind that only needs to boil the water and it can turn on its own. The power is strong enough to make your biggest ocean ship run quickly in the sea and the river, even if there is no wind or headwind, it can go forward at full speed. good stuff?"


"Furthermore, it can also drive a lathe, and it can also create a locomotive of'walking and eating', allowing the train to take your soldiers and supplies on hundreds or even thousands of miles in a day without shouting. Tired!"


Annie didn't believe it anymore. After she said so much, the other party could not hold back the bait! !



"'Steam engine', let this king think about it first..."

The very firm stand of a certain white peacock became swaying again, because it was impossible. After all, the temptation presented to him by Master Anne, who looked like a witch, was too powerful and tempting. , Making him feel itchy and irritable, he can't wait to rush directly in front of the opponent to let him hand over the blueprint of that kind of machine.

"Have you thought about it? If you don't think about it, they will go out to play!!"



"The king only jumped once, the last time, let's not take it as an example?!"

Actually, if the other party hadn't taken a shot suddenly and stopped one of his feathers last time, making his perfect bird screen appear a little flawed and painful, he might not have resisted that much.

"No way!"




At this time, Lord Shen was like a marketable businessman, bargaining with some lack of confidence.

"Countless times!"


"As long as people want to see, you have to dance! But don't worry, people will make you dance when you eat, and they won't bother you at other times!"


After all, Master Anne is very busy. Usually, she is either sleeping late or on the way to play, so she doesn't want to watch the white peacock dancing in front of her all the time! And, if it weren't for something about the other person, she might not have made that request at all!


"Then you have to make sure that you are not allowed to attack suddenly, and you are not allowed to pull the hair while the king is on the screen!!"

The other party has a criminal record, so he demanded vigilantly while hesitating.

Although the feathers are lost or plucked, they will still regenerate. Although he will change the feathers many times in his life, but he loves his beautiful tail feathers very much, and now he is the prince Shen with status and status, he will never Allow yourself to appear bald-tailed in embarrassment during the non-moulting season!

"why not?"

∑(??△`)? !

"It can grow out anyway!"



Sure enough, the other party's motives are not pure, no matter if he doesn't jump!

"Fine! I'll go and study the steam engine you mentioned slowly when I have time!"

"Besides, I remembered this when you reminded me..."

"Usually when boiling water to make tea, the boiling water vapor will indeed spurt out of the copper kettle. If the spout is plugged, the lid will be lifted by the vapor... Presumably the'steam engine' must be a cannon. The reason for the musket is the same. It uses the boundless force of the gas to expand and explode, right?"

"If you install a lever and gear transmission device like a hydraulic boring machine, and then build a larger kettle, wouldn't it be possible to make the continuously boiling water vapor drive the gear to rotate, thereby replacing the unstable hydraulic boring machine?"


"Why didn't this king arrive earlier?"

The more he thought about it, the more he found it feasible, the White Peacock finally nodded in satisfaction, saying that with his own ingenuity, he would definitely be able to develop a device called a ‘steam engine’ without having to go to the other party for any drawings!

Besides, what is made based on blueprints, how can he make it more sense of accomplishment with his own ingenuity?


!? (??''????)??

"You! How can you be like this!!"


Annie felt a little surprised, because, even she did not expect that the white peacock in front of her could draw inferences about the other things, and could step on the principle of steam engine and power plant among her own words. Are you sure?


(● ̄(??) ̄●)



"What's so great about the steam engine? It's too simple! People here also have the most, most, most important, and most important generators in the late industrial revolution, White Peacock, do you want it?"


"If you want, exchange one feather for another drawing!"


Annie, who was already a little bit poor, didn't want to continue to fight with the other party, and directly and openly raised the other party's tail hair idea.

The beautiful white feathers on the other party’s tail, those with single, double, and multi-eyed feathers are at least dozens of them. If they are all pulled out, they may be able to get a lot of good things from her. of! Anyway, those female peacocks can live well without the feathers on their tails, and the male peacock in front of them does not need to be so stinky at all, or is it better to pull them out earlier?




"Can mortal power really manipulate lightning? What kind of equipment is that?"

Lord Shen's interest came again.

Obviously, apart from friendship, I'm afraid this is the reason why he still treats the other person as an ancestor with delicious food and drink, right?

"I won't tell you!!"


"You have to dance and furry others first!"

o(??^`)o hum!

The other party is cunning and cunning, so Annie will never tell the other party about the key words of wire cutting, the law of electromagnetic induction, and the law of electromagnetic force, so that the other party's little head can think of a way to leave her alone.

Anyway, she has a lot of worthless drawings here. As long as the other party is willing to pluck the feathers from her tail and give her a beautiful feather duster, she can even use various advanced artillery, machine guns, tanks, etc. The drawings of ships, airplanes, etc. are all packaged and given to each other!

As for what kind of damage and interference that would cause to the world, that is not something she needs to consider now.


Wang Ye Shen was very interested to know what the other party said, but when he thinks about his own tail feathers are also very important, which makes him feel a little hesitant and embarrassed, not knowing what to do.

‘Report! ! ’

‘Report to the Lord! The prison in Heilong District has just been attacked! ’

Suddenly, without waiting for the white peacock Lord Shen to decide whether or not to agree to the other party's exchange terms, a red peacock feather-eye badge logo on one of his arms, and a ferocious cyclop-eyed wolf wearing armor hurriedly rushed from under the tower, panting slightly. Came up and reported loudly.


"Where are the prisoners? Did they run away?"

Seeing that there was a business matter, Lord Shen abandoned the little girl Kung Fu Master, and asked with a little interest in the wolf under his command.

‘Still! ’

‘Lord! They are threatened by us, and they must not dare to run, otherwise our prison would not be able to keep them in for so long...’

The boss of the wolf said that under their threat, the crocodile and the cow in the cell were not to mention how honest they were. Even if they opened the prison door, even if someone took action, the two guys would definitely not dare to get out of the prison. Half a step!

It's just that the soldiers of the Sirius Army in the cell were miserable. They were beaten so miserably, and some of them were broken and off the ground. They haven't woken up until now!


"Who did it?"

After taking a look at the little girl behind her who had become boring, Lord Shen, who became a little interested, asked curiously.

‘Lord! ’

'According to the report by the jailer who woke up: There were six criminals who attacked the Heilong District Prison. They were: a tigress, a small blue, a fast praying mantis, a golden-haired monkey, an old crane, and There is a black and white panda! ! ’

Obviously, the wolf boss came to the tower to report after investigating the situation clearly and inquiring carefully, so he knew very well about the prison attack.


"Oh? Panda?"

Shocked in his heart, Lord Shen was stunned for a while, then subconsciously turned his head to look at the old god-in-law Yang Xiangu on the other side of the high tower hall, and then sneered and paced back and forth.

After pondering for a while, he suddenly smiled and asked a little girl who seemed to be full and was now burping:


"Master Anne, it seems that the Five Heroes and the Dragon Heroes from your Emerald Palace are here. Tell me, what should I do now?"

If it was before, Lord Shen would definitely order to catch the panda in angrily, or kill the other side by all means?

But now it’s different...

Because, not long ago, Yang Xiangu's prediction suddenly changed! Now, he Shen Wangye is destined to be crowned as emperor someday in the future, he is destined to rule the entire world, and radiate the tiny territory of the Central Plains to the entire world!

At that time, the Central Plains will be his imperial garden for Emperor Shen, the Southeast Sea will be his Inner Lake, and his Sirius Army will be armed with muskets and cannons, enslaving all the barbarians of the whole world in Central Plains. As the core of the heavenly kingdom under the rule!

What he is going to do and what he is doing will be those imperial idiots who are still aloof but incomparably ignorant, and those kung fu masters who are standing still, knowing that they think they are the best in the world, can’t see them. of……

Of course, the well-respected Master Anne in front of him is obviously not among them!

Because, if there is anyone in this world who is more respected and admired by Lord Shen, the little girl in front who still wants to pick and choose among the food piles on the table must be the only one. It can even be said that if his Lord Shen compares himself to the ancient time, the **** bird Bo Ya who is good at playing, I am afraid that the other party must be his'childhood', right?

"You said they..."


Unexpectedly, those guys didn't come until now, it was really slow! But it doesn't matter, that kind of little things Annie won't put on her heart.



"Just don't kill it!"


Annie casually waved her hand at the spicy white peacock and said.

Actually, it's not impossible to kill...

However, she is a little annoyed to resurrect them! So, if possible, she hopes that the other party will catch them, and then let them go at an appropriate time?

"As you wish, Master Anne!"

Nodded, and after giving a disciple's gift to the other party, Lord Shen turned his head, with a gloomy face, yelled at the one-eyed wolf boss:

"What are you doing in a daze?"

"You heard what Master Anne said just now? Bring the newly made muskets and bring them back to me!!"

'Yes! ’

‘Lord, don’t worry, the younger one will do it right away! ! ’

Hearing that the prince even directly allocated the newly created batch of weapons to himself for trial, the wolf boss was excited, and then he hurriedly responded in a loud voice, and bowed to the prince Shen in a respectful manner, and then again After bowing towards the little girl who was treated like a teacher by her prince, the one-eyed wolf boss rushed down the rotating tower stairs excitedly.

Soon, the sound of the other party’s heavy ground and the sound of stepping on the wooden board gradually faded away until they could no longer be heard...



‘Heaven’s secrets are chaotic, I’m afraid that the world will soon kill the people...’

When the wolf boss walked for a long time, that Yang Xiangu, who had been silent before, sighed leisurely.

"Do not!"

"You are wrong, Xiangu, it should be the blessings of all the people in the world, they will see the establishment of a prosperous dynasty!"

"By then, all the people under heaven will share peace with me!!"

When he walked to the window that he had broken, and looked at the thick window woods that had long become unrecognizable under the bullets of the musket, Lord Shen raised his chin again arrogantly.


"Master Anne, what do you dare to do?"

However, his posture did not last long, because he only felt a pain in his butt, and when he turned his head back, he found that the longest and most beautiful multi-eyed white feather on his tail, Actually appeared in the opponent's hands?

"Here! Here you are!"


"This is the drawing of the steam engine. This is a fair deal!"

??????(??????)??????you are welcome!


After receiving the drawing, Lord Shen suddenly felt a little at a loss...

Because, he didn't seem to say that he wanted a drawing of a steam engine, right? After all, he had just guessed that he was inseparable! Moreover, even if you want to change it, it is also a generator! !

"I will go out to play first, goodbye~!!!"


After successfully buying and selling and got the most beautiful feather, UU Read www. Xiao Anni didn't wait for the other person to say something, she ran away, and she disappeared after the smoke...


(● ̄(??) ̄●)



For a long time, Lord Shen and Xiangu Yang looked at each other, but they were speechless...


(*????╰╯`??)?? Ask for a ticket?? (????╰╯`??*)


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