Shadow Bear Tibbers’ Plane Journey

Chapter 1069: ?*??(???*)??*? represents advanced culture...


‘Master, Master...? ’

"Why are you... you are really here..."

Completely ignoring the wounds on his body and the blood beads still oozing out, the panda man Abao, who was standing firm with the support of his friends, began to open his mouth in a daze, following the familiar voice, a little disbelief Murmured and said.

To be honest, before coming here, Pandaren A Bao had always had illusions about certain things, and felt in his heart that the reason why his master was mixed with the evil Lord Shen, there must be something unspeakable or completely deceived. Forced?


Now that the other party is standing behind the prince Shen with a smile, and seeing that the other party has the opportunity to easily subdue or bring the white peacock to justice, but he has no intention of doing it, how can he not Know, what kind of position is the other party now?

"Hi~! How are you guys?"


Seeing that the whole body was wounded by a musket, the **** pandaman A Bao looked towards her in a daze, and Xiao Annie raised her little bear's claws, and slapped them friendly. Said hello.

As for the injury on the opponent, she didn't care at all!

Because Annie could see that the other party was just skin trauma...Moreover, during the days when she took the other party to special training (to give the head away), she had already seen a lot of the various tragic situations and tragic deaths of the other party. , A hundred times more miserable than it is now, she has seen the miserable appearance of her body being dismantled and boiled in a pot!

Therefore, the **** look on the other party now seems to be nothing strange to her cheap master.


A Bao did not speak, only his lips trembled, and then he began to look at each other silently.



"You are an accomplice, a running dog, a raccoon dog of the enemy of Kung Fu! Fortunately, we and A Bao have always believed in you so much, but you turned out to be that kind of person, and you have the face to say that kind of ridicule?"

"Since you are on the side of the evil white peacock, then take your life!!"

Seeing the arrogant and powerful white peacock Lord Shen, and then looking at the little girl next to the other person, I saw that the master Keqing in their jade palace was really standing next to the enemy of Kung Fu, and he was still gloating. After looking heartless, the fierce Jiaohu suddenly became angry, and when he clenched his fist, he planned to rush forward to do it.

It just so happened that they had never seen the so-called little girl Kung Fu master actually make a shot. Now that she has to send her arrow on the string, she just goes to try each other’s Jinliang to see if the other party is really what they imagined. That's awesome?



Obviously, Annie definitely didn’t know what she had done wrong to make the arrogant tiger so angry, and even planned to do it on herself... You know, she, Master Anne, Queen Anne never made a mistake. Yes, it is even less likely to make mistakes!

Therefore, the other party's sudden change of face and clamor for hitting oneself, although the reason is not known, it must be completely unreasonable.



‘! ! ’

'how? ’

However, at this moment, the fierce Jiaohu who just planned to do it was shocked to find that she could not rush up because her hand was actually held tightly by A Bao on the side?


"what are you doing?!"

The companion who thought it was him still had illusions about the obsessive little girl master, so the fierce tiger sullenly stared at the opponent, and then violently thrown away the opponent who was holding his arm. That fat paw.

"Wait, don't rush!"

Thinking that the other party wanted to rush up the thick black iron pipes that the Sirius soldiers used to aim at him and the others regardless, Abao the Pandaren reached out his hand again and grasped tightly. He grabbed the opponent's wrist and dragged the opponent to his side.


"Listen to me, don't worry, the iron rod weapons in their hands are very powerful. If you rush straight up like this, you will die!!"

Seeing that his master was still heartless and standing next to the white peacock, after making clear that he wanted to stand aside with the enemy of Kung Fu, he gradually understood that he was a little hesitant in his heart. I wanted to ask more, and then hurriedly whispered a warning to my companion.


"Huh! Ridiculous! Do you think I will be afraid of the fire sticks in their hands that don't even have a blade?!"

Fierce Jiaohu used force again, intending to withdraw his wrist tightly held by A Bao.

However, this time she found that the other party was holding her hand stubbornly and very hard, and would not let go when she said nothing, and she did not dare to put too much force on the other's injury. So anxiously stalemate.


"Huniu! Really, please believe me, it's not just a fire stick..."

"That thing almost killed me just now, it's the shrunken ‘fire-spitting steel’ artillery, very powerful!"

"It typed out things very quickly, maybe even Kuai Mantis can't avoid it!!"

A Bao said with some lingering fear.

Just now, if not for the moment he rushed in, he saw those guys using those'fire sticks' at him, and then subconsciously felt bad and activated the wind-walking monk with innocence, which is similar to that of King Kong. By means, I am afraid that he has been sifted through his body by those spitting steel balls.

And right now, on the steps in front of the peacock tower, there are hundreds of fire sticks that are densely facing them. He doesn't dare to go up again now, and there is no King Kong not bad. If the fierce tiger rushes forward, he will definitely be beaten into a sieve!

'impossible! ’

‘Abao, you’re really sure, the speed of the long iron bars can be as fast as me? ’

The Kuai Mantis, who was also on guard, ready to cooperate with his companions to attack at any time, asked in disbelief. Because he is one of the best in the speed of a praying mantis. With all his strength, he is even sure to cut at least a half of the Sirius soldiers’ wrists in the blink of an eye, making them unable to hold the knives and those long. Long hollow iron rods, so it didn't think they could really make him unavoidable like A Bao said.

‘Quick mantis, they are not ordinary long iron bars...’

‘I saw it, there seems to be something in their hollow tube that smells like fireworks and gunpowder? ’

At this time, the old Linghe with excellent eyes on the other side also quietly added to the disdainful Kuai Mantis.

'what! ! ’

‘That’s right, they must also be the kind of weapons that spit out steel, but a little smaller than those cannons? ’

‘More than a little bit, it’s much smaller and more convenient! ’

'too frightening! ’

‘We should come to Gongmen City earlier and defeat that Lord Shen’s earlier...’

‘Maybe it’s not too late now? ’

‘It’s not late? However, we are now surrounded, what else can we do? ’

‘Fight with them! I don't believe it anymore, the fire stick in their hands is really so powerful, and it can knock us all down! ’

‘! ! ’

‘Monkey, don’t be impulsive! ’


'Hey! What is that terrible thing called, and why can he always make that kind of weapon against our Kung Fu? ’

'do not know……'

While hesitating, in addition to the fierce tiger who was caught by Abao and Abao, the remaining four of the Five Heroes, the Pretty Little Dragon, the Kuai Mantis, the Old Linghe, and the Golden Monkey King, continued. Be wary of the evil wolves who are staring at them and hovering around them, while facing the neatly lined team in front of them, the number may be hundreds of them, but in fact there are only two or three hundred fire sticks at the most. 'The soldiers pointed and argued eagerly.

To be honest, if they hadn’t heard what A Bao just said, or they had also seen the tragic situation of A Bao who had rushed into the tower first, and the other party was still trying to dissuade the fierce tiger from being messy. , They were afraid that they would have rushed forward in spite of it.


"Stupid guy, let this king tell you: these things, they are not fire sticks, these... are actually muskets! They are the newest firearms developed by this king based on Master Anne's instructions!"

"Moreover, they have been researched out, not just to deal with you."

Seeing that the offender was surrounded by his men and still afraid to move under the muzzle of his musketeers, I felt that the overall situation was settled, and I felt that the guys in front of me, the so-called Five Heroes and that one After the panda was sure that he could no longer dig out any waves, Lord Shen walked to the highest step and faced the six musketeers behind the idiot Thunder Rhino. The guys next to the hammer at the death place said mockingly.

That is to say, the power of these smoothbore muskets is limited. After a while, he will study the kind of higher accuracy, longer range, stronger penetration and power, and mass production. After coming out, the guys in front of me who have been practicing kungfu for more than ten years, these so-called kungfu heroes, these guys who have always used martial arts to ban, recklessly act, spy on the king's power, and even separate the territory and do not listen to the imperial orders, no matter how strong they are. , And all things can be solved with a single bullet.

At that time, there must be no one to stop him from ordering the Central Plains, and then threaten the road of the world! !

‘! ! ’

‘Did she make it for you? ’

‘This...she, really belong together! ! ’


Hearing Lord Shen’s words and explanations, they brushed the floor together, the Five Heroes of the World and Abao the Pandaren once again, either with astonishment, or anger, or with incomprehensible gazes, they looked at someone who was watching the excitement The serious little girl glared over.

To be honest, they have never thought about the kind of weapon in the hands of Lord Shen that can easily deal with kung fu, those terrible swallows and steel, and can kill the Thunder Rhino master who has an incorruptible body. Their evil weapon was actually taught to each other by their previous respecting Master Anne?

Thinking about it this way, the opponent must have a purpose to sneak into the Emerald Palace!

Maybe, the other party specifically investigates, studies and collects information specifically to deal with these kung fu learners? If you think about it, it’s really possible, because since Taro could be easily defeated by something similar back then, it’s normal that Lord Shen now has something that spit out steel in his hands. .

Therefore, after the white peacock inadvertently told the truth, the five knights who are good at inferring from one another are now making their own guesses, and with those pairs of eyes full of various emotions, they are locked into what they think. It is only natural that the little girl who is the culprit and the instigator locked the Master Anne.


∑(??△`)? !

"Strange, what are you doing watching people like this?"


"Obviously you can't beat others by yourself, and you lose yourself. Do you want to blame them? Anyway, they will definitely not help you. You should surrender quickly. You will not die if you surrender!! "


Annie said that she and the white peacock next to her are relatively familiar and can speak for themselves. So, if the guys below immediately admit defeat and write down a book of regrets, recognize mistakes, and express the future No longer being embarrassed by the bald-tailed peacock whose feathers were stripped off by her every means, she promised that all of them could happily return to Peace Valley.

In her opinion, since these guys like Kung Fu, they should practice Kung Fu on the Peace Valley Emerald Palace Mountain quietly and quietly, and just run down to take care of other people’s home affairs as they are now. Snatching someone’s parents’ inheritance and wanting to rob someone’s city, what is it like?


‘? ? ’

‘Abao? what happened to you? ! ’

At this time, before the Fierce Tigers and the other Five Heroes could say something to the little Annie who was angry, they discovered that although the whole body was bloody, the injury was not too serious, Bao. Suddenly, he let go of Yan Jiaohu's hand and stepped forward. After walking a few steps, he stopped, and followed the slightly unexpected white peacock on the steps.


"What's wrong, Pandaren, do you have any opinion on this king?"

Obviously, the White Peacock Lord Shen had ever seen a Pandaren, so besides ridicule, his tone was more of a look of nostalgia or a little regret.


"I recognize the patterns on your clothes and on your flags..."

"I also faintly recognize that terrible look of you, the white peacock, the terrible red feathers... That was a long time ago, I seem to recognize you before..."

"What exactly is going on?"

Ignoring the worried eyes of the fierce Jiaohu and the others behind him and warning in a low voice, Abao the Pandaren was as if shocked by a demon, he just spoke to the white peacock to himself.


"This king sees that you are not very old. If you want to come, you must be a survivor of that incident..."

Lord Shen did not deny what he had done, nor was he too surprised that the other person remembered himself or what he had done in the past, but generously admitted and nodded.


"You! What the **** did you do, I...who am I?!"

As he spoke, A Bao's tone of voice trembled.

Obviously, the origin of my identity, this is the first time I have seen this one in front of me, but he is a very deep guy in my own memory, he must know something, he must know something better than his old father Mr. Ping More!


However, Lord Shen didn't rush to answer, but squinted, looking down at the panda who clenched his fists and looked at him, as if thinking about something.

for a long time……

Maybe something has been figured out, maybe it's been a long time since he doesn't care about it anymore, so he slowly added:

"Of course this king knows who you are, Pandaren..."

"Back then, when this king was the son of Peacocks, he personally led the Sirius army to trample down your panda valley and razed the entire village of your clan to the ground... This king even always thought that your clan are all They are all dead, but I didn't expect that you still missed you?"


Having said that, Lord Shen couldn't help but pause for a while, and once again looked up and down again at the look of the fat panda that he was familiar with.

"Forget it!"

"If you change it to a month ago, this king will order you to kill you and kill all of you without hesitation! However, things are different now... As long as you surrender obediently and get caught, this king hereby promises Let you go at the right time."

The Five Heroes and the Pandaren Abao below are all disciples or disciples of Master Anne, whom he respects and regards as a teacher. Therefore, Lord Shen does not intend to pursue them too much.

However, not being held accountable does not mean that he will allow them to go crazy or continue to fight against himself! It's not impossible to let them go, but all things can only stop here. As long as these kungfu practitioners promise not to trouble him again, he will naturally not go and kill them.

"Do not!!"

"How can I just forget it?!"

"You have done those terrible things and killed so many people, how can you forget it?!!!"

Suddenly, A Bao, who had finally confirmed something from the opponent's mouth, roared directly and yelled at the opponent in a hysterical manner.



"Did something interesting happen? White Peacock, you were really a badass before?!"

Σ(??▽??; ≡;??▽??)?

Looking at the white peacock with a calm face and frowning by her side, and then at the black panda that barely rushed up in front of her, Xiao Anni quickly got a little bit of interest again, and she was prepared not to rush. As I spoke, I wanted to see what kind of story these two people could tell.


"Every revolution and progress in the world will be stained with the blood of countless innocent people. This king has already seen through it!"

"Yes, this king does not deny the things that this king has done... back then, those pandas that were forbidden by force were indeed the king's hands. It was this king who led the Sirius army to destroy them! But that Things are in the past, and it’s useless to say more now! In the future, the things that this king has done may be recorded in history books by historians, and left for future generations to comment?"

"Besides, Pandaren..."

"You kung fu practitioners, as well as those from the Emerald Palace, have less blood on their hands than this king?!"

Let’s not talk about other things, such as the Thunder Rhino, who relied on kung fu to slaughter tens of thousands of giant snake army. The reason why the other party was able to enter the palace gate city was to form the so-called presbytery and have the confidence to refuse to inherit the throne. Wasn't it because of the thick face and ruthless shot that deterred the officials of Gongmen City?

However, he didn't bother the other party very much, as the saying goes: the winner is the king and the loser is the invader, and there is no way out of this world!

And he just needs to make sure that he is the winner, that's enough!


After speaking, the white peacock shook his wings disdainfully and snorted coldly.

Although it was really not right that he killed Panda Valley and burned and flattened the opponent’s village, and it was indeed the prophetic intervention of the fellow Yang Xiangu, but the reason why he made up his mind to act on those pandamen was not right. Not all because of that prophecy.

What's more, it's because those guys who are forbidden by force, those pandas with martial arts and energy, often rely on their individual power to ignore the king's power, ignore the orders of Gongmencheng and form cliques, and establish themselves. Shouyi confronted Wang Ling, such a group of guys who had always been regarded by him as a thorn in his eyes and a faint threat to him, how could he always let it go?

Although the methods used at the time were indeed a bit cool, but for the business he is doing now, he does not regret the original choice!

In fact, no matter if it was then or now, any enemy who dared to stand in front of him, no matter who the opponent is, even if it is the Emerald Palace, or other forces, or the stupid royal family, will all be taken by him. Crush it mercilessly!

Because he now represents the direction of the most advanced culture and technology in the world, no one can stop him! No one can! !


Pandaren Abao still wanted to say something, but soon, after he was held down on his shoulder by the fierce tiger behind him, he slowly recovered his senses, and did not intend to treat the white peacock who had always been an enemy. Continue to talk more, but turned to the other person, to the little girl beside the other person who had not been reflecting.


"Are you really one of them from the beginning? The reason why you went to the Emerald Palace and taught Abao Kungfu was actually for other purposes?"

After pursing his mouth, after thinking for a while, A Bao once again looked at the master he originally respected with grief.

Although the other party is not usually responsible to him, and even often teases him, he knows that the kung fu the other party taught him is genuine, and the reason why they can safely come back from Khitan can kill the peacock all the way from the dock On the tower side, that is enough to prove everything!

"You're talking nonsense! People are not theirs, and they are not on anyone's side now!"


Annie said that things are not as messy as the other party thinks. The reason why she is standing next to the white peacock and does not want to complete the previous task is actually due to other deeper and more complicated reasons!

But what it was, she didn't want to say it now, nor did she want to remember when she changed her mind.


"Then why are you helping him now?!"

A Bao was a little surprised, but also a little bit weird, because he could actually hear from the look and tone of the other person that the other person did not seem to lie to him?



"Perhaps because people think his peacock is a little more beautiful than pigs and is more suitable to rule the Central Plains?"


"No! You are wrong!"

"I know, I think Princess Pig and the others must rule the Central Plains better than this evil and brutal white peacock! Master, if you look back now, maybe you still have time?"

Now that white peacock is about to embark on the path of rebellion. Once their mission performed by the Emerald Palace in Gongmen City fails, once they can’t bring Lord Shen to justice, the court will surely take action and dispatch soon. The army is coming to attack this city, and when the time comes, the jade will be burned, but there is really no room for maneuver.

Therefore, Abao hopes that his master, the master Keqing in their Jade Palace, will be able to know the way back, and take down the white peacock, and solve all the trouble here?



"What's the mess, people don't want you to think about it, people want people to think about it!!"

o(??^`)o hum!

On one side is a beautiful peacock who is hardworking and studious, not only serving himself with delicious food and drinking, but also willing to pull off his tail feathers to give him a beautiful peacock, while on the other side are some stupid pigs who offend him. You should help Who, doesn't Master Anne have a steelyard in her heart?

You know, she has always helped her relatives and ignored them. Whoever treats her well, she helps whoever looks pleasing to her eyes. In this world and countless worlds, where is there so much truth?


"Why are you so stubborn?"

A Bao was a little helpless, a little mad, and even a little disappointed, because he still didn't seem to be able to understand the other party's thoughts. Therefore, there is no doubt that his intention to persuade surrender was almost a failure.

"It's not stubborn!"


Annie thinks that she is the most, just a little bit of confession? Because she has never been afraid of anyone in terms of reasoning! She has always been reasonable here, if not, her little bear will definitely help her to convince her opponent (physical + magic)!


(● ̄(??) ̄●;)


"Could it be our Emerald Palace, Abao and I, and Master Raccoon, and what can you do for you?"

With a miserable smile, Pandaren Abao has basically determined that his master is still that master, but, for some reason, the other party stood on the opposite side of them as if they were dead, and completely ignored the previous master raccoon before they had come from Khitan. Which task was handed over to the opponent when he returned?

"It doesn't seem to be..."


"But, he invited someone to eat a big meal!"




However, as soon as the words were spoken, Annie regretted it, and then hurriedly closed her unobstructed mouth, and subconsciously covered her slightly shy cheeks and eyes.



"He...he bought you for a meal?!"

A Bao was a little unbelievable, even the Five Heroes around him had heard something ridiculously slippery in the world, and couldn't help staring their eyes round.

"It's not a meal!"


Annie promised that she was definitely not the kind of guy who bought a meal, how could she be that kind of person, that didn't exist at all! !




(Tibbs can be very responsible to say that the omnipotent, smart, well-behaved little master of his family can of course not be bought by a single meal, at least it should be a lot of meals, and still not The kind with heavy samples?

Of course, in addition to many big meals, there may be a beautiful bird duster made of dozens of rare and rare white peacock feathers tied together? )

"Anyway, you should hurry up and surrender as he said! Anyway, there are so many muskets here, even if people don't help him, you will definitely not win!"


Annie didn't want to quarrel with them in the middle of the night. She just wanted to quickly settle the matter here, and then return to the tall and beautiful room that she occupied above the tower, and sleep comfortably. , And don't want to get up after sleeping until the sun is basking?

As for these guys in front of me...

At most, they were locked up for a while. Anyway, they also went to the prison once. The environment inside is very good and free. The guys who have been locked up have always been in it and don’t want to think about it. , So what if they guys stay there for a while, and they won't die!

'okay! ’

‘A Bao! do not talk! ’

‘She’s obsessed with it, and persuasion is useless. Let’s get ready to do it. Let’s rush out before talking...’

At this time, seeing that the little girl did not listen to the advice and stood on the enemy's side, the fierce Jiaohu pulled back A Bao with all his strength, and did not forget to whisper in the ear of the other party.

'Hey! ’

‘Furious Jiaohu, you say, how should we charge? ’

'do not know……'

‘Anyway, you can’t push from the front...’

‘But there are a lot of people behind, and now there are at least thousands of Sirius troops here, we’ve already been trapped to death! ! ’


‘Old Crane, you can fly. If you run away alone, they will definitely not be able to catch up with you. Maybe you should consider? ’

'Do not! I will not leave you behind! ’

‘Don’t be discouraged, we may still have a chance. ’


After hearing the words of the fierce Jiaohu, he did not wait for the ugly panda Abao to express his opinions. The other five heroes discussed and communicated with their eyes in a whisper, waiting to see if there was any chance or waiting for the fierce panda. Jiaohu issued an order and then forcibly raided and saw if he could escape from here.

After all, the situation is now very clear, under those terrible weapons, they absolutely have no chance of winning in the future!


Even if they don't want to admit it, they also vaguely know that it is very possible for them to even escape at this moment? !


"It's useless to say more, this king advises you to not delay time, this king's patience is limited, you should surrender quickly, don't make mistakes!"

The white peacock raised his white wings, and then the two or three hundred musket Sirius soldiers in front of him raised the fire sticks in their hands and pointed to the bottom of the steps, pointing to those less than three distances below. Ten steps away from the Five Heroes and a certain dragon heroes.

With so many muskets, such close distances, shooting at the same time, even if the Thunder Rhino master is reborn, he will definitely be beaten to death again alive!

‘! !

'Hey! Guys, shall we surrender? ’

'do not know……'

‘No more? ’

‘But, we seem to be unable to escape if we want to escape...’


The Five Heroes and A Bao, a panda man with a look of apathy or disappointment, were entangled, and began to seriously consider whether or not to escape from the enemy's encirclement.



It's just that the more they look around, the more desperate they are...

Because now, apart from the sky and the underground, there seems to be no great opportunity for them to take advantage of and slip away in all directions, especially in front of those terrifying, fire-burning sticks called muskets. Under the situation where the wolf looks at it!

Once they acted rashly, maybe the other party would just like to deal with A Bao, with bursts of bean-like noises, breaking the six of them on the spot?


‘Or, let’s pretend to surrender and find a chance to escape from prison? ’

The Golden Monkey King, who felt that he would definitely not be able to run out, and even felt that no one except Laohe could escape from here, after many observations and considerations for a while, he shrugged his shoulders helplessly and looked towards The headed fierce tiger is waiting for the other party's decision.

Of course, he was just making an opinion. If the other party insisted on breaking through, he would definitely die because he was not afraid of death!




He sighed heavily in his heart, glanced at his companions, and found that they were all waiting for the fierce tiger who had made up his mind. After a stalemate with his tight body and clenched fists for a long time, finally It gradually loosened.

Obviously, she was ready to catch it...

Because, in this situation where she cannot win in advance and cannot escape in retreat, she who is unwilling to have her companions rush to death, there is really no better choice other than to surrender honestly. . She is not alone, she is responsible for her companions.

‘So, what’s your opinion? ’



‘That’s it...’

After seeing the fierce tiger's performance and seeing the opponent gradually relax, how can the Golden Monkey King, Qiao Xiaolong and Lao Linghe not know the opponent's current decision? Therefore, they also relaxed their bodies one after another, and stood up straight on the spot, waiting for the other party to send someone to arrest them.





Suddenly, just when the six fierce tigers were not ready to continue to resist, and were ready to stubbornly and temporarily surrender, they jumped away with a certain little girl's exclamation and a certain white peacock flew up to the first floor of the Peacock Tower in panic. On the glazed tiles, the mutation finally happened!

‘! ! ’

'Be careful! ’

"There is an enemy..."

"Wow~! ! ’

Boom~! !

There was a loud noise, and then the dust and rubble that exploded directly fell to the ground!

The stone statue that I didn't know was flying from there, the big thing that was probably hundreds of thousands of catties, did not know who threw it over? Then, he smashed horizontally in the formation of the musket Sirius soldiers and rolled over, killing and wounding a large area in an instant. Even the uninjured ones were suddenly confused, and they screamed and screamed. Regardless of taking the gun to face the Five Heroes, a certain panda and others.

"Moo~! ’

Almost at the same time, as a roar came from a distance, when the fierce Jiaohu and others turned their heads in shock, they soon discovered that the two who had appeared where the statue flew were actually made them talk or talk. , But the Meteor Crocodile hero who refused to escape from the Black Dragon District Prison and the Storm Iron Bull hero? !

"Moo~! ’

‘Go away! ! ’

'a ha ha ha! Eat grandpa's tail! ! ’

After the two worked together and secretly used a huge malachite statue to knock the group of the most powerful and most fearful Sirius gunmen and a certain dragon hero, they just escaped from the prison. The two of them, like tigers descending the mountain, rushed directly behind the formation of the Sirius soldiers to the west, and rushed from the enemy's formation frantically from the left to the right. The formation became chaotic in an instant.

'watch out! ’

‘Aha~! ’

Before Tengjiaohu and the others recovered, there was a burst of shouting and killing in the east, and then when they hurriedly looked at the familiar voice, they found again:

At this time, he was beating the enemy with a wooden staff in the enemy’s formation as if entering no man’s land, and beat the ordinary soldiers of the Sirius Army to the ground, or howled and flew out. Who is the raccoon master who is not in their Emerald Palace?

‘! ! ’

‘Master? ’

‘Master! ! ’

‘Master Raccoon is here too? ’

At this moment, the Five Heroes and the Pandaren A Bao couldn't help exclaiming again.

This is no wonder!

That's it!

The two Iron Bull Heroes and Crocodile Heroes were willing to come out because their master Raccoon Master also came?

Presumably, it must be their master raccoon to persuade the two heroes...

Sure enough, with the face of the head of the Jade Palace, speaking better than the juniors like them! Take a look, why the Crocodile Heroes and Iron Bull Heroes who were not willing to come out of the prison to help before have all been driven out to help, and it is still the situation that is very bad and unfavorable for them now?

‘Huh! ! ’

‘You bastards, what are you doing there, don’t you hurry up and help? ! ’

After that, before his apprentice and a certain panda could react, Master Raccoon took advantage of the chance that the Sirius soldiers were caught off guard and the fire-stick soldiers were in a mess, and the whole person was like a bird. Normally, he rushed towards the eaves of the peacock tower, and directly fought with the white peacock who hadn't recovered, and the Lord Shen, the head of all evil.

‘! ! ’

‘Understood Master! ’

'fast! Everyone follow me! ! ’

Knowing what the fierce tiger that his master stared at him in a hurry was like, he resolutely led the Five Heroes and the still somewhat dazed A Bao, rushed up towards the gate of the Peacock Tower, and followed the trend. Those who plan to regroup and knock down those few Sirius gunmen who were lucky enough not to be injured to the ground again, or directly smash the terrifying weapons in their hands...

"Ah, even he is here?"


Seeing the raccoon master appearing, seeing the crocodile and the black bull and destroying the few musketeers in the hands of the white peacock, Xiao Anni is just like that. It is very likely that the situation here tonight is She was reversed again without taking action?

However, that has nothing to do with her. She said that she would not make a move if she said that she would not stand on anyone's side, and she would never stand on either side...




!? (??\'\'????)??

"Hey hey hey! Why are you beating people? They don't want to attack you!!"


Annie suddenly jumped away, avoiding the siege of the fastest fierce tiger and Kuaitanglang, and somehow screamed at the Five Heroes who were surrounding her and a certain stupid fat panda.

To be honest, her Queen Anne just wants to be a melon-eating crowd. These people and the white peacock are not too concerned about who wins or loses, because she doesn't care about this all-talking animal. , The development of the tattered world and other things where you have to sneak a bit of meat!



"Are you real? Get out of here!"


After explaining a sentence, Annie kicked a certain dead monkey that cut behind her, and wanted to use some kind of mischievous trick on herself.

‘Master! ’

‘We will help you stop her! You hurry up to deal with Lord Shen! ’

Regardless of the Sirius soldiers who were roaring around, the Five Heroes of the World and Abao, the Pandaren, ate and drank from the fierce tigers, hugged and cooperated with a little girl who was likely to interfere with them.


Old Linghe slapped his wings violently, and shot a small tornado that was almost visible to the naked eye, and let it roll towards the position of a little girl!



But unfortunately, although she looked a little'fuzzy', little Annie hid herself as soon as she was short. She took a moment to catch a little green snake who wanted to wrap her arm and turned it towards a certain little green snake. Once again, he quickly threw it towards the praying mantis he had cut, causing the two of them to get entangled and rolled to the same place.

"What are you doing, they are really not in the same group!"


Annie became a little angry, because she obviously just wanted to watch the show. Why do these people always want to trouble themselves?

‘Do you think we will believe? ’

'on! Po! Don't hesitate to see what she is capable of? ’

‘Yes! Take her down as soon as possible! ! ’

Under the command of the fierce tiger, the five heroes and the dragon heroes Abao, who were basically disintegrated in the first round of attack, once again brazenly stepped forward, and the six of them turned the enclosure around a certain little girl. Up.

Tiger fist!


Feihe strike!


Monkey steals peaches!


Serpentine step!


Mantis hand!


Tiger style! Touch of Reincarnation! The rising sun kicks! Tiger palm! Furious! Rising Dragon!

In addition to the five knights performing their own unique skills, the Pandaren A Bao also followed, using his little remaining Qi, using the unique skills of a wind-walker monk he learned from his master, and using that combination. Fist, constantly greeted his little girl master...

"People are really going to be angry!!"


After punching a stupid panda who dared to deceive his master and destroy his ancestor, Annie blasted again.

However, if you are determined to take her down, or want to stop her fierce tigers and five heroes, how can you listen to her yelling? They were just concentrating and holding their breath, trying their best to cooperate with each other, and the more they fought, the more they were frightened, the faster, the faster, the more troublesome and difficult they were, and the little girl Kung Fu master desperately besieged. Not up.

The war is still going on...

On the outer wall of the Peacock Tower, two figures, one white and one yellow, are quickly moving offensive and defensively, and further away, there are certain two roaring and **** battles who have just come out of the prison after they have recharged Guy.

‘Hahaha! ’

‘Boys, come and see how great your grandpa is! ! ’

'tractor! I will help you! ’

"Mooha~! ! ’

The Iron Bull Hero and the Crocodile Hero were obviously assigned tasks in advance, and they fought hard from outside and prevented the Sirius soldiers from approaching the duel in the inner ring that decided the outcome.

With their efforts, except for a small number of Wolf Clan soldiers who could step forward and were quickly beaten out by the fierce tigers and others, they could not do anything. They could only watch their masters. Lord Shen and the master raccoon from the Emerald Palace were constantly fighting over the circles of glazed tiles on the Peacock Tower.

The two people are now fast, and they are still moving up and down, making the soldiers of the Sirius Army look dazzled, even the archers are afraid to release arrows, let alone help.

The time did not last long...

Soon, Lord Shen and Master Raccoon will be the first to decide the outcome of the duel, probably because there is no feathers, so they are not suitable for high-intensity battles, and some moves that require screen opening and interference with the enemy are completely unnecessary. After coming out, coupled with the fact that the center of gravity was a little unstable because of the lack of tail feathers, the white peacock with obvious stature gradually fell into a disadvantage.

‘Good job! ’

‘Master Raccoon, take down that peacock! ’

‘Moo~hahaha! ! ’

The crocodile hero and the iron bull hero are still fighting hard and laughing wildly outside, and continue to block the soldiers of the Sirius Army from providing reinforcements to any party in the fierce fighting! According to the current situation, as long as they hold on for a while, they will win!

Because, they could see from the old-fashioned that the master Shen's skill was not as good as before, and he would definitely not be the opponent of Master Raccoon.


‘! ! ’

'fast! Protect the prince! ! ’

Finally, at this time, the one-eyed wolf boss who was sent out to besiege the dock before returned! Moreover, he returned with the Musketeers he had originally planned to use against the Five Heroes.

'Step aside! ’

'shot! shot! Kill them for Lao Tzu! ! ’

Isn't this?

Just returning here, seeing the chaos on the scene, seeing their master Shen Wangye gradually getting over, the wolf boss made a decisive decision, and the lead musketeers shot directly at the crocodile and the iron bull who blocked their way.

Huh! Huh! Huh! Huh!


With bursts of bean-like noises, soon, the platoon spear shot the crocodiles and Iron Bull heroes who were planning to rush to stop them...

But fortunately, their skin is rough and fleshy, coupled with their martial arts, so those projectiles just hit huge blood pits on their skins, not deep into their bodies! However, even that is enough to determine the outcome!

Because, when they were about to struggle to get up, watching more of the burning sticks pinpointed them, then they didn't dare to resist anymore.

Almost at the same time, with no obstacles from the Crocodile and Iron Bull, more Sirius soldiers and musketeers rushed forward, and then they used muskets and knives to aim them and had to stiffen, and stopped fighting The five heroes of the world, the dragon heroes, and a certain raccoon master who is about to win.



"Deserve it! Who told you to just hit me?!"


Seeing that the situation had reversed again, Annie snorted and gloated at the group of desperate expressions, and then under the supervision of the Sirius gunners and soldiers, the guys who honestly put the soldiers in shackles shouted angrily.

You know, if they all went to catch that peacock just now, they might have won!

But it turned out to be good, Queen Anne didn't recruit anyone, didn't provoke anyone, and didn't even think about helping anyone else, but they wanted to beat her so desperately, this is really unreasonable! !


ε=(????`●))) alas

(Tibbers silently mourns for some of the guys who have fallen in blood...)


"Huh! Push them to the prison in the Heilong District and take care of them carefully!"

The white peacock Lord Shen, who almost fell short, saw the Sirius soldiers handcuffing the kung fu masters with special shackles and escorting them in front of him before he waved his hand fiercely. Ordered.

Seriously, if it wasn't for the one-eyed wolf boss to reinforce in time, maybe he would have been defeated by that **** raccoon! But it doesn't matter, although the process was a little turbulent and frightened, in the end, he still won!

Moreover, he firmly believes that as long as he is given more time, he and his Sirius soldiers will become stronger! At that time, things that would dare to trouble him with only three or five kung fu masters will never happen again.



"I have gone back to sleep, if I have anything, I will talk about it tomorrow!!"


Master Anne, who was besieged inexplicably and had to bear the angry gazes of those guys, said that she didn’t want to talk to anyone now, she just wanted to go back and sleep well, and then go to talk to the peacock tomorrow. Say how to punish those nasty guys?


(● ̄(??) ̄●)


Palace gate city

One month later, the White Peacock Lord Shen announced his army!

On that day, a large number of Sirius soldiers armed with rear-mounted rifled flintlocks and pushing Shenlong cannons bravely sailed westward along the river, threatening Bianjing of the pig dynasty, and successfully captured Bianjing after half a month. In the vicinity of dozens of important cities, Emperor Pig Duokang was captured alive in the palace and officially announced the end of the Pig Dynasty...

For a time, the world was shaken!

However, what are the thoughts of the animals in the world, but it can't stop the enthusiasm of the white peacock Lord Shen and the soldiers of the Sirius Army to attack the world! Therefore, with the fall of Bianjing, wars began to ignite throughout the Central Plains soon, and within the next two months, most important areas were captured by Lord Shen's Sirius Army.

Half a year later, the entire Central Plains has been under the territory of Lord Shen!

In August of the same year, the White Peacock King Shen ascended to the throne in Gongmen City and proclaimed his emperor. The name of the reign was the first year of the Peacock. The Peacock Technology Dynasty with the Central Plains as the core and Gongmen City as the capital was formally established, and an incomparable teaching was established. Little girls with important knowledge and technology are teachers of the country...

In the spring of the second year, Emperor Shen the White Peacock amnesty the world!

Including the imperial offenders of the Emerald Palace, including the raccoon master, the five heroes, the dragon hero, the crocodile hero, and the iron cow hero, they were severely reprimanded and ordered not to leave the emerald palace and the peace valley within 20 years. After half a step in the area, they were released one after another, and finally they were able to return to the Peace Valley that was not affected by any war.


And as for a little girl who was awarded the title of National Teacher of the Technological, she had already gone to other worlds before a certain white peacock rose up!

However, even though she ran to other worlds to play, the white peacock, who only wanted to rule the entire earth after she was plucked and successfully tuned with the teachings of technology, still continued to climb his head. The science and technology tree continues to carry out **** and endless battles against Europe, Africa, America and the extreme north...

And all this is just because a little girl kindly gave the white peacock a beautiful ‘globe’ before leaving?


One day in the future, in this magical animal world where kung fu is spreading, those animals that practice kung fu will soon gradually become obscured by the people and be overwhelmed by the items of the gods of science and technology...After all, they have been practicing kung fu for decades. In the case of being unable to withstand a bullet, except for places called the Emerald Palace and Peace Valley which still retain some precious kung fu inheritance, in other places, there are gradually no animals wanting to cultivate that. Kind of thankless effort.


(*^▽^*)?? Ask for a ticket?? (*^▽^*)


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