Shadow Bear Tibbers’ Plane Journey

Chapter 1071: - = ???? = ????? (? ...

Here on this earth, there is a magical tower inhabited by gods, its name is-Kalinta!

According to legend, any warrior who climbs from the bottom of the tower to the top of the tower with his own power will meet an immortal with magical abilities on top of Kalinta, and if he drank the fairy water presented by that immortal, then, that How many times will the strength of the warrior who climbed to the top of the tower multiply?

Therefore, for strength or other purposes, countless people have challenged this tower for countless years, but unfortunately, almost most of them have failed miserably...

Some people crawled for several days and ate food and other supplies on the way. After losing their strength, they fell alive and fell directly into meatloaf! In addition, some people tried to take a plane and wanted to fly up in one go, but they didn't succeed. They always missed something somehow, or were beaten down at all?

Over time, people slowly came to a conclusion: If you don't want to rely on your own strength to climb up, you will either encounter misfortune, or you will never see the top of the tower.

Of course, except for some people who have background or connections!

Isn't this?

Today, directly above Kalinta, almost reaching the edge of the earth’s atmosphere, there is a tower higher than Kalinta. Under normal circumstances, absolutely no one can easily reach the Temple of Heaven here. Little Annie, Kulin, Yamucha, Tianjin rice, dumplings, and a certain fat Yaqilobe and others arrived here on a flying vehicle in the earth's atmosphere.

Under normal circumstances, if you follow the procedures strictly, the aircraft will never be found and will not reach here. However, for the related users, this kind of small problem is not a problem at all! Because the reason why they came here was invited by the gods, and they were born to say that they would do it, or if they didn’t!

Therefore, the layers of assessments and tests under normal circumstances are simply passed over.

"Are we there yet?"

|??)???? Hello?

‘! ! ’

‘I have seen the gods! ’

‘Hello, you! ’

‘Hello Tenjin! ’


‘Mr. Bobo, you too! ’

Unlike a little girl looking around and running around after jumping off the plane, Kulin, Yamucha, Tianjin Rice, Dumplings, and Yakilobe with a reluctant expression walked in a regular manner. Arrived in front of the gods and Mr. Popo, who had been waiting for a long time, saluted and greeted them.



"At such a high place, it feels a bit cold. Are these two guys afraid of dying from lack of oxygen?"


After the people were paying respects and greetings and looked at her together, Xiao Annie jumped over and pointed at the two gods who lived here and the dark Aladdin's lamp god. 'Mr. Bobo sighed.

To be honest, Annie doesn’t like this broken place, because it’s very high from the ground and the place is very small, except for the hemispherical platform as big as two or three football fields, a broken house, a few trees, and an alien. There is nothing really interesting except for the gods and Mr. Bobo, who can also be a little bit magical, the dark "Dance God"!

So, she doesn't like it very much, and if she knew this was a boring situation, maybe she wouldn't follow it?


"you are……"

The green celestial **** who looked like a human frowned and groaned, and then asked. Because, he remembered, he didn't seem to inform Karin that the cat would invite such a little girl to come to his temple for special training?

Therefore, why the other party will follow, he is very strange. It stands to reason that these people on earth should not be so ignorant of etiquette, and it is only right to bring family members to carry out special training.



"Hi~! Well, you talk to yourself, don't care about me, really, I just came here to take a look..."

(* ̄︶ ̄)

Little Annie graciously waved at the two green weird and black weird people who had been staring at her, and signaled that they can continue what they are doing now. Don’t keep staring at her like this, if she wants Whatever you eat, you can take it yourself, she will definitely not tell them!


(● ̄(??) ̄●)



I just wanted to ask the strange little girl. However, when he saw the other party, he turned his head and looked at other places. After he didn't put his **** in his eyes at all, the **** turned his head in doubt. He looked at Mr. Bobo, his assistant.


‘God, maybe you don’t remember it anymore, she seems to be the weird little girl who defeated Monkey King, defeated the turtle fairy, and finally summoned the Shenlong? ’

Staring at the little girl who was still watching like no one on the side, Mr. Bobo thought for a while before quietly moving to the side of the god, and quietly reminded him of such a sentence in the ear of the other party.

Some things that happened on the earth may have been forgotten by the gods, but Mr. Bobo still remembers it clearly! Besides, when Achillobe came back to report to the Immortal Kalin, he was also by the side, and of course he heard a little bit of information from the little girl.

‘! ! ’

'is her? She is really that powerful, and has she really defeated Monkey King and the old tortoise? ! ’

Obviously, the **** was slightly surprised by Bobo's answer, because he looked at the little girl as ordinary, and he almost thought that the other party was the family of a certain trainee.

‘I don’t know if it’s amazing now, it was really amazing then...’

Had it not been for the other party to have defeated the Guixianren, Mr. Bobo would probably not necessarily pay attention to such a little girl, nor would he leave an impression.


Nodded, the **** no longer asked, but looked at the little girl who came by again and said together:


"Since it's all here, it's okay, for the earth, to protect the creatures here, little girl, you can train with them!"

As long as the opponent is on his own side of the earth, and is willing to deal with the evil alien Saiyan who is coming, he himself, as a god, must be generous with his teachings. After all, one more person means more strength and a chance of winning?



"Training, what do you train for?"


Hearing that the other party was worthwhile, she said that kind of weird thing, and when she looked at her with a very pleased expression, she felt strange in her heart. She didn't understand what the other party was saying, so Annie asked back towards the headed one. The big green guy asked rhetorically.


"Didn't you come here with them to receive my training, and then go to defend the earth, defend the homeland, and defeat the evil Saiyans who are about to strike?!"

After Xiao Anni's words were spoken, it was the God's turn to be curious again, and she didn't understand what the little girl in front of her meant.



"People are just idle and bored, just running around to play... And you are really weird, people are so good, why do you want to defend the earth, why do you want to fight those Saiyans? That is not what people have to do. Thing~!"

o(`^??)o Humph!

Queen Anne said: They have been here for so long, and the green **** and the black Aladdin have not prepared meals for them, and they have not served tea or water. She has no basic hospitality. Why do you want to help them defend this earth?

Originally, she thought that she might be able to help or something by the way, but she wanted to change her mind again, and secretly decided that unless they immediately brought out something delicious and drinkable to receive her, otherwise, maybe she I'll just watch it when the time comes!


It doesn't matter if you don't say a word of good things, even if you don't even want to invite her to eat, and you want her to protect the earth, where is there such a cheap thing in the world?


"Then you are..."

The **** suddenly felt a little speechless. The weird little girl in front of her was neither the family of the earth warriors nor the one who came here to receive her own special training and protect the earth. So, what is she here for? !

"People just come here to take a look, you practice yours, don't care about others here!"


After speaking, Annie looked to the other side again, to the building with a certain weird national style, to the temple.

Because she found that there seemed to be something interesting and strange in it?


(● ̄(??) ̄●)

(If Tibbers can speak, it will definitely say to the green-skinned **** in front of it in the first time: Its horrible little master is actually just responsible for making fun and making trouble. It is true that you don't need to care about her too much. exist?)


‘Bobo, what is going on with her? ’

"Sorry, I don't know..."


After turning his head and using his eyes to exchange opinions with Bobo next to him, the gods once again sternly persuaded the little girl who might have a low consciousness:

"Little girl, don't you want to contribute to the earth?"

The gods think that the guy in front of him who defeated Wukong and Guixianren must have great potential. Therefore, in order not to be destroyed by the evil Saiyans who will come a year later, he is no matter what. I have to fight for it a little bit.

Of course, fighting for the fight, he himself knows that these people in front of him may be just arranging their heads. The most important thing is the Monkey King who is currently running on the snake path and is going to the Realm King to practice. That is their last. The guarantee and the most powerful and reliable fighter.

"Huh? Protect the earth?"

(= ̄▽ ̄=)

"People really don't want to do such boring things at all!"


Annie would not do that kind of thankless things, because, in the endless plane world, there are countless earths in the endless universe, and how hot can she save the earth? Besides, she is not familiar with these guys in front of her!

Therefore, instead of counting on her, it is better to count on the so-called ‘Earth Strongest’ in front of you!


"Fine, I have no time to mess around with you! Since you are obsessed, then you will go down the tower yourself later!"

Since the opponent is reluctant and his consciousness is so low, the gods do not want to be too reluctant, and there is no time to reluctant. Therefore, after a sigh, he turned to look at Kulin, Yasham, Tianjin Fan, dumplings and Yaqi Luobei looked at these currently known as the most powerful warriors on earth besides Monkey King and Piccolo.

"Go down and go down, people don't care about your shabby place!!"


After speaking, Little Annie took her bear's arm, turned her head and walked away, saying that she would not play the kind of house-saving game with these messy guys.

‘Everyone! ’

‘Why do I want you to come here, you must know it yourself... That’s right! Our planet and all the creatures on the planet are facing a huge threat. The evil Saiyans are coming soon, and we still have a short year at most! ’

‘In this year’s time, your training here has only one purpose: to become stronger! Become stronger! Even stronger than me! ’

'and so……'

So what? Little Annie stopped eavesdropping anymore, because she had already walked away and she didn’t care about the ugly **** to speak to the so-called strongest earth warriors in mobilization, so she went straight. Wandering to the side of the Tianshen Temple Square.



"Huh? There seems to be something underneath?!"


Taking advantage of the bare head, wrinkled, long tentacles on his head, the guy with green body was rectifying and reprimanding the strongest warriors on earth, while others had no time to pay attention to her, Annie ran to this **** by herself. The edge of the platform, then directly lay on the rock floor, looked down curiously, and soon discovered Kalin Tower, which was far below the clouds, which may be at least tens of kilometers away.


Σ(??▽??; ≡;??д??)

Then, she looked at the middle of the back, and found that the group of people were still talking that kind of silly boast at the temple, and no one seemed to care about her. After thinking about it for a while, she made up her mind and stood up carelessly. Go straight to the next jump afterwards!

‘! ! ’

'what! ’

In the distance, Mr. Bobo, who had been secretly watching this side, directly exclaimed, and the gods on the side looked at him dissatisfied.


‘It’s that little girl, she just jumped down...’

Mr. Popo didn't know if the little girl would be dangerous if she jumped like this, so he weakly pointed to the place where the other party had just jumped and said this to the god.

‘! ! ’

Did you really jump off by yourself?


'Humph! She's okay, don't worry about her, she should go to Kalinta below, let her go...’

After speaking, the **** with green tentacles turned his head again and began to instruct Kulin and others to meditate and practice a certain technique.

Because, in the next year, probably most of the time, these strongest people on the earth will be practicing here, and he must go all out to train them in the next time, let them The stronger the better!

As for the little girl who is unwilling to accept the responsibility, he is definitely unwilling to waste more energy, as long as the other party no longer interferes here.


"Yes, Bobo knows..."

Seeing that the gods seemed a little unpleasant, Bobo shrank his head quickly, and then didn't intend to continue to struggle with the little girl's problem.



After the people on the Temple of Heaven began to enter the formal special training, in the air between Kalinta and the Temple of Heaven, a certain red figure was still doing free fall movement... It may be faster and faster and rubbing the air. For this reason, at this time, the whistling noise in the sky is getting louder and louder, and it caused a certain white cat on Kalinta to poke out his head curiously from Kalinta's guardrail and look into the sky. .

But soon, almost the moment it looked out, the mutation happened!

Bang~! !


A loud sound rang, causing the solid Kalinta to tremble slightly, and was so scared that a certain puffy white cat almost fell out of fright...

Obviously, after doing free fall and silently calculating the distance, a certain messy little girl fell heavily on the roof above Kalinta, and smashed a large hollow and cracked pit on it.

That is to say, she exists. If you change to another person, even the so-called strongest people on the planet above the Temple of Heaven, whoever dares to play like her, it will be considered light to be thrown into meatloaf!



After sliding down from the top of the spherical Kalinta and turning into the Kalinta with a dexterous twist, Little Annie held up the small claws of Tibbs, the bear cub, to the one in the tower. The cat man who was watching her arrival with a wooden staff greeted her.

"Hi! Hello little white cat, the roof of your house is really strong. When people jumped directly from the top, it was not stepped on too badly?"


Rotten is definitely rotten, but it's just a big cracked pit, and it's just a matter of tinkering. It's not a big problem.




"Did you jump directly from the god?!"

The white cat man felt a little weird...

Because, for countless years, in its long life of more than eight hundred years, this is the first time it has seen someone come to its Kalinta in this strange way.



"Oh! You mean the green bug guy, the guy who writes a big "God" on his clothes like a fool, for fear that others don't know who he is?"


Annie doesn't like the fierce god, so after talking to the other party for a few words, she followed the other party's words and jumped down directly from the top, indicating that she is not unfamiliar with the other party's broken place and the other party's That kind of ridiculous teaching.



The white cat man doesn't know how to answer, because in this situation, it seems that no matter whether the answer is yes or no, it is a bit unpleasant, and it is a bit disrespectful to the gods?

"little girl……"

"I am the owner of this Kalinta, you can call me the cat fairy or the Kalin fairy, who are you and why are you here?"

Although it has been basically determined that the other party basically jumped directly from the top of Kalinta, and listening to the other party's tone, it seems that he still doesn't deal with the gods? However, Immortal Kalin still hesitated to ask such a sentence.

"Are you asking others?"


"My name is Annie Hasta, but you can call them Annie!"


With that said, Annie began to wander around the other party's house again, and looked at the left and right without seeing the field at all.


"Little girl Annie, you haven't said yet, why did you come to me?"

The Kalin fairy, who was holding his wooden staff and following behind him, said that the little girl who ran to his Kalin tower inexplicably and smashed the top of his tower was not welcome at all, because she did not know each other, and I don't want to talk more to this little guy who doesn't understand etiquette.

"Because that green-skinned **** is very annoying, so they jumped down and didn't play with them!"




"Little white cat, I heard from the badass old turtle, there seems to be something called fairy beans in your house? Is it delicious? Why don't you give me a few pounds to try it?"


I didn’t see any other places and strolled around in the opponent’s home, and glanced at the opponent’s “super holy water” and “super sacred water” at random, and took them out under the opponent’s nervous gaze, swayed for a while before throwing them away. After going back, Annie suddenly pretended to ask inadvertently.

Yes, she just asked when she suddenly remembered. It was not when she heard a bad guy at the turtle fairy hut that the old turtle had talked about it and wanted to come here to taste it... Anyway, she wouldn’t just go like that. Just admit it.


"How many catties?!"

Finally, after hearing the little girl's words, the immortal Karin, who had been calm, opened his eyes instantly.

To be honest, if it hadn't just seen the powerful force that the opponent could not fall after jumping from the Temple of Heaven, Immortal Kalin would have to hit the opponent's head with his wooden stick!

"How many catties still?"

"My God, who on earth told you I have fairy beans here?!!!"

A few catties of fairy beans, that kind of thing, the other party can say it!

You know, although the Karin immortals themselves do have the kind that is produced after careful cultivation, eating a pill can make a person’s internal and external injuries heal quickly and instantly, and can resist ten days of hunger, but if it is If it's a few kilograms, it's at least its output for several years or even longer, which it can't even think of.

So, now it really wants to know that it was the insatiable guy who instigated the other party to open this kind of seaport with itself, and it has to find the other party's trouble if it has the opportunity!

"That's the bad old man who lives on a small island and carries a tortoise shell on his back all day, and likes to read the books of the big sister who doesn't wear clothes!"



"It turned out to be Wu Tian!"

Suddenly, after knowing that it was the trouble that Immortal Turtle had caused him, Karin the Immortal Cat secretly kept this matter in his heart.



"Where is that fairy bean?"


After watching for a while, she didn't find the legendary and delicious "Fairy Bean" Little Annie at all, so she turned her head a little dissatisfied, and turned towards the puffy white cat fairy who had been following her all the time. Asked.


"Little guy, you can go back and tell Wu Tian that guy, I will definitely not give him a few catties of fairy beans, I don't have that many!"

Thinking that the little guy in front of him was Wu Tian's bad old man who instigated him to make trouble, he said bitterly, and planned to drive the little girl away.

"It's not for him, it's for me!!"



"Neither can you! Go! Go!"

You know, fairy beans are very precious. In addition to their usual rations, more of them are used for other special purposes. Moreover, he really doesn't have much left now, except what he eats. I have to prepare a little bit until next year to use it from time to time, so it must be impossible for this little girl to ask for something to eat!

"Don't go!"


What's the joke? I finally came to this Kalinta. If she didn't eat and see the thing called fairy beans, how could Queen Anne leave casually? So, after thinking about it, she simply sat directly on Kalinta's floor, preparing to stay here just like that.


ε=(????`●))) alas

(Tibbers doesn’t understand. If you want to eat so much, just grab it? Just find someone to fight with each other from the beginning. After you win, you can grab the fairy beans as a trophy. Eat what you want, isn’t that simpler?

Anyway, she hadn't done that kind of thing! ! )


Karin the cat fairy is also a little impatient.

However, maybe it was the pitiful expression looking at the other party that moved a bit of compassion, maybe it was for other reasons, anyway, I was tangled for a while, and saw that the other party seemed to really not plan to leave Kalinta. Here, and when he didn't dare to do anything with the other party, he finally had to change his mind.


"Little guy, from Wu Tian's face, I make an exception to give you something, but you can leave as soon as you finish eating!"

After finishing talking, Immortal Kalin took out a small cloth pocket while holding his wooden staff imaginarily, and took out a small bean from it, and put it in the one that had already been'smashed' and jumped up. At a speed that his eyes could not see clearly, the little girl who ran to the little girl in front of him was spread out, and she was still holding her hands.



"Just one?!"

!? (??''????)??

"Are you sure, do you want to send people just this one bean?!"

=????????(??????????????) No ━=????????(????????????? ?) ━情!!!!

Looking at the beans lying in her palms well, smelling no other special smell, Xiao Anni said that she would definitely not be merciful when dealing with such petty guys, so she suddenly shot it. , While the other party was not paying attention, he snatched the bag containing the'Xiandou' into his hand.


"Stop it! Give it back to me soon!!"

With a trembling in his heart, Karin the cat fairy didn't even want the stick in his arms, and directly stretched out his paw and rushed towards the little girl.



"Isn't it just a little bit of beans? Can't people change things with you?"


"No way!"

"Return it to me soon!!"

The cat fairy tried his best to chase after him, even using residual image fist and air dance, just like that, entangled with each other at high speed in Kalinta.

"I will give you tons of gold!"


‘! ! ’

‘No need! ! ’



"Then they gave you many gems, the kind with strong power!!"



'Do not care! Give me the fairy beans! ’



"Then... that person will give you a peach that can be lifted up after eating, and immortal peaches are always okay?"


The more rare the opponent is, the more curious Little Annie is naturally, so after kicking the opponent with one kick, she quickly threw another bargaining chip. Although her fairy peach is definitely better than the other's fairy beans, but she just wants to eat something rare, she can't care about so much now.

‘! ! ’

‘Xiaju soars, immortality? ’

‘It’s impossible to have that kind of thing, or would you show it to me first? ’

Rubbing his chin with a toothache, he found that he seemed to be unable to beat the opponent's cat fairy. After hearing the condition that the opponent had thrown out, he hurriedly thought about countermeasures, and followed the opponent's words and pretended to bargain. .

Anyway, it definitely doesn't believe that the other party has that kind of good stuff, so it must think of other ways quickly to get back its precious bag of fairy beans! Because, now it really doesn't have many fairy beans, it has to save a bit of use.

"Here! Here you are!"


No way, UU reading www. had some little Annie who didn’t want to **** other people’s things, so she reached out directly into her pocket and quickly took out a small red and round flat peach... I didn’t say anything, she was sure It's the smallest one I picked.

‘! ! ’

Seeing what the other party took out, the cat fairy just wanted to take advantage of the other party's stop and rushed to grab the bag. The body instantly stiffened in place, and stared at the other party's hand somewhat incredulously while still enduring it. I couldn't help shaking my cat's nose, which was extremely sensitive.


(● ̄(??) ̄●)


(*????╰╯`??)mua~???? Seeking support????~aum(????╰╯`??*)


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