Shadow Bear Tibbers’ Plane Journey

Chapter 1073: (??o?)? Little Clever Sun Gohan

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"The tail meat of the big dinosaur is delicious..."

In the semi-desert woodland of this karst landform on this earth, one looks like he should be less than five years old, but looks unusually strong, with messy black hair on his head, and he wears dirty and dirty clothes. Broken, with a big "Magic" printed on the back of the chest, and carrying a sharp sword at the same time, the little kid who looks like a savage is squatting on the ground, eating a piece of it. Huge round pie-shaped meat slices still steaming hot and greasy.

And not far behind him, is a huge dinosaur that stunned under the kind of stalagmite-like karst mountain. Judging from the cut-off tail behind him, it is clear that, The big piece of meat that the savage kid ate in his mouth was obviously cut alive from behind the big guy's tail and cooked.

‘Uhha! ’

"So full, so full..."

Soon, the feasting kid ate up the piece of meat in his hand, and kept using his shabby exercise clothes and arm guards, which had long been invisible to the specific color, and kept smearing his shiny mouth. As well as the greasy face, he continued to rub his hands on his body afterwards.

Obviously, his practice suit is a multifunctional product that combines warmth, shame, protection, mouth, mouth, nose, etc., which is not available in ordinary clothes!


‘But it’s tail is about to be cut off by me. If it comes a few more times, it’s about to chop the butt. It looks pitiful...’

‘After that, don’t eat its meat for now! ’

Finally, I ate it and wiped it off, and then looked back at a poor man who was originally a terrifying carnivorous dinosaur standing at the top of the food chain in this place. After a glance, that place looked like a savage, but again The little kid who doesn’t look like it just patted his butt. He jumped tens of meters high, and quickly moved and jumped between the rocky mountains. The one who plans to live at night will not be caught by too many insects. The birds and beasts wandered away in the small cave.

Today’s hunting activities are over, and in this kind of place where there is no TV, no friends, no family, no WIFI, and no other entertainment activities, he really has no other than strolling back to sleep after eating. Other better things can be done.


‘! ! ’

However, he hadn't been able to jump far between the rocky mountains of the karst landscape. The savage kid quickly found something and hurriedly took an emergency brake and got on a platform dangerously. stop.

Because he found:

At this moment, in front of him, a beautiful little red dress with a plush toy bear in his hand looks only a little taller than himself, but that head has beautiful blond hair, blue eyes, and a rosy white. A little girl with a small face, a clean, delicate and beautiful girl, suddenly appeared in front of him?

'Ouch! ! ’


The insteps of the feet and the palms of both hands were steadily rubbed on the ground horizontally, and after a trace of smoke was directly rubbed on the rocky ground, the little boy in the exercise suit was dangerously at this point. He appeared in front of him, and then almost stopped two steps before the little girl he accidentally hit.


"Who are you, why did you suddenly appear here?"

The little boy first glanced at his steaming palm, and found that the skin on his palm felt a little hot, and it was not worn out and bleeding. He clapped his hands indifferently and loosened his tight pants at the same time. Asked strangely behind the belt.

Because he was pretty sure that he didn't find this beautiful young lady here just now, the other party did appear in front of him suddenly, otherwise he would not stop in a hurry, and almost put his palms And the shoes are worn out.

And what he finds even more strange is: In this world of death, surrounded by deserts, with harsh environments, fierce beasts, and the closest to hell, how did the opponent suddenly appear here?

"Hi~! Hello!"


"You should be the Monkey King who was caught by the Demon King they said, right?"


Annie has been in this world for a short period of time, maybe three or five months, maybe half a year?

Anyway, she didn't mind that kind of little things too much. She just had no purpose, playing around the world, and from time to time she ran to the home of Buma's sister in West Capital to eat and drink for nothing. Basically, I have been acquainted with Sister Bouma’s daddy, Dr. Breffe and Mrs. Breffe.

But today, when she was wandering around, she finally remembered that she seemed to have heard that Sun Wukong, who had been dead for a long time, had a son who had already been taken away by an evil guy named Big Demon King Piccolo. So, after remembering that less important thing, she took advantage of her free time to come here, and successfully found this, even if she hadn’t seen it before, she recognized at a glance that the other party must be the dirty of the Monkey King. The wild child who was so stinky and didn't know how long he had not taken a serious bath!


"You, who are you?"

"I seem... as if I have never seen you before, but how did you know my name and how did you find this place? Didn't Uncle Bick stop you?!"

It's been almost half a year. After Sun Gohan was brought here by that Uncle Piccolo, he was left here, saying that he was going through the six-month survival trial first?

At the beginning, he actually didn't like this kind of survival trial, because he would often be awakened from freezing and scared in the middle of the night! I usually don’t eat well, and I don’t get enough sleep. I have to fight with those powerful beasts every day to eat... However, after several escapes, I was caught and captured or scared back by the harshness of the desert. After that, he gave up completely, and stayed alive hard and got used to it gradually.

However, in such a long period of time, maybe half a year has passed?

Anyway, Sun Gohan only knew that he had basically cleaned up the ferocious dinosaurs and monsters here, and after basically determined his status as the'overlord' in this territory, he had gradually become accustomed to the life here. , And at the same time never saw anyone except Uncle Bick!

So, this stranger in front of me, I don't know him at all, but who happens to be able to call out his own name accurately, Sun Gohan really feels very rare, curious, and puzzled.

"Annie! You can call them Aunt Anne!"


"Don’t be too surprised, of course you haven’t seen anyone else, because they are your aunt Bouma and friends of your dead ghost dad Sun Wukong! The three of us have known each other more than ten years ago. He was already twelve years old by then, but he was a little shorter than you now?"


Annie didn't explain why she could find each other here. She just compared her height with the Sun Gohan in front of her, and quickly came to her own conclusion:

Back then, when she met Bouma and went out to find Dragon Ball with the Sun Wukong, who was twelve years old, who was still stunted and still short, maybe he was really taller than the Sun Wufan in front of her. A lot shorter!

But now it’s useless to think about that kind of thing, because that Monkey King is dead, and it will take at least half a year to wait until the other two evil Saiyans come to earth before they will be used by the old turtle. The original legend was omnipotent, but in fact it was impossible or impossible. The dragon that felt very useless was resurrected?



"Sun Wufan, hurry up, listen to Auntie Scream?"



"I, I know, you turned out to be a bad guy!!"

However, Sun Gohan, who was originally just a little puzzled, heard Annie’s words and didn’t know where he was provoke. He immediately raised his brows, and then stared at Annie with bad eyes and yelled angrily. , Looks very angry?



"Strange! What's the matter with you, rude little guy? People just saw you today, and it seems that they didn't do anything bad to you. Why did you say such strange things?"


"Moreover! It's your Aunt Anne, how did you talk to your elders in this tone?!"


Seeing this one in front of her, she even took two steps back, and at the same time she was still in a defensive posture, and at the little guy who was squinting at herself, some of them felt very puzzled, so Anne scolded suspiciously.

Although, she is only slightly higher than the Sun Gohan in front of her, but she is sure that her seniority is indeed the same as she just said, and it is indeed the other's aunt! And if the dead Monkey King, the guy who might have called her Sister Anne based on his height back then, is still alive, surely he wouldn't deny this fact?

"shut up!"


"You still want to lie to me? You really are a bad guy!!"

It’s okay if the other party doesn’t say anything. In this case, Sun Gohan’s vigilance is even higher, even his body is tight, and if the other party hadn’t made any threatening moves, I’m afraid he would have already jumped. Go up and beat the other party, right?

Although, the other person is really cute...

However, for Sun Gohan, who has survived in the wild and fought his life for nearly half a year, he will definitely be able to deal with such a bad guy who deceives himself in front of him! It's like he gave the poor dinosaur a violent beating and cut off the other's tail to roast and eat it?



"Really! Then tell me, where did people lie to you?!"


Annie became a little angry, but she never thought that the Monkey King in front of her was even more difficult and difficult to get along with than the Monkey King back then?


"Why didn't you lie to me? I ask you, how old are you now?"

Although I don’t know what the other party's intentions are when they suddenly come to the door and have a relationship with him, but now Sun Gohan has completely lost the pleasure of seeing each other and other living people at the beginning, and replaced it. It is full of doubts and vigilance.

After all, he is very smart!

Moreover, since he was able to speak and remember things, his mother Qiqi taught all kinds of natural and scientific knowledge. He also said that he should be prepared in advance to become a great scholar in the future, and absolutely cannot Like his damned dad who doesn't care about his family, he knows to fight fiercely with people all day long, and depends on his wife to work to make money and raise children?

Although his Sun Gohan didn’t really agree with his mother’s words that he often said on his lips, but he had been educated by his mother in advance, but he didn’t want his current appearance of a savage to be so simple and good. Lie, he is very clever, and this guy in front of him should not be fooled easily!



"How old is the seems to be...a little over eight years old, right?"


Hesitating, and breaking her fingers with some uncertainty, in the end, Annie honestly stretched out the eight fingers of her hands and gestured towards her.


(● ̄(??) ̄●)



"I was right? You were only eight years old, but I am more than four years old this year. How could you know my dad more than ten years ago?!"

"You are a liar! Badass!!"

Son Gohan yelled violently.

Obviously, that kind of simple logic and mathematics problem, but he will forget it from the age of two! Because he and his father, Sun Wukong, who had never been to school before, only knew how to fight and didn't even know how to count, were different. It was definitely not so easy to be fooled by the other party.





Got it!

At this moment, even Annie herself didn't know how to explain to this little guy who was less than five years old, but had some confession and cleverness.



"You just need to know that this person is your Aunt Anne, and I still heard that you were taken away by the evil Big Devil Piccolo, so I want to come and see you, and I want to save you home! !"


Annie didn’t know where the other party’s home was, nor did she know the guy named Kiki, who was said to be very fierce and fierce... But that didn’t prevent her from bringing the other party back to Sister Bouma’s house, and then she I believe that Bouma will definitely have a way to send the other party back to the other party's own home, it shouldn't be too difficult.

"go back?"

"Do not!"

"You still want to lie to me, so I won't go back with you this strange bad guy!"

Hearing this, hearing that the other party wanted to catch him, Sun Wufan quickly stepped back, and suddenly drew out the sharp sword behind him, ready to fight the opponent and defeat the opponent.

However, he wasn't too nervous either, because he didn't think that this thin-skinned, soft-skinned guy in front of him would be his opponent. In fact, in this hell-like desert woodland, whether it is flying in the sky, climbing on the ground, or swimming in the water, except for the uncle Bick who appears from time to time, none of them are his opponents!

So he has reason to believe that the other party is definitely not!



"Do you really want to go back? I'm going to take you back to see your Aunt Bouma, and then let her take you back to see your mother Qiqi!"

( ̄▽ ̄")

"No return!!"

"At least I won't go back with you, a liar!"

Sun Wufan answered firmly, and the sword in his hand did not mean to let go either.



"Why is that?!"


"Because Uncle Bick said it!"

"I have the mission of saving the earth. He wants me to learn to believe in my own power, and then learn to use them flexibly. When I stay here for half a year, he will come to teach me more martial arts, and then a year In the future, I can defeat those Saiyans, protect everyone, and protect our planet!"

Although he said that, Sun Gohan didn’t really know the meaning of those words, but he only knew: There were some badass aliens with the bad Saiyans who killed his father, Son Goku. Coming soon, he must become stronger before he can defeat them with everyone?

"Just you, still protecting the earth?"


Annie looked at each other up and down, then shook her head.

"If someone came to train you, it might take half a year to barely allow you to defeat those Saiyans or something, but if it is the villain that is said to be very bad, Big Devil Piccolo is absolutely impossible. of!"


"I heard about it. He couldn't even beat the weak and weak Saiyan who came to the earth half a year ago. In the end, he relied on the help of your dead ghost dad to die together to win?"


"So, little guy, go home with me honestly. That Piccolo is a badass, and Aunt Bouma told me that your mother is crying like a tearful person every day, so poor. It's..."

"Furthermore, the earth is not yours alone. No one is in a hurry. What are you anxious for a little guy less than five years old? You still don't want to learn from your stupid dad. Look at him. The earth is dead, and others don’t even give him a pension. Why do you have to learn from that idiot?"


If you think about it carefully, that'sister-in-law' named Qiqi is indeed very poor. Not only did her husband die, but her son was also taken away by bad guys, and she still had to make money to support herself. Buma said that the other party was still very Young, but now it looks like a 30-year-old aunt?

And the source of all that is obviously a certain irresponsible Monkey King and the Sun Wufan who is not sympathetic to his parents!

Therefore, Annie planned to step forward and hold the other person, and then take it to the home of Sidubuma's sister.


(● ̄(??) ̄●)


"shut up!"

"You are not allowed to speak ill of Uncle Bick, nor are you allowed to speak ill of my father, because he is a great hero!!"

"Also! I don't like you at all!"

Sun Wufan quickly stepped away easily, avoiding the opponent's hand that wanted to hold him, and then his eyes flushed red, and he shouted with tears.

A stranger he didn’t know deceived himself as soon as they met. He even kept saying bad things about his admired father Sun Wukong and his caring Uncle Bick. He could still hold back without doing anything, even looking at the other person. It's personal and it looks so cute! If it were replaced by those dinosaur monsters, he would have had his head cut off and roasted meat!

"It's up to you, in fact, people don't like you as a stupid guy!"

╭( ̄▽ ̄)╯

"If it wasn't for the son of Sun Wukong, who likes to sleep naked and ran to see Sister Bouma taking a bath, and peeing in her bathtub, people wouldn't come here to look for you!"


Seeing that the other party didn't welcome herself so much, Annie naturally unceremoniously revealed the shortness of a guy who had been dead for half a year, and still in front of the other's son?


ε=(????`●))) alas

(Sure enough, Tibbers knew that the nasty little master of his family was still too idle, otherwise, he wouldn't be full and nothing to do. He came here to play with the son of the Monkey King.)


"Shut up!"

A little frustrated Sun Gohan finally couldn't help it, and then he slammed his feet, and after an acceleration rushed up, he slammed his hand at the guy he thought was the villain!

Bang! !


Saiyans and earthlings are of double descent, their bodies still contain powerful powers, and they have been given a lot of potential fists by the wild training of the Great Devil Piccolo, and they hit the place where Annie was just now. , And even because he didn't close his fists in time, he directly beat a big stone behind the opponent to pieces, causing the splashing stone to splash all over the ground instantly.

'what! ! ’

it hurts! it hurts!

Although the body is different from ordinary people, but hitting the stone with a fist, this is still a very bad thing for Monkey King, who has never had relevant fighting training, so he is hitting nothing. After that, he hurriedly closed his fists and breathed out constantly on his red and swollen fist.


"If you have the ability, don't hide, see if I don't beat you!!"

After shaking his hand, he quickly relieved the sharp pain and gradually adapted to Sun Gohan, directly following the good smell of the other person who was completely different from him, and found that I don’t know when I jumped there. The little girl at the top of a small stone mountain provocatively said.



"Okay, people just stand here and don't hide, you come up and beat them?"


If calculated according to Sister Bouma’s combat effectiveness tester, the Sun Gohan in front of him has no more than dozens of combat effectiveness under normal circumstances, and his explosive combat effectiveness is only within one to two thousand. Such a guy wants to defeat himself. Obviously it is absolutely impossible! Therefore, Annie, who was originally here to tease each other, stood on the top of this karst rocky mountain without moving, and stretched out her little finger to hook towards the other party.

‘! ! ’

"Drink~! ! ’

Seeing that the other party dared to say that to himself, Sun Wufan felt that the anger in his heart was rising up, and then he yelled, jumped up high, and jumped up a hundred holes. A few meters high, I was going to throw a punch at the opponent's cute but somewhat nasty face!


( ̄▽ ̄)o╭╯☆)`-\')? ?


However, this time, before Sun Wufan's angry punch had time to strike, he was punched in the face by the opponent one step first!


boom! ! !

Soon, he flew back directly, embarrassed and viciously fell to the ground ten meters away, and viciously smashed a small hole in the ground and raised countless dust.


'hateful! ’

‘How can you fight back? I am really angry! ! ’

Although he was smashed into a large human-shaped pit on the ground, Sun Wufan did not suffer too much damage. He jumped up from the bottom of the pit almost immediately after landing and slammed the sword in his hand viciously. The little **** the little stone mountain that was more than ten meters high scolded angrily.



"You guy is really weird. People just said they shouldn't hide, but they didn't say they couldn't fight back!"


With the slightest hesitation, she waved a small fist that she had just hit the other party, and Annie proudly continued to provoke the little clever ghost below.

Although, it’s not appropriate to beat up a son who was barely considered a friend just after meeting... But who would let the guy below be so disgusting when she met? So, this caused her to always want to vent her anger with a few more punches.

‘! ! ’

'you! ! ’

My body became stiff, and I thought about it carefully. It seemed that the other party was indeed the Monkey King who hadn't said that just now. He could only grit his teeth secretly and was not ready to continue talking nonsense with the other party. Instead, he clenched his own sword with both hands, and then once again With force, he slammed his body into acceleration, like an off-string sharp arrow, suddenly shot up and rushed towards the little girl above!

The Sun Gohan who knew that the other party didn't seem to be an ordinary person, this time he was finally going to be real.

Therefore, when he saw that he was about to rush to the opponent, he slammed his hands and slashed towards the opponent!



This time Annie did not continue to use her fists, nor did she hide. Instead, when the other party raised her hands and the sword to the highest point and was about to cut it down at her, she lifted her at a very fast speed. The foot, with a speed a little faster than the opponent, hit the other side of the cheek that was not hit just now.


Rumble! !

Sun Wufan flew upside down again, and smashed his head directly into a larger rocky mountain on the opposite side. It also caused a lot of rocks to collapse. He buried him in it and no more movement was seen. ...



(Tibbers said that it doesn't want to comment on the bad behavior of some of its own nasty little masters who ate and rushed here to bully friends' children.)

'hateful! ! ’

If it is an ordinary person, it may be directly killed by a single blow, or be smashed to death by falling rocks... However, Saiyans are not ordinary people, even those of Saiyans and earthlings. The same goes for mixed races!

‘I can’t spare you guys! ! ’

‘Wow! ! ! ’

boom! !


Therefore, after a violent anger, the place where the rock collapsed and buried suddenly exploded a chaotic air current, and then a little boy with blood on his body, looking slightly embarrassed, detonated the air from it. He flew out, and the strength of his whole body was directly exploded in anger, causing a blue qi, like a thick laser beam, to suddenly move toward the little stone mountain where the little girl was in front. Hit the top!



Rumbling rumbling...

The explosion blew up instantly, and then a mushroom cloud skyrocketed, and the blasted gravel exploded and shattered around. Even the initiator, Monkey King, was pulled on his face and clothes by those bomb-like stones. Several bloodshot wounds were opened, and the diffuse dust directly enveloped the whole place.

'what! ! ’


'This this……'

‘I, should I accidentally beat her to death? ! ’

After falling to the ground, although he was still a little shocked that he was able to explode that level of energy and power, Sun Gohan quickly became scared.

Because he really didn’t think about killing the other party, he just wanted to teach the other party a good meal, but he didn’t even think that he accidentally beat the other party together with the small stone mountain. Smashed? That kind of power, without hiding, I'm afraid that the other party must be dead, and there must be no way to survive. It must be like those stones, completely blown up or turned into ashes, right?


'I did not do it on purpose……'

After the fights and disputes ended, Sun Gohan, who felt that he might have killed someone by mistake, just lay on the dirty ground in a daze, completely ignoring himself like a mud monkey, just forcibly enduring it. With a few tears pouring out of his eyes.

Because he knew that he must have done something very, very evil just now, which is very bad!

"Hey! Why are you crying?"


"People haven't continued to beat you. Really, they cry if they can't beat you. Guys like you are the most annoying..."


Of course, even more annoying are those guys who find their parents or report teachers after losing a fight!

Originally, Annie wanted to continue to bully the other party for a while, but after seeing the other party's pitiful appearance, she had no choice but to give up that idea. After all, she has already punched and kicked the opponent, and the strength of the opponent is now reduced to the lowest point. If you continue to fight, maybe she will accidentally break it?

In that case, it may not be good to see that Monkey King and Sister Bouma in the future, which is very bad, so let's forget it!


"You, you are not dead?!"

Soon, as the dust dissipated, his eyes were so good that Sun Gohan, who had at least 1.5 eyesight, saw at a glance the one who was slowly descending from the sky and finally stood in front of him. Not only did she look uninjured, she did not even get a bit of dust, and she was still clean.


(ˉ▽ ̄~) Cut~~

Annie said that even if the other party blows up the earth and the universe, she will not die! However, she wouldn't explain how spicy it is to such a troublesome, crying kid!



"You can't beat me! How about, now believe that I am your Aunt Anne? Do you want to go back with me?"


First, she stretched her waist, and then Annie asked the other party ridiculously.

"I don't want to go back with you!"

"Besides, does it matter whether your aunt has beaten me or not? That only proves that you are better than me!"

"and also!"

"My father is better than me, Uncle Culin and others are better than me, and Uncle Bike is 10,000 times better than you. You are less proud of over there!!"

Gohan, who was sitting on the ground, moved back and backed a few steps while talking, saying that he would never follow the guy in front of him who not only wanted to lie to himself, but also wanted to abduct his own bad guy. !



"You seem to be right..."


"But they are better than you. If you are taken back directly, you will definitely not be able to resist, right?"


Scratching her head, Annie felt that she couldn't prove anything in winning the opponent, so she curled her lips in embarrassment, and then suddenly changed her face, intending to move forward and grab the opponent forcibly.

‘! ! ’

‘Don’t come here, I’m sure I won’t go with you bad guy! ! ’

Monkey King jumped up, then turned around and ran!


(* ̄△ ̄*)


∑(??△`)? !

"It seems that someone is here. Forget it, they won't play with you today, and come back another day, kid, you wait, don't want to run!!"

ヾ( ̄▽ ̄)Bye~Bye~

After finishing speaking, Anne, who noticed the abnormality, before the person came and saw her own existence, she waved her hand at the other party and teleported instantly, completely disappearing.

‘! ! ’

‘That’s amazing, what kind of moves is she, where did she go? ’

At this moment, he ran behind a stone, and then he poke his head out to look carefully after hearing the other party's words. When he saw that the other party was disappearing from his sight, he exclaimed. Search around.

But unfortunately, he found nothing!

'Humph! ’

‘What did you do here just now? ! ’

At this time, without waiting for Monkey King to find the disappearance of a little girl, he was able to reach Piccolo, who hovered in while looking at the one hiding below. Sun Gohan, who didn't know what he was doing after the stone, asked sharply not far from the messy place the opponent had made.


"Bi, Uncle Bick?"

Looking up, Sun Wufan couldn't help being stunned when he saw that the other party had come at this time! But think about it, because the time has passed for a long time, it should be almost half a year, and the other party should also come.

"What the **** is going on here?!"

Piccolo looked at the traces of the surrounding battles, and saw that it seemed to be the Monkey King in front of him, without the energy and breath of others, and frowned and asked.


"No, nothing, I got it when I accidentally beat a pterodactyl just now..."

I don't know why, Sun Gohan, who dared to open his mouth, thought for a while, but didn't tell me about the weird girl he just met. After all, the other party had said a lot of uncle Bick's bad things, and he didn't dare to repeat those words in front of this extremely harsh Shu.

Besides, after he lost a fight with a little girl, he also felt that it might be a bit embarrassing to tell Uncle Bick at this time?


Piccolo, who did not perceive the anger of others at all, nor saw any traces of damage caused by others except Monkey King, groaned for a while, and slowly landed on the ground, standing in that figure. In front of the slightly embarrassed Monkey King.

"It seems that you are ready?"


"Next, your training is almost ready to begin..."


(??????????????)????°?? Ask for tickets????(????????????????)?? ??????????

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