Shadow Bear Tibbers’ Plane Journey

Chapter 1078: (?????) Those under a certain universe emperor...

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In just ten days, it was fleeting...

So today, the top martial artists on the earth, the men known as the'strongest on earth', including Kulin, Yamucha, Tianjin Fan, Dumplings, Piccolo, and a certain reluctant fat Yaqi Luo Bei and others gathered together again in the Guixianren’s hut.

Because they don't know when the enemy will come today, and they don't know where they will land on the earth, therefore, the turtle fairy hut located deep in the sea has become the best and most suitable gathering point.


"Time flies so fast, and in a blink of an eye it is the day when you have to go to a decisive battle again. I really hope that time can pass a bit slower..."

Seeing that all the people who should have come are almost there, and seeing those companions who are either sitting aside and holding their breath and perceiving something, or just standing there silently not knowing what they are thinking, Yamucha feels a little emotional. I sighed this sentence.

People always like to complain and dislike that time is too slow, and they often like to say things like "live like a year", "three autumns in a day" or "years are difficult", etc., but once they know that their life is likely When the countdown has entered and the cruel aliens will soon be harvested clean, you can't wait for time to really'live like a year' or pass a bit slower than they feel?

But obviously, time is the fairest thing in the unfair world, because its passing will not be transferred by power, wealth, or the will of other people who like to complain, even if you don’t want to, now it It is also still passing by, and will soon usher in the time that people like them have been looking forward to, and at the same time least want to face.


"Very good! Everyone is here..."

When everyone almost arrived and waited patiently, waiting for the evil alien spirit to appear and rushed to fight with it for the first time, then the turtle immortal Wu Tian dangling his tortoise shell, from I opened the door to my hut and walked out, and used those eyes with funny sunglasses to scan the heroes who had already arrived on the earth.


"It's weird... Bick, where's Gohan, didn't he come with you today?!"

After sweeping a circle of people standing casually on her beach, the turtle fairy quickly discovered that there seemed to be one less warrior here? That is, the biggest change and strong anger, and according to the value displayed by Bulma’s instrument, it is likely to be the strongest little guy among all the people present except Piccolo, but the son of Goku, Sun Gohan Didn't show up?

Regarding this situation, Guixianren couldn't help feeling a little astonished and regretful.


"Humph! He escaped immediately, don't worry about him!"

Piccolo turned his head directly. The Monkey King did come to meet him yesterday, and he also had a ridiculous hairstyle... But today, before he is ready to leave, he plans to come to this island. When gathered here with the helpers who were probably useless in front of me, that guy suddenly said something was going on, and then just ran away alone?

Therefore, Piccolo, who was a little dissatisfied and thought that coward would never come again, said this to Immortal Turtle with a cold face.



Immortal Turtle, who didn’t know if Piccolo was talking about the truth or the angry words, was a little embarrassed for a while, and he didn’t know whether he should add a little more about this kind of thing that might seriously damage morale. sentence?

"Teacher Wu Tian, ​​I guess..."

"Gohan couldn't come should be the reason for Kiki? Think about it, Goku is dead, Gohan was abducted by Piccolo for a whole year, and now it's hard to go back, how could she let him come out again?"

At this time, without waiting for the companions on the side to say something, Kulin quickly explained and guessed with a wry smile.



"Goku is dead. If it were Kiki, she would definitely not let Gohan come out to fight evil aliens..."

"Oh! It's just that she doesn't want to think about it. If you can't defeat the aliens, the earth and all the people on earth will be ruined. What is the use of her restraining Gohan?"

After pondering for a while, I thought of the terrible Qiqi who was extremely pure and cute in the teenage years, but once married and gave birth to a son, he would instantly change into Hedong Lion's Roar and aunt-level figure. Even the Turtle Immortal couldn't help but sigh and sigh Some ignorant woman shook her head and sighed.


"Kiki is like that originally, but if Gohan doesn’t come, let’s not come. If we win, we can win if Gohan doesn’t come... And if he doesn’t come, it’s useless if he comes. ."

Besides, in any case, Kurin always feels that he is the elder of Gohan. For that little guy, he doesn't want to criticize the other party too much... and if they are all dead, and the other party can hide very much. Well, if he escaped, surely, he would be very pleased with it?

After all, the other party was only five years old, so he didn't think that Kiki, as a mother, was protecting and controlling Gohan, and wanted to keep the only remaining son after her dead husband. What was wrong with him .


'Humph! idiot! ’

The Demon King Piccolo glanced at the self-justified and laughable guys, then turned his head, and stood alone after a cold snort.

Because he knew that Sun Wufan really hurried away before he came here. It was definitely not as they thought they were saying, it was because of some stupid earth woman? However, he was too lazy to explain that kind of thing, and didn't want to ask the little guy to help him, so he just hugged his arm and closed his eyes.

The war is coming, and he doesn't want to waste his energy on some minor things, because it is unnecessary!


"Strange! Teacher Wutian, Bulma and others haven't come here yet?"

At this moment, Ya Mucha first looked left and right curiously, and then asked somewhat puzzled.

Because, he didn’t seem to find the figure of Bulma and those little guys around this small island or in the hut of Guixianren... This is for Yamucha, who is about to fight a life-and-death battle with a powerful enemy. If he couldn't see the figure of the first beautiful girl he was obsessed with, he would definitely feel very sorry.

"Oh! Ask Bouma..."

"Before you came, Bouma called and said she had to arrange something first, maybe she would arrive later?"

The immortal turtle did not say that Bulma and the internal evacuation plan of the Universal Capsule Company, nor did he say that Bulma prepared a shelter for him and all the people here and the hidden emergency refuge base on Mars, because He felt that if someone had to stand up and do something when the earth was in danger, then it must be them martial artists!

Therefore, on behalf of these warriors, he refused Bulma's suggestion of abandoning the earth and fleeing, and he did not intend to leave his house.

Although Bulma and the others will come later and observe the battle through satellite images in real time here, if the result is not good, once they decide to flee the earth immediately, he will definitely not follow them. Go.

"It turned out to be late, right..."

Yamucha nodded, knowing that Bulma was definitely not as fast as they could fly, so he didn't say much, and began to stand silently with his companion and partner Poole, waiting for the arrival of the last moment of'that' .


‘Dumplings, are you afraid? ’

‘Don’t be afraid! ’

‘Dumplings, maybe you can go back, I’ll be enough here...’

'Do not! I want to be with Tianjin Fan forever! ’


‘Tianjin Rice! ’

‘Okay, I won’t advise you...’

At this time, after seeing that Sun Wufan was not here, Tianjin Fan on the side thought for a while, and tried to persuade the junior Jiaozi who was closer to him than his own brother...but unfortunately, the other party seemed very The stubbornness is very stubborn. After he persuaded a few sentences and found that it was useless, he didn't intend to say more.



Gradually, other people stopped talking, just stood silently and waited...

Because all of them knew that their chances of winning this time might be really slim, and the reason why they are still standing here, in fact, is mostly determined to die! Whether it's Kurin, Yamucha, Tianjin Fan or Bick, they actually didn't plan to live to see the sun tomorrow.

They have no choice, no place to escape, and even more unwilling to be like a bereaved dog, under the poison and hunt of aliens, scurrying around on this planet that gives birth to them! That kind of situation, for these martial artists like them, is an absolutely unbearable shame!

‘! ! ’

'Who? ! ’

For a long time, the people who were waiting silently on this beach outside the Turtle Immortal Hut suddenly turned their heads and looked towards the west sky as if they had noticed something.

Then they soon discovered that it was a strangely shaped aircraft that was flying across the sea quickly, stirring up a wave swept by strong winds, and rushing toward them at a very fast speed?

"Look, everyone!"

"That spaceship, they must have come from Bouma!!"

Seeing the capsule company's LOGO on the outside of the aircraft that was slowly slowing down, the immortal turtle who knew that it must be the beautiful and charming Miss Bulma arrived could not help but brighten his eyes and instantly became energetic. And pointed to the west and shouted loudly.

After all, it is very likely that he, a terrible old man who has lived for more than three hundred years, will be completely ruined in the near future. Then, if he can look at the beautiful and charming Bulma he has seen since childhood. For the eldest, that would definitely make him less regretful.


"There seems to be Gohan's anger on the top...yes, even Gohan, he is here too!!"

Before the spaceship approached and landed, Kurin once again yelled in surprise by the words of Immortal Turtle.

Originally he thought Gohan would definitely not come, but he didn't think about it, the other party chose to come at the last moment, choosing to go forward and retreat with them and fight against powerful enemies, which made Kulin a little bit in his heart. While depressed, he couldn't help but become more excited.

After all, there is always more hope for one more person...

If he can defeat powerful enemies and protect the earth, and continue to live well, he will definitely not choose to die! Although he also knows, it is very possible, that is just his extravagant hope?


‘Teacher Wu Tian! ’

‘Hello! ’

‘Hello everyone, I’m sorry, I’m late because of something! ’


Soon, as the large aircraft slowly landed and directly dipped half of the spacecraft into the sea, as the hatch opened and a burst of hot steam generated by rubbing air, a burly bull demon, with a smiling face Yanran Bulma, who was still wearing a spacesuit, Gohan with an apologetic face, and Kiki, who put on a stinky face, as if everyone present owed her a lot of money, and left one by one. Come down.



"Great, you really decided, are you going to fight side by side with us?!"

Kurin was the first to greet Gohan happily, and gave Gohan a hug, completely unaware of the Kiki's picture behind the other party, which became darker and smellier after hearing his words. , As if there was a layer of frost on the face.


"I persuaded my mother. Originally, she wanted me to go to space with Aunt Bouma, but I refused!"

Yes, originally Gohan and his mother, Kiki, didn’t want him to come here all the time, and even more reluctant for him to go to war. She just wanted him to follow Aunt Bouma and them to the canyon cave on Mars. , Ran to the temporary refuge base made by the universal capsule to take refuge and try to survive...

However, in the end he refused and angered his mother...

But fortunately, his own is now a strong fighter. With his persistence and gritted teeth, even his mother Kiki has no good way to use him.

"That's really great!"

"I believe that Wukong will be proud of you!!"

Kurin, who was about the same height as Gohan, let go of the opponent and patted the opponent's shoulder again, but still didn't notice the horrible face of Kiki behind Gohan.


And at this moment, Immortal Turtle also beckoned to his apprentice and the burly Bull Demon King.

'come here! ’

‘I ask you, Bull Devil, are you determined to come and fight with everyone this time? ’

‘! ! ’

‘No no no! Teacher Wutian, I just followed Qiqi to visit you all and cheer everyone up. If they are not fighting well or the earth becomes really dangerous, I will ask Qiqi and Miss Bulma to escape by spacecraft. To Mars! It is said that almost 10,000 people have gathered in that secret base...’

'what? You have to go too? ! ’

‘Bull Devil! After so many years, why your consciousness is still so low? It really disappoints me! ’


'Sorry! Teacher Wu Tian, ​​I really regret this...’

'Humph! ’

‘Didn’t you seriously think about staying and staying with me this bad old man? ’

‘! ! ’

‘But, Teacher Wutian, don’t you have to fight? Then why let the disciples stay with you? ’


‘I think, if everything is inevitable, I hope someone can watch the sea with me in the last time and see the beautiful sunset at the end. I think it will be magnificent...’

'what? ’


Obviously, the Bull Demon King was hesitant. He had already known before coming here that Teacher Wu Tian was determined to coexist and die with the earth, and would never escape for his life. Therefore, he saw and heard the other party’s words that moved him deeply. After that, I was a little vacillating, wondering if I should stay too, and go to see the last beautiful scenery of the earth with my teacher Wu Tian?

'shut up! ’

‘Wu Tian! You old and unscrupulous bastard! ’

‘Don’t be hypocritical over there. If you want to die, you can die quickly! You killed Goku, and taught my son Gohan to ruin it. It doesn't count if he will follow you to die, but now you still want to hold my father and hold me! I can never spare you! ! ’

Cang! Cang!

With that said, a certain Kiki, who was dressed in strong clothes and still carrying a baggage behind her, couldn't help the kind of grief and anger that had already been brewing in her heart, and directly drew the two swords from her waist.

'what? ! ’

'Hey! Kiki, put the sword down first, can we say something if we have something? I was just kidding...’

'shut up! ’

‘I make you more enlightened! ’


‘I show you the sea! ! ’


"Wow~! ! ’

The two crossed swords are fast and cruel. If it weren’t for the turtle immortal’s ability, or if he was carrying a tortoise shell that could act as a shield, I’m afraid, the bright bald head on his tortoise shell, Has it been shaved off by Qiqi in anger?

‘Kiki! ’

‘Stop it, I was just joking, really! ’

‘I make you laugh! ’

clang! !

'Damn! My ass! ! ’

'Humph! ’

"Wow~! ’

‘Kiki! stop it now! ’

'Humph! ’

‘Old Turtle! If you want to see the sea, you can go with your old tortoise yourself. Can you not come here to harm people? You old soul is pale! ’

‘You are all a group of souls! ! ’

Swearing and cursing, with the anger that flooded her heart, tears could not help but Qiqi, who was about to hit her eyes more ruthlessly and faster, would also be present by the way those who are known as the strongest on earth, but in the end they might even The earth couldn't be kept, and the guys who had to drag her only son to die along with her scolded in.

‘! ! ’

‘Don’t run! ’

‘Kiki, you first put down the sword and I won’t run! ’

‘Let me chop a few swords first to vent my anger and I will put it down! ’

‘Then I’ll keep running...’

'stop! ! ’

'Wow! Help~! ! ’


In the distance, after enduring for a long time, Kiki, who finally found her emotional outlet, continued to wield her male and female sword, and burst into a small universe, stimulating at least hundreds of fighting power, faster and faster, and began to turn into a stream of light. Along the beach of this not-so-large island, chasing a certain tortoise fairy Wu Tian who was wearing beach shoes, fancy shirts, funny sunglasses, and carrying a sturdy tortoise shell, chased and slashed. , And also left a deep mark on the other's shell from time to time.


‘Hey! ’

'Hey! ’

‘Teacher Wu, Wutian, should he be okay? ’

'do not know……'


'Hey! Kiki, stop fighting, let's stop for a while...’

Watching the two quarreling together, and then seeing that Qiqi doesn’t seem to be merciful. The Yamucha, Tianjin Fan, Piccolo, Kulin, Monkey King, and the Bull Demon can only Either anxiously, or disdainfully, or sneered, or embarrassedly persuaded them to stand aside, but at this time, no one had the intention to stop the two.

Because they knew that the chased fellow, the immortal turtle, although looking embarrassed, was definitely at ease. Maybe the other party was just pretending to chop the poor woman a few times and vent his anger?

"You are really..."

"Huh? Old Turtle, what are you doing again?!"

Bulma, who was about to persuade the two of them, was just about to say something when she suddenly realized that someone seemed to be tapping her instep lightly?

Then, when she looked down, she found out that it was the old sea turtle from the old man's house? At this time, the other party was trying to look up and looking at himself with a pleased look. It seemed that there was something important to tell him?

"That one……"

"Miss Bulma, I heard that your spacecraft is flying to Mars, right? So, since we are old acquaintances, can you take me with you when we are leaving?"

"Don't worry, I won't take up too much space..."

After showing a smile that he considered to be friendly, the old Turtle pleaded in a nervous voice.

"Huh? Take you away?"

"But, don't you want to live and die with the earth, and stay at home with the old pervert to watch the last sunset on the earth?"

Bulma blinked, pointed to a certain turtle immortal who was still running around and shouting in the distance by Qiqi, and asked curiously.


"I have never said that. It was all said by Immortal Turtle, and it has nothing to do with me! I haven't lived enough yet, so I don't want to die here with that old pervert!"

"Miss Bulma, please don't take his words seriously, please!"

The old Turtle explained in a panic while scolding indignantly. Obviously, it abhors the fact that others make decisions for themselves and let themselves go to death!

"It's not impossible to take you away. Anyway, our capsule company's'Noah's Ark' project contains a lot of animals..."

"It's just that you are so old, will you still lay eggs?"

In this regard, Bulma hesitated, because if he brought an old turtle who could only eat and drink but could not lay eggs, it seemed to be a drag? Besides, the other party is so old, can't you still see life and death?

"I am a male turtle, how do you want me to lay eggs?"

"However, please rest assured, Miss Bulma, I will steal a batch of turtle eggs for you, and promise to hatch and teach them!"

For fear that the other party would reject his old turtle, he quickly took the initiative to help make suggestions.

As for stealing eggs, it doesn't think there is anything wrong. Anyway, the turtles of the sea turtles lay their eggs and bury them. If it can take away some of them, it can be considered a good thing?

"OK then……"

"Just take you, but you have to hurry up. If you don't come back until they lose, I won't wait for you!"

Bulma thought for a while, who didn't seem to be a bad thing, and finally nodded with determination.

Moreover, what Bulma didn’t realize was that before she knew it, whether it was she, the immortal turtle, the old turtle in front of her, or other people, it seemed that she was not very optimistic about Kulin and the others and didn’t think they were There are too many odds, and based on this, are you prepared for the worst?

‘! ! ’

"Great, thank you very much! I know, Miss Bulma, you really are the best person in the world! Please wait, I will be back soon!"

After speaking, the old turtle quickly climbed into the sea while the turtle fairy was still messing around and quickly disappeared. Obviously, he went to steal other people’s turtle eggs as his own boat ticket...and As an experienced sea turtle, it certainly knows where those strong and beautiful female sea turtles lay their eggs!


"Huh? It's weird, Kulin, aren't Annie and the others here now?"

Bulma, who had sent away a certain old turtle and didn't want to worry about that Kiki and the old man's affairs, found a little bald-headed Kurin, and then asked about the two little guys Annie and Arale.

Because, she just watched a circle, the room was quiet, obviously no one, and there was no figure of a little guy outside, just looking at the style on the beach in the distance to know whether it was Annie or Arale. There was just a sand castle that looked a little terrifying.


"They left here with your hind feet a few days earlier. We thought she would come with you today!"

"What's wrong, Boomer?"

Kulin is a little bit inexplicable, because, whether it is the little girl Annie or the robot Alale, they obviously have a better relationship with the Bulma in front of them, and they don’t get along well with him Kulin or Teacher Wu Tian, ​​so, Shouldn't he ask the other person for that kind of question?


"I haven't been able to contact them for several days, and their communicator has no signal...It's all at this time. It really doesn't work. I can only go to Penguin Village and take a look..."

Hearing Kulin's words, a somewhat anxious Bulma just shook her head, indicating that there was nothing wrong.

She was just afraid that the two little guys would be left behind, but when she couldn't contact her, she seemed to have no good way.


"I advise you all to save some energy and adjust your breath, I think they should be coming soon!!"

At this moment, Big Demon King Piccolo first hummed and glanced at the guys who were talking or playing, and then reminded him like a warning.

Then he didn't care about other things, just walked to the other side of the beach silently, and after getting a little further away from the crowd, he hovered and sat cross-legged in a corner where no one was sitting, as if he was really ready to raise Regenerate and wait for the upcoming battle?


"Then I will have something to eat, Gohan, Bulma, Tianjin rice, dumplings and Yamu tea. Would you like some?"

Kulin can't calm down to meditate now. After all, the powerful enemy that will come to the earth at any time is like a big mountain hanging on top of all of them and smashing down at any time. How could he calm down? ?

As for the dead fat Yaqi Luobei, he did not greet him, because Kulin knew that the other party would definitely follow up and have a big meal!

'I'd like a drink……'

‘Good too! ’

'I also want! ’

'Ok! ’

'And I! ! ’

As everyone followed Kulin to the turtle fairy’s hut, soon, outside the beach were the big devil Bick who was meditating and breathing, the bull demon who wanted to persuade him, Qiqi, and Qiqi who was being furious. There are four turtle immortals killed...

Of course, there is also the advanced spacecraft that Bulma and the others drove, which seems to be several times larger than the turtle fairy’s hut, and is docked in the sea near the beach, capable of flying in and out of the atmosphere?


However, what Bulma, Kulin and others didn’t know was that when they were discussing some two messy little girls, those two guys, namely Little Annie and Little Alale, had found a few days earlier. It has already been in the universe before, and this is the reason why the communicators of the two of them have never been able to communicate with each other!


In this world, the most, most, most, most urgent people who want to save the earth are actually not the Kulin and his group of Guixianliu martial artists and their relatives and friends who gathered on the island, but another one. Guy, that is the person with vested interests, the supreme ruler of the earth, the king, the great-His Majesty King Pilaf?


The huge and dull engine sound only continues to propagate inside the spacecraft, while outside space is silent, except for a little bit of starlight and dazzling sunlight...because it is clear that nothing can be transmitted in a vacuum Sound.

At this time, in space, in an orbit outside of Mars further outside the earth, a slow-moving spacecraft in the temporary new solar system belonging to King Pilaf took more than 6 days before finally Tun Tun arrived here, and began to float here on alert, and unfolded the exaggerated external radars hanging on the outer wall of the spacecraft?

Obviously, from the matter of Shenlong and Wishing, he learned that ground warfare may not be the enemy’s opponent, and he was also inspired by King Pilaf. In order to maintain his rule of the earth, he fought with someone ten days ago. The little clever robot Arale has the same idea, that is:

Outside of the earth, to be precise, should it be to eliminate the incoming enemies in the universe?

Because King Pilaf knew that those evil Saiyan spaceships, such as the Raditz who came to the earth first, the advanced single-person spherical spacecraft that the other party boarded, all of them are smooth and clean. Yes, in addition to advanced positioning, navigation, communication, and engines, what kind of protection or weapons are there?

And this gave him the leeway for King Pilaf, especially when he learned that the other party would arrive on Earth today!

Moreover, in intercepting the enemy in the universe, regardless of success or failure, he is the majestic Lord of the earth, he is the greatest king on the earth, and his safety factor of King Pilaf is definitely higher than that of the earth. Less!

After all, finding a spaceship in the universe is countless times more difficult than finding a person on the planet...

'beep! beep! ’

‘The radar has been fully deployed, the high-speed detectors have been scattered to the orbit of Neptune, the data link has been successful, and the entire solar system is currently being scanned...’

‘The real-time data link is completed and the detection of man-made targets within one light-year outside the solar system begins! ’


‘Nothing has been discovered yet. An early warning trigger system has been established and the main guns are in place. Please keep all units on standby...’

‘Repeat: Please keep all combat units on standby! ’


Soon, there were waves of nice female voice announcements from the spaceship of King Pilaf, but it didn't take long for him to immerse himself again. Obviously, the aliens and their spherical or other spacecraft have not reached the solar system, so their interception and ambush operations still need to be on standby for a while.


"Sister Annie..."

"It's really boring to wait like this. Those bad guys have been monitoring people, and they are not allowed to go wandering in the outer passages, staying in this small and stuffy cabin, without oil to eat, and no animals together. Play, no poo, no melon..."

"People are coming out of illness..."


Arale screamed frantically.

Because it was weightless and suspended in the air, after yelling for a while, Arale began to sniff the snacks and drinks she deliberately put in the air like a puff, and at the same time, she was dissatisfied with someone Miss Annie, who was playing video games with Tibbles, complained.

If she knew how long she would be flying in the universe, and she would have been locked in a double cabin like this for so many days, she might not be willing to follow along.





‘KO! ! ’

‘Winneris Athena! ! ’

"Haha! Tibbers, you have lost again!!"


Annie ignored Arale’s complaint. She just kicked the other bear while she was not paying attention, and after a fierce operation, she easily used a set of combos and an enhanced nirvana. The game character controlled by a hateful guy was killed instantly, and bursts of announcements came from the game console that made her feel happy!



(Tibbs said he was very unconvinced, because it almost won right away, just a little bit, its "door" can use a super big move to press the opponent's "Athena" to the ground and grab some The important and vital parts were crushed and squeezed severely...)



However, without waiting for Tibbs to express his continued protest, Annie had already pushed away the backward slot machine that had become a little boring, and turned around to look at the one behind who was playing that boring one. Arale in eating games.

Anyway, Annie will definitely not admit that what the other party is playing now, she has also played before...


"Ala Lei, don't want to lie to me, your robots won't get sick, the most is just changing parts and metals!"


"Also, if you can't go out to play, that's what you deserve! Who told you to dismantle the engine of someone else's spacecraft? They only have such a baby spacecraft, why are you going to destroy it?!"


Annie said that if the other party hadn't made trouble, they wouldn't have to fly for a full six days to see and arrive here!

The technology of this earth is also very advanced. People have already had anti-gravity levitation technology and have entered civilian use. Those floating motorcycles or spaceships on the street are no longer rare, so, Spacecraft capable of navigating at high speeds in the solar system are not too rare.

However, no matter how advanced you are, you can't help a guy named Arale to wreak havoc and toss. It's a blessing in misfortune that the other party didn't have some serious accidents.


"I obviously helped them fix it!"

Arale stepped hard, stomped on the bulkhead, rushed towards Annie and protested loudly after rolling with the opponent.

"Wow! The slimy and dirty body is full of drinks, the mud will give me victory!!"


Annie doesn't want to get together with the other party now, especially after the other party has just finished eating, or after some other disgusting and bad games!

"Ala Lei, fortunately you can fix that engine. That's one of the reasons why they didn't throw you out of the universe! So, you are already very lucky. You know, if they do that, I will definitely not help. Yours!"


For a little guy who dared to dismantle the engine within two days of getting on the spacecraft, and had to follow him in the universe for two more days, Annie still has a little complaint! Because, things like dismantling the engine of a spaceship, but even her Queen Anne herself has never done it, and the guy Arale is now the first to board, that is really unreasonable!


(● ̄(??) ̄●)



"Woo... Sister Annie, be lighter, even if they are robots, their heads will hurt!!"

Arale, who hit the bulkhead on the other side and was bounced back, hugged her head and whimpered pitifully.

"Come on! Every time you take off your head, why don't you cry out?!"



"That's different!"

Arale protested loudly.

"That's the same!"



"Hey! Sister Annie, waiting like this is so boring, or...Shall we go out and play for a while?"

After staring at the other side fiercely for a short while, Arale couldn't hold back again, and came over again and pleaded with a shy face.

"No! You find someone else to go!"


Anne knows that those unlucky aliens are coming soon, so she chooses to continue to wait for the spacecraft now?

"Don't find it!"

"They have to bring that kind of oxygen equipment when they go out, so troublesome!"

Arale doesn't need to breathe oxygen when running into the universe, and neither does the amazing Miss Anne in front of her. Therefore, compared to those of King Pilaf, she obviously prefers to be with her Miss Anne.

"Whatever you want, I won't go outside to play with you anyway!"



"Then let's change one, let's not go out directly, let's use Viking fighters to fight?!"

After the purple eyeballs behind the pair of myopia glasses whirled for a while, Arale proposed another idea that she thought was more fun.



"Don't even think about it, you have broken a couple of fights in these days when you came to the universe! Anyway, I will definitely not mess with you!"


Annie said that she doesn't have many Vikings in stock now, so she still has to save a little.

"It's stingy..."

"That is obviously Sister Annie, you destroyed it yourself. If you just let someone out a little bit and don't launch so many cannons and Lanzel missiles, my Viking fighter won't necessarily be destroyed by you! "

Yes, in Arale’s impression, the two destroyed Viking fighters mentioned by the other party were really not destroyed by her. She was controlled by the cunning Miss Anne in the actual combat game. It was not all her fault that another Viking fighter was destroyed!

"Anyway, everything you say is useless!"

(*??︶??*).. .:*??


∑(??△`)? !

While talking, Annie suddenly stopped and looked at the porthole on one side, because she felt that those aliens, those bad guys who came to Earth seemed to have some bad plans, are now Rushing into the solar system at a very fast speed and is cutting into a certain orbit and slowing down.


"What's wrong, sister Annie, what are you looking at?!"

Seeing Miss Anne’s anomaly, Arale leaned forward to the porthole and looked out the window with her eyes wide open, but, unfortunately, except for the dark universe, dazzling sunlight and far away Outside of the twinkling stars, she seemed to see nothing?

"Toot~! Toot~! ’

'caveat! caveat! ’

‘The early warning detection system was triggered, and it detected that an unknown small man-made object was approaching at extreme speed. The track FD2020522, the standard speed 23.22, is moving at a uniform deceleration...

‘After testing, the target is a small man-made spherical object with a similarity of 99.99999999% to the standard reference object! ’

"Toot~! Toot~! ’

'caveat! ’

'caveat! ! ’

‘It has been found that the reservation is not good, the target trajectory has been calculated, the high-energy laser laser main gun is ready to charge, and the bombardment data is input...’

‘Data check is correct! ’

‘The main cannon is recharged! ’

‘The distance is 963014, the bearing is AG21, the PD52.6, the main gun salvo starts to count down...’

'Fives! ’

'four! ’

'three! ’

'two! ’

'One! ’

'emission! ! ’

Soon, when Little Annie was concentrating on locking something in the front of the car, when a certain little girl robot stared and wanted to see the alien spacecraft mentioned in the spacecraft announcement from the porthole, they were very Soon I felt the whole spacecraft vibrated slightly, and then I was immersed again, as if nothing happened.


"Sister Annie, I didn't see anything, where did the main gun go, and who is the enemy? Why didn't I see it?!"


Arale turned around angrily, and slammed it **** the bulkhead, and at the same time it made a huge vibration, and left a deep silver mark of her fist on it.

"It's normal not to see it!"


"Because space warfare is like this, calculating the enemy's trajectory and launching high-energy high-frequency laser cannons at a super long distance. Apart from the use of equipment, you will never feel or see the scene of the shooting hitting the enemy. !"


Of course, if the enemy has the ability to counterattack, maybe you can see the scene when you can feel the enemy hit your own warship?

Anyway, as Annie said, advanced cosmic warfare probably looks like this. It is bombarded from a very long distance. As long as you hit it, it will be over. If you want to see the enemy's end, you can only rely on optical visibility Or does the radar go forward regardless of danger?

But now, in their cabin, it is very good to be able to broadcast the voice broadcast at the bridge in real time. As for the optical image, it must be invisible.

"Then what's so fun about this?!"

Arale felt that he seemed to be deeply deceived! Fortunately, she thought that it would be fun to run into the universe to fight the enemy, but how could she think that it was just like this?

"You will know soon..."


Annie didn't explain to the other party, she just waited patiently.


(● ̄(??) ̄●)


Arale blinked, looked out the porthole of the spaceship, and then looked at a mysterious young lady. He didn't know what the other party was making.

But soon, without waiting for Arale to continue to ask Annie something, the announcement rang again:


‘Detection of shelling results...’

‘Target 1, Target 3, Target 4, Target 5 have been successfully destroyed, and the four aliens exposed in space have lost their vital signs...’

"Toot~! Toot~! ’

'caveat! caveat! ’

‘Target 2 spacecraft was injured and crashed to Mars. The impact point was calculated as (DB2341, XB56432). All combat units are requested to attack immediately! ’

'repeat! ’

‘All combat units are requested to strike immediately and kill the target! ! ’



Knowing in advance that the opponent is coming and ambushing and calculating the opponent's trajectory, so many main guns hit five targets under the control of the supercomputer and even missed all of them. For one of them, Annie didn't know how to comment on those useless soldiers under King Pilaf!

However, it's okay to miss one, in that case, she herself and Arale will finally have a chance to fight!


"Aha! Great! Those idiots missed a bad guy, hurry up! Sister Annie, hurry up, let's go to the hangar right now to clean up those bad guys!!"

After hearing the broadcast, Arale was stunned for a while, and then reacted violently, and eagerly grabbed Miss Anne, who didn’t know what she was thinking, and opened the hatch suddenly. Under the gaze of the soldiers under King Pilaf who were equally nervous, they didn't even wear combat uniforms, and directly floated and rushed in the direction of the hangar.

"Get out! Get out!"

"Don't get in the way, if you get in the way, you will be killed~!!!"

A little girl robot, Arale, who is holding her sister's hand tightly, hurriedly led the way and yelled indiscriminately, and her speed was so fast that many Pilaf were busy in front of her. After hearing the call, the officers and soldiers had to curse and evade in embarrassment.

‘! ! ’

'Oh! ’

'Be careful! ’

‘Wow! ! ’

‘Get out of here! ’

‘Paste the wall! Stick to the wall and stand, it will really hurt if you hit them! ’

‘Damn it! Are they crazy? ’

'Humph! ’



??????(??)?????????? Ask for a ticket??????(????`??)??????

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