Shadow Bear Tibbers’ Plane Journey

Chapter 1080: =????(???*) Alale, are you playing...

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Da~! Da~! Da~!

The double-mounted Gatling laser cannon of the Viking fighter is undoubtedly very fierce and terrifying. If it is an ordinary light unshielded warship or a siege tank or a unit of a swarm, it will be affected by those with powerful kinetic energy. If the solid electromagnetic aerial cannon hits the target, I am afraid that it would have been pierced and melted in the armor long ago.

Moreover, if you switch to a normal fighter, no matter how high the defense is and the armor is harder, under the continuous blow of this kind of kinetic energy cannon, even if there is nothing wrong on the outside, the internal organs will definitely be shattered into pieces or Broken!

However, for the combat power of 120,000, it can no longer be regarded as an ordinary creature to some extent, and those energies, those qi also provide him with a strong protection and buffer layer to a certain extent. In other words, the bullets fired violently can leave him with pits, cracks and dents on his battle armor and red marks on his lavender skin. many.

Originally, Captain Kinou wanted to rush to meet the opponent’s shooting force, and then directly pick out the two enemies from the two ridiculous fighters, so that the two little girls knew that the weapons they depended on were right. He has no effect at all for such a powerful high-energy creature, letting them know that it would be a costly idea to provoke him, Captain Kinou.

But what do you think...

Those cannons hit him, but it can't be said that there is no pain, nor can it be said that there is no threat at all! Because those are not ordinary small-caliber low-kinetic energy gunpowder weapons on the earth, they are large-caliber electromagnetic aerial guns!

Besides, there are some instruments and equipment on his face that he has to protect.

‘! ! ’

'Uh! ’

'hateful! ! ’

After rushing for a while, Kiny found that the humanoid fighter in front of him was firing fiercely at him, and the other little girl’s shot could be so accurate. Even if she was moving at high speed, the other side still let it be like The spilled large-caliber bullets constantly hit the combat strength tester, eyes, and simple breathing device on his face?

Therefore, there is no way. Under that degree of saturation blow, he did not want his eyes, combat strength tester, and the more deadly simple breathing device to be harmed in any way, so he gritted his teeth and cursed to himself, and quickly turned around. The direction of the offensive, ready to detour and outflank those enemies.

Da~! Da~! Da~!

But it is a pity that in the atmosphere of Mars, which is mainly composed of carbon dioxide, the traces of high-temperature projectiles that are almost visible to the naked eye are still unceasingly shooting towards Keanu's head and chest, even if he moves and dodges at high speed. It had no effect. The armguards of his hands that were protecting his head were hot and sore. It made him jump up and down and had to fly farther and farther. Finally, he had to avoid far away and hid in a distant stone mountain. Behind?

‘! ! ’

‘Damn it, it can be so difficult! ’

Never imagined that that deformed fighter plane that didn't look very good would make him so embarrassed?

Therefore, Captain Kinyu hiding behind the stone mountain was annoyed, and he would kill the two **** with a Qigong bomb and blow them directly to ashes... But, think about the Haikou that he just praised. He felt it was a bit cheaper to kill them just like that, so he couldn't help but hesitate a little.

clatter! clatter! clatter!

However, the Viking fighters controlled by Annie were still firing violently. The electromagnetic solid shells of the large-caliber cannons with powerful kinetic energy and penetrating ability directly hit the rocky mountain where Captain Kinyu was evaded. Peeling off and splashing and exploding, it seems that the whole rock mountain was broken directly with the aerial cannon, or it was made transparent?

'Humph! ’

‘Damn it, see how much ammo you have! ’

Captain Kinou felt that if it wasn't because the planet did not have an atmosphere to breathe, if his spaceship had crashed, or if he had and only this mask that could only maintain breathing for a short time, he would not care about it. The opponent’s blast had already rushed forward against the barrage to dismantle those weapons that only the weak could use and unearth the two stupid guys with only poor combat power of '1'.

Whoosh~! Whoosh~!

‘! ! ’

'Well? ! ’

‘What is that again? ’

Whoosh~! Whoosh~! Whoosh~!

It’s a pity that before Captain Kinyu was still entangled, and he hadn’t decided whether to directly destroy the two humanoid fighters with violence and qigong bombs, a large number of missiles suddenly flew in the sky. With a fast speed, he directly and deftly bypassed the mountain blocking him and pierced down towards him fiercely!

boom! boom!


boom! boom! boom!


Violent explosions, fireballs, heavy smoke, flying rubble, and small mushroom clouds began to skyrocket on this sandy plain of Mars, and instantly took Captain Kinou, who was avoiding Anne's machine guns. And the mountain that the other party used to avoid was all included.



"Hey! Arale! How can you shoot all the Lanzel missiles out?!"


After stopping her cannon shooting, Annie saw that the opponent used the kind of anti-ship missiles to hit individual targets at such a close distance, and also exploded the entire field into a misty atmosphere. Even the two of them were killed themselves. The continuous explosion and the small mushroom clouds that rose into the sky were included, and countless stones, flames, and shock waves hit the Viking fighter’s armor and shield sirens. I was very dissatisfied and yelled at some messy guy on the channel.

In Annie's view, to deal with individual targets or light ships or armored targets, use that kind of "Julang" type small missiles or special ammunition that can release subatomic monoliths and dual-wielding Ghats in the hands of human form Viking fighters. The forest cannon is almost the same. If those are useless, Lanzel's flying thunder is definitely not very useful, at most it only consumes the enemy's energy?

But now, let’s look at it. The opponent is better. At such a close distance, he directly used the Lanzel-type flying thunder against the giant battleship, and directly used that tactical fusion-type shield-breaking weapon to direct himself against the enemy. All of them exploded in, do you want to destroy the enemy or destroy yourself first?

And if it weren’t for the Viking fighter’s plasma shields to be strong, I’m afraid they would have been destroyed by the ‘Friends’ first, right?

"Didn't he hide behind the stone mountain?"

‘The cannon can’t be fired. It’s too dangerous to fly over. If you don’t beat it like this, how can you beat me? ! ’

Arale doesn’t think that there is anything wrong with doing this. You know, her greatest wish is to be able to launch Mimi missiles. However, the doctor and Miss Annie are not willing to put missiles in her body. Next, she can only play at this time.

"Isn't it dangerous for you to go crazy like this?"


"Forget it! People don't care about you, you are careful, he flew over, you must use this kind of explosive anti-ship missiles, you must use a weapon that specializes in dealing with high-energy bodies!!"


"So, Sister Annie, where are the weapons that specialize in dealing with high-energy bodies?"

It turned out that there was still that kind of weapon, and Arale was a little excited looking for it in her cockpit, completely ignoring Annie's reminder to her.

"No need to look for it, how could that kind of weapon Viking fighter be equipped with?!"


Annie said that for that kind of high-energy body, apart from direct bombardment with large naval guns and constantly weakening the opponent's energy (such as the tactics used by the Protoss to capture Diablo?), there are only ghost agents. The single-molecule light blade and the various types of psionic blades of the Protoss, those melee weapons that can almost ignore the shield and armor will be more effective.

But unfortunately, that kind of equipment is obviously impossible to be equipped on the main fighter of the Viking fighter, which is the main fighter of the ship attack and ground auxiliary support. No one will drive the Viking fighter to fight the enemy in any battle. Engage in hand-to-hand combat, because it is not a Gundam! !

"Why didn't you say it earlier?!"

After searching for a long time, Arale, who wasted a lot of time, has seen it on the radar. The red dot that represents the enemy has rushed to the two of them, but fortunately, the other party seems to have spotted it and just kept shooting with the machine cannon. With his sister Anne?

Therefore, she barely had enough time to react.

"You didn't ask just now..."




"Go away! Go away!"


clatter! clatter! clatter! clatter!

Amidst the smoke and fire, Anne of course also discovered from the combat radar of the Viking fighter that a red dot was rushing towards them at a very fast speed. Then, she didn't even think about it, she just went to the side. Using the four low-pressure bypass turbines on his feet to retreat in an emergency, he kept shooting at someone who was firmly locked in by his own perception.

Soon, when Annie flew high and quickly deformed and left the area covered by the flames and smoke formed by the explosion, she found that the guy who was still staring at her just now had to give up. I lost her, and turned towards Arale, who was still shrouded in smoke?

'Damn! ! ’

‘What does this radar alert mean? Huh? Red dot, is this the enemy? Why didn't he go after Sister Annie? ! ’

Arale couldn't be thankful for long, and soon fell into trouble again.

clatter! clatter! clatter! clatter! clatter!

'Wow! ! ’

'hate! Go away! People are not ready yet, you go to beat sister Annie first, she is much better than me, really! ! ’

'what! ! ’

‘I did it with you! Badass! ! ’

boom! boom! boom!

Soon, when Annie heard the hurried exclamation of the little guy Arale on the channel, what followed was the flustered blast of machine guns in the smoke-filled place below. There was a mess of explosions.

Obviously, it must be Arale who fired directly in panic and strafed indiscriminately and all of a sudden, the Viking fighters said that the "big waves" small missiles and subatomic shrapnel missiles carried by the Viking fighters against individual soldiers, light ships and light armored targets I will go out with a brainstorm!


You don’t have to think too much about Anne knowing that Arale’s doing like that will make the ground below and the surrounding environment more chaotic, which will be more conducive to the enemy’s advance and put the opponent in a very unfavorable danger. There is no additional use.

That is exactly a recruit, who can barely take advantage of the robot to drive and control the extremely complicated Viking fighter. With her Queen Anne, she has the'Super Ace' ``Never Fallen Fire Eagle''. "Battlefield Valkyrie" and so on, compared with the ace pilots with the title of bombing the sky, it is really far too far.

'Wow! ! ’

‘You bad guy, don’t touch my plane! ! ’


‘Are you still touching? ! ’

'Wow! I can't spare you, I fight with you...’

Immediately afterwards, Arale in the communication channel soon became silent.

Obviously, Arale’s Viking fighter, which should be her third toy, must have been damaged again! However, this time, it wasn't that Annie "accidentally" broke it when she was training with the other party. It was the alien, the ugly and ugly villain with horns on his head and no tail behind him. of.




When the Lanzel flying thunder and the missiles that had just been thrown out by Arales in one breath, the aftermath of the explosion gradually dissipated, and when the wind on Mars scattered the dust and smoke here, in the sky Annie, who continued to drive her Viking fighter circling and whizzing past, quickly discovered:

Below, Arale’s Viking fighter has been alive by some brutal force. The cockpit, two double Gatling electromagnetic cannons, and four bypass low-pressure turbines at the feet have been removed. It can only fall to the ground in a futile manner in a funny posture, motionless, looking miserable...

But fortunately, the alien with long horns seems to know a little bit of basic scientific common sense, and he doesn’t seem to dare to dismantle the large fusion reactor of the Viking fighter. Otherwise, now Annie can definitely see one of them. The terrible'Heimdall' triggered by the huge explosion and the light was completely shattered, right?

At this time, except for the kind of sand and Viking fighter planes that crumbled on Mars and on the rocky ground, not far away, standing on the ground staring at each other and facing each other is an angry little God. Lei and some alien Captain Keinu who was looking at her right hand in an unbelievable way.

'Humph! ’

‘Damn alien, you dare to break my plane, I’m sure I can’t spare you! ’

‘I have to break your horns off, and then give you a bad guy who is not obedient a few good shots! ! ’

Regarding the fact that the third Viking fighter that she had finally obtained from Miss Anne was damaged again, Arale expressed her sadness and indignation! Because, she thought she could play a little longer this time, but how could she think that she was completely destroyed by the enemy when she met the enemy, and pulled herself out of the cockpit?


'how is this possible? ’

Unlike Arale’s anger, at this time, the armor all over his body had a lot of broken and cracked pits and depressions. The skin looked dirty, and even many places had burn marks, but the face Captain Kinyu, whose breathing device and green combat effectiveness tester were extremely well protected, had an unbelievable look as if he had seen a ghost.

Because, he had just successfully caught the little girl, but in the end, the other party could easily push him away?

A poor creature with combat effectiveness and only a '1' can break free from the hands of his powerful Kinyut team captain with a full combat effectiveness of 120,000. This kind of thing, if not personally encountered, I am afraid He wouldn't even believe it if he said it out?

‘! ! ’

'Well? ! ’

Beep! Beep!

Suddenly, Captain Kinou, who was puzzled, quickly noticed some changes from the combat strength tester that he was wearing on his left ear and with green lenses in front of his left eye: The little girl in the distance, the scum with only a pitiful basic value of '1' in combat power, was constantly rising in the battle at this time?

‘! ! ’

‘It turned out to be like this, you have more than 10,000 combat power? ’

After a moment of stunned, Jinou reacted and nodded clearly.

No wonder, now he finally wants to understand!

It turns out that the little guy in front of me who originally thought that the combat power was only the poor ‘1’, turned out to hide his combat power, and would only be detected by the combat power detector during necessary battles?

'what? ’

‘You also have something that Sister Bouma has. Is there more than 10,000 fighting power? That's really good, much better than the little bald brother of Kulin and the green-skinned Uncle Bike! ’

Arale, who was planning to rush up to beat the opponent fiercely, suddenly looked at the small green lens on the opponent's face in surprise and asked excitedly.

Because she knew that in the house of the old villain of the immortal turtle, Uncle Bick, the most powerful green-skinned bug, only had more than two thousand combat power. As for the Kulin sirocco, it was even worse. It is said that Only a little bit more than a thousand is measured?

Therefore, when the other party said that he had more than 10,000 combat power, and seeing that the other party had the same thing as Sister Bouma, Arale felt that she should not be anxious to defeat the other party, but excitedly squeezed again. My fist, I want to let the other party continue to test myself.

'Hey! ’

‘Long-horned weird corn, you look at it now, how much combat power does people have now? ’

Do what you want, so Arale gritted his teeth and raised his two small fists like a show, wanting the other party to continue to test their combat effectiveness.

Because, when the Guixian was bad at the old man’s house, the hateful Bulma sister just tested it and stopped testing. She also said that the instrument was broken, and she said that her combat power was only more than 20, but she was still there. Some dissatisfaction and brooding!


Beep! Beep!

Seeing the string of numbers on the combat effectiveness tester in front of him, Jinou couldn't help but widen his eyes in a little astonishment...because he actually saw at this time, the number now went from more than 10,000 to the top quickly. Jumping, and only stopped temporarily because of the opponent's opening after a value that made him a little surprised?


'Humph! ’

‘Although it has more than 80,000 combat power, if it’s only like this, don’t think you can beat me! ! ’

Although I was a little curious that the other party did not explode any anger but had more than 80,000 fighting power, I felt a little unbelievable. However, Jinyu did not take the other party's words too much to his heart, because he had enough. With a combat power of 120,000, the opponent has a difference of more than 30,000 with him, and it is absolutely impossible to be his opponent!


‘You go to die now! ! ’

After that, I was worried that the other guy in the sky with a combat power of '1' was the same as the one in front of me. He was a guy with a combat power of tens of thousands. Worried that the other party would rush down and join hands against his Jinyu, so he waved his fist resolutely. , Towards the little girl with tens of thousands of fighting power in front, rushed at a speed invisible to the naked eye!

A little girl with more than 80,000 fighting power is definitely not his opponent, but if it is two little girls with more than 80,000, then he is a little troublesome...especially because he now has to rely on a ventilator to breathe. Life, and the opponent is exposed to this kind of unbreathable environment but there is no problem at all, he must make quick decisions!

As long as he defeated the little guy in front of him, even if the one in the sky was stronger, he wouldn't be too concerned.

"Drink~! ’

Go to hell! ! !

When the little girl with a fighting capacity of tens of thousands was about to say something, the speed was extremely fast, and Jinyu, who had made up his mind to go all out, rushed to the front of the opponent in an instant, and went high. Raising his fist, he swiped the opponent's chin with a hard punch.

Bang! !


‘! ? ’

Then, to his surprise, Captain Kinou found that the opponent was completely unprepared, and asked him to hit the opponent’s innocent, innocent and cute little head with thick glasses with just one punch. Flew out? !

clang! !


'Uh? ! ’

However, without waiting for Keanu to chuckle or figure out what was going on, he only felt that his chest was being severely kicked by the opponent, and then he only felt a great force coming from his chest. When his battle armor instantly cracked and left a deep small footprint, he felt that his chest was impacted by a huge force, and then almost stared out at the same time, he flew towards the back and fell out... …

'Damn! ’

‘The big thing is not good, my head was blown away again...’

Arale, whose head was knocked off by the opponent accidentally, hurriedly stumbled with her headless body in the direction where her head was flying high. She staggered and ran away, and at the same time, her head that was falling in a circle on the surface of Mars in the distance also exclaimed in bluffing.

'Humph! ’

‘It turned out to be a robot! Never let you have any chance again! ! ’

After finally stabilizing his body, and looking at the terrible dent on his chest with a little astonishment, and after swallowing several mouthfuls of blood that he was about to vomit, Captain Kinou accelerated again and rushed forward.

No wonder, just now, he was a little surprised why the other party’s apparently terrestrial life form can move normally in the atmosphere of this planet, and even thought that the other party’s actions in the cabin were just ridiculous little tricks to try to deceive him. That's it... But as a result, the other party is really a robot?

Therefore, Jinyu, who was in a daze, planned to rush over before the robot with more than 80,000 combat capabilities found her own head, planning to completely destroy the opponent’s body that was out of sight and then destroy it. She lost her body, and then the head without any resistance!

‘! ! ’

‘Asshole? ! ’

Jinyu, who had not rushed far, had to stop urgently and stretched out his arms to cover his face and head.

clatter! clatter!

Da~! Da~! Da~!

Because, at this time, a certain abominable aircraft in the sky swooped down and fired accurately at the breathing apparatus on his face and the glaring part of his eyes, and shot down many hot electromagnetic solid cannon shells?

'hateful! ’

‘Go to death for me! ! ’


Seeing that the other party would make trouble for himself every time at a critical moment, Jinou was furious and a little frightened. He didn't want to be besieged by two little girls with more than 80,000 combat effectiveness, so he hit a Qigong bomb. The Viking fighter that had been making troubles roaring in the sky blasted at high speed, and firmly locked the opponent with its line of sight. The qigong bomb that planned to control itself would give the troublemaker in the sky. Let's shoot down.



However, Annie only calmly transformed in the air and used the bullet nest on the shoulder of the Viking fighter who turned her head to launch a Lanzel flying thunder, and let it quickly drag the blue tail flame towards it. The Qigong bomb slammed into it.

Boom~! !

In the next instant, intense fire and shock waves entrained dense smoke and strong winds swept across the Martian sky, instantly turning this area into a desert **** scene like flying sand and rocks!

The shock wave generated by the Lanzel-type flying thunder blast specifically for various large shields and the band explosion against the energy field shield of the plasma, it is natural to directly detonate the Qigong wave of Jinu and easily. Resolve it.

"mock up!"


Seeing that Arale’s figure was once again obscured by explosions and heavy smoke, and seeing that the fool who could only use his eyes and the combat power detector to lock the target lost the target in a short time, Annie deformed again. , After transforming the posture of the combat aircraft, it whistled and flew high into the air.

After all, when her Queen Anne was driving a fighter plane, she was awarded the title of the "Never Fallen Fire Eagle", and the attack by the other party was indeed very powerful, far from relying solely on dimension. Jing fighter's armor and plasma shield can resist, but when the pilot is her, it is not so easy for the opponent to shoot down.

'what! ’

‘My head is finally found! ’

At this time, Arale in the distance finally found her head, and placed it on it with a ‘click’, while cheering loudly.

For Arale, who often plays to take off his head to scare others, or pull it down to kick the ball, using a headless body to find his head and press it on again is not too difficult to accomplish. , She was already very proficient in this.

'Humph! ! ’

‘With more than 80,000 combat power, even if you join forces, don’t even want to defeat me! ! ’

Seeing that fighter plane whizzing away again at high speed, for the time being, he didn’t intend to chase that annoying guy, whose flying speed was not much slower than when he was flying at full strength, Jinyu, once again moved towards the one just ahead of him. The little girl with the head robot rushed over.

‘Turn me to pieces, **** robot! ! ’

The other party still stayed on the spot without evasive, making Jinou who rushed to the front of him stunned. Then, of course, he was not going to waste his energy to attack anymore, but directly punched him. An attack with a full combat power of 120,000 hits the opponent's head again.

This time, he believed that the head of the little girl robot in front of him could be broken into a pile of metal fragments and the opponent’s body was dismantled, so that it could no longer move, and completely turned into a pile of gradually on this broken planet. Garbage that decays over time!

puff! !

There was a muffled sound...

‘? ? ? ’

'impossible! ! ’

Captain Kinou couldn’t believe that little girl robots with only more than 80,000 combat powers could easily block their full-strength punch with a thin white hand. How could such an outrageous thing be possible? ? !

Beep! Beep!



Soon, the green combat strength tester worn by Jinou's eyes, and the beating number on it, solved some doubts for him. Because, at this moment, he actually saw...The number above is no longer the previous value of only over 80,000, but does not know when it has become a little more than the current one?

That is to say, he is now wearing a brand new combat power detector. If it is the old model, I am afraid, it has already been actively overloaded and exploded because the detected combat power is too large?

'Do not……'

‘How, how is it possible? ! ’

Kinho couldn't believe that the little girl robot in front of him who looked so ordinary, the ridiculous guy who had just been knocked out by his own fist, had such a high combat effectiveness, even better than theirs. That King Frieza in the normal state is no different? !

'what! ’

‘Are you finished? Now, it's people's turn to fight! ’


Arale, who was holding Jinyu's fist, suddenly took a step forward. While humming, he slammed his foot on the back of the opponent's instep!

‘! ! ’

A cold breath and intense pain hit the forehead directly from the sole of the foot in an instant, so that Captain Kiny almost didn't bite his tongue directly!

‘Aha! ’


Immediately afterwards, Arale slammed his head against the opponent's stomach once again. That brain hammer pretended that Captain Kinou almost didn't spit out his own overnight meal, but there were many red and green things. Somehow he stained his respirator.

‘I killed you! ! ’

However, Arale’s attack did not end there. She stepped on the opponent's foot, bumped the opponent, and after making the opponent bow her body subconsciously, she opened her mouth wide, and directed at the opponent with a vicious bite. He was bitten by the wrist of the fist he was holding!

Of course, children like to open their mouths and bite people when they fight, and although they claim to be 13 or 4 years old, in fact, their mental age is only 3 or 4 years old at most. She still likes to play poo, even if she is stronger than the enemy. Desire and impulse to bite must be indispensable.

‘! ! ’

‘Wow! ! ’

'hateful! You guy, die to me! ! ’

boom! ! !

After being stepped on, bumped, and bitten by the opponent, Jinyu was furious and directly used the palm of his other hand to blast a large amount of energy toward the opponent's small body. wave!

Rumbling rumbling...

The explosion sounded one after another. Under the anger and injury, he felt that his fist was still being held by the opponent, so he didn’t need money, and constantly bombarded forward with strong energy and energy, and used it again. The strength of his own individual produced a more exaggerated explosion than the effect of the two opposing fighters bombed just now.


'call! call! ’

Finally, after the last huge explosion, after Kinho felt that something was burning in front of him, the large and uneven Martian sandy area in front of him had already been shot out by him. Yes, a huge fan-shaped pit with a radius of tens of miles...

'call! ’

'call! ’

'what! Damn it now? ’

I don’t know when the strong Martian wind blows away the smoke and dust caused by the explosions in front of Jinou, and then Jinou only saw that in front of him, the little girl just now was completely gone. All that was left was the small, white-looking robotic arm that the opponent was still holding on to his fist.

'Well? ’

‘Damn it! Why is it so tight...’

Feeling that the other party was dead, Jinu gradually relaxed, and planned to tear off the robotic arm in his hand, because he knew that there was another little girl who needed him to deal with, and it was not that he could dance a dance. And celebrate the victory.

However, he soon found embarrassingly that he was already very hard, but why couldn't he pull off that **** arm? !

‘! ! ’

'not good! ! ’

Huh! !

Suddenly, Jinou felt something wrong behind him, and before he could figure it out or turn around, he only found that his back was hit by a huge force again?


In the next second, he staggered, only feeling a sharp pain in the lower back, and the lumbar spine was almost not directly broken, at the same time, he had to roll and fly out with the strength of the opponent, and fell severely. In the huge fan-shaped pit he had just punched out, he rolled dozens of times before he barely stopped.

Huh! Huh! Huh!

'who is it? ! ’

When he stood up in a hurry, he could no longer take down the lingering arm from his fist, and was about to see who attacked him, he actually saw a familiar one-arm. The figure strode funny steps, rushed to him in large strides, and rushed into his arms viciously, and jumped and bumped his head toward his chest?

Boom! ! !


With a muffled noise, Jinou tumbled and flew out again...

Then, when he slowly recovered from the severe pain in his chest and lower back, he realized that he was already lying on the ground, and a little girl did not know when he had stepped on his back. And grabbed a horn on his head with her only hand left?


After that, Jinou only felt the opponent's small hand holding the horns on his head slightly harder, and he only heard a crisp sound...

‘! ! ’

Obviously, his handsome horns, which are similar to those of King Frieza, and also represent the status and status, were really broken by the other party?

After that, Jinyu, who felt extremely humiliated, just instantly rounded his eyes, completely ignoring the sharp pain on his head and the blood flowing down that blurred his eyes...

‘! ! ’

‘Uh ah ah! ! ! ’

It didn’t take long for Kinho to make another terrible cry, which made the people who heard it couldn’t help but cry with terrible cold...

Of course, it wasn't because the other horn on his head was brutally broken by a little girl, but because that **** little girl, that robot, actually smashed his horns. To his ass?

‘Hey! ’

‘Nurse sister has given an injection, don’t let it hurt! ! ’

Arale was obviously dissatisfied with the other party's screams, so when she was angry, she used force again and directly pulled out the other party's horns, ready to pierce the other side's **** again. , Just like those nurse sisters in the hospital did.

Although, the ‘needle’ in her hand was snapped off the opponent’s head, maybe a little bit thicker?


'go to hell! ! ! ’

Rumbling rumbling...

However, Arale did not have the opportunity to strike again, because, in addition to pain, anger, despair, and extreme humiliation, Captain Kinou directly exploded with all his energy and residual qi, causing him and a certain person on his back. The little girl was directly involved in a terrifying explosion of energy like a tactical fusion blow...

'call! ’

'call! ’

The dust in the sky and the blood that couldn't help dripping from his forehead have gradually confused Captain Kinho's eyes. The excessive burst of energy and qi also caused his physical strength to gradually fall to the bottom, even the breathing device he was wearing. The oxygen in the room has reached a dangerous value, but now that he is dazzled by anger, he doesn't care about it at all. He just wants to find the nasty robot, and then break the opponent into a bunch of pieces. , And burned into an iron ball!

He knew that the other party was not dead, she must have been hiding at a critical time...

'hateful! ’

‘Never forgive you...’

Kinho, who was covered in blood, slowly straightened up. Soon, after the ashes were gradually dispersed by the Martian wind, he found that the little girl was still standing not far away with a grin. The circular explosion crater they are in is in the middle, and it seems that there is no big problem at all?


‘! ! ’

'Well? how? ’

At this time, Kinho, who was filled with grief and anger, had already forgotten the threat from the sky, so his protection of his head was also slow. When he reacted and heard the whistling sound of a nasty fighter, he It's too late.

clatter! clatter! clatter!

clatter! clatter! clatter! clatter!

'what? ! ’

The **** Viking fighter dived down again and opened fire!

Then, under the sneak attack of a little girl, Annie, which had been brewing for a long time, the electromagnetic aerial cannon shells that arrived at a high speed finally managed to accumulate and fired onto Kinyu’s head, which caused him to stagger and roll. While falling to the ground, he also broke his breathing apparatus, exploded the combat power detector on his left eye, and even successfully cracked his left eye to burst more blood. Go straight and swell up instantly?

‘Wow! ! ’

'hateful! You are dead, I will destroy this planet and let you all die! ! ’

Keanu finally decided to break out, and he was cruel, even if it was death, even if it was the same, he would kill the nasty guys who always humiliated him and beat him so embarrassed for the first time!


When he was about to gather energy and destroy this **** planet, he was taken aback for a moment, and the energy and energy brewing in his hands quickly dissipated...because he found another one at this time. Horrible fact!

'bad! ! ’

‘No! I can’t breathe, I’m going to die...’

Kinho's heart trembled, and soon, he couldn't care about counterattack or anything else. He just subconsciously covered his nose and mouth, and flew directly, intending to find the gathering he just discovered. A city with a large number of low-level combat life forms, because only there can he ease the dilemma he is facing now.

However, the respirator was broken right now, and life and time had left him every second. He was bleeding from the left eye and the root of a horn that had been snapped abruptly. He quickly realized that the situation seemed to be better. What he imagined is even worse?

‘Damn it! ’

‘The city where life gathered just now, I forgot where it is...’

At this moment, Keanu, who was flying in mid-air, just looked around in vain, and felt that endless despair gradually enveloped him.

Because now he seems to not only be able to defeat two **** enemies, especially the **** little robot girl, but also, what’s more terrifying is that when he can’t breathe, he can’t hold on for long. It's so dying. After the fierce battle just now, he didn't even know the city full of life that he had detected before, and the place where he could find oxygen for breathing and lingering breath. Where is it...

‘Asshole! ’

Therefore, now that he has absolutely no other way, he should only be able to use that trick!

That **** little girl, but a body with 180,000 combat power up, even though it is a robot, it does not seem to be tall and mighty enough, but no matter what, is it better than dying by breathing failure?

and so……

‘You’ll find out soon that I am the one who wins! ’

With one last breath, Captain Kinou gritted his teeth abruptly before he was healthy and weak, lifted his last strength, and activated his clan's special function, causing a strong light to rush to the ground at the speed of light. He raised his head and looked at him, seeming to be the little girl robot Arale waiting to see his jokes, and succeeded in making the other party have no room to escape and was shrouded in a strong golden beam of light by his magical special ability. inside……

'Eh? ! ’

‘Did you just do something interesting? ’

Arale was really puzzled about the fact that the other party had just irradiated herself with golden light that had no damaging ability, because she had no idea what the other party was doing like that.

'Hey! ’

‘Hurry up and return your arm to me, otherwise, be careful I throw you a stone! ! ’

I looked at my body and then at the other party. I felt that there was nothing wrong with Arale. He leaned over and picked up a brown stone from the surface of Mars, and faced the hateful, flying one in the sky. The guy threatened.

Don’t think it’s great that the other party can fly. Arale said that for her who can throw things directly on the moon, it’s not impossible to hit the opponent with a rock. She used to use baseball to hit birds or throw them into trees. When you’re in the honeycomb, you can hit it right!

‘! ! ’


"How, how could..."

Captain Kinho widened his eyes. He had just exhausted his last strength and wanted to change to the breathless and extremely powerful body of the robot Arale, but he didn't think that he saw after the supernatural function was activated. But it's still his own body?

Captain Kinou didn't expect it at all, because robots have no souls, plus the protection of Arale's magic by Anne, so he just failed in his last attempt to comeback.

'you guys……'

‘It’s not fair...’

Bang~! !

As the breathing gradually exhausted, as the strength gradually went with the wind, finally, Captain Kinyu, who could no longer maintain the dance art, fell to the Mars with a sigh of disbelief. After Sha Shuo and the gravel ground smashed into the air, he could no longer stand up.

'Eh? ’

'falling down? Great! ! ’

Seeing that the opponent had fallen off before he started, Arale rushed towards the opponent when he was excited.

Because, the arm she gave up on her own initiative is still holding on to the opponent's fist. She is going to take it back and press it on now, but it can't be broken or broken by the opponent.


"Help, help..."

Finally, after seeing a little girl ran up to him and took the white and tender robot arm from her right fist and placed it on the other's shoulder, Kinho turned purple (although he was originally Just purple stretched out two fingers, grabbed each other's shoes and pleaded.

He now feels that he is going to die soon, and he just wants to survive, really can't take care of other things.

'Eh? Are you planning to give up? ’

Arale tilted her head and thought for a while, then she squatted over to the opponent's head that was lying on the dirty surface of Mars and was beaten up by herself and asked curiously.



Kinho's eyes widened, his mouth wide open and he breathed in vain. The main component in the Martian atmosphere is carbon dioxide, followed by nitrogen, argon, and a small amount of low-pressure air composed of oxygen and water vapor. , However, that completely prevented his body from standing up again, and on the contrary made his consciousness more blurred, even his vision became tranced, and even the little girl's figure was not real.

‘How to save? ’

‘I don’t know how to do it at all, are you going to continue to give you injections? ’

Looking at the eye of the needle with blood dripping on the other side's butt, Arale thought for a while, and felt that that method was not very reliable.


Captain Kinho couldn't even move his fingers at this time, and his strength was getting farther and farther away, making him like a fish out of the water.

'Oh! ’

"It turned out to be that way, but I don't have oxygen..."

Arale was stunned, and after tangling a bit, he gave the other side such a cruel result.

'correct! Sister Annie, do you have oxygen there? ! ’

However, at this time, a certain Viking fighter in the sky has changed its form and slowly landed. Therefore, Arale, who thought that the other party might have a way, asked an Mengmeng sister Anne who opened the cockpit. Tao.



"Ah! When I just opened the cockpit, the oxygen leaked out. It seems that people forgot to turn off the oxygen valve..."




(For some two messy little girl partners, Tibbers expressed inability to do anything, and silently mourned someone who had just been beaten by them and was about to die.)


At this time, gradually, due to the long-term loss of breathing oxygen, Captain Kinho, the top general under Frieza, turned his eyes after hearing the fact that another little girl had made him extremely desperate. He couldn't hold on anymore and went into a coma.

‘Yeah! ’

‘Sister Annie, look, I beat him! Convert mine, right? ’

Kicked the opponent with his foot, and found that although the opponent was not dead, but at this time he was motionless, Arale hurriedly said to Miss Annie who jumped from the cockpit of the Viking fighter.


(ˉ▽ ̄~) Cut~~

"Not because I helped you?"


Annie felt that if she hadn't just smashed the other party's ventilator, she would have been playing for a long time now, right? After all, Arale can't fly, and if the opponent underestimated the enemy and was disrupted from the beginning, or if Arale's appearance seemed too confusing, things might not be what it is now.

Of course, this is actually because Queen Anne herself didn't plan to intervene too much in this battle of Arale.

"Sister Annie..."

‘Then what about him? Let him die here, this looks so pathetic...’

Arale thinks that this guy in front of her is very funny, not the same as the animals she used to play with, so she doesn't want the other party to die so easily... At least, how many times should she play more?



"Forget it! Let's take him back and give that Lord Pilaf a little bit of pride, right?"


After thinking about it, Annie quickly came up with a solution that was not a solution, and planned to save the alien called Keanu back.

'Eh? ’

'good idea! ! ’

Arale raised her hand and cheered, agreeing to take this guy back as a prisoner, and then find a chance to ask the Lord Pilaf for benefits.


(● ̄(??) ̄●;)



Slowly driving back to Earth on this awkward-looking spacecraft, King Pilaf never thought that he could only use Plan B to kill the terrible thing that can only be killed by a large-scale nuclear bomb and hydrogen bomb on Mars. The aliens in, are now caught alive by two little girls, and then dragged them to him abruptly?


However, looking at the alien who had been beaten so embarrassed, even had one of his horns broken, his whole body was covered with scars, and his **** seemed to be badly hurt, he didn't know what to do for a while. To deal with it.

"According to your lord, or..."

"Kill it?"

Lord Pilaf, the boss of the earth and king, thought for a while, and felt that he had a lot of dreams in the night, so he quickly suggested to a little girl with a shy face.

You know, he has only ruled the earth for a little more than ten years. He has just maintained the order of the earth and worked hard to develop technology, economy, and culture. But what do you think, those aliens actually want to take over his skin? King Raf’s planet, so how can he bear it? !

"Arale, what do you think?"


Annie was noncommittal, just turned her head and asked Arale to the side.

After all, this guy was defeated by the opponent and pulled back, so after hearing the plan of King Pilaf, she still wanted to ask the other party's opinion on what to do.

"It's too cruel to kill. Or, let's just throw him into the sun, right?"

Arale thought for a while, and suddenly, seeing the dazzling sun outside the porthole, she suddenly thought of a good idea.

"I agree!"

King Pilaf quickly stood up on his throne and raised his hand in agreement.

‘! ! ’

‘No, two adults, please bypass me! ’

‘Master Pilaf, I really know I was wrong! ’

‘Please bypass me this time. I was actually forced by Frieza. There is no good way for our Kinyut team...’

Hearing that these people were still going to kill after they had rescued them, they were **** by some weird thing. There was no way to resist, and he didn't dare to resist, so he knelt down and pleaded.



Annie didn't understand. What's the difference between throwing the opponent into the sun and killing him directly? It might as well throw the opponent directly on Mars!

"Forget it!"


"People should give them to the protoss. I believe the protoss must be very interested in studying such high-energy creatures!"


After an evil glance at the Captain Kinho, Annie opened a portal.

She is not worried that the Protoss will not be able to detain this guy, because, as powerful as the **** **** of Diablo, they are all captured and imprisoned in jail. You can't die!

‘! ! ’

'Do not! ! ’

‘Lord Frieza will not let you go! You wait for me, he will definitely do it for us... Ah! ! ! ’

However, before the threatening words of Captain Kinou could be finished, he was thrown directly into the portal, and after only a scream came from inside, there was no more sound.

"Sister Annie, who will King Frieza be?"

Arale obviously didn't know who the Frieza King the other party said would be, so, like a curious baby, she asked strangely.

"do not know!"


"Maybe it's a guy similar to King Pilaf?"


Anyway, they are all ‘kings’, so Annie never thought of going to find out who Frieza was, or not, because she never cared about trivial things.


"Ah like that, then there is nothing to worry about!"

Arale blinked her purple eyes behind her thick lenses, and glanced at the short, blue-skinned guy with a funny round hat and equated a certain Frieza king with the other person. After that, he nodded and stopped doing more.


May 24th, Eleventh Year of Pilav Era...

King Pilaf led the Earth Expeditionary Force to lay a net outside the orbit of Mars. After suffering heavy casualties, he finally succeeded in setting up an ambush and killing all the members of the Kinyut team, and won a brilliant victory in the Earth Defense War!


??????(??)?????????? Ask for a ticket??o(??▽`)o

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