Shadow Bear Tibbers’ Plane Journey

Chapter 1082: (??ω??) I have seen a lot of Jian Niang, have I seen Jian Nan...

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After all, the earth is revolving around the sun all the time and rotating from west to east around the axis of rotation at the same time. Therefore, on the earth, the time is different in every place, which is what the earth needs Is it necessary to divide time zones?

So, on the island of the immortal turtle, before they felt that the sky hadn't started to light up, the time was indeed the hottest of the day in the area where the universe king Frieza and his spacecraft landed. In the afternoon!

Beep! Beep!


‘Lord Frieza! ’

'The fighting power of the people on Earth doesn't seem to be very high. The guy who is flying towards here now has a fighting power of about 3,000 or so. I don't understand how the Kinyut team and Vegeta idiots died. In the hands of this inferior race? ’

With a combat power of 22,000, Dodoria, this short, fat, and at the same time very ugly and cruel Frieza entourage, presses a button of the new combat power detector that he wears on his left ear and finds that there are only five reluctantly. After the guy who was pretty eye-catching was flying here, he couldn't help being a little strange and flattering, and said to King Frieza who hadn't ordered all his subordinates to scatter and kill all the humans on this planet.

In the past, none of the gang of Keinute’s team could afford to look at him, Dodalia, and his eyes were slanted when he looked at him, but now, he can finally scold them in front of King Frieza. A group of idiots don't have to worry about being retaliated afterwards.


Frieza sitting on a suspended spherical flying seat did not speak. He just sat slantingly on top, letting his pink and purple tail hang naturally, and then his arm propped his cheek. There was a wicked smile at the corner of his mouth, and he didn't know what he was thinking.


In fact, Frieza had never cared about the inexplicable death of Vegeta’s Saiyan’s last remnant and the complete destruction of the Kinyut team, even if Kinyut’s combat effectiveness tester reported some important feedback. Information is the same!

Because what he cares about now is obviously something else, something more important to him.

‘! ! ’

‘Lord Frieza, they are finally here! ! ’

After waiting for a while, after seeing the sudden number on his combat strength tester, the green-haired, blue-skinned, female-to-male Sabo, one of Frieza’s capable officers, has a regular combat power of 23,000. The alien also took a step forward and walked to Frieza's side to remind.

‘Look! ’

‘The green-skinned person is a Namek, and this earth also has Dragon Ball! Now do you need your subordinates to immediately send out the elite fighters under us to let them go out to collect dragon **** and destroy all the people on earth? ’

Looking at the people on Earth who flew in front, especially the Namek who was wearing a white headscarf and a white cloak, Sabo was a little surprised to face the silent Vulture sitting in the aircraft. King Lisa asked in a low voice.

'Do not! ’

‘On Namek, it’s because you idiots killed all the Namek people, that's why Dragon Ball completely turned into a pile of tattered stone balls...’

"So this time..."

Frieza would never admit that at that time, he was actually accidental. After gathering all the dragon balls, he lost his mind. A qigong wave killed the fighting-type Namik and the great elder before finally causing the dragon ball to become one. He piled up useless broken stones...Anyway, he learned his lesson this time and decided to himself that he would never do the stupid things that he did when he was with Namek until he accomplished his purpose!

‘Listen to me carefully! ’

‘Before I gather the dragon **** and make a wish for immortal life, you are not allowed to kill any of you, especially the green-skinned Namek in front, do you understand? ’

Although I don’t know what is the connection between Dragon Ball and Killing the Namek, or whether there is any connection with killing the entire planet, but anyway, this time, he will be a little more cautious, absolutely Will not allow any mistakes or accidentally kill those who shouldn't be killed!

At least, before he collects all the dragon **** and realizes his wish of immortality, he will not easily go to kill him?

'Yes! ’

‘! ! ’

'understand! ’

‘Yes! ! ’

After Frieza murmured his decision, Dodalia and Sapo beside him, as well as elite fighters with different fighting strengths and different races, who were wearing battle uniforms behind him, shouted loudly. Promised.


"Bik! Yamucha! Tianjin rice and dumplings, are you all here?"

Kulin, who flew here with Gohan, saw that Piccolo and Tianjin Fan had both arrived here, and he greeted them with some relief.

Although the enemy is terrible, it is so terrible that it almost makes him unable to resist too much courage. At the same time, he also knows that waiting for someone to come here is tantamount to dying... However, if you can share this difficult time with your companions It seems that life and death is also a good choice?

Anyway, Kulin knew that Wukong was dead, and he could cultivate normally after he arrived in the underworld, he could also speak, and he had the same emotions and sorrows as a living person, so if he waited for someone to die today, wouldn't he be unacceptable?


However, Piccolo ignored Kurin's greetings, but frowned and stared at the front man who could not stop the impulse to turn around and run away, the evil fellow headed by just looking at him!

"Uncle Pic!"

"That guy, he should be Frieza! It's all the evil alien Saiyans and the leader of the Kinuite team!!"

With a calm face and clenched fists, Gohan was next to Piccolo, pointing to the hemispherical floating seat that the other party had been staring silently at. He was still holding his chin, looking careless. The horn little monster said.


Piccolo just responded casually, and then stopped talking.

Because he saw that, in the distance, the group of aliens standing majesticly in front of the huge spaceship, the ugly aliens who were short and fat with sharp horns on their heads. I didn't know that after talking to that Frieza, he walked toward them with a grinning smile.


‘I found out, the most powerful combatants on your planet should be here, right? ’

"Now, you all listen to me, the great King Frieza just said: As long as you take the initiative to hand over your dragon **** on earth and the murderer who killed the Kinuite team, we will show mercy and let Your earth and you earth people will live longer?"

Duo said with a cruel sneer to Leah.

In fact, if it weren’t for the need to collect Dragon Balls, and there are so many cities and villages on earth, with a population of hundreds of millions, it’s far from the Namikes who only have three or two cats, and there are only less than ten broken planets in the village. If you can compare them, they killed off long ago and searched for Dragon Ball by themselves.

And once they waited until they obtained the Dragon Ball and made their wish, allowing King Frieza to obtain the immortality, then, based on his understanding of King Frieza, the last thing waiting for the earth and the earthlings in front of him was completely killed. Apart from annihilation, the entire planet being shattered into dust and becoming dust in the universe, there will never be a better end.



After a shock, Kulin, Piccolo, Yamucha, Tianjinfan and others looked at each other in amazement.

They never expected that the opponent came for Dragon Ball... They even thought that the opponent was actually here to avenge the Saiyans and the guys of the Kinyut team!

'how about it? ’

‘It looks like you should know Dragon Ball, right? ’

'well! Please hand in the Dragon Ball now. We will leave as soon as we get it. Everyone will assume that nothing has happened. What do you think of this suggestion? ’

From the faces of the low-powered Earth warriors present, it is not difficult for Dodoria to judge: Those guys in the distance must know the existence of Dragon Ball!

Then, what he has to do next is simple, nothing more than coercion and temptation, using relatively simple means to get the dragon **** that King Frieza asked to get at all costs, or get the whereabouts of those dragon balls. That's it.


"very sorry……"

"I'm afraid it won't work, we can't give you those dragon **** right now!"

Seeing that his companions did not speak, and even Piccolo had no intention to speak, he had no choice but to bite the bullet and take a few steps forward, which represented the terrible things the companions present and the people on earth gave to those aliens. The guys replied.

'Oh? ’

‘So, do you want to die? ! ’

Seeing that the other party was as uncooperative with those die-hard Namek, Dodalia suddenly sank, staring at the little bald earth human who had a fighting power of more than a thousand, not even his own fraction. Said with a sneer and walked forward step by step.


"It is Dragon Ball that will regain its abilities in a few months, but we have already said that we will use Dragon Ball to resurrect our companion, Monkey King!"

"If you want Dragon Ball, can you wait two years later?"

In the case that it is really impossible to beat, it seems that there is nothing great to give the opponent Dragon Ball?

So Kulin felt that the other party would have to wait anyway, so just wait a year longer. After they resurrected Wukong, they would definitely give the opportunity to the next Dragon Ball and wishing to those who knew they were not good people. The bad guys! Or, if they all work hard for two more years, maybe they have a chance to beat each other?

Especially Wukong, it is said that the opponent has reached a certain level of being very powerful because of the cultivation of Lord Realm King until now.

'Ah! Wait two years? next time? ’

Dodoria, who was walking forward step by step, suddenly stunned.

'is it? ’

‘I think, I understand...’

Boom! !

Dodoria suddenly sank, and then rushed forward. He turned his face when he said that he turned his face. He punched the Cullin who was talking to him and was on guard and flew out sideways, and made Cullin roll over. After a long ravine was plowed on the ground, he barely stopped, and then lay there motionless, covered in blood.


"Uncle Culin!!"

Monkey King exclaimed, and hurriedly rushed towards Kulin, who had rolled behind and lay on the ground and stopped moving, trying to check the opponent's injuries.


Seeing the other party's picture, Piccolo, who knew that the other party would definitely not give up, gritted his teeth. After bursting out of his whole body, he waved his fists and claws fiercely, and rushed to it in a very short time. In front of the opponent, he slammed down on the ugly head of the opponent.

This move, as long as it hits, the opponent will have to be beaten to the head by him, or even brain cracked! !


puff! !

Piccolo's hand easily patted the opponent's forehead, but the originally expected blood flow or brain cracking did not happen at all. Instead, he was immediately caught by the opponent's wrist, and then It's so stalemate, why can't you fight, and you can't advance or retreat for a while?

‘Good! ’

‘The combat power suddenly rose to nearly 4,000, and it made my forehead a bit uncomfortable to shoot... But you are still too far away! ! ’

With a sneer, seeing the other three guys behind the opponent with a combat power ranging from one thousand to two thousand rushing up, Dodalia was avoiding the opponent's strength without waiting for the Mekker in front of him to resist. Shen kicked, and at the same time, his body quickly pressed into the opponent's arms and stretched out his hand to fiercely toward the opponent's neck!

Bang! !

There was a muffled sound, and then Piccolo fell to the ground with his eyes rounded and crooked, convulsing, unable to speak or stand up.

‘And you guys! ! ’

‘Humph! Stupid earthlings, you don't know at all, what kind of existence are you talking to, and dare to bargain? ! ’

After the two opponents were cleaned up in an instant, the many pairs of Leah who were eager to perform in front of King Frieza never gave Sabo or others a chance, and quickly turned into an afterimage, the speed was instantaneous. It appeared behind Tianjin Fan, Yamu Tea and Dumplings.

Immediately afterwards, when Monkey King saw that Kulin seemed to be nothing serious, when he turned his head again, all he saw were the embarrassed figures of his companions lying softly on the ground.


Suddenly, Uncle Bick, Tianjin Fan, Yamucha, and dumplings, plus Uncle Kurin next to him, all fell down. This made me just want to try to see if everyone can work together to defeat the grandson of Frieza. Gohan's eyes rounded and his mouth opened instantly.

He didn't expect that only one of Frieza's subordinates would have the power to instantly destroy them, the strongest on earth? !

'Do not worry! ’

‘You should be grateful for this, because the benevolent King Frieza has just explained that you cannot kill any of you on earth until you get the dragon ball and fulfill your wish...’

'So, I just severely injured them, cut the nerves in their cervical spine, and made them a living vegetative, but didn't kill them... Also, boy, look at your tail, it should be a racer. Yaren, right? ’

‘Now, can you tell me, those earthling’s dragon balls, where are they hidden now? ’

Kick away the weakest one. It seems that the fighting power is only a few hundred. It looks like a flying human larva. After ensuring that the opponent does not die immediately, Dodalia smiled grimly at the tailed one in front Saiyan said.


"I will never forgive you!!"

In the blink of an eye, all of his companions had fallen down. Although they were not dead, it seemed to Monkey King that there was not much difference between being dead! Therefore, seeing the other party cruelly kicking the dumplings that had fallen on the ground like a ball, he couldn't help it anymore. Under the blessing of anger, he burst out all his anger in an instant, and resolutely took out A universal capsule.

'Oh! What are you going to do? ’

‘Do you want to use your poor combat power of less than four thousand to avenge them? Don’t be afraid to tell you, my Dodalia’s combat power is over 22,000, and I can easily defeat you with just one punch! So, I advise you to be a little more honest? ’

Feeling that it would be a good idea to knock out five first, and then leave the last one to interrogate, Dodalia hugged his arms in time, waiting for the other party's response or answer.

Anyway, he felt that there shouldn't be a big problem if these people on Earth didn't explain it, because they had a way to slowly find the thing that King Frieza wanted!

At most, just wasting a little bit more time?


‘? ? ’

However, what surprises Dodalia is:

The qi in the front exploded, and it was incredible that the opponent's combat power was more than twice as much as 1,000, and it broke out to more than 3,700, and the little guy who was about to exceed 4,000 did not. Launched an attack on yourself for the first time, but threw a small thing directly?

Then, in a muffled sound and smoke, something with multiple barrels, engines, and some messy devices was turned into something like a seat, an aircraft or a backpack?


Then, Dodalia saw that the other party sat on it for the first time...


"go to hell!!"

Sit up suddenly, or it could be said that he was carrying that weird backpack that was thrown out of the universal capsule by himself, and he didn’t say much, and it directly activated him from the universal capsule more than three months ago The drastically changed engine of the humanoid battleship backpack that Dr. Breff held in the hands of the company, after the hideous barrels aimed at the evil alien in front, he blatantly pulled the trigger.

In the next second, the four quadruple plasma cluster guns distributed on both sides of their shoulders suddenly moved towards the front under the combined action of the powerful energy provided by the nuclear fusion energy furnace and the magnetic confinement nuclear fusion in the barrel. The alien in's blasted past at almost the speed of light!

Rumbling rumbling...

A violent explosion sounded, and the area where Frieza, the opponent's minions and the spaceship were located, was instantly engulfed by the explosion.


"Huh! Huh!"

After the bombardment, Sun Gohan, who used his air dance technique to balance his body and slowly offset his recoil, didn't look much at his own results, so he hurriedly flew up into the sky, and then began to let the four on his shoulders. The root barrel returned to its position and began to cool down.

In fact, Monkey King doesn't need to look more to know that the qi of the evil alien just disappeared, and the qi of the group of aliens that disappeared with him!

The shot just now not only swept past the triumphant alien, but even hit the aliens and their spaceships behind without any loss. It was a complete effort. ! Fortunately, that guy just killed himself and kicked Uncle Bick and Uncle Tianjin Fan away. Otherwise, he really didn't dare to bombard him like that!

However, the price of the sudden concentration of fire just now is also there. For example, his shoulders are hot now, his hair is a bit scorched, and the humanoid battleship backpack on his body is also a bit hot, and I don’t know if his body is. Injured by radiation or other bad conditions?


"Sister Annie! Look! Look! What are those things on that Monkey King? It looks really fun!!"

At this time, I don’t know when to use magic to directly reach a mountain not far away, and Arale, who is watching the battle, excitedly pulls at a certain Annie who was finally pulled up by her and begged to bring herself here. The sister yelled.



"That's the navy outfit of the humanoid shipman Sun Gohan. He used to give him a bracelet to learn how to fight against those alien Saiyans... But what do you think, the Saiyans were killed by your wish. , Team Kinyut was killed by Pilav again, so he didn't finally use it until now?"


"The equipment was made by Sister Bouma's father, Dr. Breff. If you want, you can go to Sister Bouma by yourself in the future. She should also have drawings..."


Annie stretched her waist, she is still very sleepy now, and she doesn't want to talk and explain so much to a little guy who has to pull herself here!

"It looks really amazing!"

"Look! Look! He actually killed the fat man with a single shot, and beat the aliens to only two. It seems that the Viking fighters are not as powerful as those cannons!"

Alarei's eyes were about to see stars, she liked this kind of thing, and even wanted to rush to grab it from the other party.



"Isn't it the miniature version of the fusion energy furnace and the Yamato Cannon? If you gather the energy of the nuclear explosion into one beam, the attack power must be very strong!"

(ˉ▽ ̄~) Cut~~

Of course, Annie also knows that the backpack of the humanoid ship man Sun Wufan above has melee weapons that are equally good in cutting ability, such as the ship sword like Qi Yuan Slash!

But, she is absolutely, the other party is best not to use it?

Otherwise, they will definitely be beaten by the two remaining aliens! When the speed and power are far behind the opponent, the best way is to hide from the distance and use the naval gun to bombard. Once you play close combat, you will definitely die!


‘Fr, King Frieza, how did his fighting power suddenly rise to more than 200,000? ! ’

Embarrassedly followed Frieza and slowly flew into the sky, Sabo looked down and saw the tragic death on the spot, and only the lower half of Dodalia and the destroyed spaceship were left behind, plus just lined up behind. He couldn't help swallowing with fear of the large group of elite fighters.

That little Saiyan, the sudden burst of combat power and attack power really scared him.

'Humph! ’

‘It should be the credit of that weapon, his combat power is still less than four thousand! However, presumably Jinyu must have been killed by something like that, and that is indeed a big threat...’

‘Go! Sabo, kill him for me! ! ’

‘Remember, don’t be targeted by him, he can’t help you...’

After holding his arms and looking at it for a while, Frieza grinned and gave the order.

As for the spacecraft and the soldiers that were lost below, he didn't care, because as long as there is a need, he can recruit more at any time! He is the Emperor of the Universe, Frieza, and his power is so great that these stupid earthlings or Saiyans in front of them cannot imagine!

‘Yes! ! ’

Hearing what was happening, Sabo nodded, and then quickly accelerated, rushing towards the little Saiyan in the sky.

‘! ! ’

'hateful! ! ’

Seeing the opponent rushing towards him quickly and unable to take aim, Monkey Gohan gritted his teeth and pressed a certain button resolutely.




"Sister Annie! Sister Annie!"

"Let's take a look, what is that again, why did he disappear all at once?!"

Originally thought that clumsy Son Gohan would definitely be beaten to death by the alien villain this time, and then she could go pick up the opponent’s equipment Arale, after seeing that guy suddenly disappeared, she was excited again. She shook Miss Annie's arm and yelled.

"That one……"


"It seems to be a set of small short-distance bending drives..."


Annie didn't understand. How did that Dr. Breff hit a small short-range foldable drive that could be installed on a battleship or a large transport and flying unit into the man's armed combat backpack?

"Ah! I know, that guy is the owner of the Universal Capsule Company. He must have miniaturized or reduced the short-distance flex drive directly!"


But soon Annie figured out a general idea, and for the first time felt that the universal capsule, which is also a space technology, could still be used in that way, so she thought about it, and waited until the next time she went to Kepulu or touched it. When people in the star area, can the technology and physical objects of the universal capsule be used by the people of the Federation to study and study, just like mass effect and that kind of universal tool?

‘Sabo! ’

‘Dodge! ! ’

Suddenly, Frieza gave a violent shout and suddenly jumped from his hemispherical craft.


Arale didn’t care what the principle was. Anyway, she only saw: When the alien was still standing high in the sky and looking around to find out where the Monkey King was with the combat power detector, suddenly, in the sky. It shot down four powerful beams of light once again, and in the shout of the other villain Frieza, it penetrated the chest and head of the alien who looked like a woman!


Rumble rumbling...

First, there was an explosion. It was because Frieza’s aircraft was instantly penetrated and exploded. Then, after the four beams of light attacked the ground in the distance, there was a burst of rumbling and tumbling. Billowing smoke and fire.

"It's amazing!!"

"Sister Annie, look at it, it seems that Monkey King is going to win..."

Arale continued to yell in excitement, however, she quickly collapsed again.

"Okay! He lost!!"

Because Arale had already seen that useless Monkey King, he didn’t run quickly after firing a few shots, and stayed silly on the spot, and was instantly charged by the super alien Frieza. Arrived in front of him, and before he had time to react, he kicked him to the ground with a single kick!


boom! ! !

After being hit by Frieza's back, Gohan vomited blood and rushed towards the ground at a speed of ninety degrees vaguely. After the shock wave and dust, there was no more sound...

"not good!!"

"Wow! Hurry up! Hurry up!"

"Sister Annie, take me over, let me see if that fun shipman's equipment was broken by that Frieza?!"

Sun Wufan may have been almost killed, so Arale felt that it was about time to grab equipment? Anyway, anyway, that kind of fun, good thing that can both fire and move instantaneously, definitely can't be snatched by Frieza!



No way. Seeing that Sun Wufan and others have been'completely wiped out', and seeing how excited a little guy is, Annie has to grab the other's collar, and then teleport directly here. The top of the hill disappeared.


‘Boy! ’

‘Since you killed all my men, then now you surrender to me, come to my Frieza's men, and help me find those dragon balls, what do you think? ’

When the dust gradually dissipated, Frieza had already slowly landed where Sun Gohan had fallen, and stepped on his three-toed foot on his mouth and nose and vomited blood. The big hole came out of the head of Monkey King who couldn't move.

As for the broken barrels and machinery scattered on the ground next to him, as well as the corpse of Sabo who was quietly falling to the ground in the distance, he didn't bother to take a look.


"You, you... Hugh..."

'what! ! ’

Don't think that before the two words could be spoken, Monkey King felt that his head was about to be squeezed open. He couldn't help but screamed, and a trace of blood broke out in his eyes and ears at the same time.

Obviously, his refusal angered Frieza, and his life and death are only between the other's thoughts.

‘! ! ’

Who? !

‘Uh! ! ’

Thinking about it, should Frieza, who stepped on his opponent to death, suddenly feel that his tail seems to be caught? Then, before he turned his head, he only felt a burst of great power, and then after the sky turned, he was severely pinched to the ground by the tail?


Bang! Bang! Bang!

After four consecutive blows and smashed to the ground four times, some Frieza who had been thrown into a circle was slammed into the sky!

‘! ! ’

'hateful! you guys! ! ’

Frieza, who was thrown out several tens of meters high, finally got over. After pulling off the ripped combat strength tester on his ears, he clenched his fists and angrily faced the ground. Look.

At this moment, below, beside the Saiyan boy who was almost trampled to death by himself, there are two human little girls standing there at this time, and one of the little girls with glasses is still facing With a grimacing face, it must have been the opponent who just shot.

'you guys……'

Seeing the other's expression, Frieza felt that his majesty was greatly humiliated.

He can ignore the deaths of his own trash men, or the destruction of his own spaceship, and even forgive the stupid guys for refusing to hand over the Dragon Ball and resisting. However, for the two below who sneaked on him, Those guys who dare to get overwhelmed with a little bit of advantage, he decided not to spare them lightly!

'Well? ! ’

Suddenly, I was just about to give the guys below a good-looking Frieza, when I saw that there were a lot of fighters, spaceships, armored tanks and robots on the ground, and even ordinary people's army coming from a distance to this side at a high speed. After that, he was stunned, then landed with a sneer.

He felt that since the earthlings seemed to be ready, he might as well play with them first, and teach them well, so that the guys on the wild and backward planets would know him, the king of the universe, Foley The horror of Sa?


"Your name is Frieza, right? Do you know a guy named Keanu? He also has a pair of pointed horns just like you, but in the end he was broken off by someone and got stuck in his ass. , It's fun, do you want to have fun?"

Found that Monkey King had fainted, and found that the other party’s'ship man' equipment was broken. It is very likely that even after Dr. Zejuan Qianbei could not repair it, Arale waved his fist angrily. The guy who landed and beckoned from the dead alien Sabo's head, the combat power detector brought to his own left ear threatened.

'Humph! ’

‘Two guys with only 1 combat power... It seems that you, like those guys just now, have some sort of hidden skills in battle? ’

‘However, it’s useless to me. You will soon discover what kind of existence you are facing! ’

'Hum hum……'

Of course, Frieza, who was smiling, knew that the two little girls, or one of them, was a powerful guy, otherwise, she wouldn't have thrown herself so hard just now!

However, that still failed to attract his attention, even if the opponent could defeat the idiot of Captain Kinho! Because, his Frieza's combat effectiveness, even if it is the current weakened version of the first form in order to control his own powerful strength, has a full combat effectiveness of 530,000!

And once he enters the 100% state of the final form, his strength, his combat effectiveness will reach a terrifying 120 million! Therefore, it is precisely because of these reliances that he would ignore the two weird little girls in front of him and the stupid mortal army that was surrounding him in the distance, and even look at them as if they were dead?


"Dare to scream, see if I don't beat you..."

Seeing the smug look of the other party, Arale was angry and planned to rush up to do it, but she found out that Miss Anne by her side actually grabbed her?


"Sister Annie, what are you doing? If you don't fight yourself, you are not allowed to fight?!"

Actually, Arale knows that Miss Anne is better than anyone else, because she is very powerful, but the other party can always beat her, there is no doubt that the other party must be far more than her own!

However, the other party usually doesn't fight, and now she doesn't let herself fight, which makes her feel a little puzzled.



"Ala Lei, wait, there will be a good show later, let him be proud of it for a while?"


After pulling apart Arale and retreating to the side, he let go of the small spaceship that had just landed, and watched the one inside, surrounded by the generals Ashiu and General Xiaowu that they had met, dragging triumphantly. When King Pilaf came to the scene with something, Annie said quietly to Arale.

"Hey! Frieza, you will be out of luck soon!!"


‘Unlucky? ’

'Humph! Just rely on their waste? Is their highest combat power twenty? Then I want to see! ’

If the little girl with glasses still made herself a little bit jealous, and some could not see the depth and doubts, then, the group of soldiers who just came out of the backward spaceship and the group of soldiers who have not yet herself The knee-high guys are really just a bunch of guys to make jokes.

If he didn’t want to see what they wanted to do, or if he still wanted Dragon Ball, I’m afraid he would have waved his hand long ago and used unparalleled power to give people who are half of the earth in this area. Wiped out.

'Alien! ’

‘I am the King Pilaf, the king of the earth! Now that you are surrounded by us, I advise you to surrender within ten seconds, otherwise, what is waiting for you will be the ruthless suppression of you by the people of the earth! ! ’

‘You don’t have a second option, hurry up and surrender! ! ’

King Pilaf, who arrived at the scene, didn’t talk nonsense. He just glanced at the two little girls next to him who had filled him with a lot of trouble and helped a lot, and the useless martial artists who fell all around. After that, they triumphantly pointed to the last remaining alien in front of him and said.


‘Do you want to die? Are you a waste of only 2 combat power? ! ’

Frieza is sure and sure that the guy with short stature, blue skin and a funny round hat in front of him is really only ‘2’ in combat power, really can’t be more! If I changed to the past, such a ridiculous guy, I am afraid that he would be killed by his own subordinates if he could not walk in front of him?

Therefore, he didn't pay attention to the other party's words at all, just glanced at him coldly.

‘! ! ’

'hateful! You alien barbarians, you know what's great about fighting, fighting, and being strong. Don't be too proud of you! ! ’

You should know that you are the king of the earth, and the other party looks down on him so much, and doesn't even want to look at him with his straight eyes. How can Pilaf, who had a low self-esteem because of his height and appearance, stand it?

Therefore, he resolutely waved his hand, and ordered the soldiers who were escorting the two metal coffin-like training cabins behind him:

‘Release androids 17 and 18! ’

‘Let this savage alien, who doesn’t know the heights of the sky, know that we earthlings are not annoying! ! ’

With a wave of Pilaf’s big hand, soon after the soldiers pressed a certain button, the two metal incubation chambers slowly opened, and then came out from them a man with a red scarf around his neck, like A handsome cowboy boy and a tall, glamorous beauty with blond hair and blue eyes.

‘! ! ’

Beep! Beep!

'Well? ! ’

Originally he was calm, and he didn't even want to look at Frieza, who didn't know the so-called Pilav, so he had to turn his head.

Because, he discovered that the elder brother's combat effectiveness tester, the latest fast thing, he was wearing, at this time the number on the top was constantly beating up, and the object to be locked and detected was surprisingly ridiculous. Two so-called cyborgs released by Scum Pilaf?

‘! ! ’

Snapped! !

Finally, the combat strength detector on Frieza's face quickly reached the upper limit of detectability, and exploded directly after both exceeded the value of 200,000.

'you guys……'

Frieza was slightly shocked, because, without a doubt, the two guys released by the Lord Pilaf, any of them far exceeded 200,000 combat power, that kind of thing, in his opinion It's incredible!

Moreover, what surprised him even more was that he was faintly afraid of seeing those two guys with indifferent expressions standing up from the kind of training cabin?

The feeling was abrupt, and he didn't understand why he Frieza was afraid? You know, his own first form has a full combat effectiveness of five hundred and thirty thousand, and it makes him feel scared, how much combat effectiveness should those two guys have?

"Number 17! Number 18!"

"Go! Destroy him for me! Remember, a quick fight! Don't destroy the earth, and don't let him destroy it. This earth is the private property of my King Pilaf, the entire solar system!"

"If you win, I will promote you tomorrow!!"

The energetic King Pilaf waved his hand and pointed directly at Frieza, who was dumbfounded and exploded the instrument.

In the past, King Pilaf and the Red Ribbon Legion naturally had no intersection...

However, since he received those good things that a little girl gave him thirteen years ago, he naturally and slowly succeeded in accepting the guys in the army that were destroyed by the later Monkey King that he thought was worthwhile. , Accepted those who can help him rule the world!

Among them, Dr. Gro is impressively included!

Therefore, the two novices in his hands, he considered perfect humanoid weapons, the 17th and 18th artificial humans with unlimited energy, these two have been tilted by him most of the resources and financial resources. The great success that was dangerously produced at this time was naturally released by him at this critical time!


‘Sister, are you going to kill him? ’

'Do not! ’

'You go! ! ’


‘Okay, obey my elder sister, and the honorable Majesty King Pilaf? ’

Being caught by others to reform and forcibly give orders, and from then on being restrained from freedom, even if that person is the king of the earth, no one would be happy! But there is no way. Under the contract formed by some magical gems, after a brief discussion between No. 17 and No. 18, they resolutely decided that No. 17 is still the younger brother.

'Humph! ’

‘You are actually obedient to that kind of trash? ! ’

Seeing the so-called android 17 coming towards him, Frieza ridiculed, because he could see that the other party didn't seem to be willing to be that Pilav's subordinate?

‘Come with me! ’

‘Being my subordinate, I can give you one hundred planets better than the earth alone! ! ’

Therefore, Frieza pondered for a while, and then promised...Anyway, if he could, Frieza, the emperor of the universe, would definitely not mind recruiting two powerful men!

"I really don't want to obey him..."

‘But the order can’t be rejected, so please hurry up and die? ’

After speaking, the android number 17 disappeared in an instant, and in the next second, he had rushed to Frieza's, and hit the opponent's chest and abdomen with one punch!


at the same time!

On the Turtle Fairy Island, in the Turtle Fairy House, Turtle Fairy, Bulma, Kiki, Bull Demon King, Yakilobe, and a certain old sea turtle are stunned through the high-definition satellite, watching the android 17 appear on stage Within ten seconds, under a violent beating of fists, the so-called cosmic emperor was beaten to the point that Frieza had no power to parry, and in the end, he easily unscrewed the opponent’s being. His nose is bruised and the face is swollen and his head is ridiculously horny?


Bulma's eyes widened, and she could hardly believe that what she was seeing was the truth. She even couldn't help but check the data transmission chain to see if a powerful expert had hacked in and changed her status. See the image?

"This won?"

"Lord Pilaf's subordinate is so powerful?"

With a large bag of baggage, even just now because of Gohan’s miserable experience, Kiki is also like Bulma at this time, with an unbelievable look on her face, she can’t believe that terrible and powerful one. Frieza, that universe emperor, got his head out of the black-haired boy's playful fight...


"That number 17, seems to be really amazing..."

Immortal Turtle sighed with a sullen face, because when the opponent was fighting Frieza, he felt the anger that overflowed from the opponent. It was really stronger than that terrifying Frieza, and it has been following The enemy grew and grew, and at the last moment it skyrocketed and screwed off the opponent's head, leaving Frieza with no room for resistance!

What's more, what makes the turtle immortal feel more terrifying is that there is another "Robot No. 18" that seems more powerful? Of course, the most terrifying thing that immortal turtle feels most is: Those two artificial humans seem to be made by King Pilaf?

Doesn't that mean that a guy like that can be made more? Such things, just thinking about it, the turtle immortal can't help but feel cold...


"Let me just say, you guys who know martial arts and fighting all day long, what good do you unemployed people do? You don't want to work hard and earn money to support your family all day, you know how to fight, kill, and kill. Now let’s take a look, the King Pilaf is the king of the earth, do you need to worry about it?!"

After being astonished for a while, Kiki, who was completely relieved, arrogantly akimbo and began to teach Guixianren and a certain Yaqi Luobei.


"It's all you. If it weren't for you guys who damaged my family's Gohan, how could he be beaten like that now? I don't know how hurt he is now..."

"It's all the **** Big Demon King Piccolo, as well as Kulin and Immortal Turtle. You have damaged my Gohan! If he has any shortcomings, I will never forgive you!"


"What are you looking at! You are also with them!!"

Kiki was akimbo, pointing her finger at the nose of a certain turtle immortal and cursing constantly, and quickly looked at a certain Yakilobe who had just ran here and planned to take Bulma's downwind spacecraft to leave the earth. Up.


"Don't say that to me, I have always been opposed to martial arts..."

Yakilobe, who is lazy and timid and afraid of death, said: He has always been firmly opposed to the use of violence. He is really a pacifist. Moreover, his greatest wish is to be able to feed his stomach every day, and then eat and wait for death. That's it.

"I can't believe it, it won..."

Finally, when Kiki was arguing with Yaqi Luobei, Bulma reacted and muttered to herself in disbelief.


"I seem to have seen the end of the martial arts school, it's so sad..."

Whether it’s Gohan’s "Jiannan" equipment or King Pilaf’s robot weapons, Immortal Turtle feels deep fear and despair... Today, with the rapid advancement of science and technology, he has practiced for more than three hundred years. Everyone in the martial arts, he, the turtle immortal, suddenly felt that what Qiqi said seemed to be so reasonable. Suddenly he felt that these martial artists are really unemployed vagrants who eat carrots and care less and do not produce, and are useless for the country and the people?

"No way!"

"I'm going to see how my Gohan is hurt!"

Suddenly, after stopping the quarrel with Yakilobe, Kiki slapped her thigh and quickly turned around, preparing to drive the backward two-person aircraft that she brought her father, the Demon King, to Guixianren’s house before she brought her father, the Demon King, to Guixianren’s house. Fly to the other side of the earth to see her son Gohan.

"and many more!"

"Kiki, this is the fairy bean that the cat fairy gave me. It was originally going to be sent to them before the war..."

At this moment, Yakilobe suddenly remembered something, and then quickly took out a bag of things in a cloth bag from his arms.


"Before the war? Then why are you taking it out now?"

Qiqi felt incredible. Of course, Xiandou knew that the kind of thing used to sign up during a fight, this Yaqi Luobei has been hidden?

‘Because I’m afraid of death, of course I won’t send it to them. ’

‘Then you are not afraid now? ’

‘Of course I’m not afraid, because all their aliens have been killed! And I am a staunch supporter of King Pilaf, and they will definitely not embarrass me Yaqilobe! ’


Bulma stared roundly with her eyes open and her mouth wide open. She didn't know what to say about the Yaqilobe in front of ahem! "

"Kiki, Bouma's spacecraft is faster, shall we take a trip with her?"

At this moment, the Bull Demon King suddenly reminded him. Anyway, he didn't want to ride in their small aircraft, some of them couldn't fit his huge body, it was not comfortable at all!

"Yes! I want to see everyone too!"

"Come on, Kiki, although my spacecraft has never had a chance to actually fly into space, but believe me, if it is regarded as a spacecraft in the atmosphere, it is definitely the fastest on earth!"

Bulma raised her chin triumphantly, and beckoned Kiki, Immortal Turtle, Yakilobe, and the Bull Demon to go outside to board the spaceship that was originally intended to fly to Mars, and prepare to use it again. Ordinary aircraft and fly a few times in the earth...

As for an old sea turtle that once again lost the opportunity to fly into space and lost the opportunity to fly out of the universe, she was gorgeously ignored! Because the opponent's speed was too slow, she must have been impatient to wait for it to slowly climb out and climb into the spaceship!

Soon, in the Guixianren Hut in the deep sea, a huge spaceship printed with the design of the Universal Capsule Company whizzed into the air, and quickly rose to the east, whizzing and flying!

And at this time, the morning sun here, the red round sun just rose not long...


Historical record: In August of the eleventh year of the Pilav calendar, the universe king Frieza failed in his conspiracy to invade the earth and died at the hands of the general "Robot No. 17" under the command of King Pilav...


??????(??)?????????? Ask for a ticket????*????(ˊ??ˋ*)????*??

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