Shadow Bear Tibbers’ Plane Journey

Chapter 1083: |?)??? Hello, welcome to Zhiyuanxing!

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From February 3, 2525 AD, when the Star of Fortune lost contact, to the present day of July 24, 2552, the full-scale war between mankind and the powerful and militant Star Alliance has continued one after another. 27 years...

In the face of the overwhelming technology and huge military power of the Star Alliance, after so many years of hard work and resistance, the space fleet of the human race on Earth has achieved nothing but the reluctance of'recession' and'heavier casualties'. It's just a written vocabulary that conceals the face.

Up to now, the high-level people inside the UNSC (the full name of the United Nations Space Command) have gradually realized that what is being conducted between humans and the Star Covenant is just a contest of power disparity. After all, humans are on the earth. The internal friction is too long, the time to enter the universe is too short, and the accumulation is seriously insufficient. This is like a child who has not grown up and is trying to fight an adult with a sword in his hand?

Therefore, the result of these years of hard work is that they themselves understand and know well, perhaps, only the strategically important Reach, this near colony fortress called the "Earth Gateway" still exists. , Can you barely bring a glimmer of hope of victory to mankind?

Of course, there is only a trace, and the UNSC itself knows that the situation is far from being as good as the words they announced to the people that they were merely used to inspire people.

However, speaking of Zhiyuanxing, one has to talk about the solar system and Tianyuan four...

They are usually considered to be sister galaxies, because Tianyuan 4 in the constellation of Porgio is one of the closest neighbors of the human mother galaxy. It is a planetary system only 10.5 light years away from the earth. It belongs to the UNSC First War Zone, and the Earth is united. Many of the government's colonial planets are located here, including Reach.

Reach, originally a very ordinary human near-Earth colony planet, with a day length of 27 hours and an age of 390 earth days. The standard gravity is similar to that of the earth, only 1.08g, and there are two satellites (respectively It is Csodaszarvas and Turul), with a population of more than 700 million, it is the most important military base of UNSC, the headquarters of UNSC and the largest space battleship manufacturing site outside the solar system!

And all this is because it is rich in the main material used to make human space battleship armor-the raw material metal ‘titanium’ of Grade A titanium alloy!

This is a prosperous near-Earth colonial planet. It has the main interstellar jumping point of Epsilon constellation. It is one of the most active interstellar transportation ports. It also has a training base for UNSC's most elite ODST troop, known as Trafalgar. The'Super Mothership' is a powerful aircraft carrier group with as many as 20 planetary orbital defense platforms. The defense is strong and the force is strong, it can be justified as the military center of UNSC!

Therefore, due to the above-mentioned reasons, there is a saying widely circulated among humans and soldiers on earth:

As long as Reach is still there, there is hope for mankind, and once Reach is lost, mankind may not be far from the end of the defeat of all! !

But now, whether mankind wants to see it or not, I am afraid that something that will make mankind and the UNSC feel worried is about to happen soon. That is: the people of the Star Alliance have learned the coordinates of Reach through various methods and appeared. On this planet and attacked here outrageously!


At 26:00 on July 23, 2552, the Visegrad relay station lost contact, and all communications stopped at 26:00...

Colonel Holland () had previously dispatched several fire teams to support, but soon all the fire teams lost contact, so they were mainly occupied by Spartan III fighters and a large Spartan first-class personnel. The formed "Noble" noble squad was naturally dispatched here to conduct reconnaissance, and soon had an extremely violent exchange of fire with the Star Alliance forces they discovered.

And the corpse in front of you outside the Wisgrad relay station, as well as the Spartan warrior noble squad and the Star Alliance soldiers who are fighting at the gate of the relay station, is the planet that has just arrived in this world, and has absolutely nothing here. Know what Little Annie is seeing and hearing.





Because she didn’t figure out the situation, and because she didn’t want to intervene, Annie was like a normal little human girl, hiding quietly outside the gate of the Visgrad relay station, which was made of corpses and broken eaves. In the ruins formed by the wall, her little head poked out from where she was hiding from time to time, looking farther away, towards the fierce firefighting point at the gate of the relay station, and boldly , Approaching little by little, seems to want to get closer, see more clearly?



"Huh? It turns out that humans are fighting with aliens?"


When the fierce firefights and explosions in front of the gate of the relay station and the shouting became more and more anxious, the little Annie who sneaked into the skill MAX, after looking at it, sneaked closer and stood up without paying attention. Next to the corpse of an unlucky soldier who didn't know it was, he took advantage of the height of the comparative advantage and looked at the fire point not far away sneakily.

(That...respected little master, may I ask, you really intend to keep watching like this, are you not going to help the people on earth under siege?


——Looking at someone sneaking up sneakily all the way, just whispering to himself, just watching the excitement, but there is no intention to help, Tibbers finally got a little bit of attention However, I had to speak out and ask such a sentence. )


∑(??△`)? !

"I don't want to go there yet..."


Scratching her head, Xiao Annie said that the situation has not been scouted now, and she is not a person from this world, let alone a person from the earth, so she does not intend to casually help those who are fighting indiscriminately. Either side of the two sides.

(Why then? Dear little master, but you know it, didn’t you like to join in this kind of fun before?!


——In this regard, Tibbers said that he was a little puzzled... because according to its usual experience, a bad little master encountered this situation and would not recognize it and rushed to help others. , Or to add chaos to others, and like now, just looking at the situation without hands, it is still relatively rare. )


(ˉ▽ ̄~) Cut~~

"Tibbers, that's because people still don't know which side is the bad guy. What if you accidentally helped the wrong person..."


"Also, it would be very bad to intervene in other worlds casually!!"


In fact, Annie is not afraid of helping the wrong person. Anyway, she has the kind of ‘regret medicine’ to take! For example: When the time comes, you can just do nothing and eliminate all the insiders directly? Or, just let the time flow back to a certain node before doing it yourself?

It's just that, the reason why she has been holding back without doing anything now is really just because she wants to watch the excitement and doesn't want to interfere too much in the world. After all, others are fighting in good faith, and it is not good for her as an outsider to intervene to help anyone. It is extremely unfair, so I have to keep watching!

(But the little master, one group over there are humans. They were killed so badly. It seems that there are not a few alive. The other group seems to be made up of all kinds of strange alien monsters. Good things, who do you need to help? Do you still need to distinguish?


——Tibbers doesn’t think that a bad little master who always likes to judge people by appearance has the need to entangle and think about that kind of irrelevant things, because the handsome little master is not here. It will definitely be good, but those guys who are so ugly that she displeases her eyes will definitely not live long! )

"Of course you have to distinguish!"


"Earth people are not necessarily all good people, and aliens are not necessarily all bad people. Maybe it's because these earth people invaded the planet of other people's aliens, so people have to stand up?"

o(`^??)o Humph!

"Furthermore, Tibbers, take a look. The few people on Earth are so hot. The six of them are not too disadvantaged when they fight a large group. They need help from others?"


Pointing and commenting on the two sides of the battle in the distance, Annie quickly came to a conclusion, that is: it seems that the side with fewer people is stronger, because ah, their armor shields are stronger. , More powerful, more agile, more accurate marksmanship, and more fierce?

Therefore, it is not too difficult to imagine. Although it seems that the weird ugly aliens have the upper hand and are on the offensive because of the large number of people, but those six are obviously the elite warriors of the earth. Will win the final victory!

Of course, at most a little more time is wasted...maybe ten minutes, maybe half an hour or an hour?

However, as long as there are no accidents, as long as the aliens don’t find more helpers, the ending should be the same...Well, Anne suddenly felt that it’s better not to rush to comment easily, because she sees When the aliens arrived, another troop carrier flew down and dropped a large group of alien soldiers. By the way, they suppressed the terrestrial people in the entrance hall of the relay station with firepower. Fly away.

If you look at it this way, isn't it that the aliens who are crowded and use consumption tactics have no hope of defeating them?


(● ̄(??) ̄●)

(Tibbers is not going to speak anymore. Anyway, it is not familiar with the people on earth, so it is not guilty to have trouble with its little master for those strangers. Are their guys good or bad, or good or bad. People or something, what does it matter?)




Suddenly, the aliens in the distance seemed to have found an unusual signal of life on Annie’s side. In addition, they had just killed a hateful human sniper who was sniping at them on this high ground. There was even a human being with a probe here, thinking it was the sniper who hadn't died yet, they didn't even think about it, and they blasted over as soon as a powerful, high-heat plasma was sent.

boom! !

Although Annie retracted her head dangerously, the high-heat plasma bomb still banged on the metal wall where she had just concealed and checked the battlefield situation, and it exploded with molten iron and molten mud splashing everywhere. Yes!

This is Annie herself. If someone else is here, hiding behind her without armor, even if she is not killed by a direct hit, I am afraid she will be affected by the hot iron slurry and molten mud. Is it screaming and rolling all over the floor?

But fortunately, she was not afraid of those things. At most, she reached out and patted twice, and threw the red and hot liquid metal off her arms and face.


Although she was not injured, the nature of certain things, from her point of view, is very, very serious! !


!? (??''????)??

"Okay! They didn't provoke them, they just looked at them here, and their bad guys dare to shoot at them?!"


However, those aliens don’t care about a bad little girl’s complaints or loud defenses, they only know that they are very threatening, and they are still in the vital position behind them, in the sniper position just now. There are guys who are not their own, that's enough to make them nervous!


Whoosh~! Whoosh~! Whoosh~!

Tuk! Tuk!

boom! !

In the next second, more high-heat plasma, crystal explosive needle puncture, and high-energy laser energy will be like no money, and they will violently bombard the side where Annie is hiding, and the block is already very broken and can barely be used as a shelter. The walls of mixed metal and masonry were cracked with incomplete or molten hideous holes. The plasma and high-temperature liquid splashed all over Anne's body, and the explosion of gas and shock waves shocked Anne's hair. Messed up...

If you continue like this, I am afraid that within a few seconds, the place she is avoiding will be broken into pieces and exploded into flat ground!

"Damn it! Never forgive you!!"


After that, Little Annie didn't dare to stay in this place any longer. First, she grabbed the gun with a long barrel, scope and bracket next to the hapless dead guy next to it, and pulled it from the opponent’s armor. After several magazines, he dragged the barrel and turned around and ran.

boom! ! !

In the next second, not long after Annie evacuated the sniper site, the wall and the hapless soldier who died there behind the wall were instantly blown up by the high-explosive plasma of a certain plasma grenade, which was completely covered with threads. Little pit of molten iron and cement...



Then, I found that the human beings who were still active behind the bunker could no longer see it. I felt that after the threat behind it was completely resolved, those aliens, those who looked like dogs and some looked like pigs, were interacting with each other. After talking about something, he switched his gun again and rejoined the offensive action against the powerful human soldiers at the gate of the relay station.



Annie is carrying the handle that may be very heavy for the average little girl. Maybe she has a sniper rifle of about 15KG. She is quickly groping and jumping to higher and farther places under the cover of obstacles and grass. Moving forward, she is going to find a more suitable sniper position, and then give those aliens who dare to attack her a good look?

(Dear little master, didn’t you say that you don’t want to participate in the battles between humans on Earth and aliens? What about the sniper rifle you are carrying now?)

(● ̄(??) ̄●)

(Anyway, being idle is also being idle, and there is no real danger anyway, so Tibbers joked vigorously about a certain ill-will. He just said that he did not intend to interfere, but now he is busy picking up weapons. It's another messy little master looking for a position.)



"That's because, people now know who the bad guy is!!"


Annie said angrily, and then she quickly found a point.

It’s a little far away from the battlefield behind it, but that’s not a problem, because it’s high enough, the view is good enough, and there are many large and small piles of rocks, and those plasma bullets in the air must be easy to hit there. , And even if it can hit the power, it will be greatly reduced, so she resolutely decided: to use that area as her first sniper position.

If the enemy can counterattack or have other countermeasures, she will continue to run to the top of the mountain, anyway, she has a way!

(Then how do you know which side is the real badass?)


(Although I probably knew the answer from the other party in my heart, Tibbers was still very cooperative and followed the words of his own mischievous little master and asked carefully.)

"Because they just beat me! So they are a bunch of bad guys, people say they are what they are, even if they are not!!"


Annie started to accelerate, so she carried the sniper rifle she picked up, and swiftly ran and jumped between obstacles. When no one noticed, she smoothly touched her for herself. Prepared the first sniper spot, and then directly opened the figure eight bracket of the sniper rifle and concealed it.


(● ̄(??) ̄●)



"Enlightenment, crooked star villain, ghost agent: Annie Hasta, now start to fight back!!"



I quickly figured out the principle of this sniper rifle with a scope, which did not know the name of the former owner and what model it was called, and found its insurance, excitation position, use skills and the fully automatic scope. After using the approximate method, Annie made a'click', pushed the bullet and loaded it, completing the final preparations before the sniper.

It’s just that, although Annie said verbally that it was a “ghost agent attack”, this time, she didn’t seem to really intend to interfere with the world too much. She didn’t even summon thugs or troops indiscriminately, and she didn’t even take out her own space pack. The ghost suits and weapons in the bag directly become a real ghost that has no trace and kills the invisible horror, but directly picks up the weapons dropped by others on the ground and prepares to be a'normal' kid. Girl sniper, and then give those crooked stars a fair chance?


ε=(????`●))) alas

(Seeing that one of my little masters just kept saying that he didn’t understand the situation and he was not ready to do it, but now he suddenly said that he turned his face and turned his face, and then he found the position in a short time and loaded it with a bullet. After hitting the aliens indiscriminately, Tibbers sighed and silently mourned the aliens who had fallen for eight lifetimes. What else could Tibbers do?)

clatter! clatter! clatter! clatter!

Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh~!

Tuk! Tuk!


At this time, inside and outside the entrance hall of the signal relay station, the five members of the Noble team wearing the most sophisticated MKV series Thor's hammer armor are in front of the gate of the Visgrad relay station, relying on walls, pillars, and various obstacles. The fortifications and fortifications fought **** battles with the soldiers of the Star Alliance who were constantly besieging them.

The small-scale infiltrating forces of the Star Alliance were discovered here in Zhiyuan, which is extremely important to the UNSC, and the other party also attacked the communication relay station and avoided the UNSC reconnaissance. Thinking carefully about that kind of thing, it is undoubtedly desperate and scary!

However, knowing that the Spartans of the Noble squad, which are now more useless, still gritted their teeth, fought bloodily against those enemies who were at least ten times as many as them, and firmly guarded the relay station gate for the back. Noble2, buy precious time for their companion Major Catherine to crack the defense gate of the repeater.

‘? ? ’

‘Sir! ’

‘I just found out that the guys from the Star Alliance seem to have organized a small offensive to attack them behind. What is going on, is it our reinforcements? ! ’

After hitting it, he used his marksman rifle M392DMR to smash the head of a Werewolf of the Star Alliance whose shield was knocked out by him, then retracted back to the solid metal pillar and reloaded it. A newcomer to the noble squad, the service number is "B-312", the lieutenant with the military rank "158A", the lieutenant Noble6 whose company name and other information are kept secret, only then took the time and turned to their captain Noble1 in doubt No., asked in a low voice at the Carter Lieutenant Colonel.

He believed that he was not the only one who saw the movement just now, so he could not help but hesitate, and felt that if reinforcements were really coming, they might cooperate with each other and change it in time with those outside the gate. Those enemy fighting tactics?

'Do not! ’

‘We are reinforcements. Until communication is restored, Lieutenant, please trust me, no more reinforcements will come to help us! ’

‘Don’t be distracted, keep fighting! ’

clatter! clatter! clatter!

With the MA37ICWS submachine gun in my hand, the rapid-fire weapon that the Navy calls MA5 will break the legs of the two junior jackals who are going to rush in with the energy shield, and let them fall to the ground and lose the shield cover. Noble No.1 Carter, who quickly drew them off with a few shots, quickly retracted and replaced the magazine while restoring the shield.

Just now, he also highlighted the rank of Noble 6's lieutenant, indicating that a new thorn head should not be distracted on the battlefield, and don’t just make any claims or talk about those that might affect the military’s morale. if.

After all, they are now in a passive defensive state, and they are still compressed in this small terrain, which is already very unfavorable for their Spartans! And if it wasn't for this Reach star here to be their UNSC territory, I'm afraid the enemy's bombardment would have come long ago, and they would have been killed by the bombing?

‘Good sir! ’

‘Now there’s nothing, I think, maybe some hapless guy was discovered by the Star Alliance...’

Shrugging, after the strength of his shield was restored, Noble 6 leaned out again, facing the risk of being hit by the enemy's plasma bullets at any time, and again using his M392DMR marksman rifle to keep moving forward. Those Star Alliance shards shot at short and precise points, and severely suppressed the Star Alliance soldiers who wanted to rush to the repeater gate with the advantage of numbers.

'Perhaps! ’

Captain Carter didn't say much, but responded casually, and then continued to fight intently.

Now there are a lot of enemies outside, and the opponent has already shipped two batches of soldiers. Presumably, there must be some large-scale infiltration troops or bases in the vicinity of the Star Alliance? Therefore, Carter is even more worried now, is to quickly complete the task, enter this relay station, repair the communication, and report the situation here to Colonel Holland!

Because this is ‘winter is in desperation’!

So, in any case, even if at all costs, even if all their players died here, this important discovery must be passed back as soon as possible! !

‘! ! ’

not good!

‘It’s an elite! Emil, be careful! ! ’

Suddenly, Captain Noble No.1 Carter's heart trembled, as if he had discovered something, he hurriedly roared to his right not far away.

Because he has seen a blue armor, short wings on both sides of the helmet, and a multi-layered structure of the arm armor, the ordinary elite of the Star Alliance did not know when he turned down from the ceiling of the relay station hall. Waving the bifurcated energy lightsaber in his hand for the first time, he was going to stab the Emir who was changing the shotgun?

At this time, he was so immortal, he Carter himself was changing the magazine, even if he wanted to help, it was obviously too late! And the closer Noble 6 is aiming and shooting outwards. It is not the first time to see the cunning Star Alliance elite who attacked. Obviously, it is too late to rescue?

Therefore, at this moment, apart from yelling, hoping that the Amir who was changing bombs could hide by himself or deal with them for a few seconds to fight back, he really did everything. can not do this.


puff! !



There was a sudden sound of breaking through the air, and then, before the elite of the Star Alliance had time to pierce the energy lightsaber in his hand into the neck of Noble 4 Emil, its head was shot from the back of the head by a bullet. The weak point was shot in from outside the hall and directly penetrated the Tianling Gai. After an instant burst of liquid of various colors, it rolled down into the foyer of the relay station, curled up there and motionless. ...

'what! ’

‘Emil, you are so lucky! ! ’

Noble No. 5 George, this first warrant officer, service number S-052, the only Spartan II fighter in the team, the big man with a heavy machine gun mocked and fortunately ridiculed the careless Emil , Hurriedly took the M247 heavy machine gun muzzle that he had just withdrawn from his hand and intended to help, and continued to shoot away, steadily suppressing the Star Covenant who wanted to rush in.

Tuk! Tuk! Tuk! Tuk!

Soon, the dull sound of heavy machine guns sounded again. Under the large-caliber and high-kinetic energy machine gun bullets, another round of assaults by the Star Alliance was quickly suppressed, and they had to retreat after leaving a few corpses. .

'This probably is……'

The '14.5x114mm AP-FS-DS shelling wing stabilized armor-piercing projectile, analyzed in terms of sound and projectile penetration, should be fired within 400 to 600 meters, and the bullet is less than one square centimeter from the back of the elite helmet. The shield energy separator hits in, then rolls inside and breaks out of armor. It is accurate and deadly! ’

‘That’s a 14.5mm sniper rifle with SRS99 special purpose rifle. It should be SRS99SAR for general use! ’

‘Sir! ’

‘I think we’re really here for reinforcements! He (she) is behind the enemy. It should be near the rocky pile on the mountainside more than 400 meters in front of the gate. That must be a sniper with excellent marksmanship and experience! ’

Noble No. 3, Jun, second-level warrant officer, service number A266, Spartan III fighter, uses a sniper rifle, and is also a veteran sniper. He is very sensitive to the sound of sniper guns and bullets. He can see the shooting effect and just The direction from which the enemy's blood shot out judged the above information, and reported it to the Captain of Noble 1 as soon as possible.

‘Sir! ’

‘Look, I’m not wrong just now, we are really here to help! ’

As a former lone ranger and newcomer, Noble 6, who has not yet fully adapted to his position, saw the Emil of Noble 4 slow down and attacked again, he retracted again and continued to restore the shield and Changed the bombs, and did not forget to tease their captain slightly.

'Humph! ’

'I saw! Noble No. 6, you shut up! Continue to attack, cooperate with that guy, don't let those Star Alliance guys rush in or rush to the opposite mountain, first drag them all in this empty place! ’

‘Also, Noble 2, please hurry up? ’

As the captain, Noble No.1 Carter ignored the new guy's ridicule, and he didn't even care about the other party's behavior that undermined his captain's authority. He just yelled coldly and urged Noble No.2 impatiently.

Then, without waiting for Noble 2’s answer, he leaned out of his body again, blasted a violent shot at the outside with his submachine gun, and knocked out a jackal who was facing him. Blue energy shield soldier.

'understand! ’

‘Lieutenant Colonel, don’t rush, I may need a little more time...’

Noble No. 2 Catherine didn’t pay attention to everyone behind her, whether it was fighting, Captain Carter’s urging, or the arrival of reinforcements, she just replied indifferently, and then concentrated on continuing to do her work, hiding The corner that was relatively safe and would not be shot by outside Star Alliance soldiers cracked the door of the relay station that should have belonged to their UNSC.

‘! ! ’

Huh! !

After a shot of Noble 3, the sniper of this team retracted.

'Ah! ’

'Everyone, I just found out, that guy, that sniper, he (she) fired three shots in succession, all shots were shot from the weak part of the shield behind the enemy's head or neck, allowing the enemy to protect The shield is completely useless...'

‘So sir! ’

‘I’m afraid I have to take back what I just said, that may not only be an experienced sniper, it must be an ace sniper with fierce shots, this time, I think we really won! ! ’

Noble 3 just noticed it secretly. The opponent, the guy who was hiding on the mountainside in the distance and didn’t know where he was, fired a total of four shots, including the elite of the Star Alliance in their hall, not a single shot. It was frustrated, and none of the shots were taken in vain to consume the enemy's shield. Therefore, he quickly smelled an unusual smell from the opponent's performance, and retracted back and said with a sigh.

Regardless of other abilities, in Noble 3's view, just the ability to sniper, he himself is far from the opponent! The guy, the sniper who didn't know whether it was a male or a female, was a young sniper, it must be a remarkable existence.

Moreover, there is a powerful sniper attacking the back of the Star Alliance from a distance, and these Spartan fighters are also in front of the enemy at the same time. Under such circumstances, they may find it difficult to lose!

'Look! ’

‘The Star Alliance’s people have noticed that they have begun to split their forces to attack that mountain! ’

‘It’s useless! It's too far, they will definitely not be able to rush through without the support of heavy equipment, then they are just looking for death! ’

'Humph! Good death! ! ’

'what? ’

‘Look, four shots killed four again. Now, all the craps of the Star Alliance have to stop! ’

‘No one would dare to attack an enemy sniper in an open place, even our Spartans would not dare! ’

"That is indeed a nightmare..."

‘Stop talking nonsense! fast! Take the opportunity to hit them behind! ’

clatter! clatter! clatter!

Captain Carter once again screamed at the players who were cheap and good-favored, and took the opportunity to protrude half of their body, and with one shot, they knocked the two wolves in the distance who did not know which side of the energy shield to defend against. .

‘! ! ’

‘Hahaha! happy! Eat me a shuttle! ! ’

Tuk! Tuk! Tuk! Tuk!

George on Noble 5 also found out that there was a bargain that could be taken, so he took his heavy machine gun unwillingly, and shot those enemies who were planning to detour to attack the distant highlands or retracted again with death or injury. It can prevent the cargo on both sides and the pile of vehicles overturned.

‘Noble 5, pay attention to saving bullets! ’

'understand! Sir! ’

‘! ! ’

‘My God, it’s the third magazine, twelve bullets to solve twelve enemies, guys, guess who he (she) is? ’

'do not know! ’

‘Will it be someone in the second or third period? ’

‘Don’t be kidding, how could those guys come to Zhiyuanxing and be deployed to this relay station with us? There are countless Spartan warriors in Reach, we can't hear the wind at all! ’

'To shut up! Noble 6! ’


'Oh! Oh, God! There are four more enemies, is he (she) really a sharpshooter with every shot? Is it the rescuer that Colonel Holland () brought us? ’

‘Col. Holland doesn’t know where we are now, I haven’t fixed the communication yet! ’

Suddenly, maybe everyone's yelling and yelling disturbed Catherine No. 2, she actually stopped the work of deciphering and coldly turned back to add this sentence.

'Oh! my God! Did you all see it? That's the twentieth. Who is he (she) anyway? ! ’

'To shut up! ! ’


‘Guys, maybe without us taking action, he (she) alone can kill all the outer star alliances easily. You see, they all hide now and dare not show up. ’

‘Maybe you can’t kill only...’

‘Why is this again? On the 3rd, this is the Reach of our UNSC. The guys from their Star Alliance have penetrated in, but there is no way to call bombing to deal with the snipers! ’

'Because no one will carry so many magazines. I usually only carry eight magazines in Thor's Hammer armor. Counting the guns, there are 36 rounds of 14.5x114mm AP-FS-DS shell-piercing wing stable armor-piercing ammunition. ! ’

‘! ! ’

‘If that’s the case, doesn’t he (she) have less than twenty bullets left? ’

‘Maybe less, maybe there are only one or two magazines left! If he (she) had Thor's Hammer armor like us, he might bring more, if not...’

What would happen if there was no Noble No. 3 did not say, because he believed his companions would know what he meant.

‘Well, maybe our support will soon be misfired due to insufficient ammunition. He (she) must be unable to support us at that distance with a Magnum pistol. ’

‘It’s really bad news, maybe he (she) can carry an ammunition box on the battlefield next time? ’

‘Noble 6 you are so funny! ’

‘Haha! ’

'Humph! ’

‘Shut up! ’

‘Noble 5, you are here for fire support while protecting Catherine. The others rushed up with me, take this opportunity to destroy them directly! ’

Finally, after seeing that the aliens outside were beaten so that they did not dare to show their heads, and did not dare to continue firing, the entire battlefield fell into a terrible silence because of a single person's sniper. Then look at the nearby sky without an enemy transport ship. The figure of Noble, who feels that the opportunity is indispensable now, will not come again, and that Noble No.1 Carter, who did not wait until the powerful'reinforcement' bullets ran out, hesitated for a while, after seeing that Catherine had not been able to break the door , He resolutely decided:

Taking advantage of the bullets in the helper I was waiting for, and taking advantage of the opportunity that the enemy did not dare to open fire or even show his head, he rushed out and hit a small counterattack, and then fought inside and out, trying to eliminate those numbers in one go before the new enemy came. Maybe there are only thirty or forty less enemies left, then take the opportunity to fix it?

'understand! Sir! ’

‘We should have done that a long time ago! ’

'head! Let's do a good job, and kill those Star Alliance clerks! ’

Soon, under the leadership of Captain Noble 1 Carter, in addition to Noble 5 George, who had heavy weapons and was not suitable for charging, had to leave Noble 2 Catherine who was concentrating on cracking the gate, Noble 3 Jun and Noble 4 Mill and a new stab Noble No. 6 Lieutenant Noble, they promised loudly, rushed out of the hall and began to cooperate with a sniper beyond their imagination in the distance, sturdily with fewer enemies and more enemies. The firepower of a mere four people launched a countercharge towards the Star Alliance soldiers who had at least dozens of people!

clatter! clatter! clatter! clatter! !

Bang! Bang!

clatter! clatter! clatter!


The noble squads shot wildly and fiercely, so that the angry and frightened Star Alliance soldiers did not care about showing their heads in danger or coming out of their bunkers to prepare to resist!

However, under the front and back flanking, especially under the terrible blow of a sniper in the distance who did not know where to hide on the mountain, the plasma weapons in their hands could not reach the enemy and could not call battleships or heavy firepower. With support, their resistance was quickly suppressed again.

at last,

After a fierce and short few minutes of competition, with the perfect cooperation of the four Spartan warriors from the noble squad and a horrifying sniper in the distance, the last jackal holding a red shield outside the relay station The man just wanted to raise the plasma pistol in his hand, but was shot from a distance by a bullet that shot from the edge of the opponent’s shield with a little gap and exploded the ugly head. Here at the gate of this relay station, the fighting finally stopped temporarily.


‘Report sir! ’

‘The enemies outside have been wiped out by us! The enemy seems to have temporarily abandoned their intention to continue to increase troops. Of course, maybe they have no troops to send at all? ’

Looking towards the hill where he was, and looking towards the pile of rocks, he still didn’t find the exact location of his helper, nor did he see the other side stand up, even the Thor’s Hammer peeping eyepiece did not show it. The actual position of the opponent can only be judged. Noble Noble 3 in the pile of rocks that has just been shot randomly by the Star Alliance people, after he indulges for a while, he loudly reported to the captain who came over. Write.

He observed that the opponent changed several sniper positions just now, so now he can only roughly judge the opponent's position...especially now that the place is hit by the plasma bullet and the heat source is extremely chaotic. Even with infrared or life detectors, there is no way to find each other.

‘I should be afraid, right? ’

‘I just saw their troop carrier, but it seems to have just turned around and flew away...’

Noble 6 feels that the people of the Star Alliance are not stupid. There is not much hope in seeing the continued increase in troops, and when it is extremely unfavorable to them, it is only natural to take the initiative to retreat.

However, it seems useless whether they retreat or not, because they already know that there is a Star Alliance on Zhiyuan. I believe that in the near future, the UNSC command will know it sooner!

'Ok! ’

'well! Catherine has opened the door, let's move on! ’

'and many more! Sir? ’

‘Noble 6, do you have any questions? ’

'of course! What about the guy outside helping us? He (she) seems to be very powerful, maybe bringing him (her) can help us a lot? ’


‘There’s no time, wait until the mission is completed and the enemies inside are eliminated! ’

'what? ’

‘All of them, keep going! Enter the relay station! ! ’

'Yes! ’

‘Okay sir! ’

‘Yes! ’


Because of the mission, Carter Noble 1 killed all the Star Alliance dregs in front of the gate and stopped saying anything. He just turned his head and glanced at the place halfway up the mountain, then waved his hand. , Let his team members follow into the bunker of the relay station.

Now there are people from the Star Alliance here, and they are still on Reach, or they are unknown to all of them. Therefore, in order not to let the UNSC continue to mistakenly believe that a group of rebels are making trouble, he better still Go in quickly and look at the situation inside, and then try to get Catherine to let him talk to his boss, Colonel Holland, that is the most important thing!

As for other things, such as the sniper who doesn't know who it is, they can only wait for them to deal with the things in the relay station bunker and come out.



"Tibbs, how can those guys be so spicy? They kindly helped them a lot and knocked out all the crooked stars. They just said thank you?!"

=????????(??????????????) No ━=????????(????????????? ?) ━情!!!!

Seeing those people pat their buttocks and then filed into the bunker that took out the relay station, Annie looked a little dumbfounded. She didn't know what those guys were thinking, so she was a little angry in her heart. He threw away the weapon in his hand, crawled into the grass with an annoyed face, and did not come out.

Because, she decided, if they guys don't come to thank her well, don't come to praise her well, don't come to invite her back as a guest and provide delicious and delicious things, she will... she will... Well, she just didn't do anything, and ignored those people, and went to play elsewhere by herself!


(● ̄(??) ̄●;)



"It is really impolite to have such a person..."


(Respected little master, if they don’t come, won’t you go down by yourself? Anyway, there are no aliens outside to fight. Why don’t you go to that building by yourself? There are many more inside, which is enough for you to play. A while back.


——If the terrestrial warriors think that everything will be fine if all the aliens outside are killed, then they are quite wrong! Because it was found by Tibbers after scanning, there are a lot of aliens hiding in it besides some survivors. If they are not careful, they may capsize in the gutter! )

"Don't go!"


"Because they have no bullets!!"

o(`^??)o Humph!

(There are many weapons below, such as rifles, submachine guns, sniper rifles, howitzers, and those alien plasma guns. Can you just pick one?)


"Don't pick it up!"


"People are not happy now! People don't like changing guns!"


(Report to the little master, the little one finds that there is a box of sniper bullets in the overturned military vehicle next to the gate below!)


"Tibbers, you shut up!!"


(Then whatever you want...)

ε=(????`●))) alas

I don’t know how long it has been, maybe ten minutes, maybe one hour?

Anyway, the gunshots in the bunker of the relay station in the distance gradually ceased, and a messy little girl was inexplicably angry and lay down in the grass and continued to wait. She was unwilling to come out or help, and gradually After falling asleep, when more UNSC reinforcements got the intelligence and rushed to support the warthog reconnaissance vehicle, the Scorpio main battle tank, the fighting falcon helicopter, and a pelican transport plane, the six Spartans from the noble squad , And Qi Qi came to this place in a puzzled way, because they had chosen to ignore the pile of rocks on the mountainside because of the task.

‘Sir! ’

‘He(she) is still there, motionless...’

‘! ! ’

‘Is it injured or dead? ’

‘I don’t know, but I’m definitely not dead, because I seem to have heard a slight breathing, and the life detector shows that everything seems to be normal too? ’

‘Maybe it’s injured, Noble 6, go over and see, what is going on with him (she)? ’

‘Yes! ’

Finally, seeing his companions waiting for him to reveal the answer, Noble 6, who was also a little worried in his heart, had no choice but to shrug his shoulders, and then dragged the heavy Thor's hammer power assault armor that weighs a thousand pounds. It seemed a bit steep halfway up the mountainside, struggling forward.

'Hey! Man! ’

‘Don’t lie down, the battle is over, our reinforcements are here, do you need any help? ’

'Hello there? ’

‘HELLO? ! ’


Noble 6 who walked in tentatively asked, but to his surprise, he changed the two familiar earth languages, and said hello in Chinese and English respectively, but the other party remained motionless. Take out the hidden grass?

‘Are you hurt? ’

So, after thinking about it, I feel that the other party may really need his own help, otherwise Noble 6, who won't be lying here for so long, stepped forward again and stretched out his hand and gently smashed the grass away...

‘? ? ? ’

‘Noble 6, what's the matter? ! ’

‘Lieutenant? ’

‘Is there a situation? ! ’

'what happened? ’

Seeing that Noble 6 smashed through the bushes, it stiffened in place instantly, thinking that the other party was held by someone hiding there with a gun or other weapons. The rest of the team members were vigilant and touched their backs. The weapons he was holding and asked aloud.

Although they don't feel that the other party has the need to embarrass them, and they don't think there will be any conflicts when the UNSC army arrives, but seeing their team members behave abnormally, they must be a little nervous.

'take it easy……'

‘I’m not in danger, put away the weapons, it’s your own. ’

After a long time, Noble 6 slowly stood up straight, and waved his hand to signal that the teammates behind should not be too nervous, let alone touch the weapon directly, acting as if he was about to shoot and fight.

‘Noble 6, what is going on? ’

‘He(she) is dead? ’

‘Man, you scared us to death! ’

'Humph! ’


Hearing Noble 6's words, seeing the other party's re-relaxation, and even taking off the armor helmet, the members of the noble team relaxed again and asked dissatisfiedly.

‘I’m not good, anyway...’

‘Forget it! Captain, and everyone, you should come and see for yourself! However, it is best for you to be lighter? ’

After spreading his hands, Noble 6, who didn't know what language to use to express his complicated feelings, didn't say anything in the end, but gave way to the side and motioned his companions to come and see for themselves.

‘Noble 6! What the **** are you doing? ! ’

As the captain, Noble No.1 Carter stepped up very dissatisfied, and soon, when he saw the scene in front of him, his eyes were instantly rounded, and his body was the same as Noble No.6 just now. Frozen in place.

"How mysterious is it..."

‘! ! ’

'what? ! ’


'my God! ! ’

'is this real? ! ’

Soon, the other members of the noble team, Catherine No. 2, Jun No. 3, Emile No. 4, and George No. 5, all curiously ran up, and surrounded the location. Behind the bushes between the two big rocks, one after another exclaimed, they couldn't believe what they saw!

Because, they saw that the amazing sniper who was still'ambushed' here now surrounded by them, the sharpshooter with hundreds of shots, the Star Covenant troop that hit hundreds of people with one shot and one shot. He didn't dare to take the lead, and finally killed nearly forty enemy troops, and helped them successfully wipe out the enemy outside the gate. It turned out to be a man who looked less than seven or eight years old with a cheeky face and his arms. The blond little girl who is still holding a plush toy bear and is asleep? !

To be honest, if it weren’t for seeing the SRS99 special-purpose rifle in front of the opponent’s head, there are also one or two empty magazines scattered on the ground, and there seems to be a shot on the face. If there are some traces of gunpowder smoke, no one would believe this kind of thing, right?


‘Sir! ’

‘What shall we do now? ’

After seeing his companions react exactly as he had imagined, Noble 6 smiled and asked their chief, Lieutenant Colonel Carter of Noble 1.


Lieutenant Colonel Carter did not speak, but slowly took off his helmet in silence.

'Ah! ’

‘I can’t believe that I, an elite spartan sniper, can’t even be worth a little girl...’

Noble 3, Jun, who is also a sniper, looked at the opponent's weapon like himself, and then looked at the little girl who seemed to be asleep because of fatigue or other reasons. He didn't know what to say.

'my God! ’

‘Today must be April Fool’s Day! Our Spartan team has been given by a little girl for a long time? It would be embarrassing to talk about this kind of thing! ’

‘Today is July 24, 2552. It’s not an April Fool's Day! ’


‘Guys, I bet she must be a shooting genius, the kind of self-taught! ! ’

'To shut up! ’


‘There are no more signs of movement nearby. Here and there were her sniper spots. The location is very small. I am afraid that only someone like her can hide in...’

Pointing to the two grass nests in the distance with obvious traces of being crushed, UU reading www.uukanshu. Jun of ComNoble No.3 sighed and said, and then he and the others turned to look at their chief, waiting for their orders.


‘Katherine, go and wake her up, be gentle, and...’

‘Forget it! Just take it home and talk about it...’

Originally, Lieutenant Colonel Carter wanted to ask about the other party's situation and try to find the other party's family. However, he felt that it was a pity that such a little girl as a sniper had left the civilians.

Anyway, it's a big deal to return it to each other's family.

'Humph! ’

‘I have always been gentle! ’

After finishing speaking, Major Catherine Noble 2 took off his helmet directly, put it in the hand of No. 3 next to him, and then gently moved forward and squatted to the little girl who was still asleep. Next to him, he stretched out his hand that was still intact, gently drew the other's golden hair scattered on the cheek to the other's ear, and finally looked at the other's quiet and innocent face...


Just looking at this pure and cute little face, for some reason, Catherine's heart could not help but touched slightly, because, somehow, she had a vaguely strong impulse to protect the other party?

However, she quickly suppressed the emotion that shouldn't be there, and instead tried to pretend to be gentle, gently pushing the other's shoulders.

'Hey! ’

‘Little guy, get up...’


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