Shadow Bear Tibbers’ Plane Journey

Chapter 1086: =???? (???*) How hot are they...

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On August 10, 2552, Annie had been in the special military training ground for the Marine Corps and the fleet and the reserve officer school for a full fifteen days!

In the past fifteen days, she has lived a fulfilling life of training (playing around) and learning various important and key combat skills (making trouble for others and hitting others severely by the way with talent). Soon and deservedly became the "No.1" (stab head) of Class C and won various advanced "outstanding student awards" (various punishments and punishments), and was therefore treated by the entire training camp and military academy students. Widely spread (repeatedly criticized by notifications).

But in any case, Annie completed the various training courses brilliantly in advance, and was able to coordinate with the elite classmates from the elites drawn from the various Hell paratrooper companies at 9:42 this morning in the Zhiyuan Star This area is close to the periphery of the Vieri area, and a 5V5 actual combat exercise is conducted in this inaccessible mountain area without any interference.


At this time, on a vantage point with dense grass and a few big trees, wearing a small ODST all-black jumpsuit, a burning skull'ODST' logo badge hung on his arm, holding it in his hand Little Annie, with an SRS99 special-purpose sniper rifle equipped by the military academy, was crawling here bored, waiting for any hostile'enemy' to appear in her sight.

She has been squatting in this position for almost two hours, and she is ready to stay here all the time, cooperating with her teammates and destroying the ‘enemy’s who are fighting against them?



"It's so boring, it's really hard to find five people in a large area... Hey, don't you worry, let's find and chat first?"


After stretching, opening the helmet's eyepiece and rubbing some sleepy eyes, Annie simply switched to the public channel and said cutely.

She wouldn't tell her companions and the ‘enemy’s’ that she was already here by waiting for the opportunity of sniping and radio silence, and she had a little sleep and got back to sleep! Then when she woke up, the two sides didn't even fight. There was no ‘attack’, and no ‘enemy’ appeared in her sight. It was really boring!




‘First warning! Student Annie, please do not use public channels to speak during the confrontation exercise! ! ’

There was silence in the channel for a while. Before the others had spoken, a certain major instructor who was the supervisor of the exercise suppressed with that kind of effort, and with a trace of anger in the public channel faintly sounded and spoke to someone A little girl, Annie, reprimanded severely.

"But what does it matter if we talk for a while?"


"Anyway, they have become very cunning, and they will not be fooled out by others..."


Yes, Annie said that this kind of training and simulated actual combat training is not once or twice. Although at the beginning, those guys were indeed deceived by her in various ways... But now the students in Class C We already know her nature well. After all, the "wolf is coming" thing can only be used once or twice, but it is determined that there will not be a third time!

Therefore, Annie felt that since everyone has been groping for the enemy in this area now, there must be no winner or loser in a short period of time, so it would be better to chat and pass the time.


‘Student Annie, I have blocked your public channel and restricted your communication authority. Please concentrate on the confrontation training, that’s it! ’


"Huh? Hello?!"


Soon, after a fierce major instructor ended the call, Annie discovered that the communication device in her jumpsuit and helmet seemed to be blocked by some bad guy, except that she could talk to Apart from the connection of the other four companions in the team, they suddenly lost all the functions of long-distance communication and actively calling other channels?



"Don't talk if you don't talk, what's so great, people are not rare!!"


This time it's all right, even the external communication was cut off by a bad guy major, so she had no choice but to mutter quietly, and lay down in her sniper position honestly, waiting for those who were getting more and more cunning. The guys came to the door by themselves, let them quickly knock them out and end today’s outing game?

Yes, in Annie's view, this is really just an outing. As for training and other things, it's all extra incidental, that's not important!



"That... eh? It seems to be a moa? Wow! It really seems to be a moa!!"

? (??????)?

"Hey! Hey! Hey?! Call number eight! Call number eight! If you hear it, please answer quickly!!"


She was lying on her stomach and was going to continue playing the boring play house war game or thinking about whether to sleep in a regaining sleep. Suddenly she saw something she was very interested in, so she was using her own hands. After confirming that the SRS99SAR automatic sight with five times and ten times magnification was correct, she was agitated and quickly shouted loudly in the channel.


‘Received on the eighth! What's the situation? ’

After waiting for a long time, when Annie couldn't help but yell again, some guy's voice reluctantly sounded slowly in the team channel of their five-person team.

"Of course there is a situation!"


"I found out that there was a moa walking towards you at six o'clock in your direction. Hurry up and kill it. We can have a meal at noon! But let me say it first. Its two thighs belong to me. , The other parts belong to you?!"


A living moa appeared in his sight, but there was no way to kill it and then eat meat, which made Annie's heart anxious.

'I saw……'

'But I'm sorry, Annie, we now have special bullets for exercises in the barrels. The warhead is switched to a low-frequency laser trigger device that pops up after excitation. It has no damage ability, so I can't help you. Kill the moa. ’

Unexpectedly, it turned out to be such a thing, a guy from Class C said quietly for a long time.

Obviously, for a little girl who still has the mind to think about the kind of food in the intense simulation confrontation training, it really makes him somewhat unimaginable.

"Don't you still have a knife on your body?"


"Just jump up and hack it to death! It's so close to you, as long as you jump up faster, get the knife more accurate, and slash towards its head, it will definitely be unable to escape. of!!"


Now Annie's head is full of delicious moa feast and moa thighs. As for any exercises, confrontations, or violations of discipline, she has long been thrown into the country of Java! You know, that moa is at least two to three hundred catties, enough for her to eat two meals!


‘Now it’s a drill, we can’t reveal our position, sorry, Annie, I can’t do that...’

‘Please keep on guard! ’

'complete! ’

Maybe it’s because I think that kind of thing has nothing to do with acting, maybe it’s not daring to violate discipline, especially when a certain unselfish major instructor is watching from the periphery, so the student No. 8 once again rejected a little girl’s. Plead.



"What kind of exercise? Where is the importance of eating? That's a moa. As long as you hack it to death, we will eat at noon and night. It is impossible that you still want to eat those unpalatable cans. And compressed cookies?"


Seeing that the other party dared to disobey her correct suggestion, Annie almost picked up a rock and threw it several hundred meters, crossed the mountain, and then killed the moa and smashed the stubborn and pedantic fellow on the head. Idea!

Of course, a'normal' little girl or human, even Spartan, could not throw the stone that far. Therefore, Annie, who didn't want others to consider herself as a monster to study, finally managed to hold back. The kind of eager thoughts in my heart.

'Sorry! ’

‘I can’t do that, it will expose my position! ’

The student No. 8 resolutely rejected Annie’s proposal, and still lay motionless on his observation point, indifferent to the moa gradually approaching him, and had no idea of ​​suddenly jumping up and attacking him. The opponent walked away slowly and missed the best opportunity.

"Exposure is exposed!"


"Anyway, I can beat five of them by myself. You are all in vain. Isn't it worthwhile to trade you for a moa now?!"


In every confrontation, as long as there is her group, she will definitely win at the end. Therefore, Annie feels that there is nothing wrong with sacrificing that number eight to get a set of meals for herself! Besides, it's just an exercise now, and it's not really a dead person. You can just pretend to mean it, but why are they so stubborn and so stubborn?

And if it wasn't for being a little far away from there, it might be too late to run over, she would have done it like that a long time ago, and where would she need to beg that annoying guy!


However, the eighth may be angry, maybe it was because he thought that Annie’s proposal seriously violated the rules of the battlefield, or was a little bit shocked by the opponent’s words, so he stopped talking and directly closed the unilateral communication with Annie. .



Annie froze for a moment, and just wanted to continue to say something. However, she soon discovered that her teammates and the other three people also followed Qi Qi to cut off communication with her, directly putting her as the most important one. The sniper was excluded from the team channel, so she could only passively receive information and could not actively talk?

"You guys! How can you be like this?!"


Now, counting the external communications and public channels that Annie had just been cut off by a ruthless major instructor, now she really has no contact with anyone at all, and she can finally maintain the absolute absolute in the true sense. The radio communication is silent...

"Okay! You guys wait for me!!"

ε=(??ˇεˇ????))) Bah!


∑(??△`)? !

When she was ready to curse some unkind, stubborn, conservative under her heart, Annie suddenly stopped, and turned her head to look in a certain direction with a little surprise.

(Report Dear Master! You have been discovered by the aliens of the Star Alliance, and they are now outflanking here. There are currently a total of 127, composed of five Saint Heli elites. Led by the fighters, the remaining members are some wolves and a large number of wild boars! They are very fast, and they will enter the effective attack range within one minute at the latest!

Of course, it must be the effective attack range of their weapons...

(● ̄(??) ̄●)

——When one of his own foodies who only wanted to hunt had just found out, Tibbers also thoughtfully reported to him ‘kindly’. In fact, what it wants to say is: farther north where these dead guys exercised, there is a larger base and more soldiers in the Star Alliance! It's just that, given that the little master of his family has found out now, he thought about it and didn't say anything more. )



"Hey! Hey! Hey?! I tell you, you'd better be careful, if you can, you'd better withdraw immediately, because I seem to see the bad guys of the Star Alliance!!!"


Seeing that the guys from the Star Alliance were divided into two groups and came to them left and right. Knowing that this would not work, Annie quickly used her communication device to connect to the team channel and the public channel, and hurriedly shouted Up.


‘! ! ’


Annie quickly came back to her senses: She seems to be unable to call and communicate with the outside world, so she can only passively receive information? Because, some **** major instructor and those ruthless companions seemed to have cut off all her active communications just now? !

"Hate it!"


There was no way. Seeing that the communication device could not be used, Annie had to take off her helmet, ready to stand up and use the backward communication method of ‘Roar’ to notify the guys who were looking for death!


?? (????д??)

"Hurry up and run, the bad guys of the Star Alliance are here..."


Soon, Anne’s echo of the girl’s scream with a hint of cuteness reverberated down the valley. The super loud volume was probably on another hill three to five hundred meters away. The number eight and other players can almost clearly hear.

‘Star Alliance? ’

‘However, there seems to be no response on the radar, and there has never been a report of the scum of the Star Alliance moving around here, Anne, are you sure? ’


"It must be fake, right? ’

‘Could it be that she is thinking about Faer to trick those guys out? ’

'Probably! ’

‘Forget it, keep watching, let’s see the situation first...’

'understand! ’

Not long after Annie's call, and soon, her teammates whispered and questioned in the team channel, but soon, after a brief exchange, they re-immersed again, obviously. She didn't take the words of her little girl with all kinds of evils too seriously, and she didn't remember to open her team channel so that she could explain the problem in detail through the communication.



How can they be like that...

Shouting, Annie, who was forced to expose her position completely and let the bad guys of the Star Covenant see her existence at this time, she didn't know what to say except staying in place.

Because, those hateful guys, are not willing to believe what she said? !



!? (??\'\'????)??

boom! ! !

Soon, without waiting for Annie to continue shouting, a series of four generator bombs came from the foot of the mountain toward her location, tracking the bombardment, and the sticky thunder cannon that seemed to come from the Star Alliance flew up at high speed. Within a few seconds, it exploded to where she was just now, and the high-heat plasma exploded at the instant of the explosion covered tens of feet in an instant.

‘! ! ’

'what sound? ! ’

‘No, I saw it. There are really star alliances, why are they here? ! ’

‘Fire! Hurry up! Fight them back! ’

‘No, all we have in our guns are training rounds! ! ’

‘Major! Major! Please answer if you hear! ! ’

'Wow! ! ’

‘! ! ’

'retreat! Everyone retreated immediately! ’

‘No! Monitor! We have been surrounded! ! ’

‘Damn it, use all channels for help! Tell them that this is a cold winter and we found the Star Alliance south of the Vieri area! ! ’

‘The communication cannot be connected, our long-distance communication is completely blocked by the enemy! ’

‘Damn it! ’

‘Hurry up and ask the major for help, let his Fighting Falcon helicopter provide fire support, and drop us the ammunition by the way! ’

‘He’s already here, at 8 o’clock! ’

clatter! clatter! clatter! clatter!

At this time, bursts of violent shooting sounded, and the group of Star Alliance soldiers who wanted to surround them were beaten and scattered all around in embarrassment, and several of them were swept down in an instant!

It turned out that it was the major instructor who was monitoring the periphery. At this time, the major instructor who had also discovered the situation drove the Fighting Falcon helicopter to fly over here at high speed, and used the chain cannon on the nose and the two M247H heavyweights fixed on the flanks. The machine gun fired fiercely at the Star Alliance soldiers who didn't know why they appeared in such an insignificant place.

‘? ? ’

'not good! Major, be careful, you are locked, avoid it! ! ’

boom! ! !

Another explosion!

However, it was the Fighting Falcon helicopter that the **** paratroopers in Class C had high hopes for. Unfortunately, it was hit by the Star Alliance weapons, which could be fuel cannons, sticky thunder cannons or plasma howitzers and other energy weapons, and then directly hit It exploded, swirled, and planted down the valley from the sky with fire and smoke.

Whoosh! Whoosh!

Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!

With the special and dull sound of the Star Covenant’s energy plasma weapons firing, soon, when the only Fighting Falcon helicopter stuck at the exercise site crashed, there was no need to worry about those Star Covenant soldiers who were hit , While firing, clamoring for some incomprehensible words, quickly besieged the area where the so-called strongest **** paratroopers of Class C were located.

In this way, an extremely bad encounter started like this...

'not good! ’

‘The second team is surrounded by the enemy, what should I do? ’

‘What else can I do? We cannot save them by ourselves now! fast! Go to the place where the helicopter crashed, there must be ammunition we need! ’

'understand! ’

‘Annie! Annie? How are you, please answer when you hear? ! ’


‘Damn it! No response, maybe she was blown to death! ’

‘Asshole! Maybe we should listen to her just now...’

‘Be careful, number eight! ’

‘Uh! ! ’

‘! ! ’

‘He was hit! ! ’

‘I see, I can’t control that much anymore, hurry down the valley and get the ammunition! ! ’

'understand! ’


However, when the other members of the squad were not talking, they were just rushing down the mountain and preparing to die, risking being chased and strafed by the enemy in the back to find ammunition at the crash site of the helicopter for counterattack. They thought it must be the little girl student Annie who was killed by the bombing, but at this time she was running fast in the mountains and forests.



At this time, behind her was an elite berserker of the St. Helios clan of the Star Alliance who was holding a lightsaber and running fast. !



Of course Annie heard the conversations of her teammates on the team channel, but if she could answer, she would definitely say loudly: You hateful guys, you have blocked other people’s communications, how can you let them answer? ? !

Of course, now she has no time to answer, and no time to care about the life and death of their fellows who don’t believe her, because she is running fast with her weapon, ready to find a suitable place, please or Kill the berserker of the Star Alliance behind you?


(● ̄(??) ̄●)

(Tibbers doesn’t understand something that can be easily solved with a fireball. Is it so troublesome? However, knowing that his own mischievous little master has always been very independent, that is, it is very hard-hearted. Did not dare to say more at this time!)



As I ran, I flipped through a mountain and found that this place was a little far away from the enemy’s large forces. Don’t worry about the besieged little Annie finally stopping and dropping her in her hands. Turning the SRS99SAR sniper rifle, he pulled out the short dagger that was fixed from his waist to the outer side of the armor of the thigh of the jumpsuit.




Annie drew her dagger, dropped the hindering helmet and made a defensive posture. The elite Berserker of the Star Alliance who had been chasing her all the way had already caught up and slowed down step by step, and finally stood there. She waved that long and beautiful lightsaber a few far away in front of her.

'Oh? ’

‘A human larva, hum! There is no honor at all! However, I don’t understand, why didn’t you just shoot? ’

With a sneer, the berserker who thought victory was in sight did not rush to attack, but took a moment to watch that the man in front of him was obviously shorter than the human warriors he killed before, and she seemed to be a larvae, mocking Annie. It is, and the human language they have learned a long time ago is still used.

"Because we are exercising and we don't know you ugly monsters are coming, so they didn't prepare bullets at all!!"

(ˉ▽ ̄~) Cut~~

Annie said that if she could shoot, she would have fired it, and she said that as long as there were enough bullets, today those who don't know why their brains are convulsed to attack her Star Alliance, don't even want to live!

Of course, now she also has a way to clean them up, at best, is she wasting a little bit of time?


(● ̄(??) ̄●)

(Tibbers felt that a lot of wasted time! Because, originally this was the other party’s idea to solve it, but in the end, a bad little master didn’t know what he was thinking, so he was dead and alive. Defined as a super gifted little girl, and then really played that kind of boring role-playing game?)

‘Ugly? ’

‘Are you insulting a brave soldier? Very good, let's do it, today I will have a fair test with you and give you an honorable death! ’

After telling those subordinates and companions not to rush over in his own communication, the leading elite berserker sneered and waved his lightsaber and assumed a standard posture to meet the enemy.

"Really? It's not always true who dies!"


'well! Come on, I will kill you and give you an honorable death! ’

The elite berserker who is about 8.4 feet tall and wears the mighty blue Star Alliance energy armor with brown skin, short wings on both sides of the helmet and the multi-layered scale structure of his arm armor sneered.

"Humph! The net big talker!!"

ヽ( ̄︿ ̄)—

Annie didn't dare to talk too long with the other party, because if she waited for the other party's companions to gather around, I'm afraid she could only'lift the table'! Therefore, she snorted coldly, moved her dexterous steps, and with that little speed and figure advantage, she rushed towards the opponent first.

‘Good job! ’

'go to hell! ! ! ’


With a fierce stab, the berserker's energy lightsaber wiped the opponent's head dangerously, slashing it close to the ground and a trace of melting in an instant.

clang! !

At the same time, the saber in Annie's hand slashed across the fully enclosed armor around his waist, and cut a clear white mark on it.

'idiot! ’

‘Your power is very weak. Although that kind of toy can ignore the energy shield, it’s not that easy to break through my armor! ! ’

The berserker certainly knows that the saber can directly break through the shield that only targets kinetic energy high-speed shooting weapons and energy weapons when it is slashed. However, in the hands of the opponent's dexterity but insufficient human larvae, it cannot Do any harm to him!

Unless, he stood still, let her use that kind of thing to insert from her own vitals or her neck, which is protected by non-high-strength metal? But it is a pity that no matter how careless he is, he will definitely not let the other party attack his own vitals like that!

Huh! !

After that, the elite berserker rushed forward again, and slashed at Annie with a single blow!



clang! !

After avoiding the opponent's slash, Annie once again slashed towards the opponent's leg! However, as the other party said, without using any extraordinary power, her blow left a white mark on the opponent's leg armor and left her saber with two more gaps. Besides, it is of no use at all!

And this is where the technological gap between the Earth humans in this world and the Star Alliance lies. It is not only reflected in warship battles, but also on the ground battlefield. Although, under normal circumstances, UNSC’s ground battles often dominate, but the two shots of Annie just now, if they were replaced with other energy weapons, such as the lightsaber in the opponent’s hand, they would have been defeated long ago. Shield, the second blow cut off the opponent's thigh with only two or three big toes!



Seeing that the saber in her hand, which was basically scrapped and slightly bent after only two strokes, had no choice but to throw it aside.


'You are very cunning! Human larvae, I admit I underestimated you! ’

‘But this time, I will catch you and send my lightsaber into your chest! ! ’

Seeing that the opponent had abandoned the damaged weapon, and then looked at the armor'scars' on his waist and the bend of his legs, the elite berserker only felt a little unnatural on his face, but he quickly exhaled a mouthful of turbidity. After getting angry, he was ready to step forward and eliminate the little human who had lost to him due to poor weaponry.

"Ugly big man, people can tell you responsibly: You have no chance!"


‘? ? ’

‘What do you want to say? Beg for mercy? ! ’

The elite berserker is still walking forward step by step. Although the opponent's courage and skill are good, but if you lose, you lose. He will not let go of any enemy, especially the opponent may be exposed. In the case of their base.

"You just asked for mercy!"


"Idiot, look behind you, right?"


Annie made a mischievous face at the other party, and pointedly pointed at the other party's **** and said. There, there was a Type-1 plasma reaction that she didn’t know when she walked down the opponent’s waist and stuck to the opponent’s ass. It was shining at this time and was about to detonate in three seconds. Infantry grenade!

‘! ! ’

'when will you……'

boom! ! !

However, the elite berserkers had not had time to finish speaking in their horror or reached out to take the shining thing off their buttocks, and it bounced, with the action of the high-explosive plasma, It blasted his shield directly, together with his armor and flesh, and was blown to pieces!

"Bah! Bah! Bah!"

ε=(??ˇεˇ????))) Bah!

"Makes you proud, now you know that you are wrong?!"


After the powerful explosion and shock wave, Xiao Anni, who was at least ten meters away, quickly got up from the ground and shook her hair that was a little messed up by the shock wave and plasma explosion. He kept spitting out the dirt in his mouth, and immediately ran to the big mud pit where the opponent was blown out of bones, picked up a glove-like thing and squeezed it hard!

Om~! !

A blue-and-white energy sword was provoked from the edge of the glove, and it looked very mighty. It was many times stronger than the tattered saber she had just lost!



"Wow! I dropped the equipment, it's a lightsaber..."


Anne said she was very proud of taking away the enemy and singled out with the opponent, and finally killed the opponent with the opponent's weapon, and also obtained an energy sword that can effectively counter the opponent's armor and shield!

Now, she is even more confident about defeating the enemies that surround her!



"It seems that there is still a shield..."


After thinking about it, Annie took aim at the jackals who were shooting from a distance while rushing towards this side, because they had the kind of shields that could block the shooting of weapons in their hands, not in her jumpsuit. In the case of shields, seizing the shields in their hands became one of her few choices.

As long as she can get one of them, in that case, she can be invincible, and she can calmly defeat them or rush into the encirclement of the enemy, and it will be no problem to get ammunition or something!

( the little master, the little one has important things to report!!


——When he saw his own horrible little master starting to run away, ready to find a chance to kill a certain hapless jackal from the Star Alliance and seize the energy shield of the opponent’s injury, Tibbers finally couldn’t see it and couldn’t. No sound anymore. )

"What are you doing? Didn't you see that others are busy? Hurry up if you have anything!"


Annie is in the woods using obstacles to avoid the shooting and containment of the sneak chasers, and trying to analyze the surrounding terrain, preparing to find a good opportunity to launch a counterattack and seize the vital shield! That is, the red or blue energy shields in the hands of the jackals!

Of course, she didn’t dare to force it, because the plasma pistols in their hands were a big trouble. If accidentally hit, she would be very embarrassed, because if the time comes, if she is “dead”, then She doesn't have to play, and if she doesn't die, it seems a bit unreasonable?

So, now I can only run first, and decided to take those chasers around twice, and wait until their formation is messy or scattered before taking action!

(Report Dear Master, small discovery, your team friendly images have all fallen...

(● ̄(??) ̄●)

——Yes, anyway, as far as Tibbers checked, those hapless teammates of his horrible little master, whether they were on the plane or on the ground, all fell down at this moment. ! Although not all died out, but I guess it's almost the same after a while. )





Reluctantly swept away with her own consciousness and found that the situation of those idiots was indeed exactly as the little bear said, Annie couldn’t help feeling embarrassed for a while, but it was only for a while, she quickly Just forget about the insignificant things.

"They didn't deliberately delay so long. They just solved a powerful guy who just got the weapon. Who made them so stupid?!"


Yes, Annie said that she had notified those guys in advance, and even exposed her position and was almost killed. She really did her best! So, those guys will die if they die, anyway, they will die sooner or later, the big deal, she will help them get revenge later!

"Go away! Tibbers, let us go and teach those bad guys severely and give them revenge!"

??(((┏(; ̄▽ ̄)┛

For the living body, death is not the end. However, Annie has no time to cherish the memory or sadness for those guys. She just took the opportunity to take advantage of the Star Alliance guys behind to follow her into the jungle and After the chance of chasing after him, he got short and swiftly drilled towards the dense place in the woods, and prepared to circumambulate the past and kill the three who were alone.

And in their hands, they held the kind of fun blue and red energy shields that could resist shooting weapons!


(= ̄?? ̄=)



‘Number eight, it seems, I can’t save you...’


‘You shouldn’t have come back to save me just now, I’m dragging you down...’

'cough! ’

‘I just didn’t expect that our principal’s plan C of the super **** paratrooper would end with such a bleak ending...’

‘Unfortunately, if there are more bullets, I can at least kill most of them! ’

‘Save, God bless us...’

‘We’re not saved, so may God bless Reach, bless mankind and the earth...’

Half an hour later, beside the crashed Fighting Falcon helicopter, he injured his thigh and was shot in the abdomen of Class C 8 which was severely burned by the energy plasma. The dying No. 9 watched the elite take several men by their UNSC. After the Star Alliance soldiers called the "Boar Beast" came up and pointed out the energy lightsaber towards them, they finally smiled sadly and threw away the MA37ICWS assault rifle that they had just picked up in their hands and had no ammunition.

'Humanity! ’

‘Talk it! What is your purpose in coming here? ! ’

At this time, the elite spoke.

Obviously, the reason why they kept the two of them and didn't shoot them directly, seemed to want to torture some information?


‘Miscellaneous of the Star Alliance, you won’t get any information from our mouths, I swear! ’

‘You will go to hell! ! ’


Before No. 8 had time to say more, he was stepped on his chest by the opponent, and with a wave of the lightsaber, he directly cut off the helmet of his jumpsuit, revealing the steadfastness inside. The persevering face that had been pierced by the opponent's energy lightsaber.

‘How about you? ’

‘Can you tell me? ! ’

After pressing the lightsaber in his hand against No. 8's neck, the elite turned his head and asked about No. 9 on the other side. Although it is not honorable to torture prisoners of war, it did so anyway.

"You dog..."

‘! ! ’

When No. 9 was about to scold the other party for a few words, and then just want to die quickly, he suddenly saw a small figure picked out from behind the other party. The other party was holding a red energy shield in his left hand and holding a hand tightly in his right hand. The energy lightsaber rushed up with lightning speed. After quickly cutting off the heads of the wild boar beasts, the rest of the power kept slashing directly at the thighs of the elite who had just turned around!

‘! ! ’

‘Uh ah ah~! ! ’

A horrible cry sounded, and the elite just had time to turn around to check, he was directly cut off a thigh and fell directly to the ground and screamed.

‘! ! ’

‘Annie? You are not dead! ? ’

'what! ! ’

No. 8 and No. 9 showed a rare unexpected smile on their faces, but Annie didn’t talk nonsense with them, just before the fallen elite had time to resist or want to take something out of his waist. Stepping forward, he pierced the lightsaber that was about to run out of energy into the opponent's throat.

puff! !


Staring wide-eyed Finally, the elite of the Saint Helier clan of the Star Alliance, this berserker, died in the hands of a small human **** paratrooper in this way.



"You are dead! People won't be as stupid as you!!"


Picking up the other party's lightsaber and placing it on her back waist, hanging with her little bear, Annie, who completely ignored the horrified eyes of her two companions, directly hummed.

At this time, behind her, there were already three inactive lightsabers hung up. Counting the ones that had just been captured and the ones that were being inserted in the neck of the elite, there were a total of five...


(● ̄(??) ̄●)

"Those bad guys were hacked to death by me! Now, you quickly use your helmets to contact the rescuers, I am going to take their nests now!"


With a sword and a shield in her hand, Annie, who didn't panic at all, said these words to the two of them, and then ran towards the crashed helicopter for the first time, and quickly found a whole unopened The undamaged 14.5x114mm AP-FS-DS shelling wing stabilized armor-piercing bullet box, and then directly loaded it with a very laborious look, carried it and walked to the mountain whistling.

‘! ! ’

‘Annie? ’


‘Wait first, don’t mess around...’

‘Annie? ! ’


However, how can the seriously injured two shout each other? In this way, I can only watch the other party go away with a box of sniper rifle ammunition...


(*^▽^*)?? Ask for a ticket?? (*^▽^*)

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