Shadow Bear Tibbers’ Plane Journey

Chapter 1092: o(??�第�

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August 18, 2552, 11:10 am...

Today is the second day of the Siege of New Alexandria. The flames of war have spread from dozens of miles outside New Alexandria to the outskirts of New Alexandria. At this time, UNSC has a large number of marines, army, and a small number of **** paratroopers. , The colonial garrison, the city police force, etc., were all ordered to participate in the intense and tragic outskirts of the city with the invading Star Alliance forces.

It’s very dramatic. Until then, until the explosion, fire, smoke, and gunfire of cannonballs continue to reach the center of this huge city, and even many stray bullets fly into the city from time to time, many original The new citizens of Alexandria, who had been kept in the dark, were stunned to discover: It turns out that the situation of Reach has been so bad, and the Star Alliance has hit their doorstep, and hit this one that is said to be heavily guarded and called ' Are you on the planet of the military fortress of the “Earth Gateway” and the “Strong Fortress of Near-Earth Colony”? !

So, after the street fighting in the suburbs started, a large number of smart or powerful people hurriedly began to evacuate. However, they soon discovered that the universe has also become a ball, even UNSC's naval ships are faintly at a disadvantage, so that there is no spacecraft that can take them safely into the universe and leave this increasingly deadly planet?

Immediately afterwards, New Alexandria inevitably became chaotic...

A large number of citizens fled with the means they could find. For them, even if they can no longer take the spacecraft to the universe and evacuate from the battlefield far away from Reach, as long as they can temporarily stay away from New Alexandria, then it is also fine.

However, it is unknown how many dignitaries or citizens who blindly evacuated can successfully escape from New Alexandria under the chaotic situation.

However, the chaos in New Alexandria and the behavior of the citizens have no effect on the UNSC troops in combat. In fact, if the citizens can evacuate themselves, the UNSC troops must be resisting the Star Alliance. It will definitely be more handy, right?

But it is a pity that until today, the metropolis of New Alexandria, this cosmic harbor, still has most of the people stranded in them. They are still staying in their homes nervously, waiting for the evacuation order from the UNSC or ONI headquarters...

Tuk! Tuk!

'Be careful! ’

Whoosh~! Whoosh~! Whoosh~!

boom! boom! !

'Pooh! ’

‘Fire! Fight back! Hurry up and shoot them back! ! ’

clatter! clatter!

clatter! clatter! clatter! clatter!

Looking at the light warship of the Star Alliance in the distance, the SDV-class heavy gunboat fired several plasma secondary artillery towards its defense line from time to time, causing its own position to be turned into a mess, and once again caused it. A lot of people were killed and injured. A UNSC Army Lieutenant Commander who had just gotten up from the ground spit on the ground viciously and cursed. Then he quickly stood up and opened fire and commanded the soldiers.

‘Everyone stand up! ’

‘You must keep here! ! ’

‘! ! ’

‘Damn it! It's the enemy's assault gun! Be careful to hide! ! ’

"You guys come back..."

boom! !

Before the lieutenant had time to remind the heavy machine gun squad in the distance, a plasma assault cannon directly submerged the people in an explosion, and even the handle that was erected behind the bunker was defending. M247HHMG played an important role in the explosion and spun high and flew out.

‘Asshole! ’

‘Where are the rocket launchers and grenade guns? fast! Come here! We need heavy firepower here! Be sure to get rid of their dead assault artillery platforms! ! ’

'you! Go over there and use grenade to attract their attention! ’

‘You go from here to there, try to blow it up from the side, that is its weak point of breeding! be quick! Don't let them get closer! ’

‘Brothers work hard! ! ’

clatter! clatter!

clatter! clatter! clatter! clatter!

On this street line of defense on the outskirts of New Alexandria, which is made up of desolate walls and broken road bridges, the brave UNSC lieutenant officer is waving his hand vigorously. The MA37 assault rifle inside, while firing at the Star Alliance Guru and Gnoll soldiers who were constantly attacking their defenses in front of them, they kept on the communication channel at the dozens of people around him who were still standing here without retreating. Soldiers from various units encouraged and commanded.

boom! boom!

Soon, two explosions sounded, and the army soldiers in front of them who were preparing to bombard the dead assault artillery platform with howitzers were blown up instantly. As for whether they were dead or not, no one had time to check them.

boom! boom! boom!

Soon, three more explosions sounded.

It turned out that the lieutenant officer had just sent the fire team to the side to attack the enemy. It was the soldiers who used the medium-sized anti-vehicle assault weapon and used the M41 ground-to-ground rocket launchers towards the Star Alliance assault gun platform. Fire!

A series of three 102mmHEAT high-explosive anti-tank rockets directed at the three Star Alliance assault artillery that were just assaulting in. Two of them hit the spot, blasting the ghost assault artillery to pieces on the spot. Half of it was paralyzed to the ground instantly, and the last one was accidentally blocked by obstacles and caused a close-range explosion. Although it was not destroyed, the Star Alliance soldiers driving the assault gun platform were given Very scared.

Therefore, in view of the stubborn resistance and effective anti-armor capabilities of the UNSC soldiers, the '26 Revenant Assault Artillery Platform' that was frightened had to fire and bombard the place where the heavy fire team had just been fired, while reversing quickly. And retreat back.

'Great! ’

'fast! Come back soon! ’

Fortunately, the guys in the heavy firepower team are still very exciting. After they opened fire and exploded two enemy assault artillery, they directly carried the empty M41 rocket launcher and turned and ran, barely avoiding that. The retaliatory bombardment of the retreating assault artillery platform saved the last two sets of 102mm-caliber medium-sized anti-vehicle assault weapons on this line of defense.

‘! ! ’

'Be careful! Is an elite officer! ! ’

Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!

Suddenly, when the lieutenant officer had just seen a distinctive figure, and then he had time to remind him that the soldiers in the heavy firepower team had been given a hand by the cunning guy in the gray armor. The shuttle's high-temperature plasma swept to the ground.

‘Asshole! ! ’

clatter! clatter! clatter!

Out of grief and indignation, the lieutenant who didn't think much about it took the MA37 assault rifle in his hand, and fired 32 rounds of ammunition in the entire magazine directly to the position of the elite in a very short time. .

‘! ! ’

‘Damn shield! ! ’

After playing a magazine, the officer cursed cursingly while having to retract to replace the magazine.

Because he saw it just before he retreated, even though a considerable part of his bullets hit the elite, even a lot of bullets hit the opponent’s armor and shot sparks, which may have caused the opponent. Certain injuries? But in the end, he let the cunning guy successfully hide back.

This is equivalent to that all his efforts were wasted...

After a while, after the elite's shield is restored, the opponent will definitely jump out again, and then once again rely on the advantage of the shield to slaughter his soldiers as much as possible? Therefore, he must think of a way!

Maybe, he could take the risk to **** back the M41 ground-to-ground rocket launcher, and then directly give the cunning, at least a dozen of them, the elite of the Saint Helier clan?

However, he also knew that that would be too risky, because his bulletproof armor and FC-I variant helmet could not provide him with a shield. Once he was hit by the enemy’s plasma weapon, it would be fierce. Dorje is less...

Therefore, he must think of other more reliable methods.

‘! ! ’

'Well? ! ’

'what's the situation? ’

Soon, before the lieutenant officer thought of a solution to the troublesome enemy with its own shield, he only saw:

When the remaining assault artillery in the distance was about to continue to blast their line of defense, it was abruptly that the head of the Covenant soldier who was manipulating the plasma artillery and the jackal exploded in an instant. The platform was controlled and fired by individual soldiers and stopped there motionless.

Immediately afterwards, the assault artillery platform was like a deadly trap. Any enemy who tried to rush over and manipulated would be shot headshot and killed on the spot before touching it!

'this is…….'

‘A sniper? But who is so great? ! ’

Seeing that the cunning elite who seemed to be about to retreat were shot dead after exposing a small figure, the lieutenant unconsciously looked behind them, wanting to see the sniper helping them. Where is the hand hiding, but it is a pity that the current situation on this battlefield is very chaotic, and he watched for a while and still couldn't find anything.

‘! ! ’

'good chance! ’

‘Fight back! fast! Everyone stood up, charged me, and beat them out now! ! ’

clatter! clatter! clatter!

Although I didn’t see who helped me and the others, the lieutenant officer who didn’t come when I saw the opportunity was not lost quickly recovered, and waved his hand excitedly at those who looked the same. The soldiers who felt some morale rebounded together yelled loudly and rushed out while holding the MA37 assault rifle in his hand.

The friendly sniper who didn't know where was hiding was effectively sniping and killing a famous enemy, and even hit the other side not dare to spearhead. He couldn't possibly miss this good opportunity!

So soon, with the full help of a friendly sniper who didn’t know where to hide, the UNSC lieutenant and his dozens of soldiers from various UNSC ministries were able to pay a small price. Annihilated all the enemies who had almost rushed into their defense line before, and regained the front position of the city.

'Won? ’

'Great! We hold our ground! ’

"It's really not easy..."

'Yay! ! ’

‘Long live UNSC! ’

‘Long live Zhiyuanxing! ! ’

After winning the staged defensive battle, the soldiers began to scream and celebrate the hard-won victory.

‘! ! ’

'not good! fast! Everyone returns to your post, immediately! ! ’

It is a pity……

The excitement of the soldiers and the joy of victory did not last long, because they soon discovered desperately: At this time, it didn’t take long for the Star Alliance soldiers on their position at the entrance of the city to clear them. Before we had time to clean the battlefield, in the distant sky, a series of four Star Covenant’s "44 Phantom" transport spacecraft or transport aircraft appeared again from the distant horizon, firing violently at them and high speed. Flew over?

Immediately afterwards, the transport ships put down at least one hundred Star Alliance soldiers, at least seven or eight ghost attack vehicles, and two ghost assault gun platforms not far from them! Then, when three of the Type 44 Phantom transport aircraft took off quickly and flew away quickly, the remaining Phantom transport spacecraft directly led the ghost attack vehicles and the ghost assault guns towards them, just occupied This position of the attacked fiercely and rushed viciously?

‘! ! ’

‘Damn it! ’

‘Get down! Beware of shelling! ! ’

boom! boom! !

Bang! Bang! Bang!

boom! boom!


Soon, the lieutenant could no longer shout...

Because the countless explosions and the bursts of large-caliber plasma cannons and other rapid-fire weapons shook their defenses one after another, and even the soldiers’ ears began to tremble. 'Sound, even if he wants to shout something now, his subordinates will definitely not be able to hear or react more.

Moreover, now in that **** Star Covenant Type 44 Phantom transport aircraft, under the suppression of that rough-skinned air unit, they have no way to counterattack, because now they have not been able to effectively deal with the heavyweight of the other party. The heavy firepower team of the armored unit.

‘! ! ’

Suddenly, the lieutenant officer saw that the abominable "Phantom" transport spacecraft of the Star Alliance was still boldly hovering above their position, and when the plasma heavy artillery on the bow stopped, it started to use the side. The light hand-controlled plasma cannon in the hatch once again started to shoot at the soldiers who were hiding behind the bunker?


However, the Star Covenant soldier who was manipulating the light 52 plasma cannon at the hatch did not take long for him. He tilted his head, and at the same time he burst into bursts of blood, he planted directly from above, and fortunately he did not die. He fell to the side of the lieutenant officer and scared him.

'what? ! ’

"It's that sniper..."

It was too dangerous to stop the lieutenant who shot a shuttle bullet at the opponent's body. With a concentration, he saw the big hole in the forehead of the ugly Star Alliance soldier, and then he knew who did it without thinking about it.

However, a sniper definitely cannot change the current situation. With the cooperation of the enemy's heavy armored units, these remnants of them must be dead today! And that sniper, at best, was nothing more than a soldier who could continue to kill some enemy troops. There were definitely not many good ways for that Phantom transport spacecraft, assault vehicles and assault guns.


'call! ’

‘Everyone prepare! ’

‘I’m afraid we won’t be able to escape this time, and fight with them for the sake of Reach! ! ’

After replacing the magazine of the MA37 assault rifle in his hand and reloading it, the lieutenant officer, who felt that he was unlucky today, resolutely shouted in the channel and prepared to join the soldiers and approach those who were gradually approaching. The Star Alliance soldiers launched their final counterattack, and they can kill one more!

Because, under the eyes of the enemy's armored units, and under the pressure of the transport spacecraft in the sky, they must have no way to retreat to the bunkers and broken walls behind them.

‘For Reach! ’

‘For humanity! ’

‘God is with us...’


The soldiers shouted on the channel one after another and made relevant preparations. At this moment, no one flinched, because behind them is New Alexander, and here is Reach, and Reach is also the gateway to the earth, for the sake of mankind. , For the earth, they have no choice, because they have to fight to the end with the Star Alliance that intends to destroy all mankind and launch a war of genocide, until they die! !


"Riding on my beloved scooter..."

‘It will never get stuck in traffic...’

Suddenly, in this position, when the remaining UNSC officers and soldiers were preparing to make a final decisive counterattack, as the sounds of motorcycles'burst' sounded, a slightly funny and adorable one The girl voice actually sang the kind of children's rhyme incompatible with the atmosphere on their channel?

‘! ! ’

'what's the situation? ’

‘Who is singing? ! ’


The bombardment in the Star Covenant ceased temporarily, and the Star Covenant 44 Phantom transport aircraft in the air and the mechanical units continued to cooperate with them. The soldiers of the Star Covenant were preparing to completely encircle and suppress the UNSC that they could not raise their heads. Soldiers, including the lieutenant officer, the almost desperate UNSC soldiers soon discovered:

With the sound of singing and the sound of engines from far and near, a motorcycle with a slip of dust came assaulting here at high speed from a distance?

Then it didn’t take long before they saw a little figure wearing red armor that looked like the GEN Thor’s Hammer armor of Spartan warriors, riding on a mongoose motorcycle. And at full speed, relying on the good road conditions in New Alexandria, the speed has been increased to at least one hundred kilometers per hour, and is still accelerating and rushing toward them?

‘! ! ’

‘A little girl? But what is she going to do? ’

‘? ? ’

‘She’s the sniper? ! ’

Huh! !

However, before the UNSC soldiers who huddled up behind the bunkers figured it out, they saw again that the sniper who looked a little petite and even smaller than the average woman was galloping at extreme speed. Raising his hand on the mongoose motorcycle, he shot another gunner on the Phantom transport plane that was hovering above them, who seemed to be about to turn his gun to bombard her?

Then, she put the weapon back on her back and continued to blast the throttle to cool the liquid of the military mongoose motorcycle. After hydrogen was injected into the engine to make a stronger roar, she deliberately rushed past the bombed. The pavement steel plate that had to be turned up, flew straight toward the Phantom-class transport plane of the Star Alliance in the sky?

"Oh, it's windy on the road..."

"Oh, you are going to be blown up as a fool..."

‘Aha! They are here! ! ’

At the moment, the UNSC soldiers and the Star Alliance soldiers underneath watched with stunned the meerkat flying onto the lower abdomen of the Phantom-class transport aircraft, and abandoned the vehicle at the highest point, jumping high to the transport aircraft's scaffolding and turning over vigorously. After arriving in the cabin, soon, there was a burst of fierce firefighting inside.

clatter! clatter! clatter!

clatter! clatter! clatter! clatter!

Listen to the sound, it seems to be the kind of MA37 fully automatic assault rifle from UNSC?

Then, of course, there were screams from the soldiers who obviously belonged to the Star Alliance, and from time to time, the soldiers of the Star Alliance screamed, or silently planted from the cabin with the open door. Falling to the ground, I don't know if it was shot out or thrown out by the little girl?

Then, the Phantom-class transport spacecraft shook violently. When it was about to lose control and fell to the ground and crashed, it suddenly lifted and turned its bow, and after re-adjusting its posture, it blatantly The Type 44 heavy plasma cannon that began to use its bow was directed towards the ground, and slashed and bombarded the soldiers of the Star Alliance and their ghost attack vehicles and revenant assault guns?

‘Ah! ! ’

‘Wow! ! ’

‘Αν??ητε!! ! ’

‘! ! ’

It didn’t take long for the completely defenseless Star Alliance soldiers to see that the enemy in red armor was so ferocious that even the Phantom spaceship could be snatched away, and they were still constantly strafing and bombarding them with that heavy plasma cannon. , I found that I had suffered heavy casualties, and I also saw that there were suitable shields to defend against the plasma heavy artillery, and there were UNSC troops in front... Therefore, they no longer dared to stay, and they screamed and turned around. Then ran to the front line of the friendly army in the distance.

As for the more advanced Ghost Assault Vehicles and Revenant Assault Cannons, they can no longer take care of them, because those things have already turned into piles of burning under the heavy plasma cannon on the bow of the Phantom Transporter. Scrap iron!

‘! ! ’

'God bless! ’

'fast! Soldiers, seize the opportunity to eliminate those remnants! ! ’

clatter! clatter! clatter!

Realizing that there is another advantage to take, and discovering that the red warrior who is suspected of being a Spartan is so sturdy, he also performed a scene in front of himself and the others of capturing the spacecraft by speeding and turning the situation in an instant. The lieutenant hurriedly once again He rushed out of the broken bunker composed of broken eaves and broken walls, and screamed, commanding his subordinates, violently towards those Star Alliance dregs who had not had time to escape or were bombed to death. They attacked the past.

'and many more! ’

‘What is she doing again? ! ’

After basically clearing out the remnants in the position, the lieutenant thought that the female Spartan soldier who had snatched the enemy's spaceship would descend the transport spaceship and come out to meet her and others, and then accept her and others' gratitude and When congratulating him, he unexpectedly saw that the opponent not only did not descend, but turned around and gradually rose, and then seemed to hesitate for a while, and then accelerated suddenly, towards the distant ship that was defending against other troops The violently bombed Star Covenant light warship, which looked extremely huge compared to the Phantom-class transport spacecraft, accelerated towards that SDV-class heavy gunboat and rushed over?

‘! ! ’

"She wouldn't want to..."

'my Lord! ’

‘Damn it! Is she crazy? ! ’

Soon, the lieutenant and his soldiers saw again in astonishment:

The Phantom-class spacecraft that originally belonged to the Star Covenant hovered in the sky for a short time at a very fast speed, and took advantage of the fact that the people of the Star Covenant did not react. I don’t know who it was before driving it. In the distance, the **** of the SDV-class battleship above another defense zone is against the enemy's defensive firepower, even if the enemy ship's near-anti-aircraft fired it, so that the hull appeared hideous holes and ignited fire. , And resolutely slammed into the battleship's engine? !

boom! ! !

The violent explosion and fire flashed behind the SDV-class battleship in an instant.

Then, the wounded Covenant light warship that flew into the Reach's atmosphere and was suddenly suicide attacked by the "friendly" transport ship began to burst into flames and smoke, hurriedly and somewhat awkwardly turned the ship. Head, ready to raise the height of the battleship and evacuate here in New Alexandria?

However, it is a pity that it has not been able to fly far. In the end, it was slowly planted obliquely toward the distant ground amidst bursts of more violent fire and successive thick smoke. !

Rumbling rumbling...

Soon after, there was a violent and fierce explosion in the distance. Looking at the billowing smoke and fire in the distance, both the UNSC and the Star Covenant soldiers knew it, presumably the Star Covenant lightly loaded spaceship. It's definitely hopeless.

‘Sir! ’

‘Did she die with the enemy? ’

'I do not know……'


‘She is a hero! The pride of Zhiyuanxing! She will definitely get the Zhiyuan Star Defense Medal! ’


On this calm position outside of New Alexandria, the UNSC Lieutenant officers and soldiers who had just been rescued by the red figure and the friendly army who looked like a little girl in sound and size couldn't help being silent. Down.

'report! ’

‘Sir! The enemies here have been eliminated, what should we do now? ’


‘Wait! But I will contact the superior first...’

'All right……'

'The new order is here: the lieutenant colonel asked us to quickly clean up the battlefield and bring all we can use, including the enemy's weapons... He said, this war may not end so soon, let's withdraw now. The back line of defense is trimmed. The outer position is no longer necessary for defense. The top has decided to put the enemy in and fight on the street! ’

'what? ’

'Yes! Yes! ! ’

‘Listen, everyone, retreat now! ! ’

Although he was victorious, I looked at the enemies who rushed forward again in the distance, and then toward the battlefield in the distance, toward the red color that I didn’t know if I had already hid somewhere or died directly with the enemy’s SDV-class battleship. After taking a look at the sky where the soldier hit the last time, the lieutenant weighed the strength of the enemy and us. After looking at the enemy and his position, he had to wave his hand sullenly and signaled the soldiers to quickly prepare to retreat.

With their heavy losses and lack of heavy firepower, now their line of defense is indeed no longer necessary or possible.

Therefore, he can only retreat to a further back line of defense, merge with other friendly forces, continue to rely on the advantages of the terrain, and make full use of the various steel structures and terrain in New Alexandria to kill more enemies. That is indeed the upper side. The accurate military orders communicated to them must not be wrong!

'fast! ’

‘Pack up, take the wounded, let’s evacuate to the back! ’

'understand! ’

‘Here! fast! There is a wounded here, who will help him? ’

‘Lift him! ’

‘Bring those ammunition boxes too! Who would fire that Assault Cannon of the Star Alliance? ’


‘Hey! No one will? ’

‘Then blow it up! Go find it, use those plasma bombs from the Star Alliance to blow it up! Only when the plasma is damaged will it completely turn into a pile of scrap iron! ! ’

'understand! Sir! ’

While this line of defense had to retreat, more situations were also happening in the suburban area around the city edge of New Alexandria.

This city is now surrounded by the Star Alliance forces from all directions, and more enemies are being transported and thrown in continuously. In addition to shrinking the line of defense and relying on terrain advantages and street fighting to continuously kill the enemy’s vital forces In addition, the UNSC defensive forces and officers really do not have any better way.

Although the above said that the UNSC navy will send at least 50 small warships or frigates into the atmosphere of Reach to provide support to the defenders, but...So far, they have not seen any ship belonging to UNSC at all. The large ships of the Navy flew into the planet and provided them with support!

On the contrary, the battleships of the Star Alliance have been here many times, such as the one that was bombed just now? Therefore, as long as people with brains are able to guess what the battle conditions in the universe are like, they can more or less guess.


boom! boom! boom!

clatter! clatter! clatter! clatter!

Whoosh! Whoosh!

Explosions, smoke, flying shells and missiles, blood, screams, and gunfire are the main theme of the battlefield surrounding the new Alexander City!

At this time, the red ‘Spartan’ fighters believed by some eyewitnesses and died with the enemy, were rushing from left to right in the enemy’s occupied area, trying to kill the enemy and escape.

Yes, it is indeed an escape!

Because, when she jumped from the Phantom-class transport ship at the last minute and killed a Guru soldier with a leap of faith, she had to work hard without being surrounded by the enemy to'death'. The earth ran continuously before the enemies surrounded her.





Like the little Annie possessed by the Protoss Fork Soldier, with the help of the'GEN2' Thor's Hammer Power Assault Armor, she jumped to the ground at a very fast speed and overturned a Star Covenant who saw her in two strokes. After the elite and killed a group of timid Guru, before the enemy's large forces came to encircle her, she quickly jumped into the buildings that were destroyed by the Star Covenant and moved towards the UNSC line of defense. Touch it quickly.

"Oh ho~!"


"This is great!"


After seeing a large group of enemies appeared in front of her, Annie hurried back in shock.

Although, under a fierce operation, she did successfully eliminate countless Star Covenant troops and added a small Phantom-class troop carrier and an SDV-class light warship, and by the way, she also used jet backpacks. The moment she landed, she killed an elite Star Alliance officer who was so courageous and daring to challenge her, but Annie was not happy at all now!


"My beloved little motorcycle is gone, and the ammunition box on the back seat of the motorcycle is gone. There are only 5 magazines left on my body, and there are only 24 rounds in total with the gun. How far is the school from here..."


"Tibbers, even if we want to go back to supplement and repair this time, it will be very difficult!"


Yes, this is what makes Annie worry and feel sad! Just now, in order to help those guys and to capture the Phantom-class transport ship, her two large boxes of bullets, those super easy to use and said to be super expensive high-speed armor-piercing bullets, were just accidentally followed by her. The beloved Meerkat is lost together!

(Report to the little master that this new Alexander is now a battlefield. There must be a lot of weapons and ammunition in and outside the city. You don't need to worry at all. You can pick it up when you need it...)

(● ̄(??) ̄●)

(Tibbs doesn't think that the things that bad-hearted little master is worried about are any big problems. After all, in his view, in this chaotic battlefield, the most indispensable thing is ammunition and weapons! If If you are lucky enough, it seems impossible to pick up a Scorpio main battle tank or tactical nuclear missile?)

"Pick it up? People don't want those tatters!"


"Those shattered shields that hit an elite crooked star will have to fight for a long time, even the kind of shelling-wing stable armor-piercing bullets. Although they hit farther, they are less powerful. It takes two full shots to kill one. Elite, so people still prefer the kind of high-speed armor-piercing bullet that can break the shield and penetrate the ugly heads of those crooked stars!"


For Annie, who has always been afraid of trouble, she is accustomed to using those expensive high-speed armor-piercing ammunition and then changing those ordinary ammunition.


‘Call Noble No. 7, I’m Noble No. 5 George! Annie, please answer when you hear, where are you now? ’

Suddenly, after Anne had just got rid of the enemy-occupied area, the Star Alliance soldiers searched again, and her communication came from Noble 7's Uncle George who sounded a little anxious.

"Ask me?"


"It should be on the outskirts of the west of the city? Anyway, it's all the bad guys from the Star Alliance. People don't know where they are!"


After finishing talking, Annie shot an elite sniper who was sneaking up on the window sill of the ruined building and didn't know which UNSC army officer he wanted to attack, and then hit the head of someone in the Star Alliance. Before Lou chased herself down, she quickly jumped over the window sill and jumped into the same dilapidated building on the opposite side, and cut off a certain two who were lying in a dilapidated room with a single sword, not knowing whether it was lazy or sleeping. , Or a grunt who does something else.

Yes, as early as yesterday when the people from the Star Alliance started chasing them, she had already separated from the big guy George, or that she thought that the other party was too troublesome and deliberately separated?

Anyway, the big man has now gone to the front line to fight **** battles with the Star Covenant, and her lone ranger sniper, Annie, naturally continues to do her kind of shooting a few shots to change a place, or specialize in the Star Covenant. Those officers in beautiful armors do the easy work of black hands, and they still seem to be doing brilliantly?

In short, when the forces of the besieged Star Covenant frequently experienced command system delays and coordination errors, they were more or less inseparable from her.


‘Outside the west of the city? ’

‘There are many Star Leagues in that place, and our troops are also going to abandon there and let the enemy in to fight street fighting. Do you need me to help? ’

Hearing that it was the place in the west of the city that had been hit hardest by the enemy's SDV battleship before, George Noble 5 couldn't help but worry about the safety of the little guy Annie, and asked earnestly in the communication.

"No need!"


"They are going to cross the fire zone and return to our UNSC defensive zone. Don't worry if George is a big guy, they will definitely not be able to catch them!"


Although a certain George is really powerful, and it is still the legendary Spartan Phase II, but for her Queen Anne, it is still a bit too bad, she should not be that kind of burden!

'That's good! be careful! ’

'correct! ’

"Anne, I just heard the report that a guy wearing a red Thor's hammer armor robbed a Phantom transport spacecraft, and then hit the enemy's SDV-class battleship and died together with the enemy. Then it might not be you. Right? ’


!? (??\'\'????)??

"Of course it is! But how could someone be like you stupid and want to die with the bad guys of the Star Alliance? They jumped off immediately when they collided, and killed a grunt by the way, Hacked to death a proud elite commander!!"


In the channel, Annie spoke bitterly in that milky voice and corrected it loudly.

Are you kidding me, who is Queen Anne? How could she go to the enemy's small, broken battleship to play the same trick, do they match? !


(● ̄(??) ̄●;)

‘It’s really you! ’

‘Good job, Annie! ’

‘Let’s do this first, my radar has already found your signal, come back if you can, don’t stay too long in the enemy-occupied area, it’s not safe! ’

‘Also, remember to keep in touch? ’

In the communication, Noble No.5 George didn't mind a little girl's ridicule of himself, but sighed with satisfaction and excitement, and did not stingy with his praise at all.



"People know that, you should take care of yourself first, don't know all day long to be lazy in the name of communication, and make noise!!"


Annie shut down the communication all of a sudden, and then stopped talking, just rushing forward in this ruined city battlefield full of explosions, fires, and bullets. She was going to run to her own people, to the defense zone of the UNSC defenders, and then find a suitable, slightly safer and more comfortable sniper spot, and then see how to clean up the evil star people?

Moreover, the big George just said that the UNSC and ONI officers knew that the high-level officers who were hiding in the fort and commanding blindly were ready to put the enemy into the city to fight in the street. Then she, the super ace sniper, must also prepare well. OK, after all, snipers are the most suitable for urban street fighting. Thinking about it is exciting!

(Report to the little master that a large number of enemies are found in front...)

(● ̄(??) ̄●)

(However, Tibbers' reminder is still a little slower, of course, it will never admit it, it is intentional!)


∑(??△`)? !

Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!


!? (??\'\'????)??

Suddenly, bursts of high-thermal plasma rushed towards the head, and if Anne hadn't found it in time, or if the opponent's accurate head was actually not good, she would have to suffer at least a few times, and then her shield would be the least. Will be hit directly until the red and the alarm goes off?

Fortunately, she was quick and dexterous, and she avoided it at a critical time, just being rubbed against the shield by a few shots of high-temperature plasma and ‘touched’ it a few times, and that was not a big deal.

After avoiding, Annie, who was lingering in her heart, first glanced at the walls in front of her that had been beaten by high-temperature plasma to form molten pits, and then suddenly turned her head, she managed to see that she didn't know when to follow her. How many elites armed with plasma submachine guns and more Covenant Guru and Jackal soldiers?

And at the same time, more Guru came out from the front. Seeing those guys mobilizing and furious, I must know that she was the culprit who destroyed the SDV-class battleships and hacked the commander. So, this kind of formation Zhan, it seems that she wants to completely contain herself here, and then kill or capture her?

"Hmm! Look at the trick!"


However, seeing this critical situation, Annie didn't panic at all!

After a little assessment of the strength and terrain of the front and rear enemies, she didn’t even think about it. She didn’t retreat and moved forward. The group of Guru soldiers with the largest number of people and the most fierce firepower and blocking the way straight forward. All of a sudden, two M9 high-explosive dual-purpose anti-infantry grenades were swept past, and they accelerated at the same time. They fired and rushed up against the opponent's shooting.

Fortunately, her shield was not destroyed just now, otherwise, she is really dangerous now!

‘! ! ’

'what! It's a grenade! ! ’

'Crap! ’

‘Holy man! Hurry down...’

‘Damn grenade! ’

‘It’s going to burst! ! ’

boom! boom!

When the M9 high-explosive dual-purpose anti-infantry grenade exploded with two dull noises, while the countless steel **** and shock waves made the grumbling people have to disperse or the ghost crying wolf howling to lie down to avoid, a little But his red figure has rushed through the smoke and dust from the explosion with some fragments, fighting the risk of losing all shields and pits on the armor, directly rushing from the broken wall that was blown by the grenade. Got out.

"Haha! You can't catch me!!!"


By the time the chasers re-enclosed and plan to penetrate the gaped wall, Annie would have already run away...

Of course, she didn't let the bad guys who dared to surround her Queen Anne to get better! Because, when those grumbling people and angry elites roared and chased up from the breach, they were indeed met by Annie's last three M9 high-explosive dual-purpose anti-infantry grenade!

They were thrown away by Anne casually, and after being bounced on an advertising wall that had long been damaged so badly, they fell to the top of the group of pursuers.

boom! boom! boom!

Then, without waiting for them to land, without waiting for those Star Alliance guys to react, the three grenades exploded directly into the air, allowing countless fragments, steel **** and shock waves to directly envelop the group of enemies. ...

"and many more!"


Soon, Annie rushed through a battlefield full of Star Alliance or human soldiers and a small number of civilian corpses, avoiding several anti-infantry and anti-armor mines that I didn’t know which insincere was pretending to be a thief. Only after facing a group of UNSC army soldiers who were so excited that they were about to use MA37 7.62x51mmM118FMJ-AP all-metal armor-piercing bullets to greet her enthusiastically, she made faces at the soldiers who looked at each other and ran forward quickly. Moving.

"Don't shoot!"


"My own person!!"


As for those UNSC Army soldiers who don't know what their mood or expressions are, have they seen her funny face hidden in the ‘GEN2’ Thor’s Hammer-powered assault armor helmet, then she doesn’t care.

'Hey! ’

"Who is that guy who just passed by?" ’

"It's an ally..."

‘Aren’t you talking nonsense, don’t I know that she is an ally? Otherwise, she had just opened fire and beat her into a honeycomb! ! ’

‘Well, she’s a Spartan. It seems that only Spartans are eligible to wear that kind of armor. It is said that the value of one set is enough to buy a small warship! ’

'I really envy……'

'Don’t be envious, she just destroyed the SDV battleship, and came back alive from the enemy’s bullets. If it’s her kind, the armor of a battleship is really worth it. Hope there are more guys like that! ’

‘But why does she look so short and she sounds like a little girl? ’

‘I don’t know, don’t ask if you shouldn’t ask! ’


'and many more! ’

‘She doesn’t seem to be Sparta! I just saw Her armband seems to be a burning fierce bear head, and there is an ODST sign on it. Is she a **** paratrooper? ! ’

'impossible! Hell paratroopers are not eligible to be equipped with Thor's Hammer armor! Also, the symbol of **** paratroopers is a burning skull, which is all a bunch of lunatics! ’

"But all I see is a burning bear head..."

‘You are dazzled, that is a Spartan! ! ’

‘Yes! Only Sparta has the ability to destroy or kill a warship single-handedly. Although the Hell Paratroopers are also very powerful, they are still far away. ’


‘Maybe you are right...’

When a little girl walked away and couldn't see it at all, the group of UNSC soldiers who stayed in their respective positions waited for the scum of the Star Alliance who had lost the cover of the SDV battleship to come up and send them to death. The girl’s origins were speculated and discussed.

August 18, 2552, 11:58 in the morning...

ONI top secret file number: AN-25528181158C-010

Noble No.7 Anne Hasta of Noble Team, First Warrant Officer, Service Number: C-010, ODST'C Project' Phase I fighter, the only actual combat wearer of the'GEN2' Thor's Hammer Power Assault Armor, in New Alexandria After successfully seizing a Phantom-class transport ship on the battlefield in the west of the city, it violently destroyed an SDV-class battleship of the Star Alliance by collision, killing more than 3,000 enemy troops, and bought extremely precious time for the people of New Alexandria to guard and evacuate the city. To a certain extent, the attack of the Star Alliance was blocked.


(??????????)?? The Battle of Reach has started, ask for subscription and ticket support?? (??????????)

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