Shadow Bear Tibbers’ Plane Journey

Chapter 1093: ?(?ˉ?~ˉ?)? Your conscience will not...

Reach On August 19, 2552, the second day after the start of the Siege of New Alexandria...

So far, in just two days, UNSC has lost all the positions outside the city. Although it is nominally ordered to retreat, everyone knows that if a position is lost, it is lost. That is not something that can be used as a A fig leaf or excuse to hide the fact that the battle was lost!

After all, it sounds good to say that killing the enemy or turning defeat into victory in street fighting, but it is only a method that the defending side can't do. If the situation allows, who will put the cruel enemy invading the homeland into himself for countless years. Inside the metropolis that has been built, and let the fighting between the enemy and the enemy destroy it, and let the invaders or stray bullets hurt those civilians?

But, it’s useless now whether you want it or not, because the street fighting in New Alexandria city started like a raging fire yesterday evening, and the invading Star Covenant troops have begun to brutally fight with the defensive UNSC troops in the city. The army, colonial defenders, police forces, etc. are engaged in crazy and bloodthirsty battles!

They just started on the streets, buildings and ruins, violently attacking the defenders in the city, and began to slaughter those unarmed civilians who had nothing to do with the war. They.

At this time, in the fortress temporarily converted from a strong steel structure in the outermost ring of New Alexandria, UNSC soldiers are fighting **** battles with the Covenant soldiers who have stormed in from outside the city, and are resisting stubbornly. Their offense.

'Be careful! ’

‘Fire! The machine gunner will make up, and the heavy machine gun will fire! Hit them back quickly! ’

‘Where’s the rocket launcher? fast! The assault gun that killed them! ! ’

boom! boom!

After a machine gunner was knocked to the ground by high-heat plasma, soon, when another sub-machine gunner had just filled the vacancy, the dull roar of heavy machine guns had just begun to sound, and a heavy machine was erected there. The window of the weapon was completely submerged by the enemy’s plasma cannon explosion, and the debris and dust from the explosion were scattered everywhere. Many UNSC soldiers who were too close were also paralyzed by the blast. He fell to the ground, holding his head for a long time, but couldn't recover.

‘! ! ’

‘Damn it! ’

'fast! Bring me the M41 light three-barreled air defense machine gun upstairs, hurry up! Don't worry about air defense now, first drag one to the window, and use armor-piercing shells to shoot down the assault artillery! ! ’

'understand! ’

'you guys! Come with me! ! ’

clatter! clatter! clatter!

Whoosh~! Whoosh~!

When a few soldiers rushed to the top of this not too high fortress building and planned to drag back one of those anti-aircraft artillery, the rest of the soldiers were still relying on the walls and pillars, through the windowsills and bullet holes. Kong Chaowai shot the enemy fiercely.

‘No! Can't stand it! ’

‘Where are the engineers? ’

'Faster! Go and detonate the bombs planted in the building opposite and blow them up for me! ! ’

When I saw that the invaders of the Star Covenant were doing the same, they directly occupied the building occupied by another group of UNSC soldiers who had just retreated, and relied on the same solid building to shoot at their side. After suppressing that he was faintly unstoppable, the UNSC Army officer grinned and shouted fiercely at certain soldiers behind him.

'Yes! ! ’


Rumbling rumbling...

Soon, as the UNSC engineer responded loudly, as he manipulated a device for a while and pressed a button violently, the building opposite their building instantly became self-conscious. A hot fire blazed from the inside out, and then collapsed in the violent expanding gas, instantly burying all the Star Alliance soldiers around and inside it.

'Well done! ’

‘Hit me hard! Don't let the beasts of their Star Alliance come closer! Fire! Fire! ! ’

In New Alexandria, on the battlefield to the east of the city, a group of UNSC troops occupied this devastated, but still stubbornly standing steel building of Alexandria, relying on it as a fortress. , Once again worked hard and continued to shoot out from the gaps and windowsills one by one, hitting those Star Covenant clutters who lacked effective heavy weapon support because of being trapped in street fighting.


Due to the huge technological gap between the Star Alliance and UNSC, energy weapons and various protective props alone can almost completely crush humans, even in the favorable street battle on the defensive side, UNSC Army soldiers Relying on the geographical advantage is nothing more than a fight with the enemy at most, and he has paid a great sacrifice for this!

Otherwise, they would not be beaten into the city by the enemy at this time, and one by one street, one by one building was lost! If this continues, I am afraid that it will not take a day, and the outer ring position will soon be completely lost after the position outside the city?

However, the UNSC soldiers at this time did not think so much. They just gritted their teeth and persisted and tried their best to fight with the continuous invaders of the Star Alliance. Go up and think too much.

Of course, in the current street fighting in the city, it is obvious that the Star Alliance suffers even more, but they win in a large number.

'idiot! ’

‘Hurry up! ’

‘Either let me eat the humans, or I will eat you! ! ’

Isn't this?

Just after a building was bombed and at least hundreds of troops were buried by'sinister' humans, those Guru and Jackal soldiers of the Star Alliance, they turned out to be like okay people. Under loud roar and threats, he shouted again, waving his plasma pistol or submachine gun, and the shields that can block kinetic energy bullets and energy attacks, toward the solid steel building occupied by the UNSC army. They rushed to the ground and surrounded them, and soon fought for a large number of casualties, and forcibly broke through before the building.

The two sides started to shoot and fight desperately with the door, the window sill and the gaps at close range. In addition to the fierce gunfire and screams, there were also violent explosions inside or outside from time to time. The battle between the two sides entered the most intense stage.

‘! ! ’

‘Is there a situation over there? ’

‘Damn it! The fort in front is surrounded by them! ’

'fast! ’

‘Warthogs! Attack with me! ’

In an emergency, in this block of New Alexandria, when the group of soldiers from the Star Alliance, when the troops composed mainly of the Guru, the Jackal, the avant-garde, and a small number of elites and ghost beasts gradually surrounded the building. The steel building that has not been breached all day, when the situation has reached the most critical moment... Suddenly, a team of engines roared, and the warthog reconnaissance vehicle fleet passing by in various theaters saw the emergency here. Later, under the leadership of the head of the convoy officer, he brazenly blasted the accelerator toward this side, and constantly used the M68 Gauss cannon, anti-aircraft guns and other vehicle-mounted weapons on the car to bombard those who wanted Enemies near the convoy or near the fortress building.

'accelerate! accelerate! Warthogs! Throw your throttle to the maximum, don't persuade! do not stop! Hit them to death and crush them! ! ’

‘Charge together! ’

‘I am invincible! ! ’

Whoosh~! Whoosh~!

clatter! clatter! clatter! clatter!

‘Fire! Fire! ’

‘Don’t be stingy with ammunition! ! ’

‘Go on! do not stop! Directly rush over, circle back from the front, keep up with the ones behind, don't fall behind! ! ’

‘Bump it hard! ’

'Well done! That's right, that's it! Keep firing, speed up! accelerate! do not stop! ! ’

clatter! clatter! clatter!

Fortunately, for the sake of defense, the building was chosen as a separate building. It is surrounded by roads with good traffic and open solid ground. Therefore, this team of warthog detection vehicles was able to roar at a violent speed. Rushing over, while crushing the corpses of the Star Alliance soldiers scattered on the ground and various scattered weapons and ammunition, it also surrounded the building and was planning to organize the attack on the Guru and Gnolls. When the collision caused people to turn their backs on their backs, the ghosts cried out and dispersed!

And other elites commanding behind, even if they want to take precautions, will be blocked by the different weapons carried on the Warthog Reconnaissance Vehicle, such as the ferocious M68 Gauss Cannon, ArgentV missile launcher, light and heavy anti-aircraft machine guns, and multi-barrel Gart Lin Jipao and other weapons shrank back one after another.

'fast! ’

‘Retreat from here! ! ’

clatter! clatter! clatter! clatter!

Soon, the warthog reconnaissance vehicle fleet made a high-speed circling around the periphery of this huge steel building, killing and smashing countless Star Covenant soldiers after being hit, wounded, and smashed. The good offensive organized by the casualties caused a mess, and completely dismantled their siege. After giving the friendly troops in the building a chance to breathe, they went back from the road on the other side of the building. The fire sped away quickly.

However, not all warthog detection vehicles can be safely evacuated...

Isn't this?

When the convoy turned around and destroyed the Star Alliance’s almost full day’s attack results, and was about to evacuate at the same speed, the last warthog reconnaissance vehicle, the one that followed the convoy for various reasons The hapless guys who had fallen a little distance were stared at by a ghost face beast wearing black armor.

‘! ! ’

"Moo!" ! ’

Seeing that the offensive he organized was suddenly disintegrated by a group of human convoys at a critical time, the ghost face beast commander roared in anger, and then, regardless of the light and heavy machine guns, continued to fire on its armor, directly With its full weight of more than half a ton, a height of more than three meters and a powerful force, it rushed sturdily and successfully knocked over the last warthog detection vehicle of the team in an instant. On the ground!


A harsh rubbing sound rang, and in the midst of sparks, the warthog scouting vehicle rubbed the ground with its inertia and slammed into the wall of the steel building with a dull sound. There was a loud noise of'clang'.

‘Hmph! ! ’

"Moo!" ! ’

'go to hell! Damn humans! ! ’

Then, while the four riot tires of the vehicle supported by the nanotube frame were still spinning in vain at high speed in the air, the ghost face beast once again shot against the light guns in the hands of the soldiers in the building. Charged up again, and raised the gravity hammer in his hand aloft, intending to crawl out the two UNSC soldiers in embarrassment from the underside of the overturned car. They were covered in blood and smashed them into meatloaf. Its hatred?


‘! ! ’

However, its gravity hammer raised high did not smash it down!

puff! !

Because, in the distant sky, a 14.5x114mm high-speed armor-piercing bullet was shot diagonally. It accurately penetrated one of the eyes of the ghost face beast, although it may not be directly from the other side due to its power. Through the hole, you can see from the inexplicable dots of liquid splashing out of the hideous eye sockets of the ghost face beast, you know that it will definitely not get better.

‘? ? ’


After shaking twice, in the end, after the two had just crawled out and subconsciously pulled out the self-defense Magnum pistols from their waists, the UNSC drivers who had not yet figured out the situation were horrified, the ghost face beast persisted. After a while, under the influence of the heavy and hideous gravity hammer that it lifted high, it fell straight on its back toward the back.

Bang! !

As the dust floated up, its hands and feet twitched for a few seconds before it could no longer move...

clatter! clatter! clatter!

clatter! clatter! clatter! clatter!

Suddenly, inside the wall hit by the overturned warthog reconnaissance vehicle, a MA37 assault rifle and more M392 marksman rifles were quickly stretched out, they were constantly moving towards the scattered enemies. Blasted.

‘Keep shooting and suppress them! ! ’

'Hey! What are you two still making? ! ’

‘Quickly, climb in from the window and notice that there are mines there. You have to be careful and watch your feet! I don't care if I get killed by a landmine! ’

Then, while the two UNSC drivers stood up while supporting each other, a UNSC officer's head was stretched out from the fortress that was transformed by the building. He first glanced at the one unexpectedly, not knowing why. Difficult enemies who will die suddenly, and then let the soldiers continue to take advantage of this opportunity provided by the warthog detective vehicles to risk death and assault, once again use intensive attacks to suppress the distant enemies, while facing The two drivers who seemed to have fallen hard and seemed to have broken bones greeted them anxiously.

Soon, as the convoy that lost one vehicle drove away, as the two escaped drivers turned the window into the building and were moved by UNSC soldiers to the M41 light three-barreled air defense at a certain window After the machine gun blasted the Star Alliance forces and the assault artillery vehicle, the battle at this place began to enter the previous anxious confrontation situation.

However, what neither they nor the Star Alliance knew was:

At this time, in the distance, on the top of a tall building, a little girl sniper had quietly helped them many times in the chaotic battlefield without anyone noticing.



"Okay! They should be fine... However, they don't seem to have ammunition anymore! Not to mention the kind of high-speed armor-piercing bullets, even the ordinary shelling-wing stable armor-piercing bullets are gone!"


Looking at the ammunition boxes next to me that were emptied unknowingly, including the last high-speed armor-piercing ammunition that I had just emptied, I just used the last bullet. The one that had penetrated more than 2,000 meters just appeared in the sight of her shooting, and then she wanted to pick up the hammer and hit the eyeballs of the ghost face beast. After killing the ugly crooked star, Annie caught a little. Furiously pushing the weapon in his hand aside, he patted his **** and stood up.



Annie felt that there were still too many enemies, and it seemed that she couldn't finish fighting no matter what?

Looking at the present, another day has passed. She sniped in the UNSC defense zone in a trivial way and has already burnt out two boxes of more than 800 bullets, even the 14.5mm SRS99 special in front of her. The rifling of the purpose sniper/anti-material rifle is almost out of alignment, but the enemy is still attacking...So, she plans to abandon it and temporarily leave the top of this relatively safe building.

Because if the fight continues, once the Star Alliance people spotted and bombarded this place, it would be very bad. It would be better for her to change to another place as soon as the enemy did not notice that she was doing something secretly.

Besides, she doesn’t have ammunition anymore, and it’s impossible to stay any longer. In addition, the city is in chaos at the moment. Although the command system is still there, basically no one can care about anyone for the time being. Yes, think about the continuous evacuation activities... Therefore, Anne, who found it unrealistic to let people drop ammunition by air and didn't want to wait any longer, quickly made up her mind and turned around and walked along a certain iron pipe of the stairs to high speed. Slid down towards the lobby on the first floor.


∑(??△`)? !

Just slid down from the sniper position on the top floor to the hall, Anne, who was still hot and smoking while holding the iron pipe in her hand armor, noticed at a glance that the group had never been afraid of death or the enemy’s bombardment, just staying here and being set as a sniper. The few policemen and a large number of refugees in the lobby on the first floor and the second floor of the building I ordered, saw that they seemed to be cooking and enjoying some kind of meat that they didn’t know the source of with a simple device?




=????????(??????????????) No ━=????????(????????????? ?) ━情!!!!

"People are fighting so **** the top. They haven't eaten or drank for a few hours, and even the bullets have been shot out. But you guys hide here and eat secretly, and you don’t even want to leave them with good food. One point, just like some abominable guys who think they are the main material world who watch piracy, don’t your conscience hurt?!"


Seeing those refugees and policemen who could eat meat, but for two consecutive days, she could only eat those unpalatable compressed biscuits and cans, which made Annie scream a little bit angrily and took it the first time. His helmet rushed directly to a certain simple stove that was still burning wood, and he poked his head out of the big iron pot made of iron barrels and looked at the contents inside.


(● ̄(??) ̄●)

‘? ? ’

‘Sir, sir? ’

‘These are some animals we just beaten outside and stewed them randomly. They should have escaped from the zoo, but they can’t manage that much now. Do you need me to bring you a serving? ’

Seeing the little girl officer, seeing the sniper’s bluffing and sliding down and running to the pot, almost sticking his head inside, the refugees and Reach police officers present first looked at each other face to face. One of the hats didn't know where it was thrown, and the black hair covered with hair was just randomly tied behind her head, and the female police officer who looked a little nervous and asked hurriedly.

Because the opponent has the rank of second lieutenant, and is still very powerful, and also wears a Thor's hammer armored assault power suit in the style of a Spartan warrior, they are still a little afraid of each other when they are unfamiliar. After all, it's a state of war. In theory, they all have to listen to each other when they need it.



Annie, who was already attracted by other things, ignored the other party's question at all. She frowned and got into the big pot by herself, watching the remaining thick soup and the fleshy bones slamming vigorously. He held his nose and sniffed carefully.

"So fishy..."


"Hey! You guys, don't you put any seasonings? Also, why do they smell a little weird, and there is more than one animal. Who cooked this?!"


After just smelling it, Annie quickly gave up her original plan to eat them, and took two steps with her lips in disgust, some of them mumbled and protested very angry.

Because she could see that the meat inside seemed to have that delicious moa meat? But it's a pity that after being mixed and stewed by some guys, she really didn't dare to imagine and try what it was like now.

'what? ’

‘Report sir! I stewed them indiscriminately, because this is the office area, I did not find the oil and salt materials, and the outside is not safe, we were ordered to wait for evacuation here, so...’

The female police officer who was holding a large cup and coffee spoon in her hand, and was about to come over to serve a bowl of hot soup for the little girl officer, suddenly stopped and defended in a somewhat slanderous manner.

However, she would not admit that the bad taste of the pot was due to her cooking skills. There was nothing to do. No one had the ability to change this kind of thing. After all, besides water, pot, and Apart from the wooden seats that can be used as primitive and backward fuel, there is really no other thing that can be put in the pot to season.

Moreover, in this kind of war, it is good to have a bite. It is good for them to live before the evacuated transport plane arrives. They really dare not expect more.



"Forget it! Compared to these, people suddenly felt that compressed biscuits and quick-heat military rations might be more delicious? So, thank you for your kindness, you should eat slowly by yourself, goodbye~!"


Smacking your lips, it was a pity for the moa that was simmered for a while. After a few seconds, Annie stopped worrying about why these guys didn’t need to bake them but used boiled cooking, so she turned her head and put it on. With his helmet, he planned to leave from the gate.

'and many more! ’

‘Sir, where are you going? ’

Seeing the little girl, who was a little weird but very powerful, turned her head and was still heading outside the gate, the female police officer hurriedly asked again.

"Of course I am going to fight elsewhere!"


"Because the firearms are very worn out, the bullets were all burned out just now, and it's not very good to have been here, so now I have to go elsewhere!"


Although it was a bit strange for the pretty police lady in front of her to ask her question, because their Noble team was not something ordinary people could manage, but after thinking about it, she still endured the incomprehensible question.

'but! ’

‘Aren’t you instructed to protect us all until the UNSC transport plane comes to evacuate us? ’

The female police officer was a little anxious, because it was not too far from the front line. The soldiers of the Star Alliance would rush here at any time, and they were just instructed to wait here for a certain Pelican transport plane that was coming soon and did not know why it was late. So, if there is no strong fighter to protect, just a few policemen are not enough to slaughter those brutal Star Alliance soldiers.

"You nonsense!"


"They never received such an order at all!!"


Anyway, Annie said that neither the UNSC nor the Captain of the Noble team, Uncle Carter, did not give her any orders! And her only command now is: Act freely, and constantly fight and kill the invaders of the Star Alliance, not to protect anyone!

'what? ’

"But sir..."

However, the person was very anxious, and looked like a female clerk in the office. The police officer had not had time to say something. Suddenly, Annie stretched out her hand suddenly and motioned them not to talk nonsense.



Because, at this time, Annie saw that not far from this building, a Phantom-class Star Covenant transport spacecraft was violently firing at a place where UNSC defensive forces counterattacked around it, while shooting high from the sky. He rushed down quickly, and soon put down the elite troops composed of several ghost face beasts, elites, jackals and Guru people, and then quickly flew away... However, those who were let go, While fiercely counterattacking the surrounding UNSC defensive forces, they rushed toward their place and retreated without death?

‘! ! ’

'not good! It, they rushed over, sir, do you, do you have any good ideas? ’

After the female police officer's exclamation, the refugees who also saw the situation also exclaimed. Then it quickly became a little chaotic here, and it began to be mixed with the crying of many children and adults. The panic and the screams of some women.



"Who of you has weapons and ammunition?!"


Those enemies are not bothersome. The trouble is that Annie doesn’t seem to have any effective long-range shooting weapons anymore. If her sniper rifle is still there and there is enough ammunition, she promises to prevent those guys from daring to shoot. If you show up here, let alone dare to rush over!

'Have! ’

‘We have these! ’

Soon, the police officers generously took out the Magnum police low-power pistols that they had never had time to use, and handed them to a certain little girl they admired very much.


(* ̄△ ̄*)

"Really, what's the use of this kind of weapon? Maybe even a hundred bullets won't defeat their armor!!"


You know, even the military Magnum pistol Anne is extremely disgusting and not very attractive, let alone the low power and low penetration of the police in front of you, and it looks very ordinary. Round head pistol ammunition, not the ragged thing of the military 12.7x40mmM225SAP-HE semi-armor-piercing high-explosive ammunition!

If they use this kind of stuff to fight the enemy, then she might as well pick up one or two steel pipes from the ground! !

'what? ’

‘What should I do? ’

‘But sir, we only have these now...’

‘Or, do you barely use it? ! ’

Now here is the most capable, and at the same time, sure to defeat those enemies, I am afraid it is only this'Spartan' warrior. Therefore, looking at those enemies who are fighting and retreating in the distance, the police officers once again firmly Their weapons were delivered to a little girl who was extremely disgusted.

"Forget it!"


Annie directly drew out the Star Alliance energy lightsabers that she had seized, and then popped out the blades of those two terrifying energy long swords, and faced the police officers who didn’t even prepare more weapons. The refugees shouted:

"Hey! You should run upstairs to hide better, and they will be cleaned up here!!"


Although this kind of thing may be a little troublesome, Annie said that those ghost-faced beasts and elites are not too troublesome...As for the resting jackals and gollurs behind, she believes those outside are fighting back The brave soldiers of the UNSC will keep them.

After all, this is the territory of the UNSC defenders. Although I don’t know what bad things the Star Covenants want to do or have other attempts to infiltrate, they have a home court advantage, so you don’t need to worry about being beaten by Queen Anne. There are ways to clean them up!

‘! ! ’

‘Sir, are you sure? ! ’

Although the refugees had already dropped all kinds of things and pushed upstairs to escape immediately after hearing Annie's words, the police officers still hesitated a little, wondering if they should stay and help. Some busy. After all, they are not civilians, and on all fronts in the city, on the outer defensive lines of New Alexandria, there are actually quite a few policemen active in the forefront of the war against the invasion and genocide of the Star Alliance. of.

"Why don't you stay here to clean them up and people run up to hide?"


When these people were still haggling, Annie unceremoniously put forward another idea of ​​her own to them.

‘! ! ’

‘No no no! Sir, take care yourself, we won’t bother you...’

‘Go! ’

"Hey~! Don't pull, let go! ’

‘Don’t fight, listen to her, we will only get in the way if we stay here! ’.

'you guys……'

Before long, the few police officers who had been frightened by the stray bullets from the opposite side were scared and faceless, and hurriedly pulled the policewoman who wanted to say something, and then hurriedly ran upstairs of the building. Soon, Only Annie is left here.

Because they knew that the little girl was right, their guns really couldn't deal with the shields of the elites of the Star Alliance! Therefore, it is better to leave professional issues to professional personnel?





"However, if they are gone, then..."

(????ω????) Hehehe!

After looking at the surrounding environment and thinking of a solution, Annie quickly activated the invisibility device she had seized from the Star Alliance, and then twisted with the light around her body. Soon, she was wearing red. The little girl with Thor's hammer power assault on the armor, little by little, slowly disappeared from the corner of the wall and disappeared completely.

clatter! clatter! clatter!

Whoosh! Whoosh!

At this time, the UNSC fighters outside were still fighting fiercely with the Covenant assault squads trying to sneak into their control area. Gunshots and grenades were still hitting this side from time to time, and in those reflective singles. Cracked and hideous bullet holes were left on the high-strength glass, until the elites of the Star Alliance and the ghost face beasts had to hide temporarily in buildings more suitable for them to exert their strength.

Although they detected a lot of life reactions in the building, those fragile human civilians who had been slaughtered by them on other colonial planets were not taken seriously by them! Because those guys with weak powers are useless except for being slaughtered by the Guru people and being used as food by the ghost face beasts!

Of course, except for the UNSC soldiers who are holding various weapons outside, relying on the large number of people and the advantage of the terrain to make them have to retreat into the building? Because, those guys still have some threats to them temporarily.


Ten minutes later...

Outside the tall building that provided cover for the infiltration team of the Star Alliance, the UNSC Army soldiers were still hiding behind the bunkers, relying on the street corners and the bunkers, giving the entire building to all sides. Strictly blocked on the ground, all kinds of grenade launchers and ground-to-ground rocket launchers and other platoons of heavy firepower also aimed at the gate and window to prevent enemies that might rush out.

However, they never dared to rush in anymore, because the brave soldiers at the beginning tried to do that, but now they are lucky enough to be transported to the battlefield hospital in the middle of the city, but they are not lucky. Okay, I was already lying motionless on the way to charge.


‘Sir! ’

"I am Xiao Yi, the second lieutenant and platoon leader of the 017th platoon, the eighth company of the third division of the UNSC Zhiyuanxing. Some of them were wiped out, but at least ten or so powerful elites and ghost-faced beasts fled to a building, relying on our existing forces to be unsure of going in and destroy them, would you please give instructions? ’

No way, seeing the ferocious enemies, and the cunning elites and almost invulnerable ghost beasts, the ensign platoon leader who was unwilling to send his men in to death for nothing, so he had to stand up for ten minutes. Scalp to report to his superiors and ask for support.

Although he didn't directly say that he needs support, his euphemism can definitely be understood by his superior officer.


'Roger that! ’

‘Second Lieutenant Xiao Yi, surround them first, don’t let them run out and disrupt our traffic and logistics lines. I will send troops to help...’

'Well? ’

‘Second Lieutenant, wait a moment! ’


The communication suddenly became immersed. It seemed that the officer at the other end of the communication was confirming something more important?


‘Okay Ensign! ’

‘According to the latest information, I think you don’t need support now, you can enter that building because the enemy has been wiped out! ’

‘Please return to your defense zone and stand by after confirming the number of the enemy’s corpses! ’

What shocked the ensign was that he waited for a long time, and even took his entire strengthened platoon with dozens of people to besieged here for more than ten minutes, and he got such an answer?

‘? ? ’

‘Sir, are you sure? We just tried to rush in, but we didn't get anything except for the death and injury of a few soldiers! ’

Therefore, feeling something weird, he raised his head and looked at the gunpowder, explosions and gunfire in the outer ring zone in the distance, and once again asked his chief in the communication.

'I am very sure! ’

'Because a member of the Noble team was active in your D076 defense zone before. It happened to be in the building you mentioned just now... So, Second Lieutenant, you can now go in and confirm the enemy's situation. According to the summary of crime military intelligence Show, thank God, they are all finished! ’

‘The call is over! ’


With the sound of a certain electric current, a certain commander in the communication who seemed to be a little distressed unilaterally shut down the communication in a hurry, not knowing what more important thing was going on.


‘? ? ’

‘Sir! What did the above say? ’

‘The platoon leader? ! ’

After the second lieutenant platoon leader finished the communication, the squad leaders and lieutenants around him gathered around, planning to ask about the situation, and then see how to go with the Star Alliance infiltrating troops hidden in the building. hit?


‘I said it, let’s go in now...’

After looking at his subordinates, the second lieutenant platoon leader also said embarrassedly after looking at the distant building that had been besieged by himself and others for more than ten minutes and seemed to be a bit horribly quiet.

‘! ! ’

'what? Are they crazy? Let us in a platoon fight several elites and ghost beasts in that complicated environment? ! ’

‘Sir! It's okay in a flat place, but inside... I'm afraid we are not enough for them to kill! ’

‘Yes, platoon leader! ’

'shut up! ’

‘I’m not crazy! Our superiors are not crazy either! Everyone obeyed: Go forward on alert and rush into that building for me! ! ’

‘! ! ’

"But the platoon leader!"

‘? ? ’

‘Don’t say anything, because according to the intelligence provided by our military AI, the enemy may have been killed, we just went in to determine the situation...’

Seeing that his soldiers were so resistant, the second lieutenant had no choice but to give a rough idea of ​​the situation, waved his hand, and gestured to the soldiers surrounding the place, and took the lead, holding the MA37 assault rifle. , Slowly rushed towards the door of the building in front that had just been beaten into a mess.


‘Fuck, kill? Why didn't we hear anything, who did it? ! ’

"It's No. 7 from Noble Team..."

‘! ! ’

'Number 7? Is it the super sniper, the guy who single-handedly blown up the enemy's SDV battleship? ! ’


‘My God, that’s the best Spartan warrior I’ve ever heard of, no one! ’

‘No, she is not a Spartan, but a Hell Paratrooper! Because her service number is C-010...’

‘! ! ’

‘Earth, **** paratroopers? The group of guys who didn't deal with Sparta? ’

'Yes! ’

'Oh my God……'

'call! Don't sigh, come on! Advance in alert formation, beware of missing enemies, if you don’t want to lie on the ground and rot so quickly? ’

'understand! ’

‘! ! ’

‘Sir, it’s safe inside, you can come in. ’

Soon, the soldiers who had already ambushed around rushed into it earlier than the ensign platoon leader and others. UU reading www. Then, they quickly ran out one person and waved to the officers who were still trotting outside and advancing vigilantly.


‘My God, why are they all dead, why haven’t we heard anything? ! ’

When the second lieutenant platoon commanders rushed into the lobby on the first floor of this building, all they saw were those scattered lying on the ground motionless, some were decapitated, some had their hands and feet severed, and some were severed. Yes, there are not alive Star Alliance elites and the deadly ghost face beast corpses.

‘! ! ’

'who is it? ! ’

Suddenly, the soldiers who heard the movement from the stairway pointed their guns at the stairway.

It's just that they soon discovered that it was just a false alarm, because only a few police officers in New Alexandria, who were nervous and armed with Magnum pistols, came down?

‘The warrior who killed them bastards, is she upstairs? ’


'ok, I get it! ’

Seeing the policemen shaking their heads dumbly, the ensign sighed.

From this point of view, in the information sent by the superior just now, the Noble 7 that had killed these very powerful enemies in their eyes without knowing it had already ran to where.

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