Shadow Bear Tibbers’ Plane Journey

Chapter 1094: =???(???????) Wow! Number six...

'call! call! ’

‘! ! ’

At 15:34 pm on August 23, 2552, a figure wearing a Thor's Hammer armored assault power suit was covered with dirt, and even the badge on his left chest was slowly climbing. After arriving on this hillside, after he gasped a little tiredly, after standing up straight, he looked at the terrible sight he was seeing in disbelief.


'my God! ’

‘Zhiyuan, has its current battle situation reached such a terrible level now? ! ’

That's right, this man wearing the ‘GEN1’ Thor’s Hammer armored assault power suit, who looks a little bit dusty, is the temporarily ‘missing’ Noble 6 of the Noble Squad!

Before, George Noble 5 was thrown directly from the orbit of Reach, and he made a free fall from space to the ground of Reach, and it was'luckily' that Noble 6, a member of a certain noble team was killed. Only then did he finally make a point of close contact with the ground in his free fall, and walked for several days in the wilderness where communication was completely interrupted and blocked by the Star Alliance. After climbing a hillside, he finally came to the periphery of this new Alexander City and saw everything he couldn't believe.


‘How could it be like this? Impossible! ’

‘This shouldn’t be...’

Yes, looking at the sea of ​​fire in New Alexandria, the billowing smoke, the three Star Alliance SDV-class battleships hovering over the city, listening to the guns and screams of human resistance in the city. It came, looking at all the shocking things in front of him, Noble 6 could not understand why the situation in front of him was like this!

Because, he remembered, when he was thrown from space by his teammates and George No. 5, he clearly saw that the flagship of the Star Alliance, the CSO-level super aircraft carrier "Long Night" had obviously been succeeded by them. It was blown up and turned into pieces of debris that fell into the atmosphere of Reach...

So, when George sacrificed himself and went to die with the enemy and gained a lot of precious time, today is August 23, and nearly ten days have passed. Then why the UNSC naval ships still don’t Can defeat the Star Covenant fleet that has lost its flagship, and have the opponent hit the ground, and even hit the important new Alexander City?

Looking at the situation in front of him and seeing the fierce battle and the scene of the enemy warship floating over the city, it is not difficult for him to guess: It is only a matter of time if New Alexandria falls completely, right?

You know, New Alexandria is a super metropolis and an important planet and cosmic port on Reach, and the UNSC’s Supreme Command, Fleet Command, Marine Corps Maintenance Command and ONI’s headquarters are all located here. There are even three of the nine orbital elevators of Zhiyuanxing!

And now, such extremely important places and military powerhouses as New Alexandria have been beaten into this by the Star Alliance, and it seems that they are still at stake?

This shows that the fleet battle in the universe must be a very bad situation! Otherwise, the troops and warships of the Star Alliance would not come here.

'damn it! ’

‘What happened these days? ! ’

Seeing that his communication was still blocked, Noble 6 couldn't help cursing bitterly.

When I fell to the ground and fell into a coma, woke up and came to this hillside on foot, what happened in the universe of Zhiyuanxing and Tianyuan 4? Noble 6 is indeed temporarily unknown, but listen. At the gunshots in the distance, he quickly confirmed his ideas.

So, after gently stroked and put away Noble No.5, and put away the soldier card of his comrade-in-arms George, he resolutely took up his only self-defense weapon, the Magnum pistol. , And then took a deep breath, raised his leg and walked down the hillside, toward the war-torn New Alexandria, and toward the war-torn city ruins step by step...

The gunshot is the command!

And his Noble No. 6 is undoubtedly a determined fighter. Although he has no specific orders now, and he does not know what is going on with the noble squad and other members of the squad. However, Noble No. 6 All he knows is: Now he needs to fight, he needs to stand with the soldiers and civilians in New Alexandria, and he needs to take up the weapons in his hand and fight the invaders of the Star Alliance to the end, until he died! !


However, what Noble 6 did not know was that when he was able to reach the outskirts of New Alexandria after several days of driving and killing a lot of scattered Covenant skirmishers along the way, his noble squad The other members are fighting **** battles with the Star Alliance forces in the city at this time. For example, George No. 5 who he thinks has died with the enemy and a new member he does not know?

'alarm! ’

‘Just received the latest news, Manassas, Quezon, Esztergom and other cities have been vitrified by the Star Alliance warships using the purification beam! ’

‘Including the above three giant cities, all soldiers defending the Star Alliance fighting at the above locations, civilians who did not have time to evacuate, and related personnel were all killed! ! ’

In New Alexandria, when a little girl, Noble, No. 7, Annie, was driving a warthog detective vehicle that she didn’t know where she got from, hurriedly in the district of New Alexandria where there were Star Alliance soldiers everywhere. Noble No.5 George is standing behind her, manipulating the M41 light three-barreled anti-aircraft machine gun mounted on the back of the car, constantly firing at all the targets on both sides of the street and in the sky trying to attack them, or within their range. They received a shocking and frustrating news from a stupid AI'auntie idea' that sounded so bad.

‘! ! ’

'what? ! ’

‘Manassas, Quezon, Esztergom are all destroyed? Damn it! In total, there are at least tens of millions of people and millions of soldiers, so it's all over here? ! ’

‘Ah ah ah! ! ! ’

clatter! clatter! clatter! clatter!

Roaring, as if he wanted to vent the boundless anger and sadness in his heart, Noble 5 George, who was standing behind the warthog reconnaissance vehicle and controlling the on-board weapon, slammed the M41 light three-barrel air defense machine gun in his hand and started It fired violently around the high-speed vehicle.

Suddenly, he used that powerful anti-aircraft anti-armor weapon to hit a group of Grummen and Jackals in the distance into a pool of flesh and blood, and hit the elites screaming to the ground or not daring to appear. He suddenly raised the muzzle, and swept over a Phantom-class transport ship in the sky behind them that was trying to approach and bombard them with machine guns, hitting the opponent's hull with bursts of sparks. After Yan escaped, he was considered to let out a nasty breath.

‘! ! ’

'damn it! ’

‘Annie! We must now think of an idea as soon as possible to destroy the three SDV-class warships of the Star Alliance in the sky. Do you have a better way? ’

‘Or, let’s grab another Phantom transport ship and drive to hit it? ! ’

If there is any weapon in his hand that can cause damage to that kind of behemoth, George believes that he roared and fired and blasted up, putting the three ships entrenched in the sky above them for the past two days, pressing them in their hearts. On, the Star Alliance warships that disintegrated their UNSC garrison defenses were bombarded with various ground bombings!

Because, after listening to the words of Auntie Idea, he knew that at some point in the future, a few purifying beams would come suddenly, and then they would be completely wiped out and the beautiful and prosperous city of New Alexandria would be completely vitrified.

But it’s a pity that he has more than enough energy now, because he is manipulating an M41 light three-barrel anti-aircraft machine gun. This weapon can only be used against enemy fighters and armored light air and ground units. Phantom-class transport ships are a bit reluctant, let alone deal with the huge SDV-class shields!

I'm afraid, now that he is given 10,000 M41 light three-barrel air defense machine guns and let him open fire unscrupulously in the sky for an hour, don't even think about shooting down a warship like that?

"good idea?"




"People's beloved little motorcycle was destroyed a few days ago. This warthog reconnaissance vehicle can't fly to the sky, and the enemy doesn't have another transport ship flying over for others to grab! Besides, people from Star Alliance You're not stupid, how can you give people a chance to hit their engines with a transport ship?!"

(ˉ▽ ̄~) Cut~~

Annie believes that her feat of single-handedly grabbing the Phantom and crashing into a battleship is not only widely spread among UNSC troops. I believe that it must also be known by the Star Alliance people, and then it has been listed in the relevant defense regulations of battleships. ?

Looking at the three very close spaceships in the sky, she knew that those Star Covenant guys must have some defenses. If anyone dared to drive the Phantom spaceship or other aircraft, then approach any of them. If the **** or engine of a battleship is fired at the same time by their secondary guns, it will be instantly broken into pieces, right?

Therefore, she would definitely not accept the bad idea that George gave out just now, and she would not even try or implement it!

'Well? ! ’

clatter! clatter! clatter! clatter!

‘Ahem! ! ’

‘Miscellaneous of the Star Alliance, still want to attack? Your grandfather George, I am the most professional machine gunner on ZHIYUAN! ! ’

He suddenly turned the M41 light three-barreled air defense machine gun in his hand, and shot a star alliance elite who was about to kill him with the energy wrist sword in his hand and blasted it out at close range, and used the special air defense weapon. The armored large-caliber high-speed armor-piercing projectile hit the opponent's hands and feet before it landed, and the opponent's hands and feet were broken and his body was full of holes. After falling to the side of the road and motionless like a lump of rotten meat, George spit heavily. He took a mouthful, and then continued to shoot around from time to time, while continuing to ask a little girl who was still driving forward at high speed assault:

'Hey! Annie! ’

‘Are we really doing nothing right now, waiting for them to launch purifying beams towards New Alexandria when they don’t know when, and then burn all of us into glass? ! ’

George was really worried about this.

Because he knew that so far, due to the fact that the enemy's SDV warships were approaching the city, the street fighting in New Alexandria could no longer use blocks and buildings in an orderly manner to kill the enemy's vital forces. Had to chaos into a pot of porridge, so that the invaders of the Star Alliance and their UNSC defenders had completely mixed up regardless of the enemy and us, regardless of the front. There was no more front and rear, which was able to barely avoid The enemy's battleship bombarded the next thousand li in a situation!

However, he also knows the current situation that although the Star Alliance warships cannot fully exert their power, the signs of the opponent's victory are more and more obvious. If this continues, the UNSC, which is at an absolute disadvantage in air superiority, and those that are almost gone. The formation of the troops was completely wiped out by the soldiers of the Star Alliance, but it was just a matter of time.

Of course, the current situation where the two sides are fighting together is actually not completely unprofitable. At least, before the people of the Star Covenant have not completely annihilated them, or before they have voluntarily retreated, they will definitely not use it. Worried that the battleship in the sky suddenly fired a purifying beam and burned glass in the new Alexander City. Otherwise, if the tragedies that happen in the cities of Manassas, Quezon, and Esztergom happen here, at this time, at least hundreds of thousands of defenders and millions of defenders in the city have not had time to evacuate. The people of this country are miserable!

"What are you anxious about? People are going to do it now, or else do you think they are doing this?!"


"Aha! Hit you to death!!"

!? (??''????)??

Seeing a grunter jumped out in front of him, and wanted to use the continuously burning focused rifle to fire on her vehicle, Annie slammed the steering wheel and used the warthog to detect the car by the wall close to the building. After the speed of more than one hundred hours passed by the horrified opponent and squeezed it into an imperfect mass, in a very short time, before the vehicle lost control, he turned the steering wheel slightly. The warthog detective vehicle was abducted again to a better road, and then straight away.

‘! ! ’

'go away! ! ’

clatter! clatter! clatter!

'call! ’

‘Then Annie, what do you want to do now? Is it driving to find opportunities under the enemy spacecraft? ’

I looked at Annie’s driving direction suspiciously, and suddenly noticed something. She hurriedly turned her muzzle. Even on a high-speed vehicle, she still used a burst of short bursts of shots to sweep past the shields of the wolves. George continued to ask after the Guru man who intercepted his two vehicles and fired plasma howitzers directly smashed his company with a shield.

"You will go to find death under the enemy spaceship!"


The SDV-class battleship is full of intensive ground secondary artillery. As long as her Queen Anne has no problems with her mind, she will definitely not go to such a place and be directly exposed to the enemy's muzzle!

"Wow! There is an enemy ahead! Fire! Hurry up!"


Bang! !

Therefore, after dexterously driving the vehicle to rush through the interception of the sporadic Covenant forces ahead, and watching George beat another enemy line of defense to a sparse, she slammed into the enemy's roadblock. , And before the enemy reacted, he quickly turned into another street and continued to gallop forward.

‘Then where are you going? ’

'this is……'

'and many more! This is the direction to the beach outside the city... Annie, are you going to be a deserter? ! ’

Seeing the vehicles continue to move far away from the center of the city, George thought the other party was Noble 5, who had some thoughts, so he reprimanded a little girl who was still driving in the communication. If the other party wants to do that, he might not stop it, because the situation is really bad now, but George himself will never be a deserter before the official evacuation order comes, absolutely not!

"Bah! You just want to be a deserter!"

ε=(??ˇεˇ????))) Bah!

"Then you are..."

George was puzzled.



"I just heard that there should be a UNSC missile air defense position on the beach. There are many missile launchers! Although they are occupied by the Star Alliance, according to the useless missile soldiers of our UNSC. Yes, they didn't have time to blow it up when they fled?"



(????ω????) Hey...

So what, Annie didn’t say it clearly, but she believed that if she stood behind her seat and shot hard to drive away the big George who was chasing them in the air on the ground support fighter, she must have done so. Understand her thoughts!


(* ̄△ ̄*)


|??????ω????)! !

Suddenly, seeing that a certain guy has been unable to hit the smart fighter in the sky for a long time, Annie became annoyed, and then slammed the steering wheel again, using her'indirect' control to make a certain A chain of bullets played by a guy who was always slow was finally able to hit the haunting "Demon Ji" fighter plane, and hit the opponent instantly sparks and smoke. It was planted aside on a building that had long been devastated by the two sides in the war, and then it exploded and ignited a fire.

'Pretty! ’

‘I saw Annie, I just laid it down! ! ’

After discovering that the "Demon Ji" supporting enemy fighter had been successfully shot down by himself, George cheered and continued to add:

‘But Annie! ’

‘Are you sure there are really damaged missile launchers in the bay? Is the source reliable? ’

‘If that’s true...’

‘God, those SDV-class warships floating motionless above the city will definitely regret it by then. I swear in the name of God! ! ’

Thinking of the possibility of the two of them controlling the anti-aircraft missiles to fight those motionless Star Covenant warships, George couldn't help feeling a little excited, because he knew that such a scene would be very spectacular!

"do not know!"


"Anyway, it's said in the intelligence, so people are going to check it out? Whether it's true or not, it doesn't matter if you take a look anyway!!"


Annie wouldn’t tell herself about the big George behind her. She didn’t actually receive any information. It was just the “stupid” AI from her family, the latest version of the Tibbers pendant from her family. Intelligence support only.



(However, Tibbers will never admit that Mr. Xiong is the kind of'stupid' AI in the idea of ​​a bad little girl. It said that it is at least an AI that surpasses the'intelligent' AI. And the kind of super AI with its own database and radar scanning function?)

'you are right! ’

‘Since there are no specific orders and tasks, and the situation will not be worse than it is now anyway, it doesn’t matter if we rush to take a look! ! ’

‘It would be nice if it could be faster, I can’t wait! ’

Hearing that there was such a good news, George couldn’t wait to fly directly to the bay, and then use the M41 light three-barreled anti-aircraft machine gun in his hand to abrupt all the Star Alliance scum who occupied there, and then use those Anti-aircraft missiles give the enemy warships in the city sky a good look?

"You want to hurry up..."

(o ̄ω ̄)○

"That's very simple, you have to grasp it firmly, people are now starting to accelerate with all their strength!!"


"Aha! Wait and see, Uncle George, I will let you see now, what is the real Autumn Famous Mountain Bike God!!"


Gradually, he rushed out of the complicated roads in the city, and came to the fast lane of the city further out. Obviously, there were fewer obstacles on the road, and the soldiers of the Star Alliance were not as dense as inside. After that, Annie slammed on the accelerator and made the liquid of the warthog detection vehicle combat vehicle with high availability, four-wheel all-drive, omnidirectional, ICE-powered, and automatic continuously variable transmission. The cooling, 12L hydrogen injected into the ICE engine suddenly burst out with exaggerated roars, and then it really started to accelerate again, roaring forward at a speed of nearly 150 kilometers per hour?

‘! ! ’

‘Autumn famous mountain bike god, what is that? ’

Seeing that the speed of the car has become faster, George Noble 5 is not too nervous, but he said that he has never heard of the strange vocabulary that the other party just shouted.



"Probably it is a group of weird guys who are full of food and have nothing to do, who ran to the mountain roads on the Tyumen Mountain in the middle of the night to race cars and disturb the people, and then dare to claim to be car gods?!"


Yes, in Annie's impression, those so-called Akina mountain bike gods are probably such a group of guys. That is a very positive judgment from her.

‘Racing car? ’

‘Is it like this? ! ’

Seeing that no soldiers from the Star Alliance came out to intercept the two of them, or that they had no time to react, their vehicles had already whizzed past? Therefore, George, who was free for the time being, first glanced at the dashboard in front of a little girl before swallowing and asked carefully.

"Almost...Wow! There are so many crooked stars in front!!"


Suddenly, seeing there seemed to be a large number of Star Alliance soldiers in front, Annie hurried to the right and slammed the steering wheel. With a drift that was about to roll over and the harsh tire friction sound, the warthog searched the car violently. A big turn of 120 degrees, before the guys from the Star Covenant had time to raise the muzzle and take aim, the engine roared and roared away.

Since there were enemies on the road ahead, Annie decided to temporarily change her plan and prepared to take a shortcut to the bay.

‘! ! ’

'Hey! Hey! ’

‘Ann, Annie! Can you take it easy? ! ’

Although I have known that a certain little girl is very powerful, she does not behave like a normal little girl at all, and she seems to be able to do everything, and she even single-handedly seized a ship and crashed an enemy warship... But now I see the other side unexpectedly At this speed, I didn’t mean to let go of the accelerator, and he was dragging the car moving left and right on this kind of slightly complicated and full of obstacles and blow-up holes. George warned with some worry. Arrived.

"Don't worry! People know that there is a shortcut here, and it can save at least half an hour!!"


'you sure? ’

George glanced at the other person's steering wheel that had already turned to the red zone, and he couldn't show the specific speed at all, before he asked cautiously.




'correct! ’

‘Annie, what happened to the autumn famous mountain bike **** you just mentioned, were they caught by the police? ’

George knows that none of the racing guys has a good end. Anyway, here at Zhezhi, drag racing under public transportation is a serious crime in violation of the "Traffic Road Law". After being caught, he will definitely be locked up. Years in prison! Because no one can drive a car like the Zhiyuanxing traffic police who fly a plane, it is certain to be caught and caught!

"Catch it? Not really!"


"But that car god, he seemed to die in the end because he fell into the valley while racing?"


Annie didn’t remember it, but it didn’t prevent her from gloating...

Anyway, in the comics, she only saw the other party’s car showing a broken drive shaft, and then the car was turned over to the bottom of the valley...the valley was tens of meters high, and she was still an ordinary person, if that did not fall to death. If she has the opportunity, she will definitely pick out the author of the comic to take lessons, and tell the other party about gravity and acceleration of gravity!


(● ̄(??) ̄●)


‘Then Annie, you’re right now for racing? ’

Looking at the warthog reconnaissance vehicle, which may have exceeded two hundred kilometers per hour, although he was wearing the powerful'GEN1' Thor's hammer armored assault power suit, George still felt a little twitching in his calves, for fear of the other party's control. Unsteady, and then hit a certain building?

After all, they can no longer just say that the speed of the car is a matter of speed, but that it is completely ‘flying’ too low...

If someone accidentally hits the wall, maybe George will be the first Spartan to be hit or killed? !

"Didn't you just say that you should hurry up? Besides, people's car drove steadily so that it wouldn't overturn easily!!"

o(`^??)o Humph!

For someone who knew that he was gesticulating behind, Annie didn’t care at all, she just squeezed the steering wheel tightly and stepped on the accelerator. As for releasing the accelerator and tapping the brakes to slow down, she was completely caught Leave it behind.

‘! ! ’

'and many more! ’

'Hey! Annie! Did you see it? The overpass in front seems to have been blown up by the Star Alliance? ! ’

"Yes! People see it, don't make a noise!"


‘! ! ’

"I saw you, slow down and brake? ! ’

Knowing that the other party had seen it, but that nasty little foot was still stepping on the accelerator and not relaxing, George almost didn't yell.

"That's the shortcut people say, why slow down?!"


"You have to rush over. Slowing down will kill you!"


Anyway, in any case, Annie would definitely not slow down as the other party said.

'what! ’

‘But, the distance is so far, the bridge has been bombed for so long, and there is still a canyon underneath, can we rush over? ! ’

George first estimated the current ‘flight’ speed of his vehicle, and then visually inspected the length of the broken bridge, he probably calculated a terrifying result that made him feel very horrified.

"Uncle George, it's really strange for you to talk. People haven't tried it. How can you know if you can go if you don't rush to see?"


"Hold it fast, people are going to rush over now!!!"


Annie, who was stepping on the gas pedal, suddenly kindly reminded the other party loudly.

‘Try it? ’

'Oh! ’

'my Lord! ! ’

Hearing the front low-noise engine of the vehicle began to burst into deafening and terrible roars, and saw the vehicle rushing out of the overpass that was broken by the Star Alliance at a speed he had never imagined. After blasting towards the far road opposite the canyon ahead, George Noble 5 subconsciously closed his eyes, but at the same time he had to gritted his teeth and grasped the car weapon rack in his hand, and slightly bent his legs. Prepared for shocks and collisions.

He felt that under the'GEN1' Thor's hammer power assault armor piece was a thick black coverall, and the gel layer with good shock absorption was in the black coverall, then, he must not Will you be easily thrown to death? However, as Dr. Halsey told them before, what is the maximum seismic index of Thor's Hammer armor?



"Haha! Fly, "Warthog"!!"


With Annie’s last hearty laugh, the warthog detective vehicle she was driving rushed out of the broken bridge at a speed that was extremely fast and almost unimaginable by ordinary people. While the wheels were spinning at a high speed in vain, after the'fly' reached the highest point, they were driven by inertia and plunged into the gorge ahead!


‘! ! ’


'Hey! Are they dead? ’

‘It should be dead, right? ’

‘But, why are they rushing to the cliff? ’

'do not know……'

‘I think they might have gone the wrong way, and they were so fast that they rushed out without paying attention? ’


'great! ’

'head! Are we still chasing? ’

"Stop chasing..."

'why? ’

'moron! Do you like to eat human meat like the **** of the ghost face beast? ’

'Do not! I don't like it at all! ’

‘Then why are you interested in looking for their human corpses? Do you think they might still be alive? ’

'what! Also...’

‘Those UNSC Spartan demons are dead, two are missing at once, that’s a good thing! So, let's go back and report! ’

'Yes! Go! Go! ’


Soon, after witnessing the human vehicle in the distance flying past the broken bridge and disappearing, the group that had been chasing behind was driving the'death' assault gun platform and the'ghost' fast attack The Star Alliance Guru people who were chasing by the vehicle stopped and discussed for a while, then quickly turned around and left with a laugh.

Because they feel that human vehicles, the kind of things that can’t have the levitation function like the “death” assault gun platform and the “ghost” rapid attack vehicle they drive, will definitely fall under the cliff and fall alive. dead!

Therefore, the two ferocious enemies should be treated as if they were already dead under the cliff. They would definitely report back like that, because it was their credit, and it was their pursuit that caused the enemy to fall. , The fact is like that.


At 15:34 pm on August 23, 2552, this was the time when the Star Alliance’s invasion fleet began to vitrify other cities on the surface of the Reach star and began mass murder of civilians, and Noble 6 entered the complicated situation at that time. Of New Alexandria.

And now, it is already 18:57 in the afternoon...

I fought for more than three hours in this chaotic city full of corpses, guns, bomb craters, fires, explosions, black smoke and broken walls, and took the initiative to assist the evacuation of civilians in New Alexandria with other UNSC army units. After escorting the last group of refugees out of the Chequers building, Noble 6 finally got in touch with other Noble team members for the first time.


‘Attention Noble Team! ’

"Now communication is restored..."

'Did you hear that? Repeat again: I am Noble 2, 5 and 6, can you hear me? Please answer if you hear! ! ’

Suddenly, when Noble 6 looked at the Pelican transport planes full of civilians going away, just as he was a little hesitant about what to do next, he suddenly heard the communication device in the Thor's hammer helmet. The voice of Major Catherine Noble 2 came.

‘! ! ’

'heard it! I’m No. 6. If you have any quests on Noble No. 2, you can say now. ’

After hearing Major Catherine's voice, Noble 6, who was shocked, knew that his companions were still alive, so he hurriedly said in the communication that was briefly restored.


‘Are you number 6? ! ’

"Wow! Uncle No. 6, you fell from the top of the universe toward the ground of Reach, but you still haven't fallen to death? You must have cheated or opened up, right?"


Without waiting for Noble2 to say something, a nasty little girl who also heard the communication yelled in the communication first.

"It's Annie..."

‘Sorry, I’m all okay with my jetpack, but I was in a coma all day and I didn’t feel the new Alexander until today...’

Hearing that a certain little girl was also on the channel of his Noble team, No.6, after hesitating for a while, still answered the other party's dumbfounding question honestly.

"It's like this? It's amazing..."

Σ( ̄д ̄;)

Although Annie’s tone is the kind of sigh, but, I don’t know if it is an illusion, No.6 always feels that listening to the other party’s tone, it seems that she feels a little bit regretful because she didn’t fall to death. Mixed inside?

‘! ! ’

‘Annie! Don't make trouble first. Listen to me first! ! ’

'number 6! ’

‘It’s like this, we found your transmitter an hour ago, but we can’t risk communication then! The Star Alliance jammers have sealed the city tightly, and as for George, there is no news now. ’

‘! ! ’

‘George is dead! ! ’

Suddenly, I heard Catherine No. 2 talking about the fearless warrior and about the comrade-in-arms who threw herself back to Reach, but the other party graciously died and died with the enemy. Although Noble 6 was very uncomfortable, it was the first time to tell The other party reported the news.


'To understanding! ’

Catherine was silent for a while. Obviously, receiving the news of George's death suddenly caused her, an extremely rational technical female officer, to show a little bit of sadness.

'Hey! Hey! Did you hear that? Uncle George, he said you are dead! ! ’


However, Annie, who had just shut up, yelled again at this time, and yelled again in the team's channel.


‘Ahem! Kate, there is number 6, I’m George, and I got a good...’

'Sorry! Wait a minute! ’

Da da da…..

'All right! The enemy on my side was killed by me, now start the operation! Annie, hurry up on your side. ’

After correcting the news of his'death' on the channel, there seemed to be a burst of gunfire from George who was fighting, and then he was immersed again.

"Alright! There is the last ghost face beast, come when I hack it to death, you will be busy with your side first!"


‘! ! ’

'and many more! George, are you not dead? Didn’t you blow up the "Long Night" and stay with it..."

At this moment, Noble 6 was so shocked that he couldn't say anything, because he clearly saw and was sure that the other party was dead, and because of this he had been sad in the universe for a long time, and had allowed two teardrops to float on It's a long time in his own Thor's hammer helmet.

"Huh! The Long Night was bombed by someone, he didn't bomb it!!"


Although Annie doesn’t mind that others think that the largest ship "Long Night" was bombed by the Noble team, in the team, she still has to be clear, that is: the largest warship is indeed She killed it. It was the result of her hard work and fighting in that spaceship for several days. She has nothing to do with anyone else!

'what? ! ’

‘Annie, you fried it, how is this possible? ! ’

Noble 6 is a bit unclear, because, at the time, he clearly remembered that he and Noble 2 George gave their lives to the leap engine to the'Long Night' supply dock, and then before arriving, George threw himself back. Zhiyuanxing, and the other party stayed on it, and after a few tens of seconds, the pair died with the'Long Night'...

Anyway, Noble 6 can't figure out what that kind of thing has to do with the little girl Annie, and even more can't figure out why George is still alive.

'All right! ’

‘Stop talking about you guys! ’

'Noble 6, the thing is like this. At that time, Anne had already teleported to the Long Night in the battle on the morning of August 12th. Before George started the transition engine, Anne had already planted the nuclear bomb in advance, so the last moment was George So they retreated with Annie...'

‘As for the more specific, when you are free, you can go to the auntie to get the file of Annie. There are specific information you want to know, so I won’t go into it here! ’

Noble 2 Catherine didn't give those guys the opportunity to continue chatting, she simply explained the situation and stopped the possible long talk by those guys! Just now, she really thought that George was killed in the battle in New Alexandria. You know, they only contacted once yesterday. So, it was just a beautiful misunderstanding?

‘That’s right, that’s really great...’

'Ok! George, when you assemble next time, remember to come to me to get back the **** card! It was a little panic on my inner lining! ’


'Ok! Roger that! ’

'number 6! ’

‘I see your coordinates are in Xinggang, how is the evacuation situation there? ’

After those guys finished their daily routines, the somewhat impatient Noble No.2 Catherine spoke impatiently and asked about the situation.

‘Evacuation is complete! ’

‘We just protected the last Pelican transport plane to leave. All the more than 5,000 civilians originally here have been completely evacuated! ’

'well! ’

‘Since you don’t have a combat mission on the 6th, you are on standby and immediately release the signal flare. We will now send a transport plane to pick you up to meet you! ’

'understand! ’

After confirming that George was not dead and the other comrades in arms were fine, Noble No. 6 nodded and lit the signal flare directly beside him, causing the red smoke to rise.

‘Annie! ’

'what about you? We now have a new mission. If you are with George, I ask you to report your position as soon as possible, and then you will get along with us! ’

‘The task is urgent, so you better hurry up? ’

Although it was known from the conversation just now that George and Annie may be fighting the enemy of the Star Alliance, since the Noble team is now on duty, Catherine had to make an exception to urge them during the call.

"Yeah! We are doing very important things now. Don't rush you. We will find you later. We have a good Fighting Falcon helicopter, which we just snatched from the Star Alliance guys. Oh!"


Obviously, the hapless ghost face beast just now had been hacked to death by Annie, but Catherine didn't know what she was doing now.


‘I saw where you and George are, what are you doing there? ! ’

Catherine was a little puzzled about the two guys running to the edge of the city, because the position of the two men did not seem to be the point of engagement or evacuation?

"Oh! You will know soon!"


"Uncle George! My side is better, is your side better?!"

|??)???? Hello?

Annie Security ignored the thoughts of a certain young principal, and directly urged a slow-moving big man on the team channel.

‘It’s almost done, I’m now connecting the power! ’

‘Fortunately, the power supply has not been destroyed by the guys from the Star Alliance, otherwise it will be a little trouble...get it! Annie, the radar is turned on, how about you? ! ’

"People are already ready, you can kill me, and turn your control program over here. People's accuracy is much better than yours!!!"



‘Okay, then don’t be foolish! This is our last chance! ! ’

"Got it!!"

??(??????~????)╭?? Beep! Beep!

A certain little girl seemed to be arguing with George about something, and then soon, she won and started to press something, so that Catherine and No. 6 could clearly hear the faint figure of the button.


‘Annie! George? ! ’

After staring for a while, Catherine became a little impatient again, because their current mission is indeed very urgent and can't be delayed in the slightest. Therefore, if possible, she hopes that the two of them would better stop the battle or other things in their hands. Come and meet them?

"All right!"


"It's done! Now, raise your heads and look up at the sky!!"


Finally, a certain little girl started cheering loudly on the channel. As for the task that the young principal just prepared to talk about, she had long forgotten it.

'sky? ’

‘! ! ’

‘What the **** are you guys doing? ! ’

Although very angry, Catherine subconsciously raised her head and looked into the sky. However, the upper side was still groggy and clouded, looking like a storm, except for one of the three SDV battleships of the Star Alliance. Outside, there is nothing!


Just after Major Catherine’s words, she was surprised to find that at least dozens of high-speed anti-ship missiles flew up from the bay direction in the sky of New Alexandria. Then, they quickly dispersed, and Unstoppable speed, violently towards the three motionless and very close living targets in the sky, towards the three SDV-class battleships of the Star Alliance that were completely unguarded and had no chance to evade!

Rumbling rumbling...

One after another explosion sounded. Although many anti-ship missiles were destroyed by the enemy’s near-defense guns, at least half of the missiles still slammed into the three SDVs that hadn’t had time to start their engines and escaped. All parts of the battleship suddenly exploded!

Soon, with the sound of explosions one after another, amidst the thick smoke and fire, the two SDV battleships in the sky of New Alexandria were directly blown up and down, and they slammed toward those in the city occupied by the Star Alliance. The area was planted and exploded violently, and the whole city shook like an earthquake.

boom! boom! boom! !

The sound of smashed explosions and skyrocketing fires completely enveloped the entire city, causing many UNSC soldiers and Star Alliance invaders who saw this situation to grow up.

Then, one of the Star Alliance SDV warships, which seemed to be injured because they missed the critical point, was also ablaze, dragging heavy smoke, and in an extremely embarrassed manner, slowly crash-landing towards the sea of ​​Reach, even if not. It crashed and sank immediately, it is probably not going to be better...

'my God! ’


‘Annie, George! Did you two do it? ! ’

Seeing what happened in the sky, after Noble No. 6 exclaimed, Major Catherine No. 2 also hurriedly asked in an incredible tone.

But at this time, the tasks she had just felt so urgent did not seem to be so urgent anymore?

"That's right! I did it!!"


Annie didn't mean to grab the credit, because, whether it was planning or implementation, or the final aim, she was all responsible, and the big George was just her little follower?


'Oh my God! ’

‘If this goes on, Annie, I’m afraid you’re really going to destroy an entire fleet of heroes and caution in the Star Alliance! ’

‘Isn’t it? ’

‘Oh my God, do the calculations carefully, which one is this? I'm afraid it really is! ! ’

‘Good job, little guy! ! ’

‘I’ve decided, you don’t have to pay back the money you borrowed from me last time. ’

"That Star Alliance battleship is really cheap..."


'Ah! ’

At this time, the guys Noble 1, No. 3, and No. 4, who had been silent for a long time, finally made their voices heard, and began to roar loudly and brazenly in the channel as if they were chatting.

You know, the heroic and cautious fleet of the Star Alliance has a CSO super mothership, an ORS-class heavy cruiser, two CCS-class combat cruisers, and about six SDV-class heavy gunboats. UU Reading can Now, a CSO super mothership and four SDV-class heavy gunboats have been completely planted in the hands of a little girl, and the rest should be less than half the strength, right?

If the guys in the Star Alliance knew afterwards that their entire heroic and cautious fleet was almost wiped out by a little girl in their Noble squad, eh, what kind of thought or expression would it be?

However, they believe that those cruel invaders, those scum of the Star Covenant, will be scared to death, right? !

"People are not proud at all! However, if you continue to boast, they won't mind!"


Annie was pouting in the Noble team's team channel seriously, and was always ready to accept the praise of those uncles who usually have a bad face.




‘Attention everyone! And Annie, George! ’

‘Go to our location immediately, the coordinates have been sent to you in encrypted form, please come as soon as possible! ’

‘The call is over! ’

However, without waiting for others to continue to say something, Major Catherine No. 2, who was more stern and staid than Captain Carter, finally said these two sentences in the call and sent them to Anne and George Coordinates, and then broke them. Link, so as not to be detected by the Star Alliance guys at this critical time.

Now the communication in the entire New Alexandria City has been interrupted by the Star Alliance for a long time, and their next missions are also related to those things, so she dare not continue to communicate over long distances for too long.


????????????: Wow~! ?? Ask a ticket??

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