clatter! clatter! clatter!

boom! boom!

Whoosh~! Whoosh~! Whoosh~!

Carter, Emile, George, and Noble 6 in front of two warthog reconnaissance vehicles respectively, and Little Annie, who drove a four-wheeled scooter "Mongoose" alone, followed them. They were five members of the noble team. The super soldiers had not even approached the shipbreaking yard, they had heard the fierce gunfire of the two sides fighting inside.

Undoubtedly, now, the last evacuation point on this continent has been spotted by the landing troops of the Star Alliance, and the crooked star people who originally planned to kill mankind did not intend to let mankind. The idea of ​​leaving this planet easily.

Because this is a race war with the main purpose of genocide initiated by the three prophets of the Star Alliance of Truth, Sorrow, and Pity. They are not simply trying to occupy Reach!

‘I heard the guns! Boost! ’

'Roger that! ’

‘Annie, can you keep up? ’

'what! Okay, just assume that I never said...’

Emil just wanted to ask a question, but saw a little guy stepping on the grip of a motorcycle with two feet, stuffing some kind of food in his hand, and staring at him strangely with slanted eyes. Hastened to turn his head in a jealous manner.

Obviously, a certain little guy driving with his feet seems to drive faster and more stable than him? So, he still cares about the UNSC soldiers who are fighting the Star Alliance in the shipbreaking yard in front of them. It seems that it would be more appropriate?

At this time, the UNSC soldiers inside and the shipbreaking platform docked in this shipbreaking yard are undergoing repairs. Now you can clearly see it from the past, it looks like a giant mountain like the "Autumn Wind Pier" The number must be working hard to cooperate with the UNSC defenders blasting those Star Covenant forces that gave up their lives to attack, right?


‘Look at the corpses outside here, they should have been here for a while. ’

‘It’s so rare, they held on for so long...’

'Yes! ’

‘Hurry up, let’s go in and help! ’

'no problem! But I think those guys in the Star Alliance will definitely not welcome us Spartans who are about to kick their ass! ’

After hearing the emotions of the team members, Emil, who was following his captain Carter's car, couldn't help but ridicule. Because he could hear it, now it seems that the defenders in their UNSC shipyard have a slight advantage?

Although the forces of the Star Alliance are still being transported continuously by the Phantom-class transport ships, and there are countless enchanting fighters flying in the sky to attack, but before the warships of the Star Alliance arrive in this area, they lie on the ground. The'Autumn Wind Pier' on the berth, the big rough-skinned guy, relying on the countless missiles, secondary artillery, and near-defense guns alone, is enough to make those fighters, transport ships, And the Star Covenant forces who wish to attack from the ground know how powerful the saturation bombing is!

Of course, as the number of units in the Star Covenant increases, as the Star Covenant battleships gradually approach, and as the UNSC defenders become less and less, it is difficult to say what will happen after a while. of.

‘Everyone stand firm! ’

‘The machine gunner opened fire! Let's rush in and help now! ’

‘Annie! ’

‘Find a suitable place for sniping by yourself, provide us with the necessary cover, and other people will rush in with me now and defeat them from behind! ! ’

When George, the machine gunner behind his car, started to fire suddenly and knocked the unprepared Star Covenant troops in the crack of the shipbreaking yard to the ground, Carter slammed on the accelerator to make the front low noise, The liquid-cooled, 12L hydrogen-injected ICE engine made a strong roar, and then the entire warthog detection vehicle suddenly jumped out and ran over several Star Alliance soldiers who wanted to find out. Up.

"Accepted! People know what to do!"


"I don't need you to direct me!"


At this time, Annie had just thrown away the things she hadn't finished eating and put on her red Thor's Hammer helmet, and then said in the vague tone of chewing food in her mouth.

"Let's go!!"



After finishing talking, Annie suddenly turned the front of the mongoose motorcycle under her body, causing it to make bursts of roars, but she did not follow Carter, Emil, George, and Uncle 6 in front of them. Rushing into the chaotic shipbreaking yard, but towards the small road on the other side of the shipbreaking yard, towards the hillside that seems to have been abandoned, only a small number of Star Alliance troops entrenched and shot down on the damaged building. The building rushed up.

Whoosh~! Whoosh~!

A stray bullet and high-heat plasma brushed from Annie’s ears from time to time, but she didn’t care, because her shield was still full now, let alone missed, even if she hit her. worry about what.

clatter! clatter! clatter!

boom! boom!


The sound of gunshots, bullets, the noise of high-heat plasma cutting through the air, and the sound of artillery shells, missiles, howitzers or grenades exploding are also constantly blasting around, and even some high-speed subordinates launched on the "Autumn Wind Pier" From time to time, the artillery bombarded several high-explosive artillery shells toward the Star Alliance here, and while exploding large pits, they also spilled the mud all over the sky.

"Hey! Don't get in the way!!"


When the hydrogen injection engine was at its maximum afterburner, it instantly made a huge and violent roar, and then began to accelerate upwards. Although she didn't fire a shot, she just crawled out of the crater arbitrarily. The Star Covenant soldier of smashed into the past, causing the opponent's head to be instantly crushed by a flat, mushy thing on a wheel of a mongoose motorcycle.

At the same time, the Star Alliance soldiers who survived the bombing of the'Autumn Wind Pier' began to fire on her one after another, making a high-heat metal spike, high-heat plasma, and crystal explosive stingers directed towards her. Cumbling and shooting over.

However, Annie didn't care about those, because they did not hit her assaulting at high speed! Therefore, she just arbitrarily continued to the heights of the shipbreaking yard and rushed to the area occupied by the Star Alliance, even if there were a lot of friendly forces around bombing countless dirt and fragments at her or swept across her face. It's the same with coming here.

‘Damn it! ’

‘Get out of the car! ’

‘There’s no way ahead! ’

'Well? ! ’

'No 4! Help me get the ammunition from your car, I need those light armor penetrating bullets with buttresses, there is not much here! ’

'understand! then! ’

‘Assault formation! ’

'number 6! You will stay in the middle of the formation later to make sure the goods are foolproof! ’

'To understanding! ’

'fast! ’

'No 4! Number 5! Go forward together! Rush through the gap in front! ’

Da da da……

Soon, the voices of Carter, Emil, and Uncle George were heard in Anne’s communication, and the voices of the fierce gunfights were heard. Obviously, the chaotic environment in the shipbreaking yard did not allow them to drive far in, so they had to stay in the Star Alliance The occupied zone stopped, and then had to use foot to rush towards the UNSC defense line and the battle zone further ahead.

‘! ! ’

‘Anne, there are two senior elites in red armor in front of you, beware of those Saint Heli clan guys, they are all desperate berserkers! ’

Perhaps the place where Annie rushed over did have the advantage of the terrain, so before Annie didn't see it, a certain Uncle George 5 who was fighting below actually saw it first and reminded her on the channel.



But Annie didn't answer. She had obviously seen the situation in front, and saw the two bad guys who were roaring and attacking at her.



Although it was too late to get the gun, Annie did not turn to escape or get out of the car.

While still letting the mongoose motorcycle roar and roar forward and continue climbing at high speed, she directly let go of her hands, and immediately drew out the two energy lightsabers from her waist that were also captured by the elite Berserkers of the Star Alliance. , And then when the vehicle rushed towards the two crooked stars, when they attacked her, they suddenly bent backwards, using their excellent flexibility to lie flat against the motorcycle. While he was on the saddle of the car, suddenly he placed the lightsaber on his hands horizontally on both sides of his body, using the speed of the car to directly swipe the waist of the two enemies!

After rushing over, she didn’t even look at the results, put the lightsaber away, put her hand on the handle of her beloved scooter again, and dangerously regained control of the vehicle that was about to rush down the slope. .

Soon, one after another Star Alliance soldiers appeared in front, they screamed, or shot frantically... However, Annie relied on the speed of the car and the shield on the armor to control with one hand in her left hand. As the car was moving, a lightsaber popped out in her right hand again. While rushing into the enemy pile and knocking over many enemies, she kept slashing left and right, waiting for her to quickly assault past. The enemy who was attacking her was lying on the ground either dead or wounded.


‘Really, really awesome! ’

'Oh my God! Annie! I have never seen anyone who can kill an enemy like you, even the most powerful Spartan Phase II does not have yours. You just looked like a female knight on a charge in a medieval movie! ? ’

‘Good job Annie! You must be the little angel God sent us! ’

Soon, the team channel of Noble team remembered the amazed voices of Emil and George.

Obviously, standing in the low-lying part of the shipbreaking yard, they could see at a glance that a little guy on that **** cut down two St. Heli Berserkers with one enemy and two, and then they drove a small motorcycle unabated. He was advancing at high speed in the crowd of enemies, and he was still holding an energy sword to slay the heroic appearance in all directions.



"God, he is not qualified to appoint people!!"


Annie said that she recognized the master of a certain world called God. Although she basically had no communication with the other party, she was pretty sure that she was definitely not under the control of the other party! In fact, although the other party is not hers, some of the world that the other party controls is nominally the private property of her Queen Anne, and it is the kind that no one can take away!


(● ̄(??) ̄●)

"Emil! Keep up!"

'Keep going! ’

‘Don’t be distracted, everyone! There is no security yet, especially you, Noble 6! ! ’

clatter! clatter! clatter!

Carter fired shots while commanding the battle competently, and he also had time to take care of a certain No. 6 that was protecting an important mission item.

'understand! Lieutenant Colonel! ’

‘Don’t worry, Captain! I have always remembered to keep an eye on my shield. The enemies on the ground can't help us. They have been attacked by us inside and out. They have been disrupted by our attack. Now I am more worried about the heavens...’

However, the words of Emil and Noble 6 had just fallen off. Before Annie or others could say anything, the voice of No. 6 sounded in the channel again as if they had found something.

‘! ! ’

‘Annie, be careful, there is an enchantress staring at you, it’s better to avoid it! ’

‘? ? ’

‘Annie! It is in your six o'clock direction and is now diving! ! ’

Soon, the voice of Captain Carter came from the team channel.

It turned out that he also found a demon girl hovering in the sky, and then, after seeing a little guy slaying all directions, the Star Alliance on that high ground was crushed, he opened fire suddenly, while He swooped in the direction where Annie was assaulting, as if he wanted to catch up and destroy the enemy that caused huge casualties to the Star Alliance troops?

"I see it!"

??(????????ε??????????)=3=3 Wow! You can't fight!

Annie drove a mongoose motorcycle and swayed to the abandoned building ahead. She seemed to want to rush inside before the opponent hit him?

"Hey! I still have the last M9 high-explosive grenade on my body, let’s see if they don’t blow it up!!!"


Annie directly took out an M9 high-explosive dual-purpose anti-infantry grenade and pulled the tab directly, then turned over and stood up on the motorcycle that was still galloping forward.

‘! ! ’

‘Annie, get away! Spartan training courses have never used grenades to blow up planes. You are not foolish watching TV shows, are you? ! ’

Looking at it from a distance, and discovering that a certain little girl was actually doing that kind of stupid thing, George 5 couldn't help but yelled loudly in the channel.



"You are so stupid! Look at the trick!!"


Before the mongoose motorcycle was about to hit the shipbreaking building, about to hit the outer wall of the building, the'Wicked' fighter plane in the air swooped down, and was about to shoot at him, before some nasty big monster. When scolding herself, Annie jumped up from her beloved little motorcycle, and immediately pointed the M9 high explosive in her hand towards the demon girl who was diving down and constantly shooting at herself The fighter plane was lost, and at the same time, using its inertia, it happened that the moment the mongoose motorcycle hit the wall and broke apart, it rolled directly into the building from a small window on the second floor of the building. Dodged the enemy's shooting dangerously.

Tuk! Tuk! Tuk!

A shot of high-heat plasma immediately hit the exterior wall of the long dilapidated building, and hit deep and molten pits one after another! However, the penetrating power of that powerful energy attack seemed to be poor, so they could not penetrate and hit a small red figure that had rolled into the window.

Boom~! !

At this time, without waiting for the enchanting fighter plane to change its direction and fly away, some dark little thing hit its shell and exploded directly in the air, causing the 0.19 kg ComL high explosive on its nose. A small cloud of smoke and a shock wave exploded with countless fragments.


boom! ! !

Then, the Star Alliance fighter struggled for a while with the engine smoking and shaking hard, and finally couldn't support it, lost its power directly and fell in response, and fell severely into a distant battlefield and exploded. It became a burning fireball...


‘! ! ’

'No way? ’

'That is……'

'my God! Did she really do it? ! ’

‘Report, report sir! Annie really blew up a plane. I think, in the future Spartan 4th and 5th courses, this classic tactic may be added? Look, it seems that grenades can really blow up airplanes! ’

‘Those old-fashioned instructors will go crazy when they see this! ! ’

No. 4 Emil, No. 5 George, and No. 6 obviously saw all the movements of a little girl and saw the bombed and crashed fighter plane. Therefore, while they felt a little unbelievable, they also did not. Forgot to sigh bluffingly on the channel.


(= ̄ω ̄=)

But Annie didn't care about them. That kind of little things just needed precise calculations and predictions. It was not too difficult for her, it was as simple as eating and drinking! Therefore, at this time, she was destroying and sweeping the remaining Star Covenant crooked stars in the building, and quickly swept away all the enemies in this commanding height.

‘Shut up! ’

‘Everyone keeps going, the Pier of Autumn Wind will not wait for us long! ’

‘Annie, are you in the attack position? There are so many enemies in front, we need your support! ’

Once again, the channel came out of Captain Carter’s anxious screams. Then, after they rushed forward for a distance and encountered a group of powerful enemies, they had to stop and At the same time, he asked Anne anxiously on the channel.

"I'm in place!"


"You can move on now, the Star Alliance people may have a few minutes to rush up, I should be able to help you for a few minutes!"


The gunfire sounded, and in the distance, the Star Alliance assault gun platform that stopped the four members of the Noble team was about to shell Carter and their elite leader, and was shot directly by Annie, and then squatted straight. On the console, the assault gun platform also lost control and collapsed in the ditch.

‘! ! ’

clatter! clatter! clatter!

'good chance! Assault forward! ! ’

‘Emil, you rush up from the iron tunnel over there and take the MAC turret! George, you cover us behind! No. 6, follow me, don't fall behind! ! ’

Hearing a little girl saying that there was only a few minutes of support time, and seeing that the assault gun platform that was blocking the road was out of control, Carter jumped out without thinking about it, and shot a shuttle towards the Star Alliance ahead. At the same time as the bullet, a new combat order was issued instantly.

In Akat’s view, there is a little girl super sniper rushing to help from a distance, with her own way in front, and Emil is cooperating by the iron frame of the shipbreaking yard and trying to clear the enemy and take down the fort, plus George was covering from behind. The four of them, four ten Spartans, safely assaulted the shipbreaking yard and handed the contents of the No. 6 backpack to the Pier of Autumn Wind. There must be no major problems.


A forward who suddenly jumped out and was about to shoot Carter was cut in the neck by a shot.

Huh! !

Before the two Guru men jumped out with plasma submachine guns and screamed and fired, they were shot through the two heads and the double-pillar life-saving cabin next to the heads, and then lay motionless on the ground.

‘! ! ’

‘Oh~! ’

The Jackal officer, who was protecting himself and the elite behind him with a red energy shield, so that the elite could shoot at Carter violently, suddenly screamed and was hit by a large-caliber sniper shell from a height. It smashed the wrist exposed at the gap of the shield!

Then soon after losing the shield, it and the blue silver armor elite behind it were almost instantly set on fire by Carter and the No. 6 MA37 submachine gun and hit the ground with random guns...

In this way, with the perfect cooperation and with Anne’s super long-range sniper support, the four elite Spartan fighters Carter, Emil, George and Number 6 quickly rushed to UNSC and the Star Alliance. At the front line of the battle between the two sides, it was possible to see and merge the many remaining UNSC Marines in the front.

‘! ! ’

'Be careful! Emil! ! ’

Suddenly, because he has been protected in the middle, Noble 6, which is more comfortable than others and has free time to look around, suddenly discovered something wrong, and screamed at the Emil who was more than 100 meters away from them. .

Because, he saw, a guy who was invisible close to the Emil suddenly appeared, and showed its horrible energy lightsaber.


However, it just showed up, before it had time to stab the lightsaber from behind to Emile's chest, it was shot in the head by Annie, who also heard the scream of No.6.

'Pooh! ’

'thank you for your help! brat! ’

After kicking the opponent, Emil hurriedly thanked him on the channel.

"There is one more! Can you deal with it?!"


'rest assured! ’

‘I have seen it! ! ’

Emil pretended to walk two steps forward, then turned around abruptly, and while the opponent rushed over and raised the energy lightsaber in his hand high, he also pointed the shotgun in his hand at close range. The opponent's throat, and then—Boom! ! !

When the M45TS shotgun is shot at close range, any shield is invalid!

So, he shot the opponent's neck into a sloppy mush, and before the opponent was about to fall down towards him, Emil kicked the opponent out again with one kick, leaving the opponent's one drooping. The huge body of the head slammed into the iron frame slantingly, looking dead.

'team leader! ’

‘I’m going to control the MAC Cannon, and I can’t let those **** Star Alliance Phantom ships continue to drop troops! ’

After solving the enemy, Emil quickly ran to the MAC cannon turret that had just been emptied by the Star Alliance people at the top.

‘Annie! ’

‘The enemy is ready to touch your building, come back soon! ! ’

Carter breathed a sigh of relief. Amidst the cheers of the uplifted UNSC Marines, all the members of the Noble team rushed into their defenses, and continued to rely on bunkers to shoot outwards. At the same time, one side did not forget to give an emergency retreat order to a little girl who was still on the highest point somewhere.

Fortunately, there was the help of that terrific little guy. It was a lot easier for them to rush in, but now that they have reached the nearby defense zone of the "Autumn Wind Pier", since they are about to retreat, he can't forget that. The same important little guy.



"Slid away!!"


Then, whether it was the members of the Noble team or the Marines of the UNSC, they soon saw a small red figure stepping from the fourth-floor building before the Star Covenant ground troops surrounded the building. She jumped down and landed steadily with the help of Thor's Hammer Power Assault Armor, then dragged her weapon that was a bit too long relative to her height, and slipped to the side. After coming down, the Star Alliance troops behind, swiftly avoided the attack, and got into the bunkers made up of discarded parts and steel of the shipbreaking plant in the complex environment.


When the MAC artillery of the shipbreaking yard fell into the hands of UNSC again, not long after, under the bombardment of the Emir, under the attack of the Noble team and the rest of the UNSC Marines, the evil invaders of the Star Alliance were in the air. After the'Demon Ji' fighter plane and the Phantom transport ship could no longer approach, they had to retreat in embarrassment, and then temporarily stopped the offensive.

Then, after seeing the people of the Star Alliance retreat temporarily, and seeing those enemies who were afraid of coming closer under the deterrence of the MAC turret, Annie said that a certain captain Keith who was familiar with it led several Pelican transport planes. Flew over from the'Autumn Wind Pier' and parked beside the Noble team and others, preparing to organize the retreat.

‘Spartan warriors of the Noble Squad, it’s nice to meet you! ’

‘Dr. Halsey told me in the newsletter, I’m so glad you can complete her mission and arrive here with all of you. It’s amazing! ’

‘She didn’t see you wrong! ’

Just now, when the last line of defense was about to fall, Captain Case thought they couldn't wait for the Noble team this time! But how can you think that at the last moment, they actually rushed in, and did not spend much time helping the thighs those enemies that have been entangled and endless?

'report! ’

‘Captain Case, this is the quest item that Dr. Halsey asked us to bring here, please accept it! ’

Seeing that his captain did not talk nonsense with the other party, but turned his head directly to look at him, Noble No.6 did not have any words, took a step forward, and carefully took out the shiny transistor from the backpack slot behind him. After carefully handing it to the opponent's hand, he took two steps back and saluted the opponent, indicating that his team's task was now perfectly completed.

'well! ’

‘Noble team, you have made a great contribution, UNSC will not forget it! ’

Seeing that the items were intact, Captain Case nodded in satisfaction, and did not hesitate to glance at the super soldiers in front of him in admiration.

Of course, there is also a little guy who defies his military order, rushes to Reach without permission, and in the end has to honestly get on the ship and retreat.

‘Report to the captain! ’

‘Emergency: A battleship and a large number of transport and fighter planes are flying towards the ship recycling plant. It is an ORS-class heavy cruiser from the Star Alliance! ’

‘The bridge makes you better go back immediately! ’

At this time, without waiting for a few words of greeting from everyone, a certain pilot sitting in the cockpit of the Pelican transporter yelled to Captain Case and others in the cabin.

‘! ! ’

'not good! Everyone boarded immediately! ’

‘Notice to the bridge: I’m Captain Case, the package has been received, and we are preparing to return to the Pier of Autumn Wind, so that they are ready to take off immediately, over! ’

Watching the enemy fighter planes and Phantom transport ships flying in groups in the distance, plus the dark clouds sweeping the sky farther away, the ORS-class heavy cruiser, the Case ship, which seems to cover the sky. The long face turned black, he hurriedly said something to the Noble team and the others, directly holding the things in his hand, walked back to the cabin and let the transport plane take off first, and flew towards the fighter storage dock on the'Autumn Wind Pier' .


Watching the nearby Marines and the Noble team's Emil, George and a little guy also ran into another Pelican transport plane and took off, landed at the very end, preparing to board the 6th with Captain Carter. Suddenly it stopped.

'how? ’

"No. 6 you are..."

At this time, Captain Carter found that No. 6 seemed to have left the team channel and connected to his personal channel, as if he had something to say to himself?

'team leader! ’

‘In this case, the Pier of Autumn Wind cannot fly. I will control the fort and cover your evacuation! ’

‘! ! ’

'and many more! I am going to go! ’

'Do not! ’

‘You’re injured, you just rushed for a while, you’re definitely not as good as me now! Stop fighting, let's go! ! ’

Noble 6 did not give Captain Carter a chance to speak. After pushing the opponent directly into the cabin of the last transport aircraft, he resolutely ran towards the MAC fort of the shipbreaking yard.

At this time, in the distance, there are still a lot of UNSC Marines slowly shrinking the line of defense and retreating towards this side... However, whether it is No. 6 or Captain Carter, they know that these people must be waiting. The second batch of Pelican transport planes came to take them away.


‘Noble 6, good luck, we will always remember you! ’

Looking at the figure further and further away, Carter, who was standing at the door of the transport plane that was slowly closing and closing up, slowly uttered such a word for a long time.

‘Good luck to you too, sir! ’

‘I hope you can really save mankind with that thing, otherwise, sooner or later we will be in hell. ’


Knowing that Noble 6 was left behind for nine deaths, it would be better to be "permanently" stuck on the Reach star that was occupied by the Star Covenant and abandoned by the UNSC, and then Carter, who engaged in endless guerrilla warfare with those endless enemies, did not continue. To speak, but to see the call link disconnected as the distance gradually increased, and after finding that he could no longer talk to the other party, he closed his eyes after a painful sigh.

clatter! clatter! clatter!

Whoosh~! Whoosh~!

boom! boom!

The Pelican transport aircraft quickly left the defensive line of the shipbreaking yard, and against the enemy’s attack and the dense firearms and explosions coming from below, it quickly returned to the berth taking off with the help of auxiliary rocket propellers. In the Pier of Autumn Wind, and at this time, looking through the hangar of the warship that has not been closed, Nobel 6's figure is completely invisible, only the MAC cannon is constantly facing the sky. The enemy bombarded...

‘The bridge! ’

‘Can you leave now? ’

‘Report to the captain! Not yet, the enemy's ORS battleship is locked on us. If we retreat now, we will definitely be shot down! ’


‘Wait for the warriors below to create opportunities for us, we can only trust them now! ’

'understand! ’

At first, after the captain got out of the cabin of the Pelican transport aircraft, he talked to the first officer on the bridge through the communication device for the first time. However, it was obviously of no use, because ah, there was no solution to the enemy. Before a heavy cruiser, they were afraid they could not escape.



As the Pelican transport planes stopped, the soldiers who had just withdrawn from the shipbreaking yard below walked down one by one, and soon, the hangar of the Pier of Autumn Wind was packed with one by one. Soldiers full of gunpowder smoke and looking dusty.




"Hey! Why is this Uncle John 117 frozen here? It's too cunning. We fought so hard down below, but he hides here to sleep?!"

ε=(??ˇεˇ????))) Bah!

Seeing that an acquaintance uncle did not go to the battle, but was hiding in the dormant warehouse of the Pier of Autumn Wind, Annie spit on the other party very uncomfortably.

However, the remaining soldiers and the hangar crew members who are busy fixing the transport planes have no time to pay attention to her. Even George, Emile and Carter who are not far away seem to be talking quietly. And it seems that their faces are not pretty?

"and many more!"


"one two Three……"


"That's not right, hello! Uncle Carter, how about that Uncle No. 6, why didn't you see him?!"


Scratching her head and counting, she found that there really seems to be one missing member of the Noble team. Then she hurriedly checked the team channel and found that a guy was indeed not on the channel. Anne hurriedly abandoned some guy who was sleeping in the freezing cabin. They walked to Carter, George, and Emil who didn't know what to say quietly, and questioned the uncle Carter who was the captain.

She didn't understand. She didn't remember that kind of thing herself. As the captain, how could the other party take care of herself when retreating? !


(● ̄(??) ̄●;)



Emile and George looked at each other. They had just learned about this from Carter's mouth, so now they don't know what to say.


!? (??''????)??

" guys, really left him?!"


Annie's incredible voice couldn't help but become louder, and then it naturally attracted the attention of everyone in the hangar, causing all the points, including Captain Case, to turn their heads and move towards Annie who was getting together. Waiting for the four super soldiers of Noble team to look over.



After Emil and George sighed, they turned their heads a little shamelessly, and continued to be silent.

Because, they don’t know what to say. After all, that’s the choice of No. 6... There is always someone who can control the MAC cannon to cover their retreat, and in that case, the gunner When they were killed by the Star Alliance long ago, I am afraid that only the Spartans who have received various professional trainings and are familiar with the manipulation of various enemy and our devices can do the job.

If it was not number 6, it would be any of them. For this, they themselves are actually prepared.

Suddenly, there was a huge movement above the Pier of Autumn Wind!

It turned out that at the MAC fort below, the Phantom transport ships of the Star Covenant and the'Demon Ji' fighters that Noble 6 would attack in the future were shot down one by one. They took advantage of the Covenant cruiser to fly over the shipbreaking plant. When preparing to fire or capture the'Autumn Wind Pier', several MAC shells filled with energy on Nobel 6 hit the energy core in its abdomen in time and triggered a series of chain explosions. .

'captain! ’

‘The Star Covenant’s super cruiser was hit and it is losing power! ’

In fact, the people here in the hangar can also see it without the people in the bridge reporting: in the distance, the huge ORS-class battleship in the sky and smoking, falling obliquely to the distance, presumably It must be nothing better.

'good chance! ’

'fast! Boosting the rocket engine at full speed afterburner, we immediately evacuate ZHIZHEN! ! ’

'understand! ! ’

Soon, under the yelling of Captain Case and a loud promise from a first officer in the bridge, the booster rockets mounted on both sides of the abdomen of the'Pier of Autumn Wind' burst out suddenly. After raising the warship to a sufficient height, the huge mass warship, driven by the main engine of the warship itself, began to accelerate in the direction of leaving the Reach.

"you guys!"




Seeing these people knowing but not telling herself, seeing the battleship start to accelerate, Annie thought for a while, turned around and ran, then quickly ran to the unclosed hatch and jumped straight down!

Anyway, this high speed is not too high. Anyway, she is wearing the'GEN2' Thor's Hammer Power Assault Armor, and there is a jet pack behind the armor. She jumps from such a height, even if she doesn't cheat or use any extraordinary power. It's definitely going to be okay, at best, it's just a little bit of impact with the backpack before landing.

‘! ! ’

‘Annie? ! ’

‘Damn it! ! ’

Seeing the opponent ran over and jumped straight down, George, Carter and Emil, who were a little surprised and caught off guard, exclaimed in exclamation, and then prepared to follow.


"Damn it! Stop them!!"

Captain Case behind saw that the little girl jumped down at this time, and he slammed his feet with a bad cry in his heart, and directly stretched out his hand to look at each other in front, wondering what happened. The Marines screamed and ordered the matter.

Then, the group of UNSC Marines who knew that the situation was not good, but were totally afraid to disobey the captain’s order, rushed up and hugged the three men who seemed to be planning to jump with them. . Because they also faintly know from the bottom of their hearts that if they jump at this time, even if they can't die, there will be absolutely no good fruit under the siege of the Star Alliance, even if they are super fighters!

‘Close the hatch! ’

'accelerate! Hurry up and leave Zhiyuanxing! ’

‘What a mess! ! ’

No longer looking at the remaining members of the Noble squad who were clamoring and fighting with the Marines, Captain Case had a dark face and turned around with the important items that he had just taken from Noble 6 and the warrior. .

Soon, with the gradual increase in altitude, the auxiliary rocket boosters mounted on both sides of the abdomen of the warship at the shipbreaking yard, and the R7 atmospheric detachable thrusters that can allow the'Autumn Wind Pier' to quickly lift off and withdraw. After running out of energy, they fell off one by one, and the "Autumn Wind Pier" was soon on the back of the battleship. The two huge main fusion power furnaces and four secondary nuclear fusion power furnaces and the huge thrust of several auxiliary propulsion devices Down, quickly rushed out of the atmosphere of Zhiyuan, and soon disappeared...


At 20 o'clock on August 30, 2552...

The yellow sand and the sad dark clouds enveloped the ruins of the Yasa Ship Recycling Yard. From time to time, the patrolling "Demon Ji" fighters and "Phantom" transport ships of the Star Alliance flew past, constantly in this area. The Star Alliance patrolled over the occupied shipbreaking yard, searching for and destroying every UNSC soldier that might still be alive.

clatter! clatter! clatter!

boom! !

In the distance, there were sudden bursts of violent gunfire and explosions, and then quickly fell into immersion...


No need to think about Noble 6 too much. It was the surviving soldiers who were searched by the Star Alliance guys, and then, after a wave of futile resistance, they were mercilessly slaughtered and destroyed by the invaders.

Standing alone on this platform, looking at this land that has been completely occupied by the Star Alliance, looking at the Reach that was once a paradise for mankind and an important colony, looking at the distant ship lying in flames and smoke At the end of the horizon, the Star Covenant heavy cruiser, looking at the alien invaders still raging and searching around, Noble 6 couldn't help sighing.


After being silent for a while, Noble6 turned around and looked at the last thirty-odd UNSC Marines who gathered behind him and were hiding. The pictures of them were immature or firm. After his face, he slowly said:

‘Zhi Yuan has fallen...’

‘The people of the Star Alliance will not let us go, there is no point in waiting here! Now, please take your weapons, check your ammunition, and kill with me! ! ’

‘For UNSC! ’

‘Humanity will never surrender! ! ’

After that, without waiting for the soldiers' feelings, as a soldier, Noble6, who chose to fight to the end, rushed out first!

clatter! clatter! clatter! clatter!

The MA37 in his hand shot directly at the Guru and Jackal who were searching where they were, and hit them with bursts of electric sparks or blue blood, and then fell directly to them. Invaded the land of Zhiyuan Star.

‘For UNSC! ’

‘For Reach! ! ’

‘Humanity will never surrender! ! ! ’

Soon, after the UNSC Marines behind Noble 6 knew that they had no luck, they shouted slogans and rushed out to meet the enemy’s firepower...

clatter! clatter! clatter! clatter!

Whoosh~! Whoosh~!

boom! boom!


Knowing that there is no life and the decisive situation, Noble 6 and the thirty-odd Marines behind him played a very strong battle. The people of the Star Alliance did not expect to be in the shipbreaking yard at this time. There are also such a group of powerful guys, so they were quickly defeated and rushed out of the shipbreaking yard by Noble6!


Those ferocious enemies, those from the Star Alliance killed one after another, and the Phantom transport plane in the sky continued to bring in more soldiers. It seemed that they could never kill them?

clatter! clatter! clatter!

Enemies swarmed in and were constantly being killed. At the same time, there were also UNSC Marines who kept falling...

Click! ?

‘Damn it! ! ’

Noble 6, who was shooting at an elite, suddenly discovered that the MA37 in his hand had no bullets? As a result, he didn't care about reloading, he planned to go to the extreme with the powerful enemy who was holding the energy lightsaber and rushing up!

puff! !

‘? ? ’

However, what surprised Noble 6 was that the red-clad elite roared, before he had time to pounce on him, he had already been shot to his head?


puff! !

Immediately afterwards, Noble 6 saw that the enemies who rushed to their sides burst their heads one after another and fell to the ground one by one, making their charge a lot easier in an instant?


‘Annie! is it you? ! ’

In this familiar scene, Noble 6 subconsciously tried to call the other party in his channel.

"of course!"


‘! ! ’

‘Why are you here? You didn’t evacuate with Carter and the others three hours ago, to the Pier of Autumn Wind? ! ’

Hearing the cute voice of that little guy, Noble 6 was taken aback, and at the same time he sighed dejectedly from the bottom of his heart, he couldn't help but reproached and asked strangely.

"People are going up!"


"Then what are you..."

Noble 6 is a little puzzled. Since the other party has retreated to the Pier of Autumn Wind, what's the matter of being here again now? !

"Because they jumped down again!"



(● ̄(??) ̄●;)




‘We might die! ’

After hesitating for a while, Noble6, who continued to lead the team forward, still had to talk in the channel. He has seen the opponent's location, and is rushing towards that side with the last soldiers.

"No, because they run so fast!"



Finally, after seeing a group of enemies being put down by the irritating Phantom Transporter and rushing towards him and others, Noble 6 stopped talking and began to fight the enemy hard.

He no longer cares about a little guy who is hiding in the distance and sniping insignificantly. Anyway, now that the Pier of Autumn Wind has been flying for three full hours, that little guy jumped down again, he What's the use of more?

clatter! clatter! clatter!

boom! boom!



I don’t know how long it’s been. Noble 6 only knows that he just kept squeezing the last trace of power in his body, constantly using his own weapon, using the enemy’s weapon, and using his fist to follow the enemy that is constantly rushing. Fighting, and constantly assaulting forward, leaving behind the corpses of the invaders of the Star Alliance, and a small amount of their...

'call! ’

'call! call! ’

Until now, when they rushed to this hillside, at least a few miles away from the shipbreaking yard, there were only a dozen UNSC Marines left beside him! So, in front of the group of Star Covenant troops encircling in front of him, Noble 6 took a few breaths and took a final look at the UNSC warriors who were still following him. He did nothing but Can't do it anymore.


‘Call Noble No. 7 Annie! ’

‘I’m Noble 6... Our ammunition is now exhausted and we can’t move forward. Next we will attract their attention as soon as possible. Find a chance to evacuate immediately! ’

‘I think there may be a lot of resistance organizations left on Zhiyuan. If you can, you can find them. At least you have a better chance of living like that? ’


'repeat! ’

‘Annie! Please withdraw immediately...’

At this time, the communication was interrupted.

It turned out that his helmet panel was broken. At the same time that the communication device was interrupted, there were also those precise snipers that Annie had been following them and continued! It's just that, I don't know if she has no ammunition now, or because she obeyed his command to evacuate?


In this regard, No. 6 does not know and cannot confirm it again.

Anyway, he only knew that his helmet was cracked by the enemy’s high-temperature plasma, so, in order not to affect his vision, he had to take it off at once, and pulled out his dogleg knife and pointed it towards it. Ming rushed to his Star Alliance elite.

'on! ’

‘Fight with them! ’

‘For Reach! ’

‘For humanity! ’

‘Never surrender! ! ’

'come on! Miscellany of the Star Alliance! ! ’

Immediately afterwards, the remaining UNSC soldiers, like Noble 6, took out their weapons that had never fought hand-to-hand with the enemy, and then yelled various slogans, and joined those few self-reliant bravely. The elites who surrendered their guns are fighting together!

On the outside, those holding plasma weapons stare at them and surrounded them with playful gazes. There were at least a few hundred Star Alliance troops.

at last……

When several elites were cut down by Noble 6 who was determined to die, when the marines of the UNSC besieging an elite were knocked to the ground by the elite twice, and someone was about to be cut off. Abnormal prominence: Two light blades light up on the originally empty field, and a small figure wearing a red "GEN2" type Thor's hammer power assault armor suddenly appears, and several times, with incredible combat skills and speed. In a few clicks, several elites who were entangled with UNSC soldiers were beheaded and killed!

‘! ! ’

‘Annie! ’

‘Why are you still here? ! ’

Noble 6 wailed a little desperately. He originally thought that the other party had already run away, but he didn't want to... You know, coming here to meet them is really a dead end! !

"Of course it's the crooked stars who beat them!"


"Hey! Who else would dare to come up for a one-on-one challenge? Just let the horse come, and they promise you won't have to kill you three times!"


Annie didn't pay attention to Noble 6's reproachful look, but turned to the front, toward the guy in the white armor headed by the group of Star Alliance soldiers to invite war.



The onlookers of the Star Alliance soldiers look at me and I see you. No one meant to come forward. Even the white-armored elite who was invited by Annie did not move, because just now the opponent suddenly appeared and killed a few instantly. The way the berserkers frightened them a bit.


'I! ’

Finally, an elite wearing a crimson armor, helmet, arms, shoulders and legs with orange-yellow decorations with black borders couldn't help it. It roared and waved, and a long energy lightsaber was on him. Sticking out of his left hand, and at the same time, an energy wrist sword popped out of his right hand, and then after a roar, he rushed towards Annie.




After just two swords, the red-armored elite fell angrily with his eyes open, motionless...

‘Wow! ’

‘! ! ’

‘She is a demon! ! ’

‘Shoot her! ! ’

‘Burn her to death! Don't single out with her anymore! ! ’

‘Shoot her to death! ! ’

'shot! shot! ’

'grown ups! Shoot? ! ’

The soldiers of the Star Alliance, those Guru and Jackals were completely frightened, and they couldn't help but step back several steps, making the encircling circle suddenly bigger.



At this time, the UNSC soldiers could not help being a little surprised, but they also knew that in this situation, personal courage was also limited, and that seemed to be of no use.

"Who else?!"


Annie stepped forward again, brandishing the energy lightsaber in her hand and shouting at the Star Alliance crooked stars who didn't add up to her.



The Guru and Jackals of the Star Alliance did not speak, but after the atmosphere stagnated for a while, they became a little restless.


‘Fire! ! ’

The white armored elite officer didn't know what he was thinking. In the end, he just took a deep look at Annie, then slowly raised his palm, and waved it down at a certain moment.

‘! ! ’


‘Annie, be careful! ’

Seeing the enemy's order to fire, Noble No.6, who had not thought much of it, took two steps directly, pounced in front of Annie, and stretched out his hands, intending to attack the opponent immediately. Because he knew that this little guy had a stealth device that was captured from the enemy, maybe, if his opponent blocked her, she would have the opportunity to be invisible and maybe she could escape?

Whoosh! Whoosh!

Tuk! Tuk! Tuk!

Countless high-heat plasma, high-heat metal nails, and crystal explosion needles have shot towards the last UNSC resisters and warriors near the shipbreaking yard!

There is no doubt that under the shooting of so many Star Alliance soldiers so close, no one can survive, not even the Spartans wearing Thor's hammer power assault armor!

Therefore, whether it is Noble 6 or the last remaining UNSC soldiers, they sighed and closed their eyes, and they were all ready to meet their final destiny... That was their last glory as a soldier: Their homeland, in Zhiyuanxing, shed their last drop of blood on the land they are willing to fight for and protect!


After a long time, Star Alliance's shooting gradually ceased.


‘! ! ’

‘? ? ’

'what is this? ’

'Oh, God……'

The Noble 6 and the remaining UNSC soldiers who had thought they were going to die were only horrified to see that a dark red shield appeared around them? Then, that shield blocked all the attacks, not to mention, and rebounded many attacks, indirectly killing and wounding a large group of Star Alliance soldiers who just planned to besiege and shoot them indiscriminately?

'this is……'

‘What’s the matter? ! ’

Obviously, Noble 6 didn't understand this situation. He didn't even know what the dark red visible shield was protecting them! However, after hesitating for a while, subconsciously, he turned his head and looked at someone who was slowly taking off the helmet, revealing the kind of little girl Annie who was a little bit disdainful, a little bit angry, and flushed.

I don't know why, Noble 6's instinct told him that all this is probably the other party's doing! !



"You can't afford it, can't you? You rely on a lot of people, right? People are going to turn their faces now!!"


Originally, Annie didn’t want to interfere with the established direction of a world casually. Moreover, she has worked very hard to help the human beings in this world. Although, she also saw the future and knew that there was no With her help, they were able to defeat the enemy in the end...

However, since they have fallen to this point now, since those evil crooked stars embarrassed her, since they dare not give her Queen Anne face, they dare to play horror tactics with her, and they want to kill her with random guns, then , She is going to lift the table now, no one wants to play again! !

"Come out!"


"Legion of Reapers, UU Reading will wipe out those nasty crooked people!!!"


As Annie pointed toward the front, soon, a small portal about two or three meters high appeared in front, and then the steady stream of soldiers, those Jies backbone, Jies jumpers, Jies commandos , Jess Sniper, Jess Lord, Jess Colossus, Jess Hunter, Jess Rocket Soldier, Jess Elite, Jess Rocket Soldier, etc. belong to the Reaper Corps. The appearance is slightly in line with the human aesthetic and will never be' The'death' Jies legions rushed out one after another, and then bombarded the Star Alliance invaders who were caught off guard, looked dazed, and did not know what was going on with their excellent Jies weapons. Past!

At the same time, in the universe, huge space portals appeared, as if they were Qianyuezhe Zeng, and then the Overlord-class fierce battleships of the Reaper Legion jumped out of them.

Then, under the horrified gazes of those Star Covenant fleets and the few UNSC warships that had not had time to escape, the thick main gun energy directly moved towards the Star Covenant at a super long distance before everyone could react. 'S fleet bombarded the past...


(● ̄(??) ̄●)

(Tibbs thinks, in seems to be unfettered, is it some horrible little master of his family? Of course, this kind of deadly saying I definitely won’t say it directly, at most I just think about it, I just think about it, really can’t be more...)


(????ω????)?? Ask a ticket?? (????ω????)

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