Shadow Bear Tibbers’ Plane Journey

Chapter 1101: (?????) The status quo of Zhiyuanxing and UNS...

The war that took place in Zhiyuanxing has been declared over for several days, and in these few days, everything around Zhiyuanxing and Tianyuan’s four areas seemed a little too calm, and it has been without waves. Landi.

For the time being, no new enemy ships have appeared in the universe. Perhaps the Star Alliance was frightened by the sudden emergence of a huge and unknown fleet, or perhaps the Star Alliance had not received any news at all, so it didn’t move under the uncertainty. ?

Anyway, the Overlord Reaper fleet in the orbit of Reach is still the same as the previous few days, floating motionless in the orbit like huge pitch-black cosmic bugs, and moving in sync with Reach.

Correspondingly, UNSC's response is similar to that of the Star Alliance!

In fact, whether it is the Reaper fleet in the universe or the Jies on the ground of Reach, they have never thought of interfering with the communications on Reach. Although, this pair of Jies who are good at overloading and jamming radar Very easy to say?

However, I don’t know why, very strange. In the past few days, despite the fact that the Reaper and Jies are not defending the UNSC, there is still no UNSC ship that dared to appear in Tianyuan Four. Within range...

Perhaps, after being defeated by the Star Covenant, the humans of UNSC have not yet eased their anger, and are still busy with other things, so they have no time to distract and take care of the fallen and hopeless Reach star? Or, even though they knew about the situation here, they were scared by the Reaper fleet with more than 1,000 ships just like the Star Covenant, so they didn't dare to act rashly until the situation was completely understood. ?

But in any case, no matter what the UNSC and Star Covenant thoughts, it is indeed beyond doubt that Zhiyuanxing has achieved peace!

So far, those who landed on Reach and invaded and massacred almost half of the humans on Reach, and also destroyed and vitrified all major cities, important UNSC strongholds, small towns and most villages. Most of them have also been wiped out. Only a few unstructured ones are still scattered in various places or mountains of Reach. From time to time they will jump out to attack the refugees and villages of Reach, in order to **** the most basic food or some These weapons supply and kill people...

Therefore, whether in the sky or on land, Jies’ fighters, aircraft, and soldiers still need to continue to patrol and fight day and night to ensure that the remaining enemies will not jump out casually and cause chaos. ?

New Alexandria...

In this piece of war ruins composed of the broken walls of high-rise buildings and glazed ground, this was previously plasma bombed by the warships of the Star Alliance. This was the place where Annie fought with the Noble team and finally had to flee. Due to the heavy rain that has lasted for several days, the residual radiation level in the city due to the plasma bombardment has dropped to a relatively safe value.

Therefore, after seeing the end of the battle and seeing the cruel Covenant invaders attacking one by one refuge were beaten and fled by a group of strange robot forces, the humans of Reach, those still Some unexplained war refugees rushed out of their shelters one after another, and after confirming that the strange robots would not attack them, but would provide corresponding protection, they finally jumped for joy. Far away from the dangerous city ruins, they started to build their temporary residences on the suitable ground on the outskirts of the city that had not been burned into glass by the Star Alliance, that is, the kind of temporary refugee camps.

Because there were already many policemen, officials, and UNSC surviving soldiers among the refugees, plus those Jies soldiers who worked hard to maintain order, patrolling and defending them uninterruptedly for 27 hours, under the city. With the guarantee of abundant supplies such as food that is sufficient for the refugees to eat for several years, there are still many refuges in the shelters. At this time, the order in these camps is still relatively good, and it is rare to find those long-lost smiles. It began to appear on the faces of the refugees who had survived the disaster.

Click! Click! Click!

Just like now, when a whole group of ten Jies commando soldiers lined up neatly, armed with Jies pulse rifles walking through the refugee camp on the ground outside New Alexandria and surrounded by a lot of vegetation. However, when there were waves of uniform footsteps at the same time, it naturally attracted many refugees to cast their gratitude, or hesitation, or some other inexplicable eyes.

Although the humans and refugees of Reach are very grateful to the robot fighters named Jies for what they have done for them, but since the other party is not a UNSC unit, or even any organization of human beings on earth, Inevitably, without a complete understanding, even if people are grateful, they dare not touch or talk about it easily, unless there is something that requires the use of the other's force?

However, there are always some exceptions...

'and many more! ’

‘Please wait a minute! ! ’

Isn't this?

Suddenly, when this team of Jies, who routinely patrols and maintains order, was about to pass through the camp, preparing to leave this small camp where there were already some embryonic villages, and it was a little boy. Suddenly jumped out from under a tree, and ran to the front of the team, directly stretched out his hands to stop the Jies soldier at the front of the team and shouted anxiously.


Unsurprisingly, the Jies stopped with a uniform pace. They still maintained the upright posture and the straight line before each other. The distance between each other is even the same, not because of a human boy. The interception and any confusion.


The lead Jie Si did not rush to speak, but slowly lowered his head, using their light-sensing device that glows on the head, which is called the "torch head" by some good people, and took photos of the little boy. Going down, and after scanning the top and bottom of the opponent, only after finding that there was no threat, he asked with a little doubt:

'Humanity. ’

‘What’s the matter with you. ’

The words of this Jie Si seemed a little stiff.

After all, for those who do not have pain or hunger, can only conduct basic rational thinking and logical analysis of the situation, and are accustomed to communicating at the speed of light in a floating-point network, what about this more complex and very inefficient emotional dialogue? Yes, they are indeed embarrassing.

'uncle! uncle! Can you help me get that balloon down? ’

‘Look! ’

‘It’s there! ’

The little boy with a runny nose looked up at these tall people in front of him. A few days ago he rescued him, his mother, and all the people here from the terrifying alien monsters of the Star Alliance. Asked the uncles of the robot Jies soldiers patrolling here to protect them.

He is not afraid of these Uncle Jies, because he knows that they are all good robots, roaring with all kinds of terrible shouts, and then cutting through the steel gate of the refuge and attacking them, killing a lot of people. A lot of uncles of the Marine Corps’s Star League villains are much better than those, even if they don’t seem to be humans, they are not robots belonging to their UNSC, and they don’t like to talk much!

It’s a pity that he doesn’t seem to recognize the one who saved him at the time, blocked the bullet for him and his mother, and fired the gun in front of him, and shot away those who attacked the cave in their refuge in a few strokes. The enemy’s mighty Uncle Jie Si... because they and these robot uncles all look exactly the same, and there is no military rank or number or name on the outside of the armor, so that he can't recognize the one in front of him. Which one?

‘? ? ’



Jies number J2020614 raised his head and used the luminous light-sensitive device on its head to follow the boy’s inefficient body language and follow the opponent’s fingers to the tree next to them, and succeeded After seeing the hydrogen balloon hanging between the branches, it thought for a while, tilted its head and looked at the little boy again, then suddenly made a small run-up, jumped up and headed towards the branches. Reached out and patted it.



After jumping to that height that is unbelievable for humans, Jies J2020614's robotic arm grabbed it, and the balloon exploded directly! But fortunately, it was still very considerate to pull all their fragments from the branches, and steadily fell to the ground, like a normal human, using slightly bent legs to help absorb the shock. The system eliminates all landing impact.

‘! ! ’

‘Okay, amazing! ’

‘That kind of height and dexterity is incredible...’


Not far away, the refugees who had been paying attention to the situation here were amazed, even though they had long known how powerful the robot named Jies was?

Unlike ordinary refugees who saw and just exclaimed, some people thought more...

Because, they just saw that the Jies robot jumped up to a height of several meters with a short run-up and landed easily after getting the balloon. The jumping power is probably the most even. The strong Spartans have no way to compare!

Coupled with the strong shield on the opponent's body and the pulse weapon powerful enough to attack the tough, many police officers and UNSC remnants who have a good understanding of the military can't help but have a higher evaluation of the Jies soldiers. After comparing their UNSC own troops, and comparing the situation of the elite Marines, Hell Paratroopers and Spartan fighters, their expressions became a little unnatural.

Because, the most powerful ground troops in the UNSC are just those Spartans who wear expensive, it is said that a set of Warhammer powered assault armor can be worthy of a small battleship! Besides, the Spartan warriors are just a little more modified than ordinary soldiers, a little more strength, endurance, neural response and physical defense and a light shield, plus some extra power and data. It's only support, but compared with the Jies combat robot soldiers who seem to be mass-produced and installed in front of them, the gap is a bit big!

Because that is not only the lack of advantages in power, reaction, shields, and weapons, but also absolute numbers.

'mission completed. ’

‘Here you, larvae, your balloon. ’

Jies number J2020614 walked up to the little boy expressionlessly, and with a slight pretense, directly handed the broken balloon fragments after the explosion to the child. In fact, as a Jies, apart from adjusting the brightness of the light-sensing device that glows on its head, it really has no more expressions.


Staring blankly at the other party putting those balloon shards into his palm, the little boy blinked his eyes and looked at the uncle robot who was holding a gun in one hand and popping his balloon in the other. Finally, he saw his only one. With the toy gone, the snot and tears that had been dragged on his lips could no longer be restrained from pouring out directly, and then he turned his head towards a certain young woman who was looking at him in the distance with some dumbfounding. The man ran over.

‘Wow! ! ! ’

'mom! mom! This uncle robot is a badass! ! ! ’

While shouting with a nose and tears, the little boy quickly threw himself into the arms of the young woman whose expression had become a little embarrassing.

'strange. ’

‘What’s going on, did we just do something wrong. ’

Jies number J2020614 means very puzzled.

As a result, it showed the strange expressions of the human beings around it, then looked at its own companions, and began to communicate frantically with other Jies on the floating-point network.

"Beep~! ’

‘Jes’ code is J2020614, what the larvae wants is intact, without an exploded balloon. ’

‘But, he only said to take down the balloon, he didn’t say to protect the hydrogen inside, so I did nothing wrong. ’

‘You did it wrong, you shouldn’t break it, and you shouldn’t let go of the hydrogen. What he wants is a balloon filled with hydrogen, not a blown up debris. ’

‘It turned out to be so, but he didn’t make it clear before. ’



‘Let’s go, continue patrolling, nothing happened just now. ’

'Ok. ’

'understand. ’

The Jies, who don’t need to eat, drink, or pay, and don’t have any extra personal belongings, just discussed for a while in their floating-point network, and then they found themselves here After the private property of several Jies soldiers combined may not be able to compensate for the expensive balloon of the human larva, they soon came to a conclusion, that is: taking advantage of the other party’s request for reasonable compensation Before, leave here quickly.

Anyway, as long as you leave the other person's sight, that little boy or other humans will definitely not recognize which of them is Jies, number J2020614. This is a very wonderful idea, there is no better.


'All right! Little Jie, let Uncle Luan go to the ruins to find some parts to make you a little robot to play with. Anyway, he doesn’t need to go to work in the factory anymore, he should be free...’

Watching those Jies robots quickly ‘escape the scene’, the young beautiful woman had to turn her head to comfort her little son in her arms.

‘But mom! I want balloons now! ! ’

‘Also, where is my father? ’

‘Now that the war is over, the uncle of our next door has returned. Why hasn’t he returned? ’

After crying for a while and stomping angrily, the little boy quickly shifted his attention to another place and asked about his father of the officer who hadn't been back in a long time.

Because he still remembered that half a month ago, after the other party took him and his mother to the dull and not fun shelter, they never came back. He suddenly missed each other.

Every time, every time the other party comes back from the military camp on weekends, he will bring him a lot of delicious things, especially the kind of air moa burger, which is the most delicious food he has ever eaten. ! And now, it's when he wants to eat something delicious.


‘He has been transferred to a place far, far away, the kind of spacecraft that takes years to sit...’

‘So Xiaojie, let’s talk about the things just now, what kind of toys do you want now? If you don’t want robots, is it an airplane or a tank? ’

After a while, the young mother, whose eyes rippled unconsciously, finally managed to hold back a certain emotion, and then began to talk about what the other party was interested in again, as if she wanted to get out of her arms. Son's attention?


‘I want a robot! It must be like that kind of Jessie, but it can't be like the bad guy uncle just now! ’

'what? ’

"But they all look the same..."

'I do not care! I want to be different, I can't be the same as the bad guy uncle just now! ’


‘I will help you ask. ’

‘Hmm! ’

‘But Mom, Dad has gone so far, when will he come back? ’


‘Yes, you can come back almost when you grow up. ’

‘Then when will I grow up? ’

‘Don’t worry, soon, as long as you are not picky eaters and eat more at each meal, you will soon grow up. When you are about the same height as your mother, your father will definitely come back. ’

‘But Mom, those cans are not tasty at all! I'm going to vomit! ’

"Little Jie..."

‘Children can’t be picky eaters, or they won’t grow up. If they don’t grow up, your father will never come back to see you. ’


‘But it’s really not tasty...’

"Goodbye~! ’


‘Huh? ’

‘Why would they put everything in different tin cans? Can’t it just be put in the refrigerator and cooked when you eat it? ’


‘Maybe you can ask the uncle Mo in the warehouse? ’

'Never! He is fierce! When asked if he wanted candy, he would only give one! ’


The pain of the war gradually fades away. Similar situations are happening all over the Reach. Those who should have been forced to hide in the refuge below until they were found and brutally killed by the soldiers of the Star Alliance. The refugees, at this time, were finally able to see the sky again and begin to live safely on the ground and rebuild small homes.

However, without the organization and mechanical assistance of UNSC, it is obviously impossible for them to rebuild big cities. At most, they instinctively form large and small gathering places and begin to rely on the strategic reserve warehouses of UNSC to maintain. Basic life only.

Before the UNSC planned and coordinated and arranged, they could not do much, because apart from some living materials and weapons, they did not have more ability to improve their lives, but would only fight and harvest. There is really no way for the reaper of life, and will not help them rebuild their homes! Those who do not eat or drink do not need to live and sleep, and the house needs only a 0.5 square meter place where it can stand, or those who can pack their own boxes, nor will they!

Therefore, the refugees of Reach are now under the protection of the Reaper Army and the Jies Army, and several days after the end of the war, they are still carrying on the kind of unorganized and anarchic refugee life, that is natural.


However, all this is only temporary!

Because when the refugees from all over the Zhiyuan Star leave the shelters or hidden forests and start to live on the ground or their original homeland, UNSC officials are also working hard.

After secretly observing and probing into contact several times, especially when a Noble 6 lieutenant officer boarded a Jies robot transport spacecraft, he safely arrived at the castle base under the protection of several Jies soldiers and explained the situation clearly. After that, those UNSC executives, at least the organized UNSC executives who survived on ZHIYUAN, after finally being able to understand the information of those'mysterious visitors', began to gradually change their attitudes and were positive. The ground ran for this.

On September 6, 2552, a Pelican transport aircraft taking off from the castle base, under the **** of two Fighting Falcon helicopters, was flying in the direction of a shipbreaking plant where the ‘Autumn Wind’s Pier’ escaped from Reach.

At this time, in the lead Pelican transport aircraft, in addition to Colonel Holland and other senior officers in white navy dresses, there are also wearing'GEN1' Thor's hammer-powered assault armor and acting as referrals. With Noble No. 6 who was guarding, and Noble No. 2 Catherine and Noble No. 3 who were guarding Dr. Halsey before going to the castle base.

For some reason, they were all named by Colonel Holland and participated in this trip to the Jies camp to meet and contact a little girl head of state.

clatter! clatter! clatter!

Whoosh~! Whoosh~!

However, although the battle has ended and most of the Star Covenant has been wiped out, the battle has not ended in a remote area far from the main area.


The Captain Hollander stood in front of the driving position of the Pelican transport aircraft, looking through the high-strength glass in front and on both sides of the cockpit, towards a scene below which was still in battle.


When he discovered that the soldiers of the Star Alliance had obviously no fighting spirit, they were just running around the ground. When he found that the robots named Jies could easily surrender the enemy but did not have any will to capture the prisoners. Even if the enemy surrendered, he kept rushing forward and ruthlessly eradicating the poor invaders. Finally, Colonel Holland couldn't help it. He had to turn his head towards someone wearing a helmet, honestly. Noble6, standing in the cabin of the Pelican transport aircraft, asked:


'I don’t understand, we have investigated before, and then we found a weird phenomenon, it seems that the little girl you mentioned, her country, the Reaper Legion and the Jess Legion under the Heroic Federation, they seem to be different Without the intention of capturing the enemy, they are also engaged in a ruthless war of genocide? ’

‘I don’t understand, what do those robots, their and their officers, the little girl head of state think? ! ’

For this situation, Colonel Holland has always felt deeply worried...

Because their UNSC humans are also victims of the genocide war!

In the tragic twenty-seven years of war with the Star Alliance, apart from the need for intelligence, the Star Alliance never captured their human beings, and has wiped out their UNSC billions of soldiers and tens of billions. The people are about to beat their human race to the bones!

And now, seeing another group more powerful than the Star Alliance, and then the same cruel army as the Star Alliance appeared, if he said that he was not worried, it would definitely be impossible.

At this time, it is a very complicated matter. You must know that the philosophical saying that "non-self race must have different hearts" has been passed down from the ancient times of the earth to the present day! Those Jies robots, those intelligent AI robots are undoubtedly an extremely scary existence in Holland's eyes. God knows when they suddenly aimed their guns at UNSC and humans?

Over the years, although UNSC has made great progress in artificial intelligence, they are also very careful in management. Because artificial intelligence is likely to betray, and once those Jies robots have lifespan issues and'madness' states or other uncontrolled states and risks like their UNSC's'smart' AI, it is really very A terrible thing.

Of course, he has always kept these questions in his mind, and he has not talked about it to anyone, nor will he say to Lieutenant Noble 6, who is willing to act as an intermediary and introduce them to meet the little girl in front of him. Say that Noble7 who has never met before!

‘! ! ’

‘Report sir! I do not know either! ! ’

I was stunned, and felt that there was nothing wrong with killing all the invaders of the Star Alliance and all the aliens. Noble 6 shook his head after pondering for a while, and faced the direct boss of their noble team, Holland. Colonel De added:


‘You can ask yourself later? ’

This battle at Zhiyuan is undoubtedly painful. In their UNSC, more than 700 million lives were sacrificed. In their noble team, the whereabouts of the captain Carter, George and Emil are still unknown, and they are still unknown. While the star is still devastated, how can he manage the life and death of the Covenant invaders who have committed numerous sins?

In fact, if it was not completely unnecessary, or if Colonel Holland was absolutely impossible to approve it, he wanted to use the cannon on the Pelican transport plane to take advantage of the opportunity of passing by to face the Star Alliance scum below. A few shuttles hit hard!


'Ok! I'll rest for a while, and call me when you are about to get there! ’

Although the Pelican transport aircraft is very fast, the Reach is no smaller than the earth at all. In addition, the distance from the castle base to the Jies barracks near the Yasa shipyard is indeed It's a bit far away, so before that, Colonel Holland plans to take a good rest on the side seat and close his eyes for a while.

'understand! ’

Seeing Colonel Holland sitting back on the chair and closing his eyes with his hands, Noble 6 did not speak, but silently turned and stood back to his teammates.

But actually...

What neither Noble 6 nor Holland knows is that a certain wretched little girl actually did not give the order to kill the Reapers and Jies... But, for no need to eat, drink, or For reapers and Jies, who don’t need to receive wages and have almost no additional supplies other than weapons and ammunition, capturing'captives' is a very troublesome thing. They are under the command of a head of state who can only squeeze their subordinates. But they have never received a penny of military pay, and they just barely "feed" themselves, and where are they capable of feeding the creatures that need to eat and sleep?

Therefore, when the head of a certain little girl did not speak, the Reapers and Jies tacitly implemented the'invisible command' of killing and killing on the battlefield. Therefore, in order to save trouble, in order to complete the cleaning as soon as possible. Star's mission, even if the invaders of the Star Alliance surrendered or kneeled down to beg for mercy, they would shoot over without emotion!

After all, the missions on the ground of Reach are not terrible harvesters who have harvested the Milky Way for tens of millions of years, or a group of unsentimental robots who want to plead for existence like them or play poor cards, then It will definitely not work.

boom! boom!

When the Pelican transport plane and two escorting Fighting Falcon helicopters whizzed past in the sky, two huge explosions finally came from the ground, and then the Star Covenant in this area was completely cleaned up.


At sunset, the visitor of UNSC, wearing a neat white officer's gown, followed by Noble No. 2 Catherine, Noble No. 3, and Noble No. 6, the three Spartans Colonel Holland, finally this film was made by Jies In the camp composed of our warships, we found a little girl head of state who was idling on a piece of grass, holding her chin waiting for the Jies chefs to help her with dinner according to recipes.



"Sister Catherine, Uncle Jun, and Uncle No. 6, which are great, you guys are finally here? Come here, today I just asked them and these robots to beat fresh moa meat. There are a lot of them here. But it's really time!"


Because she didn’t have to go to war and hide her power, Annie had already taken off the troublesome'GEN2' Thor's hammer power assault armor, and instead put on her favorite Little Red Riding Hood skirt, and then became Seeing the arrival of her former'teammates', she greeted them with cheers, and generously invited them to enjoy a wonderful meal with herself for free.

As for the guys in the white military uniforms next to them, she didn't care about them at all.

"Do not worry!"


"They caught a lot of big birds this time, and they will definitely not let you eat your ass!"


After saying hello to the three of them, Annie planned to step forward, grab the hand of Catherine No. 2, and then pull in the direction of the carpet she had just laid on the ground.


‘Ahem! ’

"Anne, let me introduce to you. These are our UNSC delegations. You should know this. He is the commander of our Noble team, Colonel Holland. This time I am here to discuss some important issues with you on behalf of the UNSC. The matter...'

‘Also here, they are....’

Obviously, Major Catherine must not dare to leave his officers at this time, and then ran to eat with a little girl who was screaming! Therefore, after withdrawing her hand in a slightly embarrassing manner, she immediately introduced to Annie the officers on the side with false smiles, and explained the main reason for coming here this time.

"important things?"


"But, is it important to have meals?!"



(● ̄(?) ̄●)

(Sure enough... Tibbers can know with his ass, this horrible little master of his family would definitely say so!)




Got it!

Now, let alone Catherine, even Noble 6 and Jun 3 don’t know what to say! Originally, they were quite familiar with the other party, and they knew the other's temperament quite a bit. They thought that a little guy would converge a little after his identity was'disclosed', pretending to be a big head of state or something. Is it such a "death and unchangeable"?


"Since Führer Anne wants to eat first, why... shall we eat and talk?"

Before the three of the Noble team could say anything, Colonel Holland, who was still there with the old **** and still had a formulaic sly smile, hurried out two steps and said roundly.

Although this way of having a picnic outdoors is not suitable for discussing business matters, since the other party now has the final say and their UNSC wants each other, everything can only be done by the other party.

'good idea! ’

‘Good too! ’

‘What Colonel Holland said is that this is indeed a good idea. It just so happened that we were hungry all the way...’

‘Then let’s talk while eating? ’

'Of course, no problem! ’

Hearing Holland's words, the group of senior UNSC officers who were originally talented, and the group of guys who were all colonels and lieutenant colonels, all laughed and agreed, before waiting for the master to speak. Flocked to the places where the robot chef was explained.

"and many more!"


"What's so good? It's not good at all!!"


"I have prepared something tonight. You are so spicy, how can you eat it? Besides, they didn't say I would invite you to eat it!!"


Yes, if only Anne and Noble team's Catherine, Jun, and No. 6 are the only four people, then it must be enough to eat, and she doesn't need to be nervous! However, if it’s such a large number of uninvited guys, and it seems that several of them are big-belly, and you can see that they are super edible guys, then if you don’t say it, it’s definitely not enough. !

So, for the sake of her own stomach, in order to prevent her dinner from being divided by these unknown guys, go to She had better drive them away all shameless old guys , And then there is nothing to say after I have eaten enough?

Anyway, no matter how important their affairs are, it must be more important to not fill her belly with delicious food.


'This one……'


Right now, the group of senior officers who were still happily just now, who didn't know whether it was a real smile or a falsehood, closed their mouths one after another, and then just stood on the spot in a daze, no longer daring to speak indiscriminately.

Because they don’t know what the little girl head of state really means. You must know that this kind of messenger hasn’t said anything specific when he comes to the door. As the principal of the other party, he directly expresses that attitude, which is very detrimental to the subsequent negotiations. of!


‘Joon! You go to the war falcon to fight a few moa back on the hill we just passed by. There is a large group there. If you move faster, you should be able to complete the task soon! ’

'understand! ’


‘Annie, this should be fine, right? ’

Catherine, who knew what a certain little guy was thinking, did not hesitate. She directly gave orders to Jun who is a sniper and saw that the other party turned around and left. Then she looked towards someone with a headache. The little girl who wanted to say something asked helplessly.



"OK then……"


I didn't say, since these uninvited guys are willing to bring their own food, what else can she refuse? So, after thinking and thinking about it, Anne blinked her eyes and nodded happily after she didn't expect anything bad for her.


(● ̄(?) ̄●)

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