Shadow Bear Tibbers’ Plane Journey

Chapter 1107: (??ω???‖) What are you doing?

Hemu Town, also known as'Ximu Town' or'Hewang Village', is a small village that the water of the Irintana Lake passes through. It is built by the mountains and the river, with a beautiful environment, outstanding people and simple folk... …

Maybe it's because of the narrow terrain, or maybe it's because there is a ready-made logging yard and sawmill here. There are too many high-quality and cheap wood? Therefore, in addition to their own houses, the villagers living in Hemu Town even used wooden trestle bridges to cross the river to build their houses on a small island in the center of the river, which is not too big in area, directly blocking the land here. Two main traffic routes and waterways.

However, blocking the waterway has little effect on the commercial roads of this place, because the river is not realistic for navigating ships. At most, the logging farm uses the water to lower the rafts and transport the timber. It is also due to the sky. The severe cold in the province can only be used reluctantly in a few months of the year.

Although the waterway utilization rate of Hemu Town is not high, it does not affect its land transportation to play an important role!

Because its geographical position is still very advantageous, it is the only place to pass through Snowman City in the north, Falkries and Helgen in the south, so in the weekdays, there are more prosperous business and business travelers passing by. As a matter of course, there are shops and prosperous streets such as blacksmith shops, homestays, lumber yards, pubs and grocery stores, etc., to meet the normal consumption, renovation and living needs of business travelers.

However, what is surprising is that although Hemu Town belongs to the territory of Xueman City in principle, and it is still a major transportation and military area connecting the north and the south, there is no wall at all, even no wall, and even more There are no soldiers sent by the lord to garrison, there is just a huge pebble and timber gatehouse fished up from the river...

Of course, Annie didn't care about these things. She didn't want to worry about these messy things, and she wouldn't care about them!

Because, at this time, she was wandering in this not too big town, waving her unique but generous gold coins and buying some good things she likes to eat from the villagers who opened the shop. .

As for the little follower of Larov and the other party, the guy who seemed to be called ‘Zagan Fort’, went to the sawmill to find an aunt called ‘Gordo’, and disappeared a long time ago.

It is said that the aunt is Larov’s sister, and the sawmill here in Hemu Town was run by the other party. Therefore, it is only natural that the two guys who managed to escape from the burnt Helgen now Want to go to the other side?

As for what they were going to do next, or how long they wanted to stay here, Annie didn’t ask at all. Anyway, she didn’t plan to follow them anyway, because she now knew that there was a big road along the north. The city is called Snowman City, and if you turn back to the south, it is Falkreath, and even Hafingal, the frontier of Yal, the White Territory, the winter castle, the east, the rift, the snowman, and the Fok Ressling, Ressling, etc. all learned a little from the mouth of that Larov, she can wander and play around in Skyrim Province by herself without worrying about anything else. thing.

But that is the future, and now Annie is wandering here...

She kind of likes this poetic, quaint, little place where the river flows through the town!

Especially the river water is very clear and cold, and even the fish and shrimps swimming in it are clearly visible, and it looks delicious just by looking... and the birds in the sky are even more amazing, they are fat and big. Anyway, she really likes this small town full of exotic tastes.





Obviously, Annie could also see that the logging farm in Hemu Town really provided a huge help to the construction of this town!

Isn't this?

After she wandered around, she soon discovered that this peaceful and peaceful, village-like Hemu town, which is more like a town, is actually mostly houses made of thick logs and thick wooden boards. At most, in addition to nailing wooden boards, the roof is covered with a layer of waterproof thatch? And if it were changed to another place, it would definitely not be so luxurious!

Take Heergen, for example, where there are more stone-wood houses with local materials, because the stone there is more affordable than the wood in Hemu Town! Of course, it doesn't make any sense to talk about Helgen now. That place was already burned to ashes by the giant dragon Alduin, and now there was only a piece of broken eaves.


(*⊙~⊙) choke



"Hey! Several siblings, what do you want to do with such a fierce look? Do you want to scare the children to play?!"


However, it is a pity that facts have proved that no matter how simple the folk customs are, there will always be some black sheep, isn't it? When Annie wandered about gold coins and wandered in Hemu Town, she was inevitably spotted by a group of local bullies!

As we all know, because of the folks in the village, the village tyrants or the unemployed people are generally not easy to bully the locals. After all, the people who live in the same village are not related to their families?

Therefore, a certain Larov who comes here occasionally and is known by many people and the two seemingly awkward people who follow Larov and Zagenborg who follow Larov are also not deliberately made things difficult by the village tyrants...but , A little girl who came to Hemu Town with a back heel, and then wandered around the village alone, the situation was different, especially when someone saw that she still had a lot of gold coins in her hand?

And this, maybe it is the reason why Little Annie was surrounded by these bad people?


"Little girl, did you come to Hemu Town alone? Where is your family?!"

After looking at each other with his comrades, the headed one with short shaved hair and looks like a bald head, the guy with a two-handed sword behind him walked forward, and directly reached out and blocked Annie's path. He lowered his head and looked up and down at her.

"My family?"


"Of course not here! They are in the land of voodoo, far away from here, anyway you will never find that place!"


Of course Annie probably knew the purpose of these bad guys asking themselves the kind of question, so while she answered, she was not polite and mocked the other person.


"Who is your Larov who came today? We saw it. You came to our Hemu Town one after another with him..."

The village tyrant leader asked with some fear.

Obviously, whether it is Larov or the other’s Larov’s sister, the female carpenter, they are a bit unreasonable, so if this little girl who looks rich has anything to do with those two guys, Maybe they can only let go of the other party and the golden stuff in the other party's pocket today.



"Oh! You mean the guy with a bow and arrow who just sneaked into the village? They don't seem to know him well..."


Yes, Annie is pretty sure. She is not very familiar with that Larov and the guy named ‘Zagan Fort’. At most, it’s just about asking for directions and meeting twice and saying a few words. Anyway, she must be disdainful to have anything to do with the two unlucky guys who were almost chopped off their heads by the ferocious soldiers of the Empire.



Upon hearing this, the leader of the village tyrant and his accomplices glanced at each other in silence, and then the few people surrounded the little girl in silence, concealing the villagers passing by in Hemu Town from looking here. Sight.

In fact, it is completely unnecessary for them to do this, because everyone here knows what kind of virtues these second-rate people who do nothing all day are. No one will be surprised by their behavior, and no one will do it for a stranger. Girls are nosy and come to conflict with them.

"Huh? What do you want to do?!"


Although anyone can see that they must be uneasy and kind in these strange uncles, but Little Annie still pretended to be timid and asked carefully.

"Hello, little girl!"

"That's it. Now Hemu Town is under our control. If you want to stay here or pass through Hemu Town, you have to pay us a sum of money first!"

Although it is clear that he wants to grab the other party's money, the village tyrant thinks that if the other party can honestly pay a protection fee, they might not embarrass the other party too much? Anyway, the vendors who passed by to and from the north and the south, the guys who didn't bring guards or had not enough guards, all honestly paid them a sum of money.

And if it weren’t for the fact that the Imperial Army came to Skyrim and started fighting with Ulfric Stormcloak’s people, which led to fewer business trips, where would they be reduced to the need to blackmail children to continue their lives? Looks like?

For those who have long been accustomed to such unearned things as extortion, tolls, extortion, and robbery, the days when the traffic of passengers suddenly decreases and suddenly there is no money to drink and eat meat, it is really very, very It's tough!


∑(??△`)? !

"You're talking nonsense! Hemu Town isn't yours here, so why should people pay you?"


Obviously, for this kind of guy who wanted to block the way to collect her own money without any legitimate reason or name, Annie had always hated it, so she directly rejected the other party.

And she still remembered that a long time ago, a guy named Shane Knox wanted to block the way to grab his own money, and then she was beaten up and beaten, and the other party was convinced and convinced her. Honestly, be her housekeeper in the land of flames, managing for her the place where she hit first?



(Tibbers said that he did not approve of the "chaotic" memory of its little master! Because it still remembers clearly so far, it was clearly a messy little master who ran to get in the way of others. Wanting to collect the money from that Fire Demon, after someone else Fire Demon was unhappy, they beat him up and occupied the entire Flame Land...

Well, it dare not remember it anymore, because a certain nasty little hand no longer knows when it moved to its neck and held it tightly. If it continues to vomit, something will happen. Not a good thing. )

"Less long-winded!"

"This place is under our control. You have to pay if you want to stay here! We only need fifty septins!"

‘! ! ’

'What are you doing? ’

‘But boss, are you sure, does she have so much money in that little pocket? ’


At this moment, when the village tyrant had just finished speaking, another guy with wicked eyebrows approached him and whispered these two sentences in the ear of the other party with a voice that Annie could barely hear.


"Okay! Little guy, I changed my mind, and I won't make things difficult for you! Take out all the gold coins in your pocket, we only take part of what we should take, and then you can get through here in Hemu Town It's unstoppable! If anyone dares to make things difficult for you, just report our name!"

He hesitated for a while, felt that what his subordinates said seemed reasonable, and felt that it was indeed impossible for the other party to hide so much money in the pocket outside of that beautiful little skirt, and it was indeed impossible for a little girl's strength to carry so much. The gold coins were on him, so he quickly changed his decision: he only planned to take most of the gold coins from the opponent.



"But people don't have the kind of Septim you said..."


"There are a lot of gold coins in their pockets, but they don't want to give it to you bad guys at all!"


Annie is doing this for the good of these people, because if she really took out all the gold coins, she would definitely squeeze the bad guys who are capable of doing things like that!

‘Stop talking nonsense! ’

‘Get out if you don’t pay! Go back to the south of you! ’

‘Okay, boss! Don't pretend to be good people, we haven't opened for many days, do you want to go fishing for soup again? ’

‘Yes! ’

‘Just grab it. Just leave her two money as travel expenses to go home. Who would let her run around in this dangerous world without being alone? ’

'well said! Hilde said just now that he saw a dragon, can this world be dangerous? ’


‘He’s not the first to say he saw a dragon. Everyone thought he was crazy and Swann’s tired of him! ’

'All right! ’

‘Hurry up, let her pay, and then let her go...’

‘? ? ’

‘Little guy, are you sure, are you trying to resist? ! ’

The village tyrants who just wanted to do it soon discovered that a certain little girl blinked and looked at them with those beautiful blue eyes, and quietly picked up one from the pile of wood on the side. A stick, it seems that you want to do it with so many adults?



Annie didn't speak. She felt that sometimes it was too cruel to use magic directly, and the power was not easy to control. If you accidentally burn it to ashes or something, it is better to use a wooden stick?

Anyway, when she fought with the elites last time in Zhiyuanxing, her fighting skills have become stronger and more proficient. Therefore, now that there is another opportunity, she can do it again. Practice it.


'fast! Catch her! Hurry up and collect the money and let her go! ! ’

Seeing that there are more and more villagers onlookers around, some people are still pointing to their own people. They feel that it will not be a good idea to continue to talk here, and I am afraid that some guys will jump out of the nosy village. The tyrants exchanged their eyes, and rushed directly at the little girl.

And then……

Snapped! !

‘Wow! ’

Boom! !

‘Uh~! ’

puff! !

‘? ? ’

Bang! !




‘! ! ’

'Do not! Don't, don't fight! Auntie, grandma, spare your life...’

○| ̄|_

Boom! !

'Uh! ’


Dealing with such a group of guys did not waste much time for Annie. When the villagers exclaimed and pointed here, the local village tyrants, including someone who fell on his knees and planned to beg for mercy The boss, don't let Anne's dazzling sticks beat her nose and face swollen and fainted to the ground motionless.



"You guys, you guys are going to grab such a cute girl. Are you shameless?!"

ε=(??ˇεˇ????))) Bah!

After cleaning up these ignorant village tyrants, Annie threw away the wooden stick that did not know who was stained with blood, then clapped her hands, and spitted under the unbelievable eyes of the villagers. Then he turned his head straight and left.


!? (??''????)??

"You two guys, what are you hiding here sneakily, want to scare people?!"


Ignoring the onlookers and pointers of the villagers, as well as the bad guys who were full and wanted to worry about the coins in her Queen Anne’s pocket, Annie turned around and walked into the side after cleaning up the other party. A small laneway, and was surprised by two guys who didn't know when they hid here.

Of course, what Annie didn't know was that her performance just now shocked the other party too!

"Talos is on..."

"Little guy, are you sure, are you really a mage?"

Before, he was talking to his sister at the sawmill about his escape from Helgen and the sudden appearance of the dragon and Ulfric. Then, when he heard the little boy Flo in the village Dana said that there was a strange little girl here who was made things difficult by the bully. Although she didn't think that the other party would need her own help as a mage, Larov still rushed over immediately and was able to see it. The fact that surprised him extremely.

The one who kept saying that she was a mage, and indeed a little girl who knew how to spell, used a wooden stick to beat the villains who had been blackmailing the passing merchants in Hemu Town to the ground? If he hadn't seen this kind of thing with his own eyes, I'm afraid he wouldn't believe it anyway, right?

You have to know that although those villains are not good at strength, but if it is his Larov, surrounded by so many people in the middle, they will all be beaten to the ground if they are not careful!

"Yes indeed!"


"I am a melee mage, I learned from an old guy named Gandalf!"


"You may not know, that Gandalf is fierce! He is obviously a white-robed wizard, but apart from learning a light technique to prevent the enemy from being attacked by the enemy while walking at night, let's all his time to exercise his stamina and strength. Go on! I also practiced all the skills of one-handed sword, two-handed sword, whirlwind dance, decapitation, armor piercing and so on to the highest level. It's amazing!"






"Are you kidding? How could there be such a mage in this world?!"

After looking at each other with his new companion, Larov shook his head dumbly.

For Larov who once saw the fierce appearance of rockets and fireballs bombarded by the imperial war mage in the battle against the dragon in the ambush at Heishuikou and Helgen, a What a powerful mage is like, he knows better than anyone else.



Annie didn't pay much attention to the other party, but just turned her head and left. Anyway, she is not familiar with the other party, there is no need to talk so much nonsense to the other party or explain too clearly.

She intends to rest here at night, and then leave here early tomorrow morning. As for the Larov and the Zagun Fort, she will not have too much intersection with them! Otherwise, she would not refuse their invitation before and refuse to visit the sawmill full of woody smell.


At night, the Sleeping Giant Inn in Hemu Town...

Unlike the drunks, mercenaries, business travelers, and the idlers in the town who are bragging and making noises, or even fighting when they are drunk, a little girl is just being happy. Sitting on the high stool in front of the counter, I chatted with Ogna who collected money and sold things at the inn counter.

‘Hahaha! ’

‘Little guy, are you a mage? Do not make jokes! It’s better for a little guy like you to go home as soon as possible. Although I have heard about what you do during the day, trust me, a guy like you with delicate skin and tender flesh will be eaten sooner or later! ’

‘When you came in, did you see the tiger man in the green cloak outside? ’

‘His name is Barron Dahl. He most welcomes travelers like you who are away alone. You better stay away from him! ’



"Is that so?"


Obviously, Annie didn't really believe what this Orgna was saying, because she knew that the tiger man was in a caravan, and they were doing business in a serious manner. Where could they eat people again?

"But, they are really a mage, and they are still very powerful!"


‘Just don’t blow yourself up like you! ’


‘I’ve heard that there is an academy in the Winterhold to the north of Fengruo City, east of Morningstar City that teaches spells. If their fellows who learn evil spells haven’t blown them up? ’


‘Anyway, if you really want to go to that place and want to learn from the lord’s mage, you’d better be careful? ’

Seeing that a certain cute little guy gave him so many gold coins, for the sake of that wonderful Jin Jialong, Ogner couldn’t help but say a few more words, taking himself away from those mercenaries, business travelers, and other people in the past. All the valuable information heard by all kinds of weird people are spoken out.

'correct! ’

‘Little guy, remember to lock the doors and windows when you go to bed at night. The store on the roadside of Hemu Town Trading Company was stolen by thieves one night. So far, the guy who opened the door has not been found! ’

‘Although, that thief did not take almost anything? ’

While speaking, Ogner at the counter shook his head while wiping the cup with the strips of cloth-like cloth.

‘Do you want another rabbit? ’

‘This time, I promise to grill it even better than the last one. It’s definitely the kind you’ve never eaten before! ’

Then, he thought for a while, and then continued to point to the hares who had been shot back by the hunters, who were already a little stiff and asked.

"Stop it, it's not delicious at all..."


Those dead rabbits have been hanging there for a long time, and they are not new at all, so Annie will not be fooled to buy a second one! You know, the one she just bought with the money has been given to the former gladiator with a red mark on the face next to it, and the beard of the former gladiator, and now the Skyrim Food Traveler Gore ate it.

'my friend! ’

‘Your Excellency, Little Mage Anne, really, if you have the chance, maybe you should try the three-tusked walrus! Believe me, no one will get tired of a delicious three-tooth walrus stew! ’

‘That’s a delicious food that people can’t imagine and refuse...’

‘Put that very chewy meat into the pot, throw in a little garlic, add tomatoes and lavender, and then fill a pot of sea water, it will soon melt into a pot of pure and delicious! ’

‘I’ve eaten all the meat from Summerset to Solsdam, but there’s really nothing like a bowl of fresh three-tusked walrus soup...’

Gore, the Skyline Food Traveler, who was invited by a little guy to eat for nothing, is trying to recommend what he thinks is the best, like a little guy who likes delicious food like him.

"Is it really that delicious?!"


There is no doubt that Annie was a little moved by what the other party said. She is considering whether to abandon the sightseeing route she originally decided and go to the place where the other party said that she can eat the meat of the'three-tusked walrus'. visit?

‘Three-tusks walrus? ’

‘Great Talos...’

‘Little guy, I advise you not to listen to him! You will definitely regret it if you eat it once! Because it will definitely not chew better than a piece of sawdust from our Hemu town! ’

‘! ! ’

‘Ogna, you don’t understand! Your vision is only as big as Hemu Town, and you won't understand how delicious there are in this world! ’

‘Maybe you’re right, Gore...’

‘But you need to know that there are no fewer people than you can meet and kill here every day! ’

'Do not……'

‘You won’t understand! ’

‘I understand! ’

'you do not! ’




"You guys should stop arguing! Uncle Ogg, the chicken you just asked you to roast should be almost done? Hurry up and serve, they are hungry now!!"


'Oh! ’

'of course! This time should be ready...’

After taking a look at Brown and Delphine who were still squabbling with the two on the side after drinking some wine, Ogna sighed and shook his head, and soon Turning around, from the window of the kitchen behind the counter, helped a little guy to bring a cooked old hen to the counter.



"I'm moving!!"


In this way, Little Annie followed the argument between Ognat and Gore, and listened to the melody of the bard Swann's "Lalalalalah-Lalalalalah~", watching the drunk Brown The boxing match with Delphine and the roar of the proprietress Delphine, they just ate themselves.

Until a group of angry villagers rushed into the Sleeping Giant Inn, and saw something that shouldn't be read at a glance, and then surrounded Annie.


∑(??△`)? !

"What are you doing looking at others with that kind of eyes?!"


Annie said she was puzzled, because she didn’t seem to provoke these people. Apart from wandering around for a day, she saw enough of the scenery of Hemu Town and studied the rich food sources in the sky, the ground and the water. The little animals, such as the beautiful orange-yellow big bird, the mud crab by the river, and the pheasant and wolf outside the village, really didn’t do more...


(● ̄(??) ̄●)

(Perhaps... But Tibbers didn't want to remind one of his miserable little masters about that insignificant problem.)


‘What are you eating? ! ’

A fierce villager took a step directly, looked at the counter in front of a certain little girl, and looked at the contents of the other party's dinner plate, his face was a little surprised.

"Of course it's roast chicken!"


‘! ! ’

‘Roast, roast chicken? Where did the chicken come from? ’

The ferocious villager hurriedly asked.

Because he doesn't remember any chicken sold to the Sleeping Giant inn at his house today! In fact, they stopped selling chickens soon... and in Hemu Town, where the population is not large, it is not so much a small town as a village, and only his family has chickens!

So, now the question is, what happened to the roast chicken in front of a little girl that was eaten more than half? !

"Of course it was caught in the mountains!"


"What's wrong, is there any problem?"

( ̄~ ̄) Chew!


‘Caught in the mountains? ’

‘You lie, that’s my chicken! My chicken is missing one today! ! ’

Yes, when it gets dark in the past, their chickens will always return to the chicken coop by themselves, but I don’t know why but one is missing today, and they are so dying that they are looking for They smell the roast chicken here? Therefore, they followed the taste, and really let them find it!


(*⊙~⊙) choke

"Your family? Do you have any evidence?!"

ψ( ̄~ ̄) Chew!

In the blink of an eye, Annie hurriedly stuffed the last piece of meat into her mouth, and chewed it together with the tender bones.

She didn't believe that it was raised by the other party, because it was indeed caught in the forest outside. How could an ordinary pheasant that seemed so coincidentally be raised by the other party? So, what I didn't say, she was pretty sure, it must be these guys who saw that she was rich, so they came to trouble again?

Sure enough, the words that came out of the poor mountains and evil ridges are really correct. Just like in the daytime, these guys in Hemu Town have found a new reason to find her Queen Anne. Trouble, she won't be as they wish!

'you! ’

‘Look, I found this in the back kitchen! ’

‘This hairy! ’

‘! ! ’

‘That’s right! It is the one I raised! ! ’



‘You thief! ’

‘This chicken is the old hen in my house that lays eggs, it’s for the chicks! Now you have eaten it, UU reading www.uukanshu. com The basket of eggs in my house will definitely not hatch! ’

"If there is no egg, there will be no chicken. If there is no chicken, there will be no egg..."



Annie understood, these people are really spoilers, and they are really looking for trouble! She swears, she was really caught in the wild, how could it happen that she was the other party's? Anyway, she would definitely not admit it!



Therefore, a small flame quickly flashed in Annie's hand, and then the Diao Min who was holding the chicken feathers in his hand instantly burned the flames. When the other party exclaimed and waved his hand, the most important evidence was already there. Was burnt to coke...

But Annie controlled it well, she just destroyed the important evidence.

it's good now!

She ate the roast chicken, and the chicken feathers were burned. There was only a piece of bone left. She wanted to see, why do these uncles say that the chicken belongs to his family?


(● ̄(??) ̄●;)

(Tibbers is a little speechless, I don’t know if this bad little master of his own is doing this for that. After all, it’s just a chicken. Even if it’s really raised by the other party, it’s just a gold coin. As for this? ?)



‘Catch her! Get her up! That thief! ! ’


!? (??''????)??

"You are the thieves, they really caught it on the mountain outside the village!!"


‘Catch her! ! ’

‘! ! ’

‘She is there! ’

'stop! ’

‘Catch her! ! ’

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