Shadow Bear Tibbers’ Plane Journey

Chapter 1117: ?Spiritual Guy and Dawn Guard?

In the mortal world, cultural differences and conflicts often lead to changes, and changes are precisely what the elves fear—changes cannot be controlled and deviate from their origins.

Simply put, the cause of the split between humans and elves is due to the relationship between beings in the mortal world and gods.

Humans humbly believe that they were created by the gods, while the elves claim that they are the direct inheritance of these immortal powers-this does not seem to be related, but this difference creates a mythological system of different colors.

All Tamriel religions have the same origin. Humans or elves are derived from the force of twins-some call them Anu and Padome; some of them are Anuriel and Sidi Si, or Ake and Ayer or Satak and Aker, probably. It is difficult to describe them-assuming the former is a light that never extinguishes, then the latter is eternal nothingness-the two are mixed together to form chaos...

—————— Metamythology (Volume 1)



Snapped! !

After seeing the book in her hand, Annie, who felt a little boring, did not continue to read it. Instead, she closed it with a snap, and then threw it to the one aside. The spirit boy named'Agmeier' I met on the road before.



"Before reaching the corresponding power level, if you have time to read such boring books, to guess the truth of the world and speculate about the messy gods, it is better to think more about what good food to eat at night? !"


Yes, the things written in the book don't make much sense...

It’s just like Annie. If she is doing nothing to do someday, she squeezes a glass ball to play and creates a universe in it... Then, will the lives born in the future also have some A messy mythology was imposed on her, saying how she was, saying she was an'anu' or something'Padome', and saying how the origin of the world’s hardly possible that they would still know her It's just because I'm bored, so I just squeeze it for fun?

"Why do you little fellow speak like a little adult?"

"If you don't like to read it, don't read it. You definitely can't understand it anyway! However, I always think this "Meta Mythology" is very good, even if I have always been difficult to read..."

Although the spiritual guy named'Agmeier' didn't know what the weird little girl mage was all about, but he liked his book quite a bit, so he didn't plan to see him Looking at it again, he carefully received it in his luggage.

"You should look less at those things. The'Oghriser, Tahrit, and the Siyk Order' are just some archmages. They are far from the root and reality of the world!"

(ˉ▽ ̄~) Cut~~

"Although this world is just a very imperfect little world, but... forget it! You can't understand it if you tell you this!!"

o(??^`)o hum!

The other party was met by her outside the mouth of a valley called the Canyon at the bottom right of Rift Valley City.

After hearing that the other party said that he was going to join the Dawn Guard organization that was being formed, and that the other party was going to join the glorious organization whose mission was to hunt vampires, Annie, who found it interesting, turned to give up. Thinking of playing in Rift City, plan to go to the fun and interesting Dawnguard Castle with the other party to see the excitement?

Because, now on the side of Xueman, those newly born fire elemental people are fighting against Falkreis, Wind Rudder City, and the Imperial Army in full swing. They don’t want to see Annie who are fighting there, so they just go straight. When I came to Rift Valley City, I ran into that funny spirit brother in a daze... But, she remembered it now. Back then, when she first arrived in Snowman City, she had heard that The gatekeeper said that someone in Rift Valley City is indeed beginning to create an organization against vampires, and he also persuaded Ella, who was a huntress at the beginning, to join him?


"I don't understand? It's funny, then you little guy knows better than me?!"

Agmeier was a little unhappy.

Because he is much older and stronger than this little guy who didn’t know where he came from and didn’t know the life and death of him. He would certainly understand what she could understand, but not the other person he could understand. Yes, he is very confident about this!



"Let's hurry up, where is the castle guarded by dawn?"


Annie didn't want to explain too much to the other party. Anyway, the other party didn't understand. So, she felt that she should hurry up and see the castle of the dawn guard and those guys who are said to be still recruiting members. See if it is fun?

"I don't know where..."

"But I heard, it should be on the top. As long as you stop walking and reading and delaying time, we should be there soon."

Looking at the valleys on both sides, after reminiscing about a certain place in his memory, Agmaier pointed to the front and continued to lead the way.

Originally, he was a little afraid of coming to such a place alone, but after seeing a little girl who dared to wander around here, he didn't know why, maybe he was afraid of being compared by a few years old girl The reason? Therefore, he suddenly had so little courage!



"People haven't been wasting time! People have been following you all the time, they have never fallen behind. It is obviously that you are walking slowly by yourself, and you have taken the wrong path several times!!"


Annie suddenly became a little angry. I don’t know how this guy became so annoying, just like the bad bear Tibbers in her house. Most or all of the time, it was clearly its responsibility and fault, but in the end it happened. All want to deny those wrong things to her?

You know, her Queen Anne never made a mistake. How could they just slander her like this?

That is really outrageous! !



(Tibbers said that it was even worse than a woman named Dou who was lucky enough to encounter a cold air intrusion in June during the Little Ice Age, and then had her head chopped off in the midday of the snowy day!!)


"Don't talk nonsense! I didn't lead the wrong way. I'm just not familiar with this gorge, because I rarely come here, I just heard that they are in a rough place..."

"I really didn't get lost, don't worry, I promise to take you somewhere!!"

Although the mental boy Agmeier was a little bit ashamed, he still protested loudly.



Obviously he doesn't recognize the way, he's still deadly...

It's just that Annie now has time to accompany the other party slowly, she is not in a hurry... and she will not tell the other party, she actually knows the correct path, but she just doesn't say it!


Also, I don't know why, watching the other side foolishly wandering around and getting lost in this canyon, inexplicably, she has such a trace of satisfaction and balance in her heart?


ε=(????`●))) alas

(Tibbers doesn’t want to comment on some of its nasty little masters for the time being, because it’s a little used to it...)


"No! Not good! Wolves, wolves! It's wolves!!"

Suddenly, not long after he left, a certain mental boy Agmeier suddenly screamed!

And as he screamed, very soon, several snow wolves jumped out of the grass in front and outflanked them with grinning teeth.

They just bowed their heads and snarled in a low voice, kept salivating, kept aiming at the two of them, and quickly dispersed, forming a semi-enclosed formation in a tacit understanding. Blocked the two people's retreat forward and backward.



Agmeier took the wooden stick in one hand, drew out the axe passed to him by his father in the other hand, and stared at the wolves that were slowly pressing up.

He didn't dare to escape, because he had already known that he had killed wolves more than once. To deal with these beasts, you can only hope to survive if you bravely fight head-on, and once you escape and easily reveal your back, then Will definitely die miserably...

He still doesn't want to die, he has to join the Dawn Guards to hunt down those evil vampires, so he doesn't want to die among such desolate mountains and be eaten by a group of hungry wolves so that only a few bones are left!

"what the hell!"


"Isn't it just a few wolves? I haven't seen them before. What's the fear?"


Annie squinted at the wolves who wanted to eat them, and then poked her lips indifferently, without paying attention to their threat at all.

In fact, if it hadn’t been because she had just eaten enough, and now she needs to wander around to digest and digest, it’s not always certain who eats whom now! Although, wolf meat is a bit difficult to handle, and without a big pot, without cinnamon, tangerine peel, grass fruit, jujube, star anise, licorice, **** and other ingredients stewed together, it is really not very delicious?




"You, what do you know, so many wolves, isn't it scary?!"

The tone of the spirit boy Agmeier began to tremble... But, in order not to be caught by those cunning evil wolves, he still resisted the fear in his heart, and stood in the original place. He squeezed his axe tightly.

His axe has killed a lot of wolves, and there should be the smell of blood of the same kind on it. It must be able to deter them a little, right?

"That does not work!"

"Ann, Annie! Come on, I'm staring at them now, you quickly shout for help! This place should not be far from the castle of the dawn guards, maybe before these wolves can eat you and me, they can rush It may not be necessary to save us?"

If it were one or two wolves, the mental boy Agmeier with a stick and axe in his hand would definitely not persuade them! However, there are so many wolves right now, and there are still wolves. Those cunning beasts are not easy to mess with. If they are not careful, they will be caught in the loop by their cooperation, and then bite into the throat or belly and get out of the intestines. of!

Therefore, he quickly thought of a way, ready to let the little guy behind him cry for help, hoping that the grandfathers of the dawn guards are really not far from here, and can rush over after hearing their shouts. See exactly?



How could her Queen Anne shout for help, how embarrassing? !


"Little guy, I'm going to shout if you don't call!"

I found that a little guy behind him was still indifferent, and found that the evil wolves were a little agitated, and the mental boy Agmeier could not withstand their pressure.

"People don't shout!"


"You guys get out! Otherwise, people will eat you! Are you afraid of the kind that is stewed in a big pot?!"


Annie ignored someone who was cowering and confronting the wolves while preparing to open her throat and yelling for help. Instead, she stepped forward, regardless of the other's astonishment, and pointed directly at the biggest one behind. The fattest wolf said threateningly.

‘! ! ’




What surprised the mental boy Agmeier so much happened...

Those vicious wolves, those snowy wolves who specialize in single-handed or think bully prey and never give up easily without reaching their goals, even after hearing the little girl's words, they saw something extremely terrifying. , Directly excited, and then whimpered with his tail and ran away, and suddenly ran out of sight? !

This kind of thing, he has lived here for more than ten years in Rift Valley City, not only has he never seen it, he has not even heard of it!


"It's incredible...little guy, I don't understand, how exactly did you do that just now, why did you drive them away?!"

Yes, Agmeier really wants to know how the other party did all that just now, and if he can, he also wants to learn a lot?

"It's very simple!"


"Didn't you just hear it? People just said that if they dare not run, they will eat them! So, for the sake of their own dog's life, they just ran away!"


For Queen Anne, who is at the top of the food chain, let alone a pack of wolves, even if a group of giant dragons ran up to her, they would be frightened by the look of one of her looking for food, right?


"Forget it, let's go quickly, the castle of the Dawn Guard should be right in front, from here on the hillside to the cliff above the cliff..."

"Trust me, I won't go wrong this time!"

The little girl's words to lie to the ghoul, Agmeier, would definitely not believe it, because he had never heard of anyone who could scare away a group of hunting wolves by talking!

However, given that there are more important things now, given that there are too many dangers in the mountains and forests, and given that the other party is unwilling to tell the truth to him, he is not too reluctant. Instead, he walks fast while pointing. The huge rock building hidden in the woods and valleys in front shouted excitedly.

"You have said that many times..."


"I promise, this is definitely the last time!"


"Little guy, I'm sure I didn't go wrong! Look! Look? I'm right, it's over there!!"

Going forward for a while, turning out the woods, without the cover of the tall trees and misty mountains, the mental boy Agmeier suddenly shouted excitedly.

as expected!

In the front, in front of the towering rocky mountain wall, a huge fortress stood in it. Obviously, that was the destination that Agmeier had been looking for for a long time, and that was the Dawn Guard station that was being created. Dawn guards the fortress!



"But, how come it looks tattered... It must be someone else who hasn't lost it, so they came to occupy this place and use it as a resident?!"

Σ( ̄д ̄;)

Undoubtedly, looking at that although it looks mighty and domineering, but at the same time it is slightly broken, and it seems to be a few years old, maybe it is a relic-like castle left over from a certain time in ancient times, Anne suddenly guards the dawn. The organization doesn't have much hope.

She doesn't know whether those guys are strong or the Dawn Guard is strong or not. Anyway, she only knows that those guys are probably very poor, so poor that they can't even find a decent place?

"what are you saying?"

The excited mental boy Agmeier didn't pay attention to listening to a little girl, but excitedly continued to trot forward and lead the way, while asking strangely.

"Do not!"


"Nothing, anyway, you definitely don't want to know..."


Annie didn't explain, just carrying her own little bear Tibbers, and hopping behind him, jogging towards the dawn guard castle.

Anyway, she just came to play casually, and if possible, she would just add some confusion to others by the way. She shouldn't stay here for too, she wouldn't take care of other people's homes. Where did the house come from? Those trivial things! After all, this is not her home, and she will not live long!


(● ̄(??) ̄●)


"It should be here, the fortress of the Dawn Guard... It's incredible. There will be a strong castle here, which is bigger than I thought..."

"I thought they could only find a broken cave or ancient tomb..."

Unlike a little girl who is muttering something with disdain, the spirit boy Agmeier is very, very satisfied with this magnificent and hidden dawn guard castle! Although it is a bit worn out, it will definitely become better and better if it is cleaned and repaired with more manpower!

Therefore, he became more determined, made up his mind to join them, and worked hard to improve his ability, and then went to hunt down those evil vampires together! !



"What about people? Why do they look like ruins... Didn't they say that if they wanted to join the Dawn Guard, they came here to gather and evaluate?"

"Could it be that we are late, they have already left?!"

As I walked, when I approached, I saw that the outside of the castle seemed a little dilapidated and completely devoid of people. The mental boy Agmeier couldn't help but hesitated a little, wondering if he went to the wrong place again. , Or it's really accidentally late or something.


"Ha! Great, it turned out to be more hidden behind, there are people there and there is firelight! Come on, little guy, we didn't go wrong this time, and we didn't come late, they are right there!"

He hesitated and fumbled for a while in front of the ruins of the castle courtyard. Soon, Agmaier became energetic from a state of frustration and anxiety, and ran forward and cheered.

Because, he saw a lot of figures in front of him, and he also knew his fellow villagers and those thick log walls that were obviously newly built! Of course, he didn't care about those, he couldn't wait to run towards the entrance of the castle gate.

'Well? ! ’

‘Stop coming! Who are you guys? ! ’

A man in silver armor with a long sword hilt at his waist walked down the stairs of the gate and stopped by the mental boy Agmeier. He couldn't help but glance at him with suspicion. .


"You, hello! My name is Agmeier. I am a friend of Durak. He recommended me to join the Dawn Guardian. May I join you?"

After running to the gate of the castle with a little panting, and seeing this big figure in beautiful silver armor who looked like an officer in front of him, Agmeier hurriedly pulled on his crumpled linen clothes. Then he took a step forward and stammered and explained.


‘Coming to apply? But why are you still bringing your family? ’

'Ah! ’

‘Okay, I don’t care about this, you go in! Isran will decide whether you can join. He will be in charge of reviewing newcomers in the hall inside. Good luck to you? ’

The officer just reviewed it briefly, nodded and moved away without seeing any problems.

For a high-level Dawn Guardian who is currently in the process of creating and'seeking for talents' who are always looking for talents, seeing someone come to apply for and it is still a good thing to'buy one get one free', he Of course there is no reason for rejection. Therefore, he said something more or meant to reject the other party. He just made a small ridicule, and then graciously stepped aside, and signaled that the two could go in now.



"They are not his family members, they only came with him after they met on the way!!"


"Hey! Wait for me first!"


After making a big grimace at a certain guard uncle who was slightly surprised and unexpected, Annie hurriedly went in to the one who had already taken the lead in, completely ignoring her spiritual brother, Agmeier.


'what! ’

'interesting! This is really...’

Looking at the two figures, the guard opened his mouth dumbly at first, but in the end he didn't say much, and he continued holding his arms at the gate, waiting to see if there are any newcomers coming today.

Because those two people didn't look like that kind of vampires in disguise, and as long as they had a legitimate reason for having to join the Dawn Guardian, surely Isran would definitely not refuse it?

Although, the other party also carries a troublesome little girl...

But, that kind of thing is not in his control. Now, his duty is just to guard the door and do the first review, and don't let the blood sucking choppy get in casually.


?????????????????? ??????????????????

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