Shadow Bear Tibbers’ Plane Journey

Chapter 1119: ?The chief archmage Anne of the Dawn Guardian?

Perhaps it is the ability of a certain little girl who really values ​​the magic of light that is very magical, very useful, and matches their Dawn Guardian title? Of course, it may also be a little bit stubborn but the power of a little girl's stalker and the ‘babble’ of a disagreement?

Anyway, in the end, Isran had to announce one thing to all the Dawn Guards, that is: From now on, Anne Crown Guardian Light Mage will officially join their Dawn Guards and become the Dawn Guards. The chief archmage in here!


Apart from that, there is nothing else!

Isran did not specifically announce the scope of authority of a certain little girl, but just symbolically gave a position that seems to be very lofty in the Dawn Guard, and it seems that it is nothing more?

But fortunately, a certain little girl, Annie, didn’t care much about it. She barely gained a playful identity, so she stayed in that dirty and tattered Dawn Guardian fort, and had a return. It was a calm night.

Early in the morning...



Rarely slept peacefully in this tattered ruined castle, and then had to get up early in the red sun basking her buttocks, only when she came to yesterday’s hall with many spider webs. , I found something interesting unexpectedly, that is:

Yesterday, at the outer gate, the uncle Xi Lang who was the first reviewer, the bald Uncle Duran, and several uncles with full armor and weapons, were packing their gift bags at this time. It seemed that what to do was important. Or something very interesting?



"Everyone, where are you going?!"


Therefore, Little Annie, who felt a little curious or fun, walked out of the small door of the hall while stretching out with Aqian, she didn't forget to ask cutely at the same time.


"It is you……"

"Little guy, have you finally gotten up?"

"That's right, they will go far away to perform an important task later, and are now preparing..."

Isran just greeted a little girl, the newly appointed chief archmage of their dawn guard, and then turned his head directly, continuing to explain something to both Xi Lang and Dulan. .


‘The journey is far away, Xi Lang, you must be careful, if things are too difficult, give up as soon as possible, don’t fight against those Waukehal vampires, you also know how fierce they are...’

‘Now the situation is terrible, I don’t want to lose you two good helpers anymore. Both me and our Dawn Guardian still need you! ’

'understand! ’

'Do not worry! Isran, just like you are willing to trust me unconditionally, fighting for the Dawn Guard will be the greatest glory of my life! I will know what to do and how to do it well, so please wait patiently for our news! ’


'Duran, if you can't stop them, or if you can't get the thing one step ahead of them, don't force it. Please listen to my advice. Fighting vampires will be a difficult and long war... that's not Should all of us be more cautious about a career that can be completed overnight? ’

‘I know, Isran! ’

‘Don’t worry, I’ll be very careful...but anyway, the vampire’s recent big moves are getting crazy, and the vampire artifact they are looking for must also be very dangerous. We can’t just sit back and watch! ’


‘Duran, don’t let hatred cover your eyes...’

'I do not have! ’

'Although I really want to avenge the tragic death of my companions in my dreams, and I want to kill the monsters who attacked the Hall of the Vigilant, but I know, Isran, I know what to do, I won't go crazy. Yes, you can trust me! ’





"Hey! What are you guys talking about? And, what are you going to do?!"


After listening to it for a while, I heard it in the mist, and she didn't know what these guys were talking about and what they were going to do. Little Annie was a little unhappy, walked directly between them, and then akimbo. , With her identity as the'chief archmage', the little adult screamed and asked at these bald and bald scorpions.


(● ̄(?) ̄●)



Seeing a little girl who looked cute even if she was angry, she didn't have a hint of majesty at all, Duran and that Xi Lang who were just about to set off just opened their mouths, but did not answer, but shrugged. , And then Qi Qi looked at Isran.


"Anne, that's the case. Duran told me yesterday that it was the crazy actions of vampires and attacks on the people of Skyrim that are actually related to something they are looking for?"

"It just so happened that a member of the Vigilante had obtained information that those vampires were going to a place looking for a certain artifact that is very important to their vampires... So, I thought about it all night, and finally decided to send a seat. Lang and Duran took our most elite warriors of the Dawn Guard to see what happened?"

If Annie was an average little girl, Isran would definitely not answer.

However, if the opponent is their Dawn Guard's ‘Chief Archmage’ and he wants to use the other’s magical power someday in the future, then it must be a good relationship.

So, even though he doesn't think he can understand what he says to him, he still uses the simplest language possible to explain it.

"It is said that it is a vampire artifact that has been lost for many years? ’

'That's what Brother Adavallad learned after interrogating a captured vampire not long ago. It was in the crypt of the cave. He even asked about the location... But unfortunately, we didn't take it seriously... But later, when he was raided by a vampire in the Hall of the Vigilant, he was also inside, and I couldn't see him escape...'

‘But if we are quicker and lucky enough, maybe we can still meet those vampires looking for something in that cavern then? ’

At this time, the bald uncle Dulan on the side saw the little girl still very confused, so he sighed and explained what they were about to do in a few words.

"It sounds like a lot of fun..."


"So, where is that place?"


Vampire artifacts or something, Anne suddenly found it a bit funny, and, isn't the dawn guard organization she joined to fight vampires? Therefore, she felt that it was necessary for her to participate in that important matter, so she hurriedly spoke and asked.


"What do you ask this for? Do you still want to go?!"

Hearing the little guy's question, Isran couldn't help but was taken aback and laughed dumbfounded.


"Forget it, little guy, that place is southwest of Morningstar City and northeast of Mosal, far from here..."

"Duran and Xi Lang couldn't take you there. It's too far away. No one will take care of you along the way..."

Ishran knows that when his companions go to perform this mission, no matter whether they succeed or not, when they see them again or hear their news, it is estimated that it will be a month later... So, this It’s better for the little guy to stay in the Dawn Guard fortress honestly?

Of course, it would be great if she could teach the skills called light magic and magic that would be useful to deal with vampires to their other talented warriors in the Dawn Guardian!

"Then how long will it take to get to Mosal from here?"


Annie was stunned for a moment, and then she suddenly remembered, that Morningstar City and Mosal, aren't they just north of Xuemanling? !

Snowman is in the middle of Skyrim Province, and now their Dawn Guardian castle is in the southern valley of Rift Valley City, from Rift Valley City to a cave between Morningstar and Mosal... How much is this? Even if there is no map to make gestures, Anne vaguely knows how far the journey is!


"Hurry up and hurry. It might be a little bit faster if you travel day and night, but people and horses will definitely not be able to stand the long journey. So, if you count the rest time along the way, maybe it will take ten days?"

Isran shook his head and gave a time he thought was reasonable.

That is to say, Dulan and Xi Lang are relatively small in number and all of them are elite fighters. Everyone has a light horse to ride. If there are more people, for example, the Rift Valley army will need Marching to the morning star, I am afraid it will never be possible without three or two months!



"Okay! Don't say anything, now you tell people the approximate location, they should help you open a portal..."

(((┏(; ̄▽ ̄)┛

Fighting vampires and robbing vampire artifacts, such hot and fun things, Annie is definitely going to go, but I want her to hurry and stay together with these bald uncles and other uncles who don’t take a shower for a few days. What a long time, it is absolutely impossible!

So, now she had no choice but to change her original plan, and was ready to once again show a little bit of her strength to those who had never seen the world.


"What is a portal?"

Yi Shiran, Du Lan and Xi Lang looked at each other inexplicably, then Qi Qi looked at each other with doubts.

"It's the kind of magic that makes you reach your destination in the blink of an eye!"


‘How is that possible? ’

"Is there really that kind of magic..."

'and many more! Little guy, you mean... what kind of magic do you do? ! ’

The three people of Isran, who was initially dismissive, and Dulan and Xi Lang who were about to leave, were stunned after hearing this, and after a glance at each other, they all looked at a little girl in surprise or doubt. .



"They are great masters! You guys, do you know what kind of existence a ‘great master’ is?!"


The soul is pale!

That kind of skeptical look... Stop looking down on people!

These guys who have never seen the world really think that any individual can hold the title of a great mage? If she didn't have the ability, her Queen Anne would casually say in front of them that she was an archmage, and would she still have to hold a high-level position in the dawn guard? !



‘You really will? ’

‘Then you hurry up and show us a portal that can reach the destination with just one click? ’

‘Yes! Little guy, hurry up, I can't wait! ’

If you can reach the destination with a ‘swish’, then obviously no one is willing to honestly go on horseback riding, so the three of them, including Yi Shiran, surrounded Annie one after another.



"Do any of you know where that cave is?!"



‘On a mountain between the southwest of Morningstar and the northeast of Mosal! ’


‘As for the more specific, it should be further north of the Kejestag site? This is a bit unclear, but if I get there, I will definitely find it...’

That bald Duran just said vaguely, because in this era of transportation and public security, in a world without any positioning method, his specific position is definitely not good. Described, always have to go there to find it by impression.



"What kind of ruins is that?"


Annie probably understands That is: expecting these guys to be unreliable, then, she has to find a way by herself and teleport to the vicinity of the cave. In that case, maybe a little less time can be wasted ?


After thinking about it, Annie stretched out her finger and a blue portal appeared in the middle of the dawn guard's hall.

'what! ’

‘Is this the kind of portal? ! ’

‘It’s incredible...’

In the exclamation, everyone felt amazing. Through the blue portal, they could see the scenery inside... And looking at the appearance and landforms, it seemed that they were really the snowy mountains and needles near Mosal. Ye Lin?

"How about it, isn't it great?"


I believe you are a little proud.

Because seeing just a little trick that saves time and makes it easier to go on the road can surprise these uncles who have never seen the world, and if they knew she would be more and more powerful If you are capable, don't you have to be frightened? Fortunately, Anne didn't intend to show her more power to these people.



With a dreadful heart, I walked forward to check and hesitated to reach out and put his hand in the'door'. After successfully feeling the cold air inside and catching a few snowflakes, Isran Once again, she looked at some proud little girl in astonishment.

Because he suddenly arrived at the ceremony, it seems...their dawn guards accidentally picked up a treasure? Moreover, the ability of that little girl seems to be stronger and more practical than they thought? !


('⊙ω⊙`) What about the tickets? ('⊙ω⊙`)

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