Shadow Bear Tibbers’ Plane Journey

Chapter 1130: !(;?o?)o Just like you, still want to...

Annie ignored the thoughts of Faruda and the Mage Anel behind her. She ran directly from the magic pontoon of Winterhold College to the magic well in the central courtyard, and ran to the gate of the Hall of Elements. And I was able to see the two Mage Tovdir and Mage Mirabell who were helpless there.

‘Mira! ’

‘How is the evacuation now? ’

'about there! ’

‘The guy Urag just wanted to move some more books, but I persuaded him, and now she has all evacuated with the other mages! ’

‘What about the students? ’

‘They were evacuated in the first time, and now we are left! ’

'That's good……'

‘! ! ’

'and many more! Maybe it’s not just the two of us? ’

Suddenly, the high-level wizard Mirabelle, who was talking face-to-face with Mage Toftdir, was taken aback, and then reluctantly shrugged his shoulders to his colleague.

Because, she saw a familiar little girl wearing that blue and white beautiful snow group rushing in from outside the college castle, and rushing towards them without fear?


"Annie? Why are you still here?"

"Well, I mean: it's dangerous here, why don't you stay outside with other people, in the winter fort town outside?!"

Seeing the opponent running back towards the two of them, Mirabelle naturally took a step forward, then reached out and stopped the opponent.

Now that Somo bastard, that Ancano has occupied the teaching hall of Winterhold College, occupying the entire main castle including the dormitory of the Chief Mage, the dormitory of foreign consultants, the library and the rooftop! Under the effect of the powerful magic shield released by him and the Eye of Magnus under his control, they are now completely unable to help each other, and even more unable to enter the Hall of Elements, even if they just stay outside, the more they become It's getting more and more dangerous.

Let alone the dangerous magical visions that haunt them from time to time, the magical torrent that occasionally gushes out of the Hall of Elements and the energetic vortex magic shield that is gradually expanding are enough to make them cautious! Otherwise, the former chief mage of the academy, His Excellency Savos Aran is their fate!

"Get out!"

"Student Annie, it's dangerous here! Now all students must evacuate Winterhold Academy. If you don't want to put yourself in danger, you'd better listen to my advice?"

At this time, Tofdir also followed with a stern tone of warning.

His impression of the little girl student was that he would still stay on the other side’s insidious counterattack flame attribute shield, and then let himself be lost in class, in the Hall of Elements, in front of all the other students. The face is only, as for the others, there is really no more.

Because, the next day after that incident, he led the team to the ruins of the city of Suther for archaeology, and finally took his other students to find the Magnus that caused a series of events. Eye', after a while, it was because of that thing that classes never started again, so he really didn't see the little guy in front of him several times.

"Why are people going out?"


"People have to come in to help, and you guys can't beat them, you can still be here, why can't people come in?!"

o(??^`)o hum!

Regardless of what the other party thinks, Annie, anyway, when she sees a nasty guy who dares to attack herself, she refutes it politely.


"You fellow, now is not the time to be joking!"

"Look, Ancano has already occupied the Hall of Elements. He doesn't know what method he used to control the'Eye of Magnus', and his power is constantly growing, let alone his use. What kind of protective spells is that, but we only know that we can't break it!"

"Forget it, tell you so much, do you understand?"

"Hurry up. Get out as soon as it is too late. If something happens later, we can't control you!"

Because of Ancano’s outrageous shot and the accidental death of the Chief Mage, and now the entire Winterhold Academy is likely to be lost in a short time. Under the blow of all kinds of bad things, it was caused by the discovery and bringing back the Eye of Magnus. Tofdir is definitely not in a good mood in front of all this!

Therefore, hearing that the little girl dared to defy his academy's tutor at such a time, he was inconvenienced to warn him again.



"Tovdir, stop talking, you take her out, and wait outside. I'm here behind and watching. If Ancano dares to come out from inside, I will definitely be the first time Get rid of him!"

"If everything is stable, maybe we can organize people to come in and pack some important things?"

Under a series of blows, looking at the chief mage not far away who was still dead, and suddenly felt a little exhausted, the high-level wizard Mirabelle also said aloud at the same time.

However, she did intend to drive Tovdir out with her, so she stayed alone in the Winterhold Academy, and then stayed here to look at the **** Somo, look at the one who has always followed Will Ancano, who doesn't deal with him, come out to eat and drink at some point, and then let himself find a chance and fight to death?

Of course, the probability of such a thing is not great, because it is now protected by the powerful shield enchantment magic of the other party, but the entire element hall, including the chief mage dormitory and the foreign consultant dormitory, is conspiring to succeed. Before, I would definitely not come out easily...

‘! ! ’

‘Mira! you sure? ’

'I am very sure! ’

‘Let’s go, Tovdir...take her out, leave it to me for now. ’


‘Go, don’t worry about me! ’




"Don't make any decisions for others, they won't go out with him! People come in to solve the problem, you all get out of the way, isn't it just a broken shield barrier? What's so great ?"


For Queen Anne who has seen Quel'Thalas' magic enchantment made with stele runes and sunwells, the kind of protective magic in front of her is made by herself and a messy magic device. It's really too bad, too bad... Needless to say, she is now, even the one who didn't travel on the plane before, the little girl who used to bully the animals in the land of voodoo. You can easily solve this small trouble in front of you!

Therefore, under the horrified gaze of the two, she pushed directly and arbitrarily past them, and walked straight to the floor in front of the Hall of Elements, which seemed transparent, but the roaring wind and snow could pass without hindrance, making it look like It was like a rotating shield in front of the barrier.

‘! ! ’

'Hey! brat! Don't mess around! ’

'Danger! Don't touch it! ’

‘Go back! ! ’

Seeing the opponent walked straight to the door of the Hall of Elements protected by the magic shield, Mage Toftier and high-level wizard Mirabell exclaimed together, and then planned to move forward and pull the opponent away. .

Obviously, they didn't seem to believe what the other party said and the look full of confidence?



"Open Sesame!!"

ヽ(ヽ`д′)┌┛★) 呯!

Frowning and staring at the shield enchantment, and before the two of Tovdir and Mirabelle behind them exclaimed and rushed forward, they had already seen the principle of the shield knot in front of them. After the world, Annie didn't wait for the two of them to pull herself apart, so she kicked it up.

‘! ! ’

‘? ? ’


With a muffled sound and some kind of silent magical shock came, and then the two of Mage Tovdir and the high-level wizard Mirabell were extremely shocked and shocked: that they had used countless methods before. It couldn't be opened, and the magic enchantment that was opened before the chief mage Savos Aran was blown to death as soon as he entered. At this time, he was actually kicked and broken by the little girl?

What is Skyrim's joke? !



"Isn't it very simple, you guys are really useless!!"


After taunting some two people behind her and a stubborn guy not far away, Annie directly raised her leg and walked inside, completely ignoring the thoughts of the academy mages.


‘What shall we do, do you want to follow up? ’

‘! ! ’

‘Of course follow up! fast! Anyway, let's work together to destroy that Ancano! ! ’

After staring at each other, she saw that a certain little girl had pushed open the door of the Hall of Elements and walked in without any precautions. Although I don’t know how the other party did it just now, I feel that now The high-level wizard Mirabelle, who should never come back again, hesitated for a while and hurriedly greeted Tofdir, who had only suffered minor injuries, and then the two quickly followed in.


'Oh? It’s you...’

‘I heard, you probably haven’t found the Magnus’ staff yet, have you? What a pity... Although I don't know what method you used to break my barrier again, but you can't beat me, you don't know what it is! ’

'Hum hum…...'

‘Don’t worry, wait a while, and when I draw some strength, I will make you like that old fellow Savos Aran, don’t worry, you will be well soon...’

When the high-ranking wizards Mirabell and Tovdir rushed into the Hall of Elements with a little girl, what they saw was the Somo magic consultant who was connecting the'Eye of Magnus' with lightning magic. Ancano!

‘! ! ’

'go to hell! Ancano! ’

'Humph! ’

‘I can’t spare you! ! ’

Seeing that the other party was still controlling the'Eye of Magnus' here, Tofdir and Mirabelle, who had already endured the anger, used'Incineration' and'Ice Spear' respectively. Bounced towards the opponent's body and head!

boom! !

Snapped! !

Two strange noises sounded, and their magic hit the two hands leading the ‘Eye of Magnus’ for the first time, and had no time to take care of the other Ancano!


What surprised the two of them was that...their magic gold did not harm each other at all, as if it had hit the air. It passed directly through each other's body, and then hit the opposite wall directly. The inner walls of the Hall of Elements, which were well protected by all kinds of things, left a group of broken ice **** and a group of burnt black marks. Is it just that?

'Hum hum……'

'silly! ! ’

‘You will never know what exactly you dug up! ! ’

Seeing that the attacks of the two were completely ineffective to oneself, seeing that the other party really did not find the'Magnus' Staff, and someone who seemed to know the power of the'Magnus Staff' very well The Chief Mage, after the old man Savos Aran was indeed dead, he felt that no one could threaten him anymore, Somo consultant Ancano completely let go of his heart and tried his best to deal with the two abilities. No less than his own mage mocked Tao.

In normal times, if he is one to two against the Toftdir and Mirabelle, or even against the high-level wizard Mirabell alone, he will definitely not be an opponent, even if he is killed. Is it hard to guarantee? However, if it is now, if he is controlling the ‘Eye of Magnus’, before they have no targeted means, even if all the Winterhold Mage ran in, he would not be afraid at all!



"What's so good about!"


Annie ignored the other party and just hugged her bear cubs and stayed aside, and then looked at each other's proud look and that Mirabelle and Tovdir were anxious, watching them even ran to each other and wanted to touch each other But he found the kind of anxious look when he couldn't touch it at all.

'strange! ’

‘Mirabelle, what is going on? ’

'I do not know……'

‘However, it seems to be the power of the Eye of Magnus? ’

‘Damn it! The flame cloak can't hurt him either! ’

"It's useless, I think I can see it, so to speak, under the effect of the Eye of Magnus, he is not in the same dimension as us now, and our attacks are invalid for him, whether it is physical or magical attacks. No, we can't touch his existence! ’


‘Can we block the power of this Eye of Magnus? ’

‘Yes! But we don't have that Magnus staff! I heard it’s in the Lost City, but it’s too far away from here...’


Urgently communicated and tried several possible methods, whether it was a spell or a sword-wielding attack, and found that the two of them really can’t help the Ancano, and there is no better way to destroy or stop the'Magnu. Tofdir and Mirabell of the Eye of Sigh had to sigh in frustration and stepped aside.

To be honest, if conditions permit, both of them want to try it, and try to blow up the entire Hall of Elements! However, both of them also know that it is not easy to blow up the Hall of Elements. Whether it is from the inside or the outside, the work that needs to be prepared is no faster than finding the ‘Magnus’ Staff’!

'silly! ’

‘That’s how your level of magic is. With your ability, you never want to touch me! ’

'give up! ’

‘This power is beyond your imagination! It can even destroy the entire world...Soon, I will become the master of this world, and none of you can stop me! ! ’


Somo consultant Ancano saw that the two of them were doing their best to help him. He was completely relieved, while continuing to concentrate on controlling the'Eye of Magnus' and drawing the power from it, he continued to tease sarcastically. The two, especially the high-level wizard Mirabelle who always liked to fight against him in the past.

'you! ! ’

‘Asshole! ! ’

‘Tovdir, do you have any other way? ’

'No! If so, I will try it! ’

‘Okay... Maybe we can only exit first, and then try to find the Magnus staff first. ’


The two of them, who knew that strong coming was not the solution, quickly agreed on a solution, and then turned around and walked towards Annie’s exit together, seeming to plan to go out and find the former Chief Mage His Excellency Savos Aran as soon as possible. The rod of Magnus that passed the clue?

‘! ! ’

'Humph! Don't think about it! ! ’

Hearing the words of the two, Ancano’s originally proud face showed a trace of worry, because he knew his own affairs and knew how much time it would take to completely control and gain the power of the Eye of Magnus. Therefore, he did not intend to let the two of them leave, so he suddenly stopped drawing strength from the eyes of Magnus, and instead used a powerful thunder technique directly behind the two of them, and made the two consecutive The lightning strikes directly behind the two of them!

‘! ! ’

'good chance! ’

‘Take him! ! ’

'drink! ! ’

In an instant, at the moment when Ancano used lightning, Tofdir and Mirabel, who seemed to have deliberately said that and exposed their backs to the enemy, turned around abruptly, and then an ice spear technique and an incineration technique moved towards again. Ancano blasted over!

‘! ! ’

‘Uh! ! ’

After an exclamation and a snorting, Tovdir and Mirabell were directly hit by lightning magic, and then lay down on the ground without knowing whether they were dead or alive, and that Ancano once again let the two of them's attack fail and flush Turning around, and continuing to greedily draw the Eye of Magnus, the power that is almost endless to him.

'Humph! ’

‘Wait, soon, I will gain that infinite power, when the time comes, the whole world will be my rule! ! ’

'Hum hum……'

Ancano, who easily used the power of the Eye of Magnus to solve the enemy, smiled triumphantly, and once again began to prepare to create a new magic enchantment in this element hall, even enough to cover the entire Winterhold Academy. , In order to prevent other mages or other troublesome existence from coming here again to interfere with yourself.

As for the little girl standing pretty at the entrance of the Hall of Elements and looking at this side with blinking eyes, she didn’t know when she was ignored by the two groups, including Ancano. Lost.



"Really, people are obviously the protagonist, and they are the ones who come in to solve the problem, okay? And ah, you guys want to rule the world?"

(ˉ▽ ̄~) Cut~~

"Look up!"


"Eat my shot of dark matter!!"


Soon, I felt that Annie, who was a little ignored, was angry, and pointed at the Ancano and the messy Magnus eye, and summoned a large group directly from the void. Dark matter, ready to bombard the target area.



(Little Master, are you crazy? If such a big cloud of dark matter strikes down, this Winterhold Academy will be terrible!!


——Obviously, Tibbers knew that a bad little master must have done it unintentionally, so it quickly reminded the other party before the cloud of dark matter came down. )



"People, people seem to have forgotten..."


It's a pity that it was too late when a little girl who was so bad came back to her senses...

'what is that? ’

‘Great Nine Holy Spirits...’

'not good! Get down! ! ’

Anyway, by the bridge of Winterhold College, I was discussing countermeasures with the college librarian Urag and other wizards, and I was discussing who should be sent to try to get back the'magnus' rod.' Nell and the others were horrified to see that a large cloud of dark energy was suddenly bombarded in the cold wind and snow flying sky in Skyrim Province!

Rumbling rumbling...

Then, in the midst of shaking the mountains, everything in Winterhold Academy and Winterhold Academy’s castles disappeared instantly, was annihilated instantly, and nothing was left.


Three days later...

After Farauda, ​​Arnell and others had basically recovered their calm in the town of Winterhold, the high-ranking wizards Mirabell and Tovdir, who finally returned from nowhere, confirmed a fact. Yes:

Somo consultant Ancano is dead, so there is no scum left...

Of course, there is no doubt that there is nothing left to be beaten at the same time. In addition to the **** Somo Ancano, there is also the'Mag, who contains powerful energy that is said to be able to rule the world. The Eye of Nuth, and a castle called the Winterhold Academy!

Because, under the bombardment of a little girl's "dark matter", except for Toftil and Mirabell who were teleported away by her protection, the entire college disappeared completely, even It also includes the base of Winterhold College Castle and the huge towering reef!

Under the terrifying dark matter, including castles, reefs, ice, and some seabed rocks, everything was completely annihilated...

Now, Winterhold’s “city area” is still there, but the Winterhold Academy has completely disappeared, and the only thing left for those Academy Mages and the residents of Winterhold to pay their respects is the huge and deep under the ice sea. Yes, it's just a hole that is slowly falling down and covered by snowflakes.

Perhaps, when the weather turns warmer one day in the future, after the hard ice on the shore of the ice melts, the seawater will quickly fill up the hole, right?

No one knows what happened, including the inexplicable being teleported to a far distance, and until today, with the pain and rushing back to Winterhold to check the situation, the Mage Toftdir and the high-level wizard Mirabelle! They are also just guessing, it is possible that a certain little girl was fighting with accidentally triggered the terrible'Eye of Magnus', and then caused the present. Sad result?

As for the specifics, the two people who had been paralyzed by Ancano's lightning and fell to the ground must have no idea...

But in any case, the crisis of Winterhold College is basically resolved! It's just that the Winterhold Academy that seems to have been solved at the same time has a very glorious past?

At this time, what everyone didn't know was that a certain horrible little mage who accidentally did a great deed, the little girl who successfully helped the wizards of Winterhold Academy solve a crisis of extinction. , Had already waved his sleeves at this time, teleported away without taking a piece of snowflakes, and continued to go to other places that harmed Skyrim Province.

For the little girl who always likes to do good things without asking for rewards and without leaving a name, she has done a lot of small things, whether it is verbal praise or material gratitude, it is true You can save it, because she definitely wouldn't mind.


??????(*??)???????? Ask for a ticket????????(*??)??????

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