Shadow Bear Tibbers’ Plane Journey

Chapter 1139: !? (·''·?)? Avatar was caught by the Navi...

‘Hi~! Annie! ’

"How are you doing? I haven't heard from you for several days. I thought you were killed! ’

A certain scapula warrior had just connected to the communication with Annie, and said with such a ridiculous tone of mockery.

"You just got killed by someone!!"


Sure enough, Annie knew that an annoying guy would specifically say something that made her unhappy. In fact, she wouldn’t connect to the other party’s communications if it weren’t because she still had so little time. Too!

'Is such that……'

'The car you asked me to find, a motorcycle from Final Fantasy, a fast and beautiful motorcycle I have found, but I asked the price, the profiteer from the fan league may be asking for a bit inflated The actual value is several times higher. Do you need to come back to me to see the goods first? ’

'Don’t worry, I know you and their Fan League guild are celebrating the festival, so I let the guy named Tommy Zeng Kaijie go back first. I won’t let you two meet each other. If you see it, I will pay for the goods in two days. he. ’

In the neural connection center of Pandora's submarine base, Xiao Annie just sat on the edge of her dormant warehouse-like synchronized neural connector, swaying her legs, while using the translucent holographic virtual communication system in front of her to talk to someone 'Scapula Warrior' talked.

And from the fact that the researchers who walked around turned a blind eye, it is not difficult to analyze that these NPCs must have some shielding function, and they will definitely not actively interfere with the communication of the players and the operation of the game panel. of.

"I found it soon?"


"But, they are very busy now, and I can't go back for the time being, can decide for me, don't worry, they will definitely not lose your money!"


At this time, Anne, who is having fun in the underwater world of Pandora, will go back easily? Therefore, she directly rejected the other party's proposal.

Anyway, before completing this trip to Pandora, she will definitely not go back, no matter what it is!

Moreover, when she heard the other party talking about the "Fan League" just now, she couldn't help but sigh! Because she still remembers... if she didn't count the time wrong, their game guild seems to be about to arrive on the planet Pandora in these two days. At that time, it is estimated that it will be a super troublesome thing again. She must Make some preparations early.


For example, in front of Uncle Parker Seyfridge in advance, he said harshly about the evils of all evil, guilty, full of evil, dejected, do whatever they want, and specifically bully her cute, innocent and cute little girl. Bad things about guys?


( ̄?? ̄;)

'what? What are you talking about, not coming back for now? ! ’

'and many more! ’

‘Are you... in a copy? ’

'Wow! Boy, is that some closed copy? The rate of return is high, can you tell me a little bit? ! ’

Hearing what little Annie said impatiently, and then seeing some scenes behind her and many NPCs from the dialog box, a certain commercial spine "scapula warrior" Edgie hurriedly shy his face and moved to the screen. Come and ask quietly.



"It's useless, don't think about it!"


"Now people here is an unexplored planet in Zone 16, which is a closed copy that is not open to the public. My only coordinate scroll was used when it came. Even if I tell you that this is Pandora, you are sure. Can't come!"

(ˉ▽ ̄~) Cut~~

Of course Annie knew what bad idea the other party was playing, so she told the truth directly and cut off some unrealistic thoughts of the other party completely.

‘Is that Pandora in Avatar? ’

‘Wait, let me check...’

After hearing the name ‘Pandora’, the scapula warrior Edg hurriedly used the search function in ‘Oasis’ to search.


'There doesn't seem to be any special valuable artifacts there, but the AMP exoskeleton system, that is, the augmented mobile platform, seems to be quite valuable. Although it is an old model, it has strong firepower. You can pay attention to it... .'

‘Also, the superconducting ore there is very valuable, very valuable! It is an indispensable super material for making and repairing large spaceships and upgrading the engines of some important battleships. Other uses are also very wide. Maybe you can take it seriously? ’

From just a few words, I knew what kind of copy Annie was in. The scapula warrior Edgich looked at it. Suddenly, his eyes lit up, and he began to raise his brows and wink to give Little Annie an effort to make suggestions and give guidance as soon as he spoke She went to get those more valuable things.

"Superconducting ore?"


"There are indeed a lot of those things here, but people can't take them randomly, because once they are discovered, they will definitely be driven out by the Uncle Parker!"


Actually, Annie has done a lot of robbing players and NPCs. It's not that she can't do anything to directly **** all the boxes and boxes of superconducting ore from this base, otherwise. , Can her bounty accumulate so high?


Her spacecraft has been scrapped, so she can’t run away after grabbing things, and she has a good relationship with that uncle Parker Seyfridge now. She doesn’t want to take it without the other’s consent. The things of other people's homes, even if this is just a game, is the same.


Sure enough, playing this "oasis" VR game cannot have too many acquaintances, even if the NPC is the same, otherwise, the experience of the game will be greatly reduced, and even doing some harmful things will become overwhelming. Nothing at all!



'a lot of? ! ’

'really? ’

‘How about you bring some back and give it to me? ’

'what? Can't it? ’

‘It’s a pity...If I’m there, I’ll take everything I can see, and then...I won’t care about the life and death of those NPCs! ’

‘Little guy, let me tell you...’

The scapula warrior Edgie began to talk about something that made Annie couldn’t help being full of black lines. So, who didn’t want to be affected by the other party, she turned her head and watched the researchers busy back and forth in this nerve link center. At all, there is no meaning to listen carefully.

'Ok! ’

‘Annie, I really placed an order for you and took down that small motorcycle? ’


‘It should be 12:00 noon the day after tomorrow, and the racing game for hunting eggs is about to start again. Are you really planning to come back and participate? ’

After muttering the messy words for a while, seeing Edgie who couldn’t persuade the other party to do the kind of NPC robbery, he suddenly changed the conversation and asked about the thing that a little girl wanted to participate in before. The thing about the Easter egg game.

"Time is too tight, I won't go for the time being!"


"Anyway, those idiots can't win. People are not in a hurry. It will be the same if they go again next week!!"


After looking at the time on the wristwatch-like communicator on her wrist for the second time, Annie conveyed a message to the other party very "tactfully", that is: say anything quickly, and then Get out soon after finishing talking, don't disturb her with trivial things while she is scrolling and playing! !

She can't wait to ride her big shark to Pandora's deep sea!

Moreover, she also discovered an important way to make money, that is, to find the treasures of Pandora's deep sea, such as pearls or special corals and ores.

She definitely can't take or have the right to take the superconducting ore in this base, but if it is the ore outside, she breaks or knocks down a few pieces, then there must be no problem, right?


'It’s been five years, and no one has found a key. The game of finding Halliday’s eggs is definitely not that easy... Okay, then I will not participate this time. I will continue to the Death Planet in Zone 12. Make some money, remember to send me a message when you come back? ’

‘That’s it, goodbye little guy! ’

After speaking, the scapula warrior Edgie, who knew he was already a little offensive, quickly said a few words and stretched out his hand, closing and ending the communication between the two parties.


Beep! ??????(__*)????

"Really, it takes a long time to talk about small things. Fortunately, they didn't bring him here, otherwise he would be annoying to death!!"


After stretching for a while, I saw that other people around were already lying in the synchronous nerve connector to control those avatars to go to sea for testing and training, Anne also hurriedly lay down in her synchronous nerve connector, and then let the next one The researcher NPC came over to help her close the lid of the linker.




Annie drove her queen mount, that is, the Pandora deep-sea phosphorescent shark rushed out of the sea gate of the base. The waves of water brought up made those people who still had to adapt to the environment in the near sea. Let the'Avatars' including a certain Uncle Parker can only watch her leave and envy them.

But there is no way, they don’t have their own mounts, so they must not be too far away from the base. They can only rely on breathing and local compression equipment and the strong body of the avatar’s bones containing natural carbon fiber. Adapting to this depth of meters!

However, the base is now developing a self-powered pressure-resistant skateboard with Pandora high-pressure air tanks and weapons for breathing to improve their mobility in the deep sea? But in any case, the thing that is still being tested, it is said that whether it is agility, speed, or maneuverability, it must not be able to compare with Annie's direct neural link with Pandora's deep-sea phosphorescent shark. of.



Annie ignored the thoughts of those stupid guys. After manipulating her big fish mount to swim away from the base for a while, she moved towards a beautiful one below, with huge underwater corals and biota, and another A large group of silver stars dotted, looking like the submarine canyon where the small fishes gathered by the vast stars rushed down.



Because Annie is now riding Pandora's deep-sea phosphorescent shark, who is good at preying, so when she gets closer, the densely clustered silver light spots underneath instantly split into two pieces. The speed allowed her and her mount to move forward, allowing her to swim slowly toward the front along the dotted silver passage like a queen who went out of the palace to inspect.

It's just that, whether it's Annie or her big fish, they don't bother them, because they are too small and too flexible to catch them, so she won't waste time catching them!

far away,

A colorful humpback bass exuding a crystal clear white light and a brilliant brilliance of black dots swam towards Annie, but neither Annie nor the Pandora shark under her seat wanted to catch it. What it means... By connecting with the spirit of Pandora's deep-sea phosphorescent shark, Annie knows that the fishbone at the fins on the other's body is highly poisonous. If it is accidentally pierced, it will definitely happen. There will be no predators in the sea. One is willing to provoke that stuff.


∑(??△`)? !

Slowly swimming forward along the bottom of the trench, looking at the beautiful ones, all glowing starfish, corals, colorful seaweeds, various colors of sea shellfish or mollusks, while wandering to see if there are any rare Suddenly Annie of Stuff saw a huge flat disk swimming slowly above, a long slender tail of kelp, and the huge thing that the body turned bright and dark as the sea inhaled and exhaled.

It is Pandora's deep sea red stingray, with a body that is tens of meters or even tens of meters long. It can be regarded as one of the giants in the ocean of Pandora. It looks like a big pot lid, and it has any color! Annie also had the intention of catching each other as a mount in the past, but she had to give up that idea after seeing that the other party was swimming slowly, as if she hadn't swim faster by herself.



Guru... Guru...

I don’t know how long it has been, and Annie, who has bursts of bubbles from time to time between her mouth and nose, wanders comfortably in this deep sea canyon, in this dreamlike underwater dreamlike world exuding colorful light. I completely forgot what she should do or need to do when she came to this planet Pandora, just playing with herself.

Sometimes he grabbed a slimy, unknown colorful luminous mollusk and took pictures of himself and his shark, disguised himself and his mount as a moving coral reef; sometimes he pulled a hapless large snail shell , After pulling out the software inside and feeding his shark, he put the naturally luminous colorful nut on his head as a helmet...

Then, not long after, she put together a set of colorful armor shields made up of shells of various sizes for herself, and even broke a symmetrical coral rod and inserted it into a sharp and slender pointed cone snail. Riding a gun, began to drive the innocent fish in the trench unscrupulously.



Suddenly, Annie hurriedly stopped her play, and the big fish that controlled her hid beside the coral reef and hid motionlessly.

Because at this time, she saw two shark riders like her swimming in the distance? However, the costumes and weapons of the two knights above were completely different from the Avatars she knew, obviously not on their side.



"Crack? The base? I found two shark riders. They seem to be swimming towards your base. Have you seen it?"


It is not convenient to speak in the water, so Annie quickly tapped on the virtual screen and keyboard of the instrument on her wrist, and soon sent an alarm to the dispatch center of the base.

‘The base received! ’

‘Ultrasonic radar has detected the opponent, please keep your distance and don’t be found by them! ’

'complete! ’



Annie originally wanted to swim up to say hello, but after hearing the reply from the base, she had to follow far behind, almost swimming against the seabed, relying on the colorful underwater world and those on her. To'disguise' to avoid the opponent may find one's sight.

However, because she wanted to stay concealed, she was not as fast as the two shark riders, so she was quickly thrown off by the other side, and they were completely invisible...



"What do you do now!"


Having completely lost her, Annie, who didn't know where the other party went, complained angrily for a while, she had to pull on the nerve connection braids of the shark mount under her seat and let it start to accelerate , Continued to cling to the colorful seabed to camouflage, and then hurried back towards the base as fast as possible.

'not good! ’

‘They were found! ! ’

Surprisingly, she didn't wait for Anne to go far, when she suddenly heard an exclamation of unknown origin from the communication device in her ear.

'note! ’

‘All avatars are immediately hidden on the spot, and it is strictly forbidden to return to the base! ’

'repeat! ’

‘All avatars are immediately hidden on the spot, returning is strictly prohibited, and the location of the base is strictly prohibited! ! ’



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