Shadow Bear Tibbers’ Plane Journey

Chapter 1143: <( ̄︶ ̄)? As an ‘Oasis’ player...

The copy of Pandora in the state of exploration, in the depths of the planet's oceans, in this piece of seabed that is more than one thousand meters deep, the cruel battle finally broke out again.

For the terrible traitor Jack Sally and the sea-hunting warriors of the Nawei tribe he led, they have an absolute advantage in number and location! In the same way, for Parker Seyfridge and his human deep-sea base as a defensive and passive counter-attack, they have targeted weapons and technological advantages?

For example, those high-pressure spearguns, high-explosive torpedoes that were supposed to be used against ships, shock bombs that are extremely powerful in the water, high-voltage pulse electric shock bombs, and other targeted weapons were given to the shark riders of the Na'vi sea hunters. We have great interference and destruction!

Especially when one of their commanders, Jack Sally, who knows well about the weapons of the earthlings, was desperately pursued by a furious little girl Avatar who controlled a bigger fish, and he didn't know what sea area he was going to. , When there is no way to come to the front line to command, the Na'vi’s attacks always appear to be slightly unbearable, delayed and clumsy, so that when they are fighting, they should have the advantage, but they can only be far away. Do you dare to go forward easily anymore?

In fact, for the Na'vi people, that is nothing else...

Because, at this moment, in that sea area that is still extremely chaotic and messed up, and even the line of sight is somewhat affected, the Na'vi people of their sea-hunting clan have paid a heavy price of at least hundreds of casualties. For this small tribe, it was really too tragic, so that they were a little bit timid and hesitant, and no longer dared to be as desperate as they did at the beginning, relying on it. Courage rushed over.

Correspondingly, the humans on the earth did not get much benefit either!

In addition to some of the base’s vents and pumping pipes were severely damaged and some passages were leaked by torpedo bomb waves that exploded at close range, the hundreds of avatars and their submarines outside were almost completely lost... if Counting those'walking' or'snorkeling' avatars holding weapons guarding outside the base, they had hundreds of troops at first, but now there are only less than fifty people left, and they rushed out. Of those submarines that have a certain degree of lethality to the enemy, fewer than ten are left.

But it’s okay!

There are still many avatars in their base, and quite a few of them have been debugged. As long as the Na'vi people retreat and give them a chance to open the Tonghai Gate, those avatars who were already'dead' can be fully armed again. The ground rushed out to participate in the defense.

But now they definitely dare not. After all, the opening and closing speed of the Tonghai Gate is a little too slow. If the Na'wei people rush in, let the kind of hard-to-kill enemies rush into the base. , Then it must be no small disaster.

At this time, the corpses of countless Nevilles or Avatars helplessly floated and flipped slowly with the current among the silt and dust on the seabed that was gradually returning to calm, telling how tragic the melee just now was!

But no one cares about those, because the battle is not over yet, the two sides just temporarily stopped and waited and watched...



A violent gasp sounded in the breathing mask. Up to now, Parker Seyfridge can't take care of those, because he knows that the weapon inventory in their base is not much now, I am afraid that it is almost bottoming out now. If the enemy recklessly comes up like just now, or organizes another full-scale assault, then they will probably be finished or be completely blocked in the base!

Fortunately, the enemy faintly hesitated in the face of heavy casualties, and had temporarily stopped the offensive, giving them a rare breathing time.

‘Sir! ’

‘There is a situation! ! ’

At this moment, Parker Seyfridge's communicator rang suddenly, and he had to divert his attention.



"Okay, okay, I see..."

"Ronnie! Now it's up to you to take command. I need to go back to the base to deal with an urgent matter immediately! I must guard the gate of the base, have you heard clearly?!"

Immediately afterwards, he just subconsciously glanced at the information on his wrist, and his face suddenly changed!

Then his eyes narrowed, not knowing what he was thinking, he quickly handed over the command of the scene to the security chief Ronnie, and after he was in charge of commanding the defense of the remaining avatars, he suddenly stopped. The link with his own avatar made his avatar with a respirator directly lie on the submarine and motionless.

'understand! Sir! ’


The security chief responded loudly, but it was a pity that he broke the link and went to work on something Parker Seyfridge’s Avatar who didn’t know what it was. He couldn’t hear anything.

No way, he had no choice but to cheer up and lead the only remaining Avatars to stare at the Na'vi people in the distance, ready to fight against each other at any time or ‘dead’ outside the base.

And when the battle in the waters near the base had to be temporarily stopped due to mutual casualties, in the distance, in a sea area that was only a few hundred meters away from the base and at a depth of only a few hundred meters, the seabed was no longer visible, let alone the sea surface. A certain little girl is still chasing after Jack Sally and a small group of shark riders led by the other party.


!!!∑(??Д??ノ)ノ Wow!

Turning to one side in an emergency, Annie managed to avoid a Neville who rushed up to death, and was still piercing her with a harpoon at close range, and then a lightning bolt turned the opponent and the opponent's big fish over. The belly stays here forever in this sea area.

However, more enemies rushed forward again, so Annie had to force herself up to deal with it, lest she accidentally overturned the ship in the gutter under the opponent's wolves tactics.




ψ(*`ー??)╭???? Lightning Nova!

In this place far away from the base sea area, Annie, who came here after chasing enemies with a fight, after two consecutive lightning magic killed and wounded more than a dozen enemies, she looked at the dozens around with angrily. The elite shark rider who was still wandering in the same place, led by that pesky Jack Sally, was annoyed.

Because the lightning magic in the deep sea is the most efficient and powerful, Annie, who has been using it, gradually discovered that her mana seems to be running out?

If it is said that in the real material world, her mana is infinitely huge, then in this'oasis' VR game, her mana is only about one hundred standard units, which is barely enough. It's up to the threshold of being an arcane archmage, but compared with other players, the gap doesn't seem to be too big?


If you are in the body of the little girl Avatar under your control, although all the skills you have learned are not affected much, the mana value is only 20 standard values ​​at most, and the recovery speed is still slow. As for her after killing and wounding hundreds of Na'vi people, and after healed her mount Dayu several times, she gradually became a little tired?

So, at this moment, looking at the enemies around her who were surrounded by the hateful Jack Sally, but would not directly rush up and rush to death within her attack range, she felt helpless. ......After all, the ultra-distance attack is very magical, and the head is not awkward. In addition, she still needs to keep some magic power to treat her own big fish, and maintain a certain deterrence. Next, she also felt embarrassed at this time.

Sure enough, it is not good to make the game copy too real, and the game NPC or something, if the AI ​​intelligence is too high, it is even more annoying! Take a look, the opponent is obviously a dungeon BOSS. It doesn't matter if there are too many helpers, but the opponent will use that kind of enemy tactics and consumption tactics against himself, and he has been entangled with himself for consumption, life and death. Are you reluctant not to come up for another wave?

If it weren't for the current in the sea, the attack range and power of Magic Lightning could easily be interfered by the sea, if it were on the shore, she would have burned the opponent with a fireball long ago! !



"You bad guys, what is the ability to hide and cower? If you have the courage, come up for a singles, let's go one-on-one to a fair one-on-one match!!"


The magic power was severely insufficient, and Annie, who was no longer able to call whoever was upset like she did at the beginning, could only secretly return her breath while threatening her lack of confidence.

In addition to keeping the lightning lingering on the trident harpoon processed from Obsidian volcanic glass rock that she had seized, and maintaining the deterrence, she angrily invited the cunning guys to fight. Besides, there seems to be nothing left to do.

However, because this time, she yelled out in Na'vi language, so her invitation to the battle directly caused those Na'vi people to become a little surprised and riot.



"I found out. After playing for so long, you are also very tired, right?"

Jack Sally didn’t know the concept of “magic power” or “mana”, but he only knew that the other party killed a lot of their people with that special ability, and it was only not long ago that it might be because of “exhaustion” that that The frequency of terrible lightning attacks gradually decreased.

Of course, although it is said that, neither he nor the elite Na'vi people of the sea hunting clan under his command dare not get close to the opponent, especially the one who enters the opponent, and is fast and accurate. Within the distance of lightning attack!

You know, that terrible lightning distance to death, but they probably estimated it with the lives of dozens of warriors!

"Also, who are you and why do you speak Na'vi and still speak so fluently?!"

If it weren’t for the decoration on the other’s body, or for the other’s five fingers and toes, just like the other’s fluent and standard Neville language, I’m afraid that even Jack Sally couldn’t tell the other side. Is it an "Avatar"?

"What does it mean to you?"


"Hurry up! You bad guys who are running fast, who will challenge me first? Don't worry, they will definitely not be merciful. They will guarantee that one will be electrocuted, and they will not be charged a second time!"


Now whether she was beating everyone in a group or everyone else came to fight her, Anne couldn’t handle each of them, so she had to admit it a little bit and was ready to agitate each other and let those guys run up one by one. Send her to death so that she can relax?

‘! ! ’

‘Tìkawng! faketuan! ’

‘Neto! ’

‘Hrrap! ! ’


The Na'vi people shouted, and their emotions became a little excited...

Actually, it's okay that Annie didn't say that just now. When she said that, the Na'vi shark riders who were a little brave and wanted to challenge her were so scared that they backed away for a long distance. There was nothing at all. Who would dare to die and want to challenge her, not only the attack method is terrifying, but the mount under her seat is also terrifying little girl.

"Huh! You are all cowards!"


It doesn't matter if the other party doesn't come up, Annie can just recover, if they are really not afraid of death, they have to come forward or rush over, maybe she will run away.

Of course, although the facts are like that, no matter what, she definitely can't admit counseling, at least the superficial effort must be enough, but those people can't let those people see that her confidence is insufficient.


"Whatever you say!"

"I can see that your attack frequency is no longer as frequent as before. Your attacks have become hesitant and cautious... and, you seem to be a little weak?"


"I'm afraid I can't continue fighting like that anymore, right?"

Jack Sally began to speculate, if that was the case, maybe they might be able to defeat the killer whale rider who was deeply jealous of the sea hunters?

To be honest, the killer whale rider is not strong, and if the opponent had that kind of terrible lightning, it may only take a dozen shark riders to defeat the opponent... But it is a pity that there is no if in this world, and the opponent is now like that. The land is so difficult that he guessed that the other party had reached the limit. It was just his guess. He didn't dare to rush forward easily, and could only continue to pester the other party like this.

"Uh! Uh! You are right!!!"


"Or, Shu Mi, come up and try it yourself?!"


After looking at the distance between the two sides, she felt that she might be avoided by the opponent or the power was not enough to kill her, so she regretfully gave up her plan to attack and slyly seduced the most difficult guy.


"Be around her and continue to consume her lightning power and killer whale physical strength!"

"She can't support it for long!"

After hesitating with a cold face, Jack Sally finally gave a conservative instruction coldly.



"You don't dare to come over and that person will go over. Don't run if you are brave!!"


I didn't dare to hesitate too much, for fear of letting the other party see that I was really an outsider Annie, so I had no choice but to bite the bullet and ordered my already tired killer whale to rush forward...

‘! ! ’

'retreat! ! ’

‘Hrrap! ! ’

"Go to hell!!"


‘? ! ’

‘Ne\'ìm! ! ’


In this way, the big whale that Annie rides once again entangled in the sea with Jack Sally and the shark riders of the sea hunting tribe, and started fighting, and gradually moved towards the surface of Pandora’s sea. Swim back and forth in the direction of those shallow seas...

Gradually, as the Pandora killer whale added more scars, the speed became slower and slower, and as the shark riders of the Nawi tribe lost a dozen members, the two sides finally reached the surface of the Pandora Ocean. You can already see the bright and mottled sunlight coming down from the silver above.

For a long time, when Xiao Annie felt that she was likely to overturn in the gutter this time, and she might be dragged to death by the **** Boss of the dungeon of Pandora, and dragged to death by that cunning Jack Sally, making her Avatar the first kill. When she was taken by the other party, it was surprising that the trouble came first to the heads of the Neville people who were still gazing at her and wanted to wait until she and her big fish were completely exhausted.

‘! ! ’

‘Nettini? ’

'what did you say? It was found on the ground that an army of earthlings had landed. There was a huge spaceship? Which mine and base did they occupy? There may be tens of thousands of people? ! ’

When Jack Sally was looking for an opportunity to clean up the avatar completely, suddenly, a certain communicator on his neck rang at this place, less than ten meters above the sea, and then floated up. When the sea surfaced to answer him, his face changed drastically, he had to stop the good idea of ​​taking the opportunity to take down the enemy.

"Damn it, why is it at this time?!"



"Hum! ne\'ìm!!!"

Is there no way? Hearing the news that a new enemy has been found, Jack Sally, who has caught fire in his backyard, no longer cares about continuing to entangle with that powerful enemy in the sea, but directly towards those who are not. The Nawei people of the sea hunter who had solved the problem gave the order to retreat.

He couldn't win the opponent in a short time, and he didn't know how the fighting situation in the deep sea is now, so he had to order to leave!


∑(??△`)? !

"Why did they run?"


Seeing that the enemy ran away all at once, and her mount was too big to catch up, and she didn't have much strength. After seeing that there was indeed no trace of any enemy around, and seeing that the enemy was not playing any tricks, So he had to pat his own big fish and let it slowly float to the surface of the sea.



"Ha! It feels good to be able to breathe freely!!"


The practice of breathing under the bottom of the sea through the link with Big Fish always makes Annie feel a little weird, so now she can breathe don’t worry about being choked, don’t worry about being poisoned to death In addition to the fact that the enemy had already retreated, she was considered to have been successfully beaten away by herself, and she immediately rose to the surface of the sea, breathing fresh air while looking at the blue sky.

Of course, there are the huge gaseous planets and the one-eyed ‘giants’ in the sky, as well as those planets that can be seen in lava during the day, and belong to the Polyphimis satellites like Pandora.



"Where is this place?!"


One accident, Annie found out that she seemed to be unable to find her way back? Moreover, the communicator on her avatar's body was also broken, and it was impossible to send messages and locate the base...


??????(*??)???????? Ask for all kinds of support????????(*??)??????

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