Shadow Bear Tibbers’ Plane Journey

Chapter 1158: ??(??`?)??? You just can't catch me, angry...

"Oh oh!"


At this moment, in this situation, watching the other party cut off his mount, and slashed at him viciously with the convenience of being able to fly, Annie was actually somewhat surprised and aggrieved in her heart. Had to sigh softly for this.

If you change to someone else or another player, in such a bad situation, you may not be able to react, you can only close your eyes and wait for death... Or, even if you continue to resist, it will only delay a little bit. Only time?

But, who is her Queen Anne? She is the woman of darkness recognized by countless oasis players in the game. She is the most, most, most, most powerful, arcane archmage, even in the game, even if the messy skills are not very good, but as long as It is absolutely impossible for her to give up easily without reaching the final moment.

In fact, even at the last moment, such as now, she would never give up, and even thought of an effective way to make herself escape successfully at this critical juncture.

and so……

"Huang Lili~!"


Annie first made a big grimace directly at the opponent, and then suddenly released a life-saving skill spell that was never used before the opponent's divine weapon was about to cut her Avatar's head:

The ice barrier! !

?? An ice barrier covers you and freezes you directly in it. You won't suffer any damage for ten seconds, but you cannot attack, move or cast spells during this period.

Cang! !

The invincible artifact, Bilan, slashed fiercely on the ice, leaving a white mark and splashes of frost energy and debris on it, and then it was directly bounced away.

‘! ! ’

'you! ! ’

Realizing that the opponent still dared to continue to resist, and seeing the big one frozen in the ice, he was mocking his own grimace (????????-)??, the fallen angel was taken aback. Then he furiously chased the pile of ice that was rapidly falling to the ground after being slashed by himself, intending to make up for the opponent at the end of the opponent's spell effect!

'Humph! ’

The fallen angel is a little worried...

Because he knows that once the opponent landed successfully, he would have to repeat the previous kind of meaningless endless chasing battles that he had an absolute advantage. Would like to see.

But soon, he couldn't take care of those.

Suddenly he had to brake urgently and stopped his light wing, suspended his body steadily in mid-air, and raised his head to the sky, 10,000 meters above the sky, toward their fans. The position of the Victory-class Star Destroyer of the Alliance Guild looked towards the high-altitude battlefield.

‘? ? ? ’

Because, he saw: At this moment, on the battlefield above the sky, the Na'vi Air Forces who used messy things on the solid hull of their spacecraft seemed to have changed some combat strategies. Instead of attacking their armored shield-protected Star Destroyer, they retreated the Na'vi Icaran hunters and the massive banshee wing beasts, even at a very fast speed. The Victory-class Star Destroyer that escaped them?


That is how the matter?

Are those Na'vi people who lost too much, so they have to retreat?

For the Star Destroyer of his own guild, the Fallen Angels are not really worried, because he knows that those primitive Navigators riding on mounts like flying dinosaurs must have no choice but to deflect those who cling to the surface of the battleship’s armor The shield, let alone hurt the warship itself.

It's a pity that soon, maybe a second or two, the ruthless facts changed his overconfidence!

Anyway, when he didn’t wait for the leader of the guild to understand the things above and consider whether he should continue to pursue a certain mage, suddenly, a strong light in the sky lit up instantly, and it quickly became more Pandora's sun is still dazzling, and even directly obscures the gas superstar called Polyphemes in the sky, and it penetrates his hood in an instant, leaving him with nothing but a white patch. I can't see it anymore.

Rumbling rumbling...

Immediately afterwards, he did not know how long it took. As the glare gradually disappeared, he saw that a large group of huge fireballs and red and yellow-white light surrounding the Star Destroyer appeared in the sky... At the same time, Circles of shock waves and strong winds also began to violently impact in all directions and the ground.

‘? ? ’

‘Wow! ! ! ’

'damn it! What's going on in the sky? ’

‘! ! ’

‘Lehrrap! ! ’

‘Lumpe? ’


On the ground, the Nevilles, Pandora beasts, and the fans of the Fan League guild players stopped their battles one after another, and turned to look up at the sky above ten thousand meters in doubt and horror.

‘! ! ’

'That is……'

Nuclear, nuclear explosion? !

It took a long time for the fallen angel to come back to his senses, and looked at the terrifyingly inflated fireball and the loud sound of ‘Rumble’ above the 10,000-meter-high sky with a little astonishment!

At this time, the Na'vi Air Forces and the Icaran Hunters had completely disappeared. However, maybe they were not completely disappeared, but directly disappeared by the nuclear explosion?

But that is not important. The important thing is: If he reads it right, those Na'vi people, those primitive tribes, actually successfully carried out a close-range nuclear explosion on their guild’s star destroyer? Moreover, he also didn't understand a bit, where the nuclear bombs from the Na'vi people came from, could it be that the game system was messed up? !

Soon, he couldn't think about it at all, because the bursting shock wave, the intensely radiating air, and the tremor of the ‘rumbling’ from the sky rushed towards the ground! !

Immediately afterwards, the Na'vi people and Pandora beasts who were still hesitating whether to continue the war finally reacted... Maybe they were afraid, maybe they did feel the shock waves hurt them, or they were receiving Is it the signal to retreat?

Therefore, they screamed unanimously, and quickly got rid of the fans of the Fan League guild players who were still a little at a loss, and quickly moved towards the surrounding ones that were destroyed by the high-altitude nuclear explosion shockwaves and winds. The forest retreated, leaving only the messy battlefield and the bodies of countless warring parties.

‘! ! ’

'hateful! ’

Finally, after a while, a certain fallen angel who was called a shameless weird by the little girl remembered something and looked down bitterly at the ground.

However, at this time, where can he see a little Na'vi girl who has put the ‘refrigerator’ and landed safely and does not know where he went? As a result, he had to give up his intention to continue chasing, and instead landed slowly and quickly retreated towards their broken base.

Although I don't know where the Na'vi people got the nuclear bombs, the war has basically come to an end here.

Because, what he saw, the Victory-class Star Destroyer of their guild was rushing down with billowing smoke at this time. Even if it did not crash due to a nuclear explosion, it must have suffered a lot of injuries. Yes, so he must quickly go back to ask and discuss countermeasures with those colleagues in their guild.

Fortunately, the Na'vi people didn't drop the nuclear bomb directly into their base, otherwise...

Thinking of this, a certain shameless archangel no longer dared to think about it anymore, and hurriedly flew towards their base full of smoke and fire at his fastest speed.


To everyone's surprise, three days later, before the Na'vi people launched the third wave of offensive or the nuclear explosion against the enemy's ground forces, they won a full victory in the defense of Pandora?

Because, those evil alien invaders (fan league guilds), those who went to the planet Pandora and attacked wild animals, attacked the Na'vi people, destroyed vegetation, felled the sacred tree and also wanted to repair certain mining equipment and settled in Pandora. The guys on the planet, after paying extremely painful losses and seeing the determination of the Na'vi people to defend their homeland, hurriedly abandoned their badly damaged base again, boarded the barely repaired spaceship, and flew It reached the sky and disappeared.

As a result, the Na'vi people who also suffered heavy casualties, after the earthlings miners, once again with the help of'Eva', defeated the evil aliens who dared to spy on their planet Pandora, and once again gained A rare peace.

However, what the Neville people don’t know is that on the synchronous orbit of Pandora, a large-scale “Millennium Falcon” YT-1300 cargo ship slowly approached the backward ship of RDA.” The Star of Entrepreneurship aircraft carrier, and it took a lot of effort to connect to a similarly backward hatch, and came to the carrier of Star of Entrepreneurship.


!? (??\'\'????)??

"Isn't he the shameless villain! Quick! Parker, quick! Get someone to kill them!!"

Σ(??Д??; ≡;??д??)!

In this Star of Entrepreneurship aircraft carrier without a gravity system, little Annie, who followed a certain Parker Seyfridge to the top, saw that the one who came to this cabin turned out to be someone with a hood and dancing with light wings. After the shameless villain, while she hurriedly backed away, she did not forget to persuade a certain boss who must be an NPC.

Although Annie is now the main body of this oasis VR game, she is no longer a little avatar girl, and she won’t be afraid of each other... However, in this small space, there is not much evasion and a deep, tattered space station. In the spaceship, there must be no way to make it, if the other party keeps ruining this place, she will be in trouble.

After all, she definitely doesn't want the other party's shameless energy body, able to survive in the vacuum of the universe without breathing, at least her role in the oasis game is not good!

"Don't worry..."

‘Don’t worry, Annie, he is not here to fight this time, at least he won’t do anything to us or you. ’

Parker Seyfridge already knew what a little girl did when he took control of Avatar. He also knew that the other party had participated in the battle without authorization and killed and injured a lot of people, even with the person in front of him. This so-called'angel' fought a battle, but for some reasons, he was not worried that the other party would suddenly turn his face or something.

'Humph! ’

"Parker Seyfridge..."

The fallen angel first took a deep look at a little girl, and he was cold when he saw the other girl floating in this weightless cabin waiting in a row and holding a certain toy in his hand, as if he would throw it at him at any time. He snorted, and turned to look at the director of the RDA company who was wearing a suit and was waiting for him.

‘According to the agreement between us, we retreated after consuming part of the Na'vi’s vitality, and we let them win...’

‘Now, how are you preparing for what you promised us? ’

The fallen angel who was also a little worried that a little girl would attack violently, Teruiyu did not forget to press the hilt of the sacred tool "Blue Fury" on his waist while asking. Prepared to fight back or turn face at any time.

Of course, if he can, he doesn't want to do that!

Moreover, now he finally understands why a certain little girl can appear in the image of a Na'vi, or'Avatar' and cause them huge troubles and losses. It turns out that all of this is in front of him. The ghost of Director Parker? !


∑(??△`)? !

Hearing what the other party said, Little Annie, who had faintly understood something, hurriedly looked at some nasty strange uncle with incredible eyes.

"Already ready!"

"Heavy machinery armor-all the complete design drawings of the mobile augmented platform armor AMP are here. At the same time, we also prepare a standard container of superconducting ore for you. You can come to our "Star of Entrepreneurship" aircraft carrier at any time. Take it here!"

"Of course, if Mr. Angel is not afraid of trouble, he can also go to our deep-sea base?"

Parker Seyfridge smiled and gently threw a small piece of memory card that seemed to be a chip towards the opponent, and watched the crystal clear flat square float to the opponent's front and back under weightlessness and was firmly grasped by the opponent live.

"This is not right..."

‘On Pandora, the sacrifices we have made are great... So, Mr. Seyfridge, should you give us more of that ore? ’

After checking the memory chip for a while, he found that there was nothing wrong with it, and when he received it directly from his guild warehouse, he asked with some dissatisfaction.

After all, they fought two battles with the Na'vi people on Pandora. More than 10,000 guild members were killed. There were hundreds of high-level players above the hall master alone. With such a big sacrifice, the opponent gave only ten containers. The superconducting ore and a design drawing of the'mobile augmented platform armor' seem to be inconsistent with their expected rewards?

"Mr. fallen angel!"

"I think you must have not realized the value of superconducting ore? A piece of ore as big as a fist, even if it is only one kilogram, is worth tens of millions on our planet!"

"Now I have given you ten standard containers, and they are all rich minerals. You shouldn't have to make any further progress!!"

In Park Seyfridge’s view, he didn’t care about the design drawing he gave to the other party. After all, it was a backward thing, at least two or three generations behind the earth, and it was still a civilian modification. You can buy several copies without spending hundreds of thousands! Therefore, what he really feels distressed about is the superconducting ore in the ten standard containers!


It doesn't matter now, anyway, their RDA company, through his successful operation, will soon be able to return to land. At that time, they will dig as much as they want?


‘But I think we should get more if we give so much! ! ’

After staring at the other person's eyes that didn't show any timidity for a while, a slightly hoarse and unwilling rebuttal sound came from the empty hood of Terriyu who had no face to blame.


"Mr. Angel, you are right, it was originally that way!"


"I'm very surprised, why didn't you follow our previous agreement, but consumed a lot of their vitality?"

"Also, as far as I know..."

"The warchief of the Neville tribe, that Jack Sally is still alive, you let him go, what is going on?"

Like the other party's dissatisfaction, Parker Seyfridge is obviously also very dissatisfied with some of the actions of these weird guys named "Fan League"!

Because the other party did not fully follow the things they had agreed with each other before, leaving them a lot of trouble for the RDA company, so it is natural and right for him to deduct the other party's reward appropriately.

'Humph! ’

‘Mr. Parker Seyfridge, you didn’t tell us that they still have nuclear bombs! ’

‘But since it’s talking about nuclear bombs...’

"Dear Director Parker Seyfridge, should you explain to us why those primitive and obscure Na'vi people, those who can only ride dinosaurs and hexagonal horses and shoot arrows, have that terrible nuclear weapon , And smashed them directly onto the bow of our warship? ! ’

Thinking of this, the fallen angel was full of anger, and almost wanted to smash that ordinary NPC supervisor who didn't seem to be very powerful.

Undoubtedly, in their opinion, it must have been the RDA company that secretly gave the Na'vi people that terrible weapon and wanted to shame their fan alliance? Fortunately, although their Victory-class Star Destroyer had not had time to install the main gun, the armor and the deflector shield on the armor had already been installed neatly, otherwise, this time it would really be a big loss. of!

"This is normal!"

"Before refuting your slander, Mr. Angel, I have to remind you: the warchief of the Na'vi people, that Jack Sally is a Marine with a modern education and training on the battlefield! "

"Also! In the Na'vi, there are at least several doctors and researchers. They are on the side of the Na'vi. They occupied our base for so long and got one or two from the military zone. What's so strange about a nuclear bomb?"

Parker Seyfridge shrugged and innocently refuted the other party's fallacy that was totally untenable and had no evidence.


Σ( ̄д ̄;)

At this time, Annie, who was watching and watching by the side, was immediately taken aback, because she clearly remembered that it was this Parker who gave the Jack Sally the code back then, why now she just opened her eyes and said nonsense. ?


If you really consider it carefully, it seems that the other party did not lie? Because, it seems that those two nuclear bombs were actually captured by the Na'vi people a few years ago, and there are indeed several doctors in the Na'vi people, and even Jack Sally said the same thing. The only thing he didn't say was that their RDA company gave the code for the launch of the Na'vi nuclear bomb?


No face blamed Terriyu for continuing to stare at that Parker Seyfridge, without speaking.

'Humph! ’

‘Where are our things? ’

In the end, the fallen angel who could not see what was wrong gave up. He was unwilling to continue to delay time and hummed directly and asked about the ore promised by the other party. Although there are not many superconducting ore in a standard container, and some are slightly lower than their expectations, it is enough to make up for the loss of their Fan League members and let them make a small profit!

So, he plans to take away the rewards that he can get first.

"It's in the cargo hold of this spaceship!"

"The minerals have been packaged, you can take them away at any time, and I will arrange for someone to hand over them...As for the subsequent'precious' materials, we need to wait a little longer. You know, the Neville talent just re-established with us With the lowest trust relationship, the next thing is not easy."

Parker Seyfridge said with a smile.

In addition to those standard containers of ore, they actually need to give each other some special products on Pandora. However, although those things are rare, they are not valuable and useless. He will let people collect them slowly. It's not a big deal, so he didn't even mention it just now.

'well! ’

‘Mr. Parker Seyfridge, we will wait for your good news, happy cooperation? ’

"Happy cooperation!"

After the two exchanged glances with each other, soon after a certain faceless Terry Yu took a deep look at the little girl again, he slowly turned and left.


"Okay! Little guy, thank you for supporting me just now. The pressure that guy puts on people is terrible!"

When the other party left and the hatch closed, Parker Seyfried was relieved, wiped the non-existent cold sweat on his forehead, and smiled at a little girl:


"I also prepared some gifts for you, a small box of ore and some Pandora specialties. I think you will like it!"

In any case, the little girl in front of me has helped me a lot, so Parker Seyfridge will definitely not be stingy with his reward.



Annie doesn't care about the small boxes of ore and Pandora's deep-sea specialties that the other party promised, because now, she is a little uneasy... She found out that the world of adults seems not fun at all!

Isn't this?

These guys are really too cunning. They didn’t say a word, and they played her and the Na'vi people... And if they hadn’t come here today, I’m afraid she wouldn’t even know about the Parker and those People from the Fan League guild have been connected, right?

Of course, what made her feel a little surprised is that the Parker Seyfridge in front of her was in contact with the Nevilles and the Fan League, and at the same time they were good friends, they even smashed both sides. A handful? And if it wasn't for some problems in the middle, presumably the guys on both sides have already suffered heavy losses, right?


(● ̄(??) ̄●)

"what happened?"

"Little guy, why do you look a little unhappy?"

Parker Seyfridge asked a little strangely after seeing the sad expression on a little girl's face.

"How can people be happy..."


Sure enough, Annie should have known that this Parker Seyfridge is a bad person. She should go back to the oasis soon to find the honest and unscrupulous profiteer to play racing and crack the egg! Because intrigue with these guys is not her strong point at all... and, the most important thing is that those fan league guild people are still here, she has to stay away a bit!

"what did you say?"

Parker Seyfridge didn't seem to hear clearly.

"No! Nothing!"



"Then you go and play with you. I have sent your stuff to your cabin. I'll go and do my work first."

Parker Seyfridge, who didn’t know what the other party was thinking, didn’t get entangled either. He clarified something and then turned and floated in the direction of the other hatch... Now the fan alliance is finished After the guild's affairs, he was going to work on his company's work.



"Goodbye Parker~!"


In fact, it may never be seen again...

Queen Anne, who felt a little frustrated, said: After she finishes the dungeon and leaves, she will definitely not come back to this game dungeon and find a cunning villain, NPC Parker, to play! Because, she doesn't like each other a little bit...Of course, she doesn't hate it very much.

So, the adventure here on Pandora probably ends here, anyway, whether it is in the deep sea or on land, she has had enough.


(??▽`??????)?? Ask for a ticket?? (????????▽`)

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