Shadow Bear Tibbers’ Plane Journey

Chapter 1192: ε = εε = ε = ???? (((?? 曲 曲

It may be that the protective shield supported by the Osuvox ball has completely lost its due effect and function, or it may be that the shield has seriously hindered those flying units of their own from taking advantage of air bombing?

Anyway, when the two sides began to fight on the outskirts of Arnoke Castle, when the IOI’s sixth man soldiers had once again dropped a line of defense, IOI’s Nolan Sorrento had to order the closure of the already tasteless Osuvox made the ball and blatantly dispatched several F22 Raptor fighters of their IOI squadrons, allowing them to start diving and bombing and shooting at the air-to-ground air-to-ground where the cyber mobs had an advantage.


Whoosh! Whoosh!

boom! boom! boom!


One by one high-explosive missiles slammed down from high in the air, and then countless oasis players crowded together were blown to pieces in an instant. Some of the low-defense missiles even flew directly and disintegrated directly in the air. , Turned into a large pool of scattered gold coins.



clatter! clatter! clatter! clatter! clatter!

Those who were strafed by the fighters with machine guns were even more miserable. With the roaring of the Raptor fighters, on that long, horizontal line, the players were shot to pieces, and at the same time. The gold coins of the sky are also scattered everywhere...

‘! ! ’

'Wow! ’

'not good! There is an enemy plane! Pay attention to air defense! ’

‘Asshole! Who has anti-aircraft missiles, shoot them down! ! ’

'I have got! ! ’

'fast! Come here to set up, we will help you! ! ’

'it is good! ! ’

On a small high ground, when the fleet whizzed past and exploded thousands of players wailing all over the ground, a group of Oasis players quickly rushed to the high ground and crowded together.



‘? ? ’

‘! ! ’

'not good! Be careful! ! ’

It’s a pity that they just had time to take out some anti-aircraft weapons before they had time to fire, and another bird of prey aimed directly at them and rushed down. Then they used the 20mm M61A2 Vulcan machine gun at more than two hundred meters. The sky shot down directly at the ground, and the players who hit a line instantly burst into a golden route full of gold coins mixed with props and scattered everywhere.

Then, the group of players who had not had time for air defense, together with their equipment, were strafed by the 20mm M61A2 Vulcan machine gun and disappeared instantly...

'Humph! ’

‘IOI, accept the justice! ! ’


Just as the triumphant Raptor fighter that dared to fly at low altitude was about to raise the height to escape the futile attacks of the players, it was shocked to find that it did not know when a hand-held azure appeared in front of it. Hooded angel with long sword? !

Then, it only saw a sword glow flashing by, and one wing of its Raptor fighter was directly cut and dropped. With only one wing left, it instantly lost control, and just whirled and slanted. He slammed into the Anock Castle!

‘! ! ’

"Wow ah ah ah..."



boom! ! !

Amid the sorrowful screams, a fire light exploded on a corner of Arnoke Castle in an instant. The exploded Raptor fighter and the bombs and missiles smashed above instantly swept across the place, dozens of hundreds of IOI The soldiers blasted to the ground, making them all burst into a pool of gold coins in an instant.

'Humph! ’

‘Unbearable! ! ’

Obviously, the one who cut the bird of prey with just one shot, was the fallen angel of the fan alliance holding the blue and angry lord! The artifact long sword he was holding directly from the guild group was indeed very sharp, even the Raptor fighter with tough skin and skeleton could not resist a single trace.

But, although he easily cut down an IOI Raptor fighter, for the wealthy IOI company, they still have more fighters hovering in the sky and continuously bombarding the defense lines of the Oasis players. Indiscriminate explosions and strafes, so he didn't care about continuing to play handsome and maintaining a suspended posture to increase the influence of the guild in the hearts of players, and instead directly pounced on those IOI enemy planes high in the sky.



"None of you want to run!!"


clatter! clatter! clatter! clatter!

However, it turns out that no matter how powerful the Raptor fighter is, it certainly cannot beat Gundam!

Oh oh oh!


boom! boom! boom!

Isn't this?

The IOI raptors didn’t have time to take the lead. They soon discovered to their horror that a certain player suddenly released a VF-25 nuclear-powered fighter jet and relied on the FF-3001A Tier II thermonuclear turbine. The super-high power provided by the engine began to use those advanced and terrifying ROV-25A25CM-caliber beam cannons to hunt them wildly, and soon they had nearly a hundred squadrons. The bird of prey hit the sky and exploded or smoked and fell for the most part?

‘Don’t even want to run! ! ’


After Annie directly hit the three fighters with a single shot, she drove up to the one ahead again.

boom! ! !


∑(′△`)? !

Suddenly, when Annie just caught up with the hapless bird of prey, and was ready to play with the opponent, she was about to deform and cut off the opponent's wings with a knife, but she was shocked to find:

There was a guy she was very familiar with, the faceless monster who looked a lot like Teruiyu, and cut off the cockpit of the enemy plane first, and let the headless plane that lost the driver and cockpit hit directly. While spinning out of control and falling into the distance, he dared to jump onto the nose of her VF-25 fighter with a sword, and then looked at her in the cockpit so imposingly?



"No face to blame, what do you want to do? What to look at, what to look at, do you want to fight? People are not afraid of you!!!"


With that said, Annie made a sudden stop, and then instantly changed her VF-25 from a fighter form to a human form in the high air, and then held the long-caliber coaxial beam gun at the opponent.


'Humph! ! ’

However, what made Annie feel a little surprised is that the other party did not seize the opportunity to fight her in the nest. Instead, after watching her for a long time, he gave a cold snort, and then turned to the high altitude and towards the sky. The airspace where many enemy planes are left flying away?



"Huh! Let you scream, everyone will kill them, and no one will be left for you!!"


Seeing that the other party not only snatched her own monsters, but also wanted to **** more monsters, of course Annie wouldn't let the other party succeed.

So, while she directly switched to the half-human and half-machine form and allowed herself to stay in the air better, she hurriedly used the ROV-caliber coaxial beam gun in her body to shoot at the enemy aircraft in the sky. Go, and before the faceless monster, use high-energy beams to destroy all the IOI Raptor fighters in the sky, causing them all to explode into brilliant sparks...



"I won't leave you a single one!!"


After stopping suddenly in the sky and turning her head angrily to the faceless monster who looked down at herself and made a big grimace, Annie once again switched her body to the posture of a fighter plane, and then screamed and charged away. go with.

At this time, the battle on the ground continued...

The casual players in Oasis who can’t afford and can’t afford advanced vehicles ran on foot like that, shouting a variety of slogans, using the absolute advantage of the human sea war, and moving towards those in front who rely on those individuals. With a huge size, strong firepower, hard armor, and the Imperial Walker AT-AT, which is suitable for frontal attack, the IOI soldiers who came back from the counterattack fought together.

clatter! clatter! clatter! clatter!

'attack! ’

'attack! ! ’

‘Ma Run, crush them for me! ! ! ’

‘Hahaha! ! ! ’

A group of Star Marines wearing armored powered combat uniforms and armed with C-14 electromagnetic magnetic nail rifles fired fiercely at an AT-AT, and after a while, they cooperated with other players’ anti-armored individual weapons. Soon the AT-AT was beaten to the ground and it exploded and caught fire.

‘? ! ’

'eye! ! ’

At this time, I saw an AT-AT in another place trampling on the oasis players' team, while firing heavy laser cannons and two high-energy particle cannons to kill the players wantonly. After conflicting with the armor that can reflect energy weapons, the tauren leader of a fan alliance roared. After using the celestial descent skills to make his size expand out of thin air for several laps, he directly charged and smashed away. At the same time when countless enemies and us rushed over, they raised its totem pole high, and slammed it at one of the front legs of the AT-AT Empire Walker!

Bang! !


boom! ! !

An explosion sounded, and the surrounding players, whether they were IOI players or Oasis players, soon discovered that the front legs of the AT-AT Empire Walker were directly deformed and twisted by him, and then the huge weapon After losing his balance, he staggered and fell directly in the direction of the attacked leg.

Rumbling rumbling...

'Meow! ’

‘Meow! ! ’

While the AT-AT Empire Walker collapsed and crushed dozens of players who were unable to escape, the two cats with the Fan League guild logo hung on their collars quickly smashed into the broken soldiers. In the warehouse, nearly 40 IOI stormtroopers and airborne personnel inside were quickly grabbed with their claws into a pool of bursting gold coins...

‘Kill! ! ’

'attack! ! ’

A team of players wearing Spartan’s iconic Thor’s Hammer-powered armor is carrying out a violent assault with well-equipped and shielded protection, and after a set fire, they will directly attack a distant one The bigfoot giant mech with only two legs burst into sparks.

‘Crush them! ! ’

‘Fuck! Ah! ! ! ’

Soon, after the walkers and other mechanical units of the AT-AT Empire under observation were destroyed, the teams of both sides slammed together again!

However, compared with players with strong individual strength and a variety of attack methods and skills, those IOI soldiers who are uniform in equipment, weapons, and even appearance are obviously not enough to see, so the IOI counterattack is fast He was beaten and retreated steadily, and was about to retreat to the third line of defense.

'Humph! ’

‘Your attacks can’t touch me! ! ’

At this time, a beautiful silver body, that is, the M9Gernsback that suddenly put Anne pigeons in the finals, appeared on the battlefield instantly, and while activating the λ-DRIVER to defend against any attacks, it was quickly used. That machine gun x2, XM18 line gun and K1\'javelin\' ultra-high-speed missiles and other weapons efficiently killed those IOIs’ armored units, bunkers and machine gun positions on the far defense line, etc., and began to frantically Before assaulting, the IOI soldiers on the third line of defense on the front battlefield wailed.


‘Do you want to play with me? Don't blame my tail for being ruthless! ’

At this moment, what made the soldiers on the IOI defense line feel collapsed and desperate: a nine-tailed fox little matchmaker suddenly appeared behind their defense line and burst into powerful energy instantly. The terrifying orbs and monsters and fox fires began to sprinkle their skills wantonly, carrying out violent raids and destruction on them, and instantly wiped out hundreds of their soldiers, so that this line of defense was cleared by her in an instant!

'Humph! ’

‘It’s our turn to go! ! ’

‘Strike with all your strength and defeat them! ! ’

‘Haha! Look good! ’

At the same time, the light of hyperspace teleportation finally began to appear everywhere in the IOI defense line. It turned out that the time-out air force regiments who had recovered their skill CDs finally began to perform their old tricks again and brought high-end players one by one. It was dropped directly to the rear of the last line of defense of IOI, and then the advanced players who could basically be an enemy a thousand began to slaughter and destroy wantonly on this chaotic battlefield.

'Pegasus Meteor Fist! ! ’

boom! ! !

‘Dragon Sword must be killed! ’


‘Great Yan Jie·Yan Di! ’


‘Hundred-style Guanyin Zero Palm! ! ’


‘Spiral pill! ’


‘Moving light waves! ! ! ’


‘! ! ’

‘I can’t stand it! ’

‘Run! ! ’

‘Damn it! ’

'retreat! ! ! ’

'fast! Retreat to the castle! ! ’

Finally, under the attack from the front and back of the Oasis players, the IOI defenders finally began to be unable to withstand and were defeated. They left their positions and ran into the castle, and their defenses were broken almost instantly.

This is also something that cannot be avoided. After all, no matter how powerful a company is, it can only gather tens of thousands of people, even if it continuously logs in new accounts and sends them through special portals, it can be compared to The number has reached one million, and there are even more in other parts of the dead planet who have not arrived at Arnoke Castle. The number is likely to be a tens of millions of players who have broken through the horror. That number of IOI soldiers is there. At this time, it is really not enough to see.

Therefore, if nothing happens, there will be no much suspense in this battle...

‘! ! ’

‘Asshole! ’

‘These internet mobs, me! I will never forgive you! ! ’

Nolan Sorrento is already out of the ground and angry!

In fact, anyone who originally overlooked all beings from a high level is now being overthrown by a group of people living in slums whom they look down upon, and preventing them from getting the Easter eggs that they are about to get. If they want to ruin their own good deeds, then they are determined. I'm not happy to go anywhere.

and so……

Seeing that the last line of defense was about to collapse completely, and seeing that Anok Castle was about to be breached, he was furious again and sent more IOI robots, tanks and gunships to let them start talking to the cyber mobs outside. His mechas, robots, and various strange vehicles slammed into a melee, and he quickly operated on his player interface and found one of the most powerful and biggest guys. , Just grabbed it out, and fell to his feet severely.



The sound of mechanical assembly sounded...

Soon, a huge monster, a terrifying steel Godzilla with a body size of more than 30 meters, appeared at the gate of Anok Castle, blocking the front of the players so imposingly!

Howl! ! !

After a terrible roar, the Steel Godzilla began to arrogantly rush forward and trample on him, using its huge steel claws, iron palms, terrifying tail, and the laser energy ejected from his mouth. The route for the Oasis players to charge was instantly filled with tragic howls and the flames of explosions.

Under its attack, countless players burst into gold coins one after another. At the same time, countless players’ vehicles, such as those Viking fighters, battle bag fighter armor, mobile augmented platform armor, tanks, cars, and armed spacecraft. The Millennium Falcon, etc., have all turned into masses of scrap under the trampling and attack of Steel Godzilla?

"Iron Godzilla? ! ’

‘! ! ’

‘Annie? Did you see it? ! ’

Seeing this situation, after beating down an IOI spider mech in a circle, Edgie, who was manipulating the combat robot he made, ran towards the terrifying steel Godzilla with all his strength and thought. To stop the opponent, he called a certain little girl in the communication who was still hitting an enemy plane in the sky.

He knows that Annie is currently controlling her VF-25, and she must be able to fight the Godzilla with the opponent's manipulation skills and that powerful weapon.

"I saw it!!"


Annie first used the two ROV-25A25CM-caliber beam cannons on the VF-25 to explode the last Raptor that the enemy took off in the second batch. Then, she directly switched to the human form, and then used a powerful engine to stay in the air. At the same time, I directly used the ROV- in the hand of the body, that is, a coaxial beam gun with a full caliber of 127mm, and aimed at a certain head on the ground. From her, she looked at a big dinosaur about the size of a fist.



"Kill you!!!"


At this height and distance, for Queen Anne’s super-accurate shooting, even if the hit rate is not 100%, at least...% (here omit countless 9s) for the super ace pilots with accurate heads, use big It's not too easy for a calibre beam rifle to hit the slow fixed target unit on the ground!

So, soon, a large-caliber beam of light from high in the sky bombarded, and the continuous bombardment slammed on a certain steel Godzilla who was flaunting majestic power, and immediately smashed it and the surrounding IOI soldiers. Drowned in the dust and flames of the explosion!

boom! boom!

boom! boom! boom!


One after another violent bombardment and explosion sounded.

Ten seconds later, whether it was the Oasis players or the IOI soldiers who had just mentioned a little bit of energy, they saw with horror: After the high-altitude bombardment, the powerful steel Godzilla was in the violent Under the high-altitude bombardment of the coaxial beam gun, the original mighty and domineering body has become dilapidated, and there are even melted and densely pierced bowls with big holes?

Immediately afterwards, the swaying steel Godzilla lasted for a few seconds before finally crashing down...

'Long live! ! ’

'Great! attack! ! ’

‘Go! ! ! ’

‘Capture the Easter Egg! ’

‘Kill all the IOI’s offal! ’

‘Long live the oasis! ! ’

‘Long live Halliday! ! ! ’

‘Kill! ! ! ’

Seeing that a certain dark girl is so powerful, seeing the biggest obstacle, and seeing that the steel Godzilla has fallen, the players once again roared and went directly to the gate of Anok Castle, whose defenses were already dilapidated. Toward the castle passage where the IOI soldiers resisted.

Everyone can see that under the absolute advantage of the players' comprehensive strength and number, the tragic fate of IOI failure has been doomed since the shield was broken.

However, what surprised the players a little was that those IOI guys didn't seem to plan to just give up like this?

Isn't this?

The change happened again when the players thought they had the winning ticket!

Rumbling rumbling...


After the players rushed into some of the players, when more players flocked to the walls and gates of Anok Castle, a huge explosion suddenly sounded, and then in an instant, countless oasis players crowded together. The ground that was suddenly exploded and the bottomless gully swallowed in an instant, and even the pace of their attack could not help but stop!

It turned out that in addition to arranging the Osuvox ball to prop up the protective cover, the people of IOI Online Creative Company took the lead in setting up a massive amount of high-explosive remote-control explosives around the Anok Castle. He couldn't stand Anok. When the outer defense line of the castle, they blatantly detonated them, and instantly killed countless Oasis players, causing them to explode into a ball of gold coins, and at the same time, they also formed a circle of bottomlessness around Anok's promise. And it's wide enough, it looks like at least thirty to forty meters wide, composed of ice cliffs and icy water?


(?????) How about the ticket? (?????)

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