Shadow Bear Tibbers’ Plane Journey

Chapter 1200: (??ω??) The BRIC event in the town of Ye Lantil...

Today, it is the third day that the kingdom’s warrior chief Geoff Stronov arrived in the town of Ye Lantil...

During these three days, he did not go anywhere, nor did he return to King Capital as soon as possible according to the plan. Justije reported some important things to King Ramboza III. He just kept going. Stayed here in the town of Ye Lantil and dealt with emergencies that seemed to him more urgent.

That's right, what he needs to deal with is the ‘Golden Brick Gate’ incident that has recently spread in Ye Lan Tier!

As the saying goes, there is no such kind of airtight wall in this world, and the secret that two or more people know is no longer a secret...

Although the warrior commander tried every method and means to try to hide it, but in the end, the news of the gold brick, which is said to be bigger than the house, was spread by some good people with ulterior motives, and it became more and more outrageous. , The more you pass the more exaggerated!

Some people even say that the gold brick is about the size of a hill?

Therefore, in these three days, the public opinion of the entire Ye Lan Tier town was detonated by the explosive news that a large meteorite fell from the sky, and that the meteorite was all made of gold!

And then, many people started to take action, and prepared to go to a place where the soldiers of the kingdom had guarded them for three days to see what happened?

But unfortunately, those people’s small movements are destined to be futile, because the warrior Captain Geoff Storonov’s movements are also very fast. He completed the cutting and transportation of the gold bricks the next night. After all, although gold is very heavy, it is still more than a bit softer than steel. Therefore, they quickly ended the ban on the scene, leaving those rumors only limited to rumors. In the absence of evidence, it must be There is no way to verify it.

But no matter what, no one can see that due to various reasons, the town of Ye Lan Tier began to become a little chaotic. All kinds of religions, gods, ghosts and snakes appeared here, so that the king had to urgently send here again. There were a lot of soldiers, but even if it was that, there was still an undercurrent surging here.

After all, even though that large piece of gold has been cut and evacuated in batches in the vault of the city lord’s mansion, but if you want to safely **** it back to Wangduli Yestijie, you must think about other ways. Yes, especially when there are still countless pairs of eyes staring at this town?

Although no one knows where the gold came from, who was its original owner, and why it was thrown into Ye Lan Tier, but after obtaining a large piece of gold out of thin air, Li Ye The finances of the Kingdom of Stigel suddenly became more affluent, and a certain king, who had been living a bit tightly, and who had to be constrained by the nobles, suddenly became a lot more arrogant?


Those things are the same as those who just came to the town of Ye Lan Tier, who was dressed in gorgeous gold-rimmed blue-black full-body closed plate armor, with two epees on his back, and a'bronze medal' showing the level of adventurer hanging on his neck , A certain warrior wearing a big red cloak and the one who followed him has long black hair with a ponytail, a brown hooded cloak, and a long sword at his waist. His face looks very young and beautiful. The female swordsman of, there is not much relationship with these two adventurers.

At this moment, they just walked forward silently and whispered something quietly.


‘Master Ainz, I don’t understand, why don’t you allow me to kill the two gate guards who blackmailed your property? ’

After walking forward for a while, first looked at the left and right vigilantly, and found that no one was paying attention, then the female swordsman frowned, and asked softly at the tall plate-armored warrior beside her, somewhat puzzled. .


'Nabe, you should also know that they are just two nameless men, there is no need to waste time with them... However, I have always wanted to ask you, in your opinion... what kind of existence human beings are ? ’

'Humanity? ’

'Humph! Human beings are just a bunch of dispensable garbage! ’

Soon, without hesitation, a cold snort of contempt came from the female swordsman named Nabe.


'Well, Nabe, I will not change your thoughts on human beings, but you have to know that we should try our best to avoid actions that will make enemies or cause trouble... After all, you also know that there are still things in this world. An enemy stronger than I and Albedo joined forces, we must be more careful. ’

I don't know what the idea was. For a long time, the tall warrior wearing the gorgeous gold-rimmed plate armor hesitated to defend with that kind of words that seemed insensible.


‘You’re referring to the flame mage who ignited you and wounded the guardian master Albedo three days ago? ’

'Yes! ’

'and also! Nabe, in the future, in this city or elsewhere, when I am wearing this armor or there are outsiders present, you will be called Momo, don’t call me an adult or a master. We are now adventurers and partners. ! ’

'Yes! ’

‘I see, it’s great... sir! ’


‘Forget it! ’

‘In short, let’s talk about the next course of action! ’

'Yes! ’

Seeing the other party responding loudly like a subordinate, Ainzurgon or the adventurer'Momo' couldn't help but turn his head and look at the other party a little more helplessly, but he still didn't say anything, but continued to add .

‘First of all, we need to forge our identity as a team of well-known adventurers in this city. As for the is to build an intelligence network about this world and obtain more valuable information! ’

‘After all, we don’t know much about the world, which is very bad for us...’

‘! ! ’

'Yes! It's really great... sir! ’

‘It’s momo! ’

‘Also, we now have an urgent matter to be solved! ’

‘What is it? ’

Nabei was suddenly a little curious, and she didn't know what the master she served or the supreme had said.


‘We are out of money, there are only four silver coins and three copper coins left on us. We must quickly find a job...’

‘But, don’t we have a lot of gold coins in the Great Underground Tomb of Nazarick? ’

Nabe was puzzled.

‘No! ’

‘Those are all gold coins from the YGGDRASIL world. If we rush to use that kind of gold coins, we will undoubtedly tell others: there are players from YGGDRASIL, which is very bad! ’

‘Because, even if we encounter a player who is also from the YGGDRASIL world, we can’t guarantee that he or she is friendly...’

Speaking of this, Ainzurgon, or the adventurer, could not help but think of a suspected player, but the other party refused to admit it, and attacked him outright, and even wanted to capture the one between himself and Albedo Scary little girl!

There is no doubt that in the kind of situation where he has not prepared anything in advance, the opponent must be better than the combination of him and Albedo! And at that time, if he hadn't rescued Albedo in time and used the teleportation to escape back to the underground tomb of Nazarick, it would be hard to imagine what their final outcome would be!

Therefore, in view of this, he could not wait to come to the town of Ye Lantil after the third day, and at the same time sent several groups of guardians of the underground tomb of Nazarick to go out to this strange world. In the place, want to figure out the world as soon as possible and obtain more valuable information, so that he and their large underground tomb of Nazarick will not be darkened, and do not know anything?

'correct! ’

‘Mostly... Sir, do we need to investigate the BRIC incident in the city? ’

'Well? ’

‘Nabe, how do you want to investigate? ’

‘It’s easy! ’

‘Go to the City Lord’s Mansion! Grab the captain of the warrior and ask him! ! ’

Dressing up as a female swordsman, Nabe answered with a murderous voice, so that a certain "Momo" warrior who had not been called the bone shelf for many days could not help but burst into cold.

‘! ! ’

'Do not! Nabe, we can't do that! ’

'why? ’

‘No, because we are now adventurers, we can’t do things that don’t match our identities, even if the soldiers in the City Lord’s Mansion are really weak! ’


‘Subordinates understand! ’

'All right! ’

‘Now let’s solve the urgent need first, that is-get a job! ! ’

‘Yes! ’


After briefly discussing a few sentences and reiterating some points of view and precautions, the adventurer'Momo' and his partner'Nabe' went to a place where they could definitely find a suitable job, to the town of Ye Lantil The adventurer's guild walked.


What they don't know is that in the direction they are traveling, there is a guy they least want to see. A little girl is also hopping toward them?

So, it wasn't until about five minutes later that a certain warrior wearing a gorgeous armor finally found out what was wrong, and then suddenly the whole person was stunned, and subconsciously slowed down slowly.


‘? ? ’


‘What’s the matter, it’s great... sir? ’

‘Listen to my orders later, if I let you run, please run quickly, don’t look back! ! ’

Obviously, Ainzurgon, or it can be said that the adventurer Momo had discovered a terrible little girl at this time, so he immediately ordered his companion and subordinate Nabei.

'what? ’

'do you understand? ! ’

'Yes! Subordinates obey! ’

Although I don’t know why Ainz-sama suddenly said that, but Nabel Gamma, who dared not have any objections, nodded hesitantly, and began to secretly vigilant around, trying to see what caused Ann. Master Zi suddenly changed his attention again, and he was still facing an enemy?

"La la la!"


Annie is wandering around the city. She has been in this small town for three full days, and she plans to leave here later today to go somewhere else for fun?

However, before leaving here, she plans to go to a restaurant near the northern city gate to have a good meal, because ah, the food in that place tastes a little better than other places in the city? Anyway, the things in that place are more in line with her taste... For her kind of snacks, out of the perfect pursuit of high-quality food, even if there is only a small gap, it is worth letting her walk across Half a city.


∑(′△`)? !

"which one……"


"Hi! So it's you, big bones, let's meet again!"


at last……

Little Annie, who was planning to leave the town of Ye Lan Tier when she was full, saw a big man in gorgeous gold-rimmed armor walking towards her at a glance. Then she was taken aback for a moment. He quickly saw through the opponent's disguise, and smiled and stretched out his hand to greet the opponent loudly.

‘! ! ’

‘Nabe! run! It's now! ! ’

'Yes! ! ’

After speaking, Anzi Urgon, or Momo the adventurer, and his companion Nabeziqi turned around and started to accelerate in an instant. The whole action went smoothly and smoothly, even though there was no practice , But it didn't make a mess, and suddenly jumped out a long way under the doubts of many pedestrians around...



"Hey! Don't run! Stop it!!"


"I promise not to hit you this time, really! Stop! Hey! If you don't stop, I will open fire..."


However, the other party is not stupid. He didn't mean to stop at all. Instead, he ran faster and faster. After running for a while, he found that a scary little girl actually caught a fireball and simply pulled it directly. His companion's hand had already run away without a teleportation technique, obviously he didn't know where to teleport.



Seeing that the other party successfully escaped, Annie, who didn't want to chase him too much, had to stop and extinguish the fireball she was holding... After all, the other party seemed to have been beaten by herself, even if it seemed to catch up. There is nothing fun.

"That big bone frame is really a badass, and he tricked a beautiful young lady out again..."




"It doesn't seem right? Think about it, that young lady doesn't look like a human..."



What? What?

"People seem to have seen it just now. The two guys have bronze medals on their necks...Are they the adventurers' guild? However, they are much better than those adventurers. What's the matter if they get into that guild? Fun?!"


Annie didn't understand. What is the reason for that big bone frame called Anzi Urgon pretending to be an ordinary adventurer, and is willing to be the worst kind of adventurer?



Annie started to think, should she go and play? For example, try to get to the other person's side, or to register as the kind of boring adventurer to try?

(Respected little master... Little remember, didn’t you say three days ago that you would never be the kind of stupid idiot adventurer?)

(● ̄(?) ̄●)

(Seeing that one of his own bad little masters who had planned to leave here when he was full, suddenly changed his mind and changed some thoughts, Tibbers sneered at him.)



"you know too much……"




Before her own little bear continued to legally defend her words and deeds, Annie grabbed the opponent's neck fiercely, and then pinched the opponent's head with the other hand and made a 720-degree counterclockwise motion. Intimate turn!


Due to the "Golden Brick Gate" incident that has spread so much, the guild has become more lively than usual in recent adventures, and, surprisingly, there are many more requests for investigation on the task wall here. The mission of the door's truth is entrusted, and there are a lot of rewards?

It’s a pity that no one has been able to complete these commissions so far, because it is said that even if the soldiers who found the BRICs in the first place, they have no idea what is going on. They only know that there are two silver medal levels at the scene. The adventurer of was squashed, but it was a pity that the silver medal had been damaged, and even the person who was squashed had not been able to figure out so far, so let alone investigate the truth.

Speaking of which, even the profitable Kingdom of Riyestige itself is currently in the cloud, and I don’t know what the truth of the matter is all about... Therefore, there is a serious lack of information in this way. Under the circumstances, those expensive tasks that did not know who posted and asked to investigate the truth were put on hold.



However, it doesn’t matter how others think about Ann, because ah, now she is tiptoeing and looking at the task release board, and quickly locked the few that no one dares to answer, and don’t know how to start watching A task that seems simple, but in fact it is difficult.



Then soon, of course, Annie discovered the most simple tasks for her!

Therefore, she jumped up under the astonished eyes of many adventurers who were also looking for suitable tasks. She tore off the commissions that anyone could accept, and strode proudly. Arrived at the task handover counter!

‘? ? ’

'what! ! ’

Seeing the people coming, the staff behind a certain counter subconsciously exclaimed.

Obviously, although two or three days have passed, she still recognizes the little girl in front of her who ran up to her again, and subconsciously felt that there must be no good things happening today?

"Please, may I ask..."

‘Do you have anything to do? ’

Seeing the bronze medal hanging on the other side's chest and knowing that the other side had also become a registered adventurer, the female teller tried to show a reluctant smile and asked.


"Of course it is to hand in the task! Hurry up, settle it quickly!!"


Annie actually doesn't care about the rewards for those tasks. All she cares about is to quickly complete these few tasks that no one can complete, and then quickly upgrade her adventurer level, and stop hanging any ugly and ugly bronze medals.

‘! ! ’

‘You... have you finished it? ! ’

When the female teller looked at the other party and took pictures of the tasks in front of her with roughly the same content, she couldn't help covering her mouth and exclaiming.




‘Then...what about the findings and evidence? ’

First, I looked at the few tasks that were obviously just torn down, and then I looked at a confident little girl in front of me, and some female tellers who couldn't believe me cautiously asked in accordance with the regulations.

"There is no investigation result. People themselves are the evidence. I can tell you now!"


"In fact, it was like this: That night people came to Ye Lan Tier for the first time and wandered around. Then when it was dark, two bad guys came out to rob, but they were in a better mood and didn't want to follow They fought and didn't want to burn them, so they gave them a large piece of gold, but they didn't think that the other party was so spicy that it was not useful, and they were killed..."


"Later, people thought that the piece of gold was dirty, and they still had a lot of gold, so they didn't recycle it and just left...Anyway, it's probably like that, do you understand?!"



(● ̄(?) ̄●)

(You don’t need to think about Tibbers to know that if the other party believes it, then there will be undead! Obviously, for the time being, based on the status and age of the messy little master of his family, then in this same low-status female If the teller tells the truth, the other party will definitely not believe it!)


After taking a deep breath, the female teller finally managed to hold back the urge to lose her temper or scold the other party. She stretched out her hand and delegated the tasks that the other party had randomly torn off to recycling, intending to take a while. Go and paste it again.

'Next person……'

‘Bronze medal adventurer, please don’t come and delay our normal work, can you? ’

Just as a certain bear thought, this experienced female teller really ignored Little Annie’s kind of unproven words, plus the other party had previously made trouble here, so I felt that the other party was like this. She must have come to mess with herself on purpose once, and then signaled that the other party could leave, and she wanted to receive the adventurers who lined up behind the other party.



"Hey! What they just said is true! People can use Tibbers' name to guarantee it!!"



"Please next..."


∑( ̄□ ̄*|||

"Eh? What are you tasks of others have not been settled yet, please get out of the way!!"




However, although Little Annie was still lying on the counter beside her, neither the staff inside the counter nor the adventurers who were anxious to hand over the task next to her did not want to pay attention to her anymore.






ε=(′?`●))) alas


?(????)?? Do you still have tickets? ?

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