Shadow Bear Tibbers’ Plane Journey

Chapter 1203: (????)hateful! Going back to this broken village...

?  ?

The next day, when the morning sun was getting higher, brighter, and more dazzling, little Annie and the team she followed who planned to go to the mountains and wild forests to gather herbs were about to reach one of them. The final destination.

  This, even if she is swaying and napping in the wooden carriage of the carriage, she can be judged from the increasingly relaxed pace and breathing of the so-called temporary ‘teammates’ who are walking around with the vehicle!

   Of course, except for the undead bone frame formerly called ‘Azurgung’ but now called the warrior ‘Momo’ and the companion Nabe next to the opponent! Because ah, the other party is not breathing at any time, and the pace will always be that way.



   To be honest, Annie hasn’t even been able to figure out what the purpose of joining the team that is going to go to the forest to gather medicine...

If they are short of money, but she knows that there are many gold coins in the big underground tomb of the other party. The gold in the other party's house may be less than what Queen Anne carried with her. ? And since there is no shortage of money and you want to upgrade the level of adventurers, why not follow her and make yourself a beautiful brand of brilliant diamonds?

Even if the other party does not have diamonds, it is impossible to make a brand with countless reflective surfaces engraved with beautiful light. It can be a little simpler. It is still very simple to make a steel brand and hang it. With the strength of the opponent, why would you want to see the face of that sloppy adventurer's guild? !

   So, Annie couldn’t figure out what the other party wanted...

   So, since she couldn't figure it out, she had to continue to follow the other party, continue to mix in the team, and prepare to observe, observe, and research.

'Hey! ’

  ‘Everyone, I’m going to Kahn Village soon. There will be no monsters here. We don’t need to continue to move forward nervously in the alert formation, right? ’

'Do not……'

  ‘Lukelot, please don’t let your guard down, keep on driving ahead! ’

  ‘But Peter, it’s really safe here...’

  ‘Huh! Lucrot, it’s better to be careful, because there might be a dragon here suddenly attacking us...’

'Oh! Please! ’

  ‘Nia, can such an unreasonable thing happen? Here in Ye Lantil City, how many years hasn't heard of dragons? ’

  ‘Why is it impossible, what if it really comes out? ’

'impossible! Absolutely impossible! ’

  ‘Lukrot, you know, in ancient times, powerful dragons existed near Ye Lantil! Moreover, you have also seen that just to the north of the Andelician mountains over there, there are still a large number of frost dragons inhabited. No one can guarantee that they will suddenly fly to the dense forest here to prey. ! ’


  ‘Don’t just quibble, Luclotte, you should go ahead and look for the road and be on guard! ’

  ‘Hey! But, Peter, if frost dragons really come here to prey, is there any use for us to be alert? ’

  ‘Why not? ’

  ‘Where is it? Do you think, Peter, that our team can beat a Frost Dragon? At least it takes a steel-level adventurer to be able to fight it, right? ’

  ‘At least, we can run away in advance, maybe we can wait for it to eat this old horse, and then it will let us go? ’


That Luclotte was choked by their captain Peter’s hypothesis and couldn’t say much to refute. He opened his mouth, and after entangled for a long time, he still didn’t say much, just turned his head in a hesitant manner, and continued. Open the road ahead and move forward on alert.



   "Who said that there was a dragon? Where is it? Where is it?!"

  ! (?Д?≡?д?)!?

Little Annie, who was napping on the carriage, suddenly woke up and got up from the carriage. She turned her head mentally and searched everywhere towards the surrounding sky and ground, wanting to see what those guys just said about the dragon. What is going on.

Because she is now detesting that this broken carriage is too slow and too bumpy, and if there is a dragon, then she may be able to pretend to fight the opponent, and then win dangerously, and finally seize it as a Your own queen mount?



  ‘Oh~! ’

   The three of Captain Peter, Niah and Dyne were speechless for a while, they just smiled bitterly at each other, not knowing what to say to each other. The other party hadn't got up from the carriage since they started their journey before dawn and looked at the sun in the sky. How long had she slept?


   "Little guy, sit in your car, there is no dragon here! It is better to pray that terrible creatures never come out. We silver-level adventurers can really not deal with that terrible thing!"

   Seeing that a little girl suddenly became energetic, Peter, the captain of the pitch-black sword who was following by the carriage, gave a bit of laughter and cry.

Until now, Peter, the captain of the Black Sword, hadn’t figured out where the little guy in front of him came from, and he didn’t even know how the elders of the other party were relieved that the other party came out alone... Believe in the pursuit of the "Black Sword" team, if you encounter other teams, I am afraid that they will be sold for money and still don't know what happened, right?

   "People are not afraid of dragons!"


   "Don't worry, they are now super adventurers at the'brilliant diamond' rank, and they can definitely protect the safety of you guys!"

  (? ̄? ̄?) Hey!

   Annie patted her small chest and assured him.

   Because her Queen Anne is indeed very powerful, she can even guarantee that if the incoming dragon is too ugly, she will definitely burn the opponent to death! And if it is too beautiful, she might eat the other person? As for those that are neither ugly nor beautiful, such as those that are hideous and big, she might directly enslave each other, and then use it as a domineering means of transportation to show off to the indigenous people?


   "Forget it, don't think we don't know how your ‘brilliant diamond’ adventurer level came from, that is, you, the Adventurer’s Association and we will not recognize it!"

'Ugh! ’

   "But don't you tell me, Peter, that Annie's diamond brand is quite beautiful, it really looks like that?"

   "Isn't it? But, fortunately, she also found a crystal brand of such a suitable shape. The kind of craftsmanship, even if we spend money to hire someone to do it, can't it be done?"

"Ha ha……"


As he said, Peter, the captain of the pitch black sword, and the forest priest Dyne joked. He didn't mind that an angry little guy standing in the wooden carriage of the carriage was looking angry. Staring at them.

   "You guys!!!"


   Damn it! !

Wait, Annie said that if there is a chance, she will definitely show her hands a little, let them silver-level adventurers know that she is not a super adventurer in the rank of'Bright Diamond', even if she is The same goes for self-styled ones!


  (● ̄(?) ̄●)



   "Climbing that hillside in front of you should be about to reach Kahn Village. Let's work harder... Huh? Strange, when has a fence been erected there?"

The Enfirea who was sitting in front of the carriage and driving the vehicle suddenly exclaimed, because he was condescending from here, looking from a distance, and discovered that Kahn Village didn’t know when he used logs. Outside the village, a full circle of wooden fences was built along the farmland and the houses in the village?



   "Damn it! Why are you back here again..."


   Unlike the unreasonable excitement of Enfilea, after Annie saw the slightly familiar village, some of the baby's fat faces collapsed directly.


   "Annie, what's wrong with you?"

   The Enfirea heard the exclamation and complaints of a little girl behind, so he couldn't help but ask strangely.

   "It's nothing, people just don't like people in that village!"


   Annie promised that if anyone has been hostile by those guys, and deliberately refuses to sell her things, or even gets thrown in mud, they will definitely be happy not to stand up.


   "Why is that? I think the people in Kahn Village have always been very good..."

  Enfirea is not the first time in Kahn Village. He always thinks that the people here are very good. Of course, the girls here are better too!

   Thinking of the figure that made him dream, his originally stable heart couldn't help speeding up and beating with ‘puff’ and ‘puff’.

   "Because they quarreled with some bad guys in that village here before, and they bullied them severely before leaving!"

  ? 乛? 幛?

   "Oh! It's not a big deal anyway, so don't ask anymore!!"

  O(′^`)o hum!

Annie looked at the soldier'Momo' who was still silent, and then remembered someone who dared to throw herself in the mud, and was thrown back by herself, almost becoming a slime slime. She couldn't help secretly cheering up with that hapless little one and the other's little sister.



They looked at each other with Peter, the captain of the Black Sword. They didn't know what the little guy was talking about and what the weird expression was all about. They shrugged and didn't intend to continue. The important little things get entangled with each other.

  ’! ! ’

  ‘There is a situation! ! ’

However, when the Kahn Village in the distance is already in sight, everyone has not been able to go far forward. After just crossing a hillside in front and bypassing a small forest, Luke, who was in front of him, was investigating and leading the way. Lott exclaimed directly.

  ‘What’s wrong, Luclotte? ’

  ‘I don’t know how to describe it, you should come and have a look! ’

  ’! ? ’

  ‘What’s the matter? ’

  ‘You’ll see if you come over! ’

  '? ? ’

  ‘Look, there is a large area here, what are the traces? ! ’

  ’! ! ’

'this is……'

  As everyone speeded up their pace, they soon saw the terrifying scene shown in the place blocked by the hillside and the dense forest:

At this time, what was unfolding in front of everyone was a large piece of land that did not know what caused the desertification of the land, as well as the scorched tree trunks, the magma pools that solidified after melting, and some even burned. The pitted ground was vitrified, and at this moment they are emitting bursts of strange and beautiful colorful rays under the reflection of the sun...

   And this kind of weird scene, compared with the green grass and dense forests around and in the distance, it looks very abrupt and weird! !


  ‘What the **** is going on here, what happened? ! ’

'I do not know! ’

  ‘Niya, Niya, what do you think? ’

'I do not know either……'

'But I thought, this looks like some kind of terrible spell and traces of flames, but I don’t know what level of spell it is. Anyway, it’s definitely not a magic chant of my level. Touched...'

  ’! ! ’

'Hey! Look at this side, and there, even the earth is burnt into sand, which leads to desertification. Look at the sand, there is no dirt at all. This is really terrible...’

'indeed! ’

  ‘But look over there, there are those lava pools that have been burned out and cooled, and the glass-like ground! ’

  ‘Hey! ’


Everyone just stood on the edge of this road and this weird desert area and watched carefully, and then for a while, Luclotte, Niah, Captain Peter, and a bad little girl, plus some two basic whole journeys The guy who didn't say a word, after confirming that there was no danger, he raised his leg and walked into the field and observed it carefully.

   "It's incredible..."

  ‘Look, there are huge footprints that don’t know what creatures they are! Dyne, you are a forest priest, come and have a look! ’

  ’! ! ’

'see it? ’

   "I saw..."

  ‘Dyne, then do you know what kind of monster left this? ’


  ‘From the shape, it seems to be... a giant bear? ’

  ‘Giant, giant bear? ’

'Yes! Look at the footprints here and there, and the places where there are footprints outside the desert, and the scorched vegetation around the footprints... This is not difficult to guess, it is probably a huge and terrible head. Giant bear! ’

  ‘How big is this footprint? ’

  ‘It’s huge anyway! ’


  ‘Look, I also noticed that wherever there are footprints outside, there are scorched vegetation... Maybe, it’s a giant bear with flames? ! ’

  ’! ! ’

  ‘Dyne, you mean...that’s a terrible monster? ! ’

  ‘Yes, there is a possibility! ’


'Hey! What's your opinion? ’

  ‘I don’t know, I only know... our mission this time may become very dangerous! ’


  ‘Momojun, what do you think? ’

The players of the Dark Sword were discussing for a while, and then, with their faces getting more and more ugly, they all turned towards the two warriors who didn't know what they were thinking, but stood not far away without saying a word. Momo and Nabei looked over.

As for a little girl who was digging out pieces of glass-like glazed glass from those burnt glazed pits on the ground and illuminating the sun to reflect the beautiful "rainbow", they were directly ignored. Lost.


  ‘I just observed it for a while, and I got a few guesses...’

'Here, it is likely that there have been two or more people fighting... and at least several spells were cast here, and in the end some terrible spell led to the desertification of the land and Another fire spell caused the earth to be glazed...'

'Also, look at the solidified footprints in the magma pool, at least you can tell that there are two or three people fighting. Those footprints are from different three people... As for the giant flame bear you just mentioned, I guess... ...That might belong to the monster summoned by which flame caster? ’

   ‘Of course, that’s just my guess...’

The warrior Momo said this in a hoarse voice, and then he looked at his companion Nabe with some solemnity, and then looked at a little girl in the distance who was squatting and playing in the glazed pit. .

   What happened here, except that he and Nabei knew very well, obviously, the little girl not far away who was heartless and still in the mood for playing must also know better than them! Of course, many people in the Kahn village in the distance might have witnessed the battle between his Anzurgung and the little girl.

  ’! ! ’

'Yes indeed! You see, it seems that there are really three! Are there four different footprints, and there are many different traces of destruction by magic? ’

'what? ’

  ‘Look here again! ’

  '? ? ’

  ‘This footprint is a bit smaller, it should be a female warrior, and wearing steel plate armor, she stepped on this magma pool and left the pattern on the bottom of the metal boots! ’

'It really is! ’

  ‘Konia, what happened to that smaller footprint? ’

  ‘I don’t know, maybe it’s a dwarf? I have seen the information. It seems that there is indeed a dwarf country in the mountains of Andelia. There should be dwarves in it? ’

'Well! It makes sense...’

   Captain Peter and Lucrot squatted beside a smaller footprint, and stretched out their hands to gesture and guess, trying to guess the approximate identities of the powerful men who fought a battle here.

   However, at this moment, a little guy suddenly jumped in front of them and stepped on the tiny footprint they were studying.

   "It's not a dwarf!"


   "Look, the footprints are just the same as those of others, maybe, here are the traces left by others at that time!!!"

  ? (????)?

Annie triumphantly used her pair of wild-toed little leather boots to step on the two shoe prints formed by the solidification of magma that seemed to fit her soles tightly, and then she continued to smile triumphantly, waiting for each other to respond. Your own praise and wonder.

'Ah! ’

  ‘Little Annie! Come and play, don't disturb us doing business! ’

  ‘That’s it! ’

  ‘But, Peter, look at it, Annie’s shoes and footprints almost match. Doesn’t that mean that the person might be a small person? ’


  ‘That’s possible! ’


   After waved away a certain little girl impatiently, Peter and Lucrot continued to seriously discuss some of their newly discovered possibilities.

   "Damn it!!"

  ? (ψ`╭╮′)o



   Warrior Momo and Nabe looked at each other silently, but in the end they still didn't speak.

  Because they knew that the two humans were actually very, very close to the truth of the matter, the little girl also gave each other enough hints, but the two stupid humans chose to ignore it? Don’t they think about why the little girl’s shoes fit so well with the footprints? Besides, wouldn't they take a look at that little guy's sole?

   When the pattern and size are all tightly stitched, isn't the answer ready? !

It’s a pity that Momo, a fighter who is also one of the participants in the incident, must not dare to remind the other party like that. He can only continue to stand silently on this battlefield with his companion Nabei, remembering. Or imagine how terrifying and painful the battle was...

'All right! ’

  ‘Anyway, things should be like that! ’

'But Mo Mojun is really amazing. He only observed a few eyes and said it was justified, just like seeing the battle with his own eyes. He pointed out all the key points that we hadn't noticed before. ...'

  ‘But, Momojun, do you think that side won? ’

After watching for a while, the people who couldn't see the reason and could not reach a better conclusion soon gathered together again, and faced the soldier who had hidden his whole body under the armor about the problem just now. Momo asked.


"Presumably you have also noticed. The other two footprints suddenly disappeared, and the smaller footprint and that of the giant bear walked towards the village. It must be the flame caster who won. ?"

Although I really wanted to say that I was a'strategic retreat', given that the little girl who was the instigator was by her side, the warrior Momo, who didn't dare to irritate the other party too much, could only answer it based on his own'observation' and admit it. Own failure.

   "Ha! I guessed it right!"


   "Big Brother Momo, you are really amazing, you guessed it all, as if you saw it on the spot?"


   Didn’t you just see it at the scene?

In fact, Annie also knew that the other party not only saw it with her own eyes, but also experienced it personally, and even experienced it personally when she was burned into flame skeletons by that terrible flame magic, and burned into a "ghost knight". Sour feeling?



However, in the face of repeated provocations by a certain little girl, he felt that he had no chance of winning in the fight. The fighter who felt that the pressure on him was too heavy, Momo had to turn his head slightly, and went out of sight. For the net.

  ’! ! ’

  ‘Listening to Mo Mojun’s words, it seems that it’s really like that! Momo's observational power is really nuanced! ’

  ‘But, Peter, who is that guy who won? ’

'I do not know. ’

'Hey! I really want to see the true face of the guy who can cause such destructive power...’

  ‘Let’s forget it, Nia...Let’s pray that we never run into such a guy, it’s better, that one is really not a good thing! ’

'what! Sorry, Captain, what you said too! ’



   Warrior Momo and his companion Nabe looked at each other again, and then stood by and stopped talking! And the reason why his analysis is accurate is of course, because he is not only an eyewitness, but also a victim...Moreover, the desertification of this land here also has part of his credit, plus the fact that it hasn’t been a few days , How can he not remember deeply, how can he not carefully observe? !

  ’! ! ’

'and many more! Enfirea, what's wrong with him? ’

  '? ? ’

'Hey! Enfirea! Where are you going? ! ’

Suddenly, the captain of the Black Sword, Peter, Luclotte and others discovered that the employer who had been silent before, the pharmacist Enfirea Barrea suddenly jumped into the carriage, and then lashed fiercely. That old horse pulling a cart, accelerated directly and ran in the direction of Kahn Village not far away?

  ‘I’m a little worried about Anri...’

  ‘Don’t worry about me, I’ll go to Kahn Village to see the situation! ’

   After finishing speaking, before everyone could answer or agree, the carriage had already moved further and further, and there was still a billow of smoke and dust behind...

  ‘Oops! ! ’

  ‘Quick! Let's hurry up, that terrible little guy, probably in Kahn Village! ’

'No way? ’

  ‘If it’s not, it’s best! Stop talking, Niah, keep up! ’

'Ok! ! ’

  '? ? ’

  ‘Mr. Momo, Nabe and Little Annie, are you not coming? ’

   When the people of the Black Sword were about to follow, they turned their heads and found three people standing motionless behind, and then asked in a puzzled manner.


   Nabei did not speak, but just stood aside coldly, still acting like her iceberg beauty.

  ‘No more! ’

  ‘Let’s check it out in the woods ahead and wait for you. If anything happens, you can call us out loud immediately! ’

   Warrior "Momo" shook his head lightly, and then said dullly.

   There is nothing beautiful in the village of Kahn, except for the remaining villagers and a small group of goblins summoned by the human girl Anri, there are no scary little ones at all! Because, that ‘terrible little guy’ is no one, so he just stayed by their side right now!

   "I won't go anymore!"


   "People also want to go to the woods with these two Maybe there is something fun in it?"


   How could Annie go to the Kahn village to join the net?

You know, she can't wear armor to cover up like that big bone shelf Ainzurgon, but even her clothes are exactly the same as that day. If she enters the village, she has to be affected by the villagers, especially A certain little girl who had been bullied by her was unrecognizable!


  (● ̄(?) ̄●)

'Well! ’

  ‘Let’s follow him to the village of Kahn, you can first go to the front forest to find out, pay attention to leave a mark, if there is nothing in the village, we will go with you later! ! ’

There was no time to say too much about the captain Peter, after confessing to the three people who were unwilling to follow, he hurriedly ran forward with his team members, chasing the chaotic employer in front, for fear that the other party would What caused their **** mission to fail.

  If that happens, they will have to be downgraded by the Adventurer’s Guild to the same Bronze level as a messy little girl!


  ? (*(*?)?? ticket?

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