Shadow Bear Tibbers’ Plane Journey

Chapter 1206: ?(?`?′)?? Temporarily in Liyesti...

The alien world that Annie came to was very big, and it was still a mature planet with a complete universe, as well as a complete, huge, vast and connected land, among which countless races, including humans, elves, demihumans, and warcraft , Various monsters, undead and other creatures all live here and have their own active sites.

In addition to the city of Yelanthir where Annie stayed and the Kingdom of Riyestij, there are also the religious fanatics of human supremacy who advocate the unity of all human beings and the elimination of all other non-human races. "Slien State", "Bahas Empire" which is located east of Ye Lan Tier and invaded the kingdom all the time, Ya Grande State to the north of the Kingdom of Riyestige, and one in the far corner of the southwest of the kingdom On the peninsula, there is a special huge wall of defense, the "Holy Kingdom" that is closed to the country, and other small tribes and dragon kingdoms scattered in the cracks of each country...

And in the south of this race-ridden land, there is a huge death desert peninsula. No one knows what is going on or what creatures are inside. After all, it is a death zone of life, and no one likes to dry it up. A place to venture or explore.

And further east of the mainland, it is said that there are three big western countries and three big eastern countries?

However, because the road is too far away, coupled with the backward navigation conditions in this world and the very harsh land traffic environment, no one knows about the things there, and they don't want to know!

For example, in the royal palace of Yestij, the capital of the kingdom, those princes and nobles still kept their eyes on their one-third of acre of land, and clamored for someone who violated their border again. A good-looking Bajas Empire?

'Humph! Never let it go this time! ! ’

‘The empire is too defiant to let them continue to wreak havoc. This year, we must send out a large army to directly repel them! Then, if conditions permit, they will attack the empire homeland in one fell swoop and hit their capital, Aventar! ! ’

'Well! ’

‘I’m definitely going to fight, and I’m a little tired of defending against the empire every year, but...’

‘Everyone, how do you solve the soldier’s problem? Of course, there are also military expenses and logistics and so on... Your Majesty, as we all know, you seem to have made a big windfall in Ye Lan Tier. Why... This time all the military expenses and logistics are all The royal family is in charge, what do you think? ’


‘Yes! ’

‘As the count said, this is indeed a good suggestion! I think if His Majesty the King is willing to use the unexpected income for military expenses, we nobles will be happy to send troops, right? ’

'Seconded! ’

'Seconded! ’

‘I agree too! ’

‘Yes, His Majesty the King can’t get the great benefits himself, and he’s not willing to share it with us as subjects, right? Although Ye Lan Tir City is indeed the royal territory, gold mines or huge gold bricks that have been found there should indeed be accepted by the royal family... But since it is now also about to fight on the border Ye Lan Tir, the King Nayu It is only natural for your Majesty to allocate military expenses. ’

‘It makes sense! ’

‘Your Majesty, what do you think? ’



"Let’s discuss military expenses..."

‘It’s getting late now. Let’s talk about it today. Let’s end the meeting! ’


'Humph! ’

However, it is a pity that the nobles and ministers are a little surprised: the king of a certain Riyestij Kingdom seems to be really stingy, or is he scrupulous about certain things? Anyway, the nobles and ministers of the kingdom who were present at the meeting only knew that they had just mentioned the piece of gold in Ye Lan Tier again and planned to participate and share it, and His Majesty the King really turned his face again. , And just rightly announced that the meeting was temporarily adjourned, so that they could only look at each other and watch the other party with the strongest warrior of the kingdom get up and leave the field but there was no way.



In fact, the "Golden Brick Gate" incident in Ye Lantil City has long been no secret in the kingdom, and even in the neighboring countries.

Most of the nobles present also obtained some more specific intelligence and information, and learned that the golden sum of gold obtained by His Majesty the king through the hands of the incompetent warrior Geoff Stronov. There are more than five million ounces, which is equivalent to the fiscal revenue of the entire kingdom for more than 50 years... And now, that old thing Rambosa III has hesitated even now, and has been hiding it. Tucked, not planning to share with them! ?

But unfortunately, although the nobles were dissatisfied, given that the thing fell on the king’s own territory and Rambosa III was relatively strong, they could not find a good excuse even if they had the intention to make things difficult. On the issue of dispatching troops, it was just a little troublesome, and I dared not do too much.

Therefore, this matter is so stalemate, and the matter of sending troops to attack the empire, it is likely that it will be put on hold indefinitely as in previous years?

'His Majesty……'

"Perhaps you should consider their opinions. Although this time it is mainly a conspiracy of the Sleng State, it is an indisputable fact that the Bajas Empire always invades our borders... Whenever our national power is weak, they will Full offensive, even if there is no benefit, will often harass. If things go on like this, even such a small fight may put us under tremendous military pressure. ’

‘If you can take the opportunity to teach them a profound lesson and beat them severely, you can at least guarantee our country’s border peace for decades. This is a great deal for the kingdom! ’

After walking out of the corridor, the warrior chief Geoff Storonov began to persuade Rambosa III.

If it’s the opinion of the warrior himself, he still agrees to take advantage of this time to fight the Bajas Empire, because even if the opponent cannot be defeated, he can take the opportunity to take the initiative and try to consume the opponent’s national strength and combat capabilities. , That is profitable and harmless.


When their Kingdom of Yestij gained a huge fortune out of thin air and was fully capable of fighting an all-out war regardless of consumption without worrying about consuming their own national power? Anyway, in Gu Geoff's view, the piece of gold was obtained from nothing, and no one has dared to claim it so far. Then, use it as military expenses and distribute it to soldiers, purchase military supplies, build weapons and maximize the armed soldiers. And then storm the empire, is this a brilliant idea and usefulness?


'You have to understand that in order to suppress the invasion of the empire or send troops to attack the empire, what is needed is the common strength of all the nobles. That is something that everyone can benefit. This cannot be all funded by the royal family. This precedent must not be set. , Otherwise endless disasters! ’


‘Our internal affairs have not been handled properly. Before the empire has officially invaded, I am not going to launch an external war, especially against a powerful empire... There are too many uncertain factors there, we need to be more cautious! ’

"Forget it, let's not talk about this..."

"For the Kahn Village and Ye Lan Tier City, especially the adventurer who claims to be a'brilliant diamond' level adventurer, the dragon mage Anne Hasta's intelligence, how did you investigate, know her Does it come from? ’

Regarding the faintly existing divisions within the kingdom and those disobedient nobles, Lambosa III has no good solution for the time being, even if he has obtained the kingdom's fiscal revenue equivalent to more than fifty years out of thin air! Because there are some things that cannot be solved by money, and those greedy nobles, even if they give money, it’s useless, because they want to get more after they get it, so it’s better to just ignore them. Too!

Therefore, now Ramboza III only wants to hear the warrior captain talk about Kahn Village and Ye Lan Tier City. He wants to hear some judgments of the other party and see if he can get what he can get from it. Some information that the kingdom will benefit again?

'very sorry! ’

'His Majesty! Regardless of the powerful magic caster Ainzurgon or the little girl dragon mage Anne Hasta, we have not yet investigated more specific information! ’

'Especially the Lord Ainzurgon, although the opponent has a good impression of the kingdom, he also rescued me and the soldiers of the kingdom, but according to the villagers, he was burned into flames by the dragon mage. Skeleton-shaped, although he managed to escape with his companion in the end, judging from the fact that there is no news so far and the situation that has never appeared again, I am afraid it is also more awful...'

Speaking of this, the commander of the warrior Ge Gefu suddenly fell silent.

Because he knows that no one can survive after being burned to a skeleton, even if it is as strong as Ainzurgon! And now, the reason why the opponent never appeared after the battle in Kahn Village, must be because he died under the fire spell of that terrible little girl, right?

It’s just that he didn’t know why His Excellency Ainzurgon had a conflict with such a terrible dragon mage and the little girl... However, it was too late to say anything, and the opponent was burned to skeletons, even if he forced it. Relying on his powerful strength to support the rescue and escape, it must have been exhausted, and now it may have been sent to the grave and lying in the sarcophagus.

'is it……'

‘It’s a shame! ’

‘Then, Geoff, tell me about that little girl. You said last time that you wanted to meet with her that night, but she turned down you? ’

Regarding that powerful spellcaster who is likely to have died, the dead man named Ainzurgon, Ramboza III did not want to waste his precious time, because the opponent was defeated by the more powerful little girl. They have all been burned into skeletons, and now Yanran is a worthless person!

Then, he naturally put all his attention and interest on the other adventurer girl who seemed more powerful and also claimed to be the ‘brilliant diamond’ level.

'in fact……'

‘Your Majesty, I can’t say that I was rejected, because the time I chose that night might be a bit inappropriate? Later, I heard from those people with the Dark Sword. Not long after she refused my meeting, she rushed to a pharmacist's workshop in the city and saved the five of them. ’

‘Perhaps, that’s why she refused my meeting request so simply? ’

In this way, while walking with King Ramboza III in this corridor of the palace, the warrior chief Geoff Storonov whispered all the things he knew.

For example: the little girl easily killed the ninth seat of the original pitch black scripture that night, the one with hero-level strength, but later betrayed the country and seized the secret treasure of the wind flower scripture, and now it is in the "Zhiranon" In an evil and terrifying organization, with a cute appearance and brutal character, a volatile killing maniac, and Clementine, who likes to kill adventurers and collect their metal cards... and then raided Ye Lan the next day. In the cemetery outside Tyre, one of the twelve disciples of Zhiranun, Kajit Dale Badantir, was easily wiped out together with the ancient dragon summoned by the opponent. Then he flew to the west of the kingdom and came to the royal capital. · Yestijie’s story was told a little bit in detail.

Of course, some of the information was collected from the cemetery outside Ye Lan Tier after the warrior commander Ge Jeff, and compared with the confessions of the adventurer team of the dark swords. It should be inseparable from each other.

‘! ! ’

‘You mean...she’s in the royal capital right now. Is Yestij here? ! ’

Rambosa III was a little surprised, stopped to take a look at the commander of the soldier next to him, and then continued to walk forward slowly for a while.

'Yes! ’

'I almost followed her all the way back to the capital. Now she is in the city, and she has leased a mansion in the west of the city. I bought that mansion for the first time and there should be no one at the moment. It disturbs her easily! ’

'correct! ’

‘Your Majesty, look, this is the gold coin she gave when she paid the rent for one year, and it was also exchanged by me from the original owner for twice the weight of gold! ’

As he said, the warrior Commander Geoff took out the pockets in his clothes, and finally handed a hot gold coin to His Majesty the king's old and withered hand.

'Well? ! ’


‘This doesn’t seem to be the gold coin of any kingdom we know! It is not one of the known in ancient times, and I have never seen this kind of writing...’

Squinting his eyes at the weird gold coin for a while, and after filtering through his own less energetic and not sober mind, Rambosa III quickly came to his conclusion .

'Yes! ’

'Your Majesty, I have asked the scholars of the kingdom to check it before. They don't even recognize the words on the gold coin... That's why I, they are likely to come from the far east or the more distant east. of! ’

‘! ! ’

‘Geff, you mean, she might be from the east? ! ’

‘Yes, Your Majesty! ’

‘It’s possible, but I’m not sure! ’


Rambosa III stopped speaking, and began to rub the gold coin and frowned in thought.

‘Geff, you said...’

‘Will she come from that magical place like some of the previous six gods, eight desire kings or thirteen heroes? ’

Ramboza III did not clearly say what the "magical place" was, because he knew that as the kingdom’s chief warrior and his close attendant at the same time, the other party must know what he was referring to, because it came from In a secret, unknown legend.


‘Your Majesty, I guess not! ’

‘No? ’

'Correct! Because I have also checked the information, the gold coins used by the other party are different from those used by some of the six gods, eight desire kings, or thirteen heroes! Whether it is text, size, weight or pattern, the differences are too obvious! ’

The warrior Commander Geoffrey said firmly under the king’s gaze that he did not believe that the opponent came from the magical place called'YGGDRASIL' in the legend, because all the known information now points to other places. , He believed in his own judgment, and even more faith in the tangible evidence.

"That's it..."

‘So, Geoff, do you think we should contact each other now? ’

'His Majesty! ’

‘I think it’s better not to! ’

'Well? ’

‘Talk about your...’

‘! ! ’

'Oh! My dear Lana! ! ’

'what! ’

‘My Father! And your Lord Warrior! ’

Just as the king was about to continue to say something to his close attendant, they suddenly saw the front and saw his own daughter appearing with the other party’s little pet Bancrae and running towards him. , He temporarily left behind the chaotic and clueless things he didn't know what to do with him, and started talking to his lovely little daughter.


The warrior on one side nodded with the third princess of the kingdom, Lana Thiel Chardonnay Lair Vansef, and stood by without saying a word, not planning to disturb at this time. It is the rare pleasure of family to come to His Majesty the King. After all, His Majesty has worked very hard for the affairs of the country and should have some personal time of his own.

As for the matter they said just now, it can be discussed another day, because it is not urgent! Moreover, in the opinion of the warrior chief Geoff, they are now recklessly, especially if they rush to contact that little girl without a good excuse, it is always a bit not good.

And now...

In the rich and aristocratic district of the capital Xicheng District of the Kingdom of Riyestige, a messy little girl is having a headache for the huge courtyard and house she just acquired!

Because, Anne rented this mansion for the first time after arriving at Riyestije! Originally, she wanted to buy it directly, but the desolate little nobleman didn’t sell it, so she reluctantly rented it out... But now the problem is that people who rent or sell the house will not give it or provide it. Servant, besides, there were no servants, so now this leads to an embarrassing phenomenon:

Such a big house, twenty or so rooms and halls large and small, and a large messy courtyard, now she is the only one who lives here in the desert?



Although the house and courtyard can be easily cleaned by magic Anne, such as the simple tricks she has seen from Hogwarts, it is very simple to use them to automatically take care of the room or courtyard, but , But she didn't want to do that!

and so……

She is distressed now, and is considering whether to recruit some servants, but what about worrying that those guys are disobedient or dissatisfied and cause trouble?

"Really, I'd better go to the hotel if I knew it..."


Annie regretted renting this luxurious house.

After all, if she had to prepare and deal with all the messy things like eating, sleeping, cleaning, maintaining, and managing lights, then the experience would definitely be far inferior to staying in a hotel! Besides, she came here to play, but she didn't come here to play house and do housework. Is that kind of annoying thing that Queen Anne should do?

"Dear Tibbers..."


"People know that you have the most bad ideas, so hurry up and talk about it. What should people do now?"


After thinking about it, Annie, who seemed to be unable to think of a good way for the time being, had to ask for help from her family's bad bear, who often didn't have a sense of existence, and was often bullied by herself.

(Respected little master...Didn’t you just conquer a lot of dragons in this world? Summon their nest of Longquan, then transform them all into human forms, let them serve you directly as your servants Isn't it all right?

(● ̄(?) ̄●)

——Knowing that his miserable little master may be unwilling to summon creatures from another world or create life to interfere with this world, Tibbers thought about it for a so he suggested. It doesn’t dare not cooperate, because now its nasty little master is talking to it properly. If it dared to say nothing at this time, the other party would definitely turn its face instantly, and then had to take it under the anger. You can't twist your neck to 1080 degrees! )



"Tibbers, you have come up with a good idea that is not a bad idea. It's not in vain that people usually treat you well!"


Just do it!

Annie quickly ignored a certain bad bear who had just made a perfect suggestion, and instead opened the portal directly, ready to communicate with a certain old dragon king of the Frost Dragon clan, and conveyed her unquestionable and Order rejected.

Because she didn’t want to be onlookers, this time, when Annie came to the capital of the kingdom of Riyestige, she landed far away and threw the frost dragon back to the mountains of Andesia with teleportation spells. Time to call again? And now, since she needed to reach the other party again, she had no choice but to summon in advance.

As for the fact that the Frost Dragon clan cannot be transformed into a human form, it is completely difficult for Annie, because she has a way, whether it is to teach the opponent a simple spell that transforms into a human form or to help herself, it is just her. One thought thing.


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