Shadow Bear Tibbers’ Plane Journey

Chapter 1211: ?(?︶`)o Hello! Need help here? …

‘! ! ’

'right here! ’

'soldiers! attack! For the kingdom! ! ’

‘Anyone who resists is killed! ! ’

‘Go! ! ’

‘Kill~! ! ’


Chaotic wars are playing out across the streets in this huge capital of the Kingdom of Riyestige.

All kinds of screams, shouts, magic explosions, weapon collisions, and the infiltrating metal rubbing sound when armor is chopped by metal weapons one after another, making almost half of the city become lively and noisy. At the same time, countless citizens were hiding in their respective homes in panic. They didn't know or dared to go out to see what terrible things happened in the night of the royal capital!

Corresponding to this are those who have received summons and related orders a long time ago, the Royal Capital Security Army or soldiers guarding the capital.

At this time, they didn’t even interfere with the meaning of those fighting that were not far away from them. Except for standing guard on the street and maintaining order to prevent any unnecessary disturbances, they did nothing, just stare. There was silence while looking solemnly at the distant streets where people were fighting or the sound of fighting in the houses and the blocks shrouded in flames.

Because they knew that the third princess of the kingdom, Lana Thiel Chardun Lair Vansef, finally made up his mind to eradicate the evil organization "Eight Fingers" in the capital! And those shouting, shouting, killing and fire are the raids initiated by the hands of the respected princess, personally organized by Her Royal Highness, so they naturally will not go to those places that have been told by the above. Nosy, even if those "eight fingers" keep sending people to ask for help.

In fact, not only will they not intervene or rescue those'eight fingers' who had been more or less in love with them in the past, but they will also fall into a rock, and will slay the thugs who dared to come to them for help and slander the princess to slaughter the people. They were all arrested, and even some people who had too close contacts on weekdays and knew too much were killed by them on the spot!

But at this time, the chaos and noise in the distance continued...


‘No! ’


‘I, I surrender, I say everything! ! ’

"Wow~! ! ’


‘Damn it! ’

‘Brothers, fight with them! ! ’

‘ ! ’


Bang! ! !

The clash of weapons, the sound of slashing and the cry for mercy one after another, the "Eight Fingers" found out that the attacks against them were organized, premeditated, and a unified operation throughout the city. The adventurers, soldiers, and certain people of unknown origin in their lair fought together, making the whole city more and more noisy and bustling, and gradually making this night raid battle enter the most critical moment.

As the battle progressed, the adventurers and soldiers in charge of the offensive soon discovered that they had encountered a group of opponents who did not know the origin, but were extremely powerful?

For example, the three of the steel-grade adventure team "Cang Qiangwei" are talking with a monster bug wearing a maid costume. Although they don't know the origin, they are pretty sure that the other party is in the lair of "Eight Fingers". The powerful guy who appeared in, almost certain that the opponent must have some kind of connection with the "Eight Fingers".

'Kill you! ’

'Kill you! Only you... as long as you kill you, everything becomes simple! ’

'Kill you! ! ! ’

‘Ibiruai! Be careful! ’

'Humph! ’

‘The Art of Untouchable Golden Binding! ’

'watch out! ’

‘Crystal Gun! ’

‘! ! ’

‘Gegran, get out of the way! Spell: Deworming~! ! ’

Dang~! !

‘Damn it! ’

‘Did you just hear that? When my weapon hit its monster maid’s clothes, it turned out to be a metal crash! That guy, his clothes are as hard as my weapons? ! ’

‘Be careful, Gegland, you almost blocked me just now! ’

‘Well, I will pay attention...’

In this place in the city of Riyestige, Ibiruai, the magic chanter of the stainless steel team "Blue Rose", the muscular hammer warrior Gegran, and the twin ninja Tia Fighting against the child servant of a terrible worm like a spider.

That's right, it's the maid!

Because, that strange-looking monster, after transforming into the spider-like monster now, the other party’s funny maid’s clothes are still worn on the other’s body, and it’s extremely hard, providing it with huge Defensive ability, even the hammer warrior Ge Gelan's attack can be blocked and make a metallic collision sound.

'Be careful! ’

‘It’s here again! ’

‘Dodge! ’

‘Ibiruai! It can’t go on like this. It must be consumed from the front with a powerful attack, and then take the opportunity to destroy it! ! ’

'it is good! Then go all out, no longer keep it, and destroy it in one go! ! ’

After briefly discussing the countermeasures, the three of the adventurers of the'stainless steel' level quickly thought of a possible effective way, and took advantage of the bug in the distance to be repelled again and slightly When he hesitated, he directly and brazenly launched an active assault, and rushed toward the opponent in cooperation!

‘Hi~! Deadly Hammer! ’

Bang! !


‘Acid droplets! ’

‘Blow Scatter! ! ’


boom! !

‘The Art of Immovable King Kong! ’


‘Exterminator! ! ’


Soon, fierce fighting and various ninjutsu, magic and flying insects began to fill this place again.

Immediately afterwards, under the combination of three veteran adventurers of the'stainless steel' level and the full blow that they no longer retain, a few minutes later, the originally invincible worm child servant finally insisted on being unable to support it alone. I couldn't help it, I was finally knocked down by one of their combined blows and flew into the distance, and languished to the ground, even the spider legs seemed to have little strength.


When the three of them were about to step forward and give each other a final make-up, they were about to kill the terrifying and powerful insect spider maid monster, and cut off each other's head, abruptly, In front of the ground where the worm child fell down, a guy wearing a blue clown mask, a red dress, double gloves and gloves, and a tail behind him, he knew that he was not a normal human being. And stopped them who were about to end up with that powerful bug.


"Let you wait a long time..."

‘Let’s get started, I will end your lives as quickly as possible. ’

Soon, after stopping the three of them and watching a giant bug fly away the maid who was almost killed just now, even though that person couldn’t see his appearance because he was wearing a mask, he could see from the ear And the guy on his tail who knew that it was an inhuman monster similar to the demon clan, said coldly in that tone without any waves.

‘Tina, who is this guy? ’

‘I haven’t seen it, but it should be very powerful, stronger than the bug just now...’

‘Hey! It's really terrible. I just finished playing one after another. Do I need to call Rafasi for support? ’

'do not know! ’


'hateful! ’

‘Gegran, Tina, run away! ’

‘! ! ’

‘Ibiruai, what’s wrong? ’

‘He is strong! Very strong! It's a monster among monsters! and so……'

‘Run away! ’

‘I’ll buy you time first, and later I will use teleport spells to escape directly, you better hurry! ! ’

'This! ! ’

‘Damn it! Tia! let's go! ’

'Ok! ’

When the two sides were preparing for the second round of the battle, unexpectedly, the same masked magic chant Ibiruai slammed it, knowing the priority, and it was because of years of cooperation. The hammer warrior Gegran and the twin ninja Tia, who had formed a tacit understanding, turned around and ran without any hesitation at all.

'Oh? ’

‘Just when I met, I wanted to leave before I had time to accept the next meeting ceremony. This is a bit chilling! ’

‘As it is...’

‘Then please allow me to give you the most precious gift now, that is-death! ! ’

?? Hellfire Wall??

Seeing that the other party is really capable, he can not only defeat his companions, but also see his own strength. He even turned around and ran. The demon wearing a blue clown mask sneered and waved his hands, making a terrible The wall of flames swept away towards the three people in front!

‘Magic is the strongest: the crystal barrier! ! ’

‘! ! ’

'not good! ! ’

Suddenly by the enemy, although Cang Qiangwei’s magic power magic chant Ibiruai barely resisted the enemy’s attack with her powerful magic shield, she discovered that Grid was running away at this time. Lan and Tia didn't even have any means of protection, and they didn't even notice that the enemy had launched an attack on them. They could only watch the terrifying wall of fire instantly sweep towards her two companions... …

'Do not! ! ! ’

‘Gegeland! Tia? ! ! ’

After barely resisting the enemy's attack on her wall of fire, Ibiruai exclaimed in despair, because she knew how terrifying the enemy's magic was just now! Presumably, relying on the abilities of the two people, it must be impossible to resist, so she can't bear to watch the miserable end of her two companions now.


Surprisingly, what made the desperate Ibiruai and with hindsight, the muscular hammer warrior Gegran and the twin ninja Tia who were about to be burned alive, was a little unbelievable: in that terrible way When the wall of fire was about to swept over them, it suddenly disappeared and disappeared in an instant and funny?

‘! ! ’

'how? ’

Looking at his two companions who stopped in the distance, and then at the terrible guy in front, Ibiruai couldn't help but feel a little puzzled for a while. I don’t know why the other side was just about to succeed. Suddenly stopped, and canceled the terrible wall of fire magic?

Is it possible that the other party is deliberately teasing them, like a cat catching a mouse? If that's the case, then they'd better summon Lavasi here now. If they rely on the strength of all their Cang Rose members, maybe they can resist each other?

'Humph! ’

'who is it? Come out! ! ’

Surprisingly, before Ibiruai could react, the demon-like man wearing a mask glanced around and yelled at someone, making Ibiruai finally recover. Come.

It turned out that it wasn’t just because the enemy didn’t want to kill her or her two companions, nor was the other party trying to play prey like a cat and mouse, but because a guy who didn’t know what existed suddenly made a move. Will the wall of fire be blocked in an instant when no one can detect it, and let it disappear invisible?



"Hello everyone! Hello! The three of you, do you need help here? They promised a cunning guy before and can reluctantly help you a little bit!"


Someone was flying in the night sky, like a little girl standing on an invisible platform, then suddenly waved to the bottom, blinked playfully and said hello.

In fact, under normal circumstances, Annie doesn't like to intervene in such fights between people who neither side knows.

In the past, she would definitely be holding a big bag of popcorn or nuts, or other snacks and eating and watching the fun, right? However, some regrets are: Who made her mouth soft before and accidentally agreed to the princess with the special name, what is the princess of Lana?

So ah, there is no way, since they have agreed, she must definitely need to take action and help, and she now seems to like the feeling of fighting and playing and destroying certain plans of some guys.


Don't think she doesn't know, some guys seem to want to take advantage of the opportunity of the battle tonight to fish in troubled waters, and then do something bad?


(● ̄?? ̄●)

‘! ! ’

‘Strange, Gegland, who is she? ’

‘I don’t know, I haven’t seen it...’

‘Did she save us just now? ’



'Hey! ’

‘Ibiruai, that guy, do you know who she is? ’

Gegland and Tia, who were just about to escape, saw someone helping them to withstand the terrible wall of fire attack, and when they saw the enemy with a face mask, they ignored them, but stared nervously. After the little girl who was slowly descending from the sky to the ground, they felt that the form might have changed. After hesitating for a while, they turned back again and returned to their companion Ibiruai who seemed to be also a little surprised and asked. Tao.

"It's a little girl..."

‘Who do you think there can be? ! ’

'what! ! ’

‘She’s the dazzling diamond-level adventurer that Lavasi said, that little girl, dragon mage Anne Hasta? ! ’

‘It should be her! ! ’

‘Then Ibiruai, what do you think of her strength? ’

'do not know……'

'do not know? ’

'Yes! The demon in front of it has strong fluctuations in its magic power, very strong...I have never seen it! However, the little girl gave me a very strange feeling. She didn't seem to have any fluctuations in magic, and she looked like an ordinary person? ’

‘? ? ’

'what does that mean? ’

'Humph! ’

'No one can use magic without fluctuations in magical power, but she did just that. Not only did she use flying skills, she also helped you withstand the terrible wall of fire without knowing it. Surprising! ’

'what! ’

‘Then you mean, she is really amazing? ! ’

‘Yes, she may be really an ordinary person, or... just an existence beyond all magic casters in this world! ’

Seeing that the demon in front of him who can hardly resist too much resistance to the will, he held his breath at the little girl, and even nervously and vaguely warned, as Cang Qiangwei’s most powerful spellcaster, the magic chant of the magic power system. Singer Ibiruai is obviously more willing to believe that the other party is the latter she thinks, the kind of existence she can't detect!

'you sure? ’

‘But, she looks like a normal human being, how old is she, really that amazing? ’

Although he was surprised and excited about having a powerful helper on his side, the Gegland, who has developed muscles and a sturdy body, looks even more'man' than ordinary healthy men. Like their captain, Rafasi, there is always some reluctance to believe that such a small guy can have the kind of power in the rumor.

Moreover, she didn't seem to see the other party riding out on a giant dragon, and she didn't seem to exude too much aura, so she always felt that the other party did not seem to be as exaggerated as Ibiruai said?

'Humph! ’

'Oh it's you? ! ’

The devilish man with the blue mask instantly exploded his tail like a frightened kitten, and then exclaimed in a slightly nervous low tone.



Annie was also a little surprised, so she ignored the very impolite whispers of the three people behind her, but blinked her eyes and started to look up and down at the weird person in front of her.



"watch out!!"


'what! ! ’

Soon, following the sudden action of a disgusting little girl, and the weird man with the blue mask exclaimed, everyone quickly saw that while the weird exclaimed and retreated a few steps, The mask on the other party's face also exploded and turned into powder in an instant, and revealed the face of a sharp-mouthed monkey cheek, wearing glasses, wearing ear studs, and a fierce face, and he knew that he was not a good person.



"It turns guy is such a useless little devil?"


'hateful! ’

‘You guy! ! ’

Seeing that the opponent used an unknown blow to smash his mask while he was defensive, and said he was a useless little demon... If he could, he really wanted to talk to the opponent loudly Said: He is Dimiugos, the guardian of the Red Hot Shrine on the seventh floor of the Great Underground Tomb of Nazarick, the highest-level demon, and he also has the creator of the hell, the king of chaos, the prince of darkness, the shapeshifter, and The supreme existence of other titles!

In the entire underground tomb of Nazarick, in addition to the forty nobles who have disappeared and the existing His Excellency Ainzurgon, he even dared to claim to be the strongest existence in the entire world. one!

And now, the guy on the opposite side actually said that he was a useless little demon? !

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