Shadow Bear Tibbers’ Plane Journey

Chapter 1214: Anzi Urgon and the Rise of the Sorcerer Kingdom

The chaos in the capital of the Kingdom of Riyestige has been a long, long time ago. After the evil organization of the Eight Fingers was completely destroyed, without the manipulation and destruction of black hands in secret, it is rare that the kingdom’s governance environment has begun to change. Is Qingming clearer? And it seems that the entire kingdom has gradually entered the positive track of Guotai Min'an?


In fact, everyone knows that it was just a malignant tumor lurking in the kingdom that had deteriorated and was discovered and eradicated. In fact, all kinds of contradictions in the kingdom still exist, but they have not been discovered or erupted for the time being?

Furthermore, in fact, some people understand in their hearts that the "Eight Fingers" has not been completely annihilated. It is just a stronghold in the capital of the kingdom and some high-level people, including the existence of the "Six Arms" have been completely annihilated. Outside of the royal capital, quite a few members of the Eight Fingers realized that things had changed, and soon did not know whose orders and assignments were received. They took the initiative to abandon some exposed strongholds and then re-lurked, letting Yi certain The liquidation team led by the third princess of the kingdom caught the blind all at once, and had to end the nationwide clean-up action early after searching for a while.

As for who is continuing to control the evil organization "Eight Fingers" in secret, it is temporarily unknown.

In this way, the Kingdom of Riyestige rarely achieved a period of peaceful development, especially after His Majesty the King obtained that large sum of money out of thin air, the governance of the country became even more handy.


This period of peace that made the kingdom feel extremely comfortable did not last long. It was only less than half a year before and after, and they once again fell into a huge crisis!

Three days ago, the Bajas Empire came and issued a ridiculously absurd notice to the Kingdom of Riyestij, that is:

Asking the kingdom of Riyestij to unconditionally recognize the organization named Naxalik as a country and recognize the alliance with the empire, and also claim that the kingdom’s territory and the surrounding important areas are all Naxalik, That is the inherent legal territory of the newly established "Magic Nation" that I don't know what happened?

Although, the nobles in the kingdom showed various reactions during this period, and after the discussion, everyone agreed that it was just some small strategy before the war set by the empire to attack the kingdom? However, just when everyone judged this declaration as an excuse for war and was preparing to actively prepare for war, Ge Gefu, the strongest warrior leader of the kingdom who knew the power of Ainz, issued his warning in this internal meeting. Suggest that the kingdom try to avoid this war?

Therefore, on the third day after receiving the foreign communication from the messenger of the Bajas Empire, some important nobles, officials and generals of the kingdom once again gathered in the palace of Lambosa III, and began to continue with the previous one. Discuss related topics...

'Humph! ’

'We have checked in these two days. In all the history books and literature of our kingdom, we have never found any evidence that a guy named Ainz Ul Kung once dominated the city of Ye Lan Tier and nearby territories. The requirement of their empire must be without any legitimacy, it must be a conspiracy! ’

'I agree! ’

‘Humph! That's right! In my opinion, that is just a superficial trick of a fanatic, they will not succeed! ’

‘Actually speaking... the Empire hasn’t attacked us this year, right? The last time, it was nothing more than the conspiracy of the Silian Church, and the empire had never been dispatched! And now, their empire has finally freed up, so they just found such an excuse that can't stand scrutiny and verification? ’

‘’s possible, but it doesn’t rule out the possibility that someone really dominated the land before the kingdom was established...’

‘It’s possible, but who knows the facts? ’

‘Anyway! I won't admit it, and I don't think your Majesty will either! ’

"But... if the warrior commander is right, that Ainz Ur Gong is a powerful existence that can wipe out the "Sunshine Sacred" of the elite troops of the state with one person, will it anger the opponent? ? ’

'So what? The left and right are just a magic caster, even if it is able to cast magic of rank 7 or higher, how many soldiers can a spell of Kota destroy? Is it a few hundred people or a few thousand people? And this time, since His Majesty said that he would provide most of the military expenses, then we can at least make up an army of hundreds of thousands. No matter how powerful the spellcaster named Ainz Ul Christine is, it can bring us all Can you kill them all? ! ’

‘Hey! makes sense! At most, it's just that the forward force may suffer some losses? ’

‘Some losses? ’

'Ah! Then Paul Lopuhou, will you be willing to use your family’s powerful elite army as the king’s vanguard? ’

'you! ’

‘The vanguard is the vanguard, would I still be afraid of a spellcaster? Wait and see, I'm pretty sure, that Ainz Ur Gong can't put one or two spells, it will be chopped into pieces by my strong cavalry and then stepped into meat sauce! ’

‘Haha! It really is like that, that would be great! ’


In the study of King Ramboza III, the nobles once again quarreled loudly about the empire, the inexplicable Sorcerer Kingdom, the Sorcerer King'Ainz Ur Gong', and the dispatch of troops. Up.


"Quiet for a while"

"Gegefu, tell me what you know about the Sorcerer Kingdom and Ainz Ur Gong..."

Seeing that everyone was talking about the meaningless words like those two days ago, and there was no good strategy, Ramboza III, who could not help it, first sighed, then turned his head and stood by his side. Gugeev Stronov, who was close attendant and commander of the warrior and commanded the king's elite troops, asked softly.

After all, here, the only person who has come into contact with and understood the Ainz Ur Gong is the warrior captain. Therefore, Ramboza III hopes to learn more, although he has already seen it. The detailed report that the other party wrote a few months ago countless times?

"Yes, Your Majesty!"


"There is no doubt that the great magic chant who saved the lives of me and some of my soldiers, and also used his own power to annihilate the entire'Sunshine Scriptures' team of the Kingdom of Slian is the one we are discussing today. ——Your Excellency Ainz Ur Gong!"

"As for his specific power, I am not good at judging, because I am a fighter, not a spellcaster..."

"But, sirs...I only know that even if I give me thousands of elite troops, I am afraid that I will be able to defeat the elite who can summon all kinds of powerful angels to fight. The troops'Sunshine Sacred Code', let alone wipe it out easily!"

"Although I could not see the battle between them..."

"But later, the villagers of Kahn Village told me that the powerful magic chant Lord Ainz Ur Gong and the equally powerful black-clad knight beside him were defeated in the end. An adventurer at the'brilliant diamond' level was defeated by the dragon mage Anne Hasta, and was burned into a skeleton?"


"I originally thought that he, His Excellency Ainz Ur Gong must be dead, because no one can save a person from being burned into a flame and live...and After that, until the arrival of the empire’s messenger, I never heard anything about His Excellency Ainz Ur Gong, and I always thought that he was dead..."

"And now, we all know that not only did he not die, but he also established a Sorcer Kingdom with a large tomb of Nazalik as a stronghold. He also called himself the'Sorcerer King'. I'm afraid, this can already explain his power Up!"

"and so……"

"If you can't go all out to fight against it, I suggest that it is better to cede the city of Ye Lantil and the surrounding area directly?"

"and also……"

After hesitating for a while, the warrior commander Gejiefu still had to say a little bit what he knew and his own judgment! However, before he could finish speaking, he was interrupted by the utterances of those arrogant nobles who had been a little impatient.

'enough! ’

‘Brave and resolute commander, is this your opinion? That kind of stupid thing is different from not saying it? You actually suggested that we surrender without a fight and send out such a large piece of territory? This is simply ridiculous! ! ’


‘However, what the fighter commander said makes sense. If you send it out, you can avoid war...’

‘Shut up! Ye Lan Tier City is the territory of His Majesty the King, how can you give it away? Or, give it to your home territory? ! ’

'you! ! ’

‘Okay... So, this Urobana frontier, do you have any ideas? ! ’


‘Where is it necessary for Urobana Frontier to express his opinions? Now things are clear, since the empire and the sorcerer nation that did not know where it came from want to war, we give them war! We all know that when the enemy wants to destroy you, it is not enough for you to give him more, because they must want more! ’

'well said! ’

‘Yes! Blum Rasiu Hou said very well, if he wants to fight, I will fight! And this time, my territory will send at least 30,000 troops! ’

‘I also sent twenty thousand! ’

‘I also think that the conditions of the empire are a bit too outrageous, so I opened my mouth to fabricate a country and ask for illegal territory. What did he regard as our kingdom of Yestige? I asked for Ye Lantil today, will I ask for another place tomorrow or simply our capital? Therefore, I also feel that this extremely unreasonable matter is no longer necessary to continue the discussion. Although our territory in Pezpea is small, we are willing to send more than 10,000 elite troops to fight for the kingdom! ’

"It makes sense..."

'Ok! As expected of Pespeiahou, he has a trace of the demeanor of the old Pespeiahou at a young age, it is really rare and precious! This can't help but remind me of the demeanor of the old Pespeiahou 500 cavalry when they broke the imperial forward! ’

‘You’re polite, it’s just the glory of my father’s generation, I’ve never had the experience of leading a battle...’

‘Well, we will also send some of the most elite troops to the war. It’s time to give the Imperial Army a good look! ! ’

‘Yes! ’

‘That’s great, it should have been done! This time, we can at least gather hundreds of thousands of troops. If it goes well, it won't be a problem to attack the imperial capital Aventar! ’


While talking, everyone brought the problem to the war again.

Obviously, at this time, even the nobles on the side of the royal powers felt that the indispensable Sorcerer Nation and Sorcerer King Ainz Ul Christopher's method of claiming territory was really somewhat It's too much, the naked excuse for war that makes everyone in the Kingdom of Yestij teased like fools. It is so humiliating and ridiculous, how could they accept it?

Besides, this war is covered by His Majesty’s small vault. Without worrying about logistics and military expenses, they still want to send all the private soldiers out to practice. How could it be possible? Refusing to go to war? !



After a pause, Ramboza III, who felt that he had hit his head, raised his hand again, causing the nobles to stop the meaningless discussion that had been stopped for two days.

"Maybe, what the warrior said is really right, that Ainz Ur Gong is really good, we have to guard against..."

"However, regardless of the strength of that Ainz Ur Gong, we must never accept their conditions! Now, since war is inevitable, it is reasonable for us to make any necessary preparations, so dear Lana, can you still find that little girl?"

"Since the warrior commander Gegefu has said that the little girl has defeated the Ainz Ur Gong, since she also took action against the'Eight Fingers' and sent out giants in the chaos of the capital a few months ago. The Dragon Legion helped our kingdom eliminate those demons. Then, this time, can we let her help the kingdom again?"

This time the empire and the sorcerer nation’s actions were very strange, not only aggressive, but also as if they had eaten the kingdom of Yestige. Therefore, Ramboza III felt that if he could, he wanted his own My baby girl Lana once again made an effort to invite or coax that little girl back to help them in the Kingdom of Yestige this time?

Now that it can be basically determined that Ainz Ur Gong is an uncertain factor, then they must prepare relevant countermeasures in advance in a targeted manner, so as not to get out of control when something goes wrong?


"But father, you must have known it yourself. She left even that piece of gold. What reasons or conditions does our kingdom use to invite her?"

Princess Lana seemed a little hesitant. After all, her relationship with the little girl was just a friendship that had met and talked for a while. If she spoke casually, she believed that the other party would definitely not agree to her. Yes, they must have the conditions that the other party will not refuse or can attract each other!


"In this way, if she can really defeat the empire and the attack of the Sorcerer King, or if she can deal with and suppress the Sorcerer King Ainz Ur Gong, the Kingdom of Riyestige will be willing to seal She is the Count of Ye Lan Tier City and gave her the land of Ye Lan Tier City and the surrounding land as a fief!"

"Lana, what do you think of this condition?"

Gritting his teeth, he felt that the city of Ye Lan Tier, located at the junction of the three countries, felt that the place that had been harassed by the two countries was a big trouble. After a long time of pondering, Rambosa III resolutely thought about this condition for three days. To mention it.

If the Sorcerer King is really powerful, if the little girl can really fight the Sorcerer King, he will seal the land and let the powerful little girl and the dragons under her protect the kingdom’s borders and peace once and for all. From now on, the Gelician Mountains can keep the kingdom in peace for a long time, and deter the Sorcerer State, the Bajas Empire, and the Slian State. Is that really a brilliant idea with one stone and three birds with one stone?

Of course, the premise is that the Sorcerer Ainz Ur Gong is really as powerful as the warrior said, and that the little girl can really defeat the opponent!

"If the father decides, then Lana will definitely go all out!"

"However, Lana doesn't know if she can be found..."

"You may not know, we investigated, and sent someone to the Andesia Mountains not long ago to ask the Frost Dragons... They only said that their little master is not in the Andesia Mountains..."

"A few months ago, shortly after the chaos in our king's capital, after they separated from each other, we got news that she first went to the demi-tribe wasteland, and then to the Holy Kingdom. She appeared in the palace of the Holy Kingdom. Going in and out of public places many times with the saint who is said to be very powerful?"

"And four months ago, you should all know that she appeared in the Slien Church, first severely inflicted the dark holy scriptures, and left calmly after burning a church and injuring a desperate death... Then, It's something wanted by the Slian Church..."

"And more than two months ago, I heard that she appeared in the Dragon Kingdom again, and even helped the black scale queen, who was compassionate to her subjects, defeat the orc tribe and improved the original magic so that she didn’t need to use the magic Consume the lives of your subjects?"

"Later, I heard news of her haunting from the Khaz Plain and the Bajas Empire..."

"Finally, in the last month, I heard that she had appeared in the Appraisal Country of Jagrande, and had a conflict with the Platinum Dragon King Chaindulux Bai Xiang, and finally beat the Platinum Dragon King severely. After leaving, his whereabouts are still unknown."

Having said that, Princess Lana stopped.

In fact, what she meant was obvious. The question now is not whether the other party is willing to help them, but that they don't even know if they can find each other!

After all, this world is so big, and the opponent is a powerful dragon mage who comes and goes without a trace. If the opponent is not in the kingdom, where can she go to find him?


"Lana, try your best! We may have about two months before the war begins. If you can find and get the help of that little girl then, I will definitely remember your contribution to the kingdom. !"

"At that time, as a father, I might meet any of your not-so-ridiculous requirements?"

Nodded, Rambosa III, who knew that things were really difficult, promised directly and hoped that his precious daughter could bring them that uncertain guarantee.


"Father, please rest assured, I will definitely go all out!!"

However, what Ramboza III did not know was that after hearing his promise, the third princess of the kingdom, with the beauty and wisdom well-known at home and abroad, put forward many cross-age policies, and also destroyed the kingdom with one hand. Her malignant tumor'Eight Fingers', His Royal Highness the'Golden Princess', who was widely praised by the outside world, suddenly lit up, and after quietly glanced at the little follower Ban Klem behind her, he directly nodded excitedly in response to that arduous task.

She suddenly felt that before the war began, before the empire and the sorcerer nation began to attack, during that full two months, she might really have a chance to find that little girl, maybe? And once she can convince her, some of the problems that have been plagued her for a long time will surely be solved!


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