Shadow Bear Tibbers’ Plane Journey

Chapter 1217: (;?□?)/I’m not late, it’s you...

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Maybe it's because a little girl accidentally slept a little lazy?


↑If you cover your eyes, you won't hear you talking badly~!

Or maybe it's because a certain plush toy bear is passive and sabotaged?

??????: What to look at! This bear is passive, what can you do?

Of course, it may also be because the group of unseen guys at the top of the Riyestige Kingdom greatly underestimated their opponents, or because their magical powers are so weak that they are from beginning to end. No one has attacked or interrupted the magic king who casts and guided the superpower army magic?

Anyway, when the Sorcerer King Ainz Ur Gong of the Sorcerous Kingdom successfully launched his superpower magic called "A Tribute to the Dark Lord Feng Rang", and it became a black wave of unknown magic. After sweeping away from the battlefield, the aristocratic faction of the kingdom of Riyestij, and the powerful faction of Paul Lopuhou and his entire 70,000 elite forwards did not even touch the enemy's formation. Like straw being harvested, one after another fell on the road where they charged, and there were no wounds in the sea, so they fell abruptly...


The Sorcerer King Ainz Ur Gong of the Sorcerer Kingdom launched such a superpower magic, and then, the 70,000 forwards in the army of the 240,000 kingdoms are almost a third of the kingdom. The army was so obscure, and without a trace of warning or trace, it fell to death one after another, and the generals and soldiers of the kingdom and the empire were shocked for a long time without saying a word.

After all, the kind of appalling and unheard of has completely exceeded the limit of their imagination and legend, and even has subverted their lifelong knowledge. It always makes them ordinary soldiers and generals unable to do so. Go easily accepted.



In this way, the battlefield fell into a strange peace in an instant.

Both the enemy and us stared blankly at the large corpses of the soldiers lying in the wilderness in a daze...As they thought, in the past, even after a whole day of war, there were only tens of thousands of casualties. It is absolutely impossible for a full 70,000 people to fall dead here in such an instant!

After all, soldiers are also human beings. They need rest when they are tired, they need treatment when they are injured, they need to eat when they are hungry, and they have to go back to the camp to sleep when they are sleepy... So, come and go, plus temptation and harassment, etc. , It’s normal for an ultra-large-scale battle of more than 100,000 people to last for ten and a half months or even longer.

But now?

Defeating a full 70,000 people is nothing but a magic, and it is only a magic of the Sorcerer King Ainz Ul Christine... That kind of terrifying means, before the facts, Even if it was said that it was the domain of the Demon God just now, even if the Demon King was like a Demon God, I am afraid that the two sides of the kingdom and the empire would be willing to believe it?

'Well? ’

‘Humph! What's wrong, Lord Nimble, do you have any questions? ’

At this time, in the imperial army’s camp, in the spellcasting position surrounded by the terrifying and mighty three thousand death knight formations, there was a certain instigator, the player who had traveled from the earth to this other world, and the self-proclaimed Sorcerer King. Ainz Ur Gong didn’t mind the fact that he had slaughtered a full 70,000 people just now. He just moved so indifferently towards the imperial army general next to him, towards the man who was horrified by his means. Asked contemptuously from the pale and two trembling guys.

Listening to his ruthless tone from under the mask, it was as if he had just killed 70,000 people and it was a trivial thing that was completely worthless?

‘No, nothing! ’

‘I just think that you really, really used a very good magic... Yes! I just didn’t expect to be able to give a full 70,000 enemies to...’

The name Nymble stammered in reply, and as he spoke, he didn't dare to go on, and he didn't know what to say.

'Oh? ’

"Um ha ha ha ha..."

‘! ! ’

‘I, did I say something wrong? Your Excellency Ainz Ur Gong? ! ’

Seeing the other party burst into laughter, the imperial general called Nymbur hurriedly asked, for fear that he just said something that shouldn't be said, and then the terrible guy in front of him suddenly gave him a beating. The magic that fell in an instant or something.

'Do not……'

‘You’re not wrong! but……'

‘You may have made a mistake, my magic is not over yet, the the most important thing! ’

‘Just... those gifts for the Dark Feng Rang Mother God, of course, will make the Mother God return with a gift called Children! ’

‘Watch it! ’

'Hum hum……'

‘Returning gifts from those lovely children named Black Goat! ! ! ’

‘Hmm hahahahaha~! ! ’

As if thinking of something exciting, Ainz Ur Gong laughed frantically. It seemed that he had completely lost his humanity, and he had been with his game character, whose justice value was negative five hundred. The ruler of the dead was assimilated, no longer taking human lives seriously, so that the imperial soldiers on the side could not help shaking when they heard the grinning sound.


In fact it is the same!

After traveling to this other world for such a long time, he discovered that Ainz Ur Gong, the ruler of the dead, found that there were not as many powerhouses or traversers in this world as he had imagined. What level of his own power can probably be reached, and after discovering the level of ordinary people’s power, he has become less and less of himself as a normal person!

Now he is Ainz Ul Gon, the ruler of the Great Underground Tomb of Nazarick, the existence of countless powerful guardians and countless powerful alien species, and the supreme wizard of the new Sorcerer Nation The king is the lord of death who can dominate, overlook, enslave, and control the life and death of sentient beings! ! !

'Hum hum……'

‘Ahahahaha~! ! ’

In Ainz Ur Gong’s horrible laughter that made people feel cold, like falling into the abyss, whether it was the imperial army or the kingdom of Riyestije, who was nervous and almost fleeing. The soldiers quickly discovered:

Above the corpses of the 70,000 soldiers who died on the spot, a strange thing like a black ball suddenly began to slowly appear, and then it began to grow slowly, and exudes terrifying bursts from it. Unknowingly, the terrible breath of soft legs and trembling teeth...

Immediately afterwards, when it swelled to a certain extent, it slowly fell to the ground as if it was overwhelmed. It hit the center of the area where the bodies of the seventy thousand soldiers were located, and then burst open like a broken ball. , Let the unidentified things that looked like a black viscous liquid spread, and soon covered those dead bodies on the ground, and began to erode them, swallow them, even any I haven't let go of any one!

'Hum hum……'

‘Now, look! The prelude has opened! ! ’

Accompanied by a cold voice resounding on the battlefield, finally, on the ground where the forward soldiers of the seventy thousand kingdoms fell to death, when the dark viscous liquid completely covered all the corpses, the black liquid began to shrink, and then , A full five reminders are huge, like a hill where the corpses of seventy thousand soldiers gather. There are countless tentacles on their bodies, exuding an unknown and strange black aura. They have no heads, but they have a piece of energy. The terrifying giant human mouth that uttered a sheep scream, and at the same time there appeared a terrifying monster with four or five weird giant hoofs the size of a house! !

'Hum hum……'

‘Ahahahaha~! ’

‘It’s so wonderful, it’s so wonderful! This is my highest record so far. This is the first time I have summoned so many black goats. I am afraid I am the only one who can summon so many goats! ! ’

Looking at the five level 90'Black Goat' cubs in front of them that exudes awe-inspiring aura, the scalp-numbing grinning laughter resounded on the battlefield means of Ainz Wu Without giving the fifth party more time to react, Christine suddenly stretched out his hand and gave the final order to those kingdom troops who had been scared and did not know what to do:

‘My cute little black goat cubs! ’

‘Now, attack! Show the powerful power of my Sorcerer Ainz Ur Gong to all countries! Start chasing, crush them for me! Kill them all! ’

‘Don’t keep one~! ! ’

Now that we have killed a full 70,000 people, then if we eliminate the remaining 170,000 people and the more auxiliary units behind, we will naturally not have any psychological burden on Ainz Ur Gong. .

Therefore, under the gaze of the imperial soldiers and generals on the side that became extremely frightened, he resolutely issued clear instructions to the huge horror monsters who had not acted since they were summoned. Begin to take those terrible steps that can make the earthquake tremble every step, and pursue the army of the Kingdom of Riyestige, which has finally begun to be completely defeated!

"Hey, eh~! ’


‘! ! ’

‘That’s..... That’s a dream, right? ’

‘Impossible, how can such a guy exist? ’

‘70,000 people, how can you say it’s gone if you don’t? ’


'Hey! ’

‘I said, now we’re dreaming, right? ’

'do not know……'

‘! ! ’

"Wow~! ! ’

boom! ! !

"Hey, yeah~! ’

The huge hooves trampled on a dense army formation on the flanks for the first time. In an instant, dozens of those dull and unbelievable kingdom soldiers were trampled into meatloaf alive!

At the same time, the countless tentacles exuding unknown aura on the black goat cub suddenly stretched out and danced frantically, and began to continuously attack the surrounding soldiers.

‘! ! ’

‘Wow! ’

‘Run! ! ! ’

‘No running! Kill it if you want to survive...? ! ’

Boom~! !

"Hey, eh~! ’

‘? ? ’

‘Help, help! ! ’

‘No! ! ’

‘I don’t want to die! father! help me! ! ! ’

'Do not! ! ! ’

'BAA Baa baa……'

"Hey, yeah~! ’

Those terrifying huge "black goats" did not give soldiers or generals of the kingdom of Riyestij more time to react and organize. When they just recovered and prepared to respond, those huge The terrifying monsters who can step out of the small half-mile in one step have dispersed and rushed into the formations of the kingdom, and began to use their huge hooves, terrifying, long or short black tentacles in the formation. Amidst the frenzied cry of the sheep, the kingdom’s original majestic army of tens of thousands of troops was smashed into pieces in an instant!

Then soon, an inevitable huge chaos happened like this...

The two hundred and forty thousand troops of the Kingdom of Riyestije were defeated by the Sorcerer King Ainz Ur before they played any role, before they could kill any empire or the coalition forces of the Sorcerous Nation. ·A magic cast between the hands and feet was so horrible that more than half of the casualties were lost. The situation was horrible!

In the eyes of both parties, all this is just a short period of less than a blink of an eye...

Furthermore, according to such a situation, with the speed of those black goats and countless tentacles, with the kind of horrible lethal power that can draw dozens of hundreds of people into the sky with a single tap, and beat them to death like a fly. , I'm afraid that the two hundred and forty thousand regular kingdom troops and more auxiliary soldiers who came here today, not many can escape back alive, right?


'How could this be……'

‘It can’t be like this, it shouldn’t be like this...How can a person’s power reach such an unthinkable level? ’

‘This is impossible, it must be impossible...’

In the Great Tent of the Chinese Army, watching the terrible scene of the defeat in front, watching the five terrifying black monsters rampage in his army, King Lambosa III of the Kingdom of Riestige and him Lana's daughter, the golden princess, had already been so horrified that she didn't know what to do.

They and the loyal guards in their big tents were so wide-eyed, unbelievably watching everything that happened in the distance that would never happen in a nightmare.

‘! ! ’

'His Majesty? princess! ’

‘You, why are you still here, run! It's too late if you don't run! ! ’

‘Hurry up! ! ’

'His Majesty? ’

'princess? ! ! ’

At this time, after everyone was escaping for their lives, even the king's guard outside the Chinese army's big tent almost began to run with few left, an apparently more loyal nobleman finally rushed into the tent, and The king and the princess, who were silly at the beginning, only sat sluggishly in their seats rushed.


'run? ’

"Oh~! ’

'Do not! I will not run away...Today, so many soldiers died here innocently. This is my responsibility as a king...’

Rambosa III is desperate and intends to die in his life!

Although he cannot be blamed for this fiasco, it can be said that the enemy is too strong, but this is indeed the responsibility of his king, and it is caused by his incompetence! Therefore, he felt a little shameless to go back to face the kingdom and the people, so he deliberately chose to die here, on the battlefield, perhaps, this is really his best destination.

‘No need to persuade! ’

‘Now you take the princess away, leave me alone! Let's go, go and run for your life! ’

Leading an army of hundreds of thousands to come, that is almost all the elite power of the kingdom... But now, even without touching the enemy's side, he suffered a miserable defeat, and it depends on the situation. The miserable situation of Chu Yi...In this situation, how could he still have the face to escape?

Besides, what can I do if I escape back...

Under the current situation, perhaps those imperial troops who waved their flags and cheered for help would not be needed. It is only the Sorcerer Nation, or it can be said that the Sorcerer King alone can easily destroy them. The whole kingdom of Liyestijah, right?

‘! ! ’


‘If you don’t go, I won’t go either! ! ’

At this time, the golden princess Lana, who was slowly recovering, took a look at the front. After seeing that the situation was really determined and unable to return to the sky, she even gritted her teeth and continued to sit on her without moving. On the seat, she firmly grasped the arm of her father, King Lambosa III, and said not to let go.

'His Majesty? ’

‘What’s the use of staying here now? ’

'His Majesty! Please run away, it's really too late if it is later! ! ’

'His Majesty? ’

'princess! ! ! ’

'you guys……'

Looking at the two stubborn guys, the old and the young, the general who came here to let the king and the princess take the opportunity to escape without knowing what to say.

"Hey, eh~! ’

‘Wow! ! ! ’

‘Help! ! ’

‘Run! ! ’

'Do not! ! ! ’

"Hey, yeah~! ’

Outside the big tent, the soldiers’ chaotic and exhausted voices, those terrifying monsters’ bleating, and the humming of giant hoofs, are getting closer and closer. I believe that soon this will belong to Reyes. Did the king of Tijie’s tent of the Chinese army step on the ground?

‘! ! ’Fantasy Novel Network

'His Majesty? ! ’

'princess! ! ! ’

‘Please, run away! ! ! ’

Seeing the emergency outside, the loyal noble general was about to cry.


At this time, when the ups and downs of the kingdom of Riestije were exhausted, some people in the king’s central army were still arguing over whether to escape or not, when at least half of them When the soldiers of the above kingdom were killed under the terrible magic of a terrible wizard king Ainz Ur Gong, when more people may die here today and look desperately watching how they can’t run When defeating those terrible monsters with five legs, one of their belated saviors finally arrived!



At this time, a certain little girl who was wearing a red dress and had no time to wear the hood on her head, letting the spreading beautiful silky blonde hair flutter in the wind, just appeared out of nowhere in the air and so Standing beautifully floating.



"Really, people just came a little late because they were looking for shoes, you lost like this, but it's really useless!!"


I don’t know when she suddenly appeared in the midair of this battlefield and stood out of thin air. She quickly saw the tragedy of the battlefield, and also saw the disgusting ones who were making infiltrating bleats. After driving away a large group of soldiers from the Riestige Kingdom who were crying and crying and screaming towards her, she was a little blindsided, and finally started.

"It's great to grow up? See if they don't burn you to death!!"


A small fireball, just like a small spark, was thrown on the body of the huge, ear-disturbing monster that was screaming by Annie...

Then, compared to the little "black goat" cubs, they are really dispensable small fireballs like sparks. At the moment they burst open, they smashed the ground as if they were thrown into a gasoline tank. He ignited the whole'black goat' cub all at once, and then turned it from a terrifying black'goat' cub to a flame'goat' cub in an instant? !

"And you!"


"Noisy people sleeping, don't even want to run~!!!"


Immediately afterwards, Anne concocted in this way, and soon all the five huge black goat cubs were set on fire, turning them into huge volcanoes burning with terrible shadow flames...



"What's so great about growing up, look at it! Look straight at your inner fears! Bad guys~!!!"

?(?ˉ??ˉ?)?? Fear!

Then, Annie ignited the five black goats and caused them to panic and bump into place. It’s not a big deal. She also directly casts fear skills on them, making their huge bodies instantly suffer. Lei Shan shivered violently.

‘! ! ’

"Hey, eh~! ! ! ’

‘Hey! ! ’

Soon, the five black goats that were ignited stopped screaming and suffered flames to burn their souls little by little, but at the same time, they felt like they had suffered a huge trauma and saw what made them feel like this. Existence felt like something terrifyingly terrifying, and they were so scared that they danced frantically with the tentacles that were also burning with flames, and then turned directly, frantically towards the deaths of the imperial army and the magical country in the distance. The knight's formation speeds up and rushes away, as if there is something terrifying being chasing them?

‘! ! ’

'is her? However, how could she control a level 90 summoned object, that is absolutely impossible! ! ’

'impossible! ’

‘Never possible! ! ’

‘How could the cub of the Dark Goddess Feng Rang be controlled by others, let alone be affected by the fear technique! ’

Obviously, the little girl who suddenly appeared in the distance and the tricks used by the other party, Ainz Ur Gong saw at a glance!

Therefore, when seeing those five black goat cubs with divine nature that they had sacrificed a full 70,000 lives in exchange for from the Dark Feng Rang Mother God, they were so easily ignited by the opponent’s magic and turned back. Come and control it, his bones are so shocked that his jaw is about to fall...

Because this is even more so than when he saw a young woman from the European Emperor using an insignificant goblin general's horn to summon an entire elite, five thousand heavy armored goblin army. Surprised and horrified!

‘! ! ’

'not good! ’

‘Master Ainz! ’

‘They are coming over soon, what shall we do now? ’

‘? ? ’

‘Your Excellency Ainz Ur Gong? ! ’

‘? ? ’

However, a certain big bone shelf is free to be surprised. The imperial army general next to him and the dark elf nature mage Marley Bey, who is obviously male but dressed as women due to the bad temper of a certain creator Ro Fiore didn’t have time to think about other things. They were just asking anxiously at this time, because, at this time, those terrifying monsters, those huge monsters covered in fire, and those black goat cubs are already there. Qi turned towards them and rushed towards them soon.

'Humph! ’

'Although I don’t know what method the other party used to successfully ignite the black goats and conversely control them, since they were summoned by Ainz Ur Gong, I can naturally cancel the contract and Send them back to the dark mother **** Feng Rang! ’

‘Look up! ’

‘A tribute to the dark **** Feng Rang-withdraw the call! ! ’


Seeing those who are only at level ninety, but their size, strength, and certain special attributes have the absolute upper hand, and may harm their own'black goat', rushing towards their own people, Ainz Ur. Christine naturally did not dare to neglect, and hurriedly cast the spell, instantly canceling the super-position summoning sacrifice spell he had cast before.


"Hey, yeah~! ’

"Hey, eh~! ! ’

‘! ! ’

'not good! Run! ! ! ’

‘Run! ! ’

‘Uh ah ah! ! ! ’

‘Help, help~! ! ’

‘Ah ah! ! ! ’


The thing that made Ainz Ur Christine almost dropped his chin once again happened:

Those black goat cubs completely ignored his order to cancel the summoning. They did not return directly to the dark mother **** Feng Rang, but at a very fast speed, carrying the terrible flames all over their body, directly He rushed towards them, and raised the giant hoof high, and stepped on him, the summoner himself, regardless?


‘Why can’t I cancel the call? Why didn't the **** Dark Feng Rang respond? Didn't he even want his cubs? ’

‘It shouldn’t be hidden...’

Seeing the huge hoof burning with terrible flames slammed down on his head, the Sorcerer King Ainz Ul Christine of the Sorcerous Kingdom didn't know what to say...because what happened before his eyes All this seems to be a bit beyond his imagination, making him feel a little at a loss for a while?

You know, in the game, the dark goddess Feng Rang is the real god, and it is the existence that all players dare not to snoop, and any cub has a 90-level supreme existence! But now, the other party didn't even want their cubs, and allowed them to be burned by the enemy here. Where did this go wrong? !

‘! ! ’

‘Master Ainz! Be careful! ! ’

Sure enough, Mare Bello Fiore is more reliable at the critical moment!

I saw that he was in an emergency, activated a certain magic, and instantly teleported him and the Sorcerer King Ainz Ul Gong away and disappeared. As for the imperial army, the hapless general of Nimble and Cong Nazar He really couldn't take care of the death knight armies and other armies who had been sent from the grave tomb.

boom! ! !

The huge hoof instantly stomped the place where the Sorcerer King Ainz Ur Gong just stood just now into a deep pit sunken and burning with flames, and those imperial army and death knights who had no time to escape, also They were all stepped into the big pit together, leaving the terrifying shadow flames to burn on the ground.

"Hey, eh~! ’

‘Hey! ! ’

Soon, the five monsters were burning with raging fire, and they could be heard from the cry of bleating. They should be suffering from the monsters of boundless pain, and they trampled on the camps of the Imperial Army one by one. The tents of the Imperial Army and the Sorcerer Nation flattened each formation, and after trampled to death and burned countless death knights and elite soldiers of the Empire, they wailed and crashed to the ground one after another. In the distance, the place where the dead army belonged to the Imperial Army and the Sorcerer Nation was plunged into a huge sea of ​​flames that suddenly exploded!

Sorcerer King Ainz Ur Gong’s supernatural magic, the'tribute to the dark goddess Feng Rang' and the summoned alien divine creature'black goat' cub, were just used by a little girl A few'fragmenting fires' and a fear technique are easily cracked!

Moreover, it doesn’t count as if it was cracked, she directly countered it, allowing the creatures they summoned to destroy their army, so that they also personally tasted the pain and fear that the kingdom of Riyestij had just suffered. ...

‘! ! ’


‘What’s going on here? ’


‘This is a victory? ! ’

'do not know……'

‘But father, I think maybe we don’t have to rush to escape now, because the enemy has almost been wiped out...’


"I saw it too..."

Looking at the raging fire in the enemy camp in the distance, a terrifying scene like apocalypse, and just now still discussing whether to escape, King Lambosa III and Golden Princess of the Kingdom of Riyestige looked at each other. , He talked to himself like a whisper, and couldn't believe that things suddenly turned to such a point!

Just now, it was obviously that the army of their kingdom was chased by those terrible monsters and killed more than half of them casually. But now, in the blink of an eye, those monsters burned up and turned back directly, and they stepped on immediately regardless The camp of the Ping Empire Army and the Sorcerer Nation, while still pursuing frantically, set them on fire?

Like this, the people in their big tent don’t know what’s going on, they just feel like they are dreaming...

‘! ! ’

‘Your Majesty, and the princess, look, over there! ’

Finally, a sharp-eyed soldier in the big tent passed through the place where the anomaly first appeared, and through the gestures of the soldiers who stopped and stopped looking up towards the sky and cheering, they found something wrong.

'that is……'

'what! I saw it too, father! That is our reinforcements, that is the dragon mage Anne Hasta! ’

"So it's her? ’

"No wonder..."

‘What’s the matter, father, you seem to be upset? ’

'Ah! ’

‘It’s nothing, Lana, I’m not upset, I’m fine now...’

Ramboza III didn't know whether he should be happy or not.

Because, he suddenly discovered that the world seems to have changed suddenly...under the condition that one person can change a battle, one person can destroy an army, and even one person can destroy a country. What will the future of these powerful people look like?

In that kind of situation, he really dare not imagine...

After all, today's painful facts have proved to him and all the people of the world: in the face of that kind of terrible existence like gods, their power, status, army, etc., are so ridiculous and not worth mentioning!

What they have always been proud of and pursued in their life, in the eyes of that kind of person, is it a plaything that can be easily destroyed or robbed by flipping or covering their hands?

‘! ! ’

‘Fighter, why are you here? ’

At this time, suddenly rushed in from outside a strong man wearing a gorgeous armor, but looking slightly embarrassed.

‘Geff, you are here...’

‘Why, do you want me to order to counterattack the empire? ’

Seeing someone coming to him to salute, Ramboza III laughed bitterly without waiting for him to speak.

‘Counterattack? ’

'Do not! Your Majesty, the soldiers have suffered heavy losses now, most of them have escaped, and the rest are completely out of the establishment. Now we can no longer counterattack! ! ’

Gurdjieff actually wanted to say that if it wasn't for the little girl who came at a critical time and tried to turn the tide, and gave the imperial army and the magician nation a good-looking, and also made the imperial army collapsed and wounded, I am afraid now They might die so badly, what would they use to counterattack in such an extremely chaotic state?

'His Majesty! ’

‘Although the imperial army suffered heavy casualties, almost the entire army has been wiped out... But I still ask you to order: Please retreat! ’

‘Now this kind of war can no longer be controlled by people like us! ’

At this time, the state of the two sides is basically the end of both losers, and, obviously, their Kingdom of Yestij is a bit more miserable!

According to the warrior commander Ge Gefu's own judgment, the two hundred and forty thousand troops brought by them may not be left in 100,000 now! This kind of miserable defeat without a winner, apart from hurriedly returning to each house to lick the wound, he really couldn't think of a better idea.


'is it? ’

‘If you are going to retreat, then, I’ll leave it to you! ’

Seeing that the other party wanted to issue an order to retreat by himself rather than a ridiculous counterattack, Ramboza III looked outside the tent and did not insist, but sighed quietly, and then retreated after a sigh of relief. I'll leave it to the other party for all related matters.

'Yes! ’

‘I’m going to gather the ruined soldiers and clean the battlefield right now. Your Majesty, you and the princess also make preparations early. There may be danger here. We must retreat to Ye Lantil City as soon as possible! ’

After speaking, the authorized warrior chief Ge Gefu threw off his cloak and hurriedly ran out of the big tent.

It didn’t take long for the screaming horns to sound outside the big tent, and then the kingdom’s armies that ran to throw away their armor and armor began to grieve in the flames of the Imperial Army and the Magic State camp in the distance. Withdrawing troops, hastily ended this battle that was like a nightmare for them.

Although the kingdom of Riestije basically won this weird battle that was nothing good for them except for fright and fear, but they were more dead than the Imperial Army There is no substantial benefit beyond getting more and paying more!

Of course, it doesn’t seem to be said that there is no benefit at all. At least, they crushed the conspiracy and force intimidation of the Bajas Empire and the Sorcerer Nation, and showed the world that their Riestige Kingdom also resisted the Sorcerer Nation. The strength of that horror lord Ainz Ur Gong?

As for what kind of changes this war will bring to the world, or what kind of thoughts and reactions countries will have, it is temporarily unknown...


?(ψ`╭╮′)o~?←See? Will you give me a ticket?

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