Shadow Bear Tibbers’ Plane Journey

Chapter 1223: Anakin, what about the bug you raised before (...

Ten years after the Battle of Naboo, the galaxy is once again on the brink of civil war...

Although the Galactic Republic used to avoid greater chaos in the galaxy because of the sudden appearance of the "Hero Federation" and the "Great Republic Army", it launched a targeted and violent attack on the rioting trade alliance, but it is also because of that. General Nova and his powerful army have not been able to completely defeat and annihilate the rebels, so the galaxy is still in turmoil today.

Especially when the heroic federation army located on Naboo, that is, the'Great Republic Army' suddenly chose to retreat without knowing why, the relationship between the various factions within the Galactic Republic and the entire Galactic Council gradually became more chaotic and chaotic. It became more subtle.

Nowadays, after learning of the sudden withdrawal of the troops of the Hero Federation, apart from the remnants of the Trade Alliance who have begun to frequently operate in the border areas, there is also the difficult Earl Dooku, the former Jedi that has not yet been eliminated. It became active again and gathered at least thousands of galaxies and expanded its army and threatened to leave the Galactic Republic.

Anyway, the current Galactic Republic has a lot of internal and external troubles and wind and rain, which means that...

However, the kind of things that high-level people and big men need to consider and play with has nothing to do with Anakin, because, although after ten years, he has grown into a tall and handsome young man, but now he is still just a guy. The little guy, just a very ordinary Jedi apprentice, still needs to honestly train him in the Jedi Temple, the Jedi courses that can't be learned, then the things in the Great Galactic Republic and the galaxy must be his turn. This inconspicuous little figure is gesticulating.

‘Here! ’

‘Anakin, concentrate, come again! ! ’

'note! ’

At this time, Anakin is training with his brother, the Jedi Knight Obi-Wan, who is also the same as him, with the lightsaber in a quiet room, and both are you. I fought fiercely.



Huh! !

‘! ! ’

‘Ah~! ’

Soon afterwards, I don’t know why. Anakin, who was able to play with Obi-Wan for at least ten or twenty minutes without losing, was so rare today that he was beaten by Obi-Wan. Flew the lightsaber, and then easily held the throat with the blue lightsaber that exudes heat?


"Huh! Okay, Anakin, you don’t have to practice anymore today! Also, I found... your recent training seems to be getting a little more inattentive... Let’s talk about it, what happened? Are you absent-minded all day?"

I turned off the switch of the lightsaber made by Kaiber crystal, which had not changed much for thousands of years, and the plasma blade confined by the magnetic field disappeared instantly and turned back into a cylinder. In fact, after the seemingly plain hilt, Obi-Wan asked with some dissatisfaction.

"Do not……"

"Nothing, I just... I just feel a little uncomfortable..."

"Yes, just a little uncomfortable!"

Seeing Obi-Wan's worried look at him, Anakin opened his mouth and hesitated for a while, and finally stubbornly did not choose to confess to him.

Because he is no longer a kid, he is reluctant to talk to outsiders easily, especially to Obi-Wan! Because, once it is said, it is very likely that Teacher Qui-Gang Jin or the Jedi elders will know that at that time, they will have to drag themselves to class or ideological counseling.

He hates that kind of thing, and he is so determined that he doesn’t tell anyone, and even hides it in his heart with the force. Even the cunning Master Yoda can’t easily spy on him. …At the same time, he himself tried his best to avoid and reduce the number of face-to-face contact with the Force masters.


"Don't try to deceive a Jedi Knight! Although I have not been rated as a Master of Force, I am much stronger than you! And now, the Force tells me that you are trying to hide something from me , You didn't tell the truth, did you?"

Obi-Wan stared at Anakin's eyes and questioned, until the other side avoided his sight, he continued to persuade:

"Say it!"

"Tell me, what are you worrying about or worrying about?"

Since today's training course can no longer continue, then Obi-Wan decided to give his junior brother a good tutorial first?

After all, under the premise that their master Kuigang Jin has not had much time, Anakin has been instructed by him for many years, and now, since the other party has something in his heart and it is so serious that it can no longer proceed normally. Strength training, then he, as the elder brother, must definitely ask more questions.

"It's nothing……"


Anakin appeared to be a little evasive, and what he said, let alone Obi-Wan, seemed to find it hard to believe it himself?


"But Obi-Wan, I heard...the people of the Heroic Federation don't seem to care about the Galaxy Council. They not only recalled the representatives of the councilors, but now even all the troops are withdrawn and disappeared. I said right?"

In order to prevent the other party from arguing with him about the thing that made him anxious but was reluctant to bring it up, Anakin thought for a while, and quickly brought the topic to the Hero Federation and those who didn’t know why they withdrew suddenly. On the powerful fleet.


"Why did you suddenly ask this... Did you just think about such boring things?!"

Obi-Wan looked at Anakin a little more in surprise, wondering why the other party suddenly asked about this kind of thing.


"I know that I don't know a lot..."

"However, what you said is not wrong, I have also heard... In fact, since the little guy we knew disappeared ten years ago, what we all know is their little head Anne... After the little guy disappeared, they didn't know why they began to shrink their forces. Now, it is said that except for an office with only one robot in Naboo, all the fleet and army have been evacuated. Knowing where they went is as if no one knew where they came from?"

Obi-Wan shrugged his shoulders. He has heard their teachers and the Force masters and elders discuss this matter many times. In fact, the chaos in the Galactic Republic has something to do with the irresponsible evacuation of the other party. relationship?

Anyway, Obi-Wan has thought more than once, if the opponent is still there, with the opponent’s powerful fleet, with the “Great Republic Army” and the now growing “Second Republic Army”, their galaxy Surely the Republic will not fall to such a bad state as it is now?


"Anyway, that's a very strange country. They are mysterious and powerful..."

But in any case, the fact is that the other party did indeed withdraw all personnel and troops. Although it was not very responsible, it was a matter of other people’s family, or something happened in the other’s country, so it had to retreat?

But that's someone else's business, and their Jedi Committee or the Galaxy Council certainly can't control it so broadly!

Fortunately, although they do not have the powerful'Great Republic Army' composed of the fleet of the Hero Federation, they still have the current Supreme Speaker of the Galactic Republic, dedicated to solving the problem of separatism through diplomatic means, Lord Palpatine. The founding of the'Second Republic Army' has such an increasingly powerful army. It is certainly not a big problem to maintain the security and stability of the Galactic Republic.

"That's it, it's true..."

Although I already knew some clues, now after confirming the authenticity of the news from Obi-Wan again, a hint of inexplicable color flashed in the depths of Anakin’s eyes involuntarily, and it took a while. Pretending to be the first time he heard the news, he nodded dumbly.


"It's weird... Anakin, you suddenly asked what is this thing about? Is it related to your tendency to be distracted lately?"

Seeing that the opponent's face suddenly improved a lot, Obi-Wan felt a little puzzled and confused, so he leaned forward and asked in a strange whisper.


"No! No, nothing!!!"

Anakin hurriedly waved his hands, while avoiding the temptation in the opponent's eyes, he hurriedly shook his head in denial.

"I always think that you guy is a bit weird recently, and I don't know what I'm doing when I run out all day..."

"However, since you look better now, let's continue training!"

Although he still subconsciously thinks that Anakin must be hiding something from himself, since the other party is unwilling to say it, Obi-Wan is not good to continue to ask questions. He can only walk aside, pick up Anakin and just drop to the ground He threw his lightsaber into the opponent's hand, and signaled the opponent to continue to cheer up, and finish the training course today.



Soon, Anakin, who took the lightsaber, was the same as Obi-Wan. After the light blue magnetically confined plasma light blade was ejected, you came and slashed the war again.



‘Obi-Wan? ’

'Well? what happened? ’

‘Can I ask you something? ’

‘What is it, let’s talk about it! But I can't guarantee that I will promise you! ’


After the two fought for a while, Anakin, who unconsciously slowed down the rhythm, pleaded again, but unfortunately did not get Obi-Wan’s affirmative answer.

Cang! !

Huh! !

'Is such that……'


‘I dreamed of my mother last night. She is suffering from Tatooine. So, Obi-Wan, can you talk to the teacher or the elders and give me a time off? ’

‘! ! ’

‘Are you dreaming? wrong! Anakin, you want to go to Tatooine to save your mother? ! ’

'Yes! ’

‘Are you crazy? Do you think the elders will promise you? ! ’


‘Okay, then I’ll ask you, what do you want to do to kill those slave owners and take back your mother? ’

'Do not……'

‘In the past ten years, I have saved a lot of money. I can redeem her in a peaceful way, just like when the teacher redeemed me. If it’s not enough, maybe I will ask you to borrow some more? ’

'do not! Don't! ’

‘Anakin, I really have no money and no savings! My credit points are all the amount spent this month and the next. You don't know this thing! ’

Huh! !

Zi~! !

The two were just chatting while fighting and training. At the same time, Obi-Wan also strictly rejected some of the other party’s ideas of borrowing money that he shouldn’t have before he took advantage of a wrong chance to give Anakin to After tripping, he continued and said:

‘Anakin, it’s not that I want to hit you...’

‘Let’s put it this way, if you dare to ask the elders for the reason just now, I promise you that they will not agree! As you know, a potential Jedi usually starts training when they are babies, and all their connections with their previous family life will be completely cut off from the beginning of training, except for you! ’

‘Although it’s cruel, I still want to persuade you to let go...’

‘You and I know that you are not dreaming at all, you can’t let go, that kind of feeling will become a burden to you! ’

嚓~! !

Obi-Wan just finished speaking, Anakin was distracted, and the lightsaber was blown away again...

'Do not! ’

"Obi-Wan, I am very clear and sober, I know my identity, but the force is the force, I am me, you are you, my mother is my mother... In this world, no one is superfluous Yes, there is no burden of who is who! ’Romance 888

‘If humans have no feelings, how is it different from animals? ! ’

'you! ! ’


After seeing the other party’s state and thinking that he had found out the real reason why the other party was so unsatisfied recently, Obi-Wan sighed again. He didn’t know what to say when he saw the other party getting up and looking a little slouched What should I order?


‘Then do it! ’

‘If you go and tell the elders to ask for leave to visit and rescue your mother, they will definitely not allow that kind of thing! Maybe I can tell Teacher Qui-Gang Jin and the elders, take you out to experience and understand the Force for a period of time? ’

'Although for you, that kind of training is a little bit earlier, but I have always been in charge of your training. If I applied for it, Mr. Qui-Gang Jin and the elders would certainly not doubt too much. Many! ’

Seeing the frustration of the other party, Obi-Wan soon came up with a good idea to deceive the top and the bottom. After all, he himself has never been the kind of stubborn and unreasonable guy, and he also thinks that it has been ten years. , It's time for Anakin to return to Tatooine, otherwise this state of the other party is not a way.

'Great! ’

‘Thank you, Brother Obi-Wan! Really, I will always remember everything you did for me! ’

'OK OK! ’

‘I’m not sure if it will work, hurry up, concentrate, let’s keep practicing! ’

'Yes! ! ’

'remember! Do not indulge in lust, be quiet and clear! ’

'understand! ’



'too slow! ’

‘Anakin, did you not eat? ! ’

'Sorry! ’

‘I don’t need your apology, I want you to be faster! ’

'Yes! ! ! ’

Zizi~! !

Soon, in this quiet room of the Jedi Temple, Obi-Wan and Anakin once again began to practice against each other, and Anakin, who had temporarily untied his knot, finally did not No matter how distracted, he actually faced Obi-Wan in an offensive and receptive battle for more than ten minutes. There was no more incident of being beaten with a lightsaber or knocked down because of the distraction.


When you come to practice, Anakin will not tell Obi-Wan: The reason why he is distracted is that there is another secret, a huge secret, a secret that he does not want to tell anyone. !

And now, he felt that it was time to implement his plan...

For this, he was already a little impatient!

However, before that, he still intends to save his mother who has been haunting him and is likely to be really suffering, and then he will slowly carry out his crazy plan without any distractions.

'correct! ’

‘Anakin, where’s the bug you raised before? ’

‘! ! ’

‘O, Obi-Wan, why are you asking about it? ’

‘Because I suddenly remembered that I haven’t seen it for almost a year. Although it’s a bit ugly and eats a lot, it’s at least smart. ’


'what happened? Could it be that you brought it to death? ’

'That’s not true. I just think it’s getting bigger and bigger, and it’s not suitable to be placed in the Jedi Temple, so I put it on the bottom of Coruscant planet. It likes the humid and dark environment there. , There is no need for me to feed it again...'

"Is that so? ’

‘Obi-Wan, are you going to see it with me? ’

'Do not! No need! I will never go to the bottom of the Coruscant planet easily, it is too bad, I am afraid that only your disgusting bug will like it! ’

'is it? That's a shame...’

When you came and went to attack, Anakin couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief when he heard Obi-Wan just ask casually and didn't have any other thoughts at all, and didn't want to trouble with that ‘bug’.

In the evening...

Under the sunlight of this setting sun, a strange silver light is reflected, like a metal sphere like the planet Coruscant, the capital of the Milky Way Republic. On the surface of the planet Coruscant, the city transportation network extends in all directions and the endless upwards reach the atmosphere. At the bottom of the skyscraper, in the bottomless and obscure lower area of ​​the underground world that stretches deeply into the dark shadows, the Jedi apprentice who has completed his day’s training is riding in his transportation. Shuttle down layer by layer.

At the bottom of the planet of Coruscant, there is an evil abyss of urban poor as the main body, full of crime and violence...

Fortunately, Anakin was unimpeded all the way, because no one would be tired of embarrassing a Jedi riding a suspended vehicle with a lightsaber on his waist and a calm face, even if the other party is just a Jedi apprentice!

And at the bottom of the 5127-layer ‘crust’, the minus one to minus N levels below that bottom, are places where even the poorest poor will not set foot...

Because there are planetary sewers and circulation areas where only some ugly shadow creatures survive!

At this time, Anakin, the apprentice of the Jedi Temple, took advantage of the free time to quietly avoid the sight of some maggot-like monster aliens and poor people at the bottom, quietly came here, and stopped. Vehicles, after walking through those areas that are monitored by non-intelligent cleaning robots, which are inaccessible to ordinary people, they come to some of the deeper ones that have been abandoned. I don’t know how many centuries and the fingers are out of sight, dark, and there is no light at all. Layers of crust, and finally saw his precious bugs again.

Yes, it is his Anakin bugs!

Because, at this time, his ugly bug that was greeted by Obi-Wan during the day, after a year of breeding, is no longer one, but...

An entire ethnic group! !

‘! ! ’

‘Sizzle~! ! ’


With the arrival of Anakin, in the darkness in the distance, zipper, hydrangeas, worker bees, etc. spread to his side instantly like a tide, sending out bursts of rustling and rustling. At the same time as the weird scream of'howl', the eyes that glowed with faint red energy were also staring at him.

However, surprisingly, Anakin did not show the slightest fear at all. Instead, he smiled and stretched out his hand, gently patting the alien-like ugly and ugly head of the Hydralisk in front of him. , And let the other party rub against him?

Because, he is not here for the first time, he knows their changes and their approximate scale, it will be a number that will make people on Coruscant feel scared and afraid! But those people don't need to be afraid now. After all, Anakin is not here to give them an order to attack, and it is not the time for them to appear on Coruscant.

"I am also very happy to meet you, my children..."

"I'm very relieved!"

Anakin looked up, and in the distance, there were more, densely packed allosaurus lying on the top of the "crust", zipper worms, blasting worms, eyeworms, cockroaches and even huge and ferocious ones. Thunder beast, etc...

Of course, in addition to the innumerable numbers, I don’t know how many trillions of insect swarms there are. There are also mushroom blankets, hatcheries, split ponds, evolution chambers, worm dens, and main nests. Huge and hideous, biological building not much smaller than the Jedi Temple!


"Okay! I know you guys are doing well!"

"However, I still want to order you to continue lurking here, waiting for my order, so that no one can find out, or anyone who finds you can leave alive, do you understand?!"


Seeing with satisfaction at the army of terrifying creatures that was originally developed by a small bug that a little girl gave to him, Anakin nodded with some satisfaction and laughed.

Now, he finally deeply understood the words of the little girl, head Anne, who gave the larva to him: As long as you keep it well, you can make sure that you will have what you want in the future!

Look now, isn't this what he wants?

As long as he is willing, as long as he gives an order, he can instantly become the master of this planet of Coruscant, and become the most powerful person on this planet!


He wants more than just those, he wants more... So, he is not in a hurry, he needs to arrange them slowly, and continue to raise them well, until he feels that the time is right, he will make them public. The relationship between him and them!

At that time, everything will belong to him, and it can only be his! !


"Master Anakin..."

Following Anakin's order, a worm that had evolved a hideous face not far in front of him responded and bowed its head.

Hearing Anakin’s order to continue lurking, she was a little disappointed...because they were already prepared to conquer the planet Coruscant and grow at the fastest speed, but since it is Ah After Master Nakin's order, she still had to bow her head obediently, indicating that she would accept the order that made her feel uncomfortable.


"Now, tell me, how is the Force research going?"

After waving his hands to disperse the swarms of worms who warmly welcomed him, Anakin followed the queen who was much larger than himself while walking forward on the fungus blanket, while inspecting his growing larger and larger one. Swarm and underground base.

‘Progress is fast...’

'Master Anakin, through the DNA you provided and the DNA genetic information of other Force masters, we have initially mastered certain skills in the use of the Force, which can make our swarms have more powerful damage, Perception ability, camouflage and invisibility ability, stronger biological shield, more efficient self-repair speed, faster movement speed, mental ability to intimidate enemies, stronger fighting will, and mental superpowers for various purposes, etc... '

'However, Master, the scope of application of the Force is too wide. We are still under preliminary research. Moreover, it takes a lot of energy to evolve the Force. Our Swarm is now very lack of energy, so Selectively let a small part of the elite advance into the original force...'

‘We need more energy now, or let’s move to the next level? ’

Being ordered to stay dormant in this layer all the time makes the queen responsible for command and dispatch feel very uncomfortable. Therefore, she is eager to develop upwards in order to obtain more energy and resources, even if a bunch can provide Ugly maggots of carnivorous and bio-energy are also good.

"Not urgent!"

"Your main task now is development and dormancy. If you don't have enough energy, then slowly study and a small amount of evolution. Believe me, you will have the opportunity to leave the bottom of this planet!"

"Now, hatch a few larvae for me, remember to have a smaller one, I will take it away soon!"

After refusing the other party's request to advance to the next Anakin suddenly stopped in front of an incubation scene that looked bigger and taller than the Jedi Temple, and reached out to touch the creep He smiled and gave the order after he and the outer wall of the stratum corneum with a cold touch, and said his main purpose for coming here.


‘Master Anakin, please wait a moment, the mini larvae will start to produce, they will hatch soon and be sent to you...’

Nodded, the queen didn’t ask the other party why he hated the small larvae. She just turned around and moved towards the few spherical small ones that were only the size of human fists and were creeping crazily. The pupa crawled over.

Soon, those little pupae burst open. After exploding a tuft of disgusting fluorescent nutrient liquid, a few bugs the size of adult fingers crawled onto the hands of the queen. She put a bio-resin bottle inside and screwed the lid.

"Master Anakin..."

‘The larva you want is ready...’


? Larva ask for a ticket?

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