Shadow Bear Tibbers’ Plane Journey

Chapter 1231: A peep from a distant plane|????...

The Jedi Temple, in the circular meeting room of one of the outer spires, the leadership of the Jedi Order, that includes twelve powerful Jedi masters such as Metz Windu and Master Yoda. Members of the elders are speaking to the three masters and apprentices of Qui-Gon King, Obi-Wan Kenobi, and Anakin Skywalker standing in the middle of the circular meeting room.

After all, Anakin only performed a mission of escort, and he caused troubles and pushed the Jedi Knights to the cusp of public opinion in the galaxy. As the elders of the Jedi Council, they affirmed this kind of major event. I want to ask.

  Because of that, they summoned the opponent back to the Jedi Temple as soon as Anakin arrived in Coruscant, and began to inquire about the other party's important event on Tatooine.


  ‘Okay, I think we have a general understanding of the situation. ’

'Anakin, you did a good job. In that case, in order to protect Senator Padmé Amidala’s life, it is reasonable and reasonable for you to use any means and power beyond the conventional level. Although it sounds cruel and cruel...'

  ‘However, we still want to remind you: beware of the dark side of the force, don’t touch them lightly, although they do give you powerful power, they are definitely not something you can control. ’

  ‘You and Obi-Wan should go out first, do we still have something to talk to Master Qui-Gang Jin? ’

   ‘Go, may the force be with you...’

After a period of long or short replies and interrogations, I couldn’t see too much from Anakin’s body, and there really is no such thing as Master Yoda, Master Metz Windu and others who could pick out something wrong. After staring at each other and making eye contact for a while, they sighed and waved to indicate that Anakin and Obi-Wan could go out first.

They could see that the young Jedi in front of them didn't fully tell the truth to them. The other party must have some concealment. However, they couldn't see any big problems in the face-to-face interview, so they could only do so. Just a few words, it's not good to be too harsh.

'Yes! ’


Obi-Wan and Anakin did not dare to be too long-winded. They just glanced at their teacher, Qui-Gang King, and found that the other party was using a small gesture to signal them to get out, then nodded and bowed to the elders. Then all turned around and walked out quickly as if relieved.


   Obviously, Anakin knew that the situation he just described and the words of his defense did not convince the elders and did not satisfy them!

Therefore, they need to continue discussing some of his issues with his irresponsible teacher, Qui-Gang King, and they also need to avoid him... But helpless, the will of the elders of the Jedi Committee is not his little one. What his apprentice could disobey, apart from following Obi-Wan in frustration and waiting nervously for the final result of his treatment, there is really no good way.

   "Don't worry, Anakin!"

   "There won't be any big problems, don't think too much, the teacher will definitely settle it for you, and just now the elders didn't find any problems, let alone criticized you, did they?"

   "Okay! Don't think about it..."

   "You have a good rest these days, I won't arrange training programs for you for the time being, let's do this first!"

Obi-Wan really does not plan to continue to arrange training programs for Anakin, because he feels that with the exaggerated record of killing at least two or three hundred bounty hunters by his own efforts, it seems that the opponent has already Surpassed him, and he really seems to have nothing to teach?

Of course, what to do will have to wait for which of their teachers has discussed with the elders before he can learn about the next training arrangements for Anakin... Or, the elders think that Anakin’s training is enough. Maybe let the other party end their apprenticeship and become an official Jedi Knight?

Anyway, Obi-Wan feels that Anakin’s current strength is definitely able to be a teacher... In his opinion, even if he is responsible for protecting the Senator Padmé himself, it is extremely disadvantageous to be surrounded. Under the circumstances, he would never be able to wipe out all the bounty hunters who attacked by one person like the other person, and he successfully grabbed a spaceship, and finally escorted Padmé safely. Back to Coruscant!

   The deeds that ignited public opinion and legendary deeds must be enough to make those bounty hunters in the galaxy whose minds are slightly sober to take the initiative to retreat when they hear the name ‘Anakin Skywalker’!

try{mad1(\'gad2\');}catch(ex){}   "You go to rest first, no one will blame you, and don't have any psychological burden, or you can go out and drink two glasses for a relaxing time? "

"I'm going to work on some of my things first, you know, the elders asked me to investigate the attack on the Royal Naboo ship two days ago. I need to find out those guys who hide their heads and show their tails, or Padmé The senator may still be in danger!"

   "See you later, Anakin..."

After comforting the other party and finishing speaking, Obi-Wan patted Anakin on the shoulder again, then turned and walked quickly to the distance of the corridor of the Jedi Temple, preparing to do his own equally important tasks. go with.



   "I'm just free now, do I need to help you?"

  ‘No need! ’

  ‘Boy, you are the one I handed over. Do you think my teacher will be worse than you? You should take care of yourself first! ’


Looking at Obi-Wan’s relaxed back, waving his hand away, and then turning to look at the Jedi elders meeting room behind him where the door has been closed, I couldn’t hear what the people inside were saying, and I didn’t dare to use the force to spy After thinking about it for a while, Anakin could only hurry under the outer spire in frustration.


   Anakin felt that it would not work to continue like this.

Because those elders put him under too much pressure... Especially the Master Yoda, he always felt that the other party seemed to see through him, and every time he looked at him, he always felt a little frightened and frightened him. Not at ease!

  Although the other party doesn't have much evidence, and he may not really be able to see through him, he only knows that if he continues to stay here in the Jedi Temple, he may show up at some point! Therefore, he must think of other ways.

   Besides, he can see it clearly. The identity of a Jedi apprentice who has always been so controlled by others and can't even move freely is very unfavorable to some of his plans! However, he couldn't think of a good way in a short time, and he still needs the identity of a Jedi Knight to provide him with some convenience. Therefore, after thinking about it, he seems to have no good way, and he can only continue temporarily. Just take one step at a time like this?



   "Forget it, go see Padmé and see how she is now..."

   Soon, when Anakin Kong, who took the suspended elevator in the tower of the Jedi Temple, came to the tarmac, wanted to find a car to see Padmé, he suddenly stopped again.

   can't do it!

Because he thought about it, he felt that he shouldn’t visit Padmé so quickly. After all, they had just arrived in Coruscant. If he went to see each other in such a hurry on the first day, he might be noticed. Something is wrong and might cause unnecessary trouble for him and Padmé?

Therefore, he hesitated again and again, and finally decided: first go to the negative N layer of Coruscant planet to see his Zero Swarm, and see how they are progressing in the research of the Force. After all, it is related to Some of his next plans are the top priority!

Presumably, Anakin found an open-top high-speed suspension car, and then directly activated it with the identity of a Jedi Knight, and made it float up and down directly, moving towards the densely densely packed distant ones. The traffic roared towards...


What Anakin didn’t know was that when he sneaked in that hovering vehicle straight to the bottom of Coruscant and was about to visit his treasured insect swarms, he was working in a heroic federation far away in Naboo. Inside, a housekeeping robot that seemed to have no special etiquette suddenly left the counter of the office, walked stiffly into a secret room, and after closing the wooden door of the secret room, lightly tapped a certain metal chair. Let it instantly turn into a water-like silver substance and spread and airtightly seal the entire room. After completely eliminating any possibility of being snooped, it suddenly revealed a certain magic that can be directly connected to the Kepulu region. Communication equipment.

  ‘Zizi~! ’

  ‘Oh, it’s you...what's the matter, has something happened? ’

Then, after the robot stepped forward and operated it for a while, the instrument popped up a holographic communication screen, and what appeared in it appeared in the galaxy ten years ago and saved Naboo and severely damaged the trade alliance. She also used extremely tough means to persecute the Galactic Council and successfully obtained the seat of a high-ranking member of the Federation, the tough female admiral Nova Terra!

try{mad1(\'gad2\');}catch(ex){}   Of course, the other party is also the commander-in-chief of the'Great Republic Army' that has long since disappeared, and there is not even a warship and a soldier left. .

  ’Report! ’

  ‘A swarm of insects were detected on Coruscant, Tatooine, and Naboo, so the first action order was triggered! ’

  ‘According to the instructions, the etiquette robot number YXLB-C-3PO was authorized to make this call...’

  ‘My Excellency Nova, what is your order? ’

   After seeing that the communication was connected, the robot used stiff movements and electronically synthesized sounds without too many verbal particles to report and ask questions.

'Well? ’

  ‘Let me see first, your time there...’

  ‘Hey! It's been so long, they haven't started to move until now, haven't they launched any attacks yet? ’

   The Nova that appeared in the holographic image was taken aback first, and then when she finally remembered something, she hurriedly picked up a device and started to check it. After a while, she asked the ceremonial robot who contacted her strangely.

  ‘Yes, Lord Nova. ’

'We have detected that they have been lurking and active in the dark. Among them, Coruscant's swarm has the largest scale and its number has reached tens of billions. Tatooine's swarm has developed relatively slowly, and the current number is less than one million. The star's insect swarm has exceeded tens of millions of scales, but so far, they have not found any signs of actively launching an attack. ’

   Hearing the officer Nova’s question, the robot answered honestly. Although all relevant information and data had been transmitted when the communication was first connected, its logical intelligence program would not consider that much.

'Ah! interesting! ’

  ‘It seems that the kid is still not courageous enough...or, he himself hasn’t realized what kind of power he has in his hands? Forget it, don't care about him, anyway, you can continue to monitor, and contact me when you reach the trigger point of the next original instruction. ’

  ‘Others, just record it. ’

  ‘Just hope, that little guy, don’t let us wait too long, right? If it weren’t for you to contact me, I might have almost forgotten about this...’

   After reading a brief description of a piece of information in her hand that recorded various data, Nova was somewhat noncommittal, but she just threw it aside and stretched lazily and smiled.

  ‘Hey! ’

  ’ has started to record the content of the call and memo, and will contact Admiral Nova as soon as the starting point of the next instruction is reached! ’

  ‘Recorded! ’

  The robot reported and saved some of Nova's words as the trigger point for the next contact.


'Humph! ’

   ‘Naboo’s technology is just like that, what idiot robot, I knew I should use a fire source to transform it...’

   Nova began to mutter to herself with some annoyance, apparently not too satisfied with the robot she bought from the capital of Naboo and left behind?

  ‘Your Excellency Nova! ’

  ‘What else do you have to order? ’

   The robot didn't know what the "fire source" that Nova said was because it didn't seem to have that word in its database, so it asked again with some doubts.

  ‘No more! ’

  ‘Remember what I just said, wait until the next command is triggered before contacting me. In the meantime, if anyone asks you about the Federation, don’t reply, just say don’t know, do you understand? ’

After finishing speaking, Nova did not wait for the other party to answer, she directly closed the communication, making her holographic image disappear instantly, and then the liquid metal around the secret room also began to shrink, and soon became a very ordinary metal chair Look like.


  ‘Hey! ’

  ‘The ceremonial robot number YXLB-C-3PO received the order and will not reply to anyone about the Federation...’



  ? Ask for a ticket?

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