Shadow Bear Tibbers’ Plane Journey

Chapter 1241: Dark Lord Shiv Palpatine

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boom! !


‘! ! ’

'fast! Stop them! ’

‘Here! ’

'not good! ! ’

Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh~!

boom! boom! !


‘Uh~! ’

‘! ! ’

‘Damn it! Everyone, retreat! ! ’


In the speaker’s residence and the office building of some of the congressmen, those violent explosions, shootings, and the screams of the people kept growing louder and louder. Obviously, you don’t need to think about it. The battle has spread to this central building that is extremely important to the Galactic Republic.

However, although someone inside had heard those movements a long time ago, he didn't seem to care much, and still sat in his place?


At this time, in an office on the top floor, Shiv Palpatine, the Supreme Speaker of the Galactic Republic, or the old man who can already be said to be Darth Sidious, Lord of the Dark Sith, was silently Sitting in his office of the highest speaker, he looked back at the door from the direction of the outside that took place on the Coruscant planet and the fierce battle on the sky and orbit of the planet, and there was no such thing as destroying the buildings in this building. Keep things in mind.

Although things had developed to such an extent, it was a bit beyond his surprise, but at least everything for now was still in his grasp.

Although his disciple, Count Dooku, that is, Darth Terranas, seemed to understand the way of the Sith, and had the courage to gather the separatist alliance and trade alliance guys to attack him, but , But he is not in a hurry, because he firmly believes that the final victory will be him!

Because, now that he has issued orders to the clone army in the nearby galaxy, the large-scale army will soon return to Coruscant, and then the traitors who are being evenly attacked by his army will be able to be attacked. The fleet is wiped out!

As for the traitors and the guys who are creating riots in various parts of the Coruscant planet, they are not a big trouble. At best, those people can only take advantage of the fire and rob them, and they are destined to be no climate.

In this regard, he is very confident! Because, everything is still temporarily under his control.


At the moment, he is not completely free of any trouble, such as... the Jedi Temple that can not be attacked for a long time and... those who do not know when they sneak out of the chaos and are conducting a raid on his Supreme Speaker's residence and office. Those **** Jedi Knights?


boom! !


With the bursts of sparks and the roar of the metal door exploding and falling to the ground, the Supreme Speaker Schiff Palpatine finally opened his eyes suddenly and turned the speaker’s automatic seat. The door direction of this spacious office.

Then he saw that Master Mes Windu, the elder of the Jedi Council, took Master Gallia, Master Mundi, Master Qui-Gang King, and Obi-Wan, and... he was the most optimistic, but he did not have time. The arranged young Jedi Knight Anakin Skywalker and a group of people, holding lightsabers of different colors, rushed in towards his office with a gloomy face, and by the way, took two clones in his office. The soldiers chopped into several pieces.

"It's Master Mace Windu..."

"Since you have all come here, I guess, the two hundred clone soldiers that I assigned to defend General Gephy and them have been wiped out by you, right?"

"I know you will come, but..."

"I didn't expect you to come so fast?"

Seeing the six Jedi knights who were automatically dispersed when they walked into the office, surrounded by a faint semicircular formation, even Shif Palpatine, the Lord of the Sith, couldn’t help feeling a little bit. anxious.

He knew that if he couldn't beat the guys who came to the door today, then all his previous plans and arrangements would probably fall short!

It's a pity, things changed so fast, he didn't have time to slowly arrange...

Moreover, I don’t know what the madness of Dooku and Newt Gunley of the Trade Union was, but they were beaten by an alien fleet who didn’t know what race they were and lost Onosis again. The broken planet is just that, they thought it was done by themselves, and even launched a raid on Coruscant, and it seemed that they were really determined to want to make a fake show, should they be an enemy of him?

But those things are not important now, he must first solve the problems in front of him, otherwise, his so many years of hard work and layout will be wasted!

"Schiff Palpatine!"

"Or should you be called Darth Sidious Lord of the Sith?"

"Now, on behalf of the Galactic Republic and the Senate, I declare: You have been arrested, hurry up and catch it!!"

Master Metz Windu didn't talk about the opponent, he directly held the purple lightsaber in his hand, and then cooperated with the masters around him, step by step toward the opponent.

Although Yoda, the strongest of the Jedi Order, did not follow, there are now a full six of them on the Jedi Knights side. They are six to one, and there are four top masters. They should still deal with a Sith Lord. No problem!


"On behalf of the Republic and the Senate? If I am not mistaken, I, Schiff Palpatine, is the highest speaker of the Galactic Republic. I myself represent the will of the Republic and the Senate!"

"And you..."

"Coming here is a betrayal of the Republic!!"

Schiff Palpatine slowly stood up and mocked, and with a wave of his hand, a delicate lightsaber with a red plasma beam blade popped out.

"It used to be, but now your true face has been exposed to the world, and you are no longer the highest speaker of our Galactic Republic!"

"Everyone go up together! Take him down!"

Having reached this point, and seeing that the other party did indeed take out the red lightsaber that symbolized Lord Sith, Master Metz Windu had no worries anymore, and directly shouted out to make Qui-Gang next to him. ·After Master Jin and others cooperated with them, they took the lead to rush towards the opponent.


At this time, Anakin, who came here with a few people, saw that the highest speaker no longer pretended, and the other party seemed to be the Queen of the Sith. He did not intend to speak, and directly followed the five people. The side of the figure wearing black clothes rushed over, planning to cooperate with the Jedi masters present to besiege each other.


'what? ! ’

'So fast! ’

'not good! Master Gallia, Master Mundy, be careful! ’

‘! ! ’

‘Damn it! ’

'fast! Stop him! ! ’

‘Uh wow~! ’

'Do not! ! ! ’

What everyone, including Anakin, never expected was: The power of that Schiff Palpatine, the Dark Sith Lord, is still far beyond their imagination?

Anyway, just now they only saw each other as fast as a phantom or lightning, and then the red blade swept toward the six people, except for the fast-handed and extraordinary swordsman Maes Windu. The two of them were able to block off with Master Qui-Gang Jin, and successfully protected the slightly embarrassed Obi-Wan. At the same time, Master Galia and Master Mundy were directly given by the red light blade. Scratched across the neck and be directly killed on the spot? !



Bang! !

Because he rushed the latest, leaned back and was attacked at the end, Anakin had the most reaction time!

Therefore, he successfully and subconsciously waved the blue lightsaber in his hand to block the terrifying attack that was launched suddenly... However, even though he successfully blocked it, he was still beaten by the opponent's extremely fast speed and tremendous power. He flew out, and slammed into the metal wall of this office, and the lightsaber also rolled directly to the side.


This, so strong? !

For the first time, he looked up at the dark Sith Lord Shiv Palpatine who flashed past and returned to the table of the Speaker's Office. Anakin's eyes were full of incredible expressions.

Then, decisively, he felt that he was very dangerous at this time, and he might die if he didn't do anything, so he resolutely concentrated on it, using his original power to send a certain urgent urging order to the bottom of the planet.

"Master Qui-Gang Jin, please cooperate with me!"

"Anakin! Obi-Wan!"

"You two are cooperating with us, be careful, he is very fast! Remember, don't use your original power to perceive the location and trajectory of the evil dark power in him!"


"Don't give him time!!"

The grief-stricken Maes Windu roared, and then pointed to the savvy Obi-Wan and Anakin, who had just performed a little bit worse, and then rushed forward with Qui-Gang King again. Up.



clang! !

In this way, after losing two Jedi masters caught off guard, the four who had seriously underestimated the enemy's strength, turned around and fought with Darth Sidious, Lord of the Dark Sith. Let the blue lightsabers, purple lightsabers, green lightsabers, and red lightsabers wield the colorful "ribbons" that are not too big, but not too small, flashing in the office of the Supreme Speaker. .

Five minutes later...

‘! ! ’

‘Damn it! His power is still growing, take him down quickly! ! ’

‘Obi-Wan, be careful! ’

'on the right! ! ’

'not good! That is his force lightning! ’

‘Uh~! ’

‘Damn it! ’

‘Anakin! ’

‘Didn’t you eat today? ! ’

I saw Obi-Wan being ejected by a Force Lightning, and a certain young Jedi knight Anakin, who had high hopes of him, was knocked into the air with another sword, and the lightsaber that spun out of his hand was almost shot. I hurt my neck, I lost it again when I saw the opponent so easily, and in the end I had to let Master Qui-Gang Jin give up the opportunity to attack the enemy to rescue him. Master Mei on the side couldn’t help but hate iron. The steel ground blasted it angrily.

‘Ahem! ’

‘Master Windu, on the contrary, I think he may indeed be eating too much because of certain things. ’

Although the current Sith Lord Darth Sidious is still very strong, he has become accustomed to the opponent’s strength by hitting them, and the opponent’s dark strength is also once again After the skyrocketing, it began to decline, thinking that it was probably already the opponent’s limit, and maybe it was the end of the crossbow. Obi-Wan, who thought it might be an opportunity, teased Anakin, and once again brandished his lightsaber towards the enemy. Up.


‘Okay, Anakin, step aside first! ’

However, before rushing forward, Obi-Wan did not forget to reprimand him, letting a guy who had weakened his hands and feet after eating a certain amount of food roll aside and watch.


Anakin didn't talk back, nor did he act aggressively, but after angrily possessed and picked up his lightsaber, he stepped aside without saying a word.

He admits that his ability is indeed far worse than the three people in front of him... However, he stubbornly believes that now the world has changed, and it is no longer an era in which brave individuals and strong fighting skills can be invincible. In this regard, he is very convinced!


Wait, then!

Wait a while, it is estimated that it will not be long, these guys in front of you should know that Anakin Skywalker is amazing! Moreover, Anakin also felt that... At the moment this chaotic Coruscant, where all parties are fighting, the battle on this prosperous and beautiful planet should indeed end soon, and the capital of the Galactic Republic should not be let because of that meaninglessness. Was destroyed too much in the war?

Thinking about it, while holding a lightsaber to watch, Anakin, who was watching the battle of the four in front, slowly moved to the position beside the gate where he could attack, retreat and defend, and stood on the side so honestly. Go up, watching the four people in the field swinging lightsabers in battle, frowning and carefully observing their different fighting styles during the period.

Soon, Anakin saw that the elder Maes Windu mastered the Wapad swordsmanship that was indeed a technique that used the dark side of the Force. It was really aggressive, so much so that he The swordsmanship favors the steady teacher Qui-Gang Jin and the dexterity and novelty Obi-Wan can only cooperate with the opponent to attack and support, and then barely maintain a evenly matched state?

But...what's the use of this?

In Anakin's view, UU reading www. The strength of's personal reliance on exercise or gain is after all small. In front of some powerful creatures with extremely high biological evolution technology, the forces that their Jedi Knights have always believed in, the fibrogens in those creatures The density of the body can be easily cultivated and inspired to evolve with a bunch of nutrient solutions and certain biological signals... How can the Jedi Knights or the Sith Lord be strong, in those that can easily allow the race to gain the original power and From the perspective of the more skilled group, it is just a joke!

Perhaps, because of that, Anakin has gradually given up his heart and neglected to exercise his force in this recent period of time, and didn't fool around with Padmé in shame, right?


After looking at it, after thinking of Padmé, and seeing there seems to be nothing wrong with him, Anakin's thoughts couldn't help but diffuse.

Suddenly, he felt that he seemed to be tired of being an ordinary Jedi and working hard for people or things he didn't care about. It was time to end it all for himself and Padmé. To plan for the future.

that's it……

Unconsciously, what the four of Mes Windu, Qui-Gon King, Obi-Wan, and Darth Sidious, the Lord of the Dark Sith, are still in the midst of fighting, do not know: At this time, the galaxy The biggest enemy number one is by their side, and they are staring silently at their battle with that inexplicable look like watching a group of clowns, and wondering how to destroy everything they have between them?



The swarm is about to strike, ask for a ticket?

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