Shadow Bear Tibbers’ Plane Journey

Chapter 1250: ψ(`??)ψ's tireless pursuit of food

   Today, it is already the seventh day that Annie stayed in Ore Town in the spring of the world.

After shipping the mountain products for three days, after receiving the huge sum of money, Anne certainly did not rush to farm, but once again went to the shop of sister Lin and Uncle Dart, waving the ranch. Cards ate and drank for two full days, so that Uncle Dart was so happy that the corners of his mouth were about to split behind his ears!

Until Annie is a little tired of eating, until the other party says that they can only make those set meals, salads, apple pie, cakes and cookies, but not other dishes. If you want to eat it, you have to grow it yourself. She came out of the crops, and then cooked them according to the recipes before they could eat them, or waited until the spring food festival on the 22nd in the spring. Then she thought again about the large area of ​​her ranch that was abandoned. I don’t know. How many years of fields have come.

   So, Annie decided, she must eat those more delicious dishes, and she must plant the specialty crops of Ore Town!


Although she had made up her mind, Annie was not in a hurry to buy chickens or seeds to start farming and farming as the young lady Lin said, but to go to a mineral town that is said to have various delicious cooking methods. The library ran.


   "The northwest corner of Ore Town, the library, should it be here?"

   Soon, Annie found this big house in the northwest corner of this small mineral town, and successfully saw a description of the library on one of the house numbers:

   [Mary's Library]

   Opening time: 10:00 am

   Closing time: 4 pm

   Closed on Mondays and closed to the public.

   "That's right! It must be here!!"

  .. .:*

   Today is the seventh day of spring in this world, which is Saturday on the seventh, so today is of course the open day of the library. Therefore, after checking the time, Annie directly opened the door and walked in.


  |˙˙) Hello?

   "Is anyone here? They have come here to read!"


   However, what made Annie feel a little strange is that she opened the door and said hello and waited for a while, only to find that there was no such kind lady Mary with glasses that others said in this library? Anyway, what she saw was that the library on the first floor was quiet and there was no one. Except for the two empty desks, a counter and those bookshelves, there was nothing else, and it was impossible to hide them. Can live.

   As for the second floor...

   She just glanced at the top of the stairs, and didn't care about it. Presumably the manager lady must be up there, right?


Seeing that there was no one to receive here, Annie was not annoyed, and even more polite. She walked directly to the bookshelves full of books on the opposite wall of the reading room on the first floor, and planned to look for it by herself. Uncle Dart and Miss Sister Lin, are they here to make the kind of food?



   On the first shelf, Annie saw a book detailing the growth of crops. After thinking about it, she pulled out one and flipped through it quickly.


   Two days after sowing → enter the ① growth stage, take care for another two days → enter the harvest stage.

   The land is restored to its original condition after harvest.


   Three days after sowing → enter the growth stage, and then take care of it for four days → enter the harvest stage.

   The land is restored to its original condition after harvest.


   Four days after sowing → enter ① stage, after three days of care → enter ② flowering stage, and two more days after care → enter the harvest stage.

  Return to stage ① after harvesting. If you continue to take care of it, you can repeat the harvest until the end of the planting season or active cutting.



   Snap~! !

   "What a weird knowledge of planting, it only takes a few days to plant and you can harvest..."


Annie didn't have time to study how to plant good crops, so she didn't even think about it. After two glances, she closed the book and tucked it back on the shelf, and then walked to another shelf next to her. Once again, he drew out a book in another category.

   "Isn't that the same as the bookshelf next to it?"

   Although there were some doubts in her heart, after thinking about it, Annie took out one of them and quickly read it again:

  ☆Before cultivating crops, you need to clean up the cultivated land first, remove obstacles such as weeds, branches, and rocks, and then loosen the land with a hoe. When the land is loosened, you can formally plant seeds.


   "Damn it!"


   "What messy things, people of course know that we need to weed and **** the ground to grow things, so don't learn these useless methods!!"


   In fact, Annie is not too clear, but she can't resist her magic!

   Think about it, who is her Queen Anne?

   She is the most the most the most the most the most the most the most the most the most the most the most the most the most the most powerful arcane archmage, is the kind of real magic! Although, she is not very proficient in the druid faction and the spells of the cooing people, but as long as she wants, she only needs to use a little means to catalyze the seeds of the crops and accelerate the growth of the crops. There is no big problem!

   So, that kind of stuff, I don’t need her to watch it anymore! For Little Annie, who can pinch the world with bare hands or pinch a living person, what is so difficult about planting such simple plants?

   So, Little Annie, who thought she knew everything and knew that she was a ‘knowing the king’, arrogantly raised her small chin, tucked the book back into the shelf, and walked to another shelf next to her.

"this is……"

  "? It's this kind of mess again, what's the use of it, do people need to look at it?"

   Annie, who didn't feel interested, skipped it and walked to the fourth bookshelf...

   "...Aha! Is it that kind of fun thing?!"

   Seeing that the books on this shelf seem to be different from the boring books on other shelves, Annie hurriedly took out one of them, and she stood and flipped through it quickly with interest.


   Every year on the 18th of spring and the 18th of autumn, a horse race is held in Rose Square in Ore Town!

   On the morning before the horse race, the mayor will inform every inhabitant of the town that owners who own horses must remember to participate on time and make preparations in advance.

   It should be noted that: ponies cannot be played, only adult horses can be played...


   "It doesn't look too fun..."

Annie’s own ranch now doesn’t even have a horse. Even though the old man Mu Wei said that he would give her a foal when his mare gave birth... But now so many days have passed. She never heard the other person mention it again!

Besides, even if the other party really gave her a horse, she would definitely not be able to catch up on the 18th of Spring more than ten days later. Therefore, she was so angry that she just stuffed this book on horse racing back, and then Pulled out another one.


   Every summer on the 8th, a chicken festival is held in Rose Square in Ore Town.

  On the day before the chicken festival, Rick will inform everyone one by one that anyone who raises chickens must attend...



   "I don't have any chickens now, and it's the 8th of next month, and today is the 7th of Spring. It's still early, don't look at it!!!"



   Annie closed the book directly, shoved it back indiscriminately, and then thought for a while, and she didn't care about this shelf at all, and walked directly to the next shelf.


   "This is...? It looks like it's interesting..."



   Have you ever met a dwarf? Have you played games with them? what? Haven't encountered it yet, then look for it!

   After finding the dwarfs, make good relations with them, and then...




   "Really, people are obviously here to find the way to make the delicacies in Ore Town, but how come they look like these boring dwarfs are coming, and they can't eat them. What do they do?!"

Snapped! !

   Seeing this, and after looking at it casually, Annie was so angry that she closed the book with all her strength, and then shoved it back in a head.


   "There are no bookshelves, and the cooking methods are not here. It seems that I can only go to the second floor to have a look..."

After discovering that all five bookshelves on the first floor of the library had been read by herself, and there was no book she wanted to read in the five bookshelves, there was no way, so Annie turned her head and looked at the gateway next to the librarian's counter. At the top of the stairs on the second floor, he jumped over quickly.




  ‘Ouch! ! ’

'what! Are you... me, where are my glasses? ! ’

   Just as she ran up the second floor, Annie ran into a young lady who was about to go downstairs!

   Then, she was so strong and sturdy that she naturally smashed the opponent into somersault, and knocked the pair of thick glasses that the opponent was wearing to the side of the floor and cracked.

   "My glasses..."

   However, the little sister who was lying on the ground didn't know, she still reached out her hand and fumbled around on the floor, as if she wanted to touch the pair of nearsighted glasses that didn't know where she fell?

"That one……"

  ! o

   "You are Miss Mary, the administrator of the library, right? Here! Here you are, your glasses are here!"


After looking at the opponent and seeing that the opponent is pitiful, Annie rushed to the side, picked up the opponent's pair of glasses, and quietly used a repair spell to "restore as before" to repair the cracked lens. , Cai Mengmeng smiled and handed it to the young lady who was sitting on the ground and pulling it casually.


   "I'm very sorry, I was thinking about some important things just now, so I didn't notice that someone would come up..."

   After putting on her glasses, Mary, the administrator of the library, didn't have time to see who was coming, so she hurriedly bowed her head weakly and apologized. She thought that the reason why the two had just ran into each other was due to her careless fault?


   "It seems that I have never seen you in town before. Did you come to our Ore Town for a tour?"

   Finally, after apologizing first, Mary raised her eyes and discovered that someone standing in front of her beautifully and constantly looking at her was a very strange little girl.


   "I remember, you should be the new owner of the ranch they said, right? I remember your name... well, it seems to be called Annie?"

   "My name is Mary, please advise me!!"

   Finally, after seeing the little girl clearly and remembering something, the librarian Mary hurriedly continued to introduce herself.


   "Sister Mary, you remember correctly, she is called Anne, Anne Hasta... Please give me your advice in the future!"


"But what you were doing just now, you didn't even see it when they were right in front of you... Also, when they just came in, they called out, and they looked at the bottom for a long time, but they didn't see Miss Mary. You appeared!"


  Yes, it was indeed not the person that Annie took the initiative to hit, because she just came up from the first floor and thought that the other party would go away, but how can I think that the other party just ran into it without avoiding it?

   Then, she could take the initiative to evade at that time, knowing that the other party would definitely not be able to hit her, but she did not take the initiative to avoid it...


   "You have been here for a long time? Sorry, I didn't pay attention..."

   "Um, there is nothing is the case, because I am currently writing a book and I was considering some details that need to be revised, so I just..."

  Mary said with some shame.

Moreover, she would not tell the little guy in front of her that most of the books in the Ore Town Library were written by her father, and most of the other new books were compiled and compiled by her. That's why she did it. Because of the need to wear thick glasses for myopia as a teenager.


   "It's not a good idea to write!"


Annie thought of a guy who was also called'Shadow Bear', who also wrote it, but unfortunately, the guy who wrote it was pirated by the bad guys all day, and some people even read it but didn’t pay for it, even for a day. I can't bear to give one or two cents, so that the guy who wrote is almost unable to live on and is ready to cut the follow-up!

   She doesn’t understand, how can those people be so disgusting...

   You know, no one picks up one or two cents when they fall off the road, but those people are not willing to pay even one or two cents. What are they going to do in those small days? Just like her Queen Anne, a few days ago, the account was so poor that only '0G' was left. But after a little effort for three days, she made a full hundreds of thousands of G at a time. Uncle Dart, who was showing her face at her, listed her as the most popular customer, and now she has a life of squandering money that is more fulfilling and nourishing!

   "Book writing is actually my hobby, as you have seen, I am the administrator of the library, what can I do without writing books?"


   "Anne, what book are you looking for here? Maybe I can help?"

  Mary didn't want to discuss which of her hobbies with such a little bit, so she hurriedly pulled the topic aside and asked the other person about the purpose of coming here.


   "People are looking for books about cooking and food, do you have them here?"


   Yes, this is the real purpose of Annie coming here!

Because, that Uncle Dart is so stupid, the other side will come back and forth so a few dishes, and will not be innovative, so that she is tired of eating within two days... So, in order to be able to eat the legend The kind of more delicious food, she had to follow what a young lady Lin said, and came to the library to find a way to make it.

   "How to make food?"

   "Ah! Of course there is!"

"It should be the second bookshelf on the second floor. There are instructions on how to make cooking... But I'm sorry, Annie, I put away the cooking recipe last month. If you want to see it, you can Wait a while and come again, because I don't know where they were placed now..."

   "However, the books we have here will continue to be replaced and added. As long as you read it often, you can definitely find the book you need!"

   "For example, there are still,,,,,,,, and so on over there now. Those books are very good and very helpful for your farm management. Don't you want to check it out?"

   Obviously, the librarian is indeed a librarian!

   Isn't this?

Mary professionally introduced Anne to the books on the second floor of her library, and she said precisely which bookshelf they were on and how many books they had, and so on. Moreover, they introduced the kind of books on the second floor. The ranch is helpful, I just want to do my best to help the poor little guy who is responsible for a big ranch at this young age.


   "It turned out to be here..."

   "Thank you Sister Mary, but people don't want to watch those for the time being, they just want to see how to make good food!"

   Annie didn't care about the instructions and recommendations of the Miss Mary behind, so she jumped directly to the second bookshelf, picked up the one, and read it:

  ★After purchasing the stove, you can cook at home, so the stove is very important!

   However, a small home can't fit the stove, so you have to expand your home before buying and placing the stove. After the expansion, only the stove is not enough. You need to use TV shopping to equip the refrigerator, storage racks and all necessary kitchens, and you need to buy spices...


  ! o

   "Stovetop? Is there a stovetop in their home? It seems that there should be a pot at home?!"


   However, after looking at it, Annie started to be a little messy...

Because she never cooks at home, and never eats at home, she can’t remember at all in her small wooden house, whether there are any stoves and those mentioned in the book that she has only heard of but never Practice furniture! ?

   "No! I must go back and have a look at once!!"


So After struggling for a while, Annie directly threw the book aside, and then ignored the questioning eyes of Miss Mary, and ran directly to the stairs under the dumbfounded gaze of the other person, and blinked an eye. Disappeared.




After yelling to the other party twice, he found that the other party had run away all at once, and after hearing the'cang bang' sound of the library door on the first floor being pushed open and automatically closed, the librarian who knew that the other party had left Mary, then she walked to the second bookshelf in a puzzled manner, carefully picked up the book that a tragic little girl had just read, and closed it gently, and then stuffed the books into the bookshelf with a bit of aversion. And put it away.

  ‘Really, that little guy, why is she a little weird...’

'what! ! ’

  ‘No, she won’t mess up my first floor, right? ’

  ’! ! ’

  ‘No way! Must go down and see! ’

Afterwards, Mary suddenly felt that it was necessary for her to go to the first floor as soon as possible to look at the bookshelves that the other party had turned over, to see if they were damaged, soiled or dirty by the little guy who didn’t care about books. Mess up?

   But she knows that some little guys like to come to her library to make trouble, such as Ai Li's You? Although, she has said many times that there are no comic books and little people books in her library...


  ←Look at people’s little eyes, you know

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