Shadow Bear Tibbers’ Plane Journey

Chapter 1255: (づ???)?? Go to the hospital to see the injured Zach...

What made Annie somewhat unexpected was that when she ran to the small woods south of the ranch in the morning, went to the house of the bearded Uncle Gotzs and paid the huge sum of money in a daze, and got the other party's promise to take it. Xiang from tomorrow, from the 12th spring to the 30th spring, after a total of 18 days of house renovation and renovation works, as soon as she came back, she ran into a sneaky guy patrolling in front of her house. , Seems to want to do something bad?

   That's right, because Annie saw it, the other party actually stood tiptoe in front of her window sill and looked at her house more than once?



   "That bad guy in front, who are you, what are you doing sneakingly in front of my house?!"



   After getting close a little, Annie unceremoniously picked up a small stone from the ground, and then accurately threw it onto the sneaky bad guy’s head with a muffled noise.

  ’! ! ’

  ‘Oh~! ! ’

   There was a scream, and then a guy wearing a colorful little round hat hurriedly covered his head, with tears in his eyes, he bent over and turned his head.

   "Ann, Annie..."

   "It's me, I'm Huo An~! You, you quickly put down that rock!!!"

   was smashed on the head with a small stone for no reason. If he changed his person, Huo An would have scolded him! However, given that the other party was the little girl, and given that he had important things to tell the other party later, he had to endure the urge to scold his mother and pointed in horror at the piece that the other party picked up from the ground. The bigger stone cried.


"Ah! It's you... It seems that people remembered, you seem to be the bad guy who lives with Uncle Zach, right? But, what are you doing here on the ranch? What kind of evil do you want to do sneakily in front of the house?!"


   was taken aback, Annie pretended to be surprised and surprised a few steps forward and asked vigilantly.

   But in fact, Annie recognized the other person at a glance just now from a long distance, but in the end she deliberately pretended not to know her and gave it to the other person. She just wanted to do it on purpose!


   "No! You misunderstood me!!"

"Also, I'm not a bad guy. I didn't want to do anything bad. I didn't even sneak in. I just think your house is very beautiful, so I want to have a good chat with you. At home..."


   "It hurts! You guy, you don't seem to be a big head, how come you have such a strong hand and throw so accurately..."

   While talking, Huo An couldn't help but stretched out his hand and rubbed his head.

Fortunately, he wears a hat on his head, and he deliberately retains the backward and ugly hairstyle that was more than a hundred years ago. Otherwise, he would have broken his skin and bleeds when he was hit by a stone. Right?

   "So you didn't want to do bad things?"

  ∑? !

   "Then you suddenly came to someone's ranch, and you kept aiming from the window into the house, what do you want to do?!"

   Don’t care if the other person came here to do good or bad things. Annie doesn’t care. Now she just wants to know that the guy in front of her is not familiar with her but he just came to visit. What is the wrong idea?

   "I really didn't want to do it!"

"I just thought your house is very beautiful, so I took a few more glances... Yes, I just took a few more glances... Also, I just looked at it, and I always feel that your beautiful house What seems to be missing?"

   Huo An talked a little bit sly, and kept rubbing his head... Obviously, the other party just beat his original thoughts so that he didn't know where he was flying, so that he spoke upside down.

   But given that a little guy finally came back, he quickly sorted out his thoughts and was ready to praise him for a while before he could sell his stuff?


   "Let's talk! What exactly do you want to do? If you don't explain it honestly, people will let Tibbers bite you!!!"


   Is my own house good or not? Isn't it possible that Annie doesn't know if it is necessary for the other party to come here to open her eyes and talk nonsense?

   If the other party really said it was so good and beautiful, she would still be so anxious to make money, and then rushed to ask Uncle Gotz to arrange matters related to mine construction and renovation of this ruined house early in the morning? !

  ‘Wow~! ’

  : Wow~!


   "You, you take care of your dog first!!"

   Maybe he was really afraid of dogs, maybe he was frightened by Tibbers’ evil eyes and teeth, Huo An first stepped back and then hurriedly explained:

   "That, it's actually like this..."

"I think your house is very bleak... well, at least it will be beautiful after a while? However, I also found out just now, but now your house doesn’t have much furniture. I just showed it to you. I always feel that something is missing...So, I think, this beautiful plain vase I have here may make this...this house that is about to become a luxury mansion more vibrant and more beautiful? "

With that said, Huo An quickly took out a new plain-colored vase from a large bag that he carried with him, and it seemed that he had wiped it carefully before coming here, so that it looked very Is the ground bright and dazzling?

   "As long as 5000G, it is yours, how about it, is it a good deal?!"

He knows that this little guy is very rich right now, and he may still be one of the richest people in Ore Town. He even just ordered a renovation plan for a big house from Carpenter Gotz. One hundred thousand gigabytes of money without blinking, so it's okay to come to the other party to sell products!

That kind of thing can't deceive him, because he Huo An is a friend of Zach, and he lives together, and he handles the import and export of various goods in Ore Town, and Gotz called him just now. , Let him help to collect a lot of building materials, of course he knows what the other party ordered what it means!

So, after getting the phone call from Goetz, he hurried over and waited for a long time, ready to sell to one of the richest little guys in this mineral town. It’s better to turn around a little bit about the temporarily difficult financial situation?

   "It turned out to be a vase..."


   "But what use is it?"

   Annie was noncommittal. She didn't say to buy or not to buy. She just took a few steps forward, looked at the other person's hand and tapped it lightly with her fingers, listening to the crisp sound from the bottle.

It’s not expensive anyway. If it’s kitchenware or something, she would have bought it without even thinking about it. However, if it’s a vase that doesn’t know what it is for, she can’t help but hesitate and wonder if she should buy it. Down...Of course, the most important thing is, how do you use it after you buy it? If it is useless, what does she buy? !

   "Of course it is of great use!"

"After you buy it, you can pick some fresh flowers and insert it every day, and then you can get the blessing of the goddess. At that time, you can not only relieve your fatigue a little, but also decorate the house to make your house more A little more beautiful?"

"and also……"

   However, without waiting for Huo An to continue to slobber and continue speaking, Xiao Anni became a little impatient, and she stretched out her hand to **** the vase in his hand arbitrarily.

   "Okay! Don't say it!"

   "I bought this thing called a vase. Isn't that Uncle Zach still has some payment that has not been settled? At that time, you can directly deduct 5000G from him!!!"


  嘭! !

   After finishing talking, Annie went into her house with the other's vase and closed her door with a ‘boom’.

   She doesn't care whether the vase is good or what its function or blessings, she only cares that the other party can decorate her house and make the house more beautiful, that's fine.

'Great! ! ’

  ‘That...Annie, if I have any good things next time, I will definitely come to sell you again~! ! ’

   After never expecting that a little girl would be so simple, Huo An, a businessman, first yelled outside and said that he would continue to cooperate in the future, and then hurried away excitedly.


   "Really! It doesn't seem to be so pretty!!"

Putting the vase on the small bedside table next to the calendar, with a wave of hand, after using magic to transform a large bouquet of red flowers directly in the vase, Annie hugged her arms and tilted her little head to look around, which was a little boring. He pouted his lips.

   "Forget it!"


   "Anyway, I bought everything, so I just put it away first. Now, let's go to the hospital to see the unlucky one of Uncle Zach. I heard that he is hospitalized again. What a poor guy..."

  Ε=)) alas

Seeing the flowers, Annie suddenly remembered. When she went to Uncle Gotz’s place to place an order, she picked up several lunar tears by the side of the road when she came back. Now she can just take it to the hospital to visit the hapless one. , Has been injured for the third time because he came to her ranch to receive the goods, and as a result, Uncle Zach had to ask for leave again?

   After the decision, Annie was not verbose, and directly greeted her dog-legged Tibbers, and then slammed and opened the door.


   Opening hours: 9:00 am to 16:00 pm

   Closed time: Wednesday


   "Closed on Wednesday..."


   "But, today is Spring 11th...It seems to be Wednesday, what should I do now..."


   However, after coming to the door of the hospital and glancing at the conspicuous blue-and-white gate sign in front of the hospital, Annie was sluggish on the spot.

   Because, she found out that she seems to have... accidentally picked an unsuitable time and came here, and happened to meet someone else's rest time?



   "It's Annie? But, what are you doing outside the hospital? Do you want to buy medicine? If that's the case, I'm afraid I'm sorry, because the doctor is taking a rest today!"

At this time, without waiting for Anne to struggle for long, suddenly the lady in the hospital who she knew, Ellie, opened the door and walked out with a bag of trash in her hand, and at a glance she noticed that she was sluggish and tangled by the door. Annie.



   "Is it Miss Ai Li? But, since the hospital is on holiday today, why are you still here?!"


   Seeing the other party coming out of the hospital and preparing to go back after putting away the trash, Annie couldn't help but exclaimed and asked the other party.

   "It is true at ordinary times. When the hospital is on vacation, I usually go back with my grandma."

   "But because there are patients in the hospital today, Dr. Dort is resting again, so I have to stay in the hospital on duty to take care of the patients..."

   "Although it is a bit regretful, I am still much luckier than that patient."


"Annie, are you sick? Do you need me to help you find Dr. Dort? Although the hospital is closed today, if it is Annie you are sick, I will definitely be able to help you get him back. ."

   After talking about the reasons why I would stay in the hospital on the rest day, the nurse Ai Li asked a little worried, and wanted to come up and touch Annie's forehead to see if the other party's body temperature was abnormal.

   "No one is sick yet!"

   "I came here today to see the hapless Uncle Zach, but I don't want to go to the hospital to rest. I thought there was no one here, so I was worried about not going in!"

   After avoiding the action of the other party trying to touch her forehead, Annie hurriedly explained the reason why she was here today.

   "Is that so?"

"If you are visiting a patient, you don’t need to care if it’s a day off... Anyway, Annie, you can come first. I will take you to see Uncle Zach now. If he knows that someone remembers to visit him, he will Surely you will feel very relieved?"

I was stunned for a moment. After seeing that Little Annie had pulled out a large handful of Moon Tears from her bag, Allie suddenly laughed happily and enthusiastically took Annie's hand, leading Annie to someone in the hospital. In a ward.

There are not many residents in Ore Town. Except for those who work, study, or have not returned for various reasons, the rest are just a few individuals going back and forth. Therefore, the hospital wards were vacant in the past. Until recently, a certain hapless guy came and lived here three times in less than half a month...



   "Uncle Zach, people are coming to see you, you must get well soon, everyone will miss you like me, and they all need you!"

   Annie rushed in with a large handful of moon tears, put it directly on the other side's bed and said.

However, unlike other people who really need this uncle shipper, she doesn’t need it for the time being, because she has made enough money to renovate the house, and there is still a lot left, at least after the house’s renovation is completed, which is the arrival of summer. I didn't need the other party for now.


   "Is it Annie?"

   After looking sideways to see who came here to see who he was, Zach, the brawny man lying on the hospital bed, was startled.


"woo woo woo woo……"

"Anne, I beg you, don’t provoke your bees in the future, don’t go digging in the back mountains, let alone go fishing in the sea...Can you honestly plant a few days’ fields in peace and security? what?!"

Soon, what surprised Annie and the nurse sister who led Annie in, Ally: A certain muscular hunk, Zach, suddenly rolled out of the hospital bed after seeing the two appearing, and then Just like that, lying on the hospital bed with a nose and tears, crying and begging to Annie?

   "Annie, I beg you..."

   You know, Zach has been injured three times in the ranch at Annie's house and has taken time off because of this!

I was stung by a bee when I first went to introduce the delivery method of the ranch and some precautions to the other party... The second time I went to collect mountain products, I was bitten by a poisonous snake... And the third time I went to help the other party to count the fish and was stung by an electric eel Electricity... God knows why there is a lively freshwater electric eel in the opponent's pile of marine fish?

If you think about it seriously, the number of days and days he has asked for leave in this month is more than the total amount of leave taken for so many years since he started as a shipper. He really couldn't bear it. Kind of from the invisible pressure of the residents of Ore Town.


  ! o

"okay then……"

"It's okay! Don't worry, Uncle Zach, I promise that this month I won't go to poke a beehive, I won't go to the mountains to find wild products, and I won't go fishing in the sea Just heal your wounds with peace of mind!!"


   Although I don't know why the other party was so excited, and she was so happy to see herself, Annie finally agreed to the other party without even thinking about it. Anyway, she didn't have any plans to continue fishing or farming for the time being, and the money she made was enough for her to spend a while, so she agreed with it!

   And, after her new house is built, she doesn't need to beg the other party, she wants to try farming herself.

  Ε=)) alas



   "Thanks, thank you..."

   "Really! Annie, you are so kind, I blame it for nothing..."


   Tangtang A muscular big Han Zack sobbed like this, and with the help of the awkward and dumbfounding nurse Miss Ellie, did he lie back on the hospital bed with difficulty.

His physical condition is not very good, and of course it is not too serious. It is just that after a strong electric shock, he has to lie down here for three days, and then go home and rest for a day or two before he can continue. Shippers work.

   "No thanks!"


   "I have already made a lot of money anyway, so I won't ship it for now!"

   Regardless of whether it is a mountain product or a fish catch, the final result is nothing more than a small amount of money, and now that the small amount of money is already in hand, then Annie will definitely not toss herself or to toss others.


   ask for tickets

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