Ever since a certain unpleasant Uncle Goetz started on the 12th and went to work in the house of her ranch to help her expand the house, until today on the 17th, in this not long or short six days, Annie has been I had a very fulfilling life.

   Every day, she wakes up on time at 06:00 in the morning. Because I can’t afford it, that Uncle Gotz will come to shoot the door on time every day, even if she wants to sleep for three or five minutes!

Then, after she opened the door and let the other person into the house to start the day's work, she didn't care about the other person, and went straight to the back mountain. First, she talked to Burberry, Lin or other young ladies, such as Mary, Carlene or Ellie. They played together in the hot springs for two hours without shame or irritation. After taking a bath, they wandered around the mountains, lakes, or around the Ore Town, or went to Uncle King’s house for a big meal, or went to Dik Drinking juice and grapes at home, or walking around the Rose Square and the sea?

   Anyway, she always had a way to play and kill time in a different way, and she didn't wander back unhurriedly until Uncle Gotz finished work on time at 17:00 in the afternoon.

   In these days, Annie has not been able to catch a kappa in the lake of the back mountain, nor has she summoned the so-called "Goddess Lord" at the Goddess Waterfall next to the hot spring! Anne herself didn't know why, maybe, what did those guys know, or they knew how good her Queen Anne was?

   Anyway, every time, as long as she is present, even if Populi or Lynn throws the tribute into the pool, they can’t summon the magical guy called ‘Goddess’!

   But fortunately, Annie didn't care about it, because she didn't want to see those gods and ghosts!

When facing ordinary people, she rarely uses her power casually, but if she really meets those goddesses or kappa, will she throw a fireball and burn the other party if she doesn’t agree. Ashes or something, then she can't guarantee it.

   Just like that, Annie's recent state of being rich, just knowing to eat, drink, play and not work has continued. Such things will definitely not be liked by the vast majority of people in Ore Town! However, one of them is an exception, that is, Uncle Zach, the shipper who just finished recuperating two days ago and can return to the busy receiving work!

After Annie promised that she would not ship before the summer, would not go to the back mountains to look for goods or catch some messy animals, nor would he go to the sea to bring in certain dangerous aquatic products, Zach finally could. Let go of my heart, and can safely help Perbuli’s chicken farm, Mucci’s pastoral farm, Saibal’s forging house, Dik’s orchard, Dart’s shop, and Karen’s sister’s groceries The house was shipped and purchased normally.

   Of course, he can finally make time for other places in Ore Town, such as hospitals, logging yards, churches, etc., to receive orders that are not very large, but very important.

   But those things are not important because Annie doesn't care about the little things!

Today, because the sun was too big, she went to the hot springs to go to the hot springs in the early morning to play with Burberry and Miss Ellie. After taking a nap inside, she came back early. As soon as she returned to the ranch, In front of his house, I saw the old man Mucci holding a little pony patrolling outside the door of his house. I didn't know what he wanted to do?



   "Hello? Mr. Mu Qi... Grandpa, did you come to my ranch?


When I saw the other party, I just squatted slightly with my body on my back, holding the reins of the pony, standing outside my door, and looking inside from the large open door of the house, I just stood there watching Uncle Gotz work and just barely. She didn't mean to go, so Annie couldn't help but walked over quickly and asked strangely.


   "Ah! Great, Anne, are you finally back?"

Hearing the sound of a familiar little girl’s voice and footsteps behind him, he turned to look at the person who was indeed the one who was waiting for the messy little girl, Mu Qi, the farmer of Pastoral Farm, exclaimed with joy Scream.


  ∑? !

   "Do you have anything to do? You don't come here to chat with Gotz or see him help others remodel this house, right?"


That's right, Annie knows... Since the news that her ranch asked Uncle Gotz to help remodel a beautiful big house was spread, the townspeople of Ore Town who ate and did nothing to do, including some bad nose The mayor Thomas, including him, often comes here to watch, or chat with Uncle Gotz or something.

Anyway, Annie doesn’t like the guys who are fed up to interfere with other people’s work, because those guys seem super boring, super annoying, and it really affects Uncle Gotz’s work, and one day it makes him unhappy. I didn’t work overtime for an hour!


   "No, no, no! Annie, I didn't come to see Gotz build the house today. I have already visited two days ago. I actually came here specifically for you today..."

   Hearing what the little girl said, Mucci hurriedly smiled and waved his hand to explain.

   "Is it this way?"

   "Then, Grandpa Mucci, what are you looking for? You can talk now!"


   Hearing that the other party said it wasn't for watching the show, it made Annie feel a little curious.

   She really wants to hear, what can such a terrible old man who seems to know super not fun find out for himself! After all, Anne knew it, she was not familiar with the other party, and there was basically no intersection on weekdays, but now the other party suddenly looked for herself, and that thing was obviously very strange.


   "Let's put it this way, Annie... I came to see you today, I actually want you to do me a favor..."

With that said, Mu Qi applied a little force on his hand, and he pulled the little pony that had been loaded with saddle and reins next to him, and pulled the little pony that was a bit ignorant and a little restless to Annie's. in front of.



   A pony?

   "I see! Grandpa Mu Qi, you want to ask someone to help you buy this little pony and eat it, right?!"


   If that's the case, Annie said, Fang Ke is looking for the right person! Because, she is very, very good at eating!

In the past, she had eaten a certain fairy king's horse or something, but now, eating a pony or something is not a big problem for her at all. Who makes it so cute and so spicy? , Does it look spicy and delicious?

   If you add more cumin, star anise, bay leaves and cinnamon, then put some hot spring water into it and simmer it over a low fire, it will surely be very fragrant and delicious, right?

   It's incredible!

   Just to think about it, Annie can't control her stalker.


   "No! It's definitely not what you said!!"

Hearing what the other party said, and seeing the small appearance that the other party really wanted to come over to grab the reins, Mucci was so frightened that he shivered with humanity and was trembling with the foraging breath of an evil little girl. The little pony pulled back and protected behind him.


   "It's not the sodium salt you think, you misunderstood me!!"

   "I...I actually wanted to ask you to take care of it. I know, you have been very idle lately. You didn't go farming, or prepare mountain products, let alone fish..."

"and so……"

   "That's why I want to ask you to take care of it! That's right, that's it!"

In short, the facts are like that. It's just that Mucci felt that the little girl in front of him was too idle. All day long, I knew that it was not very good to be wandering around in Mineral Town, and it was easy to give to him. Granddaughter Mei or other children in the town set a very bad example and'example'?

   So, after his foal was a little older and could eat grass and weaned, he hurriedly sent it to him, intending to let a little guy who has nothing to do all day can do a little business?


   "It's always a little slouched recently, and there is only me in our pastoral ranch, a bad old man who has to take care of so many cows and sheep every day. I really don't have the energy to take care of it alone every day..."

   "So, Annie, can you take care of it for a while until it grows up?"

"Anyway, please help me, this old man with some not-so-sharp legs and feet! And ah, I forget it, it should just be able to carry you right now... So I thought about it for a long time, but I didn't think so. Who is more suitable than you to take care of it."

Much, who was afraid that the other party would refuse, hurriedly explained why he brought the pony here, and eagerly wanted to ask the little girl to take care of him. At the same time, he explained the reason and pretended to be pitiful. So begging.



"That one……"

"Okay, okay! Okay...their stable is there anyway, and it's always empty. If Grandpa Muqi feels right, and you want to give it to others, then take it. ..."

  Originally, Anne didn't really want to accept that the other party didn't tell the truth completely, but it seemed strange to see the other party, and it seemed good to have a horse strolling around in the ranch? Therefore, after struggling for a while, Annie finally nodded slightly like a ghost, which was considered an answer to this matter.


'Oh! Great, what you can promise is great! ’


   "Annie, it has not yet been named. You can name it yourself later, and then remember to take care of it every day."

   "In fact, raising a horse is not as difficult as you think, as long as you remember to take care of it every day, talk to it, brush your body, or take it out for two walks."

As if afraid that Annie would suddenly repent, the old man Mucci turned around excitedly and at the same time, while holding the little pony, ran to the stable on the other side of the gate of Annie's ranch. The look of a hunched old man?


When you’re bored, it’s possible to take it for two walks, but you can avoid talking to the other person or brushing your body, unless you are going to discuss with it how to eat it or prepare to put it in the pot, otherwise, she Queen Anne The adults would definitely not talk to or bathe that little pony!

  Because of talking or something, it is enough for her to have her dog-legged Tibbles, so she doesn't want that kind of stupid pony!


   "I have done it..."


   "That horse is temporarily placed at your house now, and I will pick it up when it grows up. Before that, you must remember to take good care of it, please!"

   Soon, a certain old man who had brought the little pony to the stable and set it up quickly walked back with a cheerful grin, and at the same time shouted to Annie.


  ! o

   "What? You have to take it back when someone is raised, how can you?!"


   Annie was stunned!

Just now she thought that the other party had changed the way to give it to herself, but now it's okay. What kind of crooked idea the other party made, she wants to take care of the other party by herself and help him grow up, and then he will take it away when he grows up... What kind of international jokes did she make when her ranch was a free Thomas’ house? !

   If that were the case, she would never agree to it, and would find a chance to eat it!


   Seeing the little girl's reaction suddenly became so strong, Mu Qi was slightly startled, and opened his mouth. For a while, he didn't know what to say.



"Annie, don't worry! Let me tell you that the reason why Grandpa Mucci told you that way is to give it to you... But he is afraid that you will not care about the horse. That’s why I pretended that I asked you to take care of it."


   "Everyone in Ore Town knows that the horse he sent out has never been taken back, as long as you don't really abuse it!"

At this time, a certain carpenter Götz, who was working in the house and heard all the conversations between Anne and Mucci because he was too close, stopped his work, and then wiped it with a towel. The sweat on his forehead smiled and joked to Annie outside the house while lying by the window.



   "So it's like this?"


   "Really, just say no!"


   Sure enough, it is absolutely not unreasonable that Annie does not like to play with these adults for a long time! Take a look? With such a small thing and so many twists and turns, wouldn’t they be tired if they were alive?

   "That's OK!"


   "Old Mu Qi...Grandpa, don't worry, they will definitely take care of it, even if they are not free, they will let Tibbs take care of it!!"

   Anyway, it's just a little pony. That's not a big problem. Annie doesn't plan to waste too much time with the other party to continue the ink.

"That's good……"

"and many more!"

   "Annie, your Tibbers, who is it?"

   nodded comfortably, and after getting the little girl's assurance, Mu Qi just turned around and left with confidence, but halfway through, he turned around and asked cautiously.

  ‘Wow~! ’

  :! !


   "Ah! Annie, Tibbers you said, could it be..."

After a while, Mucci seemed to be thinking of something, and then, as if a little unbelievable, he tremblingly stretched out his hand towards a little squatting on the grass of the pasture, who was constantly wagging his tail. Asked the milk dog.


   "Yes! Mucci, Tibbers is Annie’s dog!!"

   At this time, the carpenter Uncle Gotz who was just about to retract from the window sill to work suddenly laughed heartily, apparently amused by Anne's naive idea of ​​letting a dog help take care of the foal.

   "Why are you smiling!"


   "Compared to you two dumb guys, Tibbers is much smarter!"

  Oo hum!

That’s right, although her bear cub is omnipotent compared to her, Queen Anne, who can learn everything at a glance, may be a hundred million points away from her, and she’s so stupid that she has been with her for so long. I can't learn any other magic... But compared to such a strange uncle and a bad old man in front of me, it is indeed much better.


   In the end, even though she was reluctant and helpless, and she didn't believe that a certain little girl's dog could really take care of her little pony, Old Man Much went back and forth.

   Because he had already opened his mouth to send the foal out, it would be inappropriate to take it back again.

However, he also made a secret decision: there must be time to come here to see, if you see that the other party is not taking good care of the pony, if you see that the other party abused the pony, he will definitely take it back ?



   "Grandpa Mayor Thomas with a big nose, why are you here too?"


   The sly old man in Mucci just left with his front foot, and a certain old man with a bad nose on his back foot came to Annie's ranch again, and walked straight to Annie's front.

   "The matter is very urgent, I still have a lot of people to notify, so I will make a long story short!"


"That's it. Today is the 17th, and tomorrow is the 18th. There will be a spring race in the square of Ore Town tomorrow. You should have known it, right? However, since your ranch does not raise horses, so We will not invite you to participate, but by then, please remember to come and watch the game!"

   "That's it!"

After finishing talking, the mayor Thomas wiped the fine layers of sweat on his forehead. He had a big belly, and he planned to rush to the next house, ready to inform and implement the game tomorrow to everyone. Body.

"and many more!!"

   "Grandpa Thomas, there is a horse in the ranch!!!"


   Seeing that the other party had finished talking, she was leaving~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Annie, remembering some important things, hurriedly called the other party, as if she was preparing to take the little pony that she had just started to compete.

   "Mayor, don't listen to her nonsense!"

   "Where is there a horse in her family that can participate in the race? That's a small pony sent by Uncle Mucci just now. It must not be able to compete. You should immediately notify the next family!"

However, without waiting for Mayor Thomas to ask about it, the Gotz who was lying in front of the window resting on the side hurriedly added a sentence. It was a magic knife and completely cut off a little guy from riding. The idea of ​​the little pony going to the race.

   "That's no way!"

   "Anne, underage ponies are not allowed to participate in the competition, so let's do this first, remember to come to the square to watch the competition tomorrow?"

   "But don't be too sad, because we will have a lot of games in the future. If this is not possible, you will definitely be able to do it next time. You will definitely have the opportunity to participate!"

   After finishing speaking, Mayor Thomas turned around and did not give a little girl an opportunity to try to excuse or make unreasonable troubles. He hurriedly left, ready to go to the next destination and notify the next family.


  ! o

   "How can this be?"


   Annie wanted to say something, but the other party quickly disappeared outside the gate of her ranch, and she didn't even think about giving her a chance.



  O ask for a ticket o

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