Shadow Bear Tibbers’ Plane Journey

Chapter 1259: Hahaha?? (???*) You are so stupid...

Without any accident, the wealthy little Annie also bought out all the contestants in the same way in the next second and third races, and spent a total of tens of thousands of gigabytes. A full 1,188 horse racing tickets, that number is almost the total amount purchased by the residents of Ore Town!


After the happy and tense race, she did not count the horse racing tickets at all. Instead, she directly piled up the 1,188 horse racing tickets, which weighed several kilograms, to the entire black. In front of the counter of Mayor Thomas, who didn't know what to say, he settled and exchanged for a full 3,663 horse racing medals from the opponent's hands.

   That kind of horrible quantity, but a whole small box is piled up, and it is still piled up?



   "You guys are really stupid. Look, people don't need to go to a horse farm like you did. They bought them all directly, and now they can get so many winning medals~!"

  *. *.

In this way, in front of almost all the residents of Ore Town, Annie stepped on the large box full of medals, while shouting to those who were carrying or holding the poor medals of varying amounts waiting for something to change. The ground sneered and arrogantly wailed.


  ’! ! ’

  ‘Dart! How about buying it like her next time we race horses in the fall? Look, we only won a few dozen, but she won a whole box, which is still full, so there are at least three or four thousand, right? ’

  ‘That’s more than that! Dick, I just asked Thomas, there are a total of 3,663 medals! ! ’

  ‘Goddess, how come there are so many? ’

  ‘But there are so many! ’

  ‘Then you can exchange a lot of things, right? ’

'of course! Whether it is the real jade, the fruit of strength, skin care products, jewelry or the matsutake that is known as the king of deliciousness, you can easily exchange it! ’

  ‘Matsutake, Matsutake? How many can I change? ! ’

  ‘I’m counting...well...she won a total of 3,663 medals. If all of them were replaced with Matsutake, it would be a total of 366 top Matsutake! ! ’

  ’! ! ’

   "Gosh! Three hundred and sixty-six high-quality matsutake mushrooms? So many, even if they are not used for cooking and shipped directly, there are almost 200,000 G?!"

   "Isn't it?"

   "Tsk tsk! Just like this, she has already paid back her money, and can still earn tens of thousands of dollars?"

   "Huh! Dik, matsutake can be made into the most delicious dishes. It would be too stupid to ship it. If you give it to me, the business in my shop will be booming for at least a whole year!"

   ‘It’s a pity, we don’t have that much budget, otherwise...’


  ‘Or, when we wait for the autumn horse racing, let’s pool some money and, like her, buy all the horse racing tickets? ’

'good idea! ’

On the side, after seeing Uncle Dart of the bar and Dick, the owner of the vineyard, they yelled and discussed with each other, obviously a little jealous that a little girl who was screaming could win. To so many medals? However, the jealousy turned jealous, but they had no way at the moment. They could only sigh with jealousy while discussing.

There is no other way. After all, whether their vineyards or bars are small businesses, they certainly can’t make a lot of money like a little girl and have so much spare money to participate in. Horse racing.


"Well... Annie, can you buy me a beautiful brooch? Only eighteen medals can be exchanged. I can owe you first. I will return you with another gift the next day or I will return you during the autumn game. how do you feel?"

   "I swear I will pay it back, in the name of Lord Goddess?"

   "You don't know, I wanted a brooch a long time ago, but I lost all three games today without hitting one, and I wasted thousands of gigabytes of pocket money..."

   At this time, unlike the other Mineral Town residents who would only point to the side and envious of others, Lin, who had a good relationship with Annie, directly stepped forward and even approached Annie and pleaded.

A brooch is only a mere eighteen medals. She originally thought that she would definitely be able to get it, but... Maybe the **** of fate did not remember to take care of her, so she lost all three times in a row, so that now she has Don't have a medal?

   So there is no way to see that the little guy in front of me has made a lot of money at once and believes that the other party will definitely not be able to change it. She considered it for a long time before she made up her mind, and was the first to get up.

   "It's so pitiful that you haven't earned a medal?"


   "Okay! But they don't need to owe you. For the next three days, as long as you remember to cook a big meal for them every morning when you go to the hot spring, they will give it to you for free!"


   As she said, Annie grabbed the eighteen medals directly, stretched out her hand generously and handed them to the other side.

Because in the following days, it will be impossible for that Uncle Gotz to repair her house in a short time, so Annie still needs to get up every morning to go to the hot spring and play with Burberry and Lin. Therefore, if someone can give If she prepares a delicious breakfast and takes it with her, she will be very happy!

   Anyway, in Annie's view, it is a good deal to exchange three delicious meals for eighteen medals, and she is not at a loss.


   "A three-part meal? Good! Then it's a deal!!"

Hearing what the other party said, and then forgot it, Lin, who felt that she was not at a disadvantage, brightened her eyes. After accepting it directly, she snatched the medal from the other party's hand, and then turned towards Mayor Thomas’s. Ran over to the counter, apparently preparing to exchange the brooch she had admired for a long time.


   "Annie! I want to change the moisturizer and mask, but I am only short of 7 medals. If you are willing to give me seven medals, I can make you a hot spring egg every day for the next week!"

"how about it?!"

   At this time, seeing that Lin could really get the medal easily from Annie, Perbury was also anxious.

   Although she was lucky and won three games in a row, but the total number of medals is still only seventy, still seven missing... If she changes the mask, it will not be enough to change the moisturizer, and vice versa! Therefore, Perbury, who felt that he also had a chance, also leaned in and said his terms of exchange.

   "A week, that's seven..."

   Today is the eighteenth, and it will take twelve days before Uncle Gotz completes the renovation of the house. So, Annie thinks, it seems that it’s good to go to the hot springs and eat hot spring eggs for seven days?

  Because she has now discovered that the eggs boiled in that hot spring are indeed very delicious, especially the eggs produced by the Perbury’s chicken farm!

It's a pity that their eggs have to be shipped in order to maintain the reputation of some specialty products in Ore Town. Therefore, even if she wants to buy it, it is difficult to buy, especially the other party's brother is very dissatisfied with her, knowing her After your ranch clearly has a chicken farm but refuses to raise chickens?

   "That's all right! Here! I'll give you seven!"

   After thinking about it, she felt that she was not at a disadvantage and that the other party's conditions could effectively attract her, so she once again generously grabbed seven medals and stuffed them into the other party's arms.

  ’! ! ’

'Look! She also changed it! ’

'what! ’

  ‘Jeff, are you going to change it? ’

  ‘But, I don’t know what she likes...’

'This one……'

'I go! ’

  ‘Annie! I want to buy sunscreen, two medals short, I will use two bunches of greenhouse grapes from my family to exchange for you! ’

'And I! ’

  ‘I need a diamond, but one is missing, Annie, can you lend me first? ’

'I also want! I want a necklace, eighteen short, Annie! I have a bucket of premium cheese, do you want to change it with me? ! ’

'And I……'

'I also want! ’

'Hey! ’

  ‘Oh! Don’t squeeze, come one by one...’

  ‘Don’t push it~! ’

  ‘Little guy, I’m your Uncle Zach...Quick! Sell ​​me some medals. I have an urgent need. I'm really anxious. I will pay for it! ! ’

Soon, Karen from the grocery store, Mary from the library, Ellie from the Ore Town Hospital, and some other people who had a good relationship with Annie all swarmed up towards Annie, saying that their medals were not enough and needed A little girl who has won a lot of medals for a little support?



   "Hey! Don't squeeze, watch out for beating you!"


   "You guys..."


   "No one else will borrow or sell any medals! But...if you have something delicious and fun, they still don't mind changing it with you!"

   After finally maintaining order, Annie presented her exchange terms in front of all the residents of Mineral Town who wanted to ask her for help.

at last……

After more than ten minutes, Annie exchanged medals from the friends in Ore Town for all kinds of delicious or fun things, or promises, and used the remaining medals from black. The mayor of Thomas’s face was replaced by a “True Jade” which I don’t know what to do, a set of beautiful little skirts, a fruit of power that would not have any special use for her except that it was very delicious, and A lot of matsutake mushrooms that are said to make delicious dishes!

   Then, she was able to step on the big box of medals that was used to ridicule the residents of Ore Town just now, and the exchange was basically completed.

   However, the beautiful little skirt that Annie exchanged was not for her, but she gave it to Mu Qi’s granddaughter-Mei! Because the other person's height is the same as Annie's, so he wears it right?

   Of course, more importantly:

   Because the horses of the pastoral farm lost the game, that bad old man Mucci didn't have any medals to exchange for gifts, so the other party's granddaughter Mei kept crying with a small face and looked pitiful? Then, in view of the fact that the other party had given a small pony to her ranch, Annie dropped the beautiful gift-wrapped skirt directly into the other party's hands, even if it was cleared.


When the time had come to the 10th of the sunset in the afternoon, when everyone had redeemed their favorite prizes and left, and when only themselves and a proud little girl, Annie, were left on the scene, Mayor Thomas darkened his one with some entanglement. The face walked to the little girl and persuaded:


"do you know?"

"I still think it’s bad for you to do that, because you broke the rules of our mineral town for decades... No one has ever done it like you, although I don’t know if it’s good for you to do it, but I still I hope you don’t do that next time..."

Yes, Mayor Thomas has always felt that Anne did not do that well, because that has lost the meaning of the game and the spirit of sports competition, and that has left a very different place in their originally peaceful mineral town. Good role model!

He just heard it. Dick and Dart are already conspiring. Next time, like the little girl Annie in front of them, they will make up a huge sum of hundreds of thousands of gigabytes, and then buy all the racing horses. Vouchers, and then they can make a fortune like this little girl, or can they exchange for whatever they want?

   That kind of thing is very bad, very bad...

  In the view of Mayor Thomas, that will breed more desires in the hearts of the residents of Ore Town, and have an irreversible impact on the cultural environment of the town! In the future, what kind of impact and consequences it will have on their small town, he dare not imagine now!

   "But, why?"

"Grandpa Thomas, you just saw what you just saw, everyone seems to be very happy! Isn't the game held in Mineral Town just to make everyone happy? And, you should have discovered it too, everyone seems to start to like people. Well, now they have become one of the most popular people in Ore Town!"

Annie didn’t think that was wrong, because she didn’t cheat from the beginning to the end, and she didn’t break the rules at all. She also exchanged medals for many people, gave them a lot of happiness, and they exchanged it for her. She was also very satisfied with a lot of delicious or strange things. What's wrong with this kind of hello, me, good, everyone? !



   "Well, it seems that what you said makes sense..."

I struggled for a while and thought about it again. In addition to the fact that the little guy in front of me did not violate the rules, and it did bring happiness to many people, the only downside was that the money was spent and it was not easy to communicate. Besides, Thomas, who was really unable to single out more problems, had to give up preaching to Annie.


"Anne, if you can, I hope you can take care of the ranch better? You know, we all have been looking forward to you to grow the specialties of our Ore those delicious Hot spring crops?"

   "Although you have done well now..."

   "Okay! Forget it, I shouldn't ask you more, it's getting dark now, you should go home quickly!"

While talking, look at the other person’s cute and cute look, and feel that he seems to be a bit harsh, the mayor Thomas, so he just stopped and said no more, and directly persuaded the other party to go back early and pay attention to safety. With his hands on his back, he slowly left this noisy Rose Square in Ore Town.


   "Forget it! Leave him alone! Tibbers, we have been playing here for a day, hurry up, let's go back too!"

The harvested Annie waited until the Mayor Thomas left the horse racing venue. After leaving the Rose Square, she turned around and headed south, humming an unknown ballad and bringing her own dog-legged Tibbers, so one person and one dog headed towards her Wandered off to his farm.

   At this time, on the horizon, the red sun gradually slanted to the west, slowly sinking under the clouds and mountains, a fulfilling and happy day is soon to end.

   After the hustle and bustle, the residents who had been excited for the day have returned to their respective homes, and they are ready to have their dinner or continue to be busy for the day.

And under the golden sunlight, on the straight and clean stone roads in Ore Town, a little girl and a little milk dog in her family are walking in the afterglow, and their figures are drawn by the sunset sun. Very long...


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