:(), Ever since I met the female angel named Queen Yan on Sky Blade VII that day, and heard that she was going to unite the demons to fight against the evil Scum Group Hua Ye, I thought it might be fun Of course, Annie enthusiastically signed up on the spot, so today, she and the angel Yan, Ge Xiaolun and others, can't wait to come here through the bug gate of Tianblade Seven.

And here, it is said that it is the home of those evil demons-the planet of Kunsa!

As for why the angels who claim to be the sacred order of justice come here to find the devil to cooperate with, Annie didn’t care about the messy brain-burning things, and didn’t want to care about it! Anyway, she just came here to join in the fun, so no matter She will definitely not care too much about that kind of thing if she is to cooperate or to brainstorm later.



"Here, is it the planet of the evil demons you are talking about?"


"But it looks so desolate, so desolate..."


Just coming out of the bug gate, which is similar to the portal, but more troublesome and uncomfortable, Annie looked carefree, looking at the planet like a wild land and what they are in is similar to the competition. Said in the same place.

Of course, it was the kind of dilapidated arena, and she could see that there seemed to be people fighting before, and many traces were still fresh, and the broken walls did not seem to have been destroyed for long... …In short, Annie doesn't think this is a fun place, and the environment is also very bad, not like a normal person can stay!

"Didn't you say there is a meeting? Why is there no one here?"

? (?д?≡?д?)!?

"Moreover, people don't seem to see that kind of delicious and edible things. Before a meeting, you should entertain the guests for a meal first, and then talk about things slowly after you have enough food and drink..."


Yes, Anne subconsciously thought that when she came here for a meeting, the demons of the Kunsa planet would definitely serve them deliciously, so she would sign up and follow it actively! Look, there are only yellow sand, dust, withered grass and broken walls in the sky, not to mention the kind of delicious meal, I am afraid that there is not even a glass of clean water?


"What a desolate place..."

‘Yes, the air is also very thin, and there are only demons. If ordinary earthlings come here, I’m afraid they won’t survive at all, right? ’

‘That’s definitely not alive!’

‘But what about those demons? They won't let us pigeons or make bad ideas? !’

‘Okay, Liu Chuang, you better say a few words!’

‘Hey, I’m called the innocence of harm, the intimidation of defense is indispensable, let me tell you...’

‘It’s done!’


‘Yan, why there is no one here, Qiangwei and others, why didn’t I see anything? ’

‘? ? ’

‘Queen Yan? ’

Immediately afterwards, when Ge Xiaolun and the Nuo Star female officer Lian Feng and others came out together and sighed, they unanimously cast doubtful eyes on the angel Queen Yan and Zhi Xin who came out behind them, and the beautiful heroes Female angels, and hope that the head Queen Yan can give them a little explanation of the current situation.

"rest assured!"

"They will definitely come..."

After walking a few steps forward with her own guard and Zhixin and other angels, Angel Queen Yan stopped, and with emotion, she re-scanned the ancient arena that was so ruined.

"I heard about it……"

"They are recruiting troops recently. It is said that they will also build a demon army that claims to have a scale of one million? But their speed is still too slow. In the short term, they will definitely not be able to send a message like Hua Ye's Heavenly Palace. , Millions of scum are gathered under the throne of the heavenly palace!"

"So, if you want to defeat Hua Ye, the demons must rely on more external forces, such as..."


To be honest, Yan himself didn’t know whether it was right or wrong to seek the cooperation of the devil this time. After all, she inherited the name of the Heavenly Blade King of Holy Kesha, and when she was in danger, she must adhere to the order of angels for thousands of years... And now, she respects justice. They are in order, but they have to come and follow Khunsa, to seek cooperation with the demons they once regarded as their mortal enemies, and to seek cooperation with those evil beings. Is this really a naked irony?

But there is no way, now Hua Ye is everyone’s enemy. If you don’t want to be defeated by that Hua Ye one by one or watch him raging across the universe, and sit and watch the **** of death Karl, who destroyed the sacred Keisha, stir up trouble behind the scenes. If there is no alternative, they must do something as soon as possible!

Now their Merlot Heavenly Court has no other choice. Faced with the unstoppable Heavenly Palace power, if they don't want to be too passive or be wiped out by the opponent, they can only come here!

And she believes that the demons are in almost the same situation as hers?

They lost the sacred Keisha in the Merlot Heaven, and the demon clan lost the Demon King Morgana. Since they now have the same goal of the same enemy, they have the possibility of further exchanges and attempts to cooperate.

"But, Yan!"

"Where is this place, why can I feel that there is a lot of chaotic and powerful power left here?"


"Look, here seems to have just experienced a terrible battle not long ago. It seems that some powerful existence fought a battle here, and even the earth almost tore?"

After slightly analyzing the surrounding environment and energy residue with his male core, Ge Xiaolun, who got a bad result, was a little nervous and asked the one in front that he didn't know how to face Angel Yan.

Before thinking about it, Yan also said that the two of them will probably not see each other again for a long time, maybe a few hundred years, maybe a thousand years? But now, because the plan could not keep up with the changes, they finally met, in a way that made him and her a little at a loss...It was the same as he was about to meet with Qiangwei again soon, he didn't know how to wait. How should I say hello later.

"Of course!"

"Because here, this arena, it is the place where Qiangwei and Ruoning duel not long ago. Hua Ye once showed his power here, and I also executed the flame trial on the orbit of the planet and destroyed it. A traitor to the angel-Ruoning!"

"It is also here, Liangbing, King of Apocalypse, and Morgana, King of Demon. She took the initiative to annihilate with the artificial black hole created by Hua Ye, and saved the space-time Rose and the planet Kunsa who was almost sucked into the black hole at the time... …"

"Perhaps, this is the main reason why they chose to place the negotiation site here?"

Looking at everything around him, and then at the distant planet earth that was torn apart by the black hole, Angel Queen Yan sighed with emotion.


"So it's like this..."

"No wonder, I always felt that something was wrong here just now, and I thought it was those demons who were going to do something famous, wanting to do evil ways or to beat us in ambush!"

Carrying his axe, Liu Chuang began to suspicion blindly on the sidelines, completely ignoring that he and the devil are no longer confronting each other, but are preparing to abandon the previous suspicions and the overall situation of unity and cooperation.

"Really annoying……"


"Sure enough, there is no good food, I knew that they would not come..."


However, unlike the important things that others care about, Annie only knows that there is no delicious and delicious food here, and there is no fun, so she doesn’t like it at all. The full sense of expectation all turned into deep disappointment.


(● ̄(?) ̄●)



"Where are Qiangwei and others? We have been here for so long, so they should be here too... right?"

At this time, Ge Xiaolun had just finished speaking, he only saw the space in front of him twisted, and then they were surprised to see that the rose that he was talking about just now carried a big devil so abruptly, A red-skinned humanoid crocodile and a large group of demons appeared in front of them, and kept walking towards them, and stood still ten meters away.

"you are……"

"Qiang, Qiangwei?!"

The visitor really frightened Ge Xiaolun, but after seeing the other's face clearly, he quickly calmed down.

"But, Qiangwei, what are you..."

The woman in front of you is indeed Qiangwei, but the other party is no longer the one in his memory of Ge Xiaolun...Because the other party not only replaced the original black-red male soldier with black armor with a demon-like scarlet armor, but also Her long red shawl hair, which he loved so much, was cut into short hair like a tomboy, and she was dragging a pair of fierce demon wings behind her, and even her heroic eyebrows became extremely cold and unfamiliar. .

If it wasn't for this moment that he was very familiar with and certain that the person in front of him was Qiangwei, if he met him in a separate place, he wouldn't dare to say hello and recognize him?

"Hey Hey hey!"

"Boy, you also called Qiangwei?"

"Listen, this is the new queen of our demon, and also the master of Khunsa, the leader of the hundreds of thousands of evil revenge army! So boy, I advise you to show respect, otherwise be careful of me. Cut your head off and stuff it in your crotch!"

Without waiting for Ge Xiaolun to continue to say something, the red-skinned human-shaped crocodile Thornton waved the red strange axe in his hand and yelled at Ge Xiaolun. There was a big discrepancy, he rushed to cut off Ge Xiaolun’s head and stuffed it into the opponent. Impulse in the crotch.

"Let me tell you, I am the most..."

But the crocodile Thornton couldn't finish his words, because the new queen he was talking about gave him a threatening look.

"To shut up!"

Qiangwei didn't explain anything, but just glanced lightly, so that Thornton who wanted to say something was so scared that he shut his mouth in an instant, and then retreated and stood behind the team.


"Ge Xiaolun, the previous Qiangwei is dead, and he died in this place... Now I am the new demon lord, and I am destined to be no longer the same with you guys. So, don't talk about those relationships. Up!"

"Now let's talk about it, your heroes brought these angels to come to me, what's the matter? If you want to fight, we can always accompany you!!"

Time and Space Rose, or Qiang Wei, who can be said to be the King of Devil, first glanced at Ge Xiaolun with the kind of cold eyes that everyone on the scene could not believe, and then looked at the angel Wang Yanhe next to him unhurriedly. Asked with a needless sneer.


"Don't you know the purpose of our coming here? It's nothing more than cooperation and confrontation with Hua Ye. What answer do you have for this?"

Seeing the other party's very impatient attitude, the angel king Yan also took a step forward unceremoniously, and then asked straightforwardly and arrogantly.

After all, they said that angels and demons were deadly enemies who had been fighting for at least tens of thousands of years. Now it’s pretty good if they didn’t directly fight each other. It’s hard to say that she would be polite and kindly to discuss with each other. ?

Yan would definitely not do that kind of thing, and it just so happened that neither would the new Demon King with a trace of cold ice in front of him!


"Yes, of course I know why you are here... But our demon's revenge army has hundreds of thousands of demons. We don't necessarily need the assistance of your angels. We can defeat that **** Hua Ye by ourselves. What do you think?"


"Okay, Time and Space Rose, I advise you to stop bluffing, I don't know what is your Kunsa's situation now? You claim that hundreds of thousands of demons can pick out three to fifty thousand qualified ones, it's not bad. Can the other rabble fight against Hua Ye's Scum Legion, which generally has one or two generations of divine bodies?"


"I can't right now, but we can slowly cultivate..."

"You can't, believe me, Hua Ye won't give you so much time!"

"Even if we can't, why should we help you angels? We are enemies, aren't we?"

"Devil, you have to figure it out, we are not asking for your help now, we are here to fight against the common enemy!"

"Does that make a difference?"

"Of course!"


Soon, the new king of demon Qiangwei and the new king of angels confronted each other tit-for-tat, and the two were so unconventional. In front of the two teams, you sneered and argued with each other. The people on the side couldn't get in at all.

But fortunately, maybe it was because the two had already had the idea of ​​cooperation in their hearts, or was Hua Ye putting too much pressure on them? Therefore, the two of them are just verbal disputes, and they both maintain the most basic restraint. No one shows the desire to hack people at the same time. UU reading www.uukanshu.cóm



"It's noisy, what's so noisy! If you have time to noisy, it's better to send someone to make something delicious, and then when people are happy, they might catch that Hua Ye for you to beat him up. !"

??(?? ̄? ̄)????

"Forget it, let's eat their own snacks..."

ε=(′ο`))) alas

No way. Looking at the two people in front, it seemed that they couldn’t agree for a while. Anne had to mutter for a while and found a big rock that she didn’t know was that it had rolled down from that building. I jumped and sat on it, then took out a pack of spicy noodles and a glass of juice, and ate while inhaling. By the way, I watched the two beautiful angels in front who were quarreling like two shrews for some trivial things. Miss Devil Sister.



"You said, how good would it be if they couldn't agree, and then they just fight to show us something rare?"


Arguing or something, then obviously it must be nice not to fight directly, so looking at it, Annie can't help but sigh with regret.


(● ̄(?) ̄●)

(For this horrible little master who is afraid of the world, Tibbers does not want to comment too much. After all, he also knows that sometimes she is not only an enemy’s nightmare, but also her own. Nightmare... But, the only advantage is that sometimes she is pretty reliable?)


(づ???) Ticket ticket?

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